Xaven Neversword |
Xaven has removed a “foreign object” from his armor. It looks like a razored spoke or perhaps a gear. He sticks it between the fold of his armor – as though he means to stab himself in the stomach.
He’s also craning his head around madly trying to see who is doing what in the press of bodies filling the corridor.
Neversword may have just taken a readied action to do “X” when “Y” occurs...or maybe he just went on delay.
Pact Stone GM |
Would Hal have seen what Xaven did from his vantage point?
Technically no, he doesn't have line of sight as he's around the corner in the Pactstone chamber, keeping an eye on Hrokon.However, I am not too fussed about it - I am happy to say another member of the Dune Squad who has seen Xaven has reported his actions to Hal.
So I am content to say he doesn't see it, but he knows about it, and he can get Xaven back into his sights with a move action.
Pact Stone GM |
Karek is given to understand he's next to the rogue halfling. Er, halfling rogue. Anyway, he's going to ready an action to attempt to grab him should he start dashing about or stabbing other people or something like that.
Just in case it matters, I am going to interpret this as 'Karek attempts to initate a grapple if Xaven attempts to take a move action or an attack action.'Feel free to re-word, if that's not suitable.
Also, you are correct, Xaven is within Karek's reach. They are adjascent, with Karek north, and Xaven south.
Pact Stone GM |
On my count, the entire party has delayed except for:
- Gandel on count 23, who can now maintain his fascinating performance as a free action, though it costs him rounds of usage;
- Hurgah and Karek who have readied actions keyed on Hrokon and Xaven respectively; and
- An abnormally diplomatic Xerissa on count 19.
- Lydia on count 10, who is quite confused (Recall she doesn’t know anything about the pool of gaseous form having been kidnapped before the Dune Squad investigated the Song Tubes).
Since we know Hrokon cannot act and Xaven is either on delay or readied, let’s drop out of initiative.
If someone wants to go – just post – and we’ll see if triggers anything.
Halstadt Morgrym |
It appears my post was eaten...
Hal shifts to get Xaven in his sight, "Calm down Halfling! Don't you dare stab yourself like some fool. You should have let on what you knew instead of trying to play us false! I will pay Hrokon for the potions on behalf of all of us if you agree to stop your mad threats! Besides no one has laid a hand on him."
Xerissa Auraraun |
You guys are just makin my DIplomacy all the more potent.
It appears my post was eaten...
Hal shifts to get Xaven in his sight, "Calm down Halfling! Don't you dare stab yourself like some fool. You should have let on what you knew instead of trying to play us false! I will pay Hrokon for the potions on behalf of all of us if you agree to stop your mad threats! Besides no one has laid a hand on him."
"What do you mean false? They haven't lied. Did you give them an inventory of everything you carry?"
"Hal's right though, we can simply pay or trade for the potions. Xaven already knows he needs us to get out of here alive with him. THey already want to help us."
"So Gandel, let Hrokon go. Everybody here is reasonable, right Xaven?"
I say we can always turn Hrokon upside down and shake him like in Breach's future dream any point. No need to do it now. If he bites it in the dungeon, it gets even easier to take his stuff.
Xaven Neversword |
Xaven looks to Xerissa and then to Hal, unsure if he's being played.
"Last chance, I'm gonna count to three. . ."
"And if my boy ain't walking and talking like himself, we're all gonna regret it."
OOC: You should all feel free to help Gandel make a decision. I am aware Karek has a readied on Xaven (who in turn may also have a readied action)
Karek Kogan |
We should all dake a deeb bread and relax. Da byramid wands to kill us as much as we do. Karek takes a doubtful glance down the hallway he started traversing.
Karek makes a Sense Motive check to try to determine whether Xaven would lay down his life for his friend - or perhaps whether he has resurrection insurance stashed somewhere.
Breach Shattershield aka Javell |
Breach just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Bah. He's bluffing. He loves himself too much to kill himself. Ya know it to be true, Neversword. We're not gonna kill "your boy", but we're all gonna need those vials if we're ta get outta here. Because it breaks down like this: If one of us dies, then we all die. And that includes you. So no matter where you run, or how far you travel, you won't be free unless we all escape outta here alive. All those riches you think you're gonna see? - well, you won't. 'Cause you'll be dead. So stop being daft and help us get outta here." He looks him straight in the eye as he speaks, a look of absolute calm about him. "So you can either kill yourself and get nothing, or, you can help us and live to rob for another day. Which sounds better to ya? Hm?"
Xaven Neversword |
Breach just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Bah. He's bluffing. He loves himself too much to kill himself. Ya know it to be true, Neversword. We're not gonna kill "your boy", but we're all gonna need those vials if we're ta get outta here. Because it breaks down like this: If one of us dies, then we all die. And that includes you. So no matter where you run, or how far you travel, you won't be free unless we all escape outta here alive. All those riches you think you're gonna see? - well, you won't. 'Cause you'll be dead. So stop being daft and help us get outta here." He looks him straight in the eye as he speaks, a look of absolute calm about him. "So you can either kill yourself and get nothing, or, you can help us and live to rob for another day. Which sounds better to ya? Hm?"
"I know the crap storm I'm in. Glad you're finally catching up.""You're right then dwarf, if it's true the only way out of here is back through those stone tubes, you'll get our potions - even if I have to force feed em down your throat."
"Now let's go," he turns and starts walking north, studying the corridor ahead.
"Hrokon, you'd better stay close to me."
Pact Stone GM |
So, it now looks like we've just re-set everything back to where it was 5 minutes ago before Breach consulted with the future (save for that Hrokon is now near the front).
Do I have that right. I see Hal has raised purchasing the potions from Hrokon and Xerissa, trading for them. Is that happening? Or has the issue just been tabled?
And if so, back to the prior question - still headed north? Are we interested in the side room to the east? Or are we headed around the corner to the west?
Pact Stone GM |
In case it assists:
Karek Kogan wrote:Karek pauses for an answer, but then proceeds down the north hallway, reasoning that one direction is as good as another.-
Karek, and if I may take it, the Dune Squad, advances north, through the arch, up the stairs, and down the hall.On Karek and Gandel's right hand side is a door-less opening. There is no fancy arch, just dark stonework.
If they choose to proceed past the opening, they can instead turn left (west) and continue to follow the corridor.
GM PC: Donkor Sooron |
Donkor speaks up from the middle of the pack, the furrow in his brow growing ever deeper.
"At the risk of changing the subject, now that Breach has mentioned it, I had thought I had felt something unusual in the corner of my mind. I had dismissed it as the stress of our situation."
"The more I think on it though, the more I realize it is possible that Shattershield is right--we are being scried upon or watched in some way."
"We might have to take care in what we say. . ."
Halstadt Morgrym |
"Better for us to have those potions now Xaven, we don't want to be doling out potions in a line if we are in a hurry to flee. I don't think we go anywhere but right here. We destroy this stone which could lead to the ruin of the world at large if it falls into the wrong hands. Imagine hordes of Orcs or Demons utilizing this magic? The consequences would be disastrous".
Moonpate |
"Better for us to have those potions now Xaven, we don't want to be doling out potions in a line if we are in a hurry to flee. I don't think we go anywhere but right here. We destroy this stone which could lead to the ruin of the world at large if it falls into the wrong hands. Imagine hordes of Orcs or Demons utilizing this magic? The consequences would be disastrous".
"Master Morgrym, your concern does you credit. However, we do not yet know enough about the Stone's power in order to effect its destruction. We must continue searching this level and uncover its secrets before we can act decisively. And, let's indeed distribute those potions now before we are further inconvenienced."
Xerissa Auraraun |
Well apparently Hal is paying, so I needn’t worry but if not, here’s what I got to trade:
-Potion of Cure Light Wounds,
-Potion of Fox's Cunning,
-Potion of Hide from Animals,
-Potion of Hide from Undead,
-Potion of Keen Senses,
-Potion of Mage Armor,
-Potion of Pass without Trace,
-Potion of Protection from Evil,
-Potion of Resist Energy,
-Potion of Restoration, Lesser,
-Potion of Sanctuary,
-Potion of Shield of Faith,
-Potion of Spider Climb,
-Potion of Touch of the Sea,
-Potion of Water Breathing
I think we need by my count nine gaseous form potions. The above won’t have the same street value by a longshot, but with my awesome diplomacy surely he will see it is better to have this collection than nothing but the same potion over and over. Besides, how does he know the pharaohs gaseous form liquid even works outside the pyramid?
And in case it wasn’t clear, once Hrokon bites it, I’m getting my gear back. There’s a gold piece in it for the Dune Squader who helps make that happen.
Hurgah the Reaver |
And in case it wasn’t clear, once Hrokon bites it, I’m getting my gear back. There’s a gold piece in it for the Dune Squader who helps make that happen.
Just so happens that Hurgah likes gold pieces, and has previous experience hurting people for money. Win-win.
Xerissa Auraraun |
I had a hunch you would be up to the task.
Beetle, I'm taking that as my affirmation to proceed then. Xerissa will join Hrokon and charm the pants off him while they travel and make the trade. She will shoot down any other Dune Squaders who bash Xaven or Hrokon to make herself look good. Let me know if you need a new Diplomacy check, but hopefully this is just a continuation. Once she gets the nine potions she distributes them to the party. Problem solved (for now).
Pact Stone GM |
Although initially cautious, Hrokon appears to be eating it up, warming to his newest defender.
There is one rather awkward exchange, however. Hrokon sniffs at Xerissa's potions and rejects them with a curt wave of his hand, making a remark to the effect that he knows they are not worth their weight.
He nevertheless counts out 6 steel flasks and two canteens, all filled with a familiar fizzing purple solution and gives them to Xerissa. The brim-filled canteens each contain two doses. Xerissa is able to split the canteens using her spare flasks, leaving her with ten doses. She then ensures the Dune Squad each has a shiny new potion of gaseous form.
(To hasten the logistics, I'll note that the 10th potion probably goes to the oft-forgotten Bunky, so Karek will carry two. I'll also note Gandel actually has an extended potion of gaseous form and so he now has two.)
Xaven asks that if everyone is done robbing them, if they can now get a move on.
Gandel Trapspringer aka Dennis |
"I agree with the Potentate Hal. Consider also the fact that we are all now bound to that Stone some way. We do not know if destroying it would break our connection or have a worse effect upon us. Karek, lead the way!"
Gandel will stick next to Karek keeping an eye out for traps, let me know if I need to make any rolls.
Halstadt Morgrym |
Hal will sigh and replace his axe in the loop through his bely seeing that his desires have been rebuffed by the party. He will then reach into his Handy Haversack and hand Xaven 100 gold coins.
"There, now we are no longer robbing you".
Hal looks to Donkor and Moonpate, "Do we have any spells available that can keep prying eyes and ears away from us?"
Pact Stone GM |
Much appreciated! But to where? Opening to the right? Or follow corridor to the left?
In case it assists:
Pact Stone GM back on February 7 wrote:Karek Kogan wrote:Karek pauses for an answer, but then proceeds down the north hallway, reasoning that one direction is as good as another.-
Karek, and if I may take it, the Dune Squad, advances north, through the arch, up the stairs, and down the hall.On Karek and Gandel's right hand side is a door-less opening. There is no fancy arch, just dark stonework.
If they choose to proceed past the opening, they can instead turn left (west) and continue to follow the corridor.
Moonpate |
Hal will sigh and replace his axe in the loop through his bely seeing that his desires have been rebuffed by the party. He will then reach into his Handy Haversack and hand Xaven 100 gold coins.
"There, now we are no longer robbing you".
Hal looks to Donkor and Moonpate, "Do we have any spells available that can keep prying eyes and ears away from us?"
"Alas, Master Morgrym, my talents lie elsewhere, except after a case or two of Ferm's Fermented Cheese Rinds, after which I seem to acquire talents galore."
Xaven Neversword |
Hal will sigh and replace his axe in the loop through his bely seeing that his desires have been rebuffed by the party. He will then reach into his Handy Haversack and hand Xaven 100 gold coins.
"There, now we are no longer robbing you".
Xaven snorts at the paltry sum.
"Is that the going rate for potions these days? Time to give up alchemy, me thinks."
Xaven waves Halstadt off.
"Forget it Beards," he says, "We didn't come here for ordinary coins."
"You keep the weight. I'm here for the good stuff."
There is a brief pause of silence before the halfing pipes up again.
"Though I think some of us have now reached the point in the expedition where we're all more interested in just getting out of here alive."
"Hey muscles!" he says turning to Karek. "You seem to be the leader of this crew, which way now?"
Halstadt Morgrym |
Hal frowns, "It is the rate for filling up empty vials of potion that you did not have to produce or pay for Xaven. Remember you chose to not take compensation. Now, hand over that poison dagger, I don't think we can trust that you won't do something stupid with it, like kill yourself unnecessarily!"
Xaven Neversword |
Hal frowns, "It is the rate for filling up empty vials of potion that you did not have to produce or pay for Xaven. Remember you chose to not take compensation. Now, hand over that poison dagger, I don't think we can trust that you won't do something stupid with it, like kill yourself unnecessarily!"
"Why don't I just strip naked and give you everything I have while I'm at it."
Xaven flips Halstadt a rather obscene guesture and then turns back forward.
Pact Stone GM |
Anyway, sorry, Karek will start investigating the opening immediately to the right, checking for any irregularities in the stonework and investigating what may lie inside.
The stonework appears very simple and plain. If anything it stands out due to the lack of hieroglyphs.Gandel joins Karek and sends his flying lights inside the room, flushing it with light.
Inside is a rather small side chamber.
The room is ringed with stone shelving.
About half of the shelves appear to contain footwear, of all things. Large boots to be more precise. Only boots appear to be made of some kind of stone. There must be at least a dozen identical pairs.
Other than that, the room appears empty.
(As it stands Karek and Gandel are in the entryway - nobody has entered.)
Xaven Neversword |
Karek checks for traps. Do the halflings see anything?
I'll take that to mean Karek will let Xaven get to the front rank and stick his head in the room.-----
Xaven draws out a light blue powder from a pouch and sprinkles it into the palm of his hand. With a light puff, he blows the azure sparkles into the room, watching carefully as the particles settle lightly upon the floor and shelves.
He then pulls out a strange-looking cone and places it to his ear, listening to the silence of the room, as though letting the walls speak to him.
Neversword then studies the archway further for a time before finally concluding:
"Naw, it's just a store room. You're good Muscles."
If no alarms are raised, Karek will enter.
Karek steps into the small chamber. No woe befalls him. Just footwear.