Traveller - TNE (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

The stories told by your parents of the wonders of the Third Imperium contrast to the reality of the old military base you have lived on all your lives. A leftover relic of a past age, it was once a waypoint for the IISS (Imperial Interstellar Scout Service) and a training and equipment depot for the Imperial Navy, Marines and Army. A small commercial repair depot was even installed during the period your parents called the “Hard Times”. It is said that a secret Imperial Laboratory also resides somewhere on the small moon, but no one seems to want to talk about it.

The year is 36TNE (The New Era), or 1196 by the old Imperial Calendar. Your group is made up of the sons and daughters of the staff and officers that manned the IISS Depot Thoth on the 3rd moon circling the Gas Giant Pyt-4. The system use to be home to a lush, technologically advanced planet of millions, Pyt-2, but not since the “incident” has anyone heard from them.

The “incident” as it has been called for the last 30 or so years, seems to have been empire-wide. Some sort of breakdown in technology turned the once helpful tech of the empire against its users. Before FTL communication ended, stories leaked through about computers turning off space station environmental controls, or warships firing on each other against the commands of the human passengers. It seemed the technological triumphs of the Third Imperium turned on their users…with deadly results.

Your family has lived on Pyt-4iii (Thoth) for all your life. Your parents use to belong to that great interstellar empire that you have read so much about, but no longer. Whatever they did in the “old” days is now moot…survival is all that matters. Pooling their skills, and with a huge amount of supplies located in the depot’s warehouses, the staff and officers of Moon Base Thoth were able to live and, to a very small extent, thrive. Society continued and people were taught what they needed to know to help live on the isolated and barren moon. Hydroponic farms were developed, environmental systems were maintained to supply the life giving air and water needed for the colony to survive.

As the years march on, the technology that keeps the moon base running has begun to breakdown. At first, with all the supplies in the depot’s storage areas, repairs were routine, but now as common items become more and more scares, certain functions within the base have ceased to be. Two ship’s boats sit in a hanger, parts cannibalized to keep systems within the base running. Other ships were taken in the early days of “The Incident”, never to be seen again.
Recently the heating exchanges that are used to moderate the temperature within the base have started to breakdown. Without replacements, the base will begin to cycle between periods of searing heat and icy coldness. The plant manager gives the current repairs only a few months before they too breakdown. You have been called into the office of the Base Commandant.

Rules: We will be using the Mongoose Traveller Core Rules (2016). The background will be from Traveller: TNE for the most part. If you know nothing about this version, don’t worry, your characters have limited knowledge as well, so this will work out fine!
Variants to Rules: The following changes will be made for this game
1. Rolling Characteristics: Roll 1d4+1d6+2 for each of the characteristics. You get 1 extra roll (so total of 7 rolls) and take the highest 6. Arrange to your liking.
2. Background skills are calculated as normal from the following list:
Admin, Art, Athletics, Carouse, Drive, Science, Streetwise, Survival, Vacc Suit, Electronics, Mechanic, Medic, Profession.
3. The following skills cannot be taken at character creation:
Animals, Flyer, Seafarer, Profession (you can take this skill, and if you make it off the Moon Base and to a place of sufficient population and technology you could earn only Cr100 x the Effect of the check per month, as opposed to Cr250 due to no real world exposure.)
4. The players may choose 1 career to follow and will gain all Basic Training skills for that career, plus may advance 1 term in this career. Due to the primitive conditions, this constitutes training from either your parent or another adult who actually served in the career.
5. The player next takes 3 more terms in one of the following careers:
Citizen (Worker only), Drifter (Scavenger only), Rogue (Thief only), Scholar (Physician only), and finally Army (Support & Infantry only).
6. Players may choose their skills rather than roll, and no roll is required for survival (every one survives) or advancement (there are NO ranks). Players will still qualify for any Rank/Level skill if they served the number of Terms required to gain such skill (just as if they received the required rank – all are considered enlisted ranks for this bonus).
7. The player may make a connection with 2 other players. They receive 1 skill for each connection.
8. There are NO benefit rolls. Players will start out with some basic equipment. Money matters little to the people of Moon Base Thoth.
9. Once all players are finished with their character generation, the group may pick skills from the Group Skill Package. The skills are as follows:
Pilot 1, Deception 1, Electronics 1, Gunner 1, Gun Combat 1, Persuade 1, Stealth 1, Medic 1
10. Write a short background about the player’s parent(s) and their growing up on the Moon Base. Remember to add your connections into the story.


Blunt attacks need to exceed the armor rating by 2x/4x to cause a rupture.
Slashing attacks need to exceed armor by 1.5x/3x to cause a rupture.
Piercing attacks need to exceed armor by 1/1.5x to cause a rupture.

Number before is soft sealed, number after is hard sealed.

Since our vaccsuits are soft sealed armor, we can still get beaten to a pulp without bleeding all over the floor.