Tordek Holderhek |
I got in this mornin', on foot. Never seen a slitheryman like those'uns before, nosirree. Tordek says as he toddles over to the guard.
Tordek Holderhek |
The lovely lass what runs the joint said I could get me a tipple on the house. You ever know a dwarf ta turn down a free drink laddie? Not bleedin' likely I'd say. Now that my beak's wetted, I've got no real reason to stay, 'cept you and yours here asking questions. Seemed rude to up and leave. Tordek says as he makes his way over to the guardsman.
DM - Voice of the Voiceless |
"Fine... I'd suggest you move along then. Madame will see to the casino, you'll need to see to yourselves..." a glance to Quillin and Tordek specifically "I'd not be for lingering in Scurvy unless you've got a need for it." nodding affirmation that his part in the conversation is finished before turning to walk away. As a side foot note he adds "Might be best to keep clear of any more sewer grates tonight eh?" He moves back over to the passage leading into the casino's basement to continue his investigations.
The party then feels the pointed gaze of those thugs and casino personnel upon them... silently impressing upon you a suggestion that you might move onwards and outwards into the dark. The barman himself has backed away from the bar and doesn't seem to be open to entertaining any further refills. From what you see the injured party remains propped up against a wall and bloodied... but not sensate.
Quillin |
Once they've safely cleared Scurvytown, Quillin pauses to tug at his braided beard. "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't see see if a fortune teller can tell us anything about that key. I assume most of them are charlatans, but they're not that expensive and we've got nothing better to do."
DM - Voice of the Voiceless |
Leading your steps initially out of the casino and towards the nearest border betwixt Scurvytown and the marginally more urbane and refined areas of Freeport you're initially disconcerted by how many sewer openings and grates seem to line the path. Though with trepidation you proceed, nothing lurches from the shadows to devour you... yet.
Minor tellers of tales and prognosticators of fortune can be found throughout Freeport - though their quality and skill is questionable at best. The Woman is the only name that rises above all others - holding court in Drac's End near the Tent City... but most likely she wouldn't be seeing anyone until at least the sun's crested.
Which district will you seek a Fortune Teller?
Tordek Holderhek |
Well lads, we can do that, if any of 'em are doin' readin's at this hour. Or we could find ourselves a nice little apothecary or distillery or summat. Gotta get us a few handles of that good burnin' rum fer our future shippies, yeh? Tordek says as he catches pace with the others, resecuring his weapons about his person, breathing in the salty seaport air.
Quillin |
"We could probably find both fortune tellers and rum sellers on the Docks. Seems a fate-reader would do well with superstitious sailors heading out to sea."
"Hang that..." A thought strikes the gnome and he investigates the nearby sewer grates to see if they are locked with what might be a properly sized keyhole.
Tordek Holderhek |
Maybe not reputable, but one who is right more often than not, less say. Tordek says, playing with the beads in his beard.