We be Goblins Forever, TPK ending (Inactive)

Game Master The Indescribable

Group to play We be goblins adventures and possible a Goblin campaign

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The rules, don't expect a full on campaign, be level one, and be a mix of stupid and crazy!

Choose one of four pregens or build your very own goblin hero!

Prepare for love, action, adventure, fire!

Any species may apply, but anything not a goblin will be eaten!

Sign up to get your free dog slicer today!

Serious Shit:
Though if all goes well, I'll continue through We be Goblins Too, and We be Goblins Free, (once it's available) and if we're all having a good time, I may see what I can think up for a full campaign.

Goblins are my favorite! So I am doing this.

Would you like to look at the pregens? Or will you just make one?

I could do it either way (Full disclosure, I did play through the first one at GenCon last year. I played as Poog AND Zogmurch cause the guy playing Zog had... stomach issues halfway through). It was a pretty rushed game and I don't remember most of the fine details. I did get Poog a wifey at the end though.

I set a goal a few years back to play a goblin in at least once in every class. So far I've done rogue, barbarian, gunslinger, alchemist and samurai. Gotta catch up, since they keep adding new classes...

Don't care, it's we be goblins. it's simplistic and funny. Just so long as everybody has fun you could have played a hundred times.

well I have this guy I want to play I might change the name though I feel bad for my barbarian since I played him wrong and he died so...I would like a chance to redeem him ^_^

==Kigaar wolftooth barbarian==

{F:+5|R:+3|W:+1-r:+3}|Perception:+6|Acro+7|Escape Artist:+8|Handle AnimalHandle Animal+4|Ride:+7|

-Barbarian-(Feral Gnasher) 2
Init +3; Senses Perception +5}Rage:11 rounds/day
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic,+1size)
hp 35 {+2d12,+4Con+3FCB}Rage:HP:37
Fort +5, {+3Base,+2Con}
Ref +4, {+1Base,+3Dex}
Will +1,{+1Base,+0Wis}
CMD 10 {+3 Base + 2Srt + 3Dex -1 size + misc,+2Feat}
Speed 30 ft.
CMB +6; {+3 Base, +2Srt ,-1 size, +4{grapple} misc,+2feat}Rage:+8{+12grapple}
Base Atk +3;


Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 7
-------------------------=Traits=- ------------------------
-Goblin Foolhardiness-
-Berserker of the Society-
------------------=Race Traits=-------------------
•Ability Score Racial Traits: They gain +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, and –2 Charisma.
•Size: Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
•Hard Head, Big Teeth Goblins are known for their balloon-like heads and enormous maws, but some have even more exaggeratedly large heads filled with razor-sharp teeth. Goblins with this trait gain a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. This racial trait replaces skilled.
•Fast Movement: Goblins gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed (this is already added to their Base Speed above.)
•Darkvision: Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Favorite class bonus

-Improved Unarmed Strike-
-Improved Grapple-
---------------=Skills=- (9 points; 4/level class, - INT)-----------
Craft** (Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Disable Device____+0{+0rank,+3Dex}
Disguise (Cha)____+0{+0rank,-2Cha}
Escape Artist*(Dex)____+5{+1rank,+3Dex}
Handle Animal** (Wis)____+0{+1rank,+0Wis}
Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Engineering)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Geography)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (History)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Local)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Nature)**(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Nobility)(Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Planes) (Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Knowledge (Religion) (Int)____+0{+0rank,-1Int}
Sense Motive(Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis}
Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+3Dex}
Stealth* (Dex)____+0{+0rank,+3Dex}
Use Magic Device(Cha)____+0{+0rank,-2Cha}

ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
**+3 In Class Skill
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-
-=Languages=- Common,goblin

---===Special Abilities===---:

-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
-Savage Bite (Ex)-
-Impromptu Armament (Ex)-
-Uncanny Doge-
-Lockjaw (Ex)-


-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- -----
+1 Chain shirt small 1000 gp 10 lbs
G-club 5gp 4lbs
-Kit,Barbarians- 9gp 13lbs
-Goblin dog- 50 gp
-=Carrying Capacity=-
Light 32.25 lbs. or less
Medium 33.25-64.5 lbs.
Heavy 65.5-97.5 lbs.
-=Current Load Carried=- 0 lb.

-=Money=- 50 GP 8 SP 200 CP


Kigaar Wolftooth hated Rumpkle. Rumpkle was always better at everything, fighting, singing, even when Rumpkle thought he had found his special calling, lighting his own flatulence in a large and beautiful fireball, Rumpkle's fireball was bigger and even had a shade of blue in it.

The young goblin had had it after one night Rumpkle set him on fire with a majestic blue flame from his backside. Needless to say Rumpkle, who really was better than Kigaar at everything, beat him senseless and set him on fire once again. Kigaar ran away that night, out into the swamp to find some good clean mud to rub on his burns when he ran into a black mass of teeth. Kigaar nearly soiled himself, until he realized the mass of teeth was not a dreaded ugly mean old dog. The ball of teeth was a goblin dog bogged down in the mud of the swamp.

At first Kigaar was going to poke it with the sharp stick he found but the wolf turned his head and whined at the goblin. Kigaar felt something strange. Something he had never felt before and for once he did something sort of un-goblin like. ”Kigaar help you from mud. You no eat Kigaar or Kigaar come back and follow you like crazy scary ghostie.” The young goblin worked and worked to free the goblin dog. Longer than he had worked in his entire life, and five minutes later the goblin dog was free.

Once free the black ball of teeth pounced on the young goblin pinning him to the ground and Kigaar shrieked. ”I free you, you said you no eat! No eat! He closed his eyes as the tooth filled maw lunged at his face, and instead of sharp teeth he felt something wet slap him in the face. ”What you do? Why you do that? Get off of me you…you… fang face!” Strangely the dog did just that.

Kigaar got to his feat slowly as he watched the wolf just sit there and watch him. ”No eat…no eat Kigaar.” Slowly a smile began to creep across the goblins face as his thought began to form a plan.
Five minutes later he began to jump around with excitement howling and hooting before wrapping his little arms around the muddy dog’s neck and giggling. ”You eat Rumpkle!”

The young goblin had heard stories of goblin heroes ridding into glories battle on goblin dogs such as the muddy one before him.” Ok short-fang. I get on you back no eat Kigaar.” Slowly the goblin climbed onto the goblin dog’s back and strangely enough the dog did not eat the goblin. ”Ok now we go home, you eat Rumpkle I big mug mug, then they see.”

The next morning Kigaar stood in front of Rumpkle’s hut and began stomping his feet and throwing rocks at the hut’s makeshift door. ”Rumpkle! You come out! You pay for catching me on fire with you fart! I kill you now!” Come out Rumpkle did, with the biggest dog slicer Kigaar had ever seen, but instead of being scared, as usual of such a showing, the young goblin smiled and laughed. ”I got somethin’ new myself. Short-fang! Kill this buzzard food!” A black ball of fangs flew into the camp, slamming into Rumkle ,but the dog fell to the side a big wound on its side laughing he said “that what happens when dumb dog comes at Runkle ahaha now its Kigaar turn to be dog..”

Kigaar saw what happened to his new friend and a rage come over him, he screamed and jumped at Rumple’s neck biting down hard. Rumkle through him off but Kigaars teeth held thight and he took Rumkle’s throat with him as he flew “Gradjfkld ajdl” was all Rumkle could get out as he fell choking on his own blood. ”See! Kigaar best now! I make Rumpkle worm food quick! You all’s best treat me good or I feed you to short-fang! Kigaar majestic now!

With that, Kigaar grabbed hold of Short-fangs’ neck and jumped onto the goblin dog's back. ”I like in stories now!” With the biggest smile full of teeth seen in years the goblin rode through the camp and behind the young Barbarian, little goblin children had already began to use Rumpkle’s head as a kick ball. It was the best day ever.

---===Appearance and Personality===---:

Character look
Wieght:20 lbs

--==Kigaar's song==--:

♫ ♪ ♫ Puts on armor, grabs his axe
when chief calls to order task!
Kigaar hopes it be as fine
As giving Scribbley a black eye!
♫ ♪ ♪ Let it out its cozy cage,
Kigaar's bored and wants to rage!
Slices dogs with cries of joy,
plays with longshanks like they're toys!
It will bite and gnaw and bash, ♫ ♪ ♪
Slash, gnash, thrash and burn to ash!
Take their gold to Licktoads stash.
When fun ends and Kigaar's blue
—No more longshanks juice to spew!—
Time to play with goblins, too! ♫ ♪ ♫

or this little guy ^_^

Urzaag's Song:
”Things go boom when Urzaag throws,
Much more fun than using bows.
Sometimes where the boom boom blows
Is not my fault—that’s how it goes."

"Urzaag blocks the doors with sticks
To better keep in those that kicks
Light the place with stolen bright
Grin with glee as it goes alight
Sing a song and stomp your feets
Wait your turn while fire eats
When it gutters down and dies
Find cooked meats locked inside"

Alchenmist{fire bomber}|{blazing torchbearer} 1

CN Goblin

Init +4; Senses Perception +5




AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic,+1Size)

hp 9 {+1d8,+1Con}

Fort +3, {+2Base,+1Con}

Ref +6, {+2Base,+4Dex}

Will +0,{+0Base,+0Wis}

CMD 13
fire resistance: 1
DR:1 {against fire attacks or fire subtypes}




Speed 30 ft.

CMB +0;

Base Atk +0;


Ranged+5{+0Base,+4Dex+1size,+1 for splash weapons}

-----Torch{1d2,+1d4,+1fire,+1srt x2}

------Bomb {1d4+3 x2}




Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8


Flame Touched


Race Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: They gain +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, and –2 Charisma.

Size: Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Eat Anything gain a +4 on Survival checks to forage for food and a +4 racial bonus on saves versus effects that cause the nauseated or sickened conditions

Fast Movement: Goblins gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed (this is already added to their Base Speed above.)

Senses Racial Traits
•Darkvision: Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Favorite class bonus
bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.
•Alchemist The alchemist gains fire resistance 1. Each time this reward is selected, increase fire resistance by +1.





Skills (7 points; 4 class, +3 INT)



Craft (Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int+3ICS}

Disable Device____+5{+1rank,+4Dex}



Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int+3ICS}

Knowledge (Nature)(Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int+3ICS)



Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+4Dex}


Stealth* (Dex)____+8{+0rank,+4dex,+4size}


Use Magic Device(Cha)____+0{+0rank,-1Cha+3ICS}

ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills

Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common

Special Abilities:



Mutegen(+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 10 minutes)
Throw Anything
Fire Bomber
Everburning Flame (Ex)




a blazing torchbearer can cast spark as a spell-like ability at will.

1st (2/day)




Studded leather small 25 gp 10 lbs
Torch{x5} 5 cp 5 lbs
Explores Outfit small 1 gp 4 lbs
Kit, alchemist's Small 40 gp 12 lbs

Carrying Capacity

Light 32.25 lbs. or less
Medium 33.25-64.5 lbs.
Heavy 65.5-97.5 lbs.

Current Load Carried 30 lbs.

Money 30 GP 90 SP 90 CP

Urzaag casually swatted at a dragonfly as he skulked through the tall grasses of the marsh, stepping lightly in the mud, pushing the reeds apart. He knew how to go about unnoticed in the wet terrain, but his quarry was less learned in the matter, it seemed, as their bootprints made obvious. He could smell them, too, though it was know tracking scent, merely the one left cloying there in his nostrils from when he had last seen them, a constant offense to this particular goblin. He quickened his pace, slipping this way and that through the rushes, stopping every now and then to listen. The buzz of mosquitoes and dragonflies and bullfrogs and crickets added a soft ambiance, a focusing theme for hunting. He heard them over the insect serenade after a short while, talking in their pompous tongue that the goblin had pained himself to learn. They complained of the deep mud and the stagnant water and the biting bugs and the goblins. The goblins most of all.

Urzaag crept closer, staying low in the reeds until he could see them again. They were young things, would-be slayers playing at heroes. No doubt they were seeking to avenge some wrong, perhaps even some slight perpetrated by Urzaag himself. He looked down at the string of brunt ears looped about his belt and smiled wickedly. Perhaps they had come looking for one of them. Regardless, they did not seem like they would be trouble, armed with their simple spears and hatchets and wearing no armor to speak of. They thought goblins would be easy prey, no doubt, but even Urzaag could not deny that many were. Urzaag was different, though; he was always hunter, never prey.

Soundlessly he held onto a wonderful concoction he learned of and mastered without too much trouble waiting for the humans to stop again, wiping sweat from their brows and swatting at mosquitoes. A crane called out from somewhere as the explosion took one of the two in the back. He cried out and fell into the mud while his comrade wheeled about, suddenly afraid, gripping his spear so that his knuckles were white. Urzaag throw a bomb at him too but only the concussion hit him, and he staggered, dropping his spear in surprise.

The goblin leap from the rushes then, two burning torches in hand, and swept up to the downed human, a menacing purpose in his stride. The second cried out “goblin!” and made attempts to locate his spear. Urzaag stood over the first human but did not take his eyes off of the second as he savagely beat the human setting his head ablaze with each strike. The human screamed as each blow stuck igniting his hair, making the skin blister and pop. The second had stopped looking for his spear and was staring, wide-eyed and shaking. Urzaag let the human suffer as held the torch on the humans head until he stopped thrashing and the smell of cooked meat was in the air.

“My marsh,” he said to the remaining intruder in the common tongue. He stared at the human, allowing him to back away slowly. He goblin grinned wickedly as he did so, finding much joy in knowing that these humans had come expecting to find some easy killing among his kind. The human turned to run as best as his injury would allow, and Urzaag let him go, undercooked.

Someone had to tell his people of Urzaag Firestick the torch burner, after all.

Urzaag is a goblin weaned on the stories of the would-be destroyers of the Licktoad tribe (as well as other human-killing expeditions) to the point of idolization. His hatred of humans has been ingrained within, bred into him as easily and naturally as speech. He always had found what he believed to be flaws in these stories of human-hunting, though. His people rarely had tact or focus, and though it pained him to do so, Urzaag had to admit that the humans did. And so he practiced these arts, of watching and studying and hunting, that he might become a source of underestimation. Humans would always be expecting certain things from goblins, he thought, so what better way to kill them than to go against those notions? First he had to teach himself to be brave and courageous, to stand and fight while others ran. His determination would throw humans off their guard, he theorized. He must not fear them, but rather make them fear him. Then he taught himself how to find them, to pursue them, to watch them without ever being seen. He studied him that he might kill them better than other goblins.

When he learned to speak their language, he found that human have a natural fear of fire so he would use it when fighting. That's how he earned his name Urzaag Firestick The Torch Burner.

Since mastering himself, he has always tried to teach others of the tribe what he has learned, though many have been very dismissive of him. Goblins will be goblins, after all, and even Urzaag cannot deny that.

Urzaag is a very stone-faced and solemn goblin who lives for little else save to study and kill the enemies of his goblin kin. He often thinks himself quite above other goblins, being focused and determined and clear-headed in most things.

Appearance and Personality:

Eyes:are read with a soft glow like embers in a flame
Hair:Bald but has a few wispy hairs that look like a mustache and beard
Skin:A soft but bright green tint
Wieght:25 lbs

Urzaag Firestick is very well spoken for a goblin and can speak a few languages. Urzaag likes to teach other goblins what he has learned on killing and hunting the fools who would try to bring harm onto the tribe. Enjoys burning any who try to harm him and is always ready with a torch in hand. Urzaag carries a few torches with him so he can always have one ready just in case one burns out even tho they never do, aslong as one is in his hands.

Urzaag is never seen without a pipe in his mouth since it can be lit at will.

Referance piclooks just like the one on the right but with the torch from the goblin on the left, instead of the crossbow. and with A soft but bright green skin


and if you could give the build rules please so I can change the character that is chosen to your specs ^_^ ty

I would like to join with a witch.

Goblin warpriest of Zarongel!

Dotting in - would I be able to do an unchained rogue?

EDIT: Are we rolling for stats or doing point buy? If point buy, how many points?

This is Rennaivx linking in my goblin unchained rogue. I've assumed 20 point buy and average gold to start out with, but I can rebuild with whatever assumptions are needed. Still a work in progress, but I wanted to get her out there.

Totally want in on this!

Okay, I didn't think this through, I thought there'd be more people open to playing pregen, So build rules are being updated up top

Or not, need longer editing times

level 1
base 10 15 point buy no DS below 8 unless it's racial trait modified
No lawful!
No Good!
No spell book casters unless you're willing to die. Goblins believe that writing steals the words from your head so if you need a spellbook, be ready to hide it
all classes welcome archetypes must be approved unless they're goblin archetypes
any 3P must be approved and must be available to the GM
Average class gold

everything you need to know about goblins
almost + Lamashtu!

Need holy, arcane, combat, trap finder

No goblin without a song accepted, but it doesn't have to be good

Correction, I played Chuffy. If you want to use pre-gens, I wouldn't mind playing as Poog.

I've got trapfinding. I'm adjusting my stats now.

EDIT: All finished, character sheet's in profile. With a song, even. :) I'm really new to PbP, but I'll do my best.

I don't care Dave, just so long as you're goblin flavored, Also remember, anybody actually going into physical combat, preferred weapon of goblins is the dog slicer! And if you have access, definitely peruse goblins of golarion!

Proof of concept, I guess?

Urk Burny War Flame, Warpriest of Zarongel:

Alignment CE
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Knowledge (religion) +5, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +5
Blessings: Travel, Fire
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Dogslicer)
Spells Prepared:
Level 0: Bleed, Resistance, Spark
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor

Urk's song:

Burn dog! Burn horse!
Burn something that rhymes with horse!
I love Zarongel's flamy wrath,
And I will never take a bath!

Interested in making a Goblin Rogue who takes the burn burn burn feat and wields torches.

Goblin swashbuckler for me, unless you allow path of war classes, pirate theme song a go!

Fun Dave.

Zika, love the song and the fact you made me research to understand your character. (did not know the rules about natural attacks along with manufactured weapons. Your character is approved for play, though not necessarily accepted.

Nick, Witch is acceptable if you wish, though I strongly suggest a toad familiar but don't require it.

Riuk, let me know when they're legal to play, and I'll take a look at them then.

Choant, I have no idea what that is, send me links or pages or something, I need to peruse path of war before I approve it.

Palke King, go for it.

The 3 classes are here. It's dreamscarred press so nothing unbalancing.

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Zika, love the song and the fact you made me research to understand your character. (did not know the rules about natural attacks along with manufactured weapons. Your character is approved for play, though not necessarily accepted.

I had to look too, haha. I've fleshed out her appearance and personality a bit more now, if you care to look.

Choant, for now I'm going to say maybe, I'm going to study it further later, but for now, it seems to me to be of similar bent to the book of 9 swords. Get me a character for now.

Zika, alright, by the way you're character portrait is one of the pregens for We be Goblins, lol

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Zika, alright, by the way you're character portrait is one of the pregens for We be Goblins, lol

I noticed that, haha. I wasn't exactly spoiling for choice for female goblins, though, and it had a suitable level of feral insanity for what I was going for. :)

And just for reference Zika, goblins wear goblin felt, which they are adept at making armor from and and is made from metal and scrap human fabrics, so excellent description? Did you know or were you lucky?

May throw something in for this. Will it be fairly laid back, schedule wise?

Probably go for a summoner, because anything that comes from a Goblin's imagination would be pretty scary hilarious.

Would it be required to use unchained?

No, unchained is not required, I still need to peruse much of it.

That's good, because unchained summoner makes me sad.

I'll have something simple up in a bit.

they are both legal i will just have to bring my barbarian back to level 1

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
And just for reference Zika, goblins wear goblin felt, which they are adept at making armor from and and is made from metal and scrap human fabrics, so excellent description? Did you know or were you lucky?

Combination of both - I knew they worked primarily in human cast-offs, but the description was part her obsession with stalking human communities and part working with the avatar I chose. (I've read Goblins of Golarion before, but I'm scanning it again now.)

Riuk wrote:
they are both legal i will just have to bring my barbarian back to level 1

Actually the alchemist is illegal. You can't have both the Blazing Torchbearer and the Firebomber archetypes since they both give up the 4th level discovery and Poison Immunity.

Nickadeamous wrote:
Riuk wrote:
they are both legal i will just have to bring my barbarian back to level 1
Actually the alchemist is illegal. You can't have both the Blazing Torchbearer and the Firebomber archetypes since they both give up the 4th level discovery and Poison Immunity.

That's not the only way the alchemist is illegal if my math is right.

So I'm going to need the math on Urzaag. After removing racial modifiers you left wisdom and charisma unchanged at 0 points. you upped strength four which costs 5 points, same with dex, constitution up two points which is 2 and int up 6 points which costs 10 for a total of 22 points. I considered you might have thought I meant on a 1 to 1 basis. But in that case you have 16 points used. So Ruik please walk me through his stat generation.

Actually Riuk, I don't think I need the math. You have multiple characters. Including several pathfinder society characters one of which has 500 posts.

You should be familiar with character creating rules, you have a mix of two archetypes that are illegal together, messed up stats that exceed both standard methods of point buy and your bomb damage is a step down, where it not for all your characters I would assume this was a mistake, but since you assured me they were legal and the alchemist is nowhere close, I think you should find another game.

oh wow...ok im sorry it has been a few month's since i since looked at my alchemist my bad i made him awhile back for a game that had a high power level but did not get in, and about my PFS characters only 2 of them were made with PFS in mind i did not realize that you could make a stat block for normal alias until much later. I thought only the PFS profiles had that option ^_^ but if you'll give me another shot at it ill nix the alchemist and only go for the barbarian sorry again...did not mean to annoy you

i really only have two PFS character and only one PFS game under me that im still playing and that my G-sangre guy

You asked for the build rules specifically to build the characters to spec, once I gave them you told me they were legal, either you didn't care, or you were trying to pull a fast one. So no.

i do care and i was not trying to pull a fast one i don't even see how that could be possible when the Gm would always have access to my character and i am sorry and it's ok, but i did post my characters before you put the rules up, it was my mistake to tell you they were both good to go but my barbarian was sans the level 2 stuff but its your game and thanks for the chance


these are the only two PFS character i have that are-=Soulveliss=- this one is a PFS core one -=g-sangre=- and i have made this guy but has no games under him hope to ge into one soon -=Sshok=-

and this one with the 500 post count is not a PFS character he gestalt and the frist charater i have made for PBP i really like him ^_^-=Bracnos=-

i understand that wont have me in this game for my mistake but i had to post this you wont think i was trying to be a dick sorry again hope to see you in a nother game have fun all ^_^
and if you doubt me you are welcome to look at my other PFS characters and you'll see that they are most diffidently not PFS characters

I want to vet with you and see if the Naturalist Summoner would be cool for my Lamashtu themed Summoner and his bitey demon eidolon.

About to see the new Mad Max. Pretty sure that'll get the crazy flowing for making the rest of him tonight. :)

alright so far the only even semi built characters are a rogue and warpriest, so I have one each, now we need a melee and an arcane (which zashi may handle) and we're kind of good to go.

Naturalist approved for play.

Do you guys think the eidolon could pass for our melee?

Zashi can take arcane with the summoner and I'll go Melee if you guys are good with.

Eidolons can do a pretty solid job; we could maybe get by without a PC frontliner, although I think we should still have one. It gives another person a chance to play, too.

Wasn't sure Nick was paying attention. But with your eidolon as a front liner, he could do the witch and we double up on arcane, that said, I'll leave it up to him what he wants to do.

If it is the old school eidolon yes, I want to make a stalker from PoW, build up shortly(sort of rogue cc esque)

If there is still room i would love to play as a goblin. I have a goblin alchemist already made i will just need to make him a 15 point buy instead of 20

Nothing set in stone throw him in

Wavered back and forth but finally ended up going with witch, will be completed shortly.

Still building.

Zashi's song is part of his ritual for calling Chomper from the other side.

"Come out, Chomper. Time to play!
We'll go find some toys today!
Find some humies, fill 'em up!
Some will go in Chomper's gut!
Come on Chomper, time to play!
Lamashtu says have fun today!
So we do as she says.
And make more little goblinzes!"

It was probably mean saying song required, but I can't find myself to feel sorry with all the wonderful songs you guys made up. I'll probably make my decisions tonight/tomorrow. I probably won't be on for a few hours though. I'm making a backup and then sending my laptop back to factory specs.

Do we need to be fully built before your choice is made?

I can slam him together tonight, if I need to, but I'd prefer to have just a bit of time so his sheet isn't a hurricane. XD

Gonna withdraw, I dont have any inspirations coming together at this point.

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