Cоrаl |

There will be time to share our names.
Our characters are surely more interested getting out the prison for now.
I admit i am getting bit impatient too,let's do this.
Also Smurf !!!

Ardra Pain de Veau |

I think so. I just wanna check in with Nera first. I'd hate for her to see the thread and say, "wait, what?"

Zova Lex |

I think that the person to initiate it would be anyone BUT Zova... but was I able to tell if someone stayed right outside the cell? Or if it were nore than ine person who stayed right outside the cell?
If it's only one peraon I hear, we could have someone else make noise so that the single guard comes in, and we could ambush him (wait by the entrance and take him out within a single round before he coukd call for the guards... one of the few times we may be able to prepare actions as PCs).
If both are outside, perhaps we could convince the ogre to distract them while we sneak out and attack from behind.

Cоrаl |

I think that ambushing them near the ogre cell is better.If we do it next to the door the second guard will just run away.
In any case , lets try the one or the other ,or i will lose patience and simply kick the door and color spray their brains out.
Smurfs will rise to conquer Talingarde !!!

Ardra Pain de Veau |

OMG!!! while I think this conversation should be happening IC in the gameplay thread, I also think Coral is on to something. Pretty much at my insistence, we've been making this way too complicated.
Why bother making them come to us while they're all tense and ready to jump the gun with their horn, when we can blow open the office door and take them by surprise. It probably has about as much chance at success as the more complicated plan, maybe more if we really take them unawares and have Coral spray them like she says since they probably don't have very good will saves.
God Smurf-it!! who's with me!?

Zova Lex |

We smurfs should try to unlock it once Grumblejack is distracting the guards.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

you understand that right now the guards are in another room behind a closed door, yes?
that means they are probably paying the least amount of attention and are most vulnerable. let's just smurf this thing.

Zova Lex |

This smurf here thinks that color spray should go off first, against the one that looks like they have possession of the horn, and then the martials should step in.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

I might agree, except that this is a surprise round and it looks like we all get 1 action scott-free before the guards can even act, soooooooo.... I say, smurf for it!!

Zova Lex |

I think we should make the other guy strip of his possessions. Personally, Zova is only interested in killing him if he is either a Mitran or part of the royal family. She is a smurf Hellknight after all.

Zova Lex |

So Tenoch, I'm guessing that you are going to be a two handed fighter... Perhaps I should go sword and board. Its not as good mechanically, but it offers variety in the party, and fits the flavor of a Hellknight well...Meh, maybe not. I AM a barbarian after all and will have low AC anyways due to raging. I guess I'll stick with two handed fighting like you.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

High strength (20, or 22 with Ant focus) tends to lend itself to a two-handed style (since we get that extra half again damage). Particularly when you can get AC from other sources (I may pick up Armor of the Pit feat later, and get more NA with Beetle focus) and/or some form of quick healing (such as Worm focus for fast healing 1).
Sword and board may be the way for us to go in the short term, though, since it could add to our 1st-level survivability (although the extra 2-3 damage from two-handing could as well). One of us could also go with reach weapons if we only need one front-liner.
I don't know Zova's feats, but if Power Attack has been chosen, that would easily put her ahead of Tenoch in the two-handed area should we come to a point where we have to choose. Particularly since she's full BAB and Tenoch is 2/3.

Zova Lex |

Hehehe. Yeah, for me, I have power attack. Right now, it looks like my build will be that of the 'mighty glacier' who stands in front and hits hard while taking hits for the party. Since I can rage, that increases strength and con so I feel quite tanky. Seeing as I also rolled a low dexterity, I'm likely to end up with heavy armor ASAP.
I guess I will forgo the sheild for now if you want it. Either ways, we are likely to both be front liners.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

I expect we'll have two shields (one from each of the guards) so it shouldn't matter about that.
Yeah, low dex here too. But heavy armor would require a feat or dip into another class, so I'll likely forgo that.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

With Nera's Dex, she could probably make some decent use of one of the bows, at least in the near term.
@Ardra: Tenoch is a he.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

@Ardra: Tenoch is a he.
the player knows, the character does not. his apparent physiology is pretty alien, so unless he's been growing scruff, and maybe even if he has, there aren't many secondary sexual characteristics to take note of, and with the rest of the characters being female... well, she just assumed.
Nera would want a finesseable weapon asap
and Nera's welcome to the dagger Ardra just took, if melee occurs before another suitable weapon becomes available she has other means of defending herself

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Well it's clear he doesn't seem to have any mammary glands, lol. Wasn't sure if it was a typo or actually intended.
Tenoch also doesn't need the dagger he has, so Nera (or Ardra) is welcome to it

Zova Lex |

I love this teamwork we are all showi. Some people forget at evil doesn't mean stupid, especially when it comes to tactics XD

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

When he's finished answering the other questions, I think he'll be amenable to being knocked out. We can even lock him up in the manacles if we like, to keep him out of the way. We did kind of say we'd let him live if he helped, and some of us (LE) would respect that (although if he dies due to other circumstances, such as us burning the place to the ground, that's not on us).
Besides, I'm not sure about the mechanics of using a person as a shield.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

You may be in luck. I'd say we only need one of you alive for information
We never said we'd let him live after. If you want to knock him out, gag him and throw him in a cell then Ardra won't argue the point, but she'd just as soon kill him.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Hmmm. You may have a point, but I figure he deserves a reward (life) for helping us out so much. It will be up to his own conscience to deal with the fact that, thanks to him, most, if not all of his colleagues (some may even be friends) will have died thanks to him. Living with that might be more fun. Heck if we had some cash, I might slip him some, just cause (although it might not look good when he's found).

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Is "jumping out to avoid the fire" faster than "relying on fire resistance"? What is the jump DC? Do we take 10 on that too, or is that only for the climb?

Zova Lex |

I've realized that I am playing Zova as much more Lawful Evil than Neutral Evil... I hope that doesn't cause much of a shift in alignment, as I kind of depend on NOT being Lawful for my class features XD

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

You might need to roll that Acrobatics check to jump, Zova. Not sure what your bonus is there, since you don't have your sheet posted/linked. I suppose, if it's high (even with the ACP from the chain shirt), taking 10 may still beat the mystery 'fairly difficult' DC.

Zova Lex |

Acrobatics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
So... basically, I land facefirst into the fire. I'm not sure if those prisoners are too scared to laugh at this point, but I'm probably in a lot of pain.

Zova Lex |

I wouldn't try to kill them XD Just make it nap time for a few hours. Thing is, right now, Zova is still leaning a bot to the Lawful side of her Hellknight training. These people helped, so instead of killing them, like she probably should (to ensure their silence), she is knocking them out (risking that they wake up and call for the guards). Not a respect for life... But a code of personal conduct, which is pretty lawful.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

I'll likely be offline until Wednesday (Nov 12th).
Tenoch can keep doing his thing, although if we're up against armed and armored guards, he might keep his shield on. If he gets damaged, switch vermin focus from ant to worm.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

some apologies are in order. this past week has been bizarre. I stopped counting the varieties of hell I've suffered somewhere around 25 (ironically, that was the hell of hyperbole) and simply have had neither time nor energy for pbp. between my job in retail management and a bunch of personal stuff, I don't see things getting any easier until the new year and am bowing out of just about everything. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
I hope everyone continues to enjoy themselves on here, and with luck I can rejoin you come January.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Sorry, I've been mostly offline with a bad cold. It seems to be on the outs now though.
Did Tenoch make it to the doorway in order to peek out at any remaining guards who may be preparing? Is the map updated?

Doombringer the DM |

Hello all.
I unfortunately must withdraw from this campaign. Yesterday afternoon, there was a death in the family of someone very close to me. With everything that has gone on, I simply don't believe I will be able to, or feel like I am willing to keep up with playing a game. I must ask that you forgive this sudden withdrawal and I hope that you all have a very good time in continuing.
Thank you for understanding,
Michael Riter