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Setare seems to be quite nervous and looks around the room and smiles shyly at you all.
She is a scrawny girl with auburn hair and amber eyes. Her features seem Chelaxian but also have something else mixed in.
She is wearing a brown adventuring outfit, light leather armor and carries a Scimitar at her hip that is attached to her wrist with a very fine chain.
The holy symbol of Sarenrae is clearly visible on a pendant she is wearing.
"Hel ... Hello ... everybody ... I ... I am Setare. " Setare says with a quivering voice and looks at the group.

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A dark haired beauty settles comfortably into a chair and winks at the nervous lass.
"Nice to meet you, Setare, I am Kit, and this is Kane."
A mongoose produces himself from his hiding place in her clothing, stands on her shoulder, squeaks an introduction, and takes a bow. Then busies herself practicing her juggling, with finger puppets making comedic comments during the routine.

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"And pop goes the weasel." says a statuesque elf with a golden skin and smoldering eyes. She is dressed in tailored men's traveling clothes though there is no way in any language she could ever be mistaken for a man, but most especially in braille. Her eyes survey the room with a direct stare taking the measure of her companions, and letting them know it.
sense motive (read a social situation, guidance): 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 14 + 1 = 30

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The comment draws a smile from Kit, who appreciates almost all kinds of humor.

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Setare nods at both women and bows in a traditional Tian sign of respect.
”Very ni ... nice meeting you. I ... I am a Paladin of the Dawnflower at your service!!“
Rilia notices that Setare is feeling insecure and seems rather naive but her stance and also determination change completely when she starts speaking about her role in serving her goddess.

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...Long ago in a remote region of Tien, an Andoran caravan traveling through a small village, left behind a child. He was found at the dam down by the river, and since then was raised as the village’s own.
Twenty-five years later,...
Quickened footstep through Absalom streets, brings a portly barreled chest young man to join the group. He is obviously not of the same stock as normal Tien men; heavy build with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Complete in his black and grey outfit, he looks like an over-yeasted dinner roll in Lamellar casing. Paired swords at his side and an array of other weapons in sleeves dangle about - kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, blowgun, a grappling hook and line. With a joyous and humble bellow, he introduces himself, "Greetings - I am Barley 川から流木, of the Sokaei Clan. My master, Pinché, has allowed me to assist you upon this quest."

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As Rilia awaits the arrival of the rest of the Pathfinder team, she reflects upon the circumstances that brought her here...
While between missions in Magnimar you are sought out by a messenger. It appears you have been invited to attend a dinner party at Heidmarch Manor. Knowing that the key to advancing in the Society is often making the right connections, you dress in your Godsday best and arrive at the party in a prompt manner. Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch shepherds you around the ballroom introducing you to the movers and shakers in the City of Monuments. After an hour of social niceties and empty banter she excuses herself, explaining she must attend to her husband lest he become jealous of the disproportional amount of time spent in your company. She instructs you to stay after the party breaks up as she needs a word with you in private. The rest of the party is a blur, you're pretty sure you shouldn't have tried the Thuvian wine.
Later you join Sheila in her study where she makes polite inquiries regarding your last successful mission. She picks at a confectionery with a tiny silver fork as she half-listens to your report. After a lull, she puts down her now-dissected treat and sighs.
“Well, I suppose we should get down to business. Being a Venture-Captain is like wielding a chakram, it cuts you just as easy as it does your opponent. I adore being a Venture-Captain--today isn't one of them. I take no joy in sending my subordinates into harm’s way, but this mission has positively ruined my appetite."
She turns to look at you in the eyes and continues, "You are being sent to Nidal. I’m sorry, I shouldn't be so blunt but having that name in my mouth was like tasting troglodyte stench. I've been trying to clear my palate all evening. Now I know that you have heard rumors, but let me tell you what I know for I myself have walked beneath the boughs of the Uskwood. It's all true. A millennia ago when Earthfall cast the world into the Age of Darkness, the people of Nidal were like a drowning man struggling to stay afloat in a roiling sea. The hand that reached out to aid those desperate masses belonged to Zon-Kuthon. Pain is his meat, shadow his drink. The cost was steep. Total subservience, no joy without loss, no pleasure without suffering. I suppose those damned people don't know things are any better elsewhere. A blessing, perhaps."
She takes a sip of wine almost as if to wash a bitter taste out of her mouth. "That's the 'where'. As to the 'why', it goes back to the that bloody mess at Delvehaven. The Society has never gotten to the bottom of things. Well, there's a Chelish government official who claims to know what really happened to our property. We have reason to believe him, based on the falling out he's had with Queen Abrogail. Never you mind his name, we don't want anything happening to him if you are--I'm getting ahead of myself. He's willing to swear a godsoath to it, but he wants something in return. His wife's shadow. I know it sounds odd, but apparently it's missing."
She again pauses here to allow you time to digest this disturbing news. "The story is that this unnamed gentleman and a nobleman from Nidal both had intentions for the woman who would become his wife. Obviously she chose the Chelaxian, and the Nidalese obviously didn't take rejection laying down. His name is Iozef Boroi, scion of some estate in northern Nidal. He possessed a minor Kuthite artifact called The Book of Night Without Moon. He used it to steal the shadow of his intended, so she would know no joy or contentment in the arms of her husband. All this mess happened many years ago. Now her husband has become disaffected with his government and is willing to betray the House of Thrune in exchange for what seems to be a simple boon. If only..." her voice trails off.
"Your mission is to travel to a small barony in northern Nidal. Gain an audience with the baron and see if he can be persuaded to release this woman's shadow. He should know who you're talking about. If you learn her name, please try and forget it for Aroden's sake. If the sadistic Kuthites get their hands on you, death will be a fate you will pray for. You will beg them to pause and listen to your most closely held secrets, if only to gain a few minutes' respite. Have you heard of The Eternal Kiss? Better you haven't. Anyhow, I know you can be persuasive. That should be your first move. I wouldn't try to strongarm him or outright steal the book unless I had the means to get out of Nidal fast. Blackmail is another route, but I trust you to be creative. Your wits have served you well in the past."
As you turn to leave she adds softly, "Listen, the Decemverate believes that the risk to you agents is worth finding out where our property from Delvehaven went. I'm following their orders, sick as it makes me. Get that woman's shadow back and get out of Nidal with all your limbs intact. That's all I'm asking."
I will pause things here until Wednesday so as to give Etienne time to check in here. You can use this time for some RPing and also to ask questions about the briefing.
PS: I must give Doug Miles for this AWESOME write-up for the mission briefing!

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Setare seemed to enjoy herself at the dinner party and seemed very confident which surprised you given her shy and distant demeanor in her interactions with you.
But as soon as you are in a more private setting she reverts to her insecure self.
"I ... I was very uncomfortable to pre ... present my body in such a fashion at this exclusive e ... event. I have to ad ... admit that this mission is easier fo ... for me and I am happy to be able to ... to help the Society and ... and fight for good. This wi ... will be a good oppo ... opportunity to free an innocent soul from the shadows." she says shyly.

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At one point in her reflections of that previous night Rilia reflects on how she said to her hostess "The Dark Prince does not hold a monopoly upon sadism, my lady."
She had said it while stroking her midriff tattoo, a circle of three daggers pointing outward, the symbol of the Savored Sting.
It sounded good at the time. It made her feel brave, but now seeing the team that had been assembled she was having her doubts.
"Barley was it? How exactly do you pronounce that second part?"

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"I barley got that name myself."
A finger puppet pops us and squeaks, "No! Not with the bad puns. You know I hate bad puns!"
Another finger pops up and replies in a deep voice, "You know she's punstoppable when ANYONE comments."
Yet another finger pops up with a stick attached to it and threatens the two of them.
The first finger, not at all deterred, asks "What's brown and sticky?"
Kit answers, "That's obvious. A Stick!"
The third finger starts flailing about indiscriminately at all the other fingers and Kit.
Perform Comedy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
Though the puns are quite bad, the voices, finger costumes, and motions are captivating.

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Barley looks around the room, thinking that he just had not spotted the Venture Captain yet, though was a on his heels with excitement. When Rilia and Kitoro engages him, "Ah yes - the great name of my ancestors. It is pronounced kawa-kara-ryūboku", he beams with self-impressed skill as if speaking a foreign phrase.
Then at Kitoro's joke, Barley reveals a laugh that is even more juvenile than his excitement, "Oh yea! A stick! Hahaha!! I was going to say p-", he stops himself, glances nervously, "Piece of stick, yes -haha!..."
"Has anyone seen the Venture Captain or Lieutenant?", Barley segues and lifts his head to look around.

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Setare chuckles after hearing the joke ... she is really funny!! she thinks but stays silent.

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Hoprah greets her fellow Pathfinders cordially and laughs heartily at Kitoro's shenanigans. "With a comedian like this among us, I'm sure that we can just let laughter carry us all the way through Nidal! After all, that's surely a place that could use a good joke, right?"
Seeing that some of her companions are also from Tian Xia, she inquires politely of any news they may have, especially of her far off homeland, Minata. "My family was driven from our lands when I was a child - one day I will return and have my vengeance," she explains in a quiet and grim tone.
GM, I assume you meant for us all to read the mission briefing that was in the spoiler?
Hearing of the mission that VC Heidmarch has for them, Hoprah arches her eyebrows. "Hmm, it seems you are not sending us for a stroll in a pleasure garden. Can you tell us a bit more, perhaps? What was this business in Delvehaven that you refer to - I'm afraid I missed the gossip on that one. And what's the Society "property" you are referring to? Are you hoping that we'll retrieve it as well, or just this woman's shadow that she's managed to lose? Speaking of which, I can't imagine how she's going about her business with no shadow! Must be damned disorienting, if you ask me..." Hoprah pauses to contemplate what life without a shadow would be like, waving her arm about and looking to be sure that her own shadow is still properly in place.
"And what about this Boroi fellow? Aside from being lovelorn, what else can you tell us about him? Anything that might perhaps help us to "persuade" him to part with his beloved's shadow?"
Hoprah wracks her mind, trying to remember what she recalls about Nidal as a place. Knowledge (History) re Nidal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
"So, you're sending us to the land of the Midnight Lord. What could possibly go wrong?"

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GM, I assume you meant for us all to read the mission briefing that was in the spoiler?
You mean the one labelled 'Rilia'? ;) I think that might be a faction-specific mission and not the group's primary mission.

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"Yes, about that shadow business. I'm having a hard time figuring out why a shadow is so dang important. In certain lines of business not having a shadow would actually be a boon. In mine, of course, they come in useful. Nope, never been in THAT line of business."
With that she makes a shadow puppet out of her hands looking like a stork.

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Hoprah wrote:GM, I assume you meant for us all to read the mission briefing that was in the spoiler?You mean the one labelled 'Rilia'? ;) I think that might be a faction-specific mission and not the group's primary mission.
Actually that is your mission briefing :) I pulled that from another player's post so as to get you all on the same page. I assume Rilia does inform you of the details of the mission. Such is the hazard of running a module for PFS he he.

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Setare is hesitant to disturb the good mood but she is driven to act.
"I ... I do not want to ... you know ... ehhh ... I mean no jokes fro ... from my side ... but shouldn't we make haste to ... to save this woman's shadow?" she asks with a soft voice.
Suddenly, as if a thought came to her mind, she walks two steps forward and speaks quite confidently.
"May the light of Sarenrae protect us from the darkness in this land where evil can hide behind any shadow."

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Feel free to finish up any shopping needs you need to take care of guys. I am still waiting for Etienne to check in the Gameplay thread before kicking things off. I'll kick things off tomorrow regardless.
Also please add ‘bot me’ spoilers to your profiles to help me or other players bot you in case of unexpected absences.
Finally please keep in mind the pacing I would like to keep. 1 post a day is minimum. 2 posts a day can be useful, if that is a pace you can keep :)

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Rilia, Sacred Hetaira wrote:Actually that is your mission briefing :) I pulled that from another player's post so as to get you all on the same page. I assume Rilia does inform you of the details of the mission. Such is the hazard of running a module for PFS he he.Hoprah wrote:GM, I assume you meant for us all to read the mission briefing that was in the spoiler?You mean the one labelled 'Rilia'? ;) I think that might be a faction-specific mission and not the group's primary mission.
Er, well then. Missed that bit.... Good job all. Carry on. I'll just be over here supervising, then shall I? ;)

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Etienne pauses at the door as he hears the laughter coming from inside. Late again! For someone who can tell the future, I certainly seem to always arrive late. He puts on a braver face and straightens his long coat before pushing the door open to enter the room.
Eitenne is tall, thin and impeccably dressed.
"Good morning and apologies for my lateness. I just got back from some nasty business in Daggermark. I'm hoping for a more scholarly mission this time in a balmy clime. Where are we headed?"
As he talks, he pulls out a deck of harrow cards and starts shuffling them, perhaps a nervous tick.

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After the relatively pleasant sea voyage from Absalom to the coastal Nidalian city of Nisroch, you find yourself looking at the simplest route from Nisroch to Karpad is to travel up the Usk River past Pangolais to the minor river known as Dimar’s Way. While too narrow and shallow for water travel, Dimar’s Way carves a path through the countryside, and a road—known as Geron’s Way near Karpad—runs parallel to the river from Pangolais to beyond your destination. Such a journey takes you several weeks, which turns out to be a harrowing journey into Nidal with several close calls between the religious patrols that regularly patrol the roadway. Fortunately, Rilia's smooth tongue (and the foresight to hide your holy symbols and Wayfinders) prevent your detainment. Finally you arrive at Karpad, your destination.
Karpad is an isolated, rural town far from the dark streets of the great cities of Nidal, with cobbled streets and roughly 60 wood and stone buildings, all featuring thatch roofs. In a superstitious effort to ward off shadows, the villagers have set a number of bonfires on the edges of town, and every intersection features a handful of lit torches, all kept burning day and night. The largest structure in the vale is the towering stone manor house at the top of the hill, where Baron Stepan Boroi and his family live. the manor is the oldest building in Karpad by centuries, and the largest structure in the region; only the town’s temple of Zon-Kuthon even comes close in either regard. The manor is octagonal, with a central courtyard and extensions built into the hillside to the south and west.
Built on the valley’s slope overlooking the town, you see the great bonfires raging around the manor, by no fewer than six bonfires, and the parapets of its roof are ablaze with lit lanterns, but their light only serves to reveal the cracking paint and crumbling eaves of a once-palatial estate now in decline. While the wooden houses in Karpad are rebuilt every few decades as fire and rot exact their toll, the stone walls of the manor house stand as a symbol of the continuity of feudal power across the generations.
Knocking on the front door, you are greeted by a stern man with a graying beard, with dark circles under his eyes, apparently the old age has caused his once-proud face to crease with worry lines. Still, his manner is professional as he surveys the lot of you.
"I am Laurentiu, the majordomo for Baron Boroi. To what do I owe the purpose of your visit?"
Barley (43/43 hp)
Etienne (20/20 hp)
Hoprah (27/27hp)
Kitoro (31/31 hp)
Rilia (25/25 hp)
Setare Katsu (32/32 hp)
Current Effects:
Current MAP.
Okay I didn't want to wait too long here in kicking off your mission. Feel free to take care of your shopping needs and if you wish to do any RP during your journey feel free to do that as well!

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During the trip, Kit tries to keep spirits high, particularly as they travel the shadow laden lands of Nidal. Though a tolerant vixen (although she has been travelling as a human, she has made no secret of the fact that she is Kitsune, at least to her teammates), she knows trouble when she sees it, and this land is as fraught with trouble as a barroom full of pirates. On the other hand her shadow puppets practically come to life, so she makes use of that in her performances.
Kane features predominately in many of her routines, from magic acts to melodramatic plays, where the diminutive mongoose plays all kinds of roles.
And of course there are the finger puppets. You have never seen so many varieties of finger puppets in your whole life (if at all).
Upon entering the town she casts a heightened awareness on herself from her wand.

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Barley sees glimpses of the the Zon-Kuthon temple from a distance and gnashes his teeth in disgust, feeling suddenly very conscious of the foul air. "I do not like this place one bit...", he says to his companions.
At the door, Barley nods a pleasant smile, "Greetings Sir! We have come from afar to seek your audience. Might we speak inside away from public ears?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

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"I ... I am with Barley on this su ... subject. This country is aw ... awful! The light of a new dawn shall one day purge the darkness from this land."
* * *
At the door Setare steps up to the man and bows with respect and smiles at him.
"My ... my name is Se ... Setare Katsu and we are he ... here to talk about the Boo ... Book of Night Without Moon and other topics with the ba .. baron." she says with a soft voice.
She focuses on the man's eyes and it is her body language and openness that project warmth to people's heart when they interact with her ... not her quivering voice.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

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During the long journey . . .
Etienne would suggest the group develop a strategy for their parlay with the Baron. It seems to him the party has a number of highly . . . attractive individuals who might take the lead. He asks the group who feels best equipped to be the lead 'diplomat' once we gain an audience.
In the present . . .
"Don't these Nidalese realize that fires create as many shadows as they banish? Something has got them spooked, and they already lived here, so it must be something very scary. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage in negotiating with the Baron. They might have a problem we could solve.
In my readings, The Eclipse and The Beating keep making an appearance, but so do The Empty Throne beside The Hidden Truth and The Unicorn. Very odd, but shows signs of opportunity."

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Hoprah shares her comrades disquiet as the group makes its way through Nidal. Truly, a benighted land if ever there was one...
When the group reaches the doorstep of the baron's manor she looks around and sniffs. "A baron worth his title should not be letting his house fall into such disrepair," she mutters quietly.
When the majordomo answers the door, she responds as one who is well and truly accustomed to such underlings recognizing herself as one of their betters. Hoprah has the Noble Scion feat.
"As my friend Setare has mentioned, we have important business with your master, the Baron Baroi, business which we have no doubt will interest him greatly, and we have traveled a long way to meet with him. I'm sure he will be most pleased with you once we have spoken with him."
Diplomacy, aid another to Setare, DC 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

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Previously, before not being able to post to the site, at Heidmarch Manor.
"So if we don't have a name how shall we know our shadow. I would guess that the lady in questions condition is not unique to her. I'd hate to bring back the wrong blot of blackness. What if it didn't fit. And our friend Boroi, what do we know of him--besides that he is a sore loser. Does he have any 'interests' we can exploit in getting in, or gaining leverage?" she asks her host, Heidmarch.
"Good morning and apologies for my lateness. I just got back from some nasty business in Daggermark. I'm hoping for a more scholarly mission this time in a balmy clime. Where are we headed?"
"Nothing like Daggermark, I assure you."
Built on the valley’s slope overlooking the town, you see the great bonfires raging around the manor, by no fewer than six bonfires, and the parapets of its roof are ablaze with lit lanterns, but their light only serves to reveal the cracking paint and crumbling eaves of a once-palatial estate now in decline.
"Don't these Nidalese realize that fires create as many shadows as they banish? Something has got them spooked, and they already lived here, so it must be something very scary. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage in negotiating with the Baron. They might have a problem we could solve."
"The fire's there to throw shade. You can't see a shadow in the dark."
All these things go through her mind as she surveys the grounds and man in the doorway.
"I am Laurentiu, the majordomo for Baron Boroi. To what do I owe the purpose of your visit?"
"Luck, I should say."
I, as a player, am not sure that 'persuasion' it the best way to go with the menials here.
diplomacy (persuasion, aid, +1 for guidance not added in if there's time before the door opens, +1 for charm if he would be attracted to her--also not added in): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 +1 or +2 maybe.
GM The map link needs its permission settings adjusted for us to access it.
Now the site is just running really, really, really slow.

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The majordomo looks over each of you impassively, clearly used to dealing with many varied sorts of visitors, though his eyes do linger over the statuesque elf a mite tad longer than is proper.
"Very well. Please follow me and I will inform the Baron of your presence." He motions the bunch of you inside the Manor house.
As you enter the dwelling you do manage to get a brief look at the antechamber. This large antechamber is draped in the baron’s heraldry—a red bear couchant against a black sky with stars. Portraits of dour-looking nobles line the walls. Two towering statues flank the entrance, of stern men with long straight hair. One carries a sword and is missing his nose; the other carries a whip and is missing both ears. Despite the damaged statues, the antechamber is better maintained than most of the manor.
Laurentiu leads you out of the antechamber off to the left, along the manor wall past several windows leading outside where the shadows still dance crazily outside. after moving to the rear part of the Manor he opens one of the doors and leads you inside a sitting room, decorated with red wallpaper with floral designs done in gold leaf. Armchairs of soft leather surround a low glass table set with light refreshments, and a glass chandelier glitters overhead, unlit. The room smells pleasantly musty, like old books. Like the antechamber, this room is relatively well-kept for the purpose of impressing visitors.
Once you are all seated Laurentiu motions to the refreshments, "Please make yourselves comfortable. I shall inform the Baron of your arrival." He then quietly exits the sitting room, closing the door behind him, leaving you alone once again.
Barley (43/43 hp)
Etienne (20/20 hp)
Hoprah (27/27hp)
Kitoro (31/31 hp)
Rilia (25/25 hp)
Setare Katsu (32/32 hp)
Current Effects: Kitoro: Heightened Awareness
Current MAP.
Okay the map should have full edit permissions for you guys. Please let me know if you cannot edit it. I will give you a chance to RP some more here before I move things along tomorrow (and also give the website a chance to stabilize).

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”Well, this is ... is truly an eerie ma ... mansion. I hope that .. one day this realm wi... will return to its former glo... glory with rulers that believe in a... a just and loving go ... god or goddess!“

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Etienne takes a closer look at the two statues.
Does he know who they are?
Kn(history): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Can he tell if the damage to the nose and face are recent and/or if they are signs of age or intentional defacement?
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

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”Well, this is ... is truly an eerie ma ... mansion. I hope that .. one day this realm wi... will return to its former glo... glory with rulers that believe in a... a just and loving go ... god or goddess!“
Kit barks (literally) at Setare. "None of that here and now. You know this land AND its people are forsworn to a different type of god. It's not safe. I for one, am not anxious to draw the 'loving' ministrations of THEIR priesthood."
Kit nervously starts to park herself in a safe corner of the room, then realizes that shadows lurk nearby and decides to situate herself in the brightest, most illuminated part of the room. She does not touch the food but eyes the liquor longingly and eventually gives into the temptation and takes a glass of their strongest stuff and nurses it appreciatively.

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Rilia utters a quick prayer for guidance and then does her usual room sweep looking about the room for portraits with spy holes cut in them and the secret passages that no doubt honeycomb the walls of this place.
perception (take 10, guidance): 10 + 9 + 1 = 20
If she has to do it more than once because of the size of the room she lays off the guidance (because by now they might be watching) and rolls (see below).
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 171d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 211d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

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Hoprah first casts message on herself and three of her companions (Setare, Rilia, and Etienne - don't have the CL to get everyone). She then casts detect magic and examines the room, maintaining her concentration for when the Baron enters so that she can include him in her scan.

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Etienne remembers his historical studies, and the quick refresher upon the Boroi family allow him to recognize the two statues are of Geron and Dimar, legendary ancestors of the Boroi family from centuries past. The damage looks to be fairly old however.
Rilia finds there are no hidden passages or spyholes in the sitting room, and Hoprah also finds no magical auras in here either, other than from the magic items you all carry.
After a short wait the door to the sitting room opens and a delicate, thin lipped, birdlike woman enters. Her auburn hair curls across the shoulders of her finely embroidered gown. She wears short sleeves, the better to show off the traceries of scarwork that spiral up her forearms, painful devotions to a painful god—the current fashion among Nisroch’s nobility. On her right hand, her pinky and ring fingers have been removed above the first joint.
She smiles warmly at each of you and inquires in a strong, hearty voice, "Greetings and welcome to Boroi Manor. I am Baroness Anya Boroi. I was told you needed to see me concerning an urgent manner?"
Barley (43/43 hp)
Etienne (20/20 hp, Message)
Hoprah (27/27hp, Message)
Kitoro (31/31 hp)
Rilia (25/25 hp, Message)
Setare Katsu (32/32 hp, Message)
Current Effects: Kitoro: Heightened Awareness, Hoprah Message.

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Kn Nobility: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Kitoro is a pretty ignorant bard, not particularly interested in any lore except local goings on. She seems more interested in money, power, and performing, at least from what you could tell during your travels with her (i.e. she gave up that bard ability to do knowledge rolls untrained for her archetype, so don't expect much out of her in that area).

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Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Hoprah smiles warmly at the Baroness, as one aristocrat to another, before introducing herself. "Greetings, I am Hoprah of Minata, and these are my companions, worthy individuals all."
Glancing at her mutilated fingers, Hoprah feigns admiration. "I've heard that this is the custom of the noble women here - how fascinating! In Minata we have other ways that the nobility decorate themselves. For example, I myself, have made quite a dedication to the art of tattooing, as you can see. Perhaps, when our business is concluded, we can take the time to discuss these matters further. I could even give you some tattoos, if you like, right on those stumps themselves. It's certain to be quite painful, and I'm sure all your peers will be green with envy!"
Bluff, to suggest that she admires her mutilation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Craft (Tattoo), to impress her with the quality of Hoprah's own tattoos: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Diplomacy, to befriend her: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
"Do you think your husband, the Baron, would like it if you surprised him with some new tattoos on your finger stumps? Some men would no doubt go mad with desire, but of course it all depends on the man. Is he not at home at present? If I meet him I can try to ascertain whether a new "look" of tattoos would be the right thing for you..."

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Baroness Anya returns the human's smile wamly, "So, you are a tattoo artist? I do wish to learn more of how you craft such tattooes, yet as you know caution is advised when showing your capabilities in such arts. The...rulers of this place are...jealous of such things..." her voice trailing off.
Here the look on her face turns more serious, "You wish to speak to Stephan? I...I am hesitant to have you visit him. He is not the man I married but a year ago. I fear to burden you with this...yet I fear I have no one else to turn to."
She settles into one of the chairs, twisting her fingers in agitation as she continues to speak. "Not long after our son was born Stephan started growing more paranoid and withdrawn. Just before this happened first several members of the manor’s staff and then three locals in town came down with a strange new disease. When the first of the infected died, Stepan released all but one of the fetchlings working in the manor from service, and promised that 'the shadows wouldn’t take the town.'” She shakes her head helplessly, "I fear to speculate on what he menat by such a cryptic statement."
She shudders briefly before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. "I fear to say the worse is yet to come. Not long thereafter, the mysterious disappearance of Karpad’s citizens began, and my husband’s madness only seemed to increase."
She then rises to her feet, a pleading look in her eyes. "I beseech thee, please investigate these strange disappearances and this wicked disease and hopefully put an end to both in order to restore Karpad to peace and my husband to sanity. I can provide compensation to you for your efforts! Will you help me? I can allow you to stay here and will grant you full access to the Manor to assist you in your investigations."
Barley (43/43 hp)
Etienne (20/20 hp, Message)
Hoprah (27/27hp, Message)
Kitoro (31/31 hp)
Rilia (25/25 hp, Message)
Setare Katsu (32/32 hp, Message)
Current Effects: Kitoro: Heightened Awareness, Hoprah Message.
Current MAP.
Okay we have reached the actual mission here. Feel free to post any questions for Anya. Also Anya will offer to put you up at Boroi Manor for your stay as you did make a good impression upon her :)

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Setare is clearly very sad about the development in this town.
Nonetheless, she is not sure if he can trust this woman.
Sense Motive : 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (6) - 3 = 3
”Tha ... that is so sad! We ... we surely can he ... help! Who is the fe ... fetchling your hu ... husband did not release from se ... service?“ Setare asks.

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Rilia studies the woman throughout the conversation.
knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Ah, it's a bit like reverse social security.
Run of the house? Just like that? What is she not telling us?
sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

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Kit looks to the others, and seeing the ascent in their eyes, responds,
"We would be happy to help. It may even tail-split into our own mission.

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”Do not worry, Baroness. Disease is our specialty”, Barley looks embarrassed at the misword, ”I mean, we would appreciate a place to stay”. He later hints to his companions of the good opportunity to poke around the manor more freely.
”Baroness- why did your husband dismiss specifically the fletchlings?”
Kn Nature, fetchlings: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

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Rilia senses Baroness Anya is truly desperate and worried about the events she detailed to you, even so far as to entice you with more leeway than a group she had just barely met would normally deserve.
Barley realizes Fetchlings are descended from generations of humans trapped on the Plane of Shadow. Infused with the essence of that plane, they are more and less than human. Other than their yellow eyes, their flesh has no color—it is either stark white, midnight black, or a shade of gray. The name "fetchling" is a human word; their own name for their race is kayal, meaning "shadow people."
Anya replies to Setare, "Gavril, the Baron's faithful houndmaster. I am sure he would be willing to talk with you, though I would advise trying to get on his good side. You may wish to talk with the other servants as well, though I do not know what they may offer you." Anya responds to the ninja, "I...I fear I do not know for sure why he dismissed those loyal servants. The fact they are tied to the plane of Shadow is troubling to me...The Shadows are one of the things this place fears the most." She moves towards the door of the sitting room, "Now I must bid you farewell for now, though we shall meet at dinnertime anon. Until then..." She then exits the room, leaving you alone once again.
Barley (43/43 hp)
Etienne (20/20 hp, Message)
Hoprah (27/27 hp, Message)
Kitoro (31/31 hp)
Rilia (25/25 hp, Message)
Setare Katsu (32/32 hp, Message)
Current Effects: Kitoro: Heightened Awareness, Hoprah Message.
Okay, you have a couple of leads here: Talk with Gavril, poke around the manor and talk with the other servants, or leave the Manor and check out some of the locations in Karpad.
Time of day: Appx. 2:00 PM

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"I think we should discuss things with Gavril first. He can arrange for us to talk with the servants if he is cooperative."

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GM, the moment the baroness turns her back to the group, Setare activates her Paladin ‘detect evil’ on her. See here: A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
After the baroness has left Setare informs the group of her feeling regarding the baroness’ purity of heart and if she detected a hint of evil.
”I ... I think you have everything under control so ... so I will fo... follow you!“ Setare says.