The Twice Dead Professor's Carrion Crown

Game Master gmpathfinder

Beginning in January 2013

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23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Knowledge Local 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

"I've never seen anything like this gadget before. Awarna, how about you?". Sel was so focused on the contents of the box that she didn't hear any of the conversation about the other halfling's abilities.

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Awnara looks at the planchet, and shrugs. "I think I've seen a Varisian fortune teller use it to contact spirits from Pharasma's domain and ask them questions. I couldn't tell you what the vials are for, though."

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

The surmised purpose is correct: the planchet allows you to commune with those who have passed beyond. It glows with a slight aura of necromancy and divination while under detect magic. All you need is a flat surface (like a board) that has letters, numbers, yes/no, and other answers that you may wish to receive while asking questions.

The acolytes return to the church with their smaller cache of loot. Divide up the rest as you see fit.

If you return to the church, you can ask more questions/interact with the father. Just put your discussion in spoilers.

Regardless, Garin and the late professor's daughter catch up with you on horseback, and lead you to town for lunch at the Laughing Demon or the Outward Inn for lunch.

Before you can get to the establishment, you notice a great deal of activity in the town square. Clusters of townsfolk are discussing something- stopping only to stare at you, the strangers to town. For once the mist is absent, only it is replaced with an air thick with gossip.

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Upon arrival at the inn for lunch Vachordi makes his way to the barkeep.

Perhaps some songs in exchange for our meal?

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Shel moves in front of the group, trusting her knowledge of local customs to not insult the delicate senses of the townspeople. "Can I help you," she mentions to one of the gawkers. "What is going on here?"

Kno. Local 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Diplomacy is also +6 if that skill would be preferred.

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Treasure split post:

We gave up a total of 6 silver arrows, two flasks of holy water, four sunrods, and two potions of CLW.

Left remaining is:
6 silver arrows, four flasks of holy water,
10 evocation arrows made of bone
5 necromantic arrows made of a black, greasy looking material
2 abjuration arrows made of obsidian
five potions of CLW
three scrolls (unidentified, I think)

*Does anyone other than Varchordi use a bow? If not, someone should probably invest in one so that two of us could make use of the magic arrows. Sounds like we will need them!
*Everyone but the cleric should probably take a potion of CLW.
*The mage and cleric should identify the scrolls, and see who can use what.

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

scrolls are identified. scroll of detect undead, 2 scrolls hide from undead and scroll of detect evil.

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

Garin greets the rest of the party when they meet up. "How did it go?"

He sees the new face and bows to Awnara. "Greetings. I don't think we've met before. I'm sure I would remember a face such as yours." He smiles charmingly at her. "My name is Garin Veacali. And you are?"

In the town, Garin stays close to Ms. Lorrimor, ready to protect her if anything should arise.

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

Awnara smiles shyly and curtsies before Garin. "Awnara Puddyfoot, sir. I'd met the Professor several years ago, and wanted to pay my respects to him. He was a good soul."

Once back in town, Awnara recognizes the patterns amongst the villagers - the silence brought about by the arrival of outsiders. She stays close to the larger men, placing herself between Garin and Edrik.

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Despite their secrecy, you overhear bits and pieces of the towns' muted conversations:

... blood all over over.
Vandalized the statue...
... started when the strangers came to down...

The general direction of interest leads you away from the town square to the memorial to the prison's warden and the other guards who perished in the Harrowstone fire. The memorial is streaked with blood without a discernible pattern except for what looks like a large check or V where the thick blood has congealed as if it were painted on.

The sheriff eyes your motley group, but turns back to face the memorial. His steely gaze seems to scan over each inch again and again, scouring it for clues to the origin of the blood.

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Shel approaches the statue and looks closely at it and the blood, trying to locate a pattern or clue revealing what might have caused such a display.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Human Undead Scourge Paladin 3
Quick Stats:
HP 33/33; AC 19/11/18; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6; Init +3, Move 20, Perc +1

Approaching the statue, Edrik stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Sheriff and gives the scene an equal amount of attention.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

"Desecration like this is most infuriating. When did this occur you think Sheriff?"

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Vachordi, knows nothing of statues, so he wisely keeps quiet, and then is proud of himself for being wise.

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Sheriff This appeared this morning. It was painted in the dead of night, from some sort of blood. This is profane. There is darkness at work here. he makes the sign of Pharasma on his chest.

Perception > 20:

The blood spatter leads a few yards to the river, where you find a bucket of blood and crudely made paintbrush abandoned after the crime.

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Vachordi returns with the bucket. This is the work of a mortal, not a dark power.

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

"Who in your town would act this way, Sheriff? We have witnesses to our whereabouts for the last several hours. Feel free to ask the local acolytes about us, in case anyone has any funny ideas." Shel made sure to say this last part loudly, as she suspected the insulated villagers would automatically suspect any newcomers to the area.

Quick Stats:
I +3, P +8, F+5, R+2, W+8, AC 18, HP 26
Dwarf Cleric, 4 (5/5 Channels)

Gilda takes a good long hard look at the desecration.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

She blesses (not the spell, the religious act) the statue and prays to Iomedae.

In a moderate voice she says "Lady of the justice, bring peace to this place. Punish the wrongdoers and redeem the righteous."

Male Human Undead Scourge Paladin 3
Quick Stats:
HP 33/33; AC 19/11/18; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6; Init +3, Move 20, Perc +1

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

"Indeed Captain, this is most profane." At the Sheriffs prompting, Edrik too makes the sign of Pharasma in part to assure the Captain of their shared faith as well as trustworthiness.

Listening to Shel, Edrik nods agreeably with her line of reasoning and backs her position "Aye Sheriff, Shel speaks true. As a steadfast soldier of our Lady of Graves, I would never countenance this sacrilege, you can be assured."

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Awnara's eyes widen as she sees the gory work done to the statue, and nods emphatically at Edrik's words. "I don't worship Pharasma to the exclusion of the other gods of light, but blasphemy like's unthinkable! I can't imagine why anyone would do such a thing."

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

"They have reasons, I'm sure. I just don't know what it's supposed to mean." Garin does not approach despite his curiosity. "Do any of you know what kind of blood this is?"

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Your investigation comes to an abrupt end. The blood type is unknown without any alchemical or magical divinations. You don't find any other evidence identifying the source, although blood is splattered all around the bucket with no discernible trail:

Survival >25:

You locate the trail of blood leading away from the sculpture. Into the woods.

Sheriff Caeler speaks before you leave There is no reason to be offering alibis yet. I believe that you didn't do this, although I still think that it might be related to your arrival. This statue is dedicated to those that died in the Harrowstone fire, but it's not the actual gravesite as the bodies were never recovered. A member of the town would know that defacing it would be offensive, but not as a disturbing act on par with violating a grave.


Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

The little halfling maid sighs in audible relief at the Sheriff's words. "What was the Harrowstone fire, Sheriff? How did it start?"

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Caeller speaks to the hafling You are new to the town of Ravengro. It was founded as a place for the workers of the Harrowstone prison to live. It outlasted the prison, which burned to the ground after the inmates rioted. The warden Hawkran, subject of the statue here, sacrificed himself and his guards to keep the prisoners sealed in the dungeon.

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

Seeing that there is nothing more to do here, Garin inquires after Ms. Lorrimor. "Do you still feel up for lunch or has your appetite been spoiled?"

He directs his next question to the group as a whole. "We were headed to the Laughing Demon or the Outward Inn, if I remember. Do any of you have any preference?"

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

"If you have the opportunity to break bread with a Laughing Demon, I just down see how you can turn down such an offer. Let's go there," Shel says with a grin, sort of relaxing for the first time since you have met her.

i can't wait to get back and look more at this strange device...

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Perhaps I can turn it into the singing demon and we can all eat for free!

note when we get there see my above post about trying to sing for our food

Quick Stats:
I +3, P +8, F+5, R+2, W+8, AC 18, HP 26
Dwarf Cleric, 4 (5/5 Channels)

"A laughing demon is never a good thing, but I will acquiesce for the sake of amity."

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

Awnara listens to the Sheriff's response, and makes a sign of reverence after he describes what happened. "That's a noble sacrifice that Warden Hawkran performed, Sheriff. His memory doesn't deserve to be trod upon like that. If you would like some help cleaning it off, I would be glad to do so." She waits for the Sheriff's response before she lets the rest of the late Professor's friends know if she will be joining them at the Laughing Demon.

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

The sheriff thanks you for the offer to help clean the statue, but waves it off implying that he's not done with the crime scene.

Kendra suggests that the outward inn is more receptive to musicians, although usually the entertainment occurs in the evening. The somber mood of the town might also hamper your efforts, although you might treat it as an audition for a future night. She would gladly introduce you to Karianna, the owner and talented singer herself.

You pass by the girls skipping rope, still singing their macabre song from yesterday.

The Outward Inn is the only place open to the public to stay in town, and serves a wide selection of drinks along with local foodstuffs. The dining hall is fairly crowded for lunch, but conversations are muted and clusters of customers turn to watch you as you enter.

Kirianna greets you and seats you near the bar. She asks what you'll have.

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

An ale for me and a song for you! Vachordi booms then launches into a Varisian tune.

Sing1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2


Quick Stats:
I +3, P +8, F+5, R+2, W+8, AC 18, HP 26
Dwarf Cleric, 4 (5/5 Channels)

"A small beer and the common plate, please"

Small beer is a weak, barely alcoholic beer. It's what people used to drink before clean water and soft drinks.

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

Garin greets Kirianna with a smile. "I'll have what you recommend."

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

The innkeep Karianna, who's far to blithe for such a somber day, serves food and beverage with gusto. To Gilda Why dear, why don't I serve you a cup of from the horse trough instead? It is indeed a rare day when a dwarven lass orders such a paltry beverage. Could I interest you in the house brew instead?

To the barbarian: I would love to hear some of your ... ethnic music? Please, by all means, try to bring up the house a bit. The tragic vandalism has filled my benches, but makes for poor appetites. I'm sure we could all use a little distraction.

Vachordi's voice fills the room, however it shifts quickly from the booming bass into a squeaky falsetto. The crowd turns to watch, but then begins to mutter and turns back to their beer and stew.

A strange thing happens during the song, however. A chorus of squawks break out mid verse, feebly attempting to keep up Vachordi's melody. As the song continues, they become louder and more discordant. As Vachordi falters, the source of the noise drops heavily onto the table: four dirty feathered stirges with long sharp beaks crash amid mugs and bowls, scattering food and beverage. They hiss and attack.
Initiative Please. If you have any other pre-combat actions, please state them first.

gm roll:

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Quick Stats:
I +3, P +8, F+5, R+2, W+8, AC 18, HP 26
Dwarf Cleric, 4 (5/5 Channels)

Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Barkeep! I will regail you with a song after some water to clear my throat! My apologies for that!

[ooc] No more actions for me, I have done enough i think!/ooc]

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

This is me reminding you about the 21 Initiative I rolled before. And, err, did we bring our gear? Specifically weapons. :P I don't think I did since I'd leave with my horse. Time to improvise!

Garin looks at Vachordi in a bewildered manner when his voice turns falsetto. The squawking chorus has the cavalier looking around for its source and turns alarmed when the stirges drop.

"What are those?" Garin says, stepping in front of Kendra to defend her.

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Init. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Shel moves with quickness, pulling her dagger, looking to skewer one of the little foul creatures.

Ugh, I hate stirges!

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)
Garin Veacali wrote:

This is me reminding you about the 21 Initiative I rolled before. And, err, did we bring our gear? Specifically weapons. :P I don't think I did since I'd leave with my horse. Time to improvise!

Garin looks at Vachordi in a bewildered manner when his voice turns falsetto. The squawking chorus has the cavalier looking around for its source and turns alarmed when the stirges drop.

"What are those?" Garin says, stepping in front of Kendra to defend her.

You'd leave your weapon out with your horse, only to be stolen by the town scamp?? I'd imagine you'd at least have your dagger, and possibly tuck the larger weapons in the corner of the room to keep an eye on them.

Male Human Undead Scourge Paladin 3
Quick Stats:
HP 33/33; AC 19/11/18; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6; Init +3, Move 20, Perc +1

Wincing a little at Vaccordi's singing, Edrik looks to his companions "He seems a little... off-key this morning." Shrugging, Edrik takes a swig of ale and tries to relax... that is until the Stirges land right in front of him.

Kicking his chair back, Edrik draws his hammer with a curse "Damnation! Can't we get a moments peace around here?

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Sorry for the prolonged absence everyone. Been bed-ridden since Sunday with a nasty throat infection. In any event, the anti-biotics have finally kicked in, so I'm back.

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Apparently so Mr Nat 20 on init!

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

As Awnara sits on the bench, she actually begins smiling once she hears the honesty and warmth in Karianna's voice. "The house brew would be lovely, and whatever you've got stewing served up with a hunk of bread would be most welcome!" She winces as Vachordi's voice cracks, turning to say something to Shel. Just as she is about to open her mouth, however, she hears the strange squawking, and sees the quartet of misshapen creatures crash onto their table. She screams in surprise, falling backwards away from them.

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Three of the stirges hiss and leap at the nearest targets (Edrik, Awnara, and Gilda). The fourth coos, and hops over to Vachordi bobbing his head.

Edrik (23)
Vachordi (13)
Stirges (11) & Awnara (11)
Gilda (10)
Shel (4)

Gm rolls:

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 191
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 202
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 203

Post round 1 actions

Perception +9, Diplo+10, Heal+12, Religion+8, SM+11
Human (Shoanti) Bard (Thundercaller)
Init +4; HP 29/29; AC 17/11/16; Fort +5 Ref +2; Will +8; Arrows 21; 6 Silver, 1 Undead Bane, 10 +1, Blunt 8, Channel 5/5 exclude 2

Vachordi launches into another song, this one a Varisian song of glory and comedy all mixed together, attempting to calm the stirges like the on infront of him. Therefore he selects a song with a vast range of notes, peaking in his falsetto and down into his bass.

Begin Inspire Courage

Also Sing 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

23/23 HP | AC 18/16/14 | F+3,R+5, W+3 | Perc +10/+11 (vTraps), Init. +5, DisDev+12 | CMD 14 | Female Halfling Unchained Rogue 3 | Evasion & Twist Away | 1 HeroPoint

Shel tries to pierce the closest stirge with her dagger.

Attack 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 = 22

Damage 1d3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4

Male Human Undead Scourge Paladin 3
Quick Stats:
HP 33/33; AC 19/11/18; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6; Init +3, Move 20, Perc +1

A soldier by training, it is apparent to all and sunder that even when relaxing, Edrik is always on guard. Unfazed by the appearance of the Stirge, Edrik coolly swings his hammer hitting the Stirge approaching him with sickening accuracy and power.

Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 - 1 = 24
Confirmation: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 1 = 22

Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12
Critical Damage: 2d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 7) + 6 + 4 = 23

35 damage... okay, I swear to you all right now, I'm not hacking these results.

Quick Stats:
I +2, P +3, F +3, R +4, W +6, AC 13, HP 8/8 Spells/Day: 1(6)

Awnara shrieks and dives beneath the table for cover from the malformed mosquitoes. Once there, she closes her eyes and clasps her hands together, praying in an unfamiliar melodic language.

"Domina Felicionem, placere protegas me! Mitte unam esse divini ministros meos!"


"Lady Luck, please protect me! Send one of your divine servants to be by my side!"


Move beneath the table for cover. Begin casting summon monster I. It's a full round spell, so it will take until the beginning of my next turn.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

(waiting on Gilda, and Garin)

Quick Stats:
I +3, P +8, F+5, R+2, W+8, AC 18, HP 26
Dwarf Cleric, 4 (5/5 Channels)

My apologies. Gilda whacks the stirge attacking Shel with her battleaxe.

1d20 ⇒ 11 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 damage

Male Varisian Imperious Human Beast Rider (Cavalier) 4 [ HP 30/36 | AC 17/12/15, CMD 20, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +4; Perception +4 ]

Sorry! Life's been frantic lately. And you're just that awesome, Edrik.

Garin takes out his dagger in one swift motion and continues on to slash at the nearest Stirge.

Dagger: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

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