The Northlands Saga

Game Master Nilihist

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Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant


Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Character Creation Parameters:
20 point buy
Max HP at 1st level
Background Skills
Average wealth per class

I'd like all character sheets to be in Hero Lab format or something similar. Here's a copyable template for those of you who need one.

The gender/race/class field should be formatted in the following manner, dropping anything that doesn't apply to your character of course:
Level(s)/Tier | HP: XX/XX | AC: XX / T: XX / FF: XX / DR: X, SR: X, Resist: X, Immune: X | Fort: +X, Ref: +X, Will: +X | M. Atk: +X, R. Atk: +X, M. Touch: +X, R. Touch: +X | CMB: +X, CMD: X | Init: +X, Perception: +X

The following are some skill suggestions from GM Rednal's Northlands campaign, make of them what you will.

Usefull Skills:
Ability Checks: In addition to the skill checks below, the publisher of the Northlands Saga - Frog God Games - often includes ability checks in challenges. Accordingly, any negative modifiers might be even more of a problem than usual.

Acrobatics: Many areas of the Northlands have a lot of ice and snow. Acrobatics will often help you navigate treacherous areas, and perhaps even avoid a (deadly) fall.

Climb: Similarly, not everywhere you can explore is flat and easy to walk around on. The Climb skill will help you move up and reach places otherwise inaccessible to you.

Diplomacy: The people of the North do not react well to lies or threats. While you may still attempt those, failure might have repercussions more severe than usual, making Diplomacy the best social skill. This can also help you avoid being rude to others (a major consideration).

Handle Animal: Many Northlanders ride to their destinations, and at least a basic training in handling animals can help avert trouble.

Knowledge (Local): At many points in the campaign, having some local knowledge will make things drastically easier.

Linguistics: Other peoples have inhabited the Northlands, and their ruins still dot the area. Some ability to translate their messages might help.

Perception: This is the most-used skill in the game. It is literally never a bad idea to be trained in it.

Perform: Storytellers and musicians are popular in the North because they make it much easier to pass the time. Good performers tend to be popular guests, and this would definitely be a valuable skill for someone in the party to have. Singing and Oratory are especially useful - the former for performances, the latter for influencing people at a Thing.

Profession (Farmer): The primary income-earning skill for Downtime.

Profession (Sailor): As a Norse-themed campaign, you can expect to go on boats and sail to some of your destinations. Training in this Profession will help you avoid damage to your ship, stop the loss of supplies, and generally succeed in getting where you want to go.

Ride: Goes hand-in-hand with Handle Animal. While you may not need to max either, having at least moderate training can help.

Survival: It's not uncommon for the people of the North to need to track down their foes, or navigate through the untamed wilderness.

Swim: There's a lot of water during some parts of the campaign...

I'll be around to answer any questions as everyone finishes up their characters - feel free to plan among yourselves and figure out preexisting relationships as well. Once everyone's crunch is mostly complete we can move on to the game.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet

Hello everyone.

I'd love to build Helle in Hero Lab, but I can't figure out how to get her Cunning Woman bloodline to work with the program. It's not on the sorcerer list, and I'm not familiar enough with Hero Lab to know how to make it do what I need. I'd love to hear any suggestions or guidance people have on making it work.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet
Helle Stinar wrote:

Hello everyone.

I'd love to build Helle in Hero Lab, but I can't figure out how to get her Cunning Woman bloodline to work with the program. It's not on the sorcerer list, and I'm not familiar enough with Hero Lab to know how to make it do what I need. I'd love to hear any suggestions or guidance people have on making it work.

I think I got it figured out. I needed the FGG Hero Lab Files. I downloaded them, and I'll see if it works for the build.

LN Human Male Brawler(Shield Champion) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC: 18 (T: 16, F: 12) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft | Effects:

Thanks for the selection Nilihist, I think we're all going to have a lot of fun!

Can I suggest we each post our character backgrounds/outlines here so that we can easily cross reference them as we're building? Rather than trawling through the recruitment thread. I see Aðalbjörn as quite well known in the community anyway.

Back story:
Aðalbjörn is a dangerous man, a man of extremes.

Standing well over 6 feet tall and well-built with it Aðalbjörn has blonde hair thickly braided with a beard to match. He has unusually dark eyes. He doesn’t know it but Aðalbjörn’s stature stems from the Giant blood that flows in his veins but he is far from Half-giant and passes as a merely large man to all but the most informed gazes.

When spirits are full of good will and cheer he will sing and drink with the best of them. Always ready with a quick retort to the friendly banter that inevitably ensues. He is true to his Jarl and his duties and is an honest, courageous member of the community and generous ring giver. He strives to help, building holds or mending fences. This help is greatly appreciated but Aðalbjörn feels falsely clumsy and foolish when in society, his efforts to help embarrass him as he sees how skills others are.

The dark rumours that follow this seemingly innocuous man are born in battle.

Being such a large imposing man he is always found at the fore of the shieldwall and whilst he is no slouch with spear, mace or dagger it is with less obvious weapons that Aðalbjörn reveals the terror he truly is. Many mistake him for an Ulfhander or Bearsarker such is his fervour in battle. But the few who live to tell of looking into his eyes as he brawls, breaking bones with elbow, forehead, knee or shield, speak of a dark calm. It seems that Aðalbjörn is not possessed by furry, lost in rage, he is not a monster; he is merely relaxing into a tranquility he only achieves in the heat of battle. He fights with a cold heart, with savage ferocity, a horror to behold.

What others perceive as this dark love of causing damage is in truth Aðalbjörn relishing a chance to help with what he feels is his only skill to offer Silvermeade Hall. He is repaying the kindness shown to him by the Jarl and his people.

Olaf Henrikson and Aðalbjörn once shared a career. Aðalbjörn plied his trade as a young sell sword in the south, learning many diverse fighting techniques in that time, he enjoyed the work, though fighting only for gold left a hollow feeling in his heart, and he secretly longed for his homeland, his own people to fight for. It so happened early in Aðalbjörn’s career that the two mercenaries met on the field one campaigning season and, though the fight lasted many seconds, there could be only one victor. Henrikson stood over the bloodied Aðalbjörn and it was a measure of respect that the younger man was allowed to live. The battle’s tide turned and Henrikson’s forces were pulled back. Fates divided. Henrikson soon after took his ships north and his saga became history. Aðalbjörn lingered longer in the south, but never again found the like of his future Jarl. Frustrated he turned north, sought out the man that had bruised him so. Aðalbjörn arrived in Silvermeade Hall five winters past and, though years had passed, he and the Jarl seemed to know each other at once As the two spoke that winter and Aðalbjörn swore oaths to Jarl Olaf Henrikson of Silvermeade Hall it became clear that the Jarl welcomed not a guest, but someone he considered a lost Huscarl.

There are those in Silvermeade Hall who would feel much relief were Jarl Henrikson to release Aðalbjörn from his service, that the man be allowed to move on to other lands. For, though no-one will deny that Aðalbjörn has been of great service to the community; many fear what damage he could cause should the mood take him and what dark secret fuels his spirit.

Character Concept:
Aðalbjörn is a human Brawler (maybe a shield champion)

He fights holding spear and shield does damage primarily with unarmed strikes from knees etc, shield bashes, and combat manoeuvres.

Aðalbjörn has distant giant ancestry and would trait as such.

Atribute wise, fairly rounded but with high CON and STR, medium DEX and CHA, lowish WIS and INT (though I’m not looking to make an unbalanced idiot)

Female N human barbarian 2 | HP: 28/36 | AC: 19, F: +8, R: +5, W: +6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Thanks for the selection! Following Aðalbjörn suggestion, here is Aella's Background and concept.


Brida Feydottir, the Wyrdweaver, the White Fey... Brida was the most powerful Cunning Woman of her family, the Vals, already famous for their legendary women, both in beauty and powerful lineage. Not a Godi but able to speak to the Norns in favor of allowing brave warriors to fight once more, the most famous of them being the famous Thollvar, the Unslain.

Thollvar the Unslain, the Last Huscarl, the Redwolf, slayer of the twin ice giants Hrötingar and Gaalbarök... Tholvar was the most powerful huscarl of Jarl Eirnar Troll-Faller and was present when Jarl Olaf Henrikson attacked Halfstad. During the time of Jarl Eirnar, Thollvar was his closest friend and even if he could claim the title of Jarl for himself, he decided to not do so, a decision that he regretted after seeing the man his friend had became. When he finally decided to put an end to his once friend's ambitions, Olaf Henrikson attacked. Already a legend, Thollvar fought like a madman against the new Jarl's men, killing two dozen of his best men before being defeated. For his fighting prowess and legendary deeds, Jarl Olaf decided to spare Thollvar. Seeing the man Jarl Olaf was, Thollvar gave him his oath.

After the Battle of the Endless Winter, when Brida managed to bring Thollvar from the afterlife and secured the victory against the vicious giant twins, they had a daughter. No marriage preceded this child's birth and even after it the two legends were not blessed with a marriage for Brida was a Cunning Woman and thus should never take a husband.

Daughter of two legends, much was expected from Aella, even if the rumors and opinions about her glorious fate was a matter of great discussion.

"Aella Bridasdottir will even surpass her mother! You'll see, the Vals blood run in her veins and she'll become the most wise and powerful Cunning Woman of not only Halfstad but also of the whole Northlands... she'll never marry though..." This was common talk among the women, close friends to her mother.

"Ha, Aella Thollvarsdottir? I'll be surprised if she doesn't kill a troll before her tenth winter! She has the blood of warriors! She'll follow her father's footsteps before finding a husband and then being the mother of legends!" Aella heard this talk among her father's companions more than once, with them even fighting for whose son would have the honor to take her in marriage.

The little romance between Brida and Thollvart lasted no longer than a couple winters. After Aella's birth Brida returned to her duties as a Cunning Woman and Thollvart married another warrior, Hedda Icemaul. Aella's childhood was spent evenly among both her parents homes.

From her mother she learnt how to heal others with herbs, about the wyrd and the lore past from generation upon generation of the Vals. Her mother, aunts, grandmother... all Vals' women were Cunning Women.

When staying with her father, Thollvart taught her how to fight with sword and shield, the powerful axe and the mighty spear. Aella was a natural learner and her father was sure she would become a fine warrior and mother of legends. Unfortunately Thollvart was not the only one to influence Aella in his home. Hedda, always jealous that her own sons and daughters would never achieve the fame bestowed upon Aelle, poisoned the girl's ears, pushing her to follow the path of a Spear Maiden, forever forbidden to marry or having children, running the dreams of both Brida and Thollvart.

As soon as Aella finished her oath as a Spear Maiden, Hedda confessed her plot to the girl. Angered and ashamed, Aella swore that she would never again let herself be manipulated and shackled to a established role. With an unprecedented act, Aelee chose Freyja as her Spear Maiden patron, a Vanir instead of an AEsir.

Following the tenants of Freyja, Aella became a warrior until she found she was able to bear a child. She married Uthard Bluehand, a fierce Ulfhander and had a little girl with him. Uthard died in battle in the same year and even if the common folks speak of how Aella was cursed by the Gods for having challenged them, Aella paid no mind to such rumors.

When her child, Yullia Aellasdottir was one winter old, she left her with her mother before returning to her duty as a warrior. Once more her actions were frowned by the common folk but she was still the Child of Heroes and it was enough... for now.

Aella knows she is walking on dangerous trails for having ignored so many customs of her people but her wyrd is her own and none shall impose their will against her and once her own legendary path is created, she knows many more will follow.

Character Concept:

Aella is a northlander Paladin with both the Spear Maiden and Hospitaler archetypes. Different from all other Spear Maidens, Aelle follows the teachings of Freyja, also taking the bravery variant channeling ability.

She will take the Child of Heroes trait and focus her feats between two concepts: Defense and Trip maneuver. For the defense aspect, she would take many 'shield' feats (shieldwall, northlander spear fighting, shield focus, saving shield, etc) and for the trip aspect (combat expertise, improved trip, greater trip, etc).

Aella would be a bastion of courage and hope, boosting the morale of her companions, ensuring that no one will fall around her.

@Nilihist: How many traits do we get? 2 + campaign, 1 + campaign? Are we allowed to take a Drawback for an additional trait?

Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

Thanks for choosing me! Just checking in to say I'll be working on my crunch and further fluff details this evening.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Traits are 1+campaign, with drawback available for a third.

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

Excited to join you all! I appreciate the pick, Nilihist! Here are my background and concept for the group.

Before O∂ørn was called “the Drowned,” he was more frequently known as “the Drunk.” As a godi in training aboard a Vastaviklander longship, he was placed in charge of making the appropriate sacrifices and paying homage to the gods on the ship’s voyages. At the time, O∂ørn was not exactly a devout man, however, and he frequently was in his cups, which lead to him failing in his duties.
On one occasion, the longship he was meant to travel aboard was set to sail out of Halfstead at dawn, but O∂ørn was nowhere to be found. The captain of the ship, a pious, but brutal man named Sigurd, declared that the ship would not depart without its godi on board. The proper sacrifices had to be made. When O∂ørn was eventually found, he was lying face-down in a pig sty, drunk out of his wits. The captain had O∂ørn brought aboard, but took it upon himself to punish the godi for his lack of devotion. He had O∂ørn flogged within an inch of his life, so that his blood would run across the decks of the longship into the sea. “That,” Sigurd had said, “will have to suffice as our sacrifice.”

A few days after they set sail, the ship was beset by a massive storm. Though the captain and crew all strove bravely to weather the storm, the ship was soon lost beneath the waves. A full moon’s turn passed, yet nothing was heard of the ship or any of its occupants. All were presumed dead, taken by the sea as punishment, though none can agree if the punishment was for O∂ørn’s impiety or Sigurd’s presumption to punish a servant of the gods.

Finally, on a black, quiet night when the moon was dark and only the light of the stars shone upon the sea, O∂ørn appeared back at Halfstead, walking out of the sea onto the shore, his hair and beard laced with seaweed and a spear fashioned out of the wreckage of his ship in his hand. From that day on, the powers of the gods have manifested themselves in O∂ørn the Drowned, a godi dedicated to Rán, whose fierce devotion inspires not just faith in the gods, but fear of their powers and of their servant.

Character Concept:
O∂ørn the Drowned is an Aquatic Druid (Water domain, go figure), a godi dedicated to Rán, the Vanir of shipwrecks, storms, and the sea.
In combat, he will join the fray with his shield-brothers and sisters, wielding shield and spear or occasionally a club, though he occasionally drops back to buff allies or debuff foes with the spells granted to him by the gods.

O∂ørn originally performed his duties as godi aboard a Vastaviklander longship and, as such, would take the Vastaviklander trait.

He will definitely fall into the category of quiet, brooding characters, so he will make use of his high wisdom and charisma to speak only when necessary, rather than constantly spouting off obscure proverbs. As a sailor and warrior, he’ll also have a moderate level of strength and constitution. Dexterity and intelligence will be on the lower side.

Quick question for Nilihist: I haven't used Background Skills before and want to make sure I understand them correctly. Basically we get 2 additional skill points/level that can only be applied to skills listed as background skills. Are these skills treated like a separate list of skills that only apply in very specific situations or are they basically treated the same except that they have to draw from that pool of skill points? Basically, I'm just curious if I need to denote which points were allocated as background skill points or if it kind of just blends in with the other points I'll get each level. Thanks for the clarification.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

The background skills follow the same rules as regular skills, no need to denote them any differently. The background skills list is made up of skills that by their nature tend to see less use in play, such as Profession or Craft. Regular skill points can of course still be spent on skills considered background skills.

Anyone who wants the complete rules can find them here.

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

Thanks! That was pretty much my assessment after reading the rules, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't way off.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet

Here's my background and character concept.

Helle Stinar opens her eyes. It’s not quite dawn, but another busy day is beginning. She rises gets dressed and snaps her fingers starting the fire in the hearth. Putting the kettle of water above the fire, she sits in the flickering light and brushes out her long dark brown hair. She prefers to brush it out by hand instead of using magic. In those few minutes of quiet before the day begins, she meditates on what brought her to Silvermead Hall.

The people in the village Helle grew up in always thought she was different, and not in a good way. With her one brown eye and one green eye, the expected her to hex them or curse their animals. She sighs at this memory. Like I’d ever hurt a defenseless animal. I would be more likely to hex the town bullies, and I almost always refrained from that. Summoning a small fluffy beast when she was six just proved to them she was touched by the devil, and they wanted to throw her out of town.

Luckily her grandmother Eira was the local cunning woman, and respected in the village. She pointed out to the villagers that even though Helle’s father wasn’t from the area did not mean that he was a devil who left his spawn to destroy them all. Her family history has a few cunning woman in it, but not many. They hadn’t had one born since her grandmother, and before Eira it had been a couple generations. The villagers liked to conveniently forget that piece of history.

When Helle was fifteen things in the village got much worse. The women started accusing her of trying to seduce the local men. It was her mother that was doing all the seducing, but that didn’t matter. Eira saw that Helle would one day be a powerful sorcerer, and a great healer. Helle wouldn’t have that chance if she stayed where she was. She sent Helle to another cunning woman Odi in Silvermead Hall for training. For five years she’s been Odi’s mentee learning about the arts of healing.

Helle smiles as she thinks about how much she likes searching the woods for herbs, and tending the large garden required is a joy. She’s alone most of the time, and that’s nice. Helle finishes pulling her hair into a neat bun, pours the boiling water on the tea leaves to steep, and calls out “Odi, time to get up. The day is starting, and it’s your turn to cook breakfast.”

Character Concept:
My character is a sorcerer of the cunning woman archetype. She will choose mostly choose spells that buff the party and a few so can defend herself and others. She prefers to summon things to fight for her. She is living in Silvermead Hall to train with the current cunning woman.

She’s from a village that didn’t like her much. She automatically assumes people already don’t like her the first time she meets them.

She is loyal to people who have proven to be friends. If you are kind to those weaker than yourself, she’ll warm quickly. She’s a healer so she has a soft heart.

20 years old
Long dark brown hair
One brown eye, one green eye
Short about 5’4”, and “sturdy” but curvy
She prefers greens and browns that blend in with the areas around her home.

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

Hey there, just wanted to check on a couple quick things. First, I wanted to know if it would be okay if I use a branch of coral for my divine focus. The rules say Druids usually use a sprig of holly or mistletoe or some other holy plant. I figured coral would kind of be a holy plant for an aquatic Druid worshipping a God of the sea.

The other thing was to see if I could do Lore - Northlands coastlines for a background skill. Just wanted to check to make sure that would fit the parameters for a Lore skill.


Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

Yay! I was really hoping to get in, thanks for choosing me :)


Dwarven Forgemaster. I'd be interested in exploring the northmen culture through the eyes of a foreigner. I'd prefer the dwarves to be a little more like the svartalfar than Tolkien's dwarves.


Dvalar was the daughter of an important dwarf. Like most such daughters she was forced into a loveless political marriage. She stalled as long as she could, with the result that she had to be taken by sea to her fiance. On the way her ship was raided by a young Olaf Henrikson.
Henrikson offered to let her live in exhcange for becoming a Thrall. Dvalar countered by offering not to sink the ship, her dowry, and all in it. Eventually a compromise was reached - Dvalar agreed to forge Henrikson a sword "fit for a dwarf lord", and in exchange would be a 'guest' of Henrikson. In large part this was because Henriskson admired her bravery, and Dvalar really didn't want to die. Dvalar's ineptitude with norsk actually helped her cause in this situation.
Dvalar was intrigued by the Shield Maidens. The concept was alien to a dwarven woman, but she took to it immediately, using her guest status to train and eventually join the shield maidens.
Henrikson had no idea what he demanded when he asked for a sword fit for a dwarf lord, as such weapons are the pinnacle creations of a race that all but worships smithing. Dvalar was prepared to put in the necessary decades of work to learn to forge one, not remembering how long humans lived. When she learned how much better life was as a Shield Maiden she saw no reason to hurry.
When Olaf conquered Halfstead Dvalar was one of his shieldmaidens (he had realised the sword might never come, but figured the addition of a competent fighter and gifted smith to his retinue made up for that). In reward for her service she was granted Land. She did a survey and then took a scrubby, barren little hardhold in the upland hills a day away from the port. The humans thought her mad for picking such land, but it was the bounty under the ground that had called to her. Veins of iron, silver and even a hint of adamantium sung to her when she slept on the cold ground.
Helja, One of the Shield Maidens that had been her friend since the start, had fallen unexpectedly pregnant, and used her grant to found a farm near Dvalar. Helja, now fifty, is a grandmother. Her son runs her farm now. Dvalar and Helja's friendship suffered over the years - as Helja grew older and frail, Dvalar with her dwarven lifespan remained the same.
Dvalar's 'household' was a mine and a smithy, and she traded metal and goods for food. In the end it just became easier to buy some Thralls to work the land. Those thralls became Freemen in time, and Dvalar is a "Hirdman". A woman in such a position is unconventional to the humans, but unprecedented to dwarves.
Her father sent men to take her home, but her Oath is her protection. If her father orders her to leave, she must, but then her entire clan would be Oathbroken, and have to pay a human for forgiveness - typically three times the price she owes. Thus, while her father ground his teeth he was forced to let Dvalar stay.
Like many shield maidens, Dvalar has learned to become 'one of the guys'. She doesn't truly understand the Northmen mindset, and emphasises her Dwarven nature while also desperately over-embracing northmen behaviour (for example, she will try to drink much larger northmen under the table).
She abstains from romantic relationships, as becoming pregnant would ruin the situation she has been so fortunate in finding.
if these are okay: One aspect of human behaviour she has never been able to grasp is Pride. Dwarves regard pride as hubris, and hubris as a sin. Dvalar was raised to rubbish any item as ugly and poorly made, and skill as bare competence. A dwarf who says "I suppose it will do" has paid a great compliment. This does not apply to absent parties, so a dwarf can say "Ulfric is one of the greatest swordsmen who ever lived" when Ulfric is not around, but would say "Ulfric is not incompetent" when he was. This habit is highly ingrained in Dvalar, and does not make her many friends among the Northmen.
Dvalar's religion has many powers and dominions, and also worships the ancestors. Words call power into an item or a person. As Dvalar is a person of power, she is careful to avoid using names - especially full names - unintentionally.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant
O∂ørn the Drowned wrote:

Hey there, just wanted to check on a couple quick things. First, I wanted to know if it would be okay if I use a branch of coral for my divine focus. The rules say Druids usually use a sprig of holly or mistletoe or some other holy plant. I figured coral would kind of be a holy plant for an aquatic Druid worshipping a God of the sea.

The other thing was to see if I could do Lore - Northlands coastlines for a background skill. Just wanted to check to make sure that would fit the parameters for a Lore skill.

Yes and yes.

Female N human barbarian 2 | HP: 28/36 | AC: 19, F: +8, R: +5, W: +6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Guys, how many of you are intending to take advantage of the Shield Wall feat?

It seems that it is one of the major themes of this AP so if a couple of us take it, our AC will rise pretty fast!

From what I saw of your concepts:
Aðalbjörn - Primary damage dealer
Helle Stinar - Buffer and summoner
Haldorn - Artillery and survival
O∂ørn the Drowned - Secondary melee and buffer
Dvallar - ?
Aella Iceeyes - Tank/Damage and secondary healer

Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

I've built most of Haldorr's profile now. I centered the character primarily around archery - a classic ranger - but with a melee weapon and perhaps a melee feat or two to add in versatility at later levels. I haven't settled on a long-term build yet. Since it tied in with Haldorr's background well, I chose the huscarl trait and Sailor background skill.

@Nilihist, I chose the Guide archetype from the APG book - is this allowed?

@Aella, that would definitely help us out. It doesn't make sense for a bow-user like myself, but perhaps for a few of the other melee characters could pick it up if they'd like to.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Allowed Sources: All Paizo material is allowed, but obviously stay away from any inappropriately themed or Golarion-specific regional options.


Quick note on Shield Wall:

Be aware that you can only gain the AC bonus from Shield Wall once; not once per ally.

"Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source."

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

Awesome! That should take care of all my mechanical questions for the moment.

As for my role, I'm actually thinking I'll be a secondary melee and debuff since it looks like we'll have other buffers and healers. I'll probably use spells that hinder foes (Entangle, Obscuring mist, etc). I can also be a secondary summoner with nature's ally in case we need extra reinforcements. .

Female N human barbarian 2 | HP: 28/36 | AC: 19, F: +8, R: +5, W: +6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Oh, it was not my intention to stack the bonuses! Aella as a shield maiden already gets it at 4th level so was just pointing out the effectiveness of that feat.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet

I think I have the crunch built. Please take a look and see if I missed anything. I had to force Hero Lab to take some of my traits, and choices.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Anyone who hasn't already: make sure to copy your background onto the end of your alias profile so I'll have easy access.

Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

Dvallar is going to be a backup healer thanks to CLW - I imagine once Helle kicks in at level 3 Dvallar is going to take a very back seat though. Actually there's a LOT of healing in this group at higher levels.

I plan on making the most dwarven dwarf I can - I'm representing the entire concept here. I want to flavour it strongly towards svartalafar rather than Tolkein dwarves, but that's fairly easy to do. What I want desperately to avoid is comedy.

As the concept needs Str, Dex, Con, Int and Wis, I'm not sure how good she'll be at fighting, but will be primarily a melee tank.

Dvallar is a buffer, in that she'll make equipment better.

I'm feeling pretty feat starved, but happy to look at Shield Wall eventually.

Dvallar has been around a LONG time, and thanks to dwarven aging doesn't look much older. I'm hoping for a lot of background links.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet
Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir wrote:
Dvallar is going to be a backup healer thanks to CLW - I imagine once Helle kicks in at level 3 Dvallar is going to take a very back seat though. Actually there's a LOT of healing in this group at higher levels.

We might need all the healing we can get.

For a background relationship. You would have at least seen me running around the woods gathering up things for Odi. I could stop by for tea when I'm in the area of your forge. We could have a mutual interest in the properties of minerals and gems.

Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

@Helle: That sounds great!
@Aðalbjörn: You've been a Huscarl for five years?
@Haldorr: you grew up in the area?
@Aella: you're a local as well? Born in the area?
@O∂ørn: you were a local before you started serving on the ship?

LN Human Male Brawler(Shield Champion) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC: 18 (T: 16, F: 12) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft | Effects:

I'll be taking shield wall for sure, fluff and crunch, what's not to love! O∂ørn are you going to be frontline? because if not it will be a wasted feat for me until level 4...

Aðalbjörn is a Huscarl now for sure, he probably wouldn't have got that position straight away though. But he's definitely well know in the area.

... now to finish my character sheet... so many feats, so few slots!


Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

@Dvallar: Yes, Haldorr spent his adolescence in Halfstead and would become locally infamous as he had caused the death of his sister. Later on, I'd say he's been heard of by people in Halfstead as a local rags to riches story, that is, from thralldom to huscarl.

Ah, it's bittersweet that my crunch is done, gotta love rolling new characters. My only regret is not making my name Haldør instead of Haldorr. :)

LN Human Male Brawler(Shield Champion) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC: 18 (T: 16, F: 12) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft | Effects:

I think I'm done crunch wise. Now, more importantly, to work out what Aðalbjörn thinks of you all! :)


Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

@Dvallar: I was a godi in training aboard a trade vessel from Vastavik, so I wasn't a local per se, but I would have been a familiar face around Halfstead from previous voyages. After the shipwreck that made me what I am, I returned to Halfstead and became a kind of wandering godi to spread the will of Ran. As such, I would probably be most familiar with anyone who served a religious purpose in the community, though other locals might remember me from my days as Odørn the Drunk.

@Adalbjörn: I will at least start combat as frontline, but will 5ft back occasionally to throw a wrench in the enemy's plans through debuffing. I'm looking at spells like Thunderstomp and Hydraulic Push to throw in some combat maneuver options or something like that.

LN Human Male Brawler(Shield Champion) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC: 18 (T: 16, F: 12) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft | Effects:

OK I haven't taken shieldwall yet, but I will, turns out shield champs are pretty feat intensive!


Edit:I can always pick it up with martial flexibility when we fight side by side

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

Sounds good.

Also, crunch and fluff are done and in the profile. I'll keep separate notes on his relationship with others in the party.

Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

@Nilihist: I have rough crunch in the profile (as workings, haven't put it into template yet)

@Nilihist: Would like to take Andøvan. How long ago did they die out, please?

@Nilihist: any chance I could pay another 100 to switch from light+heavy wooden shield to breastplate+heavy steel shield?

@Nilihist: is it reasonable for Dvallar to have taken her current projects to the Jarl to get some more work done on them?

@Nilihist: is there any possibility of more information on the NPC Smith Graf? How old is he?

@Aðalbjörn: Great - so they would have run into each other for the last 5 years. Dvallar visits often (she is a shieldmaiden) and is obviously find of the Jarl. She's a tomboy.

@Haldorr: is there a part of your story you'd like to emphasise? I can see Dvallar could have been good friends with your parents or known your sister. Alternatively you could have just been one of those annoying kids, who then made good, and she knows you from that.

@O∂ørn: I've given Dvallar a craft in boats (with cheating and tools she can get quite high, though her boats will be pretty heavy, thinking mostly she makes the more intricate iron bits). Would that help with the link? Do you promote boat use as Godi?

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

@Dvallar: The Bondi trait only gives an initial starting gold bonus of 150 gp (you don't get the 100 per year until a year has actually passed.

The Andøvan died out thousands of year ago. Very little of their lore survived to the present day.

The bondi trait stands as it is, but you may of course sell the items at half value as usual, so the upgrade would be 16.5 for the shield and 150 for the breastplate.

Smith Graf doesn't have any official place within the plot, so you're free to take any liberties you wish in deciding his age and other details, as long as you update me.

@Everyone: Hordaland (the region where the game begins) is listed as having a "High Middle Ages" tech level. Below is a very rough guide to what High Middle Ages would entail, the most relevant piece of information being that things like crossbows do not fall in this tech level and thus are exceedingly rare.

High Middle Ages:
Materials: adamantine, mithral
Armor: half-plate armor
Weapons: composite longbow, greatsword, lance
Warfare: castles, cavalry
Social Organization: guilds
Transportation: stern rudder, stirrup;
General: Gothic arch, lantern, spinning wheel, waterclock, windmill

Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

@Dvallar: I think it makes sense if Dvallar had run into Haldorr's sister in Halfstead at some point, having both lived there. Maybe she traded metals for some of the farmed goods from Haldorr's parent's farm. As for Haldorr himself, I think Dvallar had heard of him from his sister but never knew him personally.

AC 19 (Currently 22 with Shield), touch 13, FF 16 | HP 35/35 |Fort +2, Ref +10, Will +5 | Per +9 | Int +3 Davina's Notes Aasimar Inspiration: 0/5 Panache 0/5 Investigator 4 (Infiltrator), Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade) Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 17

@Haldorr Have you been out of the area for the last 5 years?

@O∂ørn You would have seen me gathering herbs in the woods for Odi. As a Godi would you want to deal with me? Generally Godi don't want to deal with Cunning Women much.

Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3
Nilihist wrote:
@Dvallar: The Bondi trait only gives an initial starting gold bonus of 150 gp (you don't get the 100 per year until a year has actually passed.

Sorry, the 100 was a reference to the difference in cost.

Andøvan wrote:

The Andøvan died out thousands of year ago. Very little of their lore survived to the present day.

Maybe not then. Apart from Dwarven, Norsk, Runic is there a language she should have? I was looking at Lingusitics to represent general education, so any knowledge is okay. What language do the people Olaf raided speak?

The bondi trait stands as it is, but you may of course sell the items at half value as usual, so the upgrade would be 16.5 for the shield and 150 for the breastplate.

Okay, might take advantage of that then.

Hey - I have assumed crafting skills don't change initial item cost. Please tell me if I am wrong.
Horse is the 75gp non-combat-trained light horse?

Smith Graf doesn't have any official place within the plot, so you're free to take any liberties you wish in deciding his age and other details, as long as you update me.

Well, he's unlikely to be able to get numbers as high as Dvallar without some unusual feats or traits, or very high level.

How about he's 'new' (6 years or so) and resents his gear being regularly compared (unfavourably) to 'dwarfwork'. He's ended up making nails and horseshoes etc.

Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

@Haldorr: sounds good.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Nørsk pretty much covers the language for most Northlands folk. A particularly educated dwarf might know Westerling (the Northlanders name for common) if their clan had trade dealings with foreigners.

Horse is non-combat trained. Mounts are used almost exclusively for transport and not combat in the Northlands.

As for Graf, the book does give his level, and while I don't want to give away any "secret" npc info and I can confidently say that he'd have higher crafting numbers than Dvallar... at least for now!

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet
Davina Eradon wrote:

@Haldorr Have you been out of the area for the last 5 years?

@O∂ørn You would have seen me gathering herbs in the woods for Odi. As a Godi would you want to deal with me? Generally Godi don't want to deal with Cunning Women much.

I'm terrible about making sure I post under the correct alias. I'll try to do better.

LN Human Male Brawler(Shield Champion) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC: 18 (T: 16, F: 12) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft | Effects:

@Haldorr How long have you been a Huscarl, it seems like he and Aðalbjörn would have known each other well. Maybe even worked together, though I think they offer very different services to the Jarl, Aðalbjörn is not a big fan of sailing.

@Dvallar I'm having issues picturing how Dvallar fights, what class is she?


Demale Dwarven Cleric (Forgemaster) 1 | HP: 11(8)/11 | AC: 19 / T: 11 / FF: 18 | Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R Atk: +1, M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 Init: +1, Perception: +3

@Aðalbjörn. Cleric (Forgemaster). Primarily well armoured hammer and shield.

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

@Dvallar: Yes I would promote the use of ships, but with a heavy emphasis on paying due respect to the sea and sea creatures. I think that would be a good connection for us. I might come around to hell you christen ships when you and the other shipwrights complete them to make appropriate sacrifices to ward the ships from going astray, etc.

@Helle: you're right. I probably wouldn't want to associate with you too much given our different traditions and all that. I probably would know who you and Odi are though and would have some degree of respect for what the two of you do.

Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

@Helle I'd say Haldorr was excused from thralldom six years ago, and began to work on a longship shortly after. Would there be any point in time when Helle would be aboard a ship? If not, it's also possible that the two would have encountered each other at Silvermeade Hall. Haldorr was a huscarl first and a sailor second, and I think there was some flexibility in where he was stationed.

@Aðalbjörn Huscarl for about five years. Perhaps he and Aðalbjörn would have been known each other well through serving the Jarl. Haldorr would return to Silvermeade Hall from time to time to break from the seas with tales of raids he would tell the other huscarls about.

Female N human barbarian 2 | HP: 28/36 | AC: 19, F: +8, R: +5, W: +6 | Perc: +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Aella is finally finished! Any advice will be well received!

I've been looking on your backgrounds/sheets and here is how I intend to interact with each of you. I'll also propose a couple background connections as well as tips (feel free to ignore them!):

@Aðalbjörn: I can't think of a good connection besides a couple Shield Walls fought together or a couple drinks shared...

@Dvallar: Aella is indeed a local and also a shield maiden so we have a lot in common. Here is what I thought:

First, since you was with Olaf Henrikson when he attacked Halfstad, Dvallar probably fought against Aella's father, Thollvar the Unslain, the only remaining huscarl of the former jarl. Since he was granted life for the way he fought, you two could have been friends ever since.

Second, Dvallar could also be one of Aella's former 'teachers' when she was training to become a Shield Maiden, even if kind of disappointed for Aella to have chosen Freyja as her patron (specially for the fertility aspect). What are your thoughts?

@Haldorr: First, regarding your sheet, how about you changing your rapier to a greataxe? It is not only more 'nordic' themed but also advantageous since you have no shield and a two-handed weapon might work better than a precise-like one.

I'd also suggest for you to swap the Rapid Shot for Precise Shot and take Rapid Shot as your first Combat Style. The reason behind this suggestion is that once the enemy is engaged in melee with one of your 4 melee PCs, you'll be hitting with only a +1 or even -1/-1 if Rapid Shot is used! You'll mostly never hit.

The third and last suggestion is to change your alignment to TN. Unless you are working on a major redemption crusade, LG doesn't make sense for someone who maimed his sister because of jealous.

About interaction and background connection, I think it makes sense for Aella just know you by sight. Also she will not like you because of your problem with your sister... sorry :(

@Helle: If you are willing, I'm seeing a major background connection between our PCs. Aella is the daughter of the famous cunning woman Brida Feydottir that lives around Sivermead Hall. It was expected for Aella to follow her long lineage of cunning woman but she decided to go another path so it makes sense her mother would take an apprentice. If so, Helle would also be considered her "sister" and aunt of little Yullia, Aella's little daughter.

@O∂ørn: Once more I can't think of a good connection since Aella is not really fond of ships right now.

@Nilihist: Have not asked this before but is everything OK with Aella's background hand parents?

Male Human ranger (guide) 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 17 / T: 13 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +1 | M. Atk: +3, R. Atk: +5 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +6, Perception: +5

@Aella: Those are all great suggestions. Thank you. Having not played a ranger before, this is pretty new territory for me. Thinking over it now, it makes a lot more sense for Haldorr to be neutral rather than good, given his history. I have changed my feats, alignment, weapon, and agree with you regarding the background relationship.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

Aella's parent stuff looks good, once I get some crunch from Dvallar we'll be ready to go!

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet
Haldorr wrote:

@Helle I'd say Haldorr was excused from thralldom six years ago, and began to work on a longship shortly after. Would there be any point in time when Helle would be aboard a ship? If not, it's also possible that the two would have encountered each other at Silvermeade Hall. Haldorr was a huscarl first and a sailor second, and I think there was some flexibility in where he was stationed.

Let's say I had to take ship to arrive from my previous home. I could have met you there. It was about five years ago.

F Human Sorcerer (Cunning Woman) 1 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 11 / T: 11 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +2 | M. Atk: +0, R. Atk: +1, M. Touch: +0, R. Touch: +1 | CMB: +0, CMD: 11 | Init: +1, Perception: +1 Campaign Sheet
Aella Iceeyes wrote:

[b]@Helle: If you are willing, I'm seeing a major background connection between our PCs. Aella is the daughter of the famous cunning woman Brida Feydottir that lives around Sivermead Hall. It was expected for Aella to follow her long lineage of cunning woman but she decided to go another path so it makes sense her mother would take an apprentice. If so, Helle would also be considered her "sister" and aunt of little Yullia, Aella's little daughter.

I am willing. That makes perfect sense. I have no problem with being Aella's apprentice instead of Odi's. If the GM is good with the change in background or I could live with Odi and learn for Aella as well.

Aspiring Actor, Accomplished Miscreant

All good with me - if there's something questionable in any backgrounds I'll address it, otherwise tweak to your heart's content.

Male Human Aquatic Druid (Water domain) 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC:16, T:11, FF:15, CMD:12 | F:+5, R:+1, W:+5 | Init:+1, Perception:+7 | Status: Normal

@Helle: If we don't talk much because of the godi/Cunning Woman thing, we may have met in your sea voyage to from home. At the time, I would have been sailing aboard ships as part of my job. Although, your opinion of me as a godi would not have been great at the time since I was often drunk.

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