About Sphene_Axinite_ClinohumiteSphene Axinite Clinohumite Origin: Sphene Axinite Clinohumite - Type: Gold Dragon CG Looks: a small very young Gold Dragon about the size of a riding dog, her flight is still wobbly and movements not so steady. But her eyes look older, and in them is a sharp and cunning look. She can be rude at time, blunt and has a mean temper but she also kind and caring at others. She seems to have a very strong morale compass. She has a strong personality and things tends to be right or wrong in her view. In Three words: Beautiful, Smart, Temper Crunch:
Dragon Senses (Ex): Dragons have Darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light. Stat's 20 point spend.
Speed 60 ft, swim 60 ft, Fly 150 ft. Maneuverability (Average). HD 13/13 1d12+1 [hp 13]
[16] 10 +2dex +1AC Size bonus +3NA FF14/T13 Bite TH+2 (5’ Reach), DMG 1d6+2 [Magic]
Cone of Fire 1d4 dam (20’)
Saves Base +2/+2/+2 Fort +3
water breathing,
Feats + Traits:
Race Human Normal feat: x1 1: Additional Traits Race Dragon Monster Feat: x1
Traits: X4 1:Criminal *Social
2: Magical Talent Magical
3: Arcane Dabbler *Regional
4:Sacred Touch *Faith
Race Gold Dragon:
HD 1d12 Hatchling
Bite TH+2 (5’ Reach), DMG 1d6+2 [Magic]
Fire Subtype,
+1 AC Size bonus Small,
Stats +2 Dex, +2 Int Page 44 Savage Species Gold Dragon Golden scales cover the body of this majestic dragon, and a regal crest of horns arches backward above wise and piercing eyes. Gold dragons are the epitome of virtue. Other metallic dragons revere their gold cousins as the agents of divine forces and the
Speed 60 ft, swim 60 ft, Fly 150 ft. (M-Average) Breath weapon (Su):
Skills (6+ Int):
Dragon Senses (Ex): [/v]
[b]Weakening Breath (Su)
Spell-Like Abilities: A dragon’s caster level for its spell-like abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Damage Reduction: Dragons gain damage reduction as they age and increase in level, as indicated on each dragon’s specific entry. Natural Weapons:
Base attack Bonus:
Skill Points [6+4x1] 10 +2 Acrobatics(+2dex, 0rank)
Concentration +5 (1CL+4INT) < = Classfeat other Skill Backstory - braking the rules of the street:
She was a criminal,"Take what you can, when you can" that was her motto, you lean things like that on the streets. Your learn lots of the thing, like “No one’s ever coming to help you” you leaning to do things on your own, to move fast, think fast, to spot trouble before it comes and most of all, to stay alive. Simple rules kept you alive. 1: Keep out the laws way,
Simple ideas to keep you alive on and in the unforgiving streets, the bars, inns and black markets of any city. She knew this; she had been to a few. Life for her had started with old Meg, a washer woman down by the river huts. Meg was not her mother; meg was just the old lady that found her, a few days old and dying. Why old Meg has not just let the river take the child she thought she knew. Meg had been lonely, life washing rags for coppers; dos not lead to a fun social life. Sphene was raised by Meg, her Life washing tags, picking rags from trash bundling rags up. That all ended with the bad winter, Meg was old and old bones find the cold hard. One frosty morning Sphene had awakened to find old Meg as cold as the ice on the water coop. Two days she had sat with her, looking at the still body, but in the end hunger and driven her outside and into the streets. She thinks she was six or seven. Begging for anything to eat, sleeping in doorways. She had found a broken down house. More street kids inside, a pack it did not take long for who to work out that a pack had places for everyone, even someone at the bottom. They stole, they begged, the conned and tricked. They did what they needed to, older kids showed your ones. She grew and leaned, the rules of the street. At 11 she spent some time in a city orphanage, I run in with the law got her that. She leaned to read and write but soon the creepy headmaster of its school drove her out. She knew the type. You did when on the streets, then ones walking looking for the weak and young to exploit.
Then a sound, coming from the door to a temple no less, small but looked well made. She did not recognise to whom, which was not surprising as she kept away from gods and there places as much as she could. Then again the sound like Clanking, “what was that??”. She did not know why but she crept up to the open temple door way. She spotted it was damaged, someone or thing had gone to town on it and take of this mounts. Right there, that’s when she SHOULD have just walked away. She kept thinking that. But NO she had to do on, may be it was the idea of loot, everyone knew temples where loaded. The street was empty, that was to be expected this time of night. So dumb as a fish, she snuck in, slipping into the shadows, no one is sigh, and that sound again. “Thunk! Thunk!” A dull metallic thudding. She walked deeper in, one Colom then the next then.. Body’s lots of body’s she could see them piled up, persist and high up ones by the looks of them, now dead, arms legs heads missing. She also spotted what had done it, Big black shifting dark, hard to see its true form, and the feeling it was giving off, not good not good at all. But it was what it was doing that shocked her. This temple had a goddess statue, she knew because the black thing now held it one the floor and was trying to drive a very large Black spike into its heart. All this was shocking but nut as shocking as what she could see the statue doing. It was screaming! Silently screaming, eyes wide and terrified, that look , the look she had seen before on street kids, that look of pain and suffering, of powerlessness or hopelessness . She had feat rage; a life time of feeling just like that will do that. Rage, she had done something so stupid so so stupid. Taking her hand rapped In a gold chain she had run up to the thing of darkness and hit it, wiping it with the chain. As hard as she could, to make it stop to push it back. She was a fly and it a great giant, but as soon as the gold touched it, it had screamed!!. A Terrifying bellow of a scream that shuck the very stones of the temple, It span and screamed at her face, a vast mouth open to the vastness of space was in front of her. At that moment she knew she was to die. It hit her like the fly she was, sending her crashing off to the left, but the chain was still in it. She was flung around rapping around its neck. Shaking his head violently, he arm popped as it dislocated, Bones cracked. Like a rag she was tossed about, then slimed into its side as the chain raped once more around it and held her tight. It burned her, the darkness of it new was seeping away into the night air, and with each bellow of darkness it burned cold into her flesh. It shrank screaming smaller and smaller until nothing was left, just her and the chain and the statue. The statue that was now getting up, it looked wounded, she looked on, but one eye could not see, she could feel blood seeping out of her body, her flesh cracked and broken. She knew Shock was keeping the pain away, ‘not long now’. Stupid way to die, saving a statue, one that was coming to stand over her as she gasped for breath. She tied to tilt her head to look up into its hard gold face. I woman, a goddess maybe, she did not know or care, death was coming and it was her own stupid fault. The goddess statue looked down at her a pained look one its face,
There was warmth, it was warm, a beat, content and pounding, she was warm, it was dark and there was no pain. Slowly her thoughts came back to her, they jumped around. A room full of children, repeating words, Rags lots of wags, an old woman’s face, a man drunk falling over. Looking at a river with the sun on her face. Then shock! The temple, pain, burning a gold face, she had to get out brake out get away. A crack, then more, she pushed and pushed, the pain. She gasped for air, falling onto hot solid ground. She was wet, liquid was falling off her and onto the ground. She pushed up on her legs all four of them. ‘What! It was dark but she could see, legs, scales legs with scales, golden scales she moved fell, got up and fell again; no one was around her, a cave, a hot cave. Light was coming into the cave, up ahead. Falling and getting up she moved, She felt odd, something on her back, pulling her down, she flexed it and it stopped, one step two. Soon she was at the light looking over a wild valley. ‘where the hell am I?, what am I?’ she looked about, something moved close to her left a rabbit. Hells balls she was hungry, she tried to move to get it but her body was so odd. She just fell down onto the grass and rested. ‘What had the b**&% goddess done to her, she was a monster, no man would look at her now, no mark to take, hell how would she even get into town looking like this. She need to find out more, find out just what the hell she was and how she could fix this.