Remnant GM Prime |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The emerald forest fans out beneath you, visible through the glass sidewalls of a Beacon Academy airship. Though familiar to some of you, the view of the forest is still breathtaking--especially the towering spires of Beacon, now only a few thousand feet out. Beneath it, you can hear the rumbling of the waterfalls that line the cliffs along the edges of Vale, pouring water into the ocean far below. As the ship starts to sink and turn and the towers slide by the windows, you can see a small gathering of adults waiting for you at the base of the academy, in the long shadows cast by the later afternoon sun.
A tall, slightly older man who's hair looks to have gone prematurely grey surveys the ship as the ramp starts to roll down. Adjusting his glasses with one hand, he gives a curt nod to a tall, curvaceous blonde next to him and steps to the back of your greeting party, sipping on a mug of coffee and limping heavily on a bum leg. Those of you who are Vale natives may recognize him as Headmaster Ozpin. He coughs politely as you all shuffle off, his eyes never blinking and inspecting each of you in turn.
The blonde pats a riding crop into her right hand, her eyes sharp enough to cut. "Sixteen new recruits," she says, letting it hang in the air for a second before continuing, her demeanor making a concentrated effort to soften. "My name is professor Glynda Goodwitch. I'm sure many of you are tired from your travels--though some of you have come much farther than others. In order to select you properly, we want you in your best shape. You will gather and sleep in the ballroom tonight--your initiation will not begin until tomorrow." She nods to the remaining adults. "The first year teachers will give you a brief tour and show you to the ballroom." The grey-haired man with the bad leg finishes looking you over, seeming unimpressed, and turns to limp off.
"Yes, young ladies-and-gentlemen, if-you-would-please right-this-way!" Says the youngest of them rapidly, a man in his middle twenties with an unkempt shock of green hair. He takes off at almost a sprint, making it all of five feet before a man with an impressive mustache grabs him by the back of the collar and yanks him to a halt. Glynda shakes her head disapprovingly, then turns to dash after the swiftly departing headmaster.
"Bartholomew!" Scolds the man with the salt-and-pepper mustache, "There's no need to be in such a rush." He nods to the crowd of assembled teenagers. "My name is Peter Port, professor of Grimm studies. This charming young fellow is our new history teacher, Professor Oobleck."
"Doctorrr," hisses the green haired man, standing up straight, so fast he seems to wobble on the spot--a dollop of coffee comes sloshing up over the rim of the thermos he's carrying, and he neatly moves his arm to catch it and takes a noisy slurp. "Very-well-then-I-suppose," he says, his mouth almost blurring as he speaks. "We-can-move-at-a-more--" the next word seems to stick in his throat. "--Restrained pace. If-you-would-pick-up-your-bags-and-follow-me." To his credit he looks as though he's walking instead of running, but his legs seem to cover more ground per stride than possible and it's still the pace of a light jog for most of you.
"Excitable fellow," says Professor Port amicably, setting off at a normal stride. "Please follow me students, don't worry about catching up to our dear Bartholomew." He takes you on a loop through the garden just outside, gleefully going through what seems to be a canned speech. His recitation is so dutifully prepared he barely takes notice of anyone talking along the way.

Sorzar Dhabab |

Sorzar stared out the window, looking out across the seemingly endless forest with a look of wonderment. Where he came from, there was never so much green and water. The roar of waterfalls could even be heard from the airship up above that flew amongst the tops of trees.
A worn suitcase sat beside the young man, whose hair was a mixture of fiery reds, orange, and yellows. Sticking out from his shaggy mess of hair was the burnt yellow tips of his ears, betraying his Faunus genetics. Smaller and thinner than most and with a babyface to match, Sorzar looked more akin to fourteen or fifteen rather than his actual age of nineteen. Dressed in red and yellow silks wrapped around his form, his skin a tan that never went away, it was quite obvious he was not from the Nation of Vale but instead hailed from the Nation of Vacuo to the West.
Upon his back was a large chakram, large enough that it needed two hands to be wielded effectively. It was beautifully designed and intricate, the sharpened edges that protruded from it elegantly designed. The young Faunus moved naturally with his weapon, seemingly oblivious to the weight of the weapon.
For the poor soul next to him, he has been a flood of questions, inside jokes that make no sense, and long stories throughout the trip. Sorzar had that almost unbearable cheerfulness, an optimism that was unrelenting. Yet when they finally began to settle down upon the Academy, he was began to almost squirm with excitement.
"Gah...this is so exciting!" -He said between clenched teeth, hopping up out of his seat and grabbing his suitcase. With a constant murmuring of "Excuse me" and "Pardon me", he moved his way into the front of that descending ramp. Smiles abound, he looked between his fellow recruits before it finally connected with the ground once more.
He stepped down the way towards the gathering of individuals there in front of him, looking at the adults that had such serious looks upon their face. There was a look of awe upon his face as he studied everything around him, toting that suitcase with him as they stood in front of the Headmaster and the assembled teachers.
Sorzar's awe was momentarily halted as the teachers took their turn speaking, listening to the beautiful albeit intimidating woman who handed them off to the two teachers beside them. Lifting up his bag, he almost immediately followed behind in a sprint before the calmer professor caught his colleague and advised a slower pace. A speech that was said a thousand times before beginning and Sorzar could feel his interest almost immediately plummet into nothing.
Turning around and walking backwards, he smiled at the closest group that was walking near him and gave a little nod.
"My name's Sorzar. Sorzar Dhabab. What's ya names?" The Faunus's voice was light yet still masculine, an almost eager smirk upon his face. Time to get to know his fellow recruits, after all.

Tana Kazakh |

A tallish woman sits next to Sorzar on the flight over. Her white clothes and their girlish cuts contrast heavily with her dark skin and muscular figure. Atop it all, her blue hair (neatly kept in a bun, with the sides shaved) and blue eyes look down on the Faunus' warmly-tinged hair and ears. Outwardly, she's polite, nodding and "mmhmm"ing along to Sorzar's string of chatter, but by the end of the flight, her face is loudly and clearly reading "Please, no more". A white military duffel bag, marked "ATLAS ACADEMY, T. KAZAKH" in a black stencil sits on the seat next to her.
Her forearms are covered in two heavy charcoal gray bracers, the tips of barrels just faintly protruding past her wrists. When she's not crossing her arms, tapping her fingers into her biceps in mild irritation, she fiddles with them, or glances meaningfully down at them and across at Sorzar's oblivious chatter before thinking better of it.
Tana's no nonsense demeanor does evaporate as Beacon comes into view. The forest holds little interest to her, but the high ramparts of the Academy and long winding sidewalks, to say nothing of the city off in the distance do at last crack through her frown. She smiles a little, pressing wistfully up against the glass for a moment before Sorzar's chatter cuts the illusion for her again. She grimaces, picking up her duffel bag and putting on the backstraps.
As she listens to Glynda's speech, and the two new teacher's introductions, she suddenly realizes she pushed her way to the front of the group too. She sighs and glances back, realizing she should have let someone in front and given her a buffer.
"Tana Kazakh," she responds to the fox's question. "Junior Huntsman First Class... Vale probably doesn't do that, do they?" She glances down at a small rank insignia pinned to her collar, then pulls it off and stows it in her pocket.

Beoh |

In contrast to the excitable Sorzar, the young man sitting in the corner of the ship did not speak at all, although it appeared that he was one of those people who were perfectly comfortable with their own silence. He was tall and muscular in the way of those who learn how to fight with melee weapons. He had short hair that was dyed so dark blue that it appeared black, with several longer braids interwoven with what appeared to be fangs or talons. He was wearing black leather pants, boots of a soft, dark material, some sort of thick metal wristbands, and a dark tee-shirt. He had a black motorcycle jacket sitting in the seat next to him, and he seemed to be taking in everything around him with the same nonchalance.
the only thing that set him apart, and instantly marked him as a faunus, were his eyes which, while a deep and absolutely beautiful shade of purple, were clearly the eyes of a predator (a wolf if you knew about such things). When he focused his attention on someone, it was hard for them not to feel uncomfortable.
As the airship landed, the young man donned his jacket and then followed the others down the ramp.

Shamrock Duille |

A young man in a grey layered hoodie stares in the window, occasionally making a small talk with others around him. Mostly though, it's one person - a faunus with fox ears, who seems to stop talking only to take a breath and start again. It is a little annoying, but the young woman from Atlas sitting near him makes the trip easier - Shamrock chuckles at her pained expression once again.
As the they land, young man grabs his suitcase and steps outside. On his back hangs what seems to be a staff folded in three.
After the speech ends, he follows the others, looking around with great interest.
"I'm Shamrock Duille, nice to meet ya," he names himself.
He then meets Tana's eyes.
"You're from Atlas, right? Saw the bag."

Tora Blaine |

In the crowd of recruits that is following the hyper active professor, one solemnly follows. Wearing the typical garb of a Mistrali teenager, but to the more perceptive, the clothes seemed more rough and worn. Multiple straps held what appeared to be a large weapon with a strange hilt.
"Professor Oobleck, do you know where the bathroom?" she says lugging her hikers pack with one hand and a book in the other.

Carmine Rouge |

During the entire ride to Beacon, one young man sat near one of the windows with his legs folded underneath him but didn't actually look outside the entire trip. Pale, with red hair and a pair of round glasses that take up most of his freckled face, the kid looks rather... ordinary, maybe even out of place. Unless the high-tech shepherd's crook taking up most of the foot space of his chair was any indication.
Instead of engaging with the other students or even looking out the windows, he had his nose shoved in a 'Weapons' magazine, issue 214. He seems to be critiquing something as he reads, even going so far as to unfold the 3 page spread (Think a centerfold) and shaking his head before moving on.
When the ship lands, he almost doesn't get off but comes out almost last, lugging his backpack (which has a Schnee company logo on it)and crook.
He blinks in the sudden increase in light. During the introductions he spends most of his time gawking at the teachers.
Though he keeps up with the group readily enough, he doesn't really talk to anyone unless he's approached. He instead meekly stands near the back, observing the other students and analyzing their weapons, if anyone pays attention.

Onyxia Irises |

For the first quarter of the ride Onyxia will be people watching on her own. Seemingly getting a bit more and more excited. After which she will go around and personally greet and introduce herself to everyone who doesn't seem to be to involved in their own activities. She is wearing a long black dress with a large bow made of ribbon that wraps around her waist and wearing lavender perfume. Any attention to it will reveal what look like two Tonfas one red and one gold lines and designs the handles nestled in the bow hiding them for the most part. If thought about would reveal that when drawn would likely undo the bow.
She will actively avoid the gaze of any aggressive, intimidating, or overly interested people which oddly seems to draw more attention from them by doing so making herself even more conspicuous. Stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 1
Pulling up next to Carmine Onyxia introduces herself. Coming up from behind his seat after hearing the sigh"Oohh the Atlas Px39a a nice model with more recoil management but I hear when it shifts to it's sword form it can be quite jarring. Though I guess in the right situation it can be used for a stronger swing if you account for it. It is a lot of work for a mass produced weapon their whole purpose in my opinion is that any one can use it." Barely taking a breath as she comes around the chair "Hey the name is Onyxia I saw your bag was from Atlas. Are you a transfer student from there or just a fan of their designs? I am from Patch. Can't really say I am a student from Signal though I was mostly home schooled while taking exams at signal. My parents are both Hunters so kinda runs in the family they wouldn't let me get to far ahead of those my age though said it would stunt my air quote Social Development." even before this point it is obvious she is nervous and forcing herself try and socialize. after a brief dialog " Well it was great meeting you can't wait to see what your weapon can do but there are a lot of other new people to meet see you later. she will end this a bit more enthusiastically thinking she did great for a first attempt.
She will then give a general greeting to several other people still avoiding intimidating, predatory, or overly interested people.
Walking up next to Shamrock Common Knowledge: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 1 dang these forum dice hate me and doesn't recognize him."Hey the name is Onyxia. Are you a transfer student? There seems to be at least one person from each of the kingdoms here. I am from Patch though I can't really say I am a student from Signal though I was mostly home schooled while taking exams at signal. My parents are both Hunters so kinda runs in the family. They never went outside of Patch much so I can't wait to graduate and travel the world" She seems to be a little more relaxed but still nervous and forced. After a brief dialog " Well it was great meeting you can't wait to see what you can do who knows maybe even we will be on the same team. Well there are a few other new people I still need to meet see you later.
When she gets off the transport she takes a little longer as she had to get her 3 large stowed bags and starts wheeling them up to the group. During the speech with rapt attention occasionally glancing at those she has been trying to avoid the gaze of.

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine stares at the woman, blinking for a moment as if he didn't comprehend that someone was talking to him, and then almost visibly, it clicks. Wow! Someone's talking to me! And a girl too!
He shrugs, looking back down at the modeled weapon. "The Px39a is all right, if you really want an off-the-shelf model with no real modification capacity. The 39d has a better transition rate but does sacrifice a little durability when it comes to high-yield stress tests but it wouldn't be a problem for civilian use... My name's Carmine." the 39d isn't even out yet...He looks down at his bag and back up at her as she speaks. "Yeah, my dad actually works for the Schnee dust company. Research and development. He helped design the model r21 series weapon!" he smiles, the light in his eyes revealing he really enjoys talking shop. "Well he also formulated the cool mint flavor of Shi-nee toothpaste, but that's nearly as interesting. Patch? I've never known anyone from there but I've been there a few times... okay, bye."
He watches her drift off to talk to someone else, and he smacks his forehead. Augh! you had a girl ready to talk to you and you just blathered on about your stupid hobby!

Beoh |

Beoh will watch the conversation between Carmine and Onyxia. After she leaves, he will quietly move up next to Carmine and say "If you desire to lay with her, you should just tell her so."

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine doesn't reply, instead just shoves his nose deeper into his magazine for the rest of the trip. His face is approaching the color of his namesake.

Sorzar Dhabab |

"Tana Kazakh? Pretty name, lady, I like it." Sorzar says with a grin, giving a little bit of a shrug as he looks back and sees that the professor was still droning on. "Man, how boring would it be to hear someone drone on like that?" Sorzar thought, entirely unaware of the irony of that thought process. His eyes flickered back just in time to see Tana's hand slide that rank insignia into her bag. He seems to pay it no mind though, shrugging a little.
"I don't know, I ain't from around here. I'm from Vacuo, way out West from the big cities. I think it is neat, makes you stand out and such." Sorzar was sincere in his words as his attention turns toward the man with the green hair. Sorzar already likes him, he would actually talk back and not just stare at him or have that anguished look on their face.
"Shamrock eh? Good name, a strong name at that." -Sorzar would say, lifting his arms and tightening his fists together as if to symbolize the strength in it. Sorzar remained quite graceful, even as he walked backwards and kept up with the group. He made sure to listen in to Shamrock and Tana's conversation, his eyes filtering over towards Tora's as she asked where the bathroom was. The others seemed preoccupied and distant, some giving off those waves of intimidation and fierceness.
"They're all so serious, I hope they lighten up some." Sorzar muses to himself, though it wasn't too big of a concern. If they were all going to be sour and closed up, he'd just peel them open like a fresh orange and get to all the juice and good bits! The thought brings a smile to his face as the quick conversation between Carmine and Onyxia began to speak to each other. He only listens for now, the murmurs of conversation seeming to relax him. It reminds him of home, of all the big crowds and the people passing by and talking all the time. He was almost going to follow along when Beoh approached Carmine and whispered his "advice"
"Heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy." Sorzar would hiss out, moving in close to them and giving a quick slap to the muscular thigh of the Faunus with the purple eyes. "You can't just say things like that to people! Humans are all weird and such, their mating rituals are all complicated and stuff!" He would shake his head disappointedly, his lips pursing together. Sorzar's attention turned towards Carmine, nudging him with his elbow lightly.
"Don't mind him, you know us Faunus. Some of us just cannot pick up social cues!" Sorzar's grin spread wide again, looking back towards Beoh as he whispers to the tall, intimidating Faunus "Don't worry buddy, I'll help you out. Name's Sorzar."

Beoh |

Beoh seems taken aback by Sorzar, but only for just a moment. "rituals around coupling only taking up time that could be used coupling. It makes no sense. then again, my elders did warn me that almost everything in the human world would not make sense."

Carmine Rouge |

Nothing that guy's saying is making sense. Carmine thinks, maneuvering around the two talking Faunus and moving up ahead, ending up coming near Tana.
"Your gauntlets are nice." he squeaks, trying to get up the bravado to talk to the woman. "Full auto fire ranged mode, and deployable punching blades for close engagements. You're sacrificing dust usage with such large projectiles, but if those are anything like the Atlas H-102's, there's just enough space for some dust in melee mode, am I right?"

Tora Blaine |

Biting her tongue, Tora holds it in as they continue, waiting for the response from the nutty professor. She notices the weird conversation and does her best not to pay attention to it. She tries to think of something else, something more clean in thought, like painting, she hated painting.

Tana Kazakh |

Tana's frown deepens considerably at Onyxia's onslaught, although she's still maintaining a careful, outward politeness. "I'm from Atlas," she says once the questions abate for a second. "My dad's a Colonel. And the point of a mass-produced weapon isn't necessarily so everyone can use it all the time--it's so everybody knows how to use it if they need to. If your weapon breaks fighting Grimm in Atlas, you can always find another Px39a. Although I hear they're working on some kind of new model..." By the time she finishes, the faunus (cat?) girl is already saying her goodbyes and moving away. Tana sighs, waving awkwardly. "Okay, later."
She masks a snort with a cough at Beoh's statement, taking note of his eyes and solid build. Sparring partner?
At the stop, she nods back to Shamrock, who seems like the least excitable person she's met so far. "Yes, I'm from Atlas. My mom went here, though." She glances around, making sure Onyxia and Sorzar aren't too close before quietly asking "Are you from here? Is everybody in Vale this hyper?"
"Good eye," she says, nodding to Carmine. "Right on all counts--these are modded from H102s, actually. I prefer having something in both hands, and I'm big enough to handle the recoil." She flushes after a half a second. "Sorry. Weapon nerd."

Remnant GM Prime |

"Ah! One of my favorite stories, the gentleman depicted in that statue is Arc the Fist, a war hero, though perhaps better known for his innovation of the pedal-powered dust mill..." Port continues to drone. Except for a skinny, nerdy girl in light blue who seems to be hanging on his every word, not one person in the group is paying anything more than casual attention.
"My-dear-girl!" Says Oobleck, appearing so fast next to Tora he might as well have teleported. "Are-you-telling-me-you-couldn't-have-used-the-restroom-on-board-the-airshi p?" He asks loudly. A couple of boys with hoodies casually snicker, eyeing the girl, taking note of a future target. He pauses and slurps his coffee noisily, eyeing her heavily, the other eye seeming to have developed a momentary twitch. "That's-quite-alright-as-long-as-you-can-hold-it-until-we-reach-the-ballroo m!"

Onyxia Irises |

After hearing the question from Tora she pulls out a small map while walking up to her Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 1 it is official my dice luck has carried over to the digital world it turns out to be a mens room on the far side while the ladies room is rather close but behind a few ferns. "Sorry I guess you will have to wait. If you need to go later I think there is one over there. The name is Onyxia by the way. Don't worry about them Just don't pay any attention to that fountain."

Tora Blaine |

"Tora, thanks," she says before Oobleck answers her.
Beads of sweet erupt on Tora's face, "Okay professor," she replies, somewhat gritting her teeth. She looks awkwardly to the bathroom right there in front of the ferns.

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine laughs at Tana's 'joke'. "You think you're a weapon nerd, I made mine from scratch!" he boasts, holding out his crook. "This baby has six dust chambers, gyro stabilization, titanium-carbide sheathing, and THREE modes!" he caresses the side of the weapon affectionately. "I call it Gravitas. Still working out the transition speed, but the action is smooth and I don't have to worry about ammunition in most cases. I'm not that great of a fighter though, so I kinda needed a weapon with this kind of tech in it." he leans a little closer to Tana and whispers conspiratorially. "I got some pretty good military specs on my scroll, so if you ever need someone who'd give your weapons proper treatment, just find me, okay?"

Shamrock Duille |

"That's cool, my pa..." Shamrock stops as he sees Onyxia moving on to the next freshman. He just shakes his head smiling.
"Vacuo, huh? Yeah, you definetly stand out. Tan and everything," Shamrock grins at the fox eared faunus.
His mouth opens, as if he wants to say something to Sorzar and the other faunus, but he decides not to get involved in all that "mating rituals" talk. Better safe than sorry.
"I'm form Vale, yeah," he answers Tana also in a quiet voice, "But there are different people. You haven't met chatty ones in Atlas?"
"From scratch?" Shamrock's eyes sparks when he hears Carmine. "Me too."
Shamrock pauses. "Although to be honest, I was inspired by F23c and B99."
He pats his weapon.
"Fully automatic shotgun with rotating barrels. Long glaive with extra sharpening." he lists not without pride. "Twilight Whisper is just the thing you need to rip through Grimm."

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine, hearing the conversation with the professor about the bathroom issue, will jerk his head towards the bathroom where Tora can see it and go engage the professor (even going so far as to ask loudly and annoyingly) about everything that Oobleck knows about Arc the Fist's dust mill, and adding his own commentary, so that they linger around the hall long enough for someone to run off and find them again in case they want to run to the bathroom. They'll just have to slip away from the other professor, but considering how long winded he is, it might work.
Dustcraft: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Azure Crowder |

Azure keeps to herself on the ship, watching people with interest (unlike Beoh and Carmine) but without engaging in conversation in anyone (unlike Sorzar and Onyxia). Dressed casually but nicely in a light-blue blouse (to accent her light-blue hair and eyes) and blue jeans, she jumps up immediately as the ship docks and tries to get towards the head of the crowd of new students, lugging one medium-sized suitcase and a large scythe upon her back.
Listening to the students starting to get to know each other, and not rightly sure how to include herself, she just smiles at the talk of mating between the fauna, and the weapons-nerds comparing notes. She notes that Sorzar is from Vacuo, like herself.

Tora Blaine |

Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tora Blaine take the cue seemingly and heads off in the direction of the correct bathroom as discretely as she could.

Tana Kazakh |

"Well, yeah," she says back to Shamrock. "But by the time they get to our age, they usually cool down." She fishes the rank insignia back out of her pocket. It's red, encased in silver, with two short stripes. "Then again, I don't think we like uh... Being individuals as much as Vale does." She shrugs. "You two seem down to earth," she says, "And she--" gesturing to the girl dressed all in blue, "--Seems quiet, so I think I'll get along okay."
"Ah! Well, good to know," Tana says to Carmine, eyeing the staff and noting the joints and seams. "And that looks amazing. Especially with a third mode! Melee, mid range and long range?" She leans back into his conspiratory whisper. "You'll have to show me those specs. I'm pretty good at repairing but I don't build much from scratch." She nods appreciatively at Shamrock's weapon as well. "Maybe I need an upgrade..." She muses, looking down at her bracers and inspecting them carefully.

Sorzar Dhabab |

The sudden look of shock and surprise on Beoh's face, even for that moment, brings a smile to the young-looking fox boy's face. It was good to see, he had seen others that had that hunter's look about them and had seen them grow too cold over time. The redheaded human seems to manuever away from them quickly, a response that Sorzar did not find too surprising. They were strange creatures after all, so close to human yet so completely different as well. Some day all of them would come to understand that, Sorzar only hoped that whomever became his teammates had that understanding already.
"Ahhh, not been around humans very much eh?" Sorzar says with a knowing nod, keeping pace with the muscular man despite their difference in size. Sorzar had visited Faunus communities before that had little to no interactions with humans. After the revolution, their relations had become so tense and there was little chance of making amends with such destructive forces like White Fang attacking humanity and encouraging the violence against their kin. "You'll get used to it. I lived in a big city full of them. Quite a few are good people, they're strange in the way they act but they do amazing things as well. Don't knock them off until you get to know them, you know?"
Sorzar felt an attachment to the fierce man, perhaps it was because he saw a little bit of his brother in him. The parts that were good and the fun memories they had on the streets and amongst the other urchins. Perhaps it was fear that he'd lose another to that beastial, hateful side as well and that glimmer of recognition called to Sorzar. Whatever it was, Sorzar could not deny it and had found his first real friend whether the wolf wanted to be friends or not.
When Professor Oobleck called the girl out, loudly calling attention to the fact that she should've used the bathroom back on the airship and not now, while she was on the tour. Everyone else had seemed to stalk off ahead but Beoh would see it. The fox's smile seemed to drain as the boys snickered at the girl, his muscles tensing out of some deep-seated reaction. Maybe he would even see the way the fox's lips curled up for just that moment before Carmine stepped out and grabbed the professor's attention. He relaxes then, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding but he keeps his eyes on those boys the whole time.
The students seemed to have gotten involved with their conversations about their weapons, things losing that sudden moment of tenseness and instead returning to murmuring conversation. Sorzar would look up at Beoh, nodding for him to follow. "Come on, other people to meet."
Sorzar's eyes were not set on girl casually dressed in blue, her clothing reminiscent of home. As he got closer, the more he recognized those little traits and signs of someone maybe from his home. She had been quiet and observant this whole time but not with a look of judgement in her eyes at all. Sorzar's head quirks a bit as he manuevers over, sitting on his suitcase with a little nod.
"Hey there! I'm Sorzar. This...this is..." Sorzar would frown for a moment, looking back at the imposing man with a questioning look. "What is your name anyway, big guy?" He would wait for the wolf's name before nodding and committing it to memory or just committing the nickname "Big Guy" to memory. He would look back at the blue girl, smiling wide in a way that seemed so disarming. "What brings you to Beacon?" While the question was directed towards Azure, Sorzar's eyes flicker towards Beoh as well expectantly.

Beoh |

"My name is Beoh. I have been sent to Beacon as an ambassador of my city, Sature, to represent my people to the human world, and to learn of the human in kind."
As the boys in the hoodies began sizing up Tora, Beoh begins stalking in their direction. When the situation is defused shortly thereafter, he will turn to the girl in the blue dress and say "Hello, my name is Beoh, and I am the bearer of Talon. May I ask you for your weapon's name?"

Azure Crowder |

With a mixture of being taken aback at the sudden interactions, and relief at being asked questions she can answer, she says to Sorzar "Hi, Sorzar, I'm Azure. I'm from Vacuo, and I'm here because...well...I guess I showed signs of being a huntress at an early age. Unfortunately my parents didn't approve, so I built my weapon with my uncle's help..." You're babbling! she thinks to herself. Wrap it up!.
"...anyway," she turns to Beoh "my weapon's name is Grimm Reaper" she finishes, smiling a little at the pun, and waits for their reactions with a tiny little bit of anxiety.

Onyxia Irises |

Catching the whats going on Onyxia will attempt to assist Tora in sneaking away Stealth Assist: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 1 great my wild die is stuck at one and primary is slowly warming up. Base success add +1 to Tora making her's a base Success
Running up ahead through the group slightly bumping into several students but only small brushes not enough to do more then have to take half a step distracting Oobleck but she will give a quick "Sorry, Excuse me, Pardon me, ooh I love your weapon style." Agility: 1d8 ⇒ 71d6 ⇒ 2 whoot curse is lifted... i hope leaving her bags behind She will make it up to the front Common Knowledge: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -11d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4 Clueless is cause of negatives Wild Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 1 and ask several questions about his personal attributes attempting to get him started on a story to give Tora some time to escape and go to the restroom. "Professor Port so great to meet you my name is Onyxia small curtsy. I heard you were such a great hunter you even capture some Grimm alive. Is that true?"

Sorzar Dhabab |

Sorzar nods a little bit, leaning in towards Azure and grabbing small bits of clothing that were hanging off of her. "It looked like you were from Vacuo, the clothes had that...look...you know? Sorzar stands up straight, his arms at his side as if in a heroic pose. "I'm from Witherin, proudly one of the hottest cities in Vacuo."
He listened to her story, his head bobbing only slightly with little nods as he focused in on her story. When she ended it with that pun, he stared at her for a bit, the crisp golden eyes looking right at her before his face seemed to crack a bit. "Heh...hehehehehe...Grimm Reaper..."
"This girl is awful at puns." Sorzar thought to himself but he didn't let it show through. She seemed nice enough anyways. Slipping his weapon off of his back, he would proudly display the over-sized chakram.
"This is Shimmer Mirage. My brother made it for me, one of the few gifts he ever gave me." There was only just the slightest hint of melancholy in his voice before Sorzar changed the topic, continuing onwards. "I'm here for the adventure, to do good, to hunt Grimm! You know, the usual."
He could hear Professor Port finally beginning to wrap up about Arc the Fist. He would wave to two of them to follow him, drawing them back into the crowd of their fellow recruits.

Beoh |

Beoh nods, thoughtfully. "It is a good weapon. I am sure it will kill many Grimm."

Remnant GM Prime |

"And last, but certainly not least, we have a dedication to our very own..." Port continues, but stops short of the entrance to a large, domed building at one corner of the facility. "Hmmm. I must have mistimed my speech. Or perhaps I was simply striding to catch up with Bartholomew, hoho!" Oobleck shakes his head snappily to each side before...
Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 2
...Getting immediately distracted by Onyxia's question to Professor Port. He shakes his head again, putting up his hands and mouthing "No no nonono--" as Port inhales a huge breath.
"Oh-HO!" Booms Port. "So you've HEARD of my exploits, have you?!" He puts an arm around Onyxia, waving to the students as they pull up around the building, not noticing that one is missing. "Yes, it's true! Capturing Grimm alive is a unique skill that not many possess! The instincts of Grimm compel them to attack without question or cessation as long as they are able, with the exception of Grimm that have lived for longer than a human lifetime, of course..." He breaks away into another long ramble, as Oobleck gesticulates helplessly between him and Onyxia.
I am on my trip, so I'll post when I can, but it may be a bit limited. :) I'll get you guys inside the ballroom at some point this week, and then we'll be all set for when I get back. Tana just kind of fades into the background for the moment.

Carmine Rouge |

In the bathroom having misadventures
Just make sure you wash your hands when you're done! :)
Noting that Tora had managed to sneak away, Carmine lets out a sigh of relief.

Onyxia Irises |

Onyxia will go ramrod straight as Professor Port puts his arm around her and look noticeably uncomfortable and rigid for the first half a minute of his ramble. Then just a little uncomfortable for another min. Afterward she will actively try to look for signs of Tora's return Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 1 facepalm which devolves to looking around with pleading eyes for some way out of the spotlight and Professor Ports embrace. Trying to find any way to just move on out of this awkward situation that she got herself into for what she hopes is a new friend.

Beoh |

Seeing a woman in need of rescuing, Beoh will approach the professor and say "Honored slayer, I do not seek to challenge you for your place at this time, but would ask that you consider the perceptions of others in your actions." he will then look pointedly at the professor's arm and then back to his face (but not his eyes) and wait for the professor's response.

Tora Blaine |

Stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Finishing up in the bathroom, Tora attempts to sneak back into the crowd of students.

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine grins at Tora when he sees her back, giving her a wink but otherwise leaving her alone.
He sighs, finally being left alone again. He pulls out his weapons magazine and fishes a magnet from his pocket. With a clink he sticks his magazine to the floating orb on his crook. letting him read his articles while walking.

Azure Crowder |

Azure blushes at Shamrock's question...
Seeing if she noticed what the other students were doing to the professor :
Notice & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 1 = 4, Success
Yes, but she decides not to partake in the misdirection.

Onyxia Irises |

Onyxia will shrink a bit further internally upon the additional attention and even being called out on her nervousness will reflexively attempt to activate her semblance Jinx in hopes it draws attention elsewhere so she can escape unnoticed Spirit: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 3 so close
She will kind of kick her toes down at the ground nervously but attempt to put up a brave face"It's just that we have plenty of time later to hear your grand exploits" quite quickly, earnestly, and energetically " and trust me i do I loved all my parents stories and hope to make my own one day." back to normal pace "It's just that i don't want to hold up all the rest of the rest of the new students when we should be finishing the tour. I would feel so guilty if we possibly miss something on our very first day because of me."

Tora Blaine |

Tora looks to the fellow Faunus Beoh for details, "What did I miss?" she whispers.

Remnant GM Prime |

Port's long and impromptu lecture at last dwindles down, punctuated by the sound of Oobleck thumping his head into the wall every few seconds. "So in short, to answer your question young lady," he says, talking over Onyxia. "I am exactly as magnificent as you have heard, oho!"
"Professor," breathes Oobleck, with barely-concealed irritation. "It-might-be-wise-to-introduce-our-proteges-to-their-quarters."
"Of course!" Says Port, at last dropping his arm from Onyxia's shoulder and thumping open the double-doors of the ballroom. "Follow me, children!" He waves a grand arm, but at last has no speech prepared. The inside of the ballroom is plain and undecorated, but for a stage with a large banner that reads "Welcome New Students". Cots are placed in neat rows and pre-labeled with your names, dividing the girls from the boys by placing them on either end of the room with a sizable gap between. On each cot is a set of four school uniforms, a scroll for anyone who does not already have one, and two leatherbound books. One, On Grimm is penned by none other than Professor Port. The other, The Life and History of Remnant has a vast list of collaborative authors, including Professor Oobleck.
"Of-course-you-will-be-provided-additional-material-for-the-rest-of-your-cl asses," says Oobleck, "But-we-thought-it-wise-to-provide-you-some-light-reading." The two thick books look anything but light, but both teachers soldier on regardless.
Oobleck blissfully and hastily handles the rest of your orientation. He shows you each how to bring up a map of Beacon Academy on your scrolls, explains to you the rules of the grounds at the Academy and expediently answers any questions you may have--save for anything about tomorrow's task. "That," he says with a rare air of portense, "Is not for you to know. My-dear-children."
Aside from a meal in the nearest dining hal, there is nothing required of you tonight but to take stock of your fellow students.
Next post will put you all on the first task. You can RP amongst yourselves a little further as you wish, otherwise my update tomorrow will take you onward. :)

Carmine Rouge |

Carmine tries his best to find a bed that is on one of the edges. He flops down, sighing. His crook stands perfectly upright as he lets go of it, a whirr as the gyro stabilization is only audible to someone with exceptionally keen hearing. He plucks his magazine off and tucks it into his bag as he looks over the two books that were placed by his bunk. He has his own scroll, but he quickly checks over the offered one in case it had better specs than the one he has. (surprise: it doesn't).
He pulls out a notebook of his own, the cover has practically no clear space, where it's obvious that Carmine had been doodling cartoonish hunters and huntresses battling grimm across the surface. He flips it open to near the back and starts writing in it, occasionally staring at one of the other student's weapons before going back to writing.

Beoh |

Beoh looks at the things set on his bunk and handles each as one might handle an something unknown but potentially dangerous. he begins undressing to try on his uniforms. As he pulls off his racing jacket and t-shirt, two things become apparent: One, he appears to have almost no body fat and the lean muscle of a runner. The second is the piece of what can only be Grimm bone that is jutting out slightly just below his hanging rib on his left hand side. If it bothers him at all, he gives no indication. He removes his bracers and sets them on the bed, removes his boots, and then begins removing his pants.
I want to give people a chance to respond before I go further. Needless to say, Beoh is not shy about his body...

Onyxia Irises |

Onyxia will give a quick and resolute "Thank you" to Beoh then swiftly go off to collect her bags and join the rest of the group in exploring the ball room and picking out cots. She will attempt to pick one next to Tora being the female she knows the best and hoping she garnered some favor in her assistance with the earlier incident but not attempting to hit at it in any way. begin unpacking several things from her suit cases including a very very nice soft set of sheets Silk or high thread count didn't pay just comfort item from home and a 3 foot long 6 inch wide tube. She will reach into the tube and get a firm hold on something and then she will turn to Azure Tana Tora: 1d3 ⇒ 3 Tora and ask her to hold onto one end and pull Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5 after a few seconds of pulling and a fwoomph out will come a 4 foot long 2 foot diameter shamoo body pillow plushie. "Thanks, sorry about that it is not easy to get that in or out of there." Then continue to make her bed with her sheet and body pillow set up Then put the covers and sheets ontop the bed ware that she brought with her. Then she will take out a nice cleaning kit and she will meticulously clean her weapons Weapon Craft: 1d4 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 4. She will Break it down to every screw, nut, bolt, spring and each have their own little spot in the cleaning kit and each receive their appropriate lube and cleaning.

Beoh |

in response to Onyxia's thanks, Beoh will say "You need not thank me. Bravery is deserving of kind."
just replying cause Beoh knows better than to be rude, since in his tiny corner of the world, being rude can get you killed.