About Dawn VerdaPotion of Cure Moderate Wounds "You know what's so nice about the world?" The woman's bell jingles as she wriggles with anticipation. "Everyone has something to offer." Story:
"I think I get it?" The elf scratches her hair, tossed about by an unknown wind. Foremother huffs, breaking her composure briefly. She stands up and stares at the elf. "Dawn. This Commune is your home. It is home to the fey who sided with me. It is home to the mortals who seek refuge from the outside world. I paid the price for my freedom." Foremother places her hand on her chest and looks full of sorrow. "The Absence grows stronger, I am losing something vital. The Commune will collapse without my help." "Dawn. Seek out the Pathfinder Society. Help them. And ask them to help me." She sits back on her flowery throne and grimaces. The elf shrugs, grabs her falchion and begins her journey to Absalom.
Magus (Eldritch Scion) Concentration Check 9 = 6 Magus + 2 Cha + 1 Trait Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. Spell Combat: She can sacrifice up to -2 to her attack to help her concentration check. Only used while in Mystic Focus. Level 0 DC 12, at will
Level 1 DC 13, 5/day
Level 2 DC 14, 4/day
Bot Me!:
Use Vanish to get into range and to disrupt casters. Spell Combat doesn't work unless you spend an Eldritch Pool point to enter Mystic Focus for 2 rounds. Instead, use my 2 handed weapons to deal damage. XP: 15
Saving Throws:
Fort 5 Mag + 1 Con = 6 Reflex 2 Mag + 1 Dex = 3 Will 5 Mag + 0 Wis = 5 Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Defenses And Movement:
HP: 8 Magus + (5 * 5 extra Magus) + (1 * 6 Con) + (4 * 1 Favored Class) + 6 Toughness = 49 AC 10 + 1 Dex + 5 Armor + 1 Ring of Prot = 17 T 10 + 1 Dex + 1 Ring of Prot = 12 FF 10 + 5 Armor + 1 Ring of Prot = 16 Init Init 1 Dex + 1 Trait = 2 CMD 10 + 4 BAB + 3 Str + 1 Dex = 18 Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Leaping Charger (Su): At 4th level, you are able to leap over overgrowth and similar impediments with ease while charging. When you charge, you ignore difficult terrain (but not other creatures). You can move through it at normal speed, and it does not impede your charge. Combat Reflexes: Dawn can make 2 Attacks of Opportunity per round. She can also make AoOs when Flat Footed.
BAB: 4 CMB: 4 BAB + 3 Str = 7 Spell Combat: She can sacrifice up to -2 to her attack to help her concentration check. Only used while in Mystic Focus. Confusing Critical (Su) - Each time you confirm a critical hit while in Mystic Focus, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be confused for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to 14 (10 + 1/2 your bloodrager level + your Constitution modifier.) This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. Eldritch Pool: At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves. Melee
Pool Strike, (Electricity, Cold, Fire, Acid)
Pool Strike, (Thunderous)
Bluff 2 Cha + 1 Trait + 3 In Class + 5 Rank = 10 Knowledge (Nature) 2 Int + 5 Rank = 7 Perception 0 Wis + 2 Racial + 1 Rank = 3 Perform (comedy) 2 Cha + 4 Rank = 6 Stealth 1 Dex + 4 Rank = 5 Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Class Abilities:
Mystic Focus +1 (4/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain access to bloodline powers for 2 rds. Fey Bloodline
Poolstrike (Magus Arcana)
Pool Strike, Thunderous (Magus Arcana) The magus can expend 1 additional point from his arcane pool when making a pool strike. His pool strike deals sonic damage and deafens a single target for 1 round (DC 10 + 1/2 magus level + Intelligence modifier). The magus must be at least 6th level and must have the pool strike magus arcana before selecting this magus arcana.
arcane temper - +1 Concentration, +1 Initiative fast-talker - +1 Bluff. Bluff is an in class skill.
Combat Gear acid (2) alchemist's fire Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 37 charges Other Gear
Faction Goals:
0/2 Adventure either on another plane or in the Mana Wastes, the Shackles, or the Worldwound. 0/2 Peacefully resolve an encounter with a creature with the air, earth, fire or water substype. 0/2 Help grow the Concordance by recruiting a named figure with either a significant connection to the natural world (such as a druid) or a significant connection to elemental forces (such as a creature with an elemental subtype). Recruitment requires a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level. 0/2 Forgo your Downtime to map ley lines attuned to the elements. Doing so requires a successful Craft (maps), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge(planes), or Profession (cartographer) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level. 0/1 Restore balance to an area by closing a planar portal or removing a significant elemental disturbance. 0/1 Recover a valuable magic item that produces an effect that is strongly tied to air, earth, fire, or water during the course of an adventure. To qualify, this item must be worth at least 400 gp plus 100 gp x your character level. 0/1 Have a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Diplomacy, Knowledge(nature), or Knowledge(planes). 1/3, 0/2 Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply credit and the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for the purpose of earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals.
20 Point Build:
Str 15 (7) Dex 11 (1) Con 14 (5) Int 12 (2) Wis 10 Cha 14 (5) Elf: +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int Str 15
1. 0-39: The Citadel of Flame:
This was played live. Chronicle Gained 553 + 10 from the day job. Got 2 PP. Buying a Glaive for 8.
Replace Dodge feat with Skill Focus, Knowledge (Nature) Rebuild:
Ability Stats: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 Feat: Toughness Skills: 3 (Noted) - Bluff - Knowledge(Nature) - Perform (Comedy) I'm Level 2!:
Skills: 3 (Noted) - Bluff - Knowledge(Nature) - Stealth HP: 5 Magus + 1 Con + 1 FCB (Now 20 HP) BAB +1 (noted)
Spells Known:
Spells per day:
Spellstrike (noted)
Switching to the Concordance Faction. 5 6-15 The Overflow Archives:
Selling Sell a Masterwork Chain Shirt for 125. Buying
Buy Mwrk Falchion for 375 (sell old Falchion for 75/2) 6 (GM) 8-99 Solstice Scar C:
Dawn receives GM credit. This contributes toward one of my Faction Goals:
I'm Level 3:
Level 3 Magus (Eldritch Scion) HP 5 Magus + 1 Con
Skills 2 Magus + 1 Int
BAB +1
Magus Arcana
Spells Per day +1 level 1 spell (now 4 per day) Spells Known +1 level 0 spell, +1 level 1 spell
7. 8-02 Ward Asunder:
Thread Chronicle Spoilers
Cinder Asp: Change the snake’s poison effect to 1d2 Constitution and its cure to 2 saves. In place of granting the snake a bonus trick, you can instead increase the snake’s effective Hit Dice by 1 for the purpose of calculating the saving throw DC of its poison.
(One box) Jiraku’s Respect: You have helped the dosojin kami Jiraku restore her faith in her stewardship of the Pilgrim’s Path. She gi s you with a portion of her power as a blessing. By checking the box that precedes this boon, you may use one of the following spell-like abilities. Use your character level as the caster level, and use either your own Charisma or 17 (whichever is higher) for determining any saving throw DCs.
Kami Reunited: Even if their ward is forever broken in two, you have brought the two kami wardens together once more and received their blessing. You may benefit from this boon only if you have both the Jiraku’s Respect and Tanbaru’s Respect boons, and you may not select Tanbaru as a familiar unless you choose to cross out this boon. You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence kami and oni and on saving throws to resist their spells and other abilities. Once per adventure as a swift action, you may activate one of the following abilities. Jiraku’s Eternal Path: Until the beginning of your next turn, you may move through up to 10 feet of difficult terrain as if it were normal terrain; this effect stacks with the benefits of the Acrobatic Steps and Nimble Steps feats. During this time, you also gain a +3 bonus on saving throws against any effect that would directly impede your movement, such as entangle or slow. When this effect ends, you regain 1d8+5 hit points. Tanbaru’s Insight: For the next 10 minutes, you gain a +2 insight bonus on Perception checks and the ability to cast detect magic at will as a spell-like ability. When this effect ends, you receive the answer to a single question as if you had cast augury (CL 6th). If you are at least 5th level, you can instead ask one question as per divination. At 7th level, you can instead ask one question as per commune.
8. (GM Credit) 10-5: Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1:
9. (GM Credit) 10-7: Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2:
(Wait for level 5) Hell's Rebels, Turn of the Torrent:
I'm level 4:
Level 4 Eldritch Scion (Magus) HP: 5 + 1 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 FCB = 34 (Done) Caster Level +1 (Done) Stat Boost - +1 Cha (now 15) BAB +1 (now +3) Fort/Will Save +1 (Done) Eldritch Pool +1 (Now 4) At 4th level, an eldritch scion can also use his eldritch pool as an arcane pool, gaining all the benefits listed with the magus’s arcane pool class feature. Spells per Day
Spells known per Day
Skills 2+Int (Par 3)
Leaping Charger (Su): At 4th level, you are able to leap over overgrowth and similar impediments with ease while charging. When you charge, you ignore difficult terrain (but not other creatures). You can move through it at normal speed, and it does not impede your charge. FCB = 1 HP
Buy Adamantine Falchion for 3000 + cost Need 18 Fame to purchase Buy Ring of Protection +1 for 2000 Selling falchion for 75/2
Kingmaker: Stolen Land:
I'm Level 5:
Eldritch Scion (level 5) HP: d8 + Con + 1 FCB = 7 = 42 HP Spells per day: +1 1st, +1 2nd (now 5/3) Spells known: 1 more 2nd level spell
Arcane Pool
Level 5 Feat:
Bonus Feat (must be from Combat, Item creation or Metamagic feats)
Skills: 2 + 1 Int = 3
10-6 Treason's Chains:
I'm Level 6:
Eldritch Scion Fey Bloodline Confusing critical DC +1 Eldritch Pool +1 BAB +1
Spells per day 1/-/1 (Done) Spells known -/-1 (Done)
Skill Points (2 + 1 Int + 1 FCB) (Par 4)
HP d8 + 1 Con (+6 HP)
Magus Arcana
The magus can expend 1 additional point from his arcane pool when making a pool strike. His pool strike deals sonic damage and deafens a single target for 1 round (DC 10 + 1/2 magus level + Intelligence modifier). The magus must be at least 6th level and must have the pool strike magus arcana before selecting this magus arcana.