The Story of the Stone: Kyrademon's Jade Regent PBP, Part III

Game Master Kyrademon

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Male Human Cleric 10

Mental laughter comes over the link. <Yes, dear.>

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

<Thought so.>

Myri/Women's Wagon:
"Neither Reta nor Z's birthday is coming up anytime soon." She states with conviction. "You should just give your presents to them now."

Male Human Cleric 10

[b]"You can say that again. I got a hunch the poor boy is going to become a lot more acquainted with his hand before this trip's one. Listen, Uksahkka's a bit shy, but if you wanted me to introduce you, I'd be happy to.

Is that something that would count as a gift?

Male Human Cleric 10

Alaric sets the book aside, reaching over and lifting Mel onto his lap, straddling him. She feels him, straining against his pants; apparently, the mere thought of her is enough to push him almost to breaking. An investigating hand snakes around her, underneath, checking for cloth.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

<Hmm.. yep. No on the Kirk.>

<Yes, on the reaffirm on the "stop if problem.> Mel's mind serious, <I'll make sure to do that early on.>

<This one is for Alaric, so I just want to make sure he is happy with his fantasy come to reality.> Perfectly honest. Mel moves a little closer, puts her head on Z's shoulder, <It's me, Z. Specifics, please. I work so much better with those.>

Alaric Graff wrote:
"You can say that again. I got a hunch the poor boy is going to become a lot more acquainted with his hand before this trip's one. Listen, Uksahkka's a bit shy, but if you wanted me to introduce you, I'd be happy to.

Sandru considers. "Sure, why not."

Alaric Graff wrote:
Is that something that would count as a gift?

It is something that could count as a gift for an NPC, but there is no way to know if it would count as an appropriate gift for Sandru, specifically, until you try.

Melinda Sorn wrote:

<Hmm.. yep. No on the Kirk.>

<Yes, on the reaffirm on the "stop if problem.> Mel's mind serious, <I'll make sure to do that early on.>

<This one is for Alaric, so I just want to make sure he is happy with his fantasy come to reality.> Perfectly honest. Mel moves a little closer, puts her head on Z's shoulder, <It's me, Z. Specifics, please. I work so much better with those.>

She wraps an arm around you.

<Well ... I want you to lick me until I come. I want to have my fingers inside of you and feel you slick and wet around them. I want Alaric to have an orgasm inside of me.>

<But we are planning this one for Alaric, I agree, and none of that necessarily has to happen during this. But ... sometime.>

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Mel blushes a deep green, turning her head into Zaiobe's shoulder, an action normally only seen when she is near Alaric.

<mmmm...> She smiles almost shyly at Zaiobe, <Assuming that you don't mind if I have my way with him after you're sated. I think, at least, that last one would be very appropriate as we are planning an Alaric surprise." Mel answers.

She returns your smile. <I'll never mind you having your way with him, Melinda. And I would certainly have no objections to the scenario going in that direction, if it does.>

<Is there more that needs to be discussed? When? Where?>

Male Human Cleric 10

"Wow. So you're gonna shoot Hrunndalf down after Ameiko picks Kalimac?" Alaric shakes his head in mock sadness. "That's cold."

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

The feel on him under her, reacting to her, puts a pleased smile on her face. A smiles which grows as Alaric's hand finds no cloth, a discovery that is greeted with a choked gasp and a deep blush by the girl straddling him.

She rocks slightly, absolutely careful in her movement. And with a teasing smile, "Tell me one of your fantasies."

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

<Thank you.> Mel says with a loving hug.

<Timing. I would say that would depend on how long it will take to make costumes. Once those are ready, I could nab Alaric right after he prepares spells one evening.> Mel blushes, <He seems more... comfortable if he can add lesser restoration to his....>

<As for place. I think the upgrades in our wagon will make it... sturdy enough for the captivity.> She smiles, <At least if we want to spring it on him up here. Because even with magic it... hurts to be to far from the caravan.>

Another thought occurs to Mel, <Do we even have manacles?>

Human Ranger

Mel, Women's Wagon:

Melinda Sorn wrote:
"Neither Reta nor Z's birthday is coming up anytime soon." She states with conviction. "You should just give your presents to them now."

Myri's hands go to her hips, her head slightly askance and left eyebrow cocked, "you're not going to let me give them through you are you?... ... ... Fine" she adopts an expression of mock anger and mutters under her breath

Mel or Women's Wagon & DC15 Perception:

"Shoulda dropped 'em off onna doorstep."

Myri picks up the two parcels, hops down from the wagon and uses an overly elaborate gesture with her free hand for Melinda to lead the way. Still pretending to be upset, she flounces after her.

Male Human Cleric 10

"Well, let's see... you and me having a long life together, surrounded by loving and greenish children." He smiles at the thought, one clearly having percolated through his subconscious for some time. Then, running his hands softly up her thighs to rest at the dimples in her buttocks, he says, voice rusty: "Or did you mean sexual fantasy? In that case, her name is Melinda. You might know her."

He winces, squirms, then moves his hands beneath her shirt. A fumbling motion later, she feels him, resting against her. Not entering, but there. His hands return to her hips. "Sorry. I needed to get comfortable."

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Zaiobe and Shalelu:
Kyrademon wrote:

Shalelu laughs as you circle her, your playful antics momentarily driving away the cold for her.

The three of you continue to explore the wonders of the Crevasse until the duration of the spells begins to wear out.

Lio heads back with the little group, towards the caravan. She's discovered she really liked the idea of getting warm again, and does not tarry, although she stays close by Shae on the way back, till they get out of the crevasse. In good fun, Lio will attempt to race Zaiobe back the last few hundred feet, if the other woman is up for it. Of course, Lio cannot hope to match Zaiobe's speed, but that doesn't stop her from challenging you.

Post Crevasse ice brrr cold
The white owl soars out of the crevasse, heading towards the caravan, coming in fast, to land.
Fly: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Melinda swallows, once, as Alaric's hands finish their fumbling. Although her thighs shake slightly and her body is very aware of her nearness, she speaks. Her voice low, a note of purr reverberating through her words, "Much prefer you to be comfortable." Then she smiles, a happy brilliance spreading from her that seems to light them, "Children?"

She leans down, black hair cascading, to kiss him, "Not just Milena. You want us to have children?"

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Myri women's wagon:

Lio once again untangles herself from the blankets, and takes the fan from Myri in order to work her magic to erase the map drawn upon the back. She is very careful not to erase anything on the front of the fan. She intones something in druidic, and touches the fan, ensuring that no one else is touching it at the same time.

90% chance of erasing it if it's non magical: 1d100 ⇒ 58 preview says success

If it's magical in nature, DC 15 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 castor lvl check. preview says success

When it is done, she carefully hands the fan back to Myri. It takes only moments. She goes back to sit by Shalelu and snuggle against her. For some reason, her hand keeps moving to touch the perfectly flawless skin over her collar bone, and she's still somewhat distressed, although Shae's presence seems to be helping.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

pre combat continuation

Since no one else has claimed them, Lio will cast freedom of movement on Attatoq, Zaiobe, and Shalelu.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Rhost Mab-i-gof wrote:

Toward the End of Week 13

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
"I chi, mae llawer."

Rhost holds up two fingers. "Ddau beth. Efallai y byddwch yn gofyn os Attatoq yn barod i gael ei frwsio nawr?"

** spoiler omitted **

Lio nods. Goes to find Attatoq.

does speak with Animals still work with Attatoq, or does his high int mean he's no longer considered an animal?

"Attatoq, Rhost would like to brush you, if you do not mind." She lets him know. And will elaborate that Rhost is ready now, if Attatoq is ok with being brushed.

After she has spoken to Attatoq, Lio returns for the second thing.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

can you help me find the last post in the conversation we were having with Mel, Shalelu, and Lio in the women's wagon? thanks!

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

flex time, day after Aurora with Rhost
At some point during the day, Lio knocks on the fortune teller's wagon, waiting outside for an answer.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

a couple of days out of Iqualiat
"Hey." Lio says to Sandru, while he's got some space between him and the rest of the caravan members, possibly as he's tending to the horses, allowing Lio to approach him without a crowd being nearby.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Lio combats:

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
knowledge about the black stuff: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Knowledge: Geography +7, Knowledge: History + 9, Knowledge: Local + 9, Knowledge: Nature +10, Knowledge: Nobility + 9, Knowledge: Religion +4, All other Knowledge + 3

Ready Action to cast Flaming Sphere on top of anyone who looks like they're about to attack/cast spells upon/harm Melinda. (I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology here)

bad guys reflex save: 1d20 ⇒ 11
sphere damage: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9 fire damage

Male Human Cleric 10

He returns the kisses, but his voice is slightly confused. "Well, yeah. Of course. I mean, I don't know how many in total, but yes. I want to have children. Plural. With you." He squirms a little, acutely aware of the sultry space between her thighs. "I thought you knew that."

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

His squirm results in a squirm of Melinda's hips, a breathy sound escaping from her lips, utterly aware of his hard length tantalizingly close. "Part of me knew, the same part that knew that you were important back in the Rusty Dragon." She smiles, "But there is a great divide between thinking something and hearing your thoughts on the lips of the person that you need to be with." She blushes, in part from the feel of him, in part from her own words, "I want to carry your children. I want to raise them with you."

A long pause, "And I never want to stop being your fantasy." Her hand rests on his stomach for a moment, before whispering against the tip of him ever so briefly. "And I never want to stop fulfilling your fantasies."

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Lio wrote:
Lio nods agreement; she hadn't quite gotten that far mentally yet. She was still busy with, 'hello little one. you're going to be loved so much by your parents and your family and no one is ever going to hurt you or take you away from them, because i will personally kill anyone who tries.' not that she voices this thought, because maybe that's disturbing to those around her who are better people than she is. But her joyous protective emotions are very likely written on her features.
Lio wrote:
Lio looks at Melinda, her eyes revealing how happy she is for her great granddaughter. A small smile, almost unsure of how her next statement will be received, "I can't wait to meet her." she says, her words terribly un-elven, words that only those elves who live amongst humans can really understand. Words she means. Lio's smile gets a little easier. "I am very happy for you." She says sincerely.
Shae wrote:
Shalelu smiles, saying no words. It is clear that she is, at the very least, happy to see the two of you so happy.

Melinda's own smile is happy and free of concern. "She is beautiful. Her body is all formed, just so tiny." A pause, "Except for her head, her head seemed a little bit, but Alaric said she was absolutely healthy."

She blushes a little, "And I'll keep her safe." A savage promise hiding behind the simple words.

Melinda must get that from her great-grandmother.

Male Human Cleric 10

He shuts his eyes as she touches him. "Keep talking like that and you always will be," he says with a dreamy smile. "At least I'm no longer robbing the cradle. I'm giving a little something back."

His hips shift again, to rest right at the gate of her. He lets out a gasp, clearly enjoying the tease, even as it frustrates him.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Post Crevasse

Once Lio has turned back into her own shape, from that of the Owl...

Laughter, possibly hysterical from the insanely painful cold. Teeth chattering. "Thot was kolder an' more painful than 'e taime I 'ad ta run three days thru a snow storm in Belkzen wethout getten ta sleep or eat. 'minde me ne'er ta komplain 'bout spended winters sleepen en 'e goblen's den again." Are Lio's first words upon turning back into her elven form.

"'e ice 'ere, et's... beautiful." She adds, completely enchanted, and almost wishing to go back out again. She looks at Shalelu, and embraces the tall elf in happiness. "I flew!"

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Melinda Sorn wrote:

Melinda's own smile is happy and free of concern. "She is beautiful. Her body is all formed, just so tiny." A pause, "Except for her head, her head seemed a little bit, but Alaric said she was absolutely healthy."

She blushes a little, "And I'll keep her safe." A savage promise hiding behind the simple words.

Melinda must get that from her great-grandmother.


Lio is enchanted by your description. "Ye've seen 'er?" She whispers, tone filled with wonder, not even aware she's switched languages.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Lio wrote:
Lio is enchanted by your description. "Ye've seen 'er?" She whispers, tone filled with wonder, not even aware she's switched languages.

Somehow Mel's smile gets a little wider, happier. She nods, the smile flashed in Shae's direction for a moment, "After we choice the names, Alaric looked. He didn't tell me he was going to, he just looked at me and told me our baby's name." Her smiles twists, touched with mischievous joy, "I was a little jealous that he got to see her... So he looked at her again and let me see with him."

"It's may sound silly, but it makes her seem even more real. Even though I can't feel her, I've seen her. I know I have to keep her safe."


Part 1

Melinda is the first to brave the Tower. Casting a spell upon herself to increase her speed, she moves forward through the doorway, drawing Suishen as she goes. A brilliant light, like that of day, illuminates the interior of the large chamber from Suishen’s blade. You can now see that there is a large interior chamber, and a smaller one further in. For some reason, the winds inside the building are still severe.

You are now operating under bright light conditions.

Inside the chamber, among the drifts of snow, several strange plants have taken root and grown to prodigious size. In the center of the room is a huge one with a twisted trunk clustered with bulbous blossoms. It also has a gaping mouth that looks ready to swallow a victim whole.

Two others have grown to medium size. Portions of their three-stalked fungoid bodies seem to fade in and out of sight. Each also has a large maw gaping along their entire front. These two are semi-transparent, and there is a 20% miss chance on them unless you can see invisible or have other means of canceling concealment.

The second Melinda walks through the door ...

Melinda no longer has Freedom of Movement cast upon her.

Xanderghul no longer has Resist Cold cast upon him.

Xanderghul takes 1d6 ⇒ 2 lethal damage from the cold.
Xanderghul’s Fort save DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Xanderghul takes 1d4 ⇒ 3 nonlethal damage.
Xanderghul is fatigued from hypothermia until the nonlethal damage is healed.

Hrunndalf no longer has Resist Cold cast upon him.
Hrunndalf takes 1d6 ⇒ 3 lethal damage from the cold.
Hrunndalf’s Fort save DC 15, +2 for Magic Circle, +5 for Cold Weather outfit: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Liothonae no longer has Resist Cold cast upon her.
Liothonae takes 1d6 ⇒ 2 lethal damage from the cold.
Liothonae’s Fort save DC 15, +5 for Cold Weather outfit: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Kalimac no longer has Bull’s Strength cast upon him.

Myriana no longer has Mage Armor cast upon her.

Shalelu no longer has Freedom of Movement cast upon her.

One of the fungus creatures moves forward and attempts to bite Melinda. It misses the nimble sorceress, however.

Liothonae gestures mystically and creates a flaming sphere where the fungus creature is. With surprising deftness, however, it manages to avoid the fire.

You do not know what the black slush might be.

The huge flower in the center of the room unleashes a pulse of blinding light.

Fortitude saves, DC 20:
Melinda 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Rhost, no bonus for Magic Circle 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Kalimac, no bonus for Magic Circle 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Hrunndalf, no bonus for Magic Circle 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Attatoq, no bonus for Magic Circle 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Melinda is blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds.
Rhost is blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds.
Kalimac is blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds.
Attatoq is blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds.


Part 2

Cursing the inevitable, Ameiko moves forward and begins bardic music.

All of you get a +1 competence bonus to attack and weapon damage.

Alaric uses the bead of blessing. Because why the hell not?

All of you get a +1 morale bonus to attack.

From out of the black slush, climbing up the pylons of the bridge, comes a strange, four-armed creature armored in dense, bony plates. It drools wretched strings of black bile from its fanged maw. Rushing forward like a bull once it gains the bridge, it pushes Hrunndalf into the slush below.

Hrunndalf takes no immediate ill effects from the black slush.

From out of one of the snow drifts in the chamber burst two undead creatures. The pale flesh of these walking corpses is rotting and putrid, their bodies skeletal in places, ice and frost clinging to their hair. Their eye sockets glow with blue-white light. Both hurtle forward and attack Melinda. The first one misses with a swinging claw, but the second one slams its fist into her.

Melinda takes 1 hit point damage. DR from cushioning bands has already been factored in.

Melinda’s Fort Save DC 14 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Melinda suffers no additional ill effects.


Part 3

A second four-limbed horror climbs up the bridge pylons behind Alaric and vomits a spray of freezing black bile over some of those on the bridge.

Reflex saves DC 18:
Alaric 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Shalelu 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Liothonae 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Ameiko 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Zaiobe 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Myriana 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Alaric takes no cold damage.
Shalelu takes no cold damage.
Liothonae takes 26 hit points of cold damage.
Ameiko takes no cold damage.
Zaiobe takes 6 hit points of cold damage.
Myriana takes no cold damage.


Part 4

Zaiobe shoots a flaming arrow at one of the four-limbed monsters, but the wind spoils her shot.

Rhost says "Leek," and goes into Rage. Not about to let temporary blindness stop him, he steps up 5 feet into the air and heads directly into the tower, attacking the only enemy close enough whose location he knows – the fungus that attacked Melinda –with a Bull's Strength boosted Rage fueled Power Attack by way of a Flaming Earth Breaker to the giblets. If a plant has giblets.

Attack: 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 14 + 2 - 3 = 20
Blindness miss chance (1 bad): 1d2 ⇒ 2

Even blind, his swing crunches into the plant.

Damage: 2d6 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 6) + 8 + 2 + 9 + 1 + (6) = 37

Dealing it a grievous blow.

As Rhost goes, the four-limbed monster that was behind him takes an attack of opportunity on the blind barbarian, hitting him for 1d6 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 2 = 3 damage (DR already included in total), and additional cold damage that Rhost ignores.


Part 5

Shalelu shoots the four-limbed monster threatening Alaric, her flaming arrow causing a stream of black blood to spurt forth from its body.

The second fungus creature moves in closer.

Before Hrunndalf fell, even flat-footed, he managed to take an attack of opportunity against the monster that pushed him off the causeway. He strikes it a mighty blow with the crackling electric polearm. Now, ironically in the slush despite his careful decision not to jump and risk a fall, he attempts to use his enhanced strength to climb back out, using his planned move action to better effect.

Swim Check DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Climb Check DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Which he is able to do easily.

You see no traps at the edge of the gap. And, as is clear from what happened, you do indeed not have Air Walk.


Part 6

Myriana fires off a shot at the undead enemies she hates so fiercely, but her arrow is lost to the wind.

The seeking quality does not counter the -4 penalty from severe wind.

Kalimac had been making a quick mental inventory of where his weapons are, in case of ambush. He settled his lance in a ready position, in case a charge is called for. Then he and his mount went temporarily blind. Cautiously, he and Attatoq move up into the tower, going high to avoid potential attacks of opportunity. There is plenty of room, as the ceiling in the chamber is 100 feet high.

Two more undead creatures burst out of the snow drifts and attack Melinda. They are, those of you who can still see note, marked with the symbol of Sithhud. The first one misses Melinda pathetically. The second once against slams into her.

Melinda takes 1 hit point of damage (DR has been factored in.)
Melinda’s Fort Save DC 14 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Melinda suffers from no additional adverse effects.

Current damage:
Xandergul -2, -3 nonlethal, fatigued
Hrunndalf -3, possible unknown effects of black slush
Liothonae -28
Melinda -2, briefly blinded
Zaiobe -6
Rhost -3, briefly blinded
Attatoq blinded for another round more
Kalimac blinded for three more rounds


the map

WITH people


. = 5’ square, stone
X = Wall
# = Dimly seen
? = As yet unseen
~ = Black slush
@ = Crystalline control panel

PPP = Huge Plant
F = Fungus
E = Fungus (flaming sphere in same square)
C = Four-armed drooling creature
W = Undead

M = Melinda
R = Rhost (5’ up)
H = Hrunndalf
A = Alaric
L = Liothonae
K = Kalimac (on Attatoq) (40’ up)
Y = Myriana
I = Ameiko
S = Shalelu
Z = Zaiobe

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Can I have climbed up one square further upwards, so as to leave the four-armed creature in my 10' reach? Or better yet, one more square further up so the creature must provoke an attack if it wants to hit me again.

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Can I have climbed up one square further upwards, so as to leave the four-armed creature in my 10' reach? Or better yet, one more square further up so the creature must provoke an attack if it wants to hit me again.

Because of where the bridge pylons are located, you could only emerge at one of the three squares next to the creature. I put you in that one so you could get your 10' reach on the creature by taking a 5' step.

a couple of days out of Iqualiat

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
"Hey." Lio says to Sandru, while he's got some space between him and the rest of the caravan members, possibly as he's tending to the horses, allowing Lio to approach him without a crowd being nearby.

”Hello,” Sandru replies genially.

flex time, day after Aurora with Rhost

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
At some point during the day, Lio knocks on the fortune teller's wagon, waiting outside for an answer.

”Come in,” comes the response. ”Ain’t gonna get any warmer if’n you wait.”

Post Crevasse

liothonae cromvathar wrote:

Once Lio has turned back into her own shape, from that of the Owl...

Laughter, possibly hysterical from the insanely painful cold. Teeth chattering. "Thot was kolder an' more painful than 'e taime I 'ad ta run three days thru a snow storm in Belkzen wethout getten ta sleep or eat. 'minde me ne'er ta komplain 'bout spended winters sleepen en 'e goblen's den again." Are Lio's first words upon turning back into her elven form.

"'e ice 'ere, et's... beautiful." She adds, completely enchanted, and almost wishing to go back out again. She looks at Shalelu, and embraces the tall elf in happiness. "I flew!"

Shalelu holds Liothonae tightly and echoes her laughter. Zaiobe, who landed a few seconds before Liothonae, watches smiling. Both of the women are shaking from the cold, their lips just a slight bit bluish.

"Yes," Shalelu answers. "Yes to both. Now shall we get warm?"

I wasn't sure if you wanted Ulf to overhear and perhaps respond to this, or if you were setting up a later conversation. Let me know.

"Yay brushing!" Attatoq replies.

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
After she has spoken to Attatoq, Lio returns for the second thing.

Attatoq trots along after Liothonae, following her back to Rhost.

Women's Wagon, Myriana, Liothonae:
liothonae cromvathar wrote:
When it is done, she carefully hands the fan back to Myri. It takes only moments. She goes back to sit by Shalelu and snuggle against her. For some reason, her hand keeps moving to touch the perfectly flawless skin over her collar bone, and she's still somewhat distressed, although Shae's presence seems to be helping.

"Thank you both," Ameiko says quietly. "These are lovely."

Let me know if you would like that to count as your Level 8 gift to Ameiko.

"If you would like me to share with you anything I learned during my own pregnancy," Shalelu says quietly, "Please feel free to ask."

Melinda Sorn wrote:

<Thank you.> Mel says with a loving hug.

<Timing. I would say that would depend on how long it will take to make costumes. Once those are ready, I could nab Alaric right after he prepares spells one evening.> Mel blushes, <He seems more... comfortable if he can add lesser restoration to his....>

<As for place. I think the upgrades in our wagon will make it... sturdy enough for the captivity.> She smiles, <At least if we want to spring it on him up here. Because even with magic it... hurts to be to far from the caravan.>

Another thought occurs to Mel, <Do we even have manacles?>

Zaiobe returns your hug warmly.

<Very well. We shall see when the costumes are ready, and use the wagon if no better place presents itself, just after ... well, not sundown, but the equivalent time. I'll inquire discreetly to see if manacles are available; if not, perhaps we can simply use rope.>

Zaiobe takes out a measuring tape. <May I ...?>

Alaric Graff wrote:
"Wow. So you're gonna shoot Hrunndalf down after Ameiko picks Kalimac?" Alaric shakes his head in mock sadness. "That's cold."

"Learning to deal with rejection will make him a stronger person," Sandru says sagely.

"Now, 'Meiko and 'Mac, that I could see happening, yeah."

Flex time, post Aurora

liothonae cromvathar wrote:
Several Hours after Lio and Shalelu went off into the dark, not long after Lio gave Shae the quiver from the dragon's den, the two make their way back to the group.

"Would you mind if I told Myri sometime soon?" Shalelu asks you shortly before you rejoin the group. "I think being told early would make her happy."

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

I think something went wrong with my Swim and Climb checks. While it said +4 (-1 in armor) in my character sheet, the -1 is actually the final "bonus", not the adjustment (I have a -5 ACP). However, I had also failed to update those numbers to my newly increased Strength bonus.

Bottom line: Both my Climb and Swim bonuses are now +5 (+0 in armor). Since I am in armor and also under the effect of Bull's Strength, my effective bonuses are +2. That means I failed my first Swim check, and presumably required my second move action to retry (and succeed on) the Swim check.

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Bottom line: Both my Climb and Swim bonuses are now +5 (+0 in armor). Since I am in armor and also under the effect of Bull's Strength, my effective bonuses are +2. That means I failed my first Swim check, and presumably required my second move action to retry (and succeed on) the Swim check.

You are correct; I misunderstood your character sheet, sorry. You fail the first swim check and succeed on the second. However, the move action in this instance is a combination climb/swim check, so you still have a chance to make it all the way up:

Climb Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

You make it up onto the bridge at the stated location, but do not now have time to scan the edge of the gap for traps. Please disregard that spoiler.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

a couple of days out of Iqualiat
Kyrademon wrote:
”Hello,” Sandru replies genially.

"Need 'elp? She asks, as he's working, and if it's something she knows how to do, will pitch in.


flex time, day after Aurora with Rhost
Kyrademon wrote:
”Come in,” comes the response. ”Ain’t gonna get any warmer if’n you wait.”

"Innit consid'rd rude ta barge en wethout an invatatshun?" She asks, as she enters, careful to leave the snow outside.

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