World's Most Interesting Confirmation [PFS Standard 5-08] (Inactive)

Game Master Great Green God

Adventure Handouts and Maps

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He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

We talk about stuff here. But before we do, if everyone could please provide me with the following info:

Player Name
Character Name
Day Job Roll
Initiative Modifier
Perception Modifier
Sense Motive Modifier

Gameplay will open later tonight (the next 12-14 hours).

Stay thirsty my friends.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Thanks for running this, WMIGM! May as well fill this out while I have time...

Player Name The Norv
Character Name Hengist the Mighty
PFS # 138781-05
Faction Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Initiative Modifier +1
Perception Modifier +2
Sense Motive Modifier +2

Sovereign Court

Male Vanara 1 Fighter (Drill Seargent) 5 Unchained Monk (Sage Counselor) HP 55 I AC 17:Touch17:FF14 I Fort 8:Ref 5: Will 5 I CMB 7:CMD 21 I Speed 40ft Climb 20ft I Ki Pool 5

Player NameMatthais777
Character Name Mr. Monty
PFS # 176948-8
Faction Dark Archive
Day Job Roll None currently
Initiative Modifier +4
Perception Modifier +0
Sense Motive Modifier +0

Dark Archive

Female ?Psychopomp?
Eidolon 1 | AC 15 (Mage Armor +4 Barkskin +2(21)) T 14 FF 11 (Mage Armor +4 (15)) | CMD 11 | hp 7| F +3 R +1 W +0 | Spd 20' | Init +1 | Skills- Perception +4, Disguise +12, Bluff +4, Sense Motive +4, Diplomacy +4

Player NameMatthais777
Character NameNina
Faction Dark Archive
Day Job Roll None
Initiative Modifier +1
Perception Modifier +4
Sense Motive Modifier +4

Sovereign Court

Half Elf Divine Hunter Paladin 4 / Life Oracle 2 [HP 62/62 | AC 20/13/17 | F+10 R+7 W+11 (+2 vs. enchantment, +2 vs. death effects) | Init +3 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +7]

Player Name Enchanter Tim
Character Name Sir Hayden Greyrun
PFS # 1142-10
Faction Sovereign Court
Day Job Roll None
Initiative Modifier +3
Perception Modifier +0
Sense Motive Modifier +4

Scarab Sages

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 3/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*

Player Name I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Character Name Alix Enkili Agrippa Brunhilde Copernicus Eohippus Magnus Makoidees Von Junzt Dee
PFS # 40025-22
Faction Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll Profession (Soothsayer): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Initiative Modifier -1
Perception Modifier +5
Sense Motive Modifier +3

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

Player Name: Wrong John Silver
Character Name: Balgrym One Hand
PFS #: 118418-7
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job: Craft(Weaponsmith): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Initiative Modifier: +2
Perception Modifier: +4
Sense Motive Modifier: -1

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

As you may have noticed the campaign thread update notification tracker thingie on the website isn't working. So... there's that.

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

Player Name Gerard
Character Name Karayan
PFS # 24861-13
Faction Sovereign Court
Day Job Roll no thanks
Initiative Modifier+ 0
Perception Modifier +5
Sense Motive Modifier +5
Advancement slow

I will be at a local con this weekend, I assume I am able to post tomorrow, but I will most likely not post this weekend.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

I'm going to assume that most folks here have played The Confirmation one way or another. That said (and because one should never assume), has anyone here not played it before?

Sovereign Court

Male Vanara 1 Fighter (Drill Seargent) 5 Unchained Monk (Sage Counselor) HP 55 I AC 17:Touch17:FF14 I Fort 8:Ref 5: Will 5 I CMB 7:CMD 21 I Speed 40ft Climb 20ft I Ki Pool 5

Played it, gonna put a concerted effort to act as Nina and Monty would, and not Meta it. :)

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Moving on to the next morning in 7ish hours.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

Little known fact: The famed dwarven resistance to poison stems from a lifetime enjoying many lovely magical types of mushrooms that grow in the deep. They're so lovely. All of them. So lovely.

As a corollary, the reason dwarves all seem so grumpy is that they just can't find the right kind of shrooms on the surface.

Alexis can cook for any survivors.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

What follows are the contents of Janira's bag, divide them as you wish.

potion of barkskin
potions of cure light wounds (2)
potion of feather step
potion of vanish
scroll of entangle
scroll of gust of wind
scroll of identify
scroll of mage armor (CL 6)
scroll of obscuring mist
wand of burning hands (CL 3rd, 4 charges)
wand of cure light wounds (CL 3rd, 8 charges)
alchemist’s fire (2)
holy water
tanglefoot bag
sunrods (2)
lint (5)

Scarab Sages

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 3/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*

I'll take both wands and the scroll of entangle.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Hengist is happy to carry the bag and anything that people don't want, since he's capable of carrying quite a lot! Might also be a good candidate for the alchemical weapons, since he's decent with thrown weapons and doesn't carry a ranged weapon that he would have to draw.

Sovereign Court

Male Vanara 1 Fighter (Drill Seargent) 5 Unchained Monk (Sage Counselor) HP 55 I AC 17:Touch17:FF14 I Fort 8:Ref 5: Will 5 I CMB 7:CMD 21 I Speed 40ft Climb 20ft I Ki Pool 5

Might be good to have Monty carry the mage armor scroll since he can cast it on Nina and let Nina carry the barkskin potion if there is no objection.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

You can leave Balgrym with the lint.

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

Karayan is reasonably useless when there are no humanoids to influence.

I will take the scroll of obscuring mist.

Sovereign Court

Half Elf Divine Hunter Paladin 4 / Life Oracle 2 [HP 62/62 | AC 20/13/17 | F+10 R+7 W+11 (+2 vs. enchantment, +2 vs. death effects) | Init +3 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +7]

Hayden could take any of the alchemical weapons, though he has his own bow to use at range. Otherwise nothing else sticks out for him. Potions or sunrods are always helpful.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

I will probably post a bit less in the coming days since I have a couple of very busy days ahead of me. Our eldest son did not get into the high school he wanted to join. Now we have to choose again from the schools that are left. Needless to say his second and third choices are also not available anymore, so we have our work cut out for us.

In our city you apply for 1 school. If there are more applicants than places there is a lottery. After the lottery you can apply again for the schools that still have places available (and then also indicate 2nd to 4th choices). The schools will take care that everybody is placed in the second round. Problem is that the weakest schools tend to be left...

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Oof. That sounds like a lousy system, Karayan. Sorry to hear that.

With one rope down and one rope up, I think everyone should be able to make it, taking 10? Sounds like there's no danger from falling in the water, and it's a DC 5 climb check to climb a rope with a wall to brace against.

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

We will cope, thing now is to find the best school for him that still accepts children at his education level.

There is a fall-back school, and that school is not that bad. But it still is the worst to choose from, so as long as there are alternatives we will explore those alternatives first.

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1
The World's Most Interesting GM wrote:

'Mesmerist'? Is that something you made up?

Research. Research. Class. Research. Research. It has an Archetype.... Research. Research. Poorly worded ability that forces me to research another ability.... Research. Research.... Definition of 50% usually means a number within the set of positive integers running from 1 to 50 out of a possible 100, items outside that range are not normally considered inclusive. Reference: "20% miss chance".... Reference: "90% chance of anything".... Reference: "High = Good" gamer choice bias. Computing. Computing.

[dice=50% chance I believe you (even numbered results on a range of 1 to 100 = belief)]1d100

Sure. But I still think it's something you made up. ;)

I wish I could claim credit. But I can not find my name on the credits page of Occult Adventures ;-)

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

No doubt editorial oversight, like my update of the (Ub)Ur-Priest to the Pathfinder RPG.

Stay thirsty

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

I am on a citytrip with my wife until Monday May 7. Please bot me when and where required.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

In a similar vein my computer died thi's weekend but I should be back to posting later toady/tomorrow.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Hey all! If you haven't yet, check out the PFS Survey on the Paizo Blog.

I had trouble choosing my top 6 characters to plug in. They are sort of my kids, so I love 'em all, even the bad ones.

Anyways, you get a boon for your time!

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

It's a good boon, too. I know just how I'm going to use it, too.

I've got a naive-but-canny Razmiri inquisitor who I need to run through the Glass River Rescue, even though someone else is doing it right now. Her response to the situation would be incredible.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

New goal: Design a one-handed bard whose non-hand is a theremin that doubles as a chainsaw.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Updating within 7ish hours.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Sorry, it seems I've got an electrical issue going on in my house so posting will be delayed.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Thank you for the bot, GM! Things got a bit crazy for me here but should be calming down now...

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Sorry for the delay. Tonight's posts may be a bit late due to real life.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Ditto the above post, today.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Hope all goes well for you! :)

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

I'm going to be out of the country on business next week. I'll have internet connectivity, but I don't know what my schedule will be like. Bot me as necessary.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Roger that. Thanks for the update. I'll try to curb the urge to have Balgrym hand all his equipment over to Hengist. Monks get so little in the way of stuff. ;)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Bah! Only because we NEED no "stuff!" ;)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Half Elf Divine Hunter Paladin 4 / Life Oracle 2 [HP 62/62 | AC 20/13/17 | F+10 R+7 W+11 (+2 vs. enchantment, +2 vs. death effects) | Init +3 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +7]
Balgrym One Hand wrote:
"Curse these plants!" Balgrym calls out as he tries desperately to approach the battle through the thick weeds.

I read that too quickly as "Curse these pants!" That's a different kind of game.

Scarab Sages

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 3/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*
Creepy_Nina wrote:


I'm deducing the normal die for your slam is a d8. While you did the logical thing there, you actually sold yourself short - the next step up from a d8 is actually 2d6.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Sorry for the delay, I'd hit a bit of snag Sunday night (food poisoning) which led to another snag Monday (ICU). I'm much better now after nearly suffering terminal dehydration, though I may be a day or two longer in getting you your chronicles, also I think I may be waiting on a few folks to turn in their final reports...

You know it was mighty convent of me getting food poisoning just then. Mighty convenient.

Stay thirsty my friends (I know I will).

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Bloodrager 1 [HP 13/13 | AC/ff/t 17/15/12 | F+5/R+2/W-1 (+2 v. poison, spells) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (+4 vs bull rush +6 vs trip +10 vs disarm) | Spd 20' Init+2 Per+4 | Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3/3 |

I'm back from my business trip, and played catchup at work today.

Sovereign Court

Male Vanara 1 Fighter (Drill Seargent) 5 Unchained Monk (Sage Counselor) HP 55 I AC 17:Touch17:FF14 I Fort 8:Ref 5: Will 5 I CMB 7:CMD 21 I Speed 40ft Climb 20ft I Ki Pool 5
The World's Most Interesting GM wrote:

Sorry for the delay, I'd hit a bit of snag Sunday night (food poisoning) which led to another snag Monday (ICU). I'm much better now after nearly suffering terminal dehydration, though I may be a day or two longer in getting you your chronicles, also I think I may be waiting on a few folks to turn in their final reports...

You know it was mighty convent of me getting food poisoning just then. Mighty convenient.

Stay thirsty my friends (I know I will).

good grief! Glad to hear your okay!

Sovereign Court

Half Elf Divine Hunter Paladin 4 / Life Oracle 2 [HP 62/62 | AC 20/13/17 | F+10 R+7 W+11 (+2 vs. enchantment, +2 vs. death effects) | Init +3 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +7]

Glad you're feeling better, GM! That sounds like some serious food poisoning.

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Orc Monk of the Sacred Mountain 1
HP: 10/10 | AC/T/FF: 14/13/12 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | CMD: 17 | Stunning Fists: 1/1 | Percep +2 Init +1

Definitely take care of yourself! Glad to hear things are looking up.

Scarab Sages

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 3/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*

I've had food poisoning a time or two - didn't really realize it could get that bad.

Sovereign Court

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1

Get well soon! Even though your the most amazing GM ever your food poisoning does not need to be near-lethal...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Alas! I got back too late and North Korea has unleashed their giant mechanized mole weapon to sink all of Washington State!

Or maybe the website has just been dead every day for the last three when I was trying to post something....


EDIT It did post! ...After three days....

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