The World's End - Maximum City [A Mutants & Masterminds Campaign]

Game Master DM_Lazer_Beam

The World's End - Maximum City
DM_Lazer_Beam's M&M Campaign
Elli's Map of Massachusetts
Station X-438
Castle Sinh Overview

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Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

The sacs are partially transparent allowing you to see that Ms. Watkins is inside one, Archibald's overcoat in another, his dog Paris in the third, and the other half of Archy's mattress in the foruth. Each of them is covered in some sort of luminescent particles. It's all over Ms. Watkins hands, Paris' back and head, inside the coat and it's pockets, and covering the mattress. Insight or Investigation check to further discern the meaning of the particles. Taking a sample for examination later might also be a good idea.

Ms. Watson and Paris are still breathing but so slowly as to be in a hibernative state.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

I let out a fake exasperated sigh.

Leave you guys for a few hours and you mess with a giant bug.

Timeline, Tell us a layout of where we are real quick and point us in the right direction.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Umm... its a old Victorian house in a great neighborhood with a nice size lawn with a tool shed and a giant bug that's just to die for ohh...and its tearing up the house the lawn and soon if we don't stop it the neighborhood. Right in front of us now that i teleported us back but i think its underground now so be careful.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Actually the Sigma-Pede is still on the lawn coiling around...nothing as the tank has been moved. It looks mildly confused and highly territorial

Wild Fire:
It is emitting fairly normal levels of heat. At least what you think would be normal for a creature this size. You are also aware of a dark aura surrounding the creature, shadow tendrils that writhe along this thing's surface. Dark One

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Ok, then lets get a look around then.

I carefully stick my head up out of the hatch. Ready an action of dragon's breath if this thing is near by and starts going for us.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

You guys were just supposed to be looking around, how'd you tick this thing off? and where did it even come from?!

Baker peeks out the hatch and looks around.
...and where's Joe?

Insight check on what this thing could be acting territorial about, or if there's anything special about it other than its size? Probably won't see anything, but worth a shot.
Insight: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Yea, Probably not gonna get much. I'm not good with animals, I'm good with computers. They don't try to eat you.

Did you guys clear the area yet? We can't let this thing get near any people or it'll be a bad day for them.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

The creature has thick chitnous plates covering it's long segmented body. It is size Gargantuan. Each segment has 2-3 sets of long, acid-tipped spines radiating outwards from the center of the segment. The creature's maw has a double set of pincers likely used for Grabbing then holding prey. It spots the tank's reappearance and hisses angrily. A number of large mounds of earth are apparent throughout the back yard and surrounding wooded area.

The old Victorian manor house is in a rather sad state of disrepair and there is a large hole in the room of the upper floor where the creature apparently punched through the building. A small newly built toolshed is located on the back of the property and it's door is slightly ajar.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

I got Archy out but it looks like there was other people here I found a ring by the lawnmower but no people other than Archy. We need to stop this thing now before it decides to move from this spot. As for Joe Last time I seen him he was in the basement but the comms are down and I haven't heard from him im sure hes fine He can handle himself. I just imagine the Silverado theme song Like a rock playing in my head.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0


since i am not seeing the next round, i'll post my action now.
when i came up into the tunnel, i was 90 feet away from the pods with people, and i used one std action to move 30' closer.
I take a full round action to move the rest of the 60' to underneath the pods.
from here i make an insight check insight: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
If i am attacked i will change my action

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

The sacs with people & things were within 30'. The tunnel is 90' away from where you entered (60' from the sacs w/people). Elli and Baker are working on posting but they haven't taken enough actions yet to constitute their turn.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Alright, I'll distract it, you guys find a weakness.
Jackpot All Spades: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Oh. Guess we're not distracting it that way... let's try less punch-facing and more defense!

Jackpot All Hearts: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Sweet! All Hearts, active.

With that, Baker jumps out of the tank, jogs over to an open area of the field a good distance away from the tank while keeping a close eye on the megapede, and hurls a rock in its general direction Activating Deus Ex against it. The rock throw is just fluff.

You picked the wrong day to terrorize this city, bug. Unlucky choice!

Deus Ex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Luck Reroll: 1d20 ⇒ 15 + 8 = 23 Damage DC:24, and we'll set the direction of 'Indirect' as: Seeming to originate from me, so I can try to get its attention.

Damage Type: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Damage Type Chart
1 – Acid or Poison
2 - Cold
3 - Fire
4 - Electric
5 - Bludgeoning
6 - Piercing
7 - Slashing
8 – Radiant or Sonic

Huh, apparently that rock might do some damage after all! Haha! Also, if this damage chart doesn't match yours it's because I had to re-write mine in my document. For some reason my version didn't save.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

After Fate jumps out, Wildfire watches the bug, thinking about ways to find a weak spot.

Timeline, I don't know exactly what will work, but I've got a few ideas. I'm going to try burning off some of the spines to see if I can get a blade in between the plates. If that doesn't work, then we may need to flip it over to get it onto its back. The belly may be more vulnerable. Let's see how it does against me first.

She jumps out of the tank and aims some fire at a grouping of spines.

Fire Blast: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

DM Only:

BBE Target: 1d4 ⇒ 2

BBE Ally - Type: 1d2 ⇒ 1
BBE Ally Random Power Type: 1d6 ⇒ 4

BBE Enemy: 1d12 ⇒ 12

BBE Neutral: 1d4 ⇒ 2

BBE Environment Target: 1d2 ⇒ 2
BBE Environment Structure Target: 1d4 ⇒ 4
BBE Environment Structure Type: 1d6 ⇒ 5

BBE Power Rank: 4 + 1d6 ⇒ 4 + (1) = 5
Ok so that's target=Enemy and Power=Quickness 5 Overall, rather useless for the creature. Maybe if he needed to open doors or something :S

Sigma Toughness: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 12 - 1 = 27 DC 24 Deus Ex
Sigma Toughness: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 12 - 1 = 25 DC 25 Scorching Ray; On failed save, spine snaps off. -2 to hit spine, Wild Fire succeeded despite negative.

Baker Scott, I.T. errr- Risen Fate flies a distance away from the tank, his back to the dilapidated and damaged manor house. He looks almost laughable throwing such a small stone at the monster.

That is until a small explosion rocks the manor house behind him, and a old style oven careens just over Risen Fate's head impacting the side of the the same spot where the thrown rock hit. The oven is unfortunately deflected and lands 30 ft. from the monster. It is still intact because they really don't build them like they used to.

Wild Fire heats one of the spines to a red hot glow but is unable to get it to snap or melt off. It made it's save.


Round 5

The Sigma-Pede rears up and rubs it's spines together creating an eerie screeching sound that invades your mind! Will saves vs. this Fear effect. Joe and Risen Fate are immune as they have the Fearless advantage

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Oh crap...

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1


putting it in spoilers because they wouldn't know what happens to help against metagaming.
Timeline seeing the have him distracted decides to do something perhaps reckless...Timeline now that everyone's out of the tank, teleports the tank inside the giant beast Dont know if i can teleport inside his heart for the lack of room if i can cool if not ill teleport inside his stomach that should be large enough. aims as far away from the tank as possible and fires now because its inside him i doubt he would get to dodge i think it would automatically hit and do the straight damage as well as splash damage because it will hit the creature no matter where it goes.
cannon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 damage 10 radius 6 don't know the dc I cant remember how the damage works for this its been awhile

well back to defenseless that ok though
new will: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
old will: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Dark Screech [Sonic, Fear, Dark]

Will DC 16 Affliction:
11-15 - Vulnerable (Dodge and Parry bonuses are halved)
<10 - Defenseless (Dodge and Parry bonuses negated)

You get a new save at the end of each of your turns to attempt to remove 1 degree of the affliction.

Just so you guys can make informative posts.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

DM Only:
Sigma Fortitude: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 12 - 1 = 15 vs. DC 27 tank being shoved into stomach. Success=Tank inside no damage Failure=damage and tank shunted outside.

Sigma-Pede Toughness: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 - 2 = 29 vs. DC 25 damage
Sigma-Pede Dodge 3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast (only making this save becasue there are multiple segments!)
Sigma-Pede Dodge 4: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 5: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 6: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 8: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 9: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast
Sigma-Pede Dodge 11: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 vs. DC 16 to avoid blast

Sigma-Pede Dodge 5: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 - 1 = 21 vs. DC 21
Sigma-Pede Dodge 8: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 1 = 25 vs. DC 21
Sigma-Pede Dodge 9: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 - 1 = 13 vs. DC 21
Sigma-Pede Dodge 11: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 1 = 6 vs. DC 21

Tank Toughness: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 vs. DC 27

BBE tracked. Hero Point awarded to Risen Fate for lucky oven hit.

Timeline and the tank disappear. A large distortion appears momentarily around one of the creature's segments. Timeline and the tank (still blasting heavy metal music) reappear in the same spot they disappeared from and the creatures middle segment begins to leak a green ichor (blood). Creature is 1 size category larger than tank. Normally need to be 2 sizes large to have stomach large enough. Gave it Fort check to see if it could hold tank (and give you an easy target) or fail and take damage (shunting you to safety). The tank has suffered some damage. It takes a Bruise.

The monster writhes in agony...before splitting in two! Timeline reacts quickly and points the tank's cannon dead center of the creatures coils and fires. The lower half of the monster (complete with pincers and recessed insectoid face same as the original "head") is hit by the shell AND the blast splitting into even smaller sections!

Each segment of the Sigma-Pede is of roughly Huge size (9x9 squares). There are twelve segments total. Currently 6 make up the upper body and there are now three smaller sections with 2 segments each. The smaller they are the quicker they seem to move but the weaker in general to attacks.

Anyone for superhero Centipede? *Evil Grin*

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Now its a party! You know what they say The bigger they are the more pieces they have to kill us with...Wait that's not right is it? Well that's a neat trick.
Well that wasn't quite my plan but hey it worked that had to hurt it.

Sir, I have managed to reset the commlink devices as per your earlier instructions. Incidentally, I have finished integration of the computer system into my network.

I have infilitrated the hospital's paging network and it would seem that Prof. Louvre is in stable condition and under heavy sedation. He was found coated with an unidentified substance. Presumably, it is what caused this creature to attack.

Communication blackout lifted from comm devices.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

@ E.O.N.
Good job ya old bucket of bolts, keep up the good work.

You ok big guy haven't seen you in awhile friend.
@Wildfire and Fate
Did you guys see that that was a little awesome. Alright now lets Hit them and Hit them hard they should be a bit weaker with that blast they took, Try and take out the little ones ill hit the big one.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

Hey guys, there is a giant centipede and it hits pretty hard. it attacked and dragged me through the ground, until i punched it enough to let me go. I had to dig my way out. I am currently in a tunnel that has these pods that emit light, and pods that contain a dog and what looks like Archibald's maid. so how are you?

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

@ Joe
Oh you know fighting the same giant centipede and teleported the tank inside and blew it into four sections and turns out its a bunch of creatures put in to one and they look pissed, So about the usual. So when do you plan on joining us its been to long just to long? We must have lunch we absolutely must.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

lunch sounds great, maybe some cucumber sandwiches with the crust removed and some nice black tea. as for helping with the now 4 centi-creatures, with them split up they shouldn't drag me along so easily, also i have no idea where i am, just in the ground with some hostages, and wondering if i break them out, will more bugs burst out of other sacs to flood over me. so I am glad to join you, but i need transportation, just look for the glowing green sacs in the tunnel, i think there might even be a bus stop.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Are tanks bigger than buses?....Anyway I will see what I can do I might be able to if they can handle the creature or I can come get you and we leave the civilians for now until after we stop this thing.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

Yeah, i tried to understand what the goop is but i just don't have the scientific background, i still call it alchemy from time to time, if only there was someone quite intelligent on our team to investigate this matter. but, alas, where could we find such a hero? also can't you track my signal to get me oh great swammy of technology?

If I may interject, there appears to be interference with the built in GPS function. Reverend Joe is not showing up anywhere on the planet. I would advise caution if attempting a teleport, sir. It is quite likely I will be unable to track your whereabouts in that location.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

lovely, I'll try on my own to meet you guys


I use a double move action to get towards the end of the tunnel, i know i will still be 30' away, but i need to start sometime. I will bring the guys back to here

after consulting the dm, i am 60' not 90' away, so i try an acrobatics check to increase my speed making it a move action, also assuming the spade hands does not help me in this roll.
acrobatics: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 with a dc 15 to beat it so i can move faster
success! one move action to reach the tunnel

Traditional armored anti-personnel combat vehicles are 95.43% likely to be smaller than commercial buses both in cubic volume displaced and occupant capacity.

Buses are size Gargantuan and tanks are size Huge.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Really micro brain that was sarcasm I knew that I built you didn't i? And before you answer that that was a rhetorical question.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

You are aware of the sounds of combat ahead. The tunnel lightens considerably as you turn the sharp corner and see a slope towards the surface. It ends in what appears to be the inside of a large recently fabricated toolshed. The sounds of the centipede monster and rock n roll come from beyond the toolshed door.

The toolshed door is about 30' away. You can end your turn outside (shoving the door aside) with your remaining move action if you wish.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Completely out of context, but I came across this and completely thought of Wildfire breaking into song with this one: "Let em Burn - Frozen Parody"

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0


I do just that

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

The toolshed's door slams open as Reverend Jesse Jackson barrels out. His hands, curiously, are shaped like crude spades.

I liked that video. Actually have yet to see Frozen. I may need to go watch that tonight.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

That I can work with!

By the way, my armor is out.

Fire Blast at the sction with 6 segments: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Will save against earlier affects: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Seeing as I have yet to effectively get this things attention and that it's mostly being annoying and multiplying, we'll hit a segment with another Deus Ex.

Deus Ex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Damage DC24

Damage type: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Damage Type Chart
1 – Acid or Poison
2 - Cold
3 - Fire
4 - Electric
5 - Bludgeoning
6 - Piercing
7 - Slashing
8 – Radiant or Sonic

I'd like the direction to come from my general vicinity again, please.

Hey Rev, you alright over there?!
I'll fly over to meet him.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

DM Only:
Sigma 4 Toughness: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 1 = 11 vs. DC 25 Scorching Ray
Sigma-Pede 7-8: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 - 2 = 6 vs. DC 24 Deus Ex Machina Piercing
Sigma 1 Toughness: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 - 1 = 23 vs. DC 25 Scorching Ray (Secondary Effect)

Wild Fire's scorching blast hits the largest of the 'Pedes dead center splitting it in half! The segment hit actually separates into it's own single creature and appears Staggered.

Risen Fate points menacingly at one of the 'Pedes smaller sections and razor sharp cutlery falls from the heavens in a veritable hail of sharp, stabby objects. Many of the steak knives, dessert forks, and salad tongs bounce harmlessly off.

And then the 12 pc. set of gleaming, freshly sharpened, stag handle meat carvers hit in a highly unlikely small target radius cracking open the chitinous shell and stabbing into the ichorous meaty substance underneath. The segment oozes ichor and then falls still. The segment behind it separates and is ready for combat. First down goes to Risen Fate.

'Pede Status at end of Round 5:

#1-3: 2 Bruises

#4: 1 Bruise & Staggered

#5-6: Normal

#7: 3 Bruises and Dead

#8: Normal

#9-10: 1 Bruise

#11-12: 1 Bruise

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

***Round 6***

The Sigma-Pede(s) roar defiance and make for the tasty snacks!

@Timeline: The largest of the 'Pedes (#1-3) sniffs the air, looks towards the tank, and then burrows underground before bursting up around the tank. It spews acidic bile over the entire tank!
Timeline, you need to make a Dodge check (you get +5 circumstance bonus to avoid the acid for being inside the tank) and a Toughness check in case you fail.
The tank needs a Toughness save.

#4 is Staggered and burrows underground.

#5-6 burrows underground and then leaps towards Risen Fate!
Pincer Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
NO DAMAGE. Roll a Dodge or Strength check vs. auto Grab Attack.

#8 burrows underground and cannot be seen.

#9-10&#11-12 sniff the air, seem to focus on Joe and burrow over. They both release cones of acidic bile catching Joe and Risen Fate in the area of effect.
I need two separate sets of Dodge and then Toughness saves from Joe and Risen Fate.

The head of the #1-3 'Pede suffers from deep tissue damage from Wild Fire's earlier fire attack and falls off writhing in pain.

There are currently 5 visible 'Pede targets and all of them contain either 1 or 2 segments.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Dodge vs autograb: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Dodge vs Acid: 1d20 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 5 = 27
Toughness vs Acid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

dodge and toughness check # 1
dodge: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
toughness: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
dodge and toughness check # 2
dodge: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
toughness: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Well i say, you heathens are in for some righteous fury. Repent ye vermin and your souls might still be saved, for you are about to meet your maker.

All out attack with power attack on segment 11-12
attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Hero point re-roll on the first toughness save
toughness: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 +10 since it was below 10 to be a total of 27

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Dodge Vs 2nd Acid: 1d20 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 5 = 23

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Fire Blast to the head of section #1-3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Hopefully this will finish you off.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

I have decided that Timeline can make a Vehicle check once per round to add a circumstance bonus to the vehicle's Defense checks (which is normally a -4) and the tank gets a Dodge check as per normal versus the area attack. He also gets total cover from the area attack being within a tank and therefore doesn't need to make Dodge or Toughness check. If an attack was to get through the tank it would need to be of a different type either Contagious or aerosalized etc...

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Let's knock another of these out of the park.
Deus Ex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Damage DC24
Against #5

Damage Type: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Damage Type Chart
1 – Acid or Poison
2 - Cold
3 - Fire
4 - Electric
5 - Bludgeoning
6 - Piercing
7 - Slashing
8 – Radiant or Sonic

So Reverend;
Baker asks as he feels the unluck coursing through him, enveloping the micro-pede as it tries snapping at him with its mandibles.
Any idea what this is, what it wants or where it came from?

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

they seem to have made a series of tunnels below the house. You can access the tunnels in the basement and in the tool shed. They have captured Archy's maid, his dog, his overcoat and his mattress in some sort of pod about 60' down the tunnel from the shed. the organisms are alive but comatose, and some sort of glittering liquid has enveloped them. I have no idea what the liquid is as i have no real ability to investigate it at the time.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Damn beasts!
vehicle: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
tank dodge: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
tank toughness: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 in case I didn't make the dodge

Timeline teleports the tank back a ways from the one that attacked him the aims and fires at it.
tank cannon vs 1-3 or 2-3 the one that attacked me: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 damage 10 radius 6

will: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

DM Only:
Pede 11-12 Toughness: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 2 - 1 = 15 vs. Joe Punch DC 29
Pede 2-3 Dodge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 vs. Cannon Explosion DC 16
Pede 2-3 Toughness: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 vs. Cannon Explosion DC 21
Pede 1 Dodge: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 vs. Cannon Explosion DC 16
Pede 1 Toughness: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 1 - 2 = 8 vs. Cannon Explosion DC 21
Pede 4 Toughness: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 vs. Scorching Ray(Secondary) DC 25
Pede 5-6 Toughness: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 vs. Deus Ex DC 24

Joe swings with righteous fury at the offending Sigma-Pede catching the rearward segment in a vicous right hook. The sections seperate after taking damage.

Timeline shot misses it's intended target only to explode and catch them in the blast anyways. #2-3 gyrates away, but the already burning #1 takes it to the face. #1 is Staggered.

Wild Fire's Scorching Ray goes wild as the segment she was trying to hit gyrates out of the way.
The segment she hit last round (#4) takes further damage as it continues to burn. It is still Staggered and underground.

Risen Fate again points almost casually at the nearby 'Pede (#5-6) just as one of it's gyrating spines hits the main power line that runs to the toolshed. Arcs of electricity ripple along the forward segment's length. These two do NOT separate.

Now that one of you has successfuly hit just the forward section of one of the Pedes here's a fun "tip". Hitting the head or tail segment doesn't cause the 'Pede to split. However hitting these segments is more difficult based on the # of segments making up the 'Pede. More segments = higher STR and STA. Fewer segments = higher Dodge and Parry.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

***Round 7***

Each of the different 'Pede segments begins to let out a piercing whine! 6 different Will saves from Timeline and Wild Fire please. Three are DC 11 and three are DC 12.

Each segment then burrows underground leaving the backyard empty except for our heroes, one dead segment, an old wood-burning stove, and some miscellaneous cutlery.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

guys, there are people trapped in pods bellow ground, this things might be retreating to get those in the pods. we should hurry and release them, or at the very least protect them while figuring out what they are suspended in. they are roughly 60 feet down the tunnel that opens in the tools shed. i am worried about them, lets go.
I move towards the tool shed and open the door for the rest of the group and move as far as i can get.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Joe, You make it to the mouth of the glowing cave. The pods appear intact however you are able to feel minor vibrations in the earth around the cave.

Just so we are clear, the piercing whine is the same as the previous Fear affect ability only at lower DC's because the different segments are split.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Will Save 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Will Save 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Will Save 3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Will Save 4: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Will Save 5: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Will Save 6: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

I cover my ears from the sound and run to the shed to follow Joe into the tunnel.

Should we try to get them out now? Timeline, could you port them somewhere safe and get them out of harms way?

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