Wareagle |

Hi all run and play several games here on Pazio and am starting a short homebrew probably take your characters from 1-4th or 5th depending on group size. Will take place in a fictional land yet to have a name in the town of Oakhurst and surrounding region please dot if interested.
Evil Grows Beneath The Earth
Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer-some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and set off down the Old Road, but they never returned.
Player characters could have come to Oakhurst for any number of reasons to get their hands on the famed magic apples the town is said to hold, to meet the famous Hucrele merchant family, investigating the local havoc, or just simple adventuring. Depending on how this adventure goes it could lead into a bigger story.
The Requirements Will be:
>20 point buy system
>Core rulebook ONLY
>2 traits
>Maximum starting gold for class
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 1
>accepting 4-6 characters for this adventure
Please dot if interested. THANK YOU!

Doomed Hero |

I'm interested.
I'd like a little more information before I start designing a character though.
Is this an Urban adventure, Wilderness, Dungeon, some combination? (I don't want to build a professional spelunker and then never end up in a cave.)
What are the magic apples supposed to do? Any relevant legends we may have heard?
What about the lost adventurers? Are they deliberately ambiguous? If I wanted to play an apprentice to one of them (or something like that)what classes would I have to pick from?

Wareagle |

The adventure takes place in one huge dungeon and perhaps some wilderness areas surrounding the small town Oakhurst is a tiny town 900 people as it's total population and is the only town in adventure you will visit.
The goblin tribe infesting the the nearby ruins know as the sunless citadel ransoms a single piece of magical fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhurst once every midsummer. They've been doing this for the last twelve years. Usually, the fruit sells for around 50 gp, which is all the townspeople can bring themselves to pay a goblin. The fruit, apparently an apple of perfect hue, heals those who suffer from any disease or other ailment. They sometimes plant the seeds at the center of each fruit, hoping to engender an enchanted apple tree. When the seeds germinate in their proper season, they produce a twiggy mass of twisted sapling stems. Not too long after the saplings reach 2 feet in height, they are stolen-every time. The townsfolk assume that the jealous goblins send out thieves to ensure their monopoly of enchanted fruit.
Another party of adventurers, locally based, delved into the sunless citadel a month past to unravel the secrets of the fruit. They were never seen again. The group consisted of a fighter Talgen, a wizard Sharwyn, a paladin of Pelor Sir Braford, and a ranger Karakas. Two human members of that ill-fated adventuring party were brother and sister, Talgen Hucrele and Sharwyn Hucrele. They were part of an famous merchant family based in the town of Oakhurst.
The Hucrele merchant family are far more wealthy than any other in the town of Oakhurst throughout generations they have traveled far across the land and became quite famed and wealthy, now the current matriarch of the family Kerowyn Hucrele has settled in the small town Oakhurst many have traveled to the town just to meet her.
to GeraintElberion: It is converted to pf and have changed it around quite a bit and made it significantly longer. Having played the original 3rd ed would spoil a few things but not that much of an impact in the long run or on the dungeon as I am changing it completely.

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I remember reading the back cover in a shop ages ago but I've never played it. I am tempted, just need character inspiration. hmmm.
I'm thinking a studious wizard who was a noble friend (perhaps cousin with a close relationship) of Talgen and Sharwyn but regarded himself as too studious and academic to help on their frivolous, mercenary quest.
Now he feels shamed that he did not accompany them and, with his conscience pricked, he seeks to discover the fate of his friends and, perhaps, to rescue them from the engulfing darkness.
This would be a human universalist wizard.

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Hi all run and play several games here on Pazio and am starting a short homebrew probably take your characters from 1-4th or 5th depending on group size. Will take place in a fictional land yet to have a name in the town of Oakhurst and surrounding region please dot if interested.
Evil Grows Beneath The Earth
Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer-some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and set off down the Old Road, but they never returned.
Player characters could have come to Oakhurst for any number of reasons to get their hands on the famed magic apples the town is said to hold, to meet the famous Hucrele merchant family, investigating the local havoc, or just simple adventuring. Depending on how this adventure goes it could lead into a bigger story.
The Requirements Will be:
>20 point buy system
>Core rulebook ONLY
>2 traits
>Maximum starting gold for class
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 1
>accepting 4-6 characters for this adventurePlease dot if interested. THANK YOU!
Just a thought, traits are not in the Core Rulebook, are they?
Are we using APG traits?

Rollibard "Ratchet" Piper |

Doomed Hero here with my submission.
Ratchet is an apprentice ruin explorer looking to make a name for himself. Upon hearing about the trouble in Oakhurst he set out to see if it might be the project he's looking for to spread word of his skill. He's been in town for a while making his intentions known but he knows better than to head into dangerous underground places without backup. He's spent the last month (or however long you'd like) drinking and gambling at the tavern and trying to gather a group of skilled people willing to go take a look into the ancient underground fortress.
Rachet is a thinker. He likes to solve his problems with careful planning, precise action and usually a lot of rope and pulleys.
Mechanically, he's a trap/ranged based rogue. He'll take any down time given to try to build newer and meaner deployable traps and alchemical concoctions.
Because the trapmaking rules are a bit loose, Ratchet will require some careful communication and discussion with the GM. Basically, I'll explain my intent and roll the dice, and you can tell me the precise effects my idea has.
I'll be working on the mechanical framework today and tomorrow and will let you know when I'm finished.

Rhome Stalt |

There is a free download avab for the traits, should be under your downloads section.
I'll Sumbit Rhome Stalt, X farm boy who Turned to adventure to Escape a Life of feeding pigs and plowing Fields.
Ever since he was a child, Rhome Dreamed of Adventure. This was due to his mother, who would tell him of her travels with her family Caravan. His Father however, was a no-nonsense man, who believed that was rubbish, and the only way to get ahead in life was hard work.
Being the Impressionable young that Rhome was, he took both his partents view to heart. He spend every free moment he had training ( playing knight), and rearching (reading bards tales). Now a young Adult, Rhome has Left the Farming to his older brother, and set out towards Oakhurst, which is the closest town to his Familys small farm.
Equiped with a old, Rusted Wood-cutting axe, which he shorted the Handle on, a Barrel lid with a Wooden Grip, and a old chain shirt that was his Mothers. Rhome heads off, to what he hopes to be a Grand Life of adventuring.
Rhome is a NG Male Human Fighter. Hes not the Quickest when it comes to puzzles and riddle,s but with enough time, he will Figure it out,hut he is Strong and hale, and will do his best when assigned a tast. Hes a Bit Niave, due to him growing up on an isolated Farm, so hes quick to trust people, and cna be very Stubborn when he sets his mind on something. Easy going, Rhome gets along well with others. He only gets frustrated if he feels helpless to effect the situation.

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Hi. Might be a big stretch but I am new to Paizo PbP, and would love to get into something like this to really get a good grasp on it. I understand completely however if you'd prefer to look for more experienced candidates. I can say I am as active as I am required to be.
"Dekar Le'shroud was given his name by the locals of Oakhurst for the particular lack of clarity in regard to his upbringing. Out of the shadows he appeared before the cloister of local holy men, in what appeared to be his early teens, and took refuge in their grace and protection from whatever evil had haunted him in that tumultuous past. Very quickly, he began to adopt their values and faith, and in doing so became known for valor and bravery.
Though his strength is failing at times, he more than compensates with his steadfast belief in the truth, and has already earned a name for himself as a trustworthy adventurer.
Dekar is a NG human cleric, specializing in assisting his fellow adventurers, and providing much needed healing relief to their dire situations."

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Human (Natural Werebear) Pally? He's a loner, big and gruff, and fully committed to the side of good. I haven't picked out a god for him yet though. He's lived most of his life in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, however his god's will has driven him to join these people on their quest. He won't do much talking, but can be relied up on in a fight.

Rain Scrimshaw |

Any traits found Here are allowed.
Please meet Lucretius, GeraintElberion's PC.
I have given him the rich parents trait (currently meaning a horse and lots of change) but I know some GMs don't like it - if so let me know.

Xamus Caranae |

I, Sir Frog, submit Xamus Caranae, an elven practitioner of arcane mysteries.
Xamus is a rare third child in rigid elvish society. As such, his parents dedicated him to the god of magic as an acolyte. Xamus spent many years in the shadow of his elder brother, Talzan, a proud, noble warrior and his sister Alteria, a powerful wizard in her own right.
Xamus was both intrigued and jealous of his older sister and fearful of his older brothers skill with the sword; thus, he rebelled against his families wish for him to be a priest and dedcated himself to studying magic and swordplay in secret. Upon reaching the age of maturity, he revealed his knowledge of the arcane art to his family. He was promptly cast out of the family and made a pariah in his community. His sister
Xamus is a tall, thin elf with black hair and green eyes. He carries an ornate longsword at his side (arcane object) and is clothed in red robes, befitting his nature as an outcast.
He is prone to anger and has a short fuse. Ambition and a desire to prove himself to his family are his primary motivators. He is willing to go to great lengths to obtain his goals, yet he has a soft spot for helping those trapped by society. He is by no means a loner though and will work with people unless they oppose his own personal agenda..
He has come to Oakhurst after hearing about the mysterious magical apples, wondering if the secret behind them might lead to greater power.
Metagame - Wizard (Universalist) with an arcane object, INT, DEX, and CON are primary stats.
How would you like the character posted?
Personal, this would be my first pbp on here but I have played in several others over the years in addition to regular rp'ing.
Thanks for running a game.
How do you want the

OberonViking |

May I present Shabur, Mounted Celestial Sorceress Gnome, Defender of Good and Blaster of Evil. Her brother is a Paladin. Her father is a Paladin. Her mother is a Paladin. Most of her family are Paladins. But Shabur wasn't strong enough for the martial training, and she had some obvious innate magicks beyond the normal gnomish talents.
Sent off by her parents with a pack full of scrolls, she bought a mount and is looking to travel the planet and Destroy All Evil.

Soberdwarf |

My contribution is Uriel Skander, a two-weapon Ranger who at a very young age was raised as a monsterhunter by the village as his father was killed shortly after he was concieved and his mother died at childbirth.
He is a remorseless combatant when fighting to defend those weaker than himself and cares little for those who would assail the meek and defenseless.
(By the way, I haven't ever done a pbp before so I might seem a bit confused at times but I have been playing the game for a while now)

Arknight |

Here's my concept. One note, his father's family were part of the architects with the original Sunless Citadel, so part of his Hardal's motivation is to explore it and return it to it's prior glory. He will begin as Rogue, with eventual Multiclass into Ranger.
Duervonthar // Ovelaim // Hardal Far-Gilortek (Hardal)
(Translation: Dark Tunnel Wayfinder, Cunning Goblin Slayer, Hearty Drinker from the
Cradle of Fiery Gems)
Height: 4’ 4” Weight: 175
Hair: Lt. Brown (almost Blonde)
Hair Length: Shoulders
Hair Style: Single Ponytail tied with a bit of string and a small piece of amber as decoration
Eyes: Grey Skin: Dark Bronze
Distinguishing Marks: Faded scar alongside right eye running down right cheek
Normal Clothing:
Tan soft leather boots (mid calf), Brown leather breeches, Red-Orange tunic (Mithal Chain Shirt underneath), Brown and tan leather vest , Red leather belt with brown pouch, Black leather bracers with scrollwork around the edges
Formal Attire:
(Rare to see Hardal actually formally dressed)
Travelling/Exploration attire:
Normal Clothing with the addition of a Reversible Hooded Cloak of Gray and Light Brown
Station: Journeyman Gemcutter, Tunnel Warden
Home Town: Gilortek (Dwarven for Cradle of Fiery Gems)
Family: Only his Cousin survives. Hardal is the last of his line at the moment.
Father: (deceased)
Mother: (deceased)
Back story:
As an adolescent and young apprentice Gemcutter, Hardal gained his name due to his abundent fondness for Ale. After a raid into his clan stronghold by marauding goblins (which killed his bride-to-be) Hardal was part of the avenging force that fought back. Hardal showed a knack for finding his way through the tunnels, and led a small quiet band against the outlying guards of the goblins. They soon returned victorious, having routed the goblins and Hardal had suddenly earned his name in the clan due to his actions. (Since the death of his fiance, Hardal has had a hard time getting close to Dwarven women. He’ll frolic and bed with Human women though with ease)
The past few months have been rough on Hardal. Three months ago a forge exploded killing several dwarves, including Hardal’s father and mother. (His mother had gone to speak with his father on Hardal’s behalf to get permission for Hardal to continue training as a Gemsmith isntead of continuing on as a Warden as his father wanted.) The incident killed all link Hardal had to his home, and he let the wanderlust that had filled him since he was a youth take over.
One thing he intends to do is go through his father’s journal (that he carries close to his heart) and speak with those his father considered friends and inform them of his death. (His father had never talked about his eary days, but according to his journals, he had travelled far himself and made several friends as well as enemies far from home). As Hardal does appear to be a mirror image of his father when his father was younger, he hopes to carry on the friendships and learn more of his father.

Bashur, Gnome Sorceress |

Shabur: Mounted Celestial Sorceress Gnome, Defender of Good and Blaster of Evil.
Her brother is a Paladin.
Her father is a Paladin.
Her mother is a Paladin.
Most of her family are Paladins.
But Shabur wasn't strong enough for the martial training, and she had some obvious innate magicks beyond the normal gnomish talents.
Sent off by her parents with a pack full of scrolls, she bought a mount and is looking to travel the planet and Destroy All Evil.

stjohnmccloskey |

I'm in the same boat as osuracnaes, I've never done play by post but I'm also very interested. I've been playing pen and paper for ages, and am really interested in getting involved in something more online. I'm a versatile player and enjoy many playstyles.
I've been thinking i'd like to try a human fighter dual wielding 'falcatas' from the APG, but if that's out then an elf fighter or barbarian with a courtblade would be fun (particularly if there were some kind of wood elf variant). I also miss playing gnomes, and I wouldn't half mind a gnome caster, although it looks like someone's already got that!
I think that knowing where this campaign is going though, i know that my pick would be to play a dwarf druid. Filling a role as a healer while playing as a druid who isn't your average forest fairy type, but a hardened cave-dweller hermit could be a lot of fun, and could play a great role in the party!

osuracnaes |

Alright... my concept is a half-elf bard, Gareth Crestwood.
A sucker for tales involving local lore and lured by the promise of long-hidden secrets, Gareth has long been fascinated by stories of the nearby town of Oakhurst. Looking for inspiration for his next work, a grand song of magical wonders and ancient ruins, he recently arrived in Oakhurst to learn more about its restorative apples and to find and research an ancient fortress that is rumored to lie on the Old Road. But while curious, Gareth isn't stupid, and hopes to find companions to assist in his exploration. What little combat training he has surely won't be enough to keep him alive alone!
Gareth is very inquisitive, but unlike the wizards he studied with he is much more spontaneous. Why spend day after day peering through old, musty tomes when one can learn by doing? Cheerful and care-free, he spends most of his time humming or singing softly, searching for that perfect melody to share with others. His voice is crystal clear, and audiences find it difficult to keep from smiling while listening to his songs.

stjohnmccloskey |

Alllll right! here is the crunch:
As for fluff it needs a bit of work but i'm thinking a dwarf who'd rather explore caves alone than share a pint with his kin, which has made him a bit of a social outcast. Still friendly and gruffly caring as any dwarf, if not more so for his talents in the more natural healing arts, he just doesn't quite get the same enjoyment from camaraderie as most dwarves seem to.
I've built him as Neutral good, giving up an animal companion for access to the earth domain. A spelunking druid will make more sense once spells like 'shape stone' and 'transmute rock to mud' become available.
I grabbed a healing kit in lieu of a wand because i couldn't afford a wand of healing. If everyone wants to chip in IC we can see about picking one up if we get the chance. =)

Dr. Catila Eyesquint |

There's just no two ways about it, Dr. Catila Eyesquint has...'Presence'. Though she takes up hardly any space at all, when Catila enters a room, everyone knows it. This feisty, fiery, pint sized detective doesn't miss a tick. Within two heartbeats of entering a bar, for example, she can tell you who is all in there, what they do, where they're from and very likely what they had for breakfast. Everything is a mystery to the quick minded detective and if she has one purpose in life (and, let's face it, she pretty much only has one purpose in life), it is to solve mysteries.
Known as 'Cat' or Squinty to her close friends and family, Dr. Eyesquint to her acquaintances and 'damn that woman' or something similar to her enemies or those she has put behind bars the young halfling has already begun building a reputation far beyond her young years.
Born to a university professor and rather famous tale-spinner, Catila was born with perfect pitch and has been musically inclined all of her life. She was also something of a child prodigy and wrote her first thesis at the tender age of 13. Gaining her doctorate in the relatively new art of 'forensic science' at the unheard of tender age of 17, and with a masters in biology Squinty is a mini engine of activity and cogitation. Although begged by her alma mater to remain at school to pass on her unique skills to others, a classroom was never the place for Dr Squint. For her the world at large was one big mystery and she was intent on solving it all.
Although she is what most would consider to be quite an attractive young halfling, and possessed of a generally happy demeanour, Catila has little to no care or concern whatsoever for her appearance. Although certainly not slovenly, as neatness and detail are very important to her, she is well known for wearing clashing colours and mismatched outfits. Basically she just puts on whatever first comes to hand. Her big bright green eyes never stop moving, as she is always looking everywhere, at everything. And, as well, she an interesting (and sometimes annoying to others) habit of humming, especially when she is thinking hard (which is almost all the time). This habit carries on into her speech and sometimes she actually sings her words, without seeming to realize it. Although she never really took the time to master an instrument she can play a lute passably. Her voice though has been said to 'outmatch the songbirds themselves' and, should she ever so choose, a brilliant career as a singing minstrel or court performer would surely await her. However the small sleuth has little interest in such things and so only uses her voice to aid in her magic making, which in turn is only used to aid in her sleuthing.
Having just recently finally escaped the clutches of those who urged her to stay behind and teach, Catila has, for the past few months, travelled mostly randomly throughout the wilderness, falling into one crazy adventure after another. And so it was quite randomly (or so it seemed, anyway) that the good Dr. found herself on the Old Road heading towards Oakhurst. Hearing the call for aid put out by the townspeople and ever eager to solve a mystery, Catila's interest is instantly piqued, for she is sure there is more going on than meets the eye (as, in her experience, there almost always is). Heading for the local bar, the supremely confidant (but never arrogant) young woman stands in the doorway and loudly announces "Dr. Catila Eyesquint at your service! And I am here to solve your dilemma!"
Catila is a past character from a now defunct game. She's currently at level 2 but can very easily be dropped back down to 1st. I've been on the boards for quite some time and most of my games have been going on for quite a while (one for 3 years!) but I'm lately finding that the games aren't keeping up with my desire for PBP Pathfinder action! : ] I can easily post daily, and am in for the long haul. All that said though, I see that there's several new players hoping to get in this game, so if it's a close call for you between one of them and me, I'm happy to step aside to let a newbie have a shot.
Good luck and good gaming all!

Wareagle |

The results are in!!
Before I reveal who is accepted, I would like to say that you all made this a very hard decision as you all made great characters.
So here it is, the moment you have been waiting for. The following are the players who have been chosen:
Rhoh Rockcarver
Rollibard "Ratchet" Piper
Xamus Caranae
Cruroar Woodsoul
Rhome Stalt
For everybody who didn't make it, I am very sorry. I will keep you all in mind for the future or if in need of any replacements. Feel free to follow the adventure if anyone should leave or die I will be looking for replacements.

Dr. Catila Eyesquint |

Congrats to all ye all! Enjoy your game!
Of course I expect that as the DM somehow gravely miscalculated and failed to make all the best choices, I shall be summoned in the near future to rescue your sorry hides or, at the very least, investigate your gruesome and untimely deaths!
Sigh, when will they learn that the best way to go is the Halfling way?? Oh well. Say, barkeep, is that a Davorian Anteater skull above your bar?? Why, just the other day I encountered a most fascinating specimen which....