About Alexandrite_Rubyna_TourmalineAlexandrite Rubyna Tourmaline
At 8'2" this horned woman is truly and oddity, her silver orb eyes. She towers over most, Her Armor is Gray and Sliver, Strapped it her back is a 2 Handed great sword. She small Horns, metallic silver and steel shod hooves, that clatter was her legs bending the wrong way as she walks. Her Hair is animated metallic white, her skin blue gray metallic steel like. Her arms and legs long and strong looking. The look on her face is interested. She gives off a heat haze at all times, a shimmer to the light around her, and her breath steams, every thing about this woman screams evil outsider yet her Armour has the unmistakable Holy Symbols of Olladra, Goddess of Fortune, she acts and seems good at all time. Eyes: Silver metallic orbs
Stats 20 points spend Str 14 +2[5p +2 Race]
BAB +0
CMB +2
AC 21/13Tch/18FI [Scale Male +5 kilt +1 Dex+2 feat+1 NA+2] INITI +2
MW Adamantine Great Sword TH +6 DMG 2d6+5 19/20x2
FEATS and Traits Drawbacks::
1: Dodge +1AC 2: Improved Sunder 3: Armor of the pit +2NA to AC FLAW
Class Proficiency Weapon - all simple and martial weapons Proficiency Armor - (heavy, light, and medium) Proficiency All shields (including tower shields). 1: Bonus feat: Power Attack. Traits
2: Church gift [Flavor: as Wealthy Parents ] +500gp
Skill points' working on [5+5+5 = 15]
Knowledge (Arcana) +3 0r, [+3int]<
Concentration +10+3+2 +15 < class Skills + other
<Class + other skills
Race Tiefling Oni-Spawn:
(Hungerseed): Standard Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are inherently strange and unnerving. They gain +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Cha Type: Tieflings are outsiders with the native subtype. Size: Tieflings are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Tieflings begin play speaking Common and either Abyssal or Infernal. Tieflings with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Defense Racial Traits Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5. Feat and Skill Racial Traits Skilled: Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Disguise, Intimidate checks. Magical Racial Traits
Spell-like ability::
46 - You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Intelligence score. llinked to back story and fortunes birth mark Deviled eggs
Senses Racial Traits Darkvision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Prehensile Tail:
Cleric: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
CLASS Fighter L1::
Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier. The fighter's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). BAB +1 Saves +2/+0/+0 Bonus feat Weapon and Armor Proficiency A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields). CLASS Cleric Olladra L2::
God: Olladra, Goddess of Feast and Good Fortune Domains-> Good (Agathion, Friendship), Healing (Restoration), Luck (Fate), Travel (Exploration) Cleric
The cleric's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Travel Domain
Agile Feet (Su):
Luck Domain
Bit of Luck (Sp):
Domain Spells: 1st—true strike, Channeling: Positive Energy 1d6 2/day Spells Level 4 (at Will)
1st Level 3+1
*As Heals Vigor Lesser 12r 1hp or QLW <= used
Starting Gold = 3500gp
Gold 12go
Large Dire Wolf Wolf, Dire
N Large animal
Items Barding Leather 40gp
Strapped to Saddle
Back Ground::
"Shavarath, The Battleground The legions of Hell hated her, and why not, she had shown the one thing, that one weakness hell hated, Forgiveness. The task had been simple, behead a demon. Chained and held, locked to a killing block. Not everyone liked this kind of work, slaughtering Demons and Rebellious Devils, some exploded when you killed them some blighted you. So the job was given to slaves, sum of the pits, the Devil Tainted. She was one such, sold to hell as a child for a mages pact. She had killed 1000s, each one held as this one, and each time she would bring up the great Hell Blade. They would beg, they would weep, some scream, some laughed, most coursed. It was simple work, bloody and as endless as the war was. Day in day out, she cut off heads. Then one day he came, there was something destined about him, something. The moment there eyes meet, she had a feeling she would not put into words, and she could see he felt the same. She went slowly, taking her time to get ready. The overseer was working a big Demon, one on a much larger block some way away so she had time. He spoke
"I care not if you do or don't, yours is just another neck to chop, I have many to do this day" Then he said words that rocked her soul.
She stopped dead, something deep something odd what??...
The blade fell, and chines broke. Why she did it she would always be thinking about, all her life, her action and he was free.
Then he looked down at her, she know she was to die, but then
They had got so close, so very, very close, to the Planes gate, but the hells ranks where called and the rebellious pit slave and Demon stood now facing a host of Devils.
She had been lost and alone, it was hard being like her and in such a city, hated mostly she kept herself away from harm and others.
The prophecy::
To Oracle Brooks I have done as the temple Augury said and went to meet the "a small man" at the named place, "to meet the ones who seek". What I found was a party looking to get a book or scroll, but before we could start we where attached, by Iron Fist troops, ask and you will hear of it.
But know all is well with me from now, I do the Goddess bidding. Rubyna Rubyna
Good luck and god speed, O.B.
player notes::
Vigor Lesser VIGOR, LESSER Conjuration (Healing) Level: Cleric 1, druid 1 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 15 rounds) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The sounds of battle ring in your ears as you lay hands on your fallen comrade. You can spare neither time nor magic to do more right now, but the blood flow slows to a trickle and her breathing becomes less labored, even as you are called to the aid of another. The subject gains fast healing 1, enabling it to heal 1 hit point per round until the spell ends and automatically becoming stabilized if it begins dying from hit point loss during that time. Lesser vigor does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow or attach lost body parts. The effects of multiple vigor spells do not stack; only the highest-level effect applies. |