The Seer's Journey - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

A young refugee girl, blessed by the gods with foresight, is accompanied by six warriors to one of the most dangerous places in the world, where a great hero will die.

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@Justahl and @Feral Boy: Trista laughs warmly at Justahl's joke and hugs him back.

Tanel says something about not feeling well or being woozy, and ducks out to his room, vowing to catch up with everyone after he gets some rest.

Trista watches him go, then shakes her sadly. "Things are bad in the Dragonhold, Justahl. Even our little island is trying to fight off regular incursions from those bastards. But now it's a three-front war. There's a new army. We thought they were paladine like you, because their armor is so similar, but they are under command of red dragons. Same group that's attacking this city. The Red Dragonflight. I'm only here escorting little Anastasia -- you remember, Agatha's daughter? To whom you gave fencing lessons while her friends watched your butt? -- well, she's en route to the Road of Ghosts, in the center of the Land, from there to travel south to H'arun. They won't tell me why, but that's where she's going. This city is surprisingly safe, all things considered, no one knows where the tunnels begin but the dwarves, so life is largely unchanged down here, aside from them wanting people to move along more quickly than usual."

The elf looks down at Cassandra and the Feral Boy. "So where are your parents, huh? Why'd they entrust you to this fella?" Cassandra looks sort of shy and mumbles "myparentsarebackinmambanithinkmaybe". She tries to hide behind Justahl's leg. Trista turns her bright eyes to the Feral Boy and gives him a questioning look.

@Karthan, @Jorzan, @Kelne: The Camor-lookalike is not too difficult to spot, as he isn't making any effort to be hidden. He rounds a corner, and ducks into a produce store. The wolfguard don't seem to follow you as you catch up with him. In the store, you can see he is speaking with a man behind the counter. He does not notice you as you come in.

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

Kelne opted to let Jorzan take the lead, melting off to the side to examine some of the produce. Some of it wouldn't go amiss to supplement their food over the next few days in any case.

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

Suddenly feeling awkward and not knowing what to say Jorzan clears his throat and then mumbles lamely "Ah, excuse me, but, um, do we know each other?"

Is this man similar in age to Camor? Or closer to Jorzan's age or what?

Oh and PS, so are we going to be recruiting to replace Tanel? And we haven't lost Karthan too have we??

@Kelne and @Jorzan: The man turns and regards Jorzan mildly. "Hallo. No, I don't believe we've met. I'm Zanjor. Pleased to meet you I -- " He stops suddenly and gives the young shadowdancer a sly look. "sssayyyyyy, you're a bard, aren't you? A trickster! How'd you get to look so much like me?! That's amazing! It's a great con. Great work. Here, I'll give you a couple gold for it, but I can't spare lots, okay? It is a really good likeness, though! Not as handsome as me, but hey..." He winks at Jorzan.

DC10 Sense Motive:
This guy really honestly seems to think Jorzan is just some street performer whose gimmick is to dress up like other travelers to make some coin.

DC15 Perception, Kelne only:
Outside you see a couple Wolfguards put up wanted posters, and roughly 30 seconds later -- if that -- three armored dwarves rip them all down.

@Justahl and @Feral Boy: Getting no reply from the boy, Trista stands back up, grinning. "Well! The talkative kind, I see. Probably just let the shaggy fella talk for you, I suppose, huh?" She laughs, and it is a surprisingly robust and hearty sound, fit for someone of much, um, thicker stature. Her smile fades a bit as she looks back at Justahl. "Ah, my bonny beautiful boy. How by His Empty Tankard Needin' a Refill Where's The Waitress did you get out of Stormfare? I heard it's totally walled shut, surrounded by troops, ever since that nutter escaped to the east with some trinket or book or whatever from the library."

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

A brief smile crossed Kelne's face at some sight out the window. It was good to know the dwarves took a dim view of littering. Of course, there were still the litterers to watch out for. In any case, for now, he would gather up a few items while quietly backing up Jorzan.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Aasimar Paladin (Shining Knight) L11 | AC29 (t11,ff28) | CMD28 | hp 133/133 | Save F17 R11 W13 | Percep +2 (Nouhves Percep +6)

Sir Justahl looks at Trista.
"Let us just say that we were granted an exception." He tries to look opaque.

@Kelne and @Jorzan: This "Zanjor" -- if that is indeed his name -- seems to be a little bit older than Jorzan, maybe by six or seven years. He's not carrying any weapons, the one dagger he has looks more ceremonial, or the kind used for opening boxes and that kind of thing. "Well, thanks for the show, sir! It was quite entertaining, but I've got fruit to sell. If you want to disguise yourself maybe as someone wanting to by fruit and vegetables, like this fella over here -- " He indicates Kelne. " -- then feel free to come on back." He smiles at Jorzan, then turns to Kelne. "That be all sir? Just one gold for the lot, if you please." Apparently this is Zanjor's produce shop, or at least he works here.

There are a couple distant booms from far away. A few of the hundreds of people bustling around stop to look up, but most just ignore the sound.

Sir Justahl's Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Trista's Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

@Justahl and @Feral Boy: Trista arches a dubious eyebrow at Justahl. "An...exception. Right. Justahl, dear thing, you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, do you? Someone got out of the great library of Stormfare, the Hec Salazar Memorial, the one with all the magical oogity-boogity stuff. A professor, is the rumor, and he stole some valuable book and took it straight to the Black Dragonflight. Or is taking it. The whole city is on some kind of super-duper lockdown now. Everyone trying to get in or out gets heavily searched. This must have happened after you left, then." The elven adventuress looks down at Cassandra again. "What's wrong with her eyes? By His Sword and Wrasslin' Arm, Justahl, have you brought a blind girl out into the wild?"

DC15 Perception:
You are beginning to draw attention. A couple scarred and battleworn fighters are beginning to glance your way with greater and greater frequency, and a wizardy-looking type keeps casting sidelong glances your way.

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

Kelne handed over the coin before commenting, "It really isn't a disguise," he remarked helpfully, "Or if it is, he's been wearing it for weeks now without my seeing though it. You don't have to, of course, but you might want to give Jorzan here a bit of your time."

Wow! Where did everybody go? Was it something I said?

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

Sorry, been busy

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Jorzan silently refuses the gold with a slow shake of his head. He felt quite confused by the man's manner. How could the man not know who he was? Or where he himself came from? It seemed almost impossible to Jorzan that someone could have forgotten the horrors that Bal-Zat had inflicted on them all, yet at the same time the young shadowdancer was absolutely certain that the man was being honest in his not knowing or even recognizing Jorzan for what they all were. Unsure of how do proceed to mumbles "Um, I...that, no I'm not some street performer. This is not a trick, this is how I look. Do you really not know who, or what, I am? Or what you are?" Lowering his voice Jorzan cannot help but look around first before he whispers "How can you have forgotten what that evil bastard Bal-zat did to us all!"

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

I hope Karthan/AdAsrta is still into our game though, I'd hate to see him leave too. He posted in another thread that he is still traveling and will be back in town on the 22 but he hasn't posted here for quite some time now.

Aasimar Paladin (Shining Knight) L11 | AC29 (t11,ff28) | CMD28 | hp 133/133 | Save F17 R11 W13 | Percep +2 (Nouhves Percep +6)

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Sir Justahl looks abashed.
"Ah; I'm probably thinking of something else then. Don't put too much emphasis on looks Trista, she's not as blind as she looks; and there's nothing wrong with her ears. Still your news is disturbing. Do you know what was taken and who took it?" He breaks off, looking around the room.
"We seem to be disturbing the other guests. Shall we take this up to our rooms then? Come." He politely ushers everyone up to the rooms previously rented.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

M Human Summoner 8

The boy looks confused as Trista mentions Cassandra's blindness. He pauses momentarily, as if searching for something, and then speaks something strange at her, looking as if he's explaining the obvious.

"She... sees far."

The monster grunts and nods in agreement.

@Jorzan: Zanjor gives you a blank look. "Bal-who?! And what do you mean 'what I am'? Look, what is this? If this isn't some kind of street performance trick thing, then just what the hell is going on here?"

DC24 Sense Motive:
He's getting freaked out. He knows something, and is keeping it from you.

DC17 Perception, Kelne only:
You just saw an achingly familiar face go down the block, in the direction of your hotel. A woman. A woman you know all too well.

A face from your past.

@Feral Boy: Trista blinks in surprise.

Reply to Feral Boy in Sylvan:
"Oh! Oh. I...I think I understand ya, there, fella. you await the stars to guide you?" She asks this last pointedly.

@Justahl: As Trista speaks in Sylvan with the Feral Boy (and neither of them follow you as you begin ushering Cassandra out), you notice that in addition to the grim fellows you saw looking at you, more and more really lethal warrior-looking types are starting to enter this hotel. None of them eye you directly, but there sure does seem to be a sudden surge of tough mercenaries in here.

M Human Summoner 8

The boy looks as if he's about to reply to Trista when the monster lowers his head and gently pushes the boy toward the stairs.

He pounds harmlessly on the monster's thick skull, then looks up to see Justahl leading Cassandra from the from the room.

He pets the monster's head, speaking in soothing gibberish, then shakes his had at Trista and begins following the others.

Aasimar Paladin (Shining Knight) L11 | AC29 (t11,ff28) | CMD28 | hp 133/133 | Save F17 R11 W13 | Percep +2 (Nouhves Percep +6)

When they get back to the rooms, Sir Justahl tells the others;
"I don't like this sudden influx of heavily armed mercenary types. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but let's make sure we have a couple of other ways out of here other than the door."

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

Sense Motive:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Now sure that the man is hiding something but not sure what, Jorzan's patience begins to wear thin. He had been put through more enough by that thrice cursed magic user and he'd be damned if take any b%~%~~@& from this merchant.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Leaning forward, some of the darkness within him rising up he says grimly "I do not consider you my enemy, yet, but I will brook no deceit from you either. This is in no, way, shape or form a laughing matter for me. Either you know who Bal-Zat is, and what he did to us, why we look the same, or you know something else. Whatever it is, I will have it out you, one way or another."

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

Sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Kelne's attention was no longer on either Jorzan or Zanjor, being directed instead out onto the street. "Jorzan, I think we've got trouble," he said flatly, "You can come back and sort this out later. If there is a later." With that, he headed quickly outside in the direction of the hotel.

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

'What? Damn it! Doesn't he know how important this is!' Jorzan silently rails when his attention on Zanjor is suddenly distracted by Kelne dashing outside. Despite his irritation though, he also knew the northern warrior was not one to make such a statement lightly.

'Damn it! he curses mentally, his decision already made. "You, we are not finished. We shall meet again. If you flee, you'll just make me that much more angry when I find you. DON'T. GO. ANYWHERE." then, with a final glare, he dashes outside after Kelne.

Expecting trouble, Jorzan instantly blends into the shadows, his great skill allowing him to keep pace with the warrior while still remaining unseen. Keeping a safe distance back though, the perceptive rogue scans about for whatever might have so alarmed his ally.
Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Man, I must be slipping! I Can Not believe I didn't catch the name thing until now. But could I at least get Zanjor's immediate reaction to Jorzan's threat?

Male Human Cleric 9 (86/86HPs AC26 [domain spells used 0 and Normall spell used (one 1st&5thlvl). 0/10 channels used.)

Hey guys. Looks like ill be joining your group soon. I am a close friend of DM Downrightamazed and i play in his monday night game in the same world. He told me you guys were short on players and i offered my services as a pure healer. So dont expect much damage from me but oh boy i should be able to keep you guys all alive. Im still filling out my profile i need to enter my skills and a little about Gray.

basically hes a NG cleric who is an Ex-mortician. His town was burned to the ground by the black dragon flight. he now wonders the lands taking care of peoples dead and performing last rights. while ridding the world of restless souls. Hes a tall slender man who doesn't speak much. his heart is filled with sorrow from the war so he feels its his duty to help the war torn souls pass to the other side.

Welcome Gray, everybody; he's a great guy and a terrific gamer I've known for a while now. He and the rest of the Monday night crew are actually responsible for some of the things you guys are dealing with right now in this thread, and vice versa. :-D Remember, all groups affect each other in my games.

He'll be joining us IC soon. If anyone has any questions or tips about his build, please feel free to post in the OOC.

@Jorzan: Zanjor backs up, his hands held up in a placating gesture. "Sure man! Sure! What-whatever you say! I'm not going anywhere, you just come back anytime and we'll talk about...whatever."

DC10 Sense Motive:
He is most definitely going to go into hiding. He's terrified of you.

You leave the produce stand, then, and vanish into the shadows of a nearby stall and slip in and out of darkened areas, following your companion from the north. Despite your keen eyes and questing mind, it is not at all clear to you what Kelne has seen or thinks he has seen. But then, every third person is some kind of dangerous-looking warrior or wizard so really anyone could be a threat.

A couple of distant booming noises cause a few people to look up anxiously, but most pay them no mind.

Kelne only:
It's her. Keshla. There's no mistaking that beauty, that swaying walk, that figure. But something is different; she's a little taller, and she strolls more brashly through the crowd. Her walk is as much a swagger as a soft and feminine sway. She wears a rapier now, and daggers where before she would have nothing to do with weapons. Her raven hair is wild and free, tumbling down her back.

A pair of wolfguards -- Alphas, you note with some dismay -- are flanking her.

Blessedly, she and her two "companions" walk right by your hotel without so much as a pause. You know Jorzan is nearby, though you don't know his exact location at the moment.

@Justahl: As you, Cassandra, the Boy, the Monster, and Trista arrive in the room, your elven friend makes an exasperated noise. "Look. Justahl, my lovely scrumptious boy. Can I at least get a bit of a hint? The hotel is always busy, why are we scurrying away up here where there's no booze?"

@Feral Boy: The tall elf keeps looking at you as if expecting something.

@Gray Moribund: You have come to Omskoldsv, Capitol City of the Northern Dwarves, center of commerce and trade in the Forgelands, only to be trapped as the city has come under siege. Thankfully, in a metropolis like this, there is much to do and ne'er a dull moment. You have taken rooms in an affordable hotel and gained a little coin performing the rites of the dead here and there, helping the dwarves...a cleric of the Dark Lady is always needed, if not necessarily welcomed.

Suddenly the door to your room blasts open and a haunted-looking man strides in. He is clearly feverish, his skin ashen and covered in sweat. His pupils are dilated and his breathing is shallow. He has no weapons, though an empty scabbard is on his belt. By his look you'd guess he was Bennaladi, of good farmer stock, from the plains.

"Aye. Here y'are then, just like they said. I need you. I need you to send me on. I've already taken the aconite, I'll be gone soon. But you gotta conduct my soul or I won't make it to her, to my love." He holds out a small coin purse, filled with more than enough gold to pay for your services. "My name is Tanel. Will y'help me?"

Male Human Cleric 9 (86/86HPs AC26 [domain spells used 0 and Normall spell used (one 1st&5thlvl). 0/10 channels used.)

Gray looks to the sickly man and offers for him to lay on the bed. As Tanel sits on the bed Gray asks the man "Do you wish for me to try and save you from this sickness or are you really willing to pass on?"

heal check to see how sick he really is
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Looking to his medical bag, Gray moves to it and begins removing the his tools, holy symbols, and books to preform any last rights he may need to if the man decides to give up on his own life.

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

'This better be good Kelne.' Jorzan thinks angrily to himself, knowing that the moment he left the building Zanjor was almost definitely off and running.

Aasimar Paladin (Shining Knight) L11 | AC29 (t11,ff28) | CMD28 | hp 133/133 | Save F17 R11 W13 | Percep +2 (Nouhves Percep +6)

Sir Justahl replies while blocking the door.
"Boy! Check the windows!"
He turns to cassie again.
"Trista, I am sorry but Cassie here has been the subject of a number of very serious kidnapping attempts. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I saw a number of heavy mercenarys casually drifting into the inn and I don't think it's a coincidence. I think you may be healthier if you stayed away from us."
Sir Justahl tensely listens at the door.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Male Half-Orc Sorcerer, 8th, Brass Draconic Bloodine

I'm back from my trip.

Karthan is surprised to see Pyr in the crowds, but stays near Justahl and Cassandra while they talk to Trista rather than pursue. He resists the temptation to cast detect thoughts until the banter with Trista ends, but will try to note where the other person has gone, before pursuing.

He's grown suspicious of chance met friends thousands of miles from; the group tends to attract attention.

Karthan will be looking for a place where he can buy a few metamagic rods, if any such can be found here. And when he's certain Cassandra and Justahl are reasonably safe, he'll look for a shop that does such, keep an eye out for Jorzan and look for the chance met friend in the crowds while trying to mingle as innocuously as possible.

M Outsider (Eidolon) Eidolon

The monster, ducking and shuffling inside the cramped, dwarven room, regards Trista, cocks his head to the side and bellows, "Stars?"

M Human Summoner 8

Razza frazzing grumble grumble stupid post didn't save the first time grumble grumble

The boy once again looks as if he's about to answer Trista when he suddenly jumps at sir Justahl's command and rushes to the windows, climbing over furniture and ducking between the monster's arms without losing his pace.

perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

M Outsider (Eidolon) Eidolon

Turning away from Trista, the monster turns to the door and inhales a massive breath through his nose, then quickly sniffs twice more, checking for the approach of unfamiliar scents.

perception (scent) 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

Kelne followed the trio at a fair distance, unwilling to risk being spotted but also unwilling to lose them. Seeing Keshla alive after all this time was a shock to his system. Except that he knew full well she wasn't alive. He'd accepted, albeit reluctantly, years ago that he was leaving her to her death, with only the cold comfort that one day he would find a way to avenge her. The implication, seeing her walking the streets at night in the company of high-ranking wolfguard, was obvious. Another, perhaps less obvious implication was that she was the Huntress the Wolfguard had said Ormir would set on them back in Stormfare.

He wanted to know where they were based and just how many others they'd brought along with them, but the fact of the matter was the game would be up the moment anyone caught sight of him. Jorzan, naturally, had melted away before he'd had a chance to tell him who they were following. Still, he'd be watching, so Kelne extended three fingers, touching them briefly to his shoulder under the guise of adjusting his coat. That would tell him how many people they were after, and the direction of his gaze ought to narrow it down a fair bit.

He gave up the chase only a short distance past the hotel, just far enough to make sure they weren't slipping around the back. If they didn't know where Cassandra was, spotting and tailing him would present an excellent opportunity to learn. Jorzan was much better suited to following Keshla than he was, and if he hadn't picked up on who they were after, he'd probably come and ask now that Kelne had stopped. Regardless of other considerations, it was time he stopped walking the streets undisguised. Somebody else could see to selling off the gear.

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6

Sense Motive:1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Easily picking up Kelne's message and the trio he was tailing, when Kelne stops Jorzan lets the fighter see him for a moment, giving the thumbs up before slipping back into shadow.

He didn't know who the three were but from the look on Kelne's face they were important and dangerous. Then, now trailing some distance behind them, and recalling some of the history the northern warrior had shared with him over a few campfires, Jorzan begins to have an idea who they might be, well the 'woman' at least, which leads extra caution to his steps. But they had no idea who he was, and besides, their arrival had interpreted his questioning of Zanjor, so he'd be damned if he'd just let them walk away.

@Gray: This man is poisoned, and at death's door.

"I'm ready to go. Now. This has to happen." He says, his voice ringing with desperation.

Male Human Cleric 9 (86/86HPs AC26 [domain spells used 0 and Normall spell used (one 1st&5thlvl). 0/10 channels used.)

Gray smiles to the sickly Tanel as he pulls his Holy book The Bones Land in a Spiral from his bag. Opening the book and turning to the back of it he begins reading the poisoned man's last right. As he does so he closes his room's door, and opens the window closest to the bed, So the whippoorwill's will come and wait for the man's soul.

Walking to the table where his thurible sits he snaps his fingers as he casts spark igniting the sage incense. With the smoke filling the room and slowly drifting out the window Gray continues his prayers to Pharasma and finishing Tanel's passing rights.

As the man reaches death Gray closes his book and puts it back into his bag. He then reaches into his limp hand and removes the coin pouch he was offered. Removing two coins the pouch he places them on Tanel's chest. Then he finally covers the corpse with the hotel's blanket, when the man passes on.

Gray begins to pack up his belongings and gets ready to move to the Hotel front desk. As he opens the door before he steps out of the room he whispers to himself. "Travel well Tanel and give the Dark Lady my best. The Bone yard is your home now my friend."

Walking down the hallway he leaves a trial of incense behind him as the sage burns in the thurible hanging from his hip. To let the front desk know there is now a dead man in his room.

Male Human Fighter 8, Ranger 3

It was difficult for Kelne to let Jorzan go off and follow what was, frankly, a deeply personal piece of his past, something he really ought to be dealing with himself. But it was the right decision, the one which put Cassandra at least risk. Still, he took a moment to reaffirm his vow to Callistria to see Ormir and all his works torn down. Once this journey was done, there would be a reckoning. Or possibly before, if he was to put faith in that prediction of Cassandra's.

Kelne entered the hotel, sweeping his gaze across the common room in search of anyone out of place. Between a guide he frankly didn't trust and Wolfguards scattered through the streets, their position was looking a bit precarious. He doubted Jorzan would have the time to go back to - Oh, hells.

If somebody wanted to get out of town in a hurry, what would be the best way? By boat, given the siege. And if Zanjor did panic, that was just what he'd probably do. First order of business was to warn the others, then he owed it to the poor sod to go back and warn him about the aboleths waiting for Jorzan out on the lake. The man would be a nervous wreck before the day was out.

@Gray: As Tanel slips from life, he utters a woman's name. " love..." Then he is at peace. A shadow seems to lift from the room.

After completing the rites, you hear something you have only ever heard twice before in your life; a woman's voice, commanding and strong, echoing in the back of your mind. It was this voice that urged you first to enter, then exit the mortuary sciences, and now it again gives you distinct orders. "Tanel leaves behind work unfinished, Gray one. If you would have him commended to my realm, you must finish it for him. Go to room 320, find the girl Cassandra, aid her in her journey. Her and her companions. Go."

Other times you heard this voice, you assumed it was a command spoken by Pharasma or one of her agents. You have no reason to doubt that it is the same now, even if the orders given don't immediately make any sense to you.

@Justahl, @Feral Boy, @Monster: You don't detect anything unusual. Quite the opposite, in fact; The Monster can smell Kelne approaching.

Monster Only:
You also smell some kind of strong incense. It makes you think of death.

Trista shrugs. "Look, Justahl, if you're in some kind of trouble I can get you help. Do you need to get out of here? Do you have a guide? I can have Agatha lean on somebody if you want..." She turns to the monster. "Ah-heh. Ah-heh-heh. Yeah, it's just a kind of joke. Sorry. Thought you guys were from a different forest."

DC27 Sense Motive; Justahl, Feral Boy, Monster only:
Trista was trying to learn something very specific when whe asked the "stars" question, and is trying to cover up now.

@Kelne: As you reach the top of the stairs, you see a tall slender Pharasman cleric, his vestments worn over a grey hooded cloak, looking towards the room Cassandra is supposed to be in. You have never seen this man before.

Male Human Cleric 9 (86/86HPs AC26 [domain spells used 0 and Normall spell used (one 1st&5thlvl). 0/10 channels used.)

Gray stops outside of his room as he hears what he thinks to be the Dark Lady herself speaking to him and nods. He quickly turns to his room noting his room number and know he needs to walk up two flights of stairs. Moving down the hallway he goes to the closest flight of and begins to ascend. Upon reaching the third floor he hesitates as he slowly opens the door to the new hallway.

Standing at the end of the hallway looking down to where the room he was talk to go might be he stay still and quietly. As the burning incense on his hip slow fills the hall with a smell of sage. He listens for danger.

perception check for hearing any danger,yelling,screaming that maybe coming from any rooms. trying to cautious here
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

@Karthan: Finding a magic shop proves to be refreshingly easy. Walking through the doors requires you to duck, but inside you see plenty of raw materials for making magic goods, and a few finished products on sale. A pair of tough-looking constructs guard the merchandise. The owner looks up from some kind of gemcutting he's working on. "Hallo. C'n I help you?" He seems unfazed by your appearance.

@Justahl, @Feral Boy, @Monster: Footsteps stop out in the hall, a little ways from your door.

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