
Daleranna Mooneyes's page

104 posts. Alias of Sir Longears.


| HP: 28/36 | AC: 19, F: +8, R: +5, W: +6 | Perc: +6


| Speed 25 ft. | Active conditions: none.


Female N human barbarian 2

About Daleranna Mooneyes

Daleranna Mooneyes
Female elf conscript 20 // inquisitor (soldier of the gods) of Calistria 20 || Champion Tier 1
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +17; Senses low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception +35
AC 46, touch 34, flat-footed 36 (9 armor, 5 deflection, 10 Dex, 5 natural, 7 shield)
hp 320 (20d10+120)
Fort +22, Ref +28, Will +24; +5 inherent vs. effects that move her, +2 vs. enchantment and transmutation effects
Defensive Abilities delayed damage pool (100), elven immunities, evasion, hard to kill, perfect, stalwart; Immune sleep; SR 31
Speed 40 ft., sprinter
Melee Calistria's Caress +36 (1d3+17/15-20) or
Melee unarmed strike +31 (2d6+11/15-20) or
Melee Calistria's Caress +35/+30/+25/+20 (1d3+17/15-20) and unarmed strike +35/+30/+25 (2d6+16/15-20)
Special Attacks air grievances, bane 20 rounds/day, berserking, boast, challenge, dual attack, exploit weakness, fatal thrust, greater bane, judgement 7/day, manhandle, mythic power (5), patrol, slayer, shove, spellkiller, strike fear, surge +1d6, surprise strike
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +26)
At Will - detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect lawful
20 rounds/day - detect lies
Inquisitor Spells Prepared (CL 20th; concentration +26, +4 to cast teleportation spells defensively; +24 to caster level checks, +26 to counterspell or overcome spell resistance)
6th - 6
5th - 6
4th - 6
3rd - 6
2nd - 7
1st - 7
Orisons - 5
Str 14 (+2), Dex 30 (+10), Con 18 (+4), Int 16 (+3), Wis 22 (+6), Cha 17 (+3)
Base Atk +20; CMB +22 (+6 competence to bull rush, drag, overrun, reposition and trip, +2 to grapple, [with whip: +32 to drag, +30 to reposition and trip, +27 to disarm, +25 to dirty trick, +19 to bull rush]); CMD 47 (+11 luck vs. disarm, reposition and trip; +6 competence vs. bull rush, drag, overrun, reposition, and trip; +5 vs. bull rush, drag, reposition and trip; +5 inherent vs. bull rush, drag, grapple, overrun, reposition, and trip; +2 vs. grapple)
Feats Alertness, Balor Whip, Censoring Critical (DC 30), Combat Reflexes (10), Combat Stamina (25), Coordinated Charge, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Dimensional Savant, Disruptive (+5 DC), Enforcer, Flickering Step (5/day), Focused Stamina, Giantslayer, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Heaven's Step, Improved Balor Whip, Improved Critical (close), Outflank, Quick Drag, Reverse Somersault Throw, Run, Seize the Moment, Sin-Sharing Critical (DC 30), Step Up and Strike, Teleportation Mastery (3/day), Titan Breaker, Unarmed Combatant, Unhindering Shield, Vicious Stomp, Wanderer's Fortune (5/day), Wasp Familiar (x2), Weapon Focus (close)
Spheres Berserker, Brute, Dual Wielding, Equipment, Fencing, Gladiator, Guardian, Open Hand
Talents Balanced Blows, Battering Banter, Break Defenses, Cold Iron Call, Critical Follow Up, Critical Genius, Cunning Combo, Dancer Training, Darting Crane, Dazed and Confused, Destabilizing Charge, Dual Opportunity, Durable, Endure Pain, Expanded Guardian, Expert Feint, Fan Favorite, Finesse Training, Footwork (x2), Greater Brute, Greater Delayed Damage (x2), Greater Trip, Hard Landing, Iron Fist, Iron Wall, Leg Slash, Lunge, Mageguard, Marauder, Mass Challenge, Nightmarish Microcosm, Punishing Rebuke, Quick Force, Rising Leverage, Shield Expert, Swift Guardian, Swift Reflexes, Tandem Offensive, Thunderous Punishment, Unarmored Training, Unlikely Feint, Vibrating Impacts, Whip Fiend
Traits Bloody-Minded, Faith's Favored, Partial Protege, Practiced Disruptor, Spell Duel Prodigy
Skills 220/220 skill points; 40/40 background points
Acrobatics +33 (20 ranks, 3 class, 10 Dex)
Bluff +33 (20 free ranks, 3 class, 3 Cha, 3 racial, 1 trait, 3 comp.)
Climb +10 (5 ranks, 3 class, 2 Str)
Diplomacy +32 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Cha, 3 racial, 3 comp.)
Intimidate +40 (20 free ranks, 3 class, 3 Cha, 1 trait, 10 morale, 3 comp.)
<> +10 to demoralize
Knowledge (arcana) +27 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int, 1 trait)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11 (5 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Knowledge (history) +26 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
Knowledge (local) +11 (5 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Knowledge (nature) +11 (5 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Knowledge (religion) +26 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Knowledge (planes) +26 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +6 to identify monsters
Perception +35 (20 ranks, 3 class, 6 Wis, 4 feat, 2 racial)
Profession (courtesan) +29 (20 ranks, 3 class, 6 Wis)
Sense Motive +43 (20 ranks, 3 class, 6 Wis, 4 feat, 10 morale)
Spellcraft +26 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Int)
<> +7 (2 trait, 5 insight) to identify spells as being cast
<> +2 racial to identify properties on magic items
Stealth +33 (20 ranks, 3 class, 10 Dex)
Survival +19 (10 ranks, 3 class, 6 Wis)
<> +10 to follow or identify tracks
Swim +10 (5 ranks, 3 class, 2 Str)
Use Magic Device +14 (5 ranks, 3 class, 3 Cha, 3 comp.)
<> +1 trait to emulate class feature
Armor Check -0
Languages Common, Elven, *, *, *
SQ cavalier training, cunning initiative, detect alignment, discern lies, elven magic, eye for an eye, fleet-footed, keen senses, monster lore, old dog new tricks, order of vengeance, second judgement, silver tongued, stern gaze +10, team leader, third judgement, track +10, weapon familiarity
ABP armor attunement (shield +5), deflection +5, mental prowess (+6 Wis, +4 Cha, +2 Int), physical prowess (+6 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Str), resistance +5, toughening +5, weapon attunement (whip +5)
Favor Class Bonuses: +40hp
Weapons Calistria's Caress (dueling leveraging whip [5 capacity])
-Belt: anchoring belt
-Body: otherworldly kimono
-Chest: spectral shroud
-Eyes: lenses of figment piercing
-Feet: quick action slippers
-Head: circlet of persuasion
-Headband: headband of counterspelling
-Hands: gloves of spell snaring
-Neck: holy fortuitous amulet of mighty fists
-Ring#1: ring of counterspells
-Ring#2: ring of evasion
-Shoulders: charlatan's cape
-Wrist: fate-woven braid of the norns
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch 62,500gp

Magic Items:
Anchoring Belt: This belt grants Daleranna a +5 inherent bonus to CMD against bull rush, drag, grapple, overrun, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers and a +5 inherent bonus on saving throws against any effect that attempts to move her with physical force or energy. Furthermore, if Daleranna is targeted by an effect that would teleport him, he can choose whether or not he wishes to be teleported. As a standard action, Daleranna can expend one use of mythic power to create a 30-foot-radius aura that affects all enemy creatures within it as though they were subject to a dimensional anchor spell. This aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to his mythic tier.
Charlatan's Cape: Three times per day on command, this cloak allows Daleranna to use the magic of the dimension door spell (CL 13th). When he disappears, he leaves behind a cloud of harmless gray smoke, appearing in a similar dramatic fashion at his destination. Furthermore, once per day Daleranna can use ethereal jaunt, as per the spell (CL 13th).
Circlet of Persuasion: This headband grants Daleranna a +3 competence bonus on Charisma-based checks.
Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns: Up to three times per day as a free action, Daleranna can reroll a saving throw after rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid’s daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair.
Gloves of Spell Snaring Twice per day, these gloves allow Daleranna to act as if she had the Snatch Arrow feat. In addition, she can expend one of this item’s uses to use the Snatch Arrows feat on a projectile targeting an ally in a space adjacent to her. As an immediate action, she can expend one use of mythic power and one of this item’s uses per day to block a spell targeting her or an adjacent ally, as the parry spell guardian path ability.
Headband of Counterspelling: This headband grants Daleranna a +5 insight bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify a spell as it is being cast. Once per day as an immediate action, Daleranna can attempt to counter a spell by casting the appropriate spell instead of doing so with a readied action.
Lenses of Figment Piercing: When Daleranna first sees an figment effect with a visual element, and that figment allows a saving throw, he can immediately make any allowed saving throw to realize the image is illusory instead of waiting to interact with it. If Daleranna fails to disbelieve the illusion and later interacts with it in such a way as to qualify normally for a saving throw to disbelieve, he gains a +4 competence bonus on this saving throw.
Otherworldly Kimono: The kimono grants Daleranna a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws and a +4 bonus on all caster level checks. Once per day, she can capture a single creature within 60 feet within the kimono (no save), as a maze spell. While a victim is trapped inside, the kimono’s bonuses increased by 2 (to +6).
Quick Action Slippers These slippers allow Daleranna to stand up from prone as a free action.
Ring of Counterspells (greater dispel magic) This ring allows a single spell of 1st through 6th level to be cast into it. Should that spell ever be cast upon Daleranna, the spell is immediately countered, as a counterspell action, requiring no action (or even knowledge) on his part. Once so used, the spell cast within the ring is gone and a new spell may be placed into it again.
Ring of Evasion: Whenever Daleranna makes a Reflex saving throw to determine whether he takes half damage, a successful save results in no damage.
Spectral Shroud: This shroud allows Daleranna to discern invisible or ethereal creatures as though using see invisibility. Once per day, he can become incorporeal for 10 rounds and gain a fly speed equal to half his base speed with perfect maneuverability. Daleranna can’t attack while incorporeal, but can dismiss the effect as a move action.


Race Advancement:
Base: Elf (10RP)
+4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their forms are frail.
Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.

Perfect (2RP): The eerie beauty of some elves cannot be denied. Elves with this racial trait receive a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against humanoids and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against transmutation spells and spell-like effects.
Fast (1RP): Members of this race gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed.
Fleet-Footed (3RP): While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this racial trait receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks.
Greater Spell Resistance (3RP): Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
Moonkissed (2RP): Some Spiresworn, especially those born within the Spire itself, are mystically warded from birth against dangers both mental and physical. Elves with this alternate racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on saving throws.
Silver Tongued (3RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two.
Sprinter (1R): Members of this race gain a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Ability Scores and Secondary Stats:
Strength: 10 (base) +2 (ABP)
Dexterity: 17 (base) +4 (race) +3 (level up) +6 (ABP)
Constitution: 14 (base) +4 (ABP)
Intelligence: 12 (base) +2 (race) +2 (ABP)
Wisdom: 14 (base) +2 (level up) +6 (ABP)
Charisma: 14 (base) +4 (ABP)

AC: 46 (9 armor, 5 deflection, 10 Dex, 5 natural, 7 shield)

Touch: 34 (9 armor, 5 deflection, 10 Dex)

Flat-footed: 36 (9 armor, 5 deflection, 5 natural, 7 shield)

Fortitude: +22 (12 base, 5 resistance, 4 Con, 1 racial)

Reflex: +28 (12 base, 5 resistance, 10 Dex, 1 racial)

Will: +24 (12 base, 5 resistance, 6 Wis, 1 racial)

Attack ():

CMB: +22 (20 BAB, 2 Str)

CMD: 47 (10 base, 20 BAB, 5 deflection, 10 Dex, 2 Str)

Feats Breakdown:
Background Feat: Wasp Familiar
Racial: Run
Conscript: Censoring Critical, Combat Stamina, Coordinated Charge, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Sin-Sharing Critical,
Inquisitor: Disruptive
Talents: Unarmed Combatant
Conscript Progression:
2: Combat Reflexes
4: Outflank
8: Improved Critical (close)
12: Quick Drag
16: Seize the Moment
18: Unhindering Shield
Normal Progression:
1: Weapon Focus (close)
2: Enforcer
3: Wanderer's Fortune
4: Focused Stamina
5: Vicious Stomp
6: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
7: Wasp Familiar #2
8: Balor Whip
9: Flickering Step
10: Step Up and Strike
11: Heaven's Step
12: Improved Balor Whip
13: Reverse Somersault Throw
14: Teleportation Mastery
15: Dimensional Agility
16: Dimensional Assault
17: Dimensional Dervish
18: Dimensional Savant
19: Giant Slayer
20: Titan Breaker

Balor Whip (combat) When Daleranna performs a drag combat maneuver with her whip, she can choose not to move with her target, instead bringing it closer to her. If she do this, she can’t drag it any farther than the distance it takes to move it adjacent to her.
<>Improved Balor Whip (combat) When Daleranna succeed at a drag attempt with her whip against a non-adjacent target and it ends the drag adjacent to her, as a free action she can make a single attack against the target at her highest attack bonus using the melee weapon held in her other hand. She gain a +2 bonus on drag combat maneuver checks when using a whip to drag.
<><>Quick Drag (combat) On her turn, Daleranna can perform a single drag combat maneuver in place of one of her melee attacks, using an attack with her highest base attack bonus.
<><><>Reverse Somersault Throw (combat) When Daleranna succeed at a drag combat maneuver check, at the end of her movement, she can fall prone to launch her target over her head. If she does, she moves it into the space adjacent to her that is opposite to its position at the end of her movement, and the target falls prone in that square or squares. Daleranna can’t use this ability to move a creature into a square that is occupied by a solid object or obstacle.
Combat Reflexes (combat) Daleranna may make 10 additional attacks of opportunity per round. She may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Combat Stamina (combat) Daleranna gains a stamina pool with 24 points. See the "Combat Stamina" session below.
<>Focused Stamina (combat) Whenever Daleranna would expend her martial focus, she may instead spend 5 stamina points.
Coordinated Charge (combat, teamwork) As an immediate action, Daleranna may charge a creature that an ally with his feat charged. She can only do so if the creature is no further away from her than her speed.
Critical Focus (combat) Daleanna gains a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
<>Critical Mastery (combat) When Daleranna scores a critical hit, she can apply the effects of two critical feats.
<><>Censoring Critical (combat, critical) Whenever Daleranna scores a critical hit, the victim is unable to speak for 1d4+1 rounds. A DC 30 Fortitude save reduces this muteness to 1 round.
<><>Sin-Sharing Critical (combat, critical) Whenever Daleranna confirms a critical hit, the victim is affected for 1d4 minutes by a single curse effect currently affecting her. A DC 30 Will save negates this magical effect, but causes the victim to instead rolls twice on its next ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check and takes the less favorable result. If Daleranna isn't under the effect of any curse, the victim automatically succeeds at its save. This is a curse effect.
Disruptive (combat) Within Daleranna's threatened area, the DC for enemies to cast spells defensively increases by +4. This increase only applies if she is aware of the enemy's location and is capable of taking an attack of opportunity.
Enforcer (combat) As a free action, Daleranna can make an Intimidate check to demoralize a target whenever she deals nonlethal damage with a melee weapon to it. If she is successful, the target is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt. If her attack was a critical hit, her target is frightened for 1 round as well.
Flickering Step Daleranna can use dimension door as a spell-like ability with caster level 20th, even if she can’t teleport a distance greater than twice her base speed in this way, and she must have both line of sight and line of effect to his destination. Daleranna can use this feat’s benefit 5 times per day.
<>Dimensional Agility After casting dimension door, Daleranna can take any actions she still has remaining on her turn. She also gains a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells.
<><>Dimensional Assault As a full-round action, Daleranna can cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows her to teleport up to double her current speed and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.
<><>Dimensional Dervish As a swift action, Daleranna can cast dimension door and take a full-attack action. If she does, Daleranna can teleport up to twice her current speed, dividing this teleportation into increments she uses before her first attack, between each attack, and after her last attack. Daleranna must teleport at least 5 feet each time she teleports.
<><><>Dimensional Savant While using the Dimensional Dervish feat, Daleranna provides flanking from all squares she attacks from. Flanking starts from the moment she makes an attack until the start of her next turn. Daleranna can effectively flank with herself and with multiple allies when using this feat.
Giantslayer (combat) When performing or resisting a combat maneuver against a foe who is at least 1 size category larger than Daleranna, she gain a bonus to her CMB and CMD equal to +1 per size category larger than herself the opponent is. In addition, she can use combat maneuvers against targets 1 size larger than would normally be allowed.
<>Titan Breaker (combat) The bonus granted by Daleranna's Giantslayer feat increases to +2 per size category larger than herself the opponent is. In addition, she can now use combat maneuvers against targets 2 size categories larger than would normally be allowed.
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (combat) In addition to the standard single extra attack Daleranna gets with an off-hand weapon, she gets a second attack with it, albeit at a -5 penalty, and a third attack with her off-hand weapon, albeit at a -10 penalty.
Improved Critical [close] (combat) The threat range of close weapons Daleranna wields is doubled.
Outflank (combat, teamwork) Whenever Daleranna and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, her flanking bonus increases to +4. In addition, whenever she scores a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from her ally.
Run When running, Daleranna moves five times her normal speed. If she makes a jump after a running start, she gains a +4 bonus on her Acrobatics check. While running, she retains her Dexterity bonus to her Armor Class.
Seize the Moment (combat, teamwork) When an ally who also has this feat confirms a critical hit against an opponent that Daleranna also threatens, she can make an attack of opportunity against that opponent.
Step Up and Strike (combat) When using the Footwork talents to follow an adjacent foe, Daleranna may also make a single melee attack against that foe at her highest base attack bonus. This attack counts as one of her attacks of opportunity for the round.
<>Heaven's Step (combat) When Daleranna makes an attack using Step Up and Strike, she can also make an extra attack with her offhand weapon using her highest base attack bonus. Both attacks take the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting.
Teleportation Mastery (item mastery) Daleranna can cause an item that has a conjuration spell of 3rd level or higher in its construction requirements to cast dimension door with CL 20th. She can use this ability 3 times per day.
Unarmed Combatant (combat) Daleranna is considered to be armed even when unarmed. her unarmed strikes now deals 1d6 damage, and she can deal lethal damage. She does not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver and receives a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe and to her CMD whenever an opponent tries to grapple her.
Unhindering Shield (combat) When Daleranna wields a buckler, her shield hand is considered free for the purposes of casting spells, wielding weapons, and using any other abilities that require her to have a free hand or interact with her shield.
Vicious Stomp (combat) Whenever an opponent falls prone adjacent to Daleranna, it provokes an attack of opportunity from her. This attack must be an unarmed strike.
Wanderer's Fortune As a swift action, Daleranna gains the benefits of freedom of movement until the end of her turn or until she benefits from the effects to escape a grapple or magical restraint, whichever comes first. She can use this feat 5 times per day.
Wasp Familiar Daleranna gains CN wasp familiar as per the arcane bond class feature. It use the statistics for an imp, but has unnatural lust (3/day) instead invisibility. If she ever grossly violates Calistria's code of conduct, the wasp turns on her and attacks her until it is killed. She then must atone and pay to have the slain familiar raised from the dead.
Weapon Focus [close] (combat) Daleranna gains a +1 bonus on all attack rolls she makes with close weapons.

Talents and Spheres Breakdown:
Martial Tradition (Courtesan): Dancer Training, Dual Wielding Sphere (dual attack), Fencing Sphere (bluff 5 ranks, fatal thrust), Unarmored Training
1: Guardian Sphere (challenge, delayed damage pool), Equipment Sphere (extra talent), Footwork, Whip Fiend
2: Brute Sphere (manhandle, shove, unarmed strike 1d4)
3: Footwork #2 (Bluff 15 ranks), Greater Brute
4: Balanced Blows
5: Expanded Guardian (patrol), Swift Guardian
6: Critical Follow Up
7: Cunning Combo, Darting Crane (stance, Bluff 20 ranks)
8: Berserker Sphere [adrenaline junkie drawback] (berserking), Marauder (adrenaline)
9: Break Defenses (unarmed strike 1d6), Expert Feint
10: Quick Force
11: Dazed and Confused (manhandle), Destabilizing Charge
12: Iron Wall
13: Cold Iron Call, Durable
14: Greater Delayed Damage
15: Great Delayed Damage #2, Mass Challenge
16: Gladiator Sphere (boast, Intimidate 10 ranks, prowess, strike fear)
17: Fan Favorite, Nightmarish Microcosm (demoralize, Intimidate 15 ranks)
18: Iron Fist, Open Hand Sphere (hardened palm drawback, unarmed strike 1d8)
19: Greater Trip, Rising Leverage
20: Hard Landing (unarmed strike 2d6)
2: Finesse Training #2 (since weapon finesse is free; Bluff 10 ranks)
3: Shield Expert
4: Critical Genius (close weapons)
6: Punishing Rebuke (zone)
7: Leg Slash (exploit)
8: Tandem Offensive
10: Dual Opportunity
11: Unlikely Feint
12: Lunge
14: Endure Pain
15: Mageguard
16: Swift Reflexes
18: Battering Banter (boast, Intimidate 20 ranks)
19: Thunderous Punishment
20: Vibrating Impacts

Associated Feats: Combat Patrol, Dazzling Display, Distracting Charge, Following Step, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Drag, Greater Feint, Greater Overrun, Greater Reposition, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Drag, Improved Overrun, Improved Reposition, Improved Whip Mastery, Lunge, Shield Focus, Step Up, Two-Weapon Fighting, Unarmed Combatant, Whip Mastery

Free Skill Ranks: 20 Bluff, 20 Intimidate

Berserking (Ex) As a free action at the start of each turn, Daleranna may choose to take a -2 penalty to AC in exchange for 23 temporary hit points until the start of her next turn.
<>Marauder (adrenaline) (Ex) Instead of receiving temporary hit points, Daleranna may gain a +30 feet circumstance bonus on all forms of movement and a +10 competence bonus on all Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim.
Boast (Ex) As long as Daleranna has martial focus, as an immediate action she may perform one (boast) after confirming a critical hit, reducing an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, or succeeding on a combat maneuver.
<>Battering Banter (boast) (Ex) Hostile creatures within 75 ft. become battered for 1 round and fatigued for 6 rounds. A DC 26 Fortitude save negates the fatigued condition only.
<>Fan Favorite (Ex) Daleranna may perform a boast as a free action (even outside of her turn) whenever she succeeds on a saving throw against an effect originating from a hostile creature.
<>Prowess (boast) (Ex) Daleranna may roll twice the next weapon attack before the end of her next turn and take the better result.
Challenge (Ex) As a move action (swift action by expending martial focus), Daleranna may issue a challenge to a non-mindless creature she can see. The creature takes a -7 penalty on attack rolls that do not include her as a target and a +2 bonus on attack rolls targeting only her. The challenge lasts for 13 rounds and when she issues a new challenge, any previous challenge she has active ends.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Daleranna's challenge casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability that does not include her in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty to the spell’s save DC.
<>Durable (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Daleranna's challenge uses such an ability (see Durable under Delayed Damage Pool) that does not include her in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty to the ability’s save DC.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of her challenge attacks an ally within 75 ft. of her, that attack suffers a 20% miss chance. If an attack would also be subject to the Patrol miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Mageguard (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of her challenge tries to cast a spell defensively, it provokes an attack of opportunity from Daleranna whenever they fail the concentration check.
<>Mass Challenge (Ex) When using the challenge ability, Daleranna may increase the time to activate it (move to standard or swift to move) to issue her challenge to up to twelve targets at once.
<>Swift Guardian (Ex) Daleranna may use the challenge ability as a swift action. This takes a free action if she expends her martial focus.
Critical Genius [close weapons] (Ex) Daleranna treats close weapons as though their critical threat range was 18-20/x2. In addition, when she confirms a critical hit with them while using the attack action, she deals 20 additional damage.
Dancer Training (discipline) Daleranna is proficient with the battle poi, bladed scarf, chakram, fighting fan, gladius, rapier, scimitar, shortsword, war flute, war lute, war mallet, and whip. She may add her Dexterity modifier in place of her Charisma modifier when making Perform (dance) checks.
Delayed Damage Pool (Ex) Daleranna gains a delayed damage pool of 60 points. When she receives damage, she may redirect all or part of it to this pool, applying damage reduction and resistance. Her delayed damage pool empties at the end of her turn each round, inflicting on her any damage stored and resetting to 0, without any reductions. Any healing Daleranna receives in excess of her maximum hp automatically reduces the amount of damage in her delayed damage pool.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) When targeted by a spell or spell-like ability, Daleranna may delay the onset of its effects until the end of her next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to its caster level.
<>Durable (Ex) When targeted by a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious) Daleranna may delay the onset of its effects until the end of your next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to the attacking creature’s Hit Dice.
<>Endure Pain (Ex) When Daleranna receives damage from her delayed damage pool, she takes it as nonlethal damage.
<>Greater Delayed Damage (x2) (Ex) The size of Daleranna's delayed damage pool increases by 40.
Destabilizing Charge (Ex) When Daleranna performs a charge and successfully hits a creature, the creature loses its Dexterity bonus to its AC against the next attack roll made against it before the end of her next turn.
Dual Attack (Ex) Whenever Daleranna makes an attack action with a light or one-handed weapon, she can make an additional attack with a light or one-handed weapon held in her off-hand, though both attacks take a -2 penalty on their attack rolls when doing so. Her off-hand attack only applies 1/2 her Strength modifier, and if her off-hand attack is made with anything other than a light weapon, both attacks take an additional -2 penalty.
<>Balanced Blows (Ex) Daleranna reduces the penalties for attacking with her dual attack ability by 1/2 (minimum -1).
<>Critical Follow Up (Ex) Whenever Daleranna successfully uses the attack action to strike a creature with her main-hand weapon, the critical threat range of her off-hand weapon increases by 2 (this stacks with other effects which would increase your critical threat range, but is applied last) until the beginning of her next turn.
<>Cunning Combo (Ex) Whenever Daleranna use her dual attack ability, she may forgo making an off-hand attack to instead use that weapon to make a feint check. she may make this feint check before or after her main hand attack. Your main hand attack and feint check both suffer the penalty from using dual attack.
<>Tandem Offensive (Ex) As long as Daleranna has martial focus, if she successfully uses the attack action to strike a creature with her main-hand weapon, her off-hand weapon gains any enhancement bonus her main-hand weapon possesses until the beginning of her next turn, replacing any enhancement bonuses her off-hand may possess.
Dual Opportunity (Ex) Once per round when Daleranna makes an attack of opportunity, she can make an additional attack with her off-hand weapon.
Expert Feint (Ex) When Daleranna succeeds at a feint check against a target, it also loses its Dexterity bonus to its armor class against all attacks until the beginning of her next turn, in addition to her next attack.
Fatal Thrust (Ex) Whenever Daleranna makes an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that she is flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC, she deals an additional +5d6 precision damage to the target. She may apply the effects of one (exploit) talent to any fatal thrust.
<>Leg Slash (exploit) (Ex) The target’s movement types are halved for 1d4+4 rounds.
Finesse Training (Ex) Whenever Daleranna makes an attack using her Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and her Strength bonus on melee damage rolls, she may deal 10 additional damage.
Footwork (Ex) As long as Daleranna has martial focus, as an immediate action she may move up to 10 ft. If this movement is done in response to an attack made against her, she gains a +2 dodge bonus to her AC against that attack.
Greater Trip (Ex) Daleranna gains a +6 competence bonus to her trip combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMD vs. that maneuver.
<>Rising Leverage (Ex) Whenever Daleranna successfully trips a creature while prone, she may restore her martial focus and stand up without provoking an attack of opportunity as a free action that can be taken even outside of your turn.
Hard Landing (Ex) Whenever Daleranna successfully trips a creature, it becomes battered for one round. Additionally, she always treats prone creatures within reach as being battered for the purposes of talents and class abilities, and they cannot perform attacks of opportunity against her for performing combat maneuvers as long as they remain prone.
Iron Fist (Ex) Daleranna's unarmed strikes ignore 10 hardness.
Lunge (Ex) As long as Daleranna has martial focus, she may increase the range at which she may make melee attacks by 5 ft., but suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls made against targets within this extended range.
Mageguard (Ex) When a hostile creature within Daleranna's threatened area attempts to cast a spell defensively, it takes a -10 penalty to its concentration check.
Manhandle (Ex) When Daleranna successfully performs a bull rush, drag, reposition, or overrun combat maneuver, she may apply the effect of one (manhandle) talent she knows to that creature.
<>Break Defenses (Ex) Whenever Daleranna successfully uses a bull rush, drag, overrun, or reposition, combat maneuver against a creature, that creature provokes an attack of opportunity from her allies.
<>Dazed and Confused (manhandle) (Ex) The creature is staggered for s rounds. A DC 26 Will save negates the effect.
<>Greater Brute (Ex) Daleranna gains a +6 competence bonus to her bull rush, drag, overrun, and reposition combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMD vs those maneuvers.
<>Quick Force (Ex) Daleranna may perform a bull rush, drag, or reposition combat maneuver as a move action, moving with the target as part of this action, in essence using the action both to move and to perform the maneuver. She may alternatively expend her martial focus to perform a bull rush, drag, or reposition as a swift action.
Nightmarish Microcosm (Ex) Daleranna takes no penalty on Intimidate checks against larger creatures, and larger creatures gain no bonus on Intimidate checks against her. Against foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, she may roll twice and take the higher result on Intimidate checks made to demoralize.
Patrol (Ex) As long as she has martial focus, as a full-round action Daleranna may increase her threatened area by 30 ft. Until the beginning of her next turn, she may make attacks of opportunity against any creature in this threatened area and may move to bring the creature within her reach as part of these attacks, provided her total movement before her next turn does not exceed her base speed. This ability may also benefit from one (zone) talent.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Allies within the area of Daleranna's patrol, not including herself, gain a 20% miss chance against melee attacks originating from a creature that she threatens. If an attack would also be subject to the Challenge miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Punishing Rebuke (zone) (Ex) When a creature attacks an ally within the area of Daleranna's patrol, not including herself, it provokes an attack of opportunity from her.
<>Swift Guardian (Ex) Daleranna may use the patrol ability as a standard action. This takes a move action if she expends her martial focus.
Shield Expert (Ex) Daleranna increases the shield bonus to AC of any shield she wields by +1. She also reduces the shield's armor check penalty by 2.
Shove (Ex) As a move action, Daleranna may move up to half her speed and make a melee touch attack against a creature. If successful, it takes 10 bludgeoning damage and gains the battered condition until the end of her next turn. She may perform a shove in place of the attack granted by a charge, although this does not grant the extra movement.
Stances (Ex) As a swift action, Daleranna may enter a stance, lasting for 1 round. If she spends her martial focus, this duration increases to 6 rounds. Only a single stance may be active at a time.
<>Darting Crane (stance) (Ex) While in this stance, whenever a creature within Daleranna's reach misses her with a melee attack, she may expend an attack of opportunity to perform a feint against that creature.
Strike Fear (Ex) As a full-round action, Daleranna may expend martial focus to make an Intimidate check to demoralize all targets within 30 ft. of her who can both see and hear her. She may choose to take a -10 penalty on the check instead of expending martial focus.
Swift Reflexes (Ex) As long as Daleranna has martial focus, she gains +6 attacks of opportunity per round. She may make attacks of opportunity even when flat-footed.
Thunderous Punishment (Ex) Whenever Daleranna makes an attack of opportunity with an unarmed strike, the target becomes battered and staggered for 1 round. As an immediate action, Daleranna may spend martial focus to instead cause the target to become battered and dazed. A DC 26 Fortitude save negates this effect. Daleranna may not affect the same creature more than once per round with this talent.
Unarmed Strike (Ex) Daleranna deals 2d6 with her unarmed strikes.
Unarmored Training (Ex) When unarmored and unencumbered, Daleranna gains a +9 armor bonus to her AC. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when she is flat-footed, but she loses them when immobilized, helpless or polymorphed into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type.
Unlikely Feint (Ex) Daleranna can faint against non-humanoids, creatures with an Intelligence of 1 or 2, and even mindless creatures with no penalty.
Vibrating Impacts (Ex) Whenever Daleranna makes an attack action or attack of opportunity with an unarmed strike against a battered creature, she may cause it to count the damage they took from her unarmed strike as continuous damage for the purpose of forcing concentration checks until the start of her next turn.
Whip Fiend (Ex) Daleranna can deal lethal damage with a whip and can also damage creatures regardless of their armor or natural armor bonus. In addition, she threatens all spaces within 10 ft. of herself and do not provoke an attack of opportunity while making an attack with a whip. As a standard action, sje may use her whip to manipulate an unattended object up to 15 ft. away as if she was adjacent to it. Daleranna is limited to manipulations she could accomplish in a single move action using only one hand.

Air Grievances (Ex) When Daleranna attempts to demoralize an opponent using Intimidate, she gains a +10 bonus on her Intimidate check. The penalties her target takes for being demoralized increase to -5.
Cavalier Training (Ex) Whenever Daleranna issues a challenge against a creature whose kind she has encountered in the past 24 hours, she gains a +6 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of her challenge.
Eye for an Eye (Ex) Daleranna gains Critical Focus as a bonus feat.
Old Dog, New Tricks (Ex) Daleranna gains four combat feats.
Order of Vengeance (Ex) Daleranna must seek retaliation (legal or otherwise) for any unjustified harm to her person or property. She may not forgive even the slightest insult.

Inquisitor (soldier of the gods):
Bane (Su) As a swift action, Daleranna can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability. The rounds of this ability do not need to be consecutive.
<>Greater Bane (Su) Whenever Daleranna uses her bane ability, the bane bonus damage increases to 4d6.
Cunning Initiative (Ex) Daleranna adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.
Detect Alignment (Sp) At will, Daleranna can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.
Discern Lies (Sp) As an immediate action, Daleranna can discern lies (as per the spell) for 20 rounds per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Exploit Weakness (Ex) Whenever Daleranna scores a critical hit, she ignores any damage reduction the target might have. In addition, the creature loses regeneration on the round following the critical hit and can die normally during that round. Creatures whose regeneration always functions are immune to this ability. Finally, if Daleranna deals energy damage to a creature with vulnerability to that energy type, she deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Judgement (Su) As a sift action, Daleranna can pronounce judgment upon her foes, which lasts until the combat ends. She must participate in the combat to gain these bonuses. If she is frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious, the ability does not end, but the bonuses do not resume until she can participate in the combat again. As a swift action, she can change her chosen judgment to another type:
<><>Destruction: Daleranna gains a +7 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls.
<><>Healing: Daleranna gains fast healing 7.
<><>Justice Daleranna gains a +5 sacred bonus on all attack rolls, which is doubled to confirm critical hits.
<><>Piercing: Daleranna gains a +7 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance.
<><>Protection: Daleranna gains a +5 sacred bonus to Armor Class, which is doubled against critical hits.
<><>Purity: Daleranna gains a +5 sacred bonus on all saving throws, which is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
<><>Resiliency: Daleranna gains DR 5/lawful.
<><>Resistance: Daleranna gains 14 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic).
<><>Smiting: Daleranna’s weapons count as chaotic and adamantine for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.
<>Second Judgement (Ex) Daleranna selects two different judgments when using the judgement ability. As a swift action, she can change one of these judgments to another type.
<><>Third Judgement (Ex) Daleranna selects three different judgements when using the judgement ability. As a swift action, she can change one of these judgments to another type.
<>Slayer (Ex) Whenever Daleranna uses her judgment ability, one of her judgments is treated as if she was 5 levels higher. The judgement enhanced by this ability cannot be changed for the remainder of the judgment.
Monster Lore (Ex) Daleranna adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Spellkiller Inquisition Daleranna gains the Disruptive feat. When she defeats an enemy, she gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC for 20 minutes. When Daleranna hits a creature with levels of alchemist or any arcane spellcasting class, or that uses spell-like abilities, she can end this effect to stagger that creature. A Fortitude DC 26 ends the effect and the target can attempt this save once per turn.
Stalwart (Ex) If Daleranna makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. She does not gain the benefit of this ability if she is helpless.
Stern Gaze (Ex) Daleranna receives a +10 morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.
Team Leader (Ex) When Daleranna regains her spells each day, she can also spend 1 hour training 6 characters in battle tactics. These characters receive three of her teamwork feats as bonus feats for the next 24 hours.
Track (Ex) Daleranna adds +10 on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Mythic - Champion:
Hard to Kill (Ex) Whenever Gofran is below 0 hit points, he automatically stabilizes. In addition, he doesn’t die until his total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double his Constitution score.
Mythic Power (Su) Each day, Gofran can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double his mythic tier. This amount is his maximum amount of mythic power.
Surge (Su) As an immediate action, Gofran can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll he just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result.
Surprise Strike (Ex) As a swift action, Daleranna can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack or ranged attack against a target within 30 feet, in addition to any other attacks she makes this round. When she does so, the target is considered flat-footed regardless of any class features or abilities it might have, and she adds her tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses damage reduction.

HP: +5

Mythic Feats
1: Improved Whip Mastery
1 (extra): Quick Drag

Improved Whip Mastery (combat, mythic) While wielding a whip, Daleranna threatens the area of her natural reach plus 10 feet. She can use her whip to drag an unattended Medium object into her square by hitting AC 10 with a melee touch attack. If she trips an opponent of Medium or smaller size with her whip, Daleranna can immediately attempt to drag the prone opponent, as per the combat maneuver, without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Quick Drag (combat, mythic) Once per round as a free action, Daleranna may perform the drag combat maneuver against a foe within reach and add her mythic tier to the combat maneuver check.

Path Abilities
Free: Extra Mythic Feat
1: Treacherous Critical

Treacherous Critical (Ex) When Daleranna scores a critical threat, she can attempt a free combat maneuver check instead of dealing extra damage, adding her tier to her confirmation roll. If the result is equal to or greater than her opponent's CMD, the attack deals damage as normal and she can attempt a free dirty trick, disarm, reposition, or trip combat maneuver check against that opponent, using the confirmation roll as her combat maneuver check for the purpose of determining the effects of the maneuver.

Wasp familiar (protector) // animal companion (apex) || Agile MR 1
CN Tiny magical beast
Init +30/+10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect magic, see in darkness; Perception +7
AC 63, touch 30, flat-footed 50 (+5 armor, +5 deflection, +10 Dex, +3 dodge, +28 natural, +2 size; +4 dodge vs. AOO from movement)
hp 330 (20 HD); fast healing 2
Fort +20, Ref +27, Will +20
DR 5/good or silver; Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 25
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Melee sting +37 (1d6+19/15-20 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison (DC 27)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +11)
Constant — detect good, detect magic
3/day — unnatural lust (DC 17)
1/day — augury, suggestion (DC 18)
1/week — commune (6 questions, CL 12th)
Str 18 (+4), Dex 30 (+10), Con 16 (+3), Int 18 (+4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 20 (+5)
Base Atk +20; CMB +28; CMD 48 (+4 dodge vs. AOO from movement)
Feats Ability Focus (poison), Bodyguard, Combat Patrol, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extra Combat Talents (x2), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical, Improved Natural Attack, In Harm's Way, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Talents Critical Genius, Finesse Fighting
Skills 0/96 skill points
Acrobatics +33 (16 ranks [20 master], 3 class, 10 Dex)
Bluff +25 ([20 master], 5 Cha)
Climb +12 ([5 master], 3 class, 4 Str)
Diplomacy +25 ([20 master], 5 Cha)
Fly +41 (16 ranks, 3 class, 10 Dex, 4 size, 8 maneuverability)
Intimidate +25 ([20 master], 5 Cha)
Knowledge (arcana) +24 ([20 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 ([5 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (history) +24 ([20 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (local) +20 (16 ranks [5 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (nature) +20 (16 ranks [5 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +24 ([20 master], 4 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +24 ([20 master], 4 Int)
Perception +26 (16 ranks [20 master)], 3 class, 3 Wis)
Profession (courtesan) +23 ([20 master], 3 Wis)
Sense Motive +23 ([20 master], 3 Wis)
Spellcraft +24 ([20 master], 4 Int)
Stealth +47 (16 ranks [20 master], 3 class, 10 Dex, 8 size, 6 feat)
Survival +13 ([10 master], 3 Wis)
Swim +12 ([5 master], 3 class, 4 Str)
Use Magic Device +10 ([5 master], 5 Cha)
SQ able defender, deliver touch spells, dual initiative, empathic link, favored terrain (forests +4), loyal bodyguard, master of the wild, natural environment (forests), natural selection, scry on familiar, share spells, shield master, speak with animals of its kind, speak with master
ABP armor attunement (cloth +5), deflection +5, mental prowess (+6 Cha, +4 Wis, +2 Int), physical prowess (+6 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Str), resistance +5, toughening +5, weapon attunement (sting +5)
[b]Poison (Ex)[/n] Sting — injury; save Fort DC 27; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus.