Vonzara's Homebrew Skype/PbP Game

Game Master Vonzara

Recently the adventurers went to stop two assassination attempts. They have temporarily stopped these attempts form happening. In the process they found several maps that could lead them to the person who wants the people assassinated.

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Liberty's Edge

@Vonzara - I am going to submit a gnome alchemist. Quick question am I allowed to have brew potion or do I have to sub in extra bombs like PFS?


You can have brew potion. I'm just using the PFS factions to tie the society into my game play. Plus I think the factions add depth to your characters.

*You are being offered a large sum of gold by an extremely rich noble to go and retrieve an artifact from a secure location. The location is a museum and the noble claims the artifact actually belongs to his family and he feels it belongs in his home not the museum. What is your response?
History belongs to those who make it. So if this artifact is your family's. It belongs to you.
*Do you think looting crypts, ruins, and dungeons is stealing or more like Indiana Jones? Why?
*Cue Music* *Cue Boulder Chase*
*A group of 3 Orcs have raided and captured a group of travelers. One of the hostages is rumored to be one of the King of Absalom children. How would you go about rescuing the hostages and making sure the King's child is not harmed.
Get a distraction, I mean ally to go in front and try to negotiate. In anticipation of that breaking down sneak in and sneak the hostage out.

I was hoping to run a Ninja, but if that's off limits a Rogue works just fine for my goals.

From young age, Janthe was raised to repect history and enjoyed it. Growing up he would join his parents on artifact hunts and dig sites. History belongs to those who make it son. That's why we must search for it and bring it back to where it belongs. Imagine if you were ever stolen from us? Now Janthe works with the Grand Lodge to recover lost items and explore new locations.


Hragas rogue or ninja works. Which ever one you prefer.

Then I will go for ninja, I enjoy the ninja tricks. I would have come to Sandpoint for the Acadamy Library and probably rumors of hidden treasures.

I like playing intelligent characters


I have the following people set up with rolld20.net characters and journals:

I saw several of you have joined the game but I do not know real name to character name. If you are not on the list could you please PM me your real name and who your character is so I can get tokens assigned and journals ready for you.

Thank you


Unless I get anymore applications we will have 7 people in our game.

If possible when you create your character alias for the gameplay and discussion thread please put your backstory in the about section for your character. This will help me as I can go back and re-read.

If you would like you can also copy your character sheet over in the about section as well. If you look at my alias Georgette you will see that I have all of the important stuff listed and her stats as well. This comes in handy during pbp stuff as I can open up my character in a different tab (or window in the case of my phone) and not have to worry about the character sheet so much.

These are just my thoughts and suggestions for making game play go smoothly. You can totally tell me to STFU and I'm fine with that.

Liberty's Edge

I would still like to submit my alchemist if that is okay. I almost have him ready. One quick question with equipment. Am I allowed to use my craft skill to stretch the 1000 GP starting gear by making potions and alchemical weapons?


if you have ranks in craft yes, if not no

Liberty's Edge

Okay I have the character ready and will post his back story/answers as his alias.

Scarab Sages

Sloth's answers

You are being offered a large sum of gold by an extremely rich noble to go and retrieve an artifact from a secure location. The location is a museum and the noble claims the artifact actually belongs to his family and he feels it belongs in his home not the museum. What is your response?

I respectfully ask them for proof that the artifact is in fact theirs. I investigate and research the objects origins, and look into how the museum acquired the artifact. If in fact there is truth in the families’ claim I contact the society and head over to the museum with assistance from the society and ask them to return the artifact and then offer donate half of the gold to them to go to the museum. If the families claim is false I return to them inform them of that and tell them the artifact is better suited to be viewed by the public so all my learn of its history and importance.

*Do you think looting crypts, ruins, and dungeons is stealing or more like Indiana Jones? Why?

It is our benefit to retrieve artifacts and treasures. History and lore give us insight and allow us to expand our thinking and apply the funds and items to future adventures.

*A group of 3 Orcs have raided and captured a group of travelers. One of the hostages is rumored to be one of the King of Absalom children. How would you go about rescuing the hostages and making sure the King's child is not harmed.

I would infiltrate the orc’s location thru stealthy (stealth or reduce person). Then I would set off some kind of distraction/explosion to draw the orcs together and away. Then hit them with thunderstones and stink bombs to leave them deafened and sickened. Next toss some smoke sticks around the hostages free them and make our covered get away.

Scarab Sages


Namfoodle is from a fairly well to do family. He is slightly tall for a gnome and unlike others in his family he was blessed with fiery orange hair that truly matched his attitude. His nickname (which he was not found of) was given to him by his older brothers who teased him about his clumsiness. His father runs a success store in Absalom, and has expanded it as his brothers have grown up and joined him. While is father’s and brothers are much more interested in crafting and selling magical goods Namfoodle or “Duck” (as he likes to be called) was always more interested in fire. He used to get himself into trouble constantly playing pranks on town guards or entertain passing travelers. Also fond of games he spent many afternoons casually skipping rocks outside of town. His accuracy and ability came in quite handy as he developed a taste for more “flammable” objects. (Strong Arm, Supple Wrist trait) He has always found himself more interested in mixing chemicals rather than studying traditional arcane arts. He believes there is nothing you can’t do with a good brew. Not wanting to following in his family’s footsteps he applied to the Pathfinder’s Society. He took his skills and joined the Osirion faction. Truly believing in their goals and ideals. Early assignments made him learn the value of a good blade and he practiced with his trusty blade “Thorn” learning to combine some adept swordplay with some fire. During an investigation of an ancient tomb, Duck encounter a mummy it was his first experience with the undead and it left him shaken. His faction leaders worked with him and imparted on him a simple idea. They are not anything worth fearing. They are simply the remains of ancestors long gone.. (Attuned to the Ancestors trait). The society was contacted to investigate the claim from Sandpoint. Knowing that Duck has no fear of the undead they see him as a viable candidate to explore the disturbance and learn the source of the problem.

Just updated Zeljka's profile, her equipment due to her crafting skill, background and appearance. If there's anything you don't feel is right or needs clarification, please let me know.


Recruitment is now closed.


Here is the list I have for characters. If there are any errors let me know.

*Calin - Human Fighter - Andoran
*Nathaniel - Half-Elf Synthesist Summoner - Shadow Lodge
*Salixin Versa (BlackWing) - Strix DareDevil Bard - Sczarni
*Zeljka BattleBred - Half-Orc Oracle of Battle - Silver Crusade
*Gates - Human Ranger - Grand Lodge
*Hragas - Dwarf? Rogue - ?
*Namfoole (Duck) - Gnome Alchemist - Osirion

Looks to be a great balance of characters, class and race wise - shame the gender balance is weighed so heavily on the male side. No errors for me, though.


I'm very pleased with the balance of the group.

Grand Lodge

I'm a Human Rogue, From the Grand Lodge. Sorry for the Confusion. -Hragas

Looking forward to it :-)


Currently our daring adventurers are chasing a lead and an NPC who wants 2 children dead. They have found several maps that may lead them to the leader of the cult. A magical orb containing a fish reviled a map of The Isle of Krotos (where Abaslom is located) with a red marking in the mountains indicating a place called home. The other maps that have been found also have marking in the mountains labeled home as well. A note was found in a raid on an estate which may tell the exact location of the cult leader.

We are looking for a skill monkey of some type, preferably a rogue or rogue hybrid. Currently there is a Human Ranger, Human Fighter, Half-Orc Oracle of Battle, Half-Elf Synthesist Summoner, and Half-Elf Cleric Sorcerer.

Here are the build requirements:
I am looking to run a Skype/PbP Game. We will use Skype twice a month on Fridays @ 9pm CST. Combat and some RP will happen via Skype and there will be a discussion and game play threads to PR and do things out of combat like loot, shop, chase NPCs for info. I'm not looking for a large amount of posts but wanted to make something available for everyone to communicate with the GM(me) and each other.

Here is what I'm looking for from everyone.

Crunchy Stuff:

*25 point buy (max: 18 after racial mods)
*Starting 4rd level, 1st Max HP, 1/2+CON for rest
*NO EVIL must be neutral or good.
*Must choose a faction from one of the 10 PFS faction
*2 traits. On from your PFS faction and one additional trait.
* Archtypes are allowed
*Anything from CRB, UM, UC,APG, and ARG are acceptable
*3rd party feats must be GM approved before use. If you want a 3rd party feat please provide a link for GM approval.

Gear and Skills:

*1500GP Starting
*MW Armor and weapons allowed.
*Anything from CRB, UM, UC,APG, and ARG are acceptable
*Can take a profession and craft for skills, you will have down time occasionally.
*Recommended you have an item that can Bludgeon.


*All traits worked in to story. EXAMPLE: Deft Dodger: you grew up in a rough or dangerous neighborhood. So tell me about that neighborhood and how it was rough and how you developed the trait.
*If you take a craft/profession incorporate that. EXAMPLE: Weapon-smith:My family has a shop called the Iron Ring where I am learning to craft dwarven weapons.
*Where in Galorion are you from.
*We will begin our adventures in SandPoint. Tell me what brings you to the area. SandPoint has roughly 1200 people and boast one of the best academy's in the area. Twilight Academy is a center of learning for all walks of life and every class type. At the academy you can hone weapon skills, crafting skills, and even learn about the history of Galorion.


*You are being offered a large sum of gold by an extremely rich noble to go and retrieve an artifact from a secure location. The location is a museum and the noble claims the artifact actually belongs to his family and he feels it belongs in his home not the museum. What is your response?
*Do you think looting crypts, ruins, and dungeons is stealing or more like Indiana Jones? Why?
*A group of 3 Orcs have raided and captured a group of travelers. One of the hostages is rumored to be one of the King of Absalom children. How would you go about rescuing the hostages and making sure the King's child is not harmed.

Sylph Wizard/Rogue?

That would cover knowledge skills, stealth, trapfinding/disarming? Any other skills in particular?


that sounds fine with me.

Working on build, sorry for delay.

Confirming - Max 18 "after" racial bonuses?


Yes, Max 18 AFTER racial bonuses.

Black Thom here... Working on Ramiel, 90% done. Any suggestions or call outs?

NG Male Sylph Wizard (air) 3/ Rogue (trapsmith) 1.


Looking good except your HP should be 24.
HP should be:
1st: 8+1
2nd, 3rd, 4th: 3+2, 3+2,3+2.

I also only see one trait listed you get two and what skill are you performing please.

Ewww... Half+Con. Now we know why no Wizards.
Perform, woodwinds.
Missing Trait and Feat. Spell selection.

Almost done... picking avatars sucks!

Is this Friday, a session night?


As of right now our next game is still TBA as I start a new job Friday. Please read the discussion thread for game related updates.



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