World's Most Interesting Overflow Archives (001) [PFS Standard 6-15] (Inactive)

Game Master Great Green God

Game Day VII session 1 begins Monday, August 13th.:
Beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom lie the vaults, a series of storerooms and libraries that contain much of the Society’s findings from the past centuries. Cataloguing the sundry relics and texts takes time, and finds requiring closer study find their way to an extensive vault called the Overflow Archives. Soon after a pair of initiates sneaks into the archive and steals a few items on a dare, the complex inexplicably springs a leak. It is up to the PCs to investigate this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it before thousands of priceless documents are ruined forever.

Content in “The Overflow Archives” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Dark Archive faction.

~Archive Map & Handouts~

Possible Washouts:


Sense motive

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He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

We talk about stuff here. But before we do, if everyone could please provide me with the following info:

Player Name
Character Name
Day Job Roll (if any)
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard)

Initiative Modifier
Perception Modifier
Sense Motive Modifier

... And then ghost dot in on the Gameplay thread with the character you are playing so that this game shows up on your campaign page.

A few quick notes This is a Classic/Standard-mode game, not CORE. It is a Tier 1-5 game, so your character must between 1st and 5th level to play.

I am not a pushy GM, but I would like to finish on time. I hate botting people. I'll do it at need, but I have enough NPCs to play as it is. In general, I don't put your character in front of the next door they have to kick down, and I certainly don't kick it down for them. That's called: writing a novel. We're here to game. Your character can do as they like (or not) within the game world. You guys are the heroes here, you move the story. I'm just the guide.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Player Name: GM PDK
Character Name: Vina Sitha
PFS #: 4456-11
Faction: GL
Day Job Roll (if any): N/A
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard): Standard

Initiative Modifier: +3
Perception Modifier: +8
Sense Motive Modifier: +3 (same for Prognostication Occult Skill unlock)

(Level 2 update required before start of scenario but I already increased above-listed Perception from +7 to +8)

Dark Archive

Male Human M Human Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline) 2 [HP 17/17, AC 13 /ff 11 /t 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +3, Per 0, Spd 30'

Player Name Ebon Fist
Character Name Razka Croyle
PFS # 143948-1
Faction Dark Archives
Day Job Roll (if any) Jobs are for plebians
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard) Standard

Initiative Modifier+1
Perception Modifier 0
Sense Motive Modifier 0

The Concordance

HP 49/49 | (Invisible, Blur) AC 17 T 12 FF 16| Saves: 6/3/5 | CMD 18 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Elf | Eldritch Scion (Magus) 6 | Spells -/5/1 | GM Reroll +2 | Eldritch Pool 5/7 |

Player Name Chadius
Character Name Dawn Verde
PFS # 133608-14
Faction The Concordance
Day Job Roll (if any) Perform (comedy): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard) Standard

Initiative Modifier +2
Perception Modifier +2
Sense Motive Modifier 0

Grand Lodge

| Male LG Medium Human Paladin of Iomedae 5| | HP 32/49 | AC 23, T 12, FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc -1 SM +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2 |Spells: 1st 2/2 |Lay on Hands 7/7 | Active Conditions: none

Player Name: neodam
Character Name: Edwin Towerfall
PFS #: 137484-12
Faction: GL
Day Job Roll (if any): N/A
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard): Standard

Initiative Modifier: +0
Perception Modifier: +1
Sense Motive Modifier: +5

Dark Archive

Male NG Half-Elven Psychic 6 | HP 27/38 | AC 10 T 10 FF 10 (w/Mage Armor 14/10/14) CMB 1, CMD 11 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +11 (+2 vs enchantments, +2 vs traps/hazards underground) | Init: +6 (+2 more underground) | Perc: +11 (low light), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Resist Fire 10

My apologies but a group that I’m in has decided to play this as part of our rotation so I’ll need to drop. I hope you have plenty of time to find a replacement and look forward to joining one of your tables another time. Thanks!

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Birseko Naam wrote:
My apologies but a group that I’m in has decided to play this as part of our rotation so I’ll need to drop. I hope you have plenty of time to find a replacement and look forward to joining one of your tables another time. Thanks!

No worries, I sort of expected some turnover given how far out these games are set. See your reflection in Eric S's Midnight Mirror.

The Concordance

CG Human 6 | Mods: None | HP: 56 (-0) | AC 13, Tch 13, Fl 10 | CMB: 3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Balanced Offensive: 2/2; Grit: 3/4 | Spells 1st: 4/5; 2nd: 3/3; 3rd: 2/2 | Perc: +10, SM: +2 | Init: +3

Player: RePete
Character Name: Bob “Boom” McCalister
PFS #: 126566-17
Faction: Concordance
Day Job: Craft (Gunsmithing) w/Crafter’s Fortune: 1d20 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 5 = 30
Normal Progression

Initiative Mod: +2
Perception Mod: +7
Sense Motive Mod: +2

Silver Crusade

| HP 16/16 | Arcane Pool: 2/4 | AC 20 T 16 F 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +3; +2 vs Enchantment, Immune to sleep | Init +3 | Perception +0 | Primary attack: Bladed scarf +6 (1d6-2) +1 for 1min | Active Spells: Chill touch, Mage armor 1hr | Female Elf Magus (Kapenia dancer) 2

I'm sorry someone had to drop but still glad I got in!

Player Elektra
Character Name Elianna Morgethai
PFS # 57894-3
Faction Silver Crusade
Day Job (if any) Perform Dance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard) Standard

Initiative Modifier +3
Perception Modifier +0
Sense Motive Modifier +0

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

We are about a week out from officially starting. We might unofficially start a little early so please finalize your characters (level them up, buy waterproof gunpowder horns, etc...).

Dark Archive

Male Human M Human Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline) 2 [HP 17/17, AC 13 /ff 11 /t 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +3, Per 0, Spd 30'

Razka would like to buy a ring of protection +1 for 2,000 gp, a wand of burning hands for 2 prestige, and the porcelain dog, Pat.

(Is anyone else old enough to get that joke?)

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

I got. Which chronicle is the ring coming from? Inquiring GMs wanna know. ;)

If you folks could, as a group, fill out the following.

Proposed Marching Order

The Concordance

HP 49/49 | (Invisible, Blur) AC 17 T 12 FF 16| Saves: 6/3/5 | CMD 18 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Elf | Eldritch Scion (Magus) 6 | Spells -/5/1 | GM Reroll +2 | Eldritch Pool 5/7 |

Dawn will gladly take the front line, in one of the first 3 spots (probably 2).

Grand Lodge

| Male LG Medium Human Paladin of Iomedae 5| | HP 32/49 | AC 23, T 12, FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc -1 SM +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2 |Spells: 1st 2/2 |Lay on Hands 7/7 | Active Conditions: none

I will be in the middle. 4th

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Player Name: GM PDK
Character Name: Vina Sitha
PFS #: 4456-11
Faction: GL
Day Job Roll (if any): N/A
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard): Standard

Level 2 Update Complete:
Initiative Modifier: +3
Perception / Read Aura Modifier: +7
Sense Motive / Prognostication Modifier: +7

March Order: 3 or 5 (Vina is small, mounted on Lakadee, her medium-sized Treant Sapling, i.e. both in same square)

Purchases so far in this adventure: Wand of Cure Light Wounds (2 PP)

Dark Archive

Male Human M Human Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline) 2 [HP 17/17, AC 13 /ff 11 /t 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +3, Per 0, Spd 30'
The World's Most Interesting GM wrote:

I got. Which chronicle is the ring coming from? Inquiring GMs wanna know. ;)

If you folks could, as a group, fill out the following.

Proposed Marching Order

Oops...forgot the fame requirement...Scratch the Ring of Protection. I'll take Bracers of Armor +1 from 2-11, the Penumbral Accords, instead.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Razka Croyle wrote:
Oops...forgot the fame requirement...Scratch the Ring of Protection. I'll take Bracers of Armor +1 from 2-11, the Penumbral Accords, instead.

And what place would Razka like to occupy should the party need to walk about? I would like to have that finalized before the game begins. Folks can just make suggestions (yes, my half-blind, squishy, wizard rival goes first to trigger all the traps, and sneak-attacking rogues while I sit comfortably in the middle in my plate mail with my two tower shields preparing my victory speech. MWAHAHAHAHA!) and then pull out baseball bats and fight over position using logical well-reasoned arguments (and baseball bats, of course).

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Proposed Marching Order (so far)
2. Dawn
3. Razka
4. Edwin

Psychic edit.

Dark Archive

Male Human M Human Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline) 2 [HP 17/17, AC 13 /ff 11 /t 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +3, Per 0, Spd 30'

Razka will take slot 3 or 5.

And he's quite sure that someone else would like to use a baseball bat on his behalf. HE can't be expected to use such a crude instrument, after all.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Vina and Lakadee: position 6

Silver Crusade

| HP 16/16 | Arcane Pool: 2/4 | AC 20 T 16 F 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +3; +2 vs Enchantment, Immune to sleep | Init +3 | Perception +0 | Primary attack: Bladed scarf +6 (1d6-2) +1 for 1min | Active Spells: Chill touch, Mage armor 1hr | Female Elf Magus (Kapenia dancer) 2

Elianna would be good anywhere from the 3-5 positions. Until I get her to level 3, she won't be as useful as I want her to be in combat.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Everyone else as a group takes one step back and leaves Bob, the arcane caster with the ranged weapon, and AC 12 at the front....

Works for me. :)

Proposed Marching Order
1. Bob
2. Dawn
3. Razka
4. Edwin
5. Elianna
6. Vina and Lakadee

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

He needed unobstructed view to aim his gun, I hear. :P

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

I can see we'll have to do something about this. It's time for a little team-building exercise. Okay everyone get up and move somewhere with some arm room (livingroom, outside, etc...). Alright, now stretch out your arms to either side, close your eyes, take a deep breath and slowly lean back until you feel yourself falling and I'll catch you.

I'll give folks a minute....

Take your time....

Whenever you are ready....

Just lean back....

Alright how did it go? Well, that's what I'm trying to get at. Don't rely on me, you should be relying on your fellow players, and no I don't care how expensive that coffee table was.

Take a look at your fellow PCs, get a feel for what they do, what their strengths, and weaknesses are, and how the group fits together. In other words, don't just talk to me. Talk to each other.

The Concordance

HP 49/49 | (Invisible, Blur) AC 17 T 12 FF 16| Saves: 6/3/5 | CMD 18 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Elf | Eldritch Scion (Magus) 6 | Spells -/5/1 | GM Reroll +2 | Eldritch Pool 5/7 |

Looks like I'm at the front, here. Push me to number 1. I can skip performing ambush tactics for now.

Dark Archive

Male Human M Human Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline) 2 [HP 17/17, AC 13 /ff 11 /t 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +3, Per 0, Spd 30'

Here's my suggestion and reasoning. Correct me if any of my assumptions are incorrect.

1. Edwin - Most Paladins are tanks. He can carry my CLW wand to heal himself up as needed if he doesn't have one.
2. One of the Magi - Probably a fast skirmisher.
3. Vina - Healing in the middle.
4. Bob - Far enough back so that he can get a clear shot.
5. Razka - Far enough back that he won't get caught up with the mendicants trying to kill them.
6. The other Magi - Probably enough of a tank to not be downed in one round when we don't notice that choker...

In any case, the first thing Razka will do is hand his CLW wand to either the Druid or Paladin.

And since we're discussing party and how we're going to do things, here is something I've seen done that I liked, assuming the GM will allow it and everyone is amenable.

Instead of keeping track of the charges used on each CLW wand (assuming there's more than one) we keep track of the total charges used. At the end of the adventure we divide by the total number of charges and each wand uses it share.

For example, we have 4 wands and 13 charges get used. Three of the wands would be down 3 charges and one would be down 4 (fractions and all...)

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Interesting concept. Never done this before. I would only agree to this if everyone has their own wand though i.e. calc total charges and divide by 6. I must warn you that Vina is a heavy wand user due to character design (see below).

Ok so as per the GM suggestion, here's the talk about STR and weaknesses.

Vina is a support character with low AC and no damage capability whatsoever. Her low AC is only improved by one with her ability to shrink to small size (99% of the time she remains small, sitting in her tree swing - re-skinned exotic saddle - hanging from her medium-sized treant sapling plant companion)

Lakadee (plant companion) has decent damage capability, but a dismally low AC. So Vina acts as a battery supply to Lakadee.

For this reason, the duo usually hangs back, with Vina healing people and Lakadee only going into the fight in later rounds as required to protect people's flanks if they are in danger of getting surrounded. Both Vina and Lakadee are unable to wear any armor, so this will be challenging in the long run, and playing these characters very much mean leaving the spotlight on the rest of the party for heroics, and understanding that Vina/Lakadee are there to support.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

PS: since she's support, I'm opened to suggestions for her three memorized first level spells.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

I will say this for the following adventure, there is no real mission briefing followed by 10 weeks at sea on the Throaty Mermaid before you arrive at the mission starting point.

Basically it's: bang, mission.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Any of the encounters at sea? i.e. worth it for me to investigate the water spells for this PC?

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

What can I say to that but "go fish."

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

Just trying to decipher "bang, mission" :)

The Concordance

CG Human 6 | Mods: None | HP: 56 (-0) | AC 13, Tch 13, Fl 10 | CMB: 3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Balanced Offensive: 2/2; Grit: 3/4 | Spells 1st: 4/5; 2nd: 3/3; 3rd: 2/2 | Perc: +10, SM: +2 | Init: +3

Oh, hi there... seems I've been neglecting this thread.

Yes, Bob would very much appreciate NOT being first out the chute. :-P

Is there a specific powder horn that's waterproof? I'm not seeing one marked as such. Thought the standard ones were at least water resistant...

Bob is a shooter of magical things and bullets through his big musket. He does not have cantrips...and prefers not to prep Detect Magic unless absolutely necessary.

Edit: Full disclosure, I've run this scenario once and played it in Core. I will keep player knowledge and character knowledge separate.

Grand Lodge

| Male LG Medium Human Paladin of Iomedae 5| | HP 32/49 | AC 23, T 12, FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc -1 SM +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2 |Spells: 1st 2/2 |Lay on Hands 7/7 | Active Conditions: none

I can be first but I am 1 level with 13 hp.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

This thing costs 2K but because it's standard reloading, it doesn't speed up the action economy like alchemical cartridges do.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Bob McCalister wrote:
Edit: Full disclosure, I've run this scenario once and played it in Core. I will keep player knowledge and character knowledge separate.
Bob McCalister wrote:
Is there a specific powder horn that's waterproof?

Really? ;)

Folks can read the spoiler for the adventure, but the set up leaves no time for prep. You arrive as you are and the adventure begins.

The Concordance

HP 49/49 | (Invisible, Blur) AC 17 T 12 FF 16| Saves: 6/3/5 | CMD 18 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Elf | Eldritch Scion (Magus) 6 | Spells -/5/1 | GM Reroll +2 | Eldritch Pool 5/7 |

Oh, I should mention I played this in Core before. Luckily Dawn's not very bright so I won't meta game.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

So how about this for a marching order (based on Croyle's suggestion):

1. Edwin - Most Paladins are tanks. He can carry my CLW wand to heal himself up as needed if he doesn't have one.
2. Dawn
3. Vina - Healing in the middle.
4. Bob - Far enough back so that he can get a clear shot.
5. Razka - Far enough back that he won't get caught up with the mendicants trying to kill them.
6. Elianna

Razka Croyle wrote:

And since we're discussing party and how we're going to do things, here is something I've seen done that I liked, assuming the GM will allow it and everyone is amenable.

Instead of keeping track of the charges used on each CLW wand (assuming there's more than one) we keep track of the total charges used. At the end of the adventure we divide by the total number of charges and each wand uses it share.

I don't have any particular problem with it, though I will point out that I am the sort of player (read 'selfish bastard') who if they aren't playing a healing class will not bother picking up the nearly-ubiquitous wand of cure light wounds on the assumption that that is really someone else's job. If I am playing a fighter I am here to do fighter-things, and should probably use my resources toward that end. The same goes for rogues for rogue-things, wizards for wizard-things, and so on.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Vina Sitha wrote:

Interesting concept. Never done this before. I would only agree to this if everyone has their own wand though i.e. calc total charges and divide by 6. I must warn you that Vina is a heavy wand user due to character design (see below).

Ok so as per the GM suggestion, here's the talk about STR and weaknesses.

Vina is a support character with low AC and no damage capability whatsoever. Her low AC is only improved by one with her ability to shrink to small size (99% of the time she remains small, sitting in her tree swing - re-skinned exotic saddle - hanging from her medium-sized treant sapling plant companion)

Lakadee (plant companion) has decent damage capability, but a dismally low AC. So Vina acts as a battery supply to Lakadee.

For this reason, the duo usually hangs back, with Vina healing people and Lakadee only going into the fight in later rounds as required to protect people's flanks if they are in danger of getting surrounded. Both Vina and Lakadee are unable to wear any armor, so this will be challenging in the long run, and playing these characters very much mean leaving the spotlight on the rest of the party for heroics, and understanding that Vina/Lakadee are there to support.

AC 15 is not bad in a tier 1-2 game (though obviously 28 would be better ;)).

If you have an alias with a picture (or other usable icon) for Lakadee could you paste the image onto the map slide with all the character icons on it.

Grand Lodge

Companion to Vina Sitha | Male N Sapling Treant Plant Companion | HD 8 | HP 67/67 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMD 27 | F +10 R +8 W +4 (immunities)| Init +1 | Low Light Vision, Perc +5 | Speed 30 ft Climb 30 ft | Special Attack: double damage against objects, shield companion

got it... doing it now

PS: slide currently set to 'view only'

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Fixed! And fixed!

Grand Lodge

Companion to Vina Sitha | Male N Sapling Treant Plant Companion | HD 8 | HP 67/67 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMD 27 | F +10 R +8 W +4 (immunities)| Init +1 | Low Light Vision, Perc +5 | Speed 30 ft Climb 30 ft | Special Attack: double damage against objects, shield companion

combo counter finished

Silver Crusade

| HP 16/16 | Arcane Pool: 2/4 | AC 20 T 16 F 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Will +3; +2 vs Enchantment, Immune to sleep | Init +3 | Perception +0 | Primary attack: Bladed scarf +6 (1d6-2) +1 for 1min | Active Spells: Chill touch, Mage armor 1hr | Female Elf Magus (Kapenia dancer) 2

Something I forgot to mention is that my work and class schedule are weird so most of the time I'll be posting after midnight central time and even later on weekends when I work. I'll get my first post going in just a minute or two!

Grand Lodge

| Male LG Medium Human Paladin of Iomedae 5| | HP 32/49 | AC 23, T 12, FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc -1 SM +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2 |Spells: 1st 2/2 |Lay on Hands 7/7 | Active Conditions: none

I've been sick for last 3 days and I'm still sick. I will post as often as I can.

Grand Lodge

| Male LG Medium Human Paladin of Iomedae 5| | HP 32/49 | AC 23, T 12, FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc -1 SM +4 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2 |Spells: 1st 2/2 |Lay on Hands 7/7 | Active Conditions: none

I have to admit that after my illness I am totally lost in this scenario. I'll try to get involved as soon as possible.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

The scoreboard thus far.

The party is summoned to one of the Grand Lodge's alternate/overflow library sites to plug a sudden leak caused when one of the students unwisely read a bit of a magical scroll.

We haven't gotten very far due to the website's near-constant outages over the last couple of weeks.

Grand Lodge

Female N Vanara Druid 9 (Supernaturalist) - Init. +3, Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Perception +17, AC 17/ touch 15/ ff 14; hp 48/48 + aegis of recovery; F+6, R+6, W+11; Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft. ; Current conditions: small size, hunter's blessing, barkskin, bull's str, bear's end.

GM Hmm pointed me towards the PFS Chapter of Myth Weavers. I highly recommend it too!
Click here for the location of the PFS boards on the Myth Weavers site
Click here for a step-by-step guide to add your character on the Myth Weavers site in 10 min or less

The Concordance

HP 49/49 | (Invisible, Blur) AC 17 T 12 FF 16| Saves: 6/3/5 | CMD 18 | Perception +3 | Init +2 | Female Elf | Eldritch Scion (Magus) 6 | Spells -/5/1 | GM Reroll +2 | Eldritch Pool 5/7 |

As a reminder, I have played this scenario in Core. I don't want to lead the party directly to the solution, but when the site got unstable I wanted to keep up momentum. Luckily Dawn has a lot of trouble paying attention.

So if I'm overstepping my bounds, GM, feel free to reign me in.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Vina Sitha wrote:

GM Hmm pointed me towards the PFS Chapter of Myth Weavers. I highly recommend it too!

Click here for the location of the PFS boards on the Myth Weavers site
Click here for a step-by-step guide to add your character on the Myth Weavers site in 10 min or less

There are bad choices all around here. We could jump site, or I could set up a google hangout, etc... the problems though are manifold for any of them. I know that I at least would actually have to learn how to use whatever/wherever it was we ended up, so would everyone else without previous experience. At this point I have the feeling that this might be a bit too much of a lift for folks. I'm all ears though if everyone is for it, however the simple fact we have to talk about it is already a bit of a time sink.

So for now (even with the prospect of another planned shutdown next week) I intend to stick it out here.

Now that said some of you have characters that have be places in the near future. Session 2 of Gameday was pushed back a bit. The new dates are:

Session One now (well, the last time I checked anyhow) ends 10/4.

Session Two now begins on 10/6 and ends 11/20.

I know I have games with more than a few of you in the second session (Out of Anarchy), but does anyone have any conflicts they may have?

Does anyone have any preference on moving or staying? If so where?

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Dawn Verda wrote:

As a reminder, I have played this scenario in Core. I don't want to lead the party directly to the solution, but when the site got unstable I wanted to keep up momentum. Luckily Dawn has a lot of trouble paying attention.

So if I'm overstepping my bounds, GM, feel free to reign me in.

No worries. Momentum is a good thing (so long as it isn't rolling down the hill towards me). ;)

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