[ACG] [Gameday VII] Assault on Absalom - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Tier 2 table (for characters tier 1-3)

  • VampByDay/Varril
  • Maelwys0/Aric & The Red Raven
  • Void_Eagle/Amaryllis
  • Calthaer/Mavaro

Scourge die 1d6:
    1-2) Curse of Poisoning
    Scourge B


    While displayed, after you reset your hand, recharge a random card.

    3) Curse of Vulnerability
    Scourge B


    While displayed, you may not reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you.
    If you are dealt 2 or more Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage, banish this card.
    You may only have 1 copy of this card displayed.

    4) Curse of Daybane
    Scourge B


    At the start of your turn, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, you do not get a free exploration this turn.
    You may only have 1 copy of this card displayed.

    5) Curse of the Ravenous
    Scourge 1


    At the end of your turn, roll 1d4 and bury all cards in your discard pile of this type:
    1. Blessings 2. Allies 3. Spells and weapons 4. Items
    You may only have 1 copy of this card displayed.

    6) Curse of Withering
    Scourge 2


    While displayed, during your check, when you assemble your dice, replace all of your highest-size dice with the same number of next lower-size dice.
    You may only have 1 copy of this card displayed.

Plunder 1d6:
    1) Weapon
    2) Spell
    3) Armor
    4) Item
    5) Ally
    6) Blessing

Faction Benefits:
  • Dark Archive: When you encounter a non-villain bane that has the Undead trait, you may recharge a card to evade your encounter or to ignore its power that happens before you act.
  • Exchange: (Non-Basic Weapon, Armor, or Item received during 9-00A)
  • Grand Lodge: (Non-Basic Blessing received during 9-00A)
  • Sovereign Court: Add 1d4 to your checks to acquire allies, or 1d8 if the ally has the Aristocrat or Human trait.
  • Liberty's Edge: (Ally received during 9-00B)
  • Silver Crusade: Shuffle the support card Silver Crusade Favor into the blessings deck.
  • Scarab Sages: On your check to defeat a bane that has the Construct or Undead trait, you may bury a card to add 1d8.
  • Sunken Ships: For the rest of the adventure, add 1d6 to your checks against ships.
  • Broken Horns: (Non-Basic boon received during 9-00C2)
  • Open Gates: (Locations posted during 9-00D)

Reinforcements (AVAILABLE):
On your check, after the roll, you may bury this card to add 1d8.
You may bury this card; each character shuffles a random card from his discard pile into his deck.
You may bury this card to shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from your discard pile into your deck.
At the end of the scenario, give this card to another Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild table that does not have one displayed or buried.

Any character may bury a card that has the Healing trait, an ally, or a blessing to give a displayed or buried Reinforcements support card to another Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild table that does not have one displayed or buried.

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Deck Handler

Varril, you can have your Binder's Tome back because you didn't examine the swarm, so you don't need to make the Stealth check.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

Mavaro: I may have missed something, but shouldn't the difficulty of the geyser have been 9? Base 5 + twice the scenario's AD# (2) would be 9.

Deck Handler
Amaryllis - Void_Eagle wrote:
Mavaro: I may have missed something, but shouldn't the difficulty of the geyser have been 9? Base 5 + twice the scenario's AD# (2) would be 9.

Location text adds an extra 2.

Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

Yup, completely missed that. Thanks.

Yeah, I'll also have problems sometimes with using Safari on mobile.
What I typically do is to type my post in a Notes app, then copy/paste the text into browser to preview and/or post.

Scarab Sages


Yes, the insipid location. When typing out a turn on mobile, I don't get verbose and spell it all out - it's too much hassle.

In case you find yourselves just short of time, don't forget the reward you earned earlier. (Which I had forgotten to add into the update post- putting it in now. And taking out the ship rules since they no longer matter.)

Scenario C1 wrote:

For the rest of the adventure, each character gains the following power:

“You may bury 2 cards to put the bottom card of the blessings discard pile on the bottom of the blessings deck.”

Scarab Sages


Examining the whole location...well, we have to do something, right? There's no way we're going to get through this place with anything but luck - you have to explore twice a turn just to make any progress. We'll have to hope we hit that villain...but examining everything and taking out more than one card, that could be helpful.

Congrats on finally finding the Villain!
Note that *everyone* must make the WIS 7 check or else take damage equal to their Attack spells+weapons.

Scarab Sages


So who is going to fight the villain? I might be able to do it with Deathgrip, if enough blessings are out there. The Missing Eye would be ideal, but it looks like I will not have 2 turns left to topdeck and then draw it back up, then churn through the cards to find the villain and fight.

The Silver Crusade Favor got flipped, so everyone gets to recharge a discarded or random buried card.
(Calthaet should go whenever ready- no need to wait until everyone is ready.)

Just the villain left! Don't forget your Reinforcements for that emergency +1d8.
(Aric still gets the Silver Crusade Favor, but VampByDay needn't wait for.)

Scarab Sages


I have 1 blessing available...also have Spirit Surge which might allow me to get more.

I have thr missing eye in hand which gives me big bonuses vs demon trait cards, as we have seen...but I anticipate not waiting and using that as a backup option.

See Deck Handler here

For end-of-Scenario I choose ally, blessing, and spell.

Better late than never. Congratulations!
And even got it in in time for Gameday VII, so roll those d20s! You all get rewards for completing the adventure (regardless of whether or not you are playing for tier advancement).

Please everyone each pick 3 different boon types ASAP, before your other rewards. I’ll add those 12 random cards into the acquired cards.

9-00D reward: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Scarab Sages


Blessing, Spell, Item

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

Spell, Ally, Blessing

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 15 -> No boon.

Deck Handler

Ally, Weapon, Item
Convention Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Revised acquired card list posted.

Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

I'd like one of the Ally 2 and a Spell 1.

Ally 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 569
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 897

Deck Handler

Card Feat: Item
Card Feat: Blessing

And then I'd like to bid for some cards to fill those. ;-)

Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 656
And a Blessing B (but no roll needed I think)

Scarab Sages

Mavaro's Spreadsheet

Tough choices here...I keep looking at the available cards to make a decision.

I believe my card feat is going to be ALLY. With only one in my deck, it gets kind of tough.

I would like an Ally 2:
Ally 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 616

...but we have two of those, so unless Varril wants one, there's no contest.

I apologize for not getting Sacred Candle to nab us a Blessing 2 - the card just never came up early and we were trying too hard to survive that I didn't spend the resources to make sure I got it in-hand and used it.

Let me think about the other one and I'll post later.

Scarab Sages


Honestly...I am looking through these decks...and I'm not sure that I want any other upgrades. I can find cards I might want in addition to the cards I already have, but not cards I want instead of my existing cards.

The one I am toying with, though, is possibly replacing Spelldagger with the Quarterstaff of Vaulting (Weapon 1). And you know what...I think I'm going to do that. I don't have any other ranged weapons, and Spelldagger is useful mostly to give me the Arcane skill and to possibly add to Deathgrip - the only Attack spell in my deck. I'd need to have a deck oriented differently to keep it...right now Mavaro is geared more towards being a paladin-type (melee combat with some healing / divine mixed in). The Quarterstaff will give me Acrobatics, and higher-dice damage...so I think I will make that my second upgrade - a Weapon 1.

Varril-VampByDay wrote:
Just, let the others choose first. If there is anything left, I’ll choose. Honestly, I got what I wanted with marionette last game so if I don’t get anything no biggie.

Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

In that case, I'm going to swap out Frostbite for Frost Ray (Spell 1), and take a Cleric of Nethys (Ally 2) along with an ally card feat.

Deck Handler // Looking for: Spell 3 > Spell 3 > Ally 3 > Blessing 3 > Spell B

Thanks for a fun game, everyone.

Scarab Sages


Verily; it was awesome.

Do we need a character sheet or something?

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