GM Dust Devil |

Whatever the reason you came Hollow's End you are now all standing before a bounty/jobs sign next to the deserted tavern.
Help wanted, the herbalist Laurel requires able bodied adventurers to assist her in gathering supplies. Pay will twenty five gold per person, Laurel may be found at her shop in the middle of town.

Jimara Simultina |

A youngish looking Drow woman wearing banded mail and carrying a kite shield with a distinctly out of place looking bronze hook attached to the left hand side of the shield from that of the wielder, a large broadsword on her right hand hip and a flintlock musket on her back walks slowly towards the sign.
She takes a quick pause to read said sign and then scratches her head with a gauntleted hand.
I wonder if this may assist me on my mission

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A gnome with stark black hair, a big nose and a long mustache and a short beard walks into the tavern of the Hollow End. He wears a long coat over a pair of overalls and shirt with bandolier with a number of small pouches. Around his waste is a belt decked out with numerous tools as well as a pistol and a dagger at his side. Slung over his back is a backpack as well as a rifle stored in a holster. On his head he wears a wide brimmed hat with a pair of goggles he currently has wrapped around the top.
Soon after entering there is some audible footsteps as a man-sized bulky golem walks into the location behind him. The golem is 7 feet tall with sizeable fists and legs and a solid looking body. The golem's eyes glow a faint green and it has a solid looking metal jaw that looks rather unsettling. The golem appears to be made of a mix of copper and bronze with some steel rivets in important places. The scent of tangy copper emanates from the golem. While generally clean looking, certain parts of the golem's shell has turned greenish due to Oxidization. You can see on the back of the golem there appears to be some kind of metallic howdah large enough fit a small-sized creature.
Zander looks to his golem and says, "Well well Copperbottom. It looks like we've found ourselves the local drinking hole of this settlement. Should be a good place to kick up my heels and get a drink don't ya think?"
The Copperbottom just shrugs a bit not interpreting any clear orders from, Zander's banter. Zander says to him, "Alright Copperbottom, follow behind me Copperbottom and don't step on any furniture or people along the way."
Zander goes up to the bar while Copperbottom moves behind him avoiding any obstacles. Zander quickly sees he's too small to sit at the bar being only 3"5 in height. He looks to Copperbottom and says, "Kindly lift me up onto your shoulders Copperbottom. I would like to talk to the bartender."
Copperbottom gives a gentle lift up letting Zander park his keester on top of the golem's large sholders.
Zander says to the bartender, "Zander Cogvalt, master of mechanic and magical wonders. A pleasure to meet you my good man. Might I partake of the house special of your local beverage. I have traveled far and looking for a fine drink to get on my day."

Emile La Fuente |

Emile makes her way to the tavern sign, a wretched shape under a heavy hood. Not that any local wouldn't recognize the alchemist's assistant, with her boney, gloved hands utilizing the heft of a capped spear as a walking stick.
The hood writhes slightly as the woman stops, watching a weird little man and his hulking machine enter the derelict establishment, prompting a wet, rattling laugh that turns into a cough.
Once he moves aside, Emile is greeted with the sight of what appears to be a drow warrior. She bows onto one knee, revealing mottled, emaciated ivory flesh.

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Disguise to appear human= take 10 + 2 - 2 = 10.
A big man in a longcoat walks noiselessly into town. He's not from here, but he is from a place much like this. He ran hard and long to get away from there. And now he's back.
He walks quietly up to the sign, where a heavy-armored Drow and a...young girl?...are already gathered.
'This is as good a place to start as any', he thinks.
He catches the eye of the Drow and the girl. "Hi there," he says in a breathy, deep, monotone. "I'm new here, but that sign looks bonafide. Wanna check it out?"
If they seem to concur he strides toward the middle of town, his pace accompanied by the faint hum of a motor.
Wait, is the tavern it's on deserted? As in, it's an empty building? Or just, not busy right now?

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Perception check to sense James come in 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
"What's that I hear? The sound of an engine? That's music to my ears."
He says to Copperbottom. "Copperbottom, carry me outside of this place. We have a machine to investigate."
Copperbottom with Zander on his shoulders marches out of the tavern and turns to take a look at the 3 assembled people near the posting board. His eyes fall onto James immedately.
"Ho there friend. It sounds to me you've got some kind of mechanical engine under that coat of yours. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zander Cogvalt, master of mechanical and magical wonders. And this golem I am on top of is my trusty companion Copperbottom. Say hello to the nice man Copperbottom."
A booming voice comes from the Golem as it opens its metal maw and says "Hello"
Zander Cogvalt then continues "It is a pleasure to meet another who is so interested in state of the art engineering."

Emile La Fuente |

In response to the coatted man:
"I assure you this place is open, but a large group will better use the keep's time."
She mimics the kneeling motion in front of the newcomers, the sightest bit of barbed wire somehow peeking out from beneath her coat and ducking back in just as quickly.
This done, she nods to the drow and makes her way inside, where she stands like a covered gargoyle by the door whilst Zander makes his introductions.

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'Welcome, Legionnaire. Advanced TargAing Cystem now acti--' James minimized the ATA-C Display but kept the wireframe overlay of the newcomers. None of them showed hostile or criminal tendencies, but you could never be sure.
"Good to meet you, Mr. Cogvalt," James replied in his same voice: Low, breathy, monotone. "I'm James. Did you make that yourself or did it follow you home one day?"
It might be a joke. Or it might not.
James nods in the direction of Emile. "It's a little early for me, but I won't keep you from imbibing, Ms...?"
He follows the girl inside, and motions for the gnome to join him.
What does Emile's voice sound like? I'm picturing little girl, but the backstory could mean anything?"

Emile La Fuente |

A young woman's voice. She's not a child anymore. Just... short, odd, and terrifying.
"Fuente." she responds, making an effort to move only the lipped portion of her wide, toothy maw. "I assume you are new to town, then?"
Your gun makes me think of Psycho Pass just because of the way it was introduced.

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Just wait until I whip out my Dominator. ;)
"Yeah, just marched in, you could say. I'm supposed to help stabilize the region, but," he makes a show of looking around, "but I don't see much here worth stabilizing. How long have you lived here? And what exactly do you do, Ms. Fuente?"
His stance is casual, but he's never really still. Almost as if he's uncomfortable in his own skin.

Jimara Simultina |

Jimara just stays quiet and listens to the others converse.
She then taps the bartender and trying to not cause any undue attention to herself to awaken him.
Once he awakens, she uses her hands in a very distinct way
Drow Sign Language to the bartender

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Zander says to James, "I of course built Copperbottom myself. I studied the art of Golemancy at the wizard school of Magnamar for your information. I do admit though that the materials are those I could salvage from the Mana Wastes. In addition, very powerful spells are needed to create a golem, far beyond what I am able to muster in my own. Fortunately there was still a bound elemental spirit in the remains. Using a bolt of lightning from a mana storm I was able to revitalize this Golem and he has been my faithful companion ever since."

Jimara Simultina |

I thought we weren't on Golarion. I mean I could say my character learned arbitration from traveling Aventurien or maybe even working for the Iuz' ministry of doom... A drow running around the Tulamid Empire would be cool as hell... Viluki.. can we put Alkenstar on Aventurien? :)
The Drow woman overhearing the conversation and finally having a whisky in her hand slips over and tries her common, which she speaks fluently but she doesn't have much practice in and says, "Magnamarichka, E have never seen that on a map. Albeit E've stayed primarily in the Podzehmye or darklands. E'll wager it is fairly far from here."
She then opens a notepad a quill and some ink and writes down in undercommon Magnamar with a large question mark and pats sand on the paper so that it dries quickly.
She then takes a large swig of her whisky and saunters on the heel of her boot and sits alone.

Emile La Fuente |

In response, "Jimara Simultina, Journeywoman member of the Vorn's Ministry of Arbitration, at year service, ma'am." said in a very polite but soft tone. Her silver hair twists when she speaks.
"Why are you here?" asks the weird, hooded Emile. The words were rude, but the tone friendly. "Save for shelter, why would you be here?"

Silver Winchester |

A young man with googles armed with a big gun aproaches the sign. He slowly lits a cigarrette while he looks at it.
"It does look like an easy job, but it may be deceptive" Silver lets out a big fume of smoke. *shrugs*"Well one could say its not my speciality, altought we may need more information".
Silver gracefully directs himself to the group. " Hello old sports, my name is Silver, it does seem the bounty has peaked your interest..."
A fallen, a gnome, a drow and two robots, well thats not something you see everyday!
Cough* Cough*"Well its certaintly not very common to see such interesting gathering of... individuals, this may be a fateful encounter... one may say" Silver shows a brief smile
Yeah I totally stole that from Di caprio, dont judge me!

GM Dust Devil |

This is still golorian but you basically won't be going out of Alkenstar, as such you can pretty much consider the place to be it's own isolated universe of sorts...
The bartender awakens suddenly and hearing Winchester speak talks in a burly voice, his fat, human frame making him winded. "If your looking to do the apothecary job I can tell you where to go... Best set of directions here in these parts."
The Bartender isn't lying to you or trying to deceive you but he is...anxious.

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
'Temperature/Blood Pressure/Heart Rate Scanner is currently -not- available, Legionnaire.'
"Sure, I could use some directions," he says. Low, breathy, monotone. He turns to the newcomer. "Looks like we may be working together. I'm James. Who are you?"

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Zander says to the bartender, "A job you say? Well if it pays well then certainly I am interested. It takes a lot of funding to purchase magical supplies these days."
He looks to James and says, "As for why I am here? Well I heard the Mana Wastes hold much state of the art technology and I am looking to salvage the lost technology and rebuild it as good as new, if not better. Nothing I like more than building new things. With my discovery and building of Copperbottom here I have taken the first step in my path to become a master of Golemancy."

Silver Winchester |

"My name is Silver Winchester, old sport. I'm a experience bounty hunter. But my speciality is the sort that brings bandits and outlaws death. Supply gathering... Silver let's a fume of smoke ...is sort of new to me"
And then looks inquisite at Zander
"So the small man here wants to build a super robot, interesting, it does look like a fine piece of equipment. Is it dangerous? cause it looks dangerous old sport.."

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Zander Cogvalt chuckles at Silver's comment and says, "Dangerous? Oh no. Copperbottom is as tame as a kitten. He does exactly what I tell him to do. Of course if that means pummeling some bandits into a pulp with his mighty fists, he certainly can do that in spades so long as he's told to do so. Still I have to be specific with my commands as Copperbottom will take the path of least resistance, which may involve destroying some furniture along the way."

Emile La Fuente |

Emile shifts her attention back to the crow woman. With little obvious animation, she said, "I want to help. This place needs it, and I need to do it. Everything else pales and disappears."
Suddenly distracted by something happening to her arm, she repeats the reason once more word-for-word.

Silver Winchester |

*knock* "Knock* "Hello? Herbalist Laurel? We are looking forward to take care of ...your request"
While waiting for his answer Silver diverts his attention to the girls.
"And who may be... these lovely maidens which today accompany us od sports?" I have to admit they are at least kind of creepy

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Dittos to the kind of creepy undead River Tam. =)
James stands still behind Silver, head on a swivel, looking around the building for points of entry. In case he needs to break in. Either now. Or later.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Scan complete, he turns his head to Jimara. "You said you know the Mayor? Who is he?"

Jimara Simultina |

Jimara turns to James and says, "Did E?"
Obviously uncomfortable speaking to humans, but even more to speaking with men Jimara quietly speaks again "It is a dooty of mean. E do not know eem"
She then plants her kite shield into the ground straps her wineskin onto the hook takes a quick drink and then pulls the shield out of the ground, removes her book from her shield, the quill from between her banded mail and the chain links beneath and dips it into her ink bottle and writes some more things into her book all in Undercommon.

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James stands motionless, his arms hanging at his sides, torso slightly swiveling, internal HUD scrolling passively.
'Objective log updated. Acquire: Warpwood. Rat tail. Manabloom, a fungus.
Searching data logs now....'
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
"How many of each do you need, ma'am?"

Jimara Simultina |

Jimara quill and notebook in hand steps forward and says, "What ees the nature of this malady, what err the symptoms, how long has this disease afflicted the town's folk of Hollow's Eend. Ees it just a local epidemic or has it spread further abreast? Does it afflict all races equally or are certain races struck harder?"
Knowledge Nature to recognize the disease 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
As the person answers her questions, Jimara jots the information into her book.

Emile La Fuente |

Emile says nothing now, staring into the distance vacantly. She is grateful that there are so many others to make her errand easier in every single respect, save one.
Now she has to make sure they aren't so scared as to run her off.
She's off to a promising start, though.

GM Dust Devil |

The apothecary looks at you and speaks, "the malady has claimed many, I suspect it is a mana plague of some sort as mutants seem unaffected by it. The plague is so far local.
As for where to get what you need I have directions prepared..."
This definitely sounds to you like a dreaded mana plague, mana plagues are maladies of varying degrees of lethality spawned from the mana wastes.
These all sound like the hardy, resilient and magically altered plants that are native to the mana wastes which has a very unique and unnatural ecology.
Warpwood would likely be found north in the wastes, any warpwood trees would inevitable grow near the few remaining sources of water. The closet source of water would be the Silt Pond, five miles due north and west.
Ironbloom mushrooms would be located in one of the few, deep, damp grottos left in the wastes. I do know of these grottos other then that they exist.
Rat's tail is something that the Sand Stalker, a mutant who lurks ten miles west and north of here might know of. Be careful she isn't known for being nice or friendly and she will ask for something in return for her knowledge... Finding her may take some time, she is nomadic but generally moves around a ten-20 mile radius.

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James' ATA-C forms a plan, complete with priorities. Businesslike, James informs the others of the steps with the highest efficiency rating.
"Guys, since we only have one definite location, how about we start heading north to the Silt Pond? Along the way we may see some grottos. And the Pond will probably put us closer to the Sand Stalker. Sound good?"

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Zander hears of the reagents and says, "Manabloom and fungus seem like something that is useful for potions. But why would we need to find a rat tail? I am sure there is plenty of rats around town although with rats crawlling through filthy places the tails would likey cause a sickness rather than cure one."