Wondering the Silent Caverns (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar



[dice=GM's Pet 1]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=GM's Pet 2]1d20+6[/dice]

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Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Gargon calls back a description of the diagrams to the rest of the party. Maybe they can understand them better than the small, melon-headed barbarian.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

Avid Reader allows me to take 10 on Dungeoneering for a 17, what does that get me?
Shellin will puzzle over the description

Gargon, describe it in your own words. If it's convincing, Shellin will know what it is.

you think it's a map of a Suns Moons progress through the sky at day night.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

It looks like a half moon shape, a full moon shape and a half moon shape. All in 1 line.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

I say turn it to the full moon
More quietly to the ones not on stalagmites,
Anyone know where we are in the lunar cycle?
aka Anyone think they can make that survival check

If you can get there... You might be able to get a better feel of what it is.

As Gargon looks at the dial on the stalagmite. He he can tell that the stalagmite wasn't always a stalagmite and might have been covered up over years of time. He might be able to figure out that it's a pillar that reaches down, far down into the darkens. The dial doesn't move individual parts, but as a whole. Clicks at every 5 degrees that he moves it.

Perception 20 If you're on the Piller:
You can see slight marks, as if time has worn them away, but you can make out 5 symbols. one is a Big Cat, One is a Snake and Tortoise, A Dragon and a Bird.

If you can see the perception above. If described, Increase the difficulties by 3.

Knowledge Nature 18; Big Cat:
It looks like a Dire Tiger.

Knowledge Nature 20; Snake:
It looks like a Giant Anaconda.

Knowledge Nature 19; Turtle:
It looks like a Dragon Turtle.

Knowledge Nature 27; Dragon:
It looks like a Ancient Sea Dragon.

Knowledge Nature 25; Bird:
It looks like a Phoenix.

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Rolling for Described DC's
Knowledge Nature:Big Cat: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Knowledge Nature:Snake: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Knowledge Nature:Turtle: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Knowledge Nature:Dragon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Knowledge Nature:Bird: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

"From the sound of it the Turtle would be a Dragon Turtle, and the bird sounds like a Phoenix" Maraiah says trying to piece together the descriptions.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Maraiah, you'll have to get there somehow and see it. Or someone will have to.

Gargon really doesn't understand this dial that he's been messing with. Continue on to the other side?

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Dismissing the dial Gargon bounces across to the other side.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Once on the other side can I pound a piton into the wall and tie the rope off. The other can tie their end and we can have a hand rail to assist them as they cross.


Gargon pounds a piton into the wall and ties off the rope. As you cross, you can make a perception check to see the symbols on the column.

Male Shield Dwarf
AC 23/T22/FF20 H83/83F+11 R+10 W+13 (+5) Init +9 Perception +17
Fighter 10

Perc: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

With the rope tied off, Maraiah moves over to the column, hand over hand.

Maraiah Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

As Maraiah moves over the the column, she notices the symbols it. Letting her know about those she's mentioned before. As the rest of you head over, you don't run across anything odd, other than the symbol as soon as it was pointed out by Maraiah.

You move down the tunnel and come to another 3 way branch.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

"Left this time then? Or shall we take the middle?"
This branching is going to become truly... Tasking.

[dice=Thrown To-Hit]1d20+5[/dice] [dice=Bomb Damage]2d6+4[/dice] [dice=Bow To-hit]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Bow Damage]1d8[/dice] [dice=Rapier To-Hit]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Rapier Damage]1d6+1[/dice]
Male Elf Alchemist 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC14/ FFAC12 / TAC12 | Saves: (F:+4 R:+5 W:+1)

Hallow shrugs, examining the tunnels closely for distinguishing marks and listening for sounds down each of them. "Ah, the perils of exploring uncharted territory. Let's see if there's anything different about these things from each other." Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Hallow notices nothing. This area is without any marks or dust. Nothing that would leave a trail behind.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Gargon will go 60 feet down each tunnel to see what he can see.

Perception left tunnel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Perception middle tunnel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Perception right tunnel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

You notice nothing after going that far.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

I don't think we will ever get on if we keep debating tunnel choice. Best make a decision and move on

"In the abscess of information, is everyone okay with taking the left tunnel? Or do we have other ideas?"

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

I have no preference. I just wanna bite stuff.

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

"Left it is, let's move." Maraiah says hefting her gear.

[dice=Thrown To-Hit]1d20+5[/dice] [dice=Bomb Damage]2d6+4[/dice] [dice=Bow To-hit]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Bow Damage]1d8[/dice] [dice=Rapier To-Hit]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Rapier Damage]1d6+1[/dice]
Male Elf Alchemist 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC14/ FFAC12 / TAC12 | Saves: (F:+4 R:+5 W:+1)

Hallow shrugs and begins trekking down the left tunnel.

Left it is. You travel down the path and it is heading downwards a bit. you travel for what seems like a long time. Until you come up on a room with a large pillar in the center. The pillar reaches up farther than you can see into darkness. On the walls, you see several figures, one is a Big Cat, One is a Snake and Tortoise, A Dragon and a Bird. Remember, you haven't noticed the symbols up top yet.

perception 15:
You can see a line, moving out of the pillar heading towards the Big Cat and one towards the Dragon.

For some reason, this room is colder than other places that you have traveled. The cold is steady, but not harmful.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Do I get bonus info for a critical perception :P

Interesting, Chinese deities on the walls. Bai Hu, Xuan Wu, Qing Long and Zhu Qyu?

lol. Maybe.

[dice=Thrown To-Hit]1d20+5[/dice] [dice=Bomb Damage]2d6+4[/dice] [dice=Bow To-hit]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Bow Damage]1d8[/dice] [dice=Rapier To-Hit]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Rapier Damage]1d6+1[/dice]
Male Elf Alchemist 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC14/ FFAC12 / TAC12 | Saves: (F:+4 R:+5 W:+1)

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Hallow looks around the room, taking in the figures on the walls and the room with the large pillar. The elf taps the stone. "Well, well, well. You look important." He stood and examined the walls for a while longer. "I feel like I'm missing something..."

i keep wanting to call you grog.... As you look around, you notice that the lines in the ground go up the wall and converge above the Snake and Tortoise and as you look closer, you can see the the shell on the Tortoise might move.. If you could figure out how.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Gargon will approach the tortoise and look at the shell. Perception?

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

If he can't work it out he will call the others over and show them.

Gargon moves to the Snake and Tortoise image and starts to examine the shell of the Tortoise. He quickly calls out to you to join. After he points it out you all can see that there is a line going from Big Cat and the Dragon. You all can see that the shell might be a doorway, if only you knew how to open it.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

As the group examines the pictures Gargon turns to them.

This looks like a mechanism of some sort. Does anyone know anything about machinery? Mariah, you mentioned a dragon turtle and a phoenix before. Did they look like these?

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

Walking over to where Gargon stands, the ranger inspects the stones for signs of some sort of mechanism.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Male Shield Dwarf
AC 23/T22/FF20 H83/83F+11 R+10 W+13 (+5) Init +9 Perception +17
Fighter 10

The dwarf just shrugs and comes closer. "I can build parts, but am no mechanicus!"

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

Shellin spends a time staring blankly at the dark overhead.
I wonder...
Without looking down, Shellin asks, "Maraiah, do you have a bolt loaded?"

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

"Yeah." the ranger answers.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

Shellin will finally look down to the party and cast Light on Maraiah's loaded bolt. Looking back to the soon to be lack of darkness above, Shellin asks, "Would you kindly fire that upward as parralel to the pillar as possible?"
Perception (after she fires, if she does): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

The arrow flies up and out of the sight of Shellin. He looks around to you guys, possibly wondering where it went.

GM stuff:

Shellin: 1d100 ⇒ 69
Maraiah: 1d100 ⇒ 59
Hallow: 1d100 ⇒ 14
Gargon: 1d100 ⇒ 87
Unbeugsam: 1d100 ⇒ 29
Vemarus: 1d100 ⇒ 19
Arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 94

Gargon jumps as the arrow lands less than 10 feet away from him, still shining.

Edit from earlier, You do know about the symbols above, because one of you saw it.

Quick recap: You've come across a passage that had 3 choices. You went right and ended up looking over a craves that had Stalactites and Mites. Gargon jumped over them and almost fell to his death. But landing on the middle one, which turned out to be a column of some sort. The top of the column moves and clicks every 5 degrees. On the top of the moving portion is three shapes and a line. Check out map for drawing
He couldn't figure it out and decided to move on. While crossing, Maraiah noticed a few figures sticking out on the rock and was able to figure out some of their details.
You've continued down the pass and it lead you to another 3 way choice in the tunnels. You've decided to go left this time. You are now in a room with a column stretching up out of sight, even when a bolt of light is shot up, it vanishes and when it comes back down, the magic is out. Forgot to mention that last time. On the walls of this place are the same figures as above. 3 individual animals and two animals fighting. You've located a line that goes from the pillar to two animals, from those two animals to a turtle. Where the turtles shell looks like it can move.

Slots: 4/5 || Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Jolts, Message, Read Magic || Toppling Magic Missile, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
Human Collegiate arcanist 3 Pool: 4/6 || Init: +2 || HP; 21/21 || AC:14 || Fort: +2 || Ref: +3 || Will: +4

"Perhaps on of us should backtrack, maybe twist that strange column we found? Perhaps the mechanisms will correspond? The line starts at the two animals and leads to the turtle, so maybe we try that."

Female Human Infiltrator/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover (Ranger) 3: HP 33/33 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +4 (+8 NL environmental damage or suffocation) Reflex: +6 Will: +1 : Perception +8 (auto check within 10 ft)

"It's worth a shot." Maraiah says turning and heading back to the column that acted as a switch.

Male Shield Dwarf
AC 23/T22/FF20 H83/83F+11 R+10 W+13 (+5) Init +9 Perception +17
Fighter 10

"Sometimes back is the way forward!"

So you head out of the dead end room and go back to the three way split. This time you head back to the right to find yourself back in the room with the hopscotch stalagmites. You have been traveling for several hours now and are feeling the gnowling of hunger eat away at your inners. Though, time in the caves can be daunting and you might now know how long you've been traveling.

Who's Going to attempt the jumps this time?

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Is our rope still there? Surely that will help someone who is smarter than me get to the dial and investigate.

Since I doubt you would have left it, no.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Do you want me to jump back to the middle and maybe set up some sort of fall arresting?

Someone will have to get back there. Up to you guys how it's done.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

I went there before and could not understand. I can go again, but I am not very smart. Maybe I can jump and put a rope to help someone smart get there.

If possible I would like to have enough rope to reach the dial, but not enough to hit the floor. I am not sure of distances, but I think that may be possible. 3 jumps should do it I think, it is teh middle of 5 platforms if I remember right.

Gargon ties his rope to himself hands one end to a his friend Shellin and makes a running leap out toward the dial.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Gargon makes it across to the middle pillar again. He knows what he is looking for and now can make out the depictions from below. Now, how will he align the images.

Male Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) - 3 || AC: 16, touch 12 || flat-footed 14 || HP: 42/48 || BaB: +23|| Init:+3 ||CMB: +5 ||CMD: 16 Goblin Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) (3)

Gargon calls back to his companions. His hand hovers over the dial as he speaks.

How should I turn this dial?

I have grouped the design on the dial together. So you can rotate it as you see fit. (note, click on the blue dots to rotate it.)

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