doc the grey's Untitled Campaign

Game Master doc the grey

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The Exchange

Ah, must've missed that somehow

The Exchange

I am actually going to withdraw my application

Shadow Lodge

Zarunkumar wrote:
Well doc the grey said he wanted to start it on the 19th so I'm at least waiting till then.

Hey guys I'm back, sorry bout the wait just returned from Gencon and after the insanity me and my cohort had to go through to get out of Indianapolis and some of the con plague I caught I needed a couple of days to recover. Now I'm back and looking for those recruits.

Currently I'm thinking

any of the aforementioned first steps missions

frostfur captives

the huscarl king trilogy

Right now I'm favoring Frostfur captives. You guys cool with that?

Shadow Lodge

Pacho73 wrote:
are you guys full or do you still have room? if you have room what do you need? I have a few Characters that I have not yet played and I can always make some if you need something specific. This is PFS correct?

Yes this would be pfs

Shadow Lodge

Zarunkumar wrote:

This is Iron Killer:

Here is the alias I'd like to use in the campaign. Please tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions to make her better, or legal if I did something wrong, please let me know. I will be creating a character sheet on myth-weavers within the next few days.

looks pretty good so far man, I'll look it over a little more but it seems legit. I assume the friendless trait is from blood of fiends? Other thing, where is armor of the pit from?

Grand Lodge

Yes, Friendless is from Blood of Fiends and Armor of the Pit is a Tiefling feat from the Advanced Race Guide.

Scarab Sages

Played already Frostfur.
Would be up for First Steps part 3 though - and even won't mind pushing through fast.

The Exchange

I would prefer firststeps part 2 for this character. I would like to get it in before it expires.

If you are going to do frostfur, that is ok i will switch to my magus pc and try to get selter into a different session.

Grand Lodge

I have no preference since I've never played either.

The Exchange

Any or all first steps for me.

Grand Lodge

First step I or III and frostfur would be my preference.

Grand Lodge

I really don't care what we play, because I haven't played any of them, I just want to get started so I can try her, and pfs, out.

Shadow Lodge

K well it looks like first steps part 3 is the one most people seem to be wanting but I know some people have already run that. Has anyone here played part II of first steps yet?

Grand Lodge

I am currently playing the First Steps part II: To delve the dungeon Deep. The others are fine for me. But you can leave me out if you really want to play that, not a problem.

Scarab Sages

Yep, played part one and two.

Liberty's Edge

I've played no PFS games before, so I can fit in any game you'll have me in.

The Exchange

I have played First Steps Part 3 with this PC. I could play it with my other avail PC which is a magus, since you are allowed to repeat the First Steps scenarios with different PC's.

This PC I want to get into a First Steps Part 2 before it expires for the special boon that matches with Way of the Kirin.

Shadow Lodge

Okay so if we ran first steps part 2 we would have at least 4 players who could participate from the looks of it. Everyone cool with first steps part 2?

The Exchange

Yup :-)

Grand Lodge

Lets do it ;)

Liberty's Edge

I'm not sure if you're counting me in that quadrio you referred to. If you were then sounds good to me. Is experience with part one necessary?

The Exchange


No, the First Steps are written rather independently.

Scarab Sages

I am out then.

Shadow Lodge

Kent Osmond wrote:
I'm not sure if you're counting me in that quadrio you referred to. If you were then sounds good to me. Is experience with part one necessary?

Nahh Kent you're fine. Just remember this is a pfs game so make sure you are registered for pfs, have your character number, and your characters stats posted with him. If you have any questions let me know and I'll help you out before we start.

Shadow Lodge

Aldrea, you have one too many feats. you need to drop point blank, rapid reload, or precise shot. Also what book is the highlander trait from?

The Exchange

I have the rapid reload from musket master. My traits changed a bit. On my pc. Only getting to it tomorrow :-( work taking me out of my province till Friday

Liberty's Edge

I think Highlander is Ultimate Campaign.

The Exchange

Sorry for delay. If you guys are willing to give me 1 more day, I'll be home to sort out my character. Didn't think this job would take this long. Would've been home tonight, but yeah... life got in way

Shadow Lodge

Aldrea wrote:
Sorry for delay. If you guys are willing to give me 1 more day, I'll be home to sort out my character. Didn't think this job would take this long. Would've been home tonight, but yeah... life got in way

I'm not too beat up about it, I can wait the extra day. Meanwhile I'll make the room and get the starter blurb up for you guys so you can start introducing your characters. Sound good for every one?

Liberty's Edge

Lets do this.

Grand Lodge

Sounds good to me

Shadow Lodge

Board is up feel free to read through the opening listed there, describe characters, and decide whether your character decided to follow through on your invitations advice.

Ohh also make sure you've got your characters registered and your characters number all squared away for when I have to do you boon sheet.

Grand Lodge

Everyone keeps talking about these "boons" what are they and what are they used for?

Grand Lodge

Also do you need our character's number for your write at the end or just the fact that their registered is enough?

Is there room for one more? I've been working on putting together a level 1 Shoanti earthbreaker-wielding fighter. It probably wouldn't take me long to put what I'm thinking down on paper, so to speak...

Shadow Lodge

Pedwiddle wrote:
Is there room for one more? I've been working on putting together a level 1 Shoanti earthbreaker-wielding fighter. It probably wouldn't take me long to put what I'm thinking down on paper, so to speak...

I believe we have 4 and I can take up to 6 so if you want in and can be done soon I would say it's okay.

Liberty's Edge

Here's my Shoanti fighter. I think he's ready, but feel free to look him over.

Shadow Lodge

Kaddok "Earth Hammer" wrote:
Here's my Shoanti fighter. I think he's ready, but feel free to look him over.

Your build looks pretty good man. For a second their I thought you had built a monk thanks to the pick, was about to point out that you had too many feats lol.

Liberty's Edge

Heh, yeah - not a lot of tattooed bald avatars out there, and I felt this pic fit his focus a bit better than some others.

Shadow Lodge

Kaddok "Earth Hammer" wrote:
Heh, yeah - not a lot of tattooed bald avatars out there, and I felt this pic fit his focus a bit better than some others.

Have you seen the classic shoanti pic yet man? it's bald with said tats and should be usable.

Grand Lodge

I might be a little slow on posting for the next few months, my wife is pregnant with our 4th child due in October and this one is giving her a run for her money. We've already had multiple hospital visits and it's not looking like there going to end soon. Do to this I've had to take a few sick days from work to play Mr. Mom to our other 3 which leave little time for posting. If I have not posted for over a day and you would like to move the story along I give Doc my permission to post on my behalf.

Liberty's Edge

Damn, I hope everything works out.

Grand Lodge

So do we. We keep telling her how much longer she needs to stay in there, but I think she's already starting to defy us.

Shadow Lodge

Zarunkumar wrote:
I might be a little slow on posting for the next few months, my wife is pregnant with our 4th child due in October and this one is giving her a run for her money. We've already had multiple hospital visits and it's not looking like there going to end soon. Do to this I've had to take a few sick days from work to play Mr. Mom to our other 3 which leave little time for posting. If I have not posted for over a day and you would like to move the story along I give Doc my permission to post on my behalf.

Good luck man, my little brother has his first kid due here in the next week or so and I know it's got him sweating. Hope everything turns out alright man.

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