The World's End - Maximum City [A Mutants & Masterminds Campaign]

Game Master DM_Lazer_Beam

The World's End - Maximum City
DM_Lazer_Beam's M&M Campaign
Elli's Map of Massachusetts
Station X-438
Castle Sinh Overview

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You had me drop ice blocks into it don't you remember, comrade?

Right! and then we filled it with margarita mix and alcohol! Then we added chiquitas if ya know what I mean. Tempest winks at all of you in succession at his not so "subtle" meaning. Silver gives him a withering glare.

Hey, it was my day off! And what else was I supposed to do with 125 barrels of Captain Adams?

Ah well that is a long story. Suffice to say I was a rather foolish young man intent on re-discovering the Frozen Continent. So much of the world's natural water reserves in one place, I admit it fascinated me. I got seperated from my exploration team and wound up several miles off course before I knew it. If I hadn't taken refuge in that strange cave and found the jewel...

Beryl rouses himself from his melancholy thoughts. Well everything worked out in the end.

@Timeline: You talk big i'll give you that. But even if you were the living embodiment of teleportation technology, you would need an immense power source to simply run the device let alone transfer your power into it.

He gets a sly look on his face. I suppose of course you've accounted for the quark fluctuations in your string field harmonics?

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

@Silver: Wild Fire sits for a minute to process all the information. How long do we have to give you an answer?

@Beacon: That still sounds like quite the adventure and a great research opportunity.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

I'm just surprised there aren't more of the good guys, and was just caught off guard at your immediate reaction of violence; though I suppose I understand why now...

Baker half-listens to Tempest's rantings before continuing,

I'm you wildfire, how long do we have to consider the opportunity? And what would the training period entail?

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

That explains why you graced us with your presence when such a serious situation is occurring across the world and why there was such haste with this meeting. While i greatly appreciate the offer, and honestly i would greatly enjoy working with the likes of tempest, I am one of those Supers on Retainer of individual countries, and Israel has seen fit to loan me to the U.S. Government. While i would like to Help with this organization, my first and most priority is the Government and i don't want my loyalties to be stretched too thin. In addition, from your point of view, you are under the UN, and i would be under a singular governments control, making a hassle for you. So while i greatly appreciate the offer, i truly do, and i would enjoy to get to work beside so many other metas, i will have to decline your invitation.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

@ John
I think ive got it all down you just wait and see maybe ill let you check it out sometime after its done.
Timeline without skipping a beat and hearing Joe's answer to Silver turns to the conversation at hand.

Look Silver heres the thing, and I find this to be a problem of mine we were the ones that stopped the museum heist and you were nowhere to be find not even one of your "sidekicks" now this leads me to believe that your organization struggles to stop crime at the lower levels and that doesn't cut it in my eyes.I think I will have to pass as well I have plans to start a team that will be better able to handle the littler problems as well as the bigger if need be. Now saying that I would have no problems working along side with you time to time if it comes up but a smaller team that can work on the slide with no limitations of the UN, I think could be more beneficial to this city and its people right now. I do appreciate the offer and the extra money would be nice but as you said its not about the money now is it?
Timeline looks to Joe nodding his head in agreement.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Seeing as there is some concern across the table here, could you perhaps tell us what restrictions are placed on the GoE by National and International governments, as well as what restrictions and normal laws can be lifted, based on circumstance of course. While I don't agree with Mr. Timeline that your organization is failing at their duties, I am concerned that there was no interaction from the GoE in the museum heist.

Baker looks at Timeline.

I think what Mr. Timeline is getting at is that is that he would like some assurance of the competency of the GoE. Perhaps if you could share some of the details of your less sensitive information to give us an indication that you do in fact care for the little guy and the small-scale situations that arise.

Baker pauses to let Silver take in the information, then continues.
Now, the other issue that is keeping me on the fence about joining the GoE is being tied down. I've gone and given my identity for your records, and given what I do know about your organization I believe in your integrity to keep that information safe. However I would like some assurance that once, and if, we have joined your organization that we will be able to either bring concerns of its operation to you or someone else in authority, or that we would have the freedom to leave should we find that we disagree with something that is going on in the group.

Baker looks at the others for some sort of agreement.

I think we're all wondering just how tied down your organization will keep us and exactly what you stand for.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

I completely agree with Fate. I would like all that information as well.

Assume that Silver explained that Global Supers are Class A, national supers are Class B, Regionals are Class C, and City heroes are Class D.

You have as long as you need. As far as I am concerned the offer is an open one. We do try to let members choose what city and responsibilities they are in charge of. Most of our members are self-regulating in that respect. The training and hierarchy are in place just for emergency situations to prevent wasting resources when boundaries overlap. We are hard pressed to keep up with the rise in criminal elements without adding turf wars to the mix.

John's behavior was inexcusable but hardly surprising considering what happened the last time we were faced with an entity capable of altering the very fabric of reality. I am afraid I can speak no more on that subject except to say that we are quite glad you are not in fact HIM. I am glad I was able to intervene when I did with his "acid test" of your abilities but it would seem that he did indeed prove his point. You might be surprised to hear this but I was not the one who stopped the rockets. He produces a damaged miniaturized Homing Rocket. All 16 of them malfunctioned at once. The explosion you saw was actually caused by me impacting them thus crushing the explosive payload together. You would have been in no danger even had I not been there.

You would begin your duties right away as there should not be any drastic shift in what you are already doing, seeing as you have already begun to fight crime...and have a base if my super hearing picked that up correctly? He glances sidelong at Timeline.

I am sure we can fit a training schedule around whatever schedules you already keep. The training shouldn't take more than a a few days this next month. It'll hit the basics of communicator use, battlefield triage, and collateral damage reduction.

@Joe: I am sure I could persuade the General to let you lend a hand whenever possible. In many ways the U.S. military's duties, and by extension many UN membership nation's militaries duties, overlap with the goals of the GoE. I have actually been requesting a military liason for some time now. Someone who can keep us appraised of military involvement and vice versa. You would not be required to divulge state secrets except where those secrets would endanger the lives of innocents. The same would be true in reverse of course. Secret identities of GoE members for instance are none of the military's business.

Maximum Silver leans back in his chair. I'm not going to hide the truth. Crime has been on the rise in Maximum City for awhile now and every attempt to curb it has met with disaster. Kinetic is in charge of the city while I and the A-Classes are away, which is often. We have nearly 80 supers in as many regions across the world supported by as many sidekicks as we can train. We had assumed Maximum City would see fewer problems than the other cities due to the presence of the GoE national HQ here. That has unfortunately not been the case. Kinetic assured me he had everything under control but the recent break-in at the museum has disabused me of that notion. I have tried setting up Kinetic with partners in the past but they all left the GoE shortly thereafter, or in one unfortunate case, died.

In short, I am growing concerned about Kinetic's safety and his ability to keep crime down. I am confident that he is doing everything he can but he simply cannot be in two places at once. While you deliberate your decision I would appreciate it if you would continue your efforts in defending this city.

@Risen Fate: We have recieved special dispensation from the U.S. government that any identites made known to us from full members of the GoE will not be registered in the central Super database in Washington. Sort of like keeping a seperation of church and state, we are registered to our own seperate system that only the Secretary-General of the UN, with a majority vote from the member nations, can view. There is an emergency provision of course but there must be an official declaration of global warfare or the member in question is officially convicted of a felonous act. Lawyer-holes as I like to call them.

As for what we stand for, we are the first, and often last, barrier between this planet and the evils that threaten it to it's very core. Despotism, tyranny, and oppression are our sworn enemies. We are as diverse as the life in this universe and we embrace these differences in strength to become a cohesive whole. We are the GUARDIANS OF EARTH!

All of the patrons in the restraunt look over at your table stunned by Maximum Silver's outburst.

Whoa there, Captain Planet. We are inside of a R-E-S-T-A-U-R-A-N-T. Use you inside voice ok?

Embarassed, Silver sits back down and finishes his dessert.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Well Mr.Silver Ill give you this you are very compelling and I cant say I speak for everyone but i know i will consider this if I knew we could operate out of our own HQ and as a team and mostly on our own with guidance from GoE. But I must say if we scored so high on your test i don't like the idea of being so low on you ranking system as city heroes would be class D because to be honest I feel I personally would be ranked at least a B class Hero. Also I request never to have to work with Tempest for I don't think I could take anymore of a mental beating.But joining or not I assure you I will continue to protect this city and its people regardless of my choice the well being of others comes first and I know I speak for my compatriots when I say that, as you could see by our selfless acts in the simulator to give our lives to protect this city and the people in it!

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

I like the idea of being the liaison between the U.S. Military and so Government and the GOE. I am sure that the general will enjoy having a better connection with the GOE and he should respect your privacy as much as deemed necessary. I would like as timeline says to stay as a team operating out of timeline's base. As for assertion that we should at least be class b, i understand the necessity of starting low and rising through the ranks, and i respect when orders come from above. Place me wherever you see fit.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

I would still appreciate time to think about the commitment, but I do like the idea of the 3 of us working together out of a separate base.

Dinner finished, Silver excuses himself. I would enjoy the thought of having a dedicated party of heroes in maximum City once again, ms. Fire. Say the word and I will set the ball rolling. Please take all the time you need. Now I am afraid I really must return to the peace talks. Beryl, the street if you will.

Beryl projects an icy portal onto the far wall leading into the back alley. Silver steps through and in one mighty leap hurls himself into the sky.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

After watching Silver leap away, Wild Fire turns back to the table.

Well boys, I don't have an further questions unless any of you do. I would like the chance to discuss all of this in private as a team and sleep on the decision. What are your thoughts?

@Beacon: Mr. Beacon, for those of us that are undecided at the moment, what would be the best way to reach you or the rest of your team with our decision, whether it is collective or individually?

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

I would at least like to finish dinner before thinking or talking more on this, but I agree; a private conversation among us is in order after today. All my questions have been answered, and I doubt I will ever get the chance to eat in a place this nice again; thank Mr. Johnson, for your hospitality.

Uh-huh, sure thing kid. John leans in conspiratorially, If you think this place is good wait til you see where we go for dessert.

**Three hours later**

After an extremely eventful evening you find yourselves once again left to your own devices.

Please feel free to make up whatever crazy stories you want for where you went for dessert. ^.^

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Back at the nearly completed base of operations:

Wow. I did not know that there was a bar dedicated specifically to super heroes under the old Maximum City Steel mill. Though I suppose I should have seen it coming that the place is called JJ's Tavern; that guy owns everything around here! Also, I had no idea that Tempest could put away so many eclairs. Either way, before we go check out this place that Dr. Nile has put together, I have something for you all, whether we join the GoE or not.

Baker pulls out the stylish communicators that he's made and hands one to everyone.

I put these together using the tech shop at Robocorp. They're hands-free bluetooth earpiece communicators. They register a short delta-band wavelength to sync up to your thoughts with the three other devices. In short, think about the person you want to talk to and then talk; that headset will pick you up so long as you're within about a mile. If you need to boost the signal you can jack it into a local phone or wireless network, but it loses some of the security that's built into it.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

OOOh very cool!

I turn it over a few times in my hand to get a good look at it.

I promise to not melt it haha. Do you think we could also work to make a more secure way of wearing it for those of us that fly?

I get quiet for a second...So what about this GoE thing? I think it's a alright deal as long as we get to operate here. I don't want to feel completely like I'm on their leash and under their eye all the time. Working here would at least give us some space.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Flying shouldn't be a problem with it. I've stress-tested it and went with a semi-perm seal on the wearable surface. It'll temporarily seal to your ear and is streamlined enough that you could stick this to an F-22 and let it take off, no problem. As for the GoE, I'm currently all for it. From the answers Mr. Silver gave, I see no reason not to be a GoE member. He did say we get to work from here, that our regular routine will not change and that we are basically getting to do what we've already been doing except legally. Furthermore, we get access to GoE archives and other materials if we sign up.

Baker looks at Joe and Emit.

Did either of you see a downside to signing up? I'm having trouble thinking of any after our dinner and dessert with Mr. Johnson.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

the only downside i can see for myself is my dual responsibilities, no matter how illegal it is to find out the secret identities of those in the GOE, i can suspect i will be asked at one time or another to compile a list. As for other downsides, the normal issue of getting away from work or other responsibilities to go do super work, as well as now we have to deal with the press and public image more. we can no longer just show up, defeat the robbers, and leave before the cops show. Now everything we do while being supers will be under the scrutiny of the public eye. Lastly while it seemed we didn't directly completely destroy the sphinxonium, if something like that happens again while working for the GOE, whether or not we caused the damage, we are responsible for it. though we get a fairly large budget for repairs. I like the idea of working for the GOE in the city.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

I agree with Joe it was nice just to pop in take care of business and they pop out.On the other hand we will show up and they wont hate us for showing up to save the day at least less than now. I think it will be an opportunity we cant pass up with the financial backing of the guardians through Mr.Johnson and the criminal database so we don't have to hack it and take the info plus the most important thing back up if we need it which is always nice. But we will be a symbol to this city.Also id like us to brainstorm team names I was thinking Hourglass or Quantum League but id like all of us to decide. Also thank you fate for the communicators this will be so useful in combat to communicate and plan on the fly good thinking.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Well if we're all in, then we can contact them tomorrow with a yes. I guess we should think of a team name and we need to sound like a something with league, brigade, squadron, guards, reserve, et cetera. I think we should stray away from Hourglass; no offense, but that sounds like one guy.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

That is fine I was simply brainstorming but I guess the most important thing is do we all agree to join but only as a team if so we should think of the next thing for our team to tackle. I personally think Death Mask should be number one with the murders of those men.Stealing is one thing but murder is another the sooner we deal with him the less people who will wind up hurt or dead.

investigation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28 To check local crime reports and police records for strange murders with the victims that have deformed faces and or heavy nerve damage. See if I can find a pattern to triangulate where he might be hold up.

Human [MIA (deceased?)][-H- *S* D] (3hp/3Lp)[Defenses] D:3(9)/ P:1(7)/ T:1/ F:1/ W:2 [Stats] STR:1(8)/ STA:1(8)/ AGI:3(11)/ DEX:3(11)/ FIG:1(8)/ INT:1(8)/ AWE:2(9)/ PRE:2(9)

Death Mask could be important to take down, but given his nature it may be difficult to track him... I have a lead on a disappearance I was hoping to follow, but that should only take me a day or so. As a team, I think we should concentrate on finding the Eye of Cthuhlu. That was what the whole fallout from the museum was over, and also what Death Mask was after. I'll bet if we trace the eye, we may find him as well.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

I'm with Fate on this one, lets track the eye. I have something I want to investigate, but it can wait for later. There are more important things to do right now.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Right well then the eye it is, But where to look anybody got any leads on where to look first?

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Episode 3: The Road to R'lyeh Pt. 1: Viskonia

Everyone's Luck points and Hero Points have been reset.

Elli awarded retro-active Hero Point for mutant-bane dagger complication. She will start with 2 hero points this episode.

It is early November and the chill winter winds are blowing more frequently. Snow mounds are beginning to form in vacant lots and roadsides. The Christmas decorations are out already and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet.

The Sphinxonium re-construction and expansion is well under way and Madelyn Fourmer is named the acting museum director as Archibald Louvre has come down with a strange illness.

An old church near Joe's home is converted into a place of worship for the Twilight Revenance, a new religion preaching the transcendance of the body into spirit at the darkest hour: Armageddon.

The bunker where you have made base has been cleaned up considerably and those of you visiting can hear the almost constant sounds of running machinery coming from Emit's lab as he attempts to create his portal device.

Drake Tracer is back at school and now has a full time bodyguard, a large bruiser named David.

Anvil Industries stock jumps yet again placing it several points ahead of RoboCorp. There are a rumors that some people at RoboCorp might be getting the axe if the next quarter doesn't improve.

Lorenzo Pachenti informs Baker that Dr. Cobalt is taking over the research on the water excitation project.

Human [injuries] - 2 bruise(1 incurable) plus paralyzed leg [Defenses] D:1(9)/ P:1(9)/ F:3/ T:3/ W:5 [Stats] STR:1/STA:3/AGI:1/DEX:3/FGT:1/INT:4/AWE:5/PRE:0

Well, let's start with looking at Professor Dela ruse. Does he have a background and was doing any research that the eye would fall under?

Investigation: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Do we have a working computer in this place?

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Smoke billows out of the lab as a minor explosion shakes the nearby rooms,as Timeline walks out into the main computer room where everyone is gathered a little ash covered he brushes the soot of each shoulder.
Why can I not get this damn it...huh maybe I just need a break.
Yes indeed we should start there wildfire, Id like you all to meet E.O.N. Electro-chemical Operations Network. E.O.N. pull up all data on Professor Dela Ruse.
investigation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Female Human Assistant Director of the Sphinxonium

Yes, the facilities here grant a +2 circumstance bonus to your Investigation roll bringing it to a 20.

You discover that Prof. Dela Ruse is the leading scientific mind of the small country of Viskonia. The only leading mind of Viskonia if the accounts are true. Viskonia is a small country created from the turmoil after the World Wake when the Eastern European countries were in shambles. When the dust had cleared, a new military power was in charge of this small section of land and they declared themselves independent of the country it was originally part of. Will update exactly which country when I have the time to do so. You can barely make out the country on the world map but the computer system enhances it for you.

Prof. Dela Ruse appears to not only be the leading scientific mind but also it's current dictator. He specializes in archaeological artifacts but has degrees in biochemistry, robotics, and a few other degrees for specialized fields of science you can only guess at.

Emit, you receive a call from Madelyn.

Emit, I am soooo sorry but have to cancel dinner again. They've got me tied up with renovation approvals and I'm still behind schedule with the inventory. Please don't be mad I'm not trying to avoid you I promise. I did have a favor to ask however. I haven't heard from Archy in three days and I'm starting to worry. Usually i'd get updates on his health from his housekeeper, Ms. Watkins but she hasn't called either. Could you check up on him for me?

She gives you his address (which you remember from the other night anyways). Call me when you know how he's doing. I'm probably just fretting over nothing...

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Can do Madelyn Ill check in on him soon and ill let you know im sure its nothing and don't worry if been swamped with a new project Ive been working on anyways but I cant wait to see you Goodbye.
Timeline looks to the team
Ive got some troubling news from Madelyn that Archibald hasn't been in touch with her for three days and she needs me to check in on him. It shouldn't take me to long to check it out but ill keep you posted.
Unless stopped by any of the team with anything else Timeline ports off to go check on him.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

timeline, why don't you take me with you, I am an expert in a field if they need an excuse, possibly a new artifact or something. also you could use the back up.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Alright Joe lets go check on Archy
Timeline walks over to Joe and after a few teleports they wind up outside the address Madelyn gave him and the one he remembered that night they dropped them off. Timeline looks around and makes sure hes not noticed and then shifts back to Emit.

Male Human professor [Injuries]x[heropoints]1[powerpoints]0

Emit walks to the door with Joe and knocks on the door and awaits someone to answer.
Ms. Watkins....Archibald its professor Emit Nile from the night at the museum Madelyn sent us to check in.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

The decrepit manor house creaks eerily as you listen for the sound of voices inside. You hear...nothing. The door appears to be slightly ajar.

Male Human professor [Injuries]x[heropoints]1[powerpoints]0

I don't like this Joe Maybe we should suit up and investigate.
Emit transforms back to Timeline and enters the house and flicks on his pipboys flashlight.
Keep a close eye out for anything strange.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Timeline makes his way through the house looking for anything out of the ordinary.
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
investigation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

Well, after you sir, you can probably explore this quicker with your teleporting. i'll take the first floor, you take the second. call if you find him or his caretaker, and watch out for anything else in here.
perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
thousand faces ability
expertise theology: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17 for Reverend Jesse Jackson.

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Hardy Boys:
Joe you are the first to hear the cry of Help! coming from upstairs! It's strangely muffled and doesn't carry throughout the house very well... You believe you hear a creaking sound of some sort. There is a lone set of rickety stairs leading to the upper floor.

Emit you had just finished scouring the ground floor when you heard the yell. You noticed the floorboards in the den seemed to be bowing downwards and aren't very sturdy.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Timeline teleports upstairs to the room with the screaming.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

Timeline, do you want to port us up there and risk our actions causing the floor to break, or do you want to instead shoot the floorboards from bellow, cause the seen the fall below where i am there to catch the person crying for help?

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Emit make a Dodge check.

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Dodge: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

looks like i am running up the stairs then, i run up the stairs and try to track down the correct room

Elder Human Mage 20/ Planeswalker 10/ Engineer 10

Eh enough spoilers. I trust you guys not to meta-game too much.

Emit you teleport into what used to be a bedroom. You discover rather abruptly that there is no floor! Luckily you manage to blink away to safety into the hallway before falling into the pit that is now the upper floor bedroom. As you peer down the pit seems rather deep extending below the first floor into the basement A number of jagged pieces of wooden flooring stick out around the edges of the hole and would likely have made for a painful landing.

Outside the bedroom window you can hear a weak cry for help. It's Archy! Help! It's found me! the curse! Oh I'm such a fool! F'hagn! The Dark lords need my heart, need my heart for something dreadful... Oh! *incoherent speech*

Joe, need an Acrobatics check followed by a Dodge check.

Middle-aged Human Male [Injuries] [HP]0[Luck] 0 [Defenses] D: +9/P: +9/T: +0/F: +0/W: +0 [Stats] STR: +4/STA: +0/AGI: +1/DEX: +0/FIG: +1/INT: +0/AWE: +0/PRE: +0

all righty then
acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
dodge: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Male [Injuries][heropoints][stabilty]2 [Defenses] D:+3 /P:+0/ F:+3 /T:+5/W:+0 [Stats] STR:+0/STA:+3/AGI:+3/DEX:+4/FIG:+0/4/INT:+10/AWE:+0/PRE:+1

Timeline nearly falling in a quite dangerous trap steps back and evaluates the situation and hears the screaming again coming from outside the window. Timeline Teleports outside the house on the ground of the side with the window and looks for Archy.
Archibald!! Where are you?

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