Dalgar the Great |

The land rush is on! Sent south by Brevoy, the heroes have the unenviable task of venturing into the infamous Stolen Lands and annexing the territory, facing down monsters, bandits, and worse. It's hard enough to conquer territory—but does a ragtag band of adventures have what it takes to found and defend a burgeoning kingdom from the terrors of the wild?
You are on the trail approaching your last stop before entering the Stolen Lands proper. Introduce yourself by saying what you talk about and give a description of your appearance and personality.

Brom Arrano |

"Howdy folks, I'm Brom Arrano. I'm a druid who's been living in these parts all my life, so I've been hired to make sure you townies don't get lost the minute you step off the roads. You may have noticed the young roc circling overhead; don't worry, he's not waiting for you to die so he can pick your bones, he's a friend of mine. You'll get to meet him soon enough. I advise you keep any sweets you may have inside your bags, or you may meet him sooner than you'd like.'
Brom is a human druid, with black hair and beard, and blue eyes. He's wearing sturdy work clothes and a well-worn traveling cloak. He's been working as a wilderness guide/forestry warden type person for the local government and joined the expedition in hopes of quickly earning enough money to save his parents' farm. He'll be the "country boy" type of personality who thinks that people without experience in the wild will die by squirrel attack the second he leaves them alone out there.

Kavalina Norreiys |

"Greetings," she holds out a hand to Brom, "my name is Kavalina. I got hired to map out some of the terrain, you'll be of most help to my efforts in doing so, a boon to us all. By Shelyn's grace, this little adventure will hopefully be rather fruitful."
Kavalina is a cleric of Shelyn, and a starving artist. She hopes that money made from maps of the lands would net her a good amount of money and possibly inspiration for later works of art. Very fond of her goddess, and will do what she can to aide the group, so long as they pose for a picture or two.

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"Hello all I am glad to make your acquaintance, may we all prosper from this venture, myself I am a follower of Kelinahat and a finder of truths"
On the Journey Gird is a bit standoffish at first, but as he observes his companions and gets used to their presence he starts to open up and share in the conversations and responds to information requests about himself.
"I am of the house Medvyed and somewhat of a black sheep in my family, I still have some noble ties, but nothing of any real use unless it involves Brevic Politics"
You get the hint that he is quite athletic as his daily exercises are quite involved and his fighting practice seems enthusiastic to say the least.
He appears to be a young well built man, more light and lithe than powerful in build. He carries a gladius on one hip and a buckler shield on the other. He wears dark brown clothing, a large hat and a brown cloak, he explains the dark colouring is for when he needs to be subtle. His hair is blonde almost white and he is handsome but he doesn't seem to know how to hold himself in a manner that others would find attractive.
When the opportunity arises he joins in with song .. he also seems to be very perceptive noticing the smallest details

Elek Kardforgató |
After graduating from the war college Elek spent a few days catching up with his parents in Restov. When it was time for everyone to leave, Elek promised he would right both his parents and grandparents sending the correspondences to Restov and then grandpa could send them on from there. Mounting on the beautiful exotic war horse, that his parents had brought him as a graduation gift, wearing his academy uniform, with dueling sword neatly in place and the flier telling of promised kingdoms; Elek sets out to the south to make a name for himself as an Aldori Swordlord.
Nearing the rustic post where he is to meet likeminded individuals Elek notices a few people traveling together on the road. I wonder if any of these fine people will be my companions.’ Nearing the back of the pack as the earthy looking man introduces his pet bird. a raptor, well each to their own. Good way to get rid of garbage I suppose, I hope it’s well trained or this outing isn’t going to last very long.’ Elek takes note of the half- orc woman mapmaker, smiling to himself, ”She must be very educated and intelligent breaking more than one stereotype.’ as the young half-elf introduces himself as a member of the Medvyed family Elek calls to the young man, smiling;” "Endurance Overcomes All." Well at least we know you’re not a quitter!” ’unless that’s why you’re here down south’ Elek continues smiling not voicing his concern.
Riding up beside the travelers, he smiles and shifts his sword ever so slightly ”I am Elek Kardforgató a recent graduate of the Aldori Academy in Restov.” he pauses for a moment smiling at the travelers. Nodding to the older gentleman ”I am glad we have an expert woodsman” then nodding to the attractive woman I didn’t realize she was so stunning’ ”Also a mapmaker, for it is beyond my expertise, though I have been trained to read battle maps.” then bowing his head slightly to the ungainly nobleman. ”And it is always nice to have one of the noble families along to bring validity to a task.” looking toward their destination, he continues. ”Does anyone know if we are meeting anyone else, I expected five or six , do you think the others have arrived before us?”

Garbund |

A young stocky half-orc approaches the group on a black riding horse. While his orc features are not pronounced, his eyes and hair are both unusual. His eyes are yellow and his hair is streaked with a small number random yellow threads. He also has many small tattoos and scars that he makes no effort to conceal.
He has a longsword on his belt and a stonebow in plain view. He wears no armour nor has the bearing of a warrior. He does have a friendly demeanour, though. With a friendly wave and smile, he addresses the assembled group.
"Hello, All! I am Garbund Diglaga. Yours is an interesting group! I am an outsider from distant Magnimar. I would be honoured if you allow me to join your number."
"I am no mighty warrior. But I have some mixed arcane talents. With fire in particular. My parents have different fiery arcane talents of their own, and I appear to have an odd mix of both. I also have a talent for picking up on local information."
"I followed my instincts, which led me here. I have been living in the rough. Although I have done well enough to buy Onyx. He is a well-trained horse."
… he concludes with a friendly smile while patting Onyx fondly on the neck.

Kavalina Norreiys |

"Well it's rather pleasant to meet you all," she says to everyone, We should have a rather a good group ahead of us for our journey ahead. When we are all here, maybe I could potentially have the time to draw a little picture to remember this day. Should be rather fun."
Kavalina takes out a simple piece of paper, along with a pen and ink vial. Sitting herself under a tree beside the road, she takes a few noting glances at everyone.
"Try to stay relatively still if you're going to be in the picture."

Elek Kardforgató |
Elek smiles, so far an eclectic group, and an artist to record our deeds, what a wonderful idea' then dismounting and walking beside the artist, making sure he is presenting his good side, he asks Kavalina, When you are done would you be able to make a copy for me, my folks would love to see the people I am working with!"

Brom Arrano |

Brom grumbles to himself and works his way to the back of the group. Might as well get a nice picture now, we won't be so pretty after we've been in the wilds for a few weeks.
"Alright, let's get this done so we can get this walking buffet on the road!"

Kavalina Norreiys |

Taking ten for a total of 16
Sure thing, she says as she begins to draw the party, minus herself. Kavalina worked diligently to craft a simple drawing of the group, taking time to draw each member but not too long as to impede their travel any further.
"There we go," she presented her work, "Not the best work I have done but defenitely decent enough. If we had the time, and the paper and ink, I would've gladly made us something far better."

Brom Arrano |

Brom looks at the new arrival and scratches his beard, scowling in irritation. Great, another city boy who can't even drive a mule team.
He steps up to the latecomer and strokes the nearest mule's head. Putting on an obviously forced smile, he says "Welcome to the party. Glad to have you, of course. Your cart will definitely come in handy carrying our equipment, I'm afraid some of us aren't used to the hard cross-country hiking we're going to be doing on this trip, so any bit of load off the back will be appreciated."

Elek Kardforgató |
'did our wagon driver just call Kavalina a boy? Glad he's jist here for transport, hate to see It if he has an important job.' Elak, shaking his head mounts his horse, looking to Brom and Garbund, "With Kavaline and Gird riding in the wagon shall we ride two in front and one in the rear of the wagon to protect it as best as possible?"

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Gird checks out each at the gathering point
"Yes this will be interesting.. the long foot slot may be interesting"

Brom Arrano |

Brom tosses his backpack into the back of the cart, nodding his thanks to Harman. He steps toward his horse, talking quietly to it as he begins to saddle it for the ride.
"Works for me, Elek. I'll pull up the rear, if you two want to head up front. Blaze will be up overhead somewhere, and he should warn us if we're coming up on something interesting." Morley squints up at the sky, looking for his roc companion. "Well, in theory anyway. He's not always what you'd call cooperative."

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"For now I think I'll range around and get a feel for this terrain, I'll leave my pack though as it's rather weighty. . The wagon is a brilliant idea master Harman"
Gird tosses his pack onto a clear spot on the cart and then moves ahead of the cart examining the terrain and keeping a lookout.

Brom Arrano |

"Wait, you brought a bathtub?"
Brom rubs his eyes, already exhausted at the thought of how much upkeep this man might require. By the Gods, a bathtub. City folk!
"Alright Mr. Bathtub, let's get those mules movin'! Maybe if we have to cross a river we can see if it makes a decent boat!" He guffaws as he gently nudges his horse into motion behind the cart.

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Gird Not Grid is on foot or cart when he gets too tired. He's a reasonably capable woodsman.

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Garbund, Elek, Gird, Kavalina, Harman and Brom... lots of casters, we may need to utilise summoning as part of general tactics... as there are only two melee and i'm only a 2/3 bab type.

Brom Arrano |

Yeah, I'll be doing a lot of summoning, plus my animal companion is a decent meat shield as well if needed. If nothing else, I'll usually have a summon out to help with flanking and the like.

Kavalina Norreiys |

I'll stick primarily to healing and being an effective support. Open to anything that could help my character do better, for myself and the party.

Elek Kardforgató |
After riding point with Garbund for a time, Elek slows the bay stallion down a little and allows the wagon to catch up with him. Nodding at the driver Harman, he smiles at the young cleric, attempting to make conversation. "Tell me Kavalina how did you come to be in the service of Shelyn?"

Kavalina Norreiys |

"Well, when I first started to paint,I met this old man. Took an interest in my work and decided to sponsor and teach me to be an artist. He was an old priest Shelyn an was always reciting old prayers whenever he taught," she shiftss her position in the cart, shaking the occupant under the blanket, "One day I just asked him to teach me the ways of Shelyn, to find better inspiration. It went on from there."