Traveller - TNE (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

The stories told by your parents of the wonders of the Third Imperium contrast to the reality of the old military base you have lived on all your lives. A leftover relic of a past age, it was once a waypoint for the IISS (Imperial Interstellar Scout Service) and a training and equipment depot for the Imperial Navy, Marines and Army. A small commercial repair depot was even installed during the period your parents called the “Hard Times”. It is said that a secret Imperial Laboratory also resides somewhere on the small moon, but no one seems to want to talk about it.

The year is 36TNE (The New Era), or 1196 by the old Imperial Calendar. Your group is made up of the sons and daughters of the staff and officers that manned the IISS Depot Thoth on the 3rd moon circling the Gas Giant Pyt-4. The system use to be home to a lush, technologically advanced planet of millions, Pyt-2, but not since the “incident” has anyone heard from them.

The “incident” as it has been called for the last 30 or so years, seems to have been empire-wide. Some sort of breakdown in technology turned the once helpful tech of the empire against its users. Before FTL communication ended, stories leaked through about computers turning off space station environmental controls, or warships firing on each other against the commands of the human passengers. It seemed the technological triumphs of the Third Imperium turned on their users…with deadly results.

Your family has lived on Pyt-4iii (Thoth) for all your life. Your parents use to belong to that great interstellar empire that you have read so much about, but no longer. Whatever they did in the “old” days is now moot…survival is all that matters. Pooling their skills, and with a huge amount of supplies located in the depot’s warehouses, the staff and officers of Moon Base Thoth were able to live and, to a very small extent, thrive. Society continued and people were taught what they needed to know to help live on the isolated and barren moon. Hydroponic farms were developed, environmental systems were maintained to supply the life giving air and water needed for the colony to survive.

As the years march on, the technology that keeps the moon base running has begun to breakdown. At first, with all the supplies in the depot’s storage areas, repairs were routine, but now as common items become more and more scares, certain functions within the base have ceased to be. Two ship’s boats sit in a hanger, parts cannibalized to keep systems within the base running. Other ships were taken in the early days of “The Incident”, never to be seen again.
Recently the heating exchanges that are used to moderate the temperature within the base have started to breakdown. Without replacements, the base will begin to cycle between periods of searing heat and icy coldness. The plant manager gives the current repairs only a few months before they too breakdown. You have been called into the office of the Base Commandant.

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"Well, at least we can all use the potty," says Marcus with a grin.

"So there's a solar array and a geothermal plant? That's good. I think we'll all feel safer using that sort of power on a base this old. Techs, see what you can do to get the geothermal array online. I'm betting we'd have to go clean off the solar panels to get the array online."

"The only reason we're here is to get those parts. We might find them if we can get power to these terminals back online."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok, will need Engineer (10+) or Engineer-Power (8+) to get anything out of the low-power geothermal unit. The solar power seems hardwired directly into that weird jungle room...delivering power to those systems exclusively.

"This is a little outside my comfort zone. What can I do to help?" He asks with a shrug of his shoulders.

Interesting... In what seems a semi-hurried departure, they took the time to dedicate the solar arrays to the greenhouse.

Once more Emilyene pulls her heavy pack from her shoulders. Sighing with relief she briefly rubs one shoulder before lifting the pack up onto a convenient rolling cart.

Emilyene fiddles with some controls, pulls out a panel and rewires a board she pulled from one of the down geothermal plants.

Nodding to Ephraim, Emilyene hands him a spanner, hold this, over there, no there, yes. Next to that terminal. Okay,... when I say now, hit the terminal, just once, 5 pounds pressure please. No, not that side, yes, there.

Pulling her sun shield down a few inches she looks slowly around at the others. Now.

engineer: power +3: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5) + 3 = 13

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

With a hum, the system comes on-line. The terminal attached to the powerplant springs to life and a long list of system checks and reports floods the screen. When it finally stops, a warning flashes on the screen.


"Excellent," says Marcus. "Good job. Now somebody get on the computer and find our supplies. This place gives me the creeps."

Especially the part about full power to this one lab...

Emilyene looks for any logs or records about that lab.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

TO access the heavily protected files about this lab you will need to make a Electronics (+14) or Electronics-Computer (+12) roll.

Most of the logs are not encoded, and simply give readouts and other information of power consumption. It seems this Lab D is a real powerhog, and the fusion generator was almost exclusively slaved to this facility. Now with only one geothermal power plant to provide power, the system override has channeled almost all the power to that lab.

To reroute the power will take a mechanic-powerplant (10+) and then a electronic-computer (9+). If you succeed on the mechanic by 4 or more, you get a +2 on your computer roll.

electric/comp +2 edu +2: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12

Now what's so important about that lab...

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The information you gain from cracking the security code is mostly medical jargon.

Krippin Virus (KV)

A genetically re-engineered measles virus mutated into a lethal, highly pathogenic strain. KV has a 90% mortality rate; less than 1% of humans are immune. Two transmission vectors for the pathogen are inhalation and infected blood, with two corresponding immunity profiles. Infected humans who did not die began exhibiting early symptoms of rabies and degenerated into a state driven by rage. A major symptom is that the adrenal glands are "permanently open", giving victims increased strength, speed and agility but also a faster metabolism. This results in increased body temperature, heart rate, and breathing speed, making those infected hyperventilate constantly. Pupils became permanently dilated and skin became hypersensitive to UV radiation, forcing infected hosts into a nocturnal life cycle. Loss of body hair is another symptom. Non-humans such as rats and dogs are also susceptible to KV. They are sensitive to blood.

A final note is attached to the end of this file.

YOUR EYES ONLY - A fully supplied lab and manufacturing unit have been installed on the modular cutter in Lab D's launch bay. We are evacuating to Pyt Prime and bringing the research with us. All else has be placed in cryo-stasis. Chris has ensured power to the lab before we left. Best of luck.
Dr. Marion Hasklar

Marcus emits a low whistle. "Marvelous," he says.

He turns to Estelle. "Doc, are we at risk of infection where we are? Should we all seal up our vacc suits? Can you find out if the seals on that lab are in good shape? Also, what does 'sensitive to blood' mean?"

Is Estelle still with us?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Sent a PM to Estelle's player and have not heard back...therefore I will play her character for the time being and once this adventure is over we can look about continuing...seems we have lost a number of people already...

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The doctor looks over the information and shakes her head.

"This is a bit advanced for me, but it seems to be some sort of virulent pathogen that was created to destroy a planet's population. This side effect seems to be truly a horrible thing. I wonder if they have an antidote for it in their lab? Maybe we should go and see...just in case. I would hate to discover we had brought a plague back to the moonbase!"

I'm all for venting that lab to vacuum. I see no good in having something like that around.

Ephraim agrees, "Sounds good, but are you sure the vacuum will destroy it?"

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Damn sounds like a biological weapon to me. 90% immediately wiped the rest turned into hairless adrenaline pumped monsters. Turning to Ephraim.
The report mentioned an increased breathing rate so unless it breathes nothing I think a vacuum should take it out. Also at this point I doubt any of us have been exposed yet. Seems it is all locked up in Lab D

Emilyene sets the medical jargon up on a secondary screen, I'm only getting the gist of some of that, anyone want to look at it?

Her first priority is to download specs of the base to her hand comp, base layout, inventory lists, etc. Emilyene then starts digging through the logs and subroutines. She's looking for information that might indicate use of any long range communication devices since the evacuation, or for orders buried anywhere that relate to: 1) anyone entering the base, 2) Lab D, 3) any way to verify that all of the residents of the base 60 days prior to evacuation are listed as evacuating, 4) any indication of who/what might be in cryo-stasis.

Can anyone think of a good reason for prioritizing the power plants for the sole purpose of keeping that lab up and running? Why would anyone want?! to leave such a virus laying around for the first person to stumble over it?

I know we're just here for some spare parts. It's doubtful this will be the last time someone comes here for parts. I'd like to make sure it's safe for anyone else. Which also means we should send a status update home. As soon as I make sure there aren't any booby traps sprung, or ready to be sprung.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Searching the databases, you find a number of hidden subroutines that seem to have something to do with Lab D. The first is a burst-relay message sent from the station's mainframe to Pyt-Prime. It seems to be some sort of pre-set message.

Lab Activation - Power Level 100% - Experiment Engaged

Second is the priority to divert as much power to the lab. There are no real reasons listed for this, but it was signed off on by the head administrator.
As to what is in the cryo-stasis...well there is no direct mention of who/what are in there, only that they were placed in the tubes for "future study".

"Not a doc myself," Jasmine offers. "But some viruses can survive vacuum. Mom said when they had a suspect specimen in the Scouts they'd space it, then nuke it, and they'd still treat it as contagious until they got it to a proper containment lab."

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Right-o! My mind was going towards any unfortunate survivors carrying the KV not the virus itself. Flint scratched his head and shut his mouth waiting for the smart-ones to figure out this pickle. He did increase his already vigilant watch over the group. Quickly glancing from doorway to doorway.

"Okay." says Marcus. "Our priority is still to get our supplies. Let's hope they're nowhere near that lab. Somebody find me a manifest online and let's go get the stuff. We'll leave the virus for proper authorities."

There has to be a computer manifest and a map, right?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

You are able to patch into the supply subsystem and download all the information you need to gather the supplies you are looking for. Because the place is huge, and you will be do this all by hand, it will probably take close to 6 hours to get everything together. If you had power to the supply dome, the auto loaders and cranes would reduce this time to 2 hours.

Ephraim looks over the supply list,"Looks like it's time for some low-tec muscle work unless someone can restore power to the supply dome. Either way Jasmine and Flint can work with me and the rest can work with Marcus"

Once the power issue is sorted out he and his crew will get to work.

Emilyene looks for when that "lab activation" burst transmission was sent.

She then checks to see if she can get responses any of the base cameras. Especially Lab D.

Does the base have an armory?

"Fine," says Marcus, agreeing with Ephraim. "But I want Flint to stay with Emilyene. She's going to try to get the power working. I'd rather use a loader than a hundred trips with a hand truck. You and Jasmine head into the main supply depot here," he says, indicating part of the base. "Doc and I'll go get the condensers from the maintenance wing, here. Buddy system."[/b]

"Stay in communication. If you lose communication for any reason, head back here. Remember that Thoth needs these parts. Any other salvage is a waste of our resources, time especially."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

@Emilyene: Power would have to be re-routed to gain access to camera's in the facility...for the Lab, you will need to access the security system a DC12+ action (electronics-computer). There seems to be no armory, but back in lad D there is an area labeled "security". The message was sent the moment the power was activated.

It would be easy to transfer power from Lab D to the supply dome. A few switches and it would be at 50% capacity, while the lab would be reduced by 50%. You will need, at minimum, 50% power to run the cranes and such in the supply dome.

Uh guys, something in that lab went active when we turned on the power. I don't like the idea of 'experiment engaged.'

Cole slowly shakes his head, "You're right that doesn't sound good." He looks to Marcus, "Should we check out the lab or continue with the mission?"

"If something nasty and hungry comes crawling out of that lab and we're busy wrangling boxes and crates, it could be mission over before we know it. Let's go back and see what's going on with this 'experiment'."

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Quick question to control. I think there is some confusion of when Lab D got power to it. I for one am under the impression that this was during the base evacuation. It seems others are under the impression that we somehow triggered power to Lab D.
Look I'll guard whoever you all think best. My personal opinion is that we avoid Lab D. Not sure if its worth taking power from Lab D until its investigated. We could still save some time if we go and check Lab D before lowering power levels there to activate Supply Dome.

"When, not if, something horrible come for us, I'd be a lot happier if we were ready to drive away with the supplies Thoth Base need to survive another year," says Marcus.

" We shouldn't split up, then. But we should definitely concentrate on our supplies. That's why we're here."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

When the place was evacuated, the command to send power to Lab-D was enacted. Over the years, as each of the generators failed, Lab-D drained more and more of the emergency power to itself, leaving the rest of the place in a shut-down mode. When the party started up the geothermal generator, the command was still in effect, and so almost all the power was diverted to Lab-D. The only power that was not effected by this command was the solar arrays, as that is a closed system for the weird plant room, and that power can go nowhere else. Does this clear things up??

forgot the dice roll...

electronics-pc +2 edu +2: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3) + 4 = 12

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The feed from the lab shows pretty much what you thought you might see in an empty lab; workstations, medical and scientific equipment, desks and the like. Nothing seems out of place....until you take a really good look at the video stream and realize that it is being looped from a premade recording. Once you dig into the actual raw feed, a completely different scene is revealed. The once orderly labs are in shambles. Things are broken and thrown all over. It looks like a battle took place in the area, including bullet holes and what you can only assume is dry and withered in the minimal atmosphere. You do not see any bodies, however.
While looking over these feeds, you notice movement at the very edge of one of the cameras, but it is gone before you get the chance to zoom in. As you fiddle with the controls the whole system suddenly goes off-line...but before that happens you see a shot of a launch bay which looks to still be in good condition with a modular cutter sitting on the pad.
A blank screen greets you with only a single word written on it.


Marcus?! We have a problem.

Hello? Who are you?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

It has been 326,486 hours, 23 minutes and 14 seconds since this terminal was last accessed. Please state your name, position and location.

Asteriods, we're never going to get these supplies loaded, Cole curses to himself when Emilyene mentions a proplem. Frustrated he asks,"Whats wrong Emilyene?"

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Umm Emilyene what's the issue? McGregor repeats with mounting concern.

Well. there's something in that lab, she gestures at the screen. it knows someone else is here, and it's been active for 37 years, and some change.

Emilyene types a response, Lt. Emilyene Shadye of the IISS, Thoth. Who are you?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I was never told that there was a base on Thoth...and the IISS is dead. Very interesting. Are you the beings who released the virus onto my servants? I wondered where it came from, but now I see. I think I want you to stay where you are for the moment while I compute your future.

The power levels in the base suddenly drop and all the various security doors slam shut. While you still have some lights, the computer goes blank.

Well that could have gone better...

"What just happened?" Jasmine asks as she checks that her snub pistol is still holstered. "I don't think bases are supposed to act like this."

Male Human STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 7/9 (+0) INT: 7 (+0) EDU: 6 (+0) SOC: 7 (+0)

Nothing good! Emilyene what did you do?
Flint starts looking around the room they are trapped in for vents and also for possible exits.
Everyone stay calm. Flint says more to himself than anyone else.

The timber of Cole's voice rises as he asks, "What .... is it communicating with you?"

Immediately after the question he nervously spits out, "We need to secure our vehicle make sure we have a way out of here."

Marcus, watching over Emilyene's shoulder, thinks for a moment.

"It's an AI, isn't it? And the virus was 'released' onto someone or something? Wonderful. We are not leaving here without our supplies. Everyone at Thoth dies a slow agonizing death if we don't, so that is still our primary mission. We're just under a different clock."

He looks around. "First priority is to get these doors open. There's a manual override, but it'll take some muscle power. Jasmine, you and Ephraim find that override. Then Ephraim's right. We need to secure the vehicle and a route between it and the supply depot."

"Emilyene, we know there's a tunnel between here and Thoth. Look for something that would indicate where that tunnel is, in case we need a fallback plan."

"Flint, you're on overwatch. Shoot anything that moves and isn't us."

Marcus himself looks to see if there's a way to re-establish communications, either with Thoth Base or with the entity in the lab.

Sounds good, if this AI turns out to not be friendly, we may need to ensure that tunnel is disabled. Keep in mind, all the transports are at this end.

She quickly packs up her tools and dons her pack before pulling out her hand comp. Based on the data we have so far, I should be able to figure out where the transit tunnel is.

"Okay Jasmine lets see what we can do," Cole says as he moves over to the doors andtrys to muscle the door open with a small crowbar.

When the are in position he grunts, "Push!"

Athletics: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4) + 1 = 11

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The door begins to give slowly, but you will need some help to crack it enough to get out (need someone to assist DC-7 STR or Athletics)

As the group focus on escape, the computer monitor shimmers to life. A woman dressed in a lab coat stares at the screen before talking.

"If you are seeing this message, then the Virus has penetrated the security of this facility. We have set up a hidden sub-routine which is voice activated. All computer controls are now available to you. The password is "Salvation". It can be used up to 5 times before we think the Virus will track it down and disable it. Use it wisely and good luck.'

The computer monitor once again goes dark.

"How is a virus going to track down...Ohhhh..." says Marcus.

"She doesn't mean the disease. She's talking about a computer virus."

What Virus? There were rumors that something like that helped cause the downfall of the empire, but I'd expect a research base like this to have a pretty significant firewall.

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