Trouble in Tamran (Inactive)

Game Master Daveak Bringer of Destruction

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Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Lara looks around the room, mindful of any men or women who seem to be paying a bit too much attention to the conversation going on in the middle of the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

Hey everyone. The DM got called out to the field for work, and it's unclear how often he will be able to post. He asked me to sub for him for a little bit. I wasn't sure when he was out, so I'm guessing now since he has not responded. Let me reread the scenario (I've ran it before), and I'll get it going again so we can make the game day. This also means my character will be taking a back seat until he is back.

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Lookin' down at the little gir. . ., um young woman in tears, the old veteran's stoic demeanor softens, and he sits to join you. "Look folks, I don't know what ta believe, but I find it difficult to swallow that yur society would join are enemies. One of your guys helped me out a long time ago. Saved my life. I don't know if he's even still a Pathfinder these days, or even still alive. Probably way before your time. But I owe Marcos Farabellus a favor, and maybe if I can help you, I can return that favor. Jus' don't make me regret this. . ."

"So here is my offer. I know something of these bandits you seek, and I will tell you, but first one of you must drink this,” he says, producing a small blue bottle from his pocket. Motioning around without looking himself, "I need one of you to drink this, no questions asked, and then submit to an inquiry. If everything is square, I'll tell you what I know."

Sir Christoff accepts, and the veteran asks him some questions, a little loudly so that anyone possibly listening in can clearly hear, his intent is to maybe throw off any further suspicions. “How long have you been working for Molthune?”, “Who is your Molthuni contact?” and “Do any of your allies have ties to Molthune?”

Once answered truthfully, as it seems that's what the elixir enforces, he seems pleased. “Two weeks ago, while my men and I were patrolling along the edge of the Fangwood south of the city, we spotted a group of bandits attacking a smuggler in the woods. We gave chase, and tracked them as they fled west, but lost the trail when they hit the river. I don’t think they simply forded or swam; I’d bet good money your bandits have a ship capable of sailing up the Marideth River. Well, friends, I need to get goin'. I hope that helps, and perhaps in the future I might be of more assistance.”

<DM B here. I need to read back and see what comes next.>

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after Sir Christoff drinks and answers his questions, he opens up all the way.

“Two weeks ago, while my men and I were patrolling along the edge of the Fangwood south of the city, we spotted a group of bandits attacking a smuggler in the woods. We gave chase, and tracked them as they fled west, but lost the trail when they hit the river. I don’t think they simply forded or swam; I’d bet good money your bandits have a ship capable of sailing up the Marideth River. I would look there.”

Although Molthune blocks much of the trade to and from Tamran, the city still does brisk business with other Nirmathi settlements up the river, and there’s plenty of fishing to be done well before reaching Molthune’s interdictors. As a result, the docks still bustle with activity during the day.

I need Diplomacy checks to find someone willing to talk to you. Give me 3 each. each roll will be associated with time taken. the first pass will count.

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

Sorry, I wasn't able to get much posting done yesterday.

Diplomacy 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Diplomacy 2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Diplomacy 3: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)

Tholand gimps around holding the wound in his side, trying to look as friendly as he can while doing so. "Cant believe I let that bugger get the jump on mi..."
Diplomacy 1: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (13) - 3 = 10
Diplomacy 2: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (5) - 3 = 2
Diplomacy 3: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (8) - 3 = 5
"Oi! Lass! Can I lad have you...oh come on now I'm not gonna hurt ye...

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Silver Crusade

Male 3/13 HP, AC: 15, T: 11, FF: 14, CMD: 16, F: +4 , R: +1, W: +0, Init +3, Pereption +3, Acrobatics +3, Climb +6, Swim +6 CG Male Human Bloodrager 1, Claws +7, (1d6+6, x2) Large Bastard Sword +4, (2d8+6)

diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 14diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 18diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 7

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Sir Christoff got it on first round. nice

time: 1d6 ⇒ 6

You manage to find locate Jonathram, an amateur apothecary. Jonathram has not aged gracefully, despite his elven heritage. He is completely bald and wears a silver earring in one ear and a snowy white beard.

Once you ask him about the bandits and the different thefts. “Thefts? I don’t know nothing about no thefts. I know about receiving stolen goods though, and I ain’t about t’get locked up on no fool charge like that. Some Varisian feller come by wanting to buy up mah vermin repellent, trying to barter off some potions or whatnot. But I sees the Glyph of the Open Road on ‘em, and I ain’t about to touch no Pathfinder stuffs, so I tell him to shove off. Boy that got ‘im real mad. He was itchin’ up a storm, he was! Must have been living in them marshes, where them skeeters live.”

DC 12 Knowledge (geography) or DC 15(local):
you know that there are several broad swathes of swamp within 50 miles of the city.

you have spent your entire day looking around and asking questions. what do you want to do.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Bardic Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"Hm," Lara says. "There are several swamps and marshes that might fit the bill."

"I suppose we'll have to investigate them all," she sighs. The archaeologist looks to Jonathram. "How much do you sell that vermin repellant for?"

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verminrepellent 5gp:
This vile-smelling white paste keeps vermin at bay if spread on the skin. Normal-sized (Fine) vermin avoid you. Swarms of vermin must make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw in order to enter your square. Once applied, vermin repellent remains effective for 4 hours or until you spend 1 round washing it off.

The next day, Guaril Karela returns to Ashfall Lodge to meet with the you and compare notes.

“I hope you uncovered some information, my friends,” says Guaril as he applies a dab of wax to his moustache, “For my investigation was only partially successful. My sources tell me that the filthy weasels stealing my cargo are hiding in an abandoned fort. Which fort, they could not say. I would have learned more, but some men…they cannot tolerate pain, eh? Sadly for us, the Nirmathi abandoned many forts after the last Molthuni invasion. These four are our best bets.”

I need to know where you guys plan to go. there is a handout with a map on the slides page.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Lara purchases three containers of vermin-repelling paste before they depart.

After Guaril apprises the party of the situation with the forts, Lara ponders, idly chewing on her lip. "Perhaps it would be best to check the furthest one first? Fort Faelon?"

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

I cant see any notes or map, just character icons. It may just be an issue with my phone though.

"Perhaps it would be best if we looked somewhere to the south. As the elder veteran suggested, along the Meridath River. However, I shall follow thy leave ."

-Posted with Wayfinder

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Yoon will also buy some repellant and will apply it once they venture into the swamps.

Yoon takes a look at the map and points to Fort Ursoss, remembering the old veteran mentioned some men were attacked in the south and fled by boat. "This one is to the south and up that river. I bet it's that one." She fold her arms with a smile, convinced she figured it out and quite happy with herself.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)

Tholand also picks ups 3 repellents. So to the South then? Umm before we go, can one of ye use this on mi?
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Tholand hands his wand to the willing pathfinder, and suddenly his gaping wound looks more like a scratch.
Aah, that's better.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Lara happily assists Tholand with the usage of his wand.

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Fort Ursoss was originally built almost a thousand years ago during the Shining Crusade, although only the basement level of the original fort remains. The Molthuni army rebuilt and restored the surface structures of the fort shortly after declaring independence from Cheliax. When Nirmathas in turn rebelled against Molthune, Nirmathi guerilla fighters set fire to the fort rather than allow it to fall into Molthuni hands. The fire devastated the aboveground portions of the fort, but left the ancient basement level relatively intact. As the you approach Fort Ursoss, Guaril Karela explains that many of the old forts in the area possess hidden escape routes, and suggests that you scout the area surrounding the fort before proceeding inside.

With Guaril’s help, the PCs easily find a stone trapdoor hidden in underbrush 300 feet to the west. Karela offers to remain and guard this escape route, urging the you to continue on to the fort proper.

As you approach the Fort Proper you see that scorch marks mar the stones of this dilapidated keep. Vegetation hangs loosely from holes in the partially collapsed ceiling, and the floor is sunken and cracked in several places. A charred wooden door lies on the ground in front of an archway leading west. To the north, a stone trap door peeks out from behind a pile of rubble.

DC 15 Knowledge (history) or Profession (soldier):
The illusory “ghosts” resemble soldiers from the time of the Shining Crusade. You are able to identify anachronistic aspects to the ghost’s armor and dress.

Any who pass check get plus to on this will save.

Roll 1 of each if you are able.
Know or Prof, Will, Initiative

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Bardic Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

I think part of this post got cut out, because the spoiler and everything that follows don't entirely make sense.

Dark Archive

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I stopped it there because combat is about to start and what younsee on the map requires a will save. If you pass the know history or proof sailor then you get a plus 2 on the will save. That is why I didn't just roll them all

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

I can't make either check, so normal Will save.

Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

-Posted with Wayfinder

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Silver Crusade

Male 3/13 HP, AC: 15, T: 11, FF: 14, CMD: 16, F: +4 , R: +1, W: +0, Init +3, Pereption +3, Acrobatics +3, Climb +6, Swim +6 CG Male Human Bloodrager 1, Claws +7, (1d6+6, x2) Large Bastard Sword +4, (2d8+6)

will : 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

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Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

This is not looking good.

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will Lara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

init Lara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

will update tonight

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)

Know History: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
These sailors be from the Silver Crusade, look at that crest, hmm...
Will save: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 2 = 22
Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

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Party is up.

Everyone believes they see this almost army infront of them.

Tholand and Lara:
you see right through the illusion and see only the true target. The one enemy thats different is the only true enemy

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Are they able to point this fact out to us?

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

"Beware! Not all of these foes are real--concentrate on the one in the back," Lara calls, unshouldering her bow and letting fly with an arrow at the one in the back of the enemy lines.

Lucky bowshot: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

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They can point it out but that doesnt meen that you believe them. because it is pointed out i will give a second will save.

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

"I don't know if you're crazy or what but those sure look real to me!" She closes her eyes and focuses, as she gathers thermal energy from around her. When she opens them, she lets out a blast of flames at those in front of her.

Fan of Flames: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
15 ft cone, DC13 Ref for half, and she takes an AoO from the one in front of her

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

Drawing his blade and stepping forward to strike before the small assembled army has a chance to put us in a quick grave, I'll raise my blade high, allowing it's light to wash over the group and strike fear into the enemies hearts.

Dazzling Display

Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

"Flee thou before the might of the righteous light! Begone cowards, lest thou wouldst risk mine wrath!"

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

And that was anticlimactic. . .

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So close lol

Arrow from Lara just bounces off while the wave of fire from the little girl has demolished 4 of the creatures. Everyone just looks at Sir Christoff and begins to chuckle. Outer Rim moves up and takes a swing at 1 of the ghosts and it dissapears, While Tholand moves up and swings at the caster.

unarmed strike: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

dmg: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

and with a single blow from the mighty monk, the caster is down.

On him you find a potion of cure light wounds, 4 scrolls, 1 wand, alchemist’s fire (3), thunderstone (2); Other Gear light crossbow with 20 bolts, disguise kit, small steel mirror (2), spell component pouch, spellbook (contains all prepared spells plus animate rope, blurred movementACG, burning hands, mage armor, sleep, and vocal alterationUM)

Will update more on lunch

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So in the scenario all it does is give me descriptions of each room and there is only 1 way to go.

Area C2:Stone steps lead up from the north corner of this small room. An open archway leads south, while a second archway leading west is obstructed by rubble and mud.

Area C3: Muddy Room This room was once used as a storage room. Water drips slowly from a leak in the roof in the northwest corner, forming a muddy puddle on the floor.

Area C4. Barracks: Hastily constructed bunks line the south wall of the small barracks. Mold covers the walls, and the stench of decay is thick in the air. Open archways on the east and west ends of the room lead north.

Area C5. Armory Rubble and debris block the eastern half of this room, while sparsely filled weapon and armor racks line the remaining intact walls. Treasure: The racks bear several sets of armor marked with the Crimson Kestrel insignia and a small selection of weapons.

It contains:
3 suits of studded leather armor, 3 handaxes, and 3 longbows.

Area C6: Training Room
Rolled up straw mats lie in a pile against the western wall of this room, leaving the damp earthen floor exposed. The walls appear freshly cleaned, though they are still speckled with stray flecks of moss and mold. Open cages line the southern wall of the room, and the air is rich with the smell of recently shifted earth. Archways lead to the north and to the east.

When you enter this room, Cetenna spits at you, cracks her knuckles, and smiles confidently, revealing a row of canine teeth. “Welcome, Pathfinders. I take it you aren’t interested in surrendering without a fight?”. She laughs off any suggestion of parley.

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Lara: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Yoon: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Blank: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Tholand: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Christoff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
BG: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Party is up

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

Vexed for for his great failure early, Sir Cristoff replies, "Nay, but we are here to demand thine! Don't be a fool," and glancing at Yoon adds "or a meanie."

Using Fervor to quick cast Divine Favor on myself, then I'll follow behind Blank wherever he goes, laying a calming hand on his shoulder, I shall offer him a small blessing.

War Mind on Blank:
At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. At the start of its turn each round, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Each bonus selected lasts for 1 round.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)

Tholand will move up, focus his ki, and attempt a stunning fist attack on the enemy right in front of him. DC 14Fort Save
Stunning Fist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

"Yeah, we don't like meanies! We just want the supplies and stuff back!" Not seeing a choice, Yoon gathers a ball of flame in her hand and sends it flying in all directions.

Fan of Flames: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
DC13 Ref for half, taking 1 Burn

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Taldan) Bard (Archaeologist) 4 Portrait

Lara once again unshoulders her bow and snaps off an arrow at their foe.

Lucky Point Blank Shot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Archaeologist's Luck 1/7, lingering 0/2

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fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

ref: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

With a powerful blow from Tholand, Cetenna is frozen in place and cant move, so she is just missed by the flames but the arrow holds true and hits her in the shoulder.

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blank texted me and said his internet was down and asked me to post for him.

blank will move up, rage, and strike the girl.

atk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

dmg: 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (2, 5) + 9 = 16

and she goes down.

with a mighty swing from Blank the enemy is cut clear in two.

red weasel bite blank: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

red weasel bite dmg: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

blue weasel bite blank: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

blue weasel bite dmg: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

the badger will charge the monk


bite: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

lol such low rolls from all of my attacks lol

red weasel reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

blue weasel reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Yoon's attack would have hit a weasel and the badger too

Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||
DM Snider wrote:

with a mighty swing from Blank, <superpower boosted by Sir Christoff who really deserves all the credit>, the enemy is cut clear in two.


Sovereign Court

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 ||

I wasn't sure, but if we are up next, I'll step closer to one of the, (I believe), weasels and swing as hard as I can.

Longsword Smite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

with a powerful smite one of the weasels goes down as the sword punctures its heart.

party - Christoff is up

”Varanog” | Male LE Small Kobold Sorcerer 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 16[20], T 15, FF 12[16] | CMD 12| F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +3, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Trap Rune 6/6 | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity.

Yoon throws a ball of flame at the badger

Fire Blast: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 231d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Ranged touch

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

A powerful blast of fire hits the badger.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)

Tholand will drop an elbow down on the back of the Badgers neck, hopefully bringing about a swift end.
Unarmed Strike: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

With a powerful swing Blank comes down hard on the Badger.

atk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

dmg: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17

and with the powerful blow the Badger goes down. With all of the enemys down the last weasel decides to run for it.

Combat over

Continuing to explore the rest of the Fort,

Area 7:Two desks facing each other occupy the center of this room; each covered with stacks of reports, maps, and other pieces of paperwork. A large map of Nirmathas hangs from the north wall.

After spending a few minutes investigating the piles of paperwork on the desk you find enough evidence to implicate Zurnzal—and possibly also Madreki Gael—in the theft of Guaril Karela’s goods, as well as in the rumor campaign against the Pathfinder Society in Tamran. You also find a thick bundle of bloodstained faction mission notes written by Guaril Karela and taken (often by force) from members of the now-defunct Sczarni faction.

When you search the desks you can also find a collection of letters to and from a militia captain named Jana Vaylorne. Player Handout #3 is a draft of Zurnzal’s original plan, with extensive notes from Madreki on the back, and Player Handout #4 is Captain Vaylorne’s reply to the polished letter that Zurnzal sent her. These letters detail Zurnzal and Madreki’s plans to frame the Pathfinder Society by posing as Pathfinders and selling secrets leaked to them by Captain Vaylorne to Molthune. Captain Vaylorne and her soldiers would then “coincidentally” stumble across the sale taking place and become war heroes by foiling the exchange and slaying the Molthuni spies. Vaylorne plans to use her newfound popularity to support the church of Razmir’s reintroduction into Tamran, and the Aspis Consortium plans to use the event to convince Nirmathas to evict the Pathfinder Society. While Zurnzal has signed his name to several documents, including the letter in Player Handout #3, Madreki was far more careful with his name.

DC 20 Perception:
You find a mention of the name Madreki.

DC 20 Knowledge (local) But must pass perceptoin:
You know that Madreki Gael is a member of a disgraced Sczarni family that attempted to kill Guaril Karela about a year ago.

Members of the Exchange faction receive a +4 circumstance bonus on this Knowledge check.

Area 8:This room is filled with an assortment of crates, barrels, and boxes filled with a variety of mundane supplies. PCs who succeed at a DC 15 Perception check find a hidden door in the western wall which leads to the escape tunnel Guaril Karela located outside.

Area 9:Zurnzal and Madreki used these ruined chambers as living quarters when they occupied the base. In their absence, Cetenna sleeps in the western room.

Guaril Karela is thrilled with your work and thanks you for your assistance. With the Aspis out of commission in Tamran, Karela’s shipments once again flow into the city freely, providing the lodge and the people of Tamran with much needed supplies.

He asks you what information they found on the Aspis operations. If he learns of Madreki Gael’s involvement, he strongly suggests that the you give him the information—with his vast knowledge of the Gael family, he argues that he in the best position to track down Madreki and Zurnzal. He asks you not to turn the documents over to the Ashfall Lodge first, because in order for his plans to be effective, he must keep some information close to the chest. In addition, he promises that he will share enough information with the Venture Captain to exonerate the Pathfinder Society.

You have two main options for what to do with the evidence of militia captain Jana Vaylorne’s ties to the Church of Razmir and the Aspis Consortium. You can deliver it to Guaril Karela, Or you can instead deliver the evidence to Venture-Captain Tolal.

Party votes on what to do. Last 2 hand outs are visible. Read and ask any questions you have. Once the party votes i can make chronicles and tell the end of the story. Thank you all for playing. I appologise for the rush on the game. I hate doing them but when i started my goal was to be done by today on both games with little rush. I got caught up in the field and it slowed us down. I owe you better as a GM and for that I am sorry. I hope to GM for you all in the future. I have 1 slot open in a game of The Confirmation for anyone who wants to join.

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