The Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master Helio

When disaster strikes a small Taldan town, a few unlikely heroes arise...

Town Map

Kobold Lair Map

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RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The wizard rolled his eyes at the dwarf's outburst. He brushed dust from his robes, then turned towards Panros.

"As though my business is any of your concern, dwarf. You add all these appellations simply because you lack the mettle to stand against a true intellect. Your act may fool the weak-willed, but I am not among such fools. Besides - I think you know naught of change. Else your people would not cower in their rocky hovels while the world around them moves."

He turned, his robe flowing in a flourish behind him, back towards the town at the base of the hill.

"Alas, I do not have time for such trifles. As entertaining as it is to mock the little people, and the very little people, I have business to attend to. Know, dwarf, that I am Doalgari. Bother not I nor my master."

The animal on his shoulder hissed at the dwarf, then laid itself down on the wizard's shoulder. Doalgari started the walk down the hill, the crowd opening and making a path for him as he went.


Knowledge:Nature - The animal is a mongoose, which is unusual for this region.
Sense Motive - You get the impression that he is a rather powerful wizard in his own right - or, at least, he believes such. If he is the apprentice, who is his master?

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26
Doalgari wrote:
"As though my business is any of your concern, dwarf. You add all these appellations simply because you lack the mettle to stand against a true intellect. Your act may fool the weak-willed, but I am not among such fools. Besides - I think you know naught of change. Else your people would not cower in their rocky hovels while the world around them moves."

Panros unwittingly stood there simmering as the Wizard who addressed himself as Doalgarthi verbally taunting him with high words and lofty vocabulary. The wheels turned within the engineer's head as Panros sorted out the next target of his derision. Words couldn't describe the ire that he was feeling for the self-important narcissistic robed man. At that moment, Panros' anger and resentment shifted from Kanade the weapon-wielding idiot and Pixis the Leaf-Munching Elf to Doalgari.

Before he could utter a proper response, the Wizard had insulted the dwarf, mocked his culture and changed the scene to his favor in a short span.

"Its on..." was all that he could say while collecting his pride. From the corner of his eye, the deputy attempted to sneer, only to be caught off guard with Panros' dead pan face.

"Wizard drops his two copper and doesn't do anythin' to amend the situation. I say, who's brave enough to enter? Only a REAL MAN would go in. Oy Alex mah boy, shake a leg!!!" said the Dwarf as he singled out the Monk.

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"Hey, we've gotta take a look at this thing. I hear this tower has not been fallen for ages. There has to be a definite reason it fell. This is a baaad omen, man. A baaaaad omen. Let's go in and find out!"

deplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
"Stop this nonesense!!!

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

I fallowed the drug and Brok. Then I stared the fallen tower without any expression but little faster blinking than usual-I was quite surprised and puzzled.
"What is this..? And what is that drug tries to do now? Bad Omen? well.. guess he believes in many stupid things. But there should be someone who broke this tower intentionally. It cannot break down suddenly.
I ran and followed the walking drug.
If i have to make a sense motive or perception check:[spoiler]sense motive:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 , perception:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
By the way, sorry for late posting!Gomenasai?!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The crowd begins to dissipate, disappointed with a lack of further development and a need to return to business as usual. A few stragglers stay around, but, by and large, Belhaim returns to work.

The guards look at each other, now faced with a rather feminine elf and a young girl. They don't get paid enough for this - let alone to deal with the dwarf. Then there was the man in the back, with the poor haircut, and that glazed-eye fellow...

The woman takes the lead again, as Hodd is still trying to steel himself from the dwarf's insults.

"Like I told the dwarf - you're more than welcome to go on in... But don't blame me when you end up dead. And with that damn apprentice showing up, I'd bet good silver that this whole thing has to do with Hunclay."

Finding his manhood, Hodd chimes in.

"Aye, Deputy Mulle's right - we've done our part. I won't stop you from throwing away your life - but I will go have a little chat with our resident wizard. If y'all want to be fools, then by all means, go ahead."

He turns to his partner, ignoring the rag-tag adventurers chomping at the bit to delve into a collapsing tower.

"Keep watch, Mulle, I'll be back in a bit."

Deputy Hodd, with renewed vigor, marches off towards the large manor house just down the way. The massive structure was imposing, with at least two floors and a large extension built onto the top. You assume this must be Hunclay's abode.

You detect nothing out of the ordinary.

You don't notice anything out of the ordinary from where you stand - the tower is largely collapsed, with only a single corner of it still standing. A pile of rubble is amassed there, although it still looks fairly unstable. It's impossible to tell why it collapsed without further examination.

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26
Deputy Mulle wrote:
"Aye, Deputy Mulle's right - we've done our part. I won't stop you from throwing away your life - but I will go have a little chat with our resident wizard. If y'all want to be fools, then by all means, go ahead."

Coming a step closer, Panros focused his eyes dead on the Deputy Mulle's and forged forth a speech that she would remember the rest of her life.

"Aye lass, step aside and let the pro's handle it. Up until now, ye guardsfolk had nothing short of Tomato robberies and boredom. Look at ye! Yall are nothing but stiff, unsure and shaky. But let those who have the will to fight and be strong for themselves lead. And aye, we dwarves may be blessed with long lives but the difference between me and you, though the gap is large - is that I choose to do something with my life. Remember this, the next time calamity strikes and yer standing in yer boots with jellyfish boy!" He said while pointing a heavy finger at Deputy Hodd.

Adjusting his backpack straps and tugging hard on his beard, Panros advances towards the tower. While standing within the threshold of the dilapidated structure, he scraps at the stone and grumbles. "Humans, hmph." While within the tower, he turned to face the remnants of the crowd, of which he saw Brok, Kanade, Alexander and Pixis all of which stared at him with disbelief. Using the acoustics of the ruin, he belted a challenge at his would be companions. "Oy, yall comin or not? Trouble seems to follow ye whereever so lets get dis done!"

And with that, Panros led the charge.

Perception to notice any hazards: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The heap of rubble looks solid enough. At the very least, nothing is going to fall on your head - but that's mostly because the tower is now laying on the ground below you.

As Panros approaches the tower, he gets a good look at the damage - almost the entire thing has been destroyed. Some of the rubble has even begun to slide down the hill, leaving a line of wreckage down the eastern hillside. One corner still stands, even reaching to the second floor, but access to the ground floor is blocked by the piles of rubble. Even a cursory examination of the ruins suggests that moving the rubble out of the way would be a monumental task.

It does, however, look as though the second floor is now exposed to the sky - since its walls have fallen down. It looks like you could probably climb the rubble up and reach this section.

Climb check.

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26

Panros didn't care if he speaking aloud or not. Over the crackling of the building, he wasn't sure if the other's had followed suite and if they did, Panros had established himself as one not to be trifled with. Either way, he was memorable.

Much of the first floor had been crumbled into messy ruins, which as expected because it was definitely not dwarven contruction. This fact bothered Panros because the only conventional access to the 2nd floor was no longer accessible.

"Take a note at Highhelm. No need for lofty stairs. We have steam powered lifts! Save's one's energy for their purpose, not climbing fer sure. Bah! That Wizard Doalgari's afraid of getting his brow wet, ha! Fly'er o'er up there, hah! Lets see a real pro handles it!"

Finding a suitable stack of rubble, Panros struggled to find a ledge that he could pull himself up from and make the journey upward.

"What ever's up thar's gotta be worth all this trouble!" said the dwarf between gasps while he scaled a nearby wall.

climb: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Where's that natural 20 when you need it?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

As the pebbles that used to be the tower slide around beneath his feet, the stout dwarf steels himself and climbs to the top as quickly as possible. Although much of the mound shifts under the dwarven girth, Panros ascends to the second floor successfully.

Whatever used to be here is unintelligible, as the collapse has ruined what furniture was here. There appear to be a trapdoor here, but a heavy crossbeam has fallen across it.

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26

"ha-haha-HAHAHAHAHA" Said Panros as his laughter echoed within the shell of the cracked ruin. Standing above the others who slowly entered the tower, Panros called out to them like a child who'd found the highpoint of a hill. "Oy! That wall over yon's yer best way up if yer inclined to. I can't such elves or the flayleaf user spending any effort towards climbing, but you Alex, might be able to use you up here." satisfied with his claim, the Dwarf's curiousity rose as he was standing within the remneants of what appeared to be a common area.

Such a shame really. Had it been crafted properly, may have served the test of time. Heck, may have been a suitable workshop, but we Dwarves seldomly build gaudy buildings such as this...

Refuse and broken debris layed scattered about, like a children's room after a horrible tantrum. Kicking away stones and shifting through dust, Panros adorned his goggles. Ahh...much better

Advancing foward, a heavy beam of wood blocked what appeared to be a trapdoor. Sensing this was the best option, Panros attempted to remove the wood by strength or his warhammer.

use whichever seems appropriate
Strength Check to remove wood: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Warhammer Attack on Heavy Wooden Beam: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Dmg: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The beam is heavier than you expected, so the logical course of action is to try and smash it to pieces. The wood, however, proves more resilient than you'd expected as well, although you did splinter the wood slightly. It's almost like this beam was meant to hold up an entire stone tower or something.

With two people, it'd be much easier to lift the beam out of the way.

Male Aasimar Monk 1

Alex ignores the guards completely and grimaces when the mage makes clearly overcompensating comments.

Before climbing the tower, it is probably a good idea to survey the area. Not only that, but also look for hazards in or around the tower.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

If everything looks okay, no reason not to help out a friend. Start climbing.

Climb: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

If climbing works out, help out.

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The rubble looks somewhat unstable, but you're fairly certain that you can make the climb with little effort. After all, a dwarf just did it!

With a running start, Alexander makes the ascent to the second floor look like a cakewalk. As each piece of rubble begin to slip beneath his feet, he nimbly hops upward and onto the next piece. In less than a minute, he stands beside Panros, his poorly trimmed hair dangling down to his shoulders.

Together, the duo manage to lift the heavy beam and push it aside - at least far enough for the trapdoor to be opened.

Light beams into the room below from the new entrance, and despite the damage from the tower's collapse, there is one thing that is very clear. Whatever ladder or staircase used to be here is certainly no longer. It's roughly a ten or fifteen foot drop down to the floor of this room. From here, it's hard to get a good look at anything down there... but it looks like there might be bodies?

Male Aasimar Monk 1

Alex peers into the abyss. He pauses for moment, brushes back his hair, contemplating.

"Panros, we need to find a way to light this. Is there any around here? We could do that or call out to the guards."

If they decide to call out to the guards:

Diplomacy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26

The now - horribly haired youth, Alexander easily proved his worth to the party by scaling the wall, moving the beam and not getting in his way.

Not even through the dust that began to settle within the tower could Panros see what lay at the bottom of the trapdoor. There was no way he would jump in there carelessly, surrendering his life in such manner would only give the Wizard glee. But that was it! Panros had functions that not even the Wizard Doalgari could emulate - Dwarven Genius!

Alexander wrote:
"Panros, we need to find a way to light this. Is there any around here? We could do that or call out to the guards."

Setting his backpack aside, the Dwarf began to shuffle through neatly pack items while Alexander squatted nearby with a puzzled expression. Offering little less than grumbles and occasional "heh", Panros brandished two items from his pack - A fancy looking stick and a coil of rope.

"That rope's ordinary, but this right here! One of my latest inventions! Its called a Sunrod and you'll see why!" exclaimed the alchemist as he showed off a footlong metallic rod wrapped in cloth that ran along the length of the device, ending in a golden tip.

Without any hesitation, Panros cracked the rod on a nearby rock which producing an unlikely reaction. As if a swarm of buzzing fireflies stirred, the metallic rod bore illumination equal to that of an earnest torch! But it was different, it lacked the flame and wrappings of a traditional lightbringer.

Stepping towards the lip of the trapdoor, Panros continued his lecture. "Sunrod makes dark places like nothing! Not even water could put this baby out!" Guiding Alex, the Dwarf devised a plan. "Now, yer a brave one, aye. Secure dat rope and you'll have dis here rod to light yer way. Any trouble, and I'll tug ya the way how you bounced back dere gives me the inclination you won't be needin' me."

With a toothy grin he smiled and looked towards the hole. "Any questions?"

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

DMPC for Brok

Watching the dwarf and the long-haired guy bound up the wreckage didn't sit well with Brok. Such strenuous activity was not Brok's forte. Still, he wasn't about to left behind when there was something interesting going on. Who knows what kinds of goodies that wizard kept in his tower?

"Hold on there, fellas, I'm coming!"

Leaning into the run, he started up the rubble - and Rufus was right behind him.

Climb: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

...And back down he came. The rubble slid beneath his feet, and Brok lacked the manual dexterity to leap from piece to piece like Alexander. As the wreckage settled back down at the base, so too did Brok.

Rufus, however, had none of these problems - instead waiting up at the top and practically laughing at his companion. With a grunt of disapproval at the effort this took, Brok gave it another go.

Climb Part2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

This time he ascended all the way to the top of the mound. Breathing heavily to catch his breath, he peered down into the hole of the trapdoor.

"Big hole. Think there's anything good down there? Like - say - some more of the 'leaf?"

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

"Hey guys!! Wait up! Wait Brok!"

I run toward the tower, right behind Brok, who just started climbing.

climb: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

holy sh*t..... I just got pooed

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Anxious to catch up, Pixis sprints towards the pile of rubble. Unfortunately, the mound shifts beneath his weight. He tries to catch himself, but only succeeds in loosing his balance. Tumbling backwards, he starts to slide backwards on his back, smashing his head against several rocks on the way down.

Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

current HP: 4

I lie on the ground like an infantile retard.
I get up and try to climb up once again.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Still woozy from the fall, Pixis tries once more to scale the rubble. Now half-crawling up the tower's ruins, he fails to make any real progress up the ascent before once again sliding back down on the shifting rocks. He does, however, manage to avoid hitting his head again.

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

I get up once again and run toward the tower once again.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

After a remarkable display of ineptitude, Pixis finally manages to scale his way to the second floor of the tower, battered and bruised.

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

watching the cissy fails, I tried to climb beside him to follow others -althogh it was quite disgusting to see the cissy's blood.
Climb:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

If I failed:

I try againClimb: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

If I succeed:

I go to the hole

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Maybe it's a little late to be mentioning this, but... it's 'sissy'. With an 's'.

Doing her best to contain her laughter at Pixis's failure, Kanade easily scales the tower ruin and joins the others, peering down into the room below.

Male Aasimar Monk 1

"Alright, help me tie this rope then." Alex says as he accepts the dwarfs two items. After securing the rope, he grins, puts the light-stick between his teeth, and starts rappelling down with the rope.

"Geronimo!", he yells, trying to be cool. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that he can't talk with something in his mouth and so the light stick falls out onto the ground.

If nothing happens when he gets down to the bottom, he relays it is safe to the dwarf and anyone else above the trapdoor.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The room is mostly collapsed, but this small section of room remains clear of rubble and (mostly) standing. Cracked bits of stone, wood, and sealing materials lay scattered across the floor, coating everything in a pale grey dust.

From here, you can now notice there is a companion door to the one above - another trapdoor, this one of iron, lay set into the floor. A pile of wood is what you assume used to be the ladder between them.

Amongst another pile of scrap wood, what might have been a table, are two small corpses. Lizard-like in appearance, with green scales and extended snouts, it appears they must have been caught in the collapse - at least, the large brick that has impacted one of their skulls suggests such.

But they don't get up and try to eat you, nor doe the ceiling fall on your head, so you're fairly certain the room is safe.


Male Aasimar Monk 1

>implying I have knowledge skills

Alex hastily wipes off the light stick and drinks in the surroundings.

"Hey dwarf! There's an iron trap door down here! I could use some help! Besides two lizard corpses, It looks relatively safe!"

Alex attempts to pry open the metal door with his sword like a crowbar.

Weapon Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The trapdoor is heavy, but certainly no heavier than the fallen support beam. With a heave, Alexander lifts it open a crack using his blade, then forces it the rest of the way with his arm and shoulder. With a heavy slam, the iron door falls to the side, leaving the passage open.

Although the room below is dark, the light from Panros's light-stick shines down below. It looks as though the collapse ruined this ladder as well. You'll need more rope if you have any intention of climbing back out. Beyond that, though, it is nearly impossible to make out anything from the dark gloom.

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

After I succeeded climbing up the tower, I went down into the hole with the rope following Alex. I decided to look around and search the place.
Perception check:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
I also decided to have a closer look at the tower and its stablity etc.
Knowledge(engineering) check:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Kanade, anxious to pummel something that would not get her in trouble with the law, slid down the rope and joined Alex in the dim light of the half-collapsed chamber. She, too, noted the strange lizard-like creatures partly crushed beneath the tower's debris. After poking them, she decided they were quite unmistakably dead, though this did not actually help her figure out what they were.

Shrugging, she walked about the room and ran her arm over the wall, trying to identify any faults in the still-standing bits of the structure.


The tower has unmistakably been severely damaged. As far as you can tell, though, the room you're in is fairly sturdy. It was likely the furthest room from whatever caused the collapse - and also the closest to the ground. So long as no one mucks with the supports of this particular room - or the supports holding it up - you should be fine.

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

I decided to pull out my swords. Then I realized my swords are gone. Therefore, I decided to lit my arrow and shoot it toward the dark room over the iron door in order to inspect inside.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I'm going to assume you lit a torch so that you could light an arrow up and toss it down the hole, since you don't actually have magic to light it up that way.

With a few clicks from her flint and steel, Kanade's torch lights up the chamber. Drawing an arrow from her quiver, she sets it ablaze and drops the still-burning object down into the room below. Although the flame is small, the quasi-torch casts dancing shadows across the walls of the chamber.

This chamber appears much bigger than the one you stand in - perhaps sixty feet across, divided into two separate wings. Masonry and dirt line the floor - no different from the one you stand in now. It looks like there is a door on one side of the room, but it's tough to tell while you peeking into the room like this - it might just be a decoration. Some of the wall look a little concerning, but you suspect that whatever damage they suffered has already been done. If they were going to collapse, they probably would have already.

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

I follow Alex the monk into the collapsed chamber and near the trapdoor.
I notice the great darkness in there, so I light up a torch that I had.

"Now, Can you see anything, monk? Something dangerous? A possible enemy? Anything at all?"

I enter the trapdoor and company Alex.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

if I notice sth:

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

I decided to go into the room and look around with my arrows charged.
Perception Check:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

You don't notice anything that was not already seen by the others in general descriptor above.

As Pixis slide down to the first floor, joining Alex in looking through the trapdoor, Kanade grabs hold of the rope and continue down into the lower chamber. As she had noted before, the room has two wings to either side, with dry-rotten bedframes lined up in them. The room is bisected by the center bit, where Kanade now stands with bow at the ready. On the south wall lies a single, large iron door. Opposite this, is a massive iron statue, rusted across the front section. It is at least as tall as a man, if not more.

DM Rolls:

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

As I coming down I called for the druid as I saw a massive iron statue to ask him about it. Also, i went up through a rope to call ohters.
"Here's something stupidly big iron statue. This is quite amaizing! There is the room has two wings to either side, with dry-rotten bedframes lined up in them. Come and see it!"
Climb check:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The loose rope proves tougher to climb than Kanade had expected, as she half-slipped back down the rope each time she tried to start her climb. Giving up, she calls up to the people on the ground level instead.

Her calls abruptly stop and are replaced by a sudden yelp of pain as a burning sensation shoots up Kanade's left leg. It suddenly feels very numb...

She look down to find a pair of massive bugs crawling near her feet - one of which has sunk its mandibles through her pantleg. They are each at least the size of small dogs - with thousands of legs, and a pair of angry looking pincers near the head.

Kanade takes 1 point of damage, and 3 points of Dexterity damage.. Time for Initiative!

DM Rolls:

Atk 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Dmg 1: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Atk 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Kanade Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Dex Dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Ini: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Dem's some bad rolls.


Ability damage is not permanent, but it really sucks. Your effective score is three lower, including for weapon finesse, Dex AC, and skill checks. It comes back at a rate of 1/day, or faster if you get healing. Sorry.

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26

Panros couldn't help but to chuckle as the adventurers piled one after another down into the hole below. "Brave and stupid they might be...but I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt.". While tugging hard on the rope which stood anchored to a nearby wall."What's stopping this structure from...permanently stopping us from returnin..."

He could hear the echoes of Kanade describing all that she saw below, as if she was on some field trip and time began to drift. "Agh...wait any longer and I'll be left behind..."

Offering a small prayer to Angradd, Panros grasped the rope and shimmied himself downward to the first room.

The excitement was unbearable as he was returning oncemore underground. He could feel the temperature in the stone change, that cool but crisp atmosphere that felt welcoming. Within minutes, Panros was 15ft below, and he came across the bodies that Alexander mentioned. Pulling out a torch, he ignited the wrappings and secured the device inbetween a few rocks as a permanent light source. Looking down, Panros tried to identify what manner of creatuer perished within the Tower's disaster.

Knowledge Nature on corpses: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Panros Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

- - --

Did someone order the Combat Platter?

Male Aasimar Monk 1

Alex Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

As more people join him, he smiles and attempts to look down the hole with the dwarfs light stick. The 'Kanade' person chucks an arrow down there and stands on the edge, looking over.

"Before we go down, we should make sure to look a bit more-", says Alex as the headstrong Kanade heads down hastily. "Wait-!" says Alex, followed by hearing the girl yelp in pain.

S*%#. A magically crumbling tower and people were inside and maybe it was his fault since he opened that last door.

"I.. I won't let a tragedy happen like that time again.." Alex said automatically, looked down at his trembling hands.

'Wait, what am I saying? Like before..?' For a second, Alex thought he had remembered something important. 'No time for introspection, I have to act if I want there to be a better tomorrow.

"Let me show you THIS! The secret last resort technique of my monk order!" Alex forcefully thrust his hand into the air pointing to the sky. He then flicked his wrist forward, then back, grabbing the sword on his back. He bent his legs, clenched his teeth, and pulled the moved the sword horizontal on his shoulder, making the sword strap taunt enough to break.

The wind almost guided him forward as he jumped up as high as he could, his sword and the sheath made of cloth unraveling and spiraling behind him. As the last of the cloth ran out, he spun his sword around before gripping it in two hands and landing hard on the ground below, causing the cracked bricks to break and bits of them fly out. Dust cloud floating up into the air.

"Take THISSSSSS!", Alex said as he cleaved with his temple sword as fast as humanly possible, making the dust cloud appear as if it was waves coming off the sword.

"RAAARRDGARJFRAAAAAFKDJAFKAJKDFK", the monster replies in a horrifying alien voice.

Rolling Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Rolling Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

If it makes it to the next round of combat:


Rolling Flurry: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Rolling Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Rolling Flurry: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Rolling Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

DMPC for Brok

Ini: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Standing alone at the top of the hole with his buddy Rufus, Brok peers down into the darkness. A few torches and a strange light-stick break up the gloom, but it otherwise does not look very inviting. He looks to Rufus, who seems to shrug.

"I know, man. It's a big hole. And you don't have hands!"

Rufus holds up his paws, bottom up, as though confused. He's pretty sure he has hand-like things.

"Naw, man. I mean, like, um... fingers. You don't have fingers to climb with!" He waves his own fingers about, as though gloating over the great humanoid advantage - the opposable thumb.

With something resembling a laugh, the badger leaps forward onto the rope, and begins climbing down, upside down, with remarkable agility. Brok stared, somewhat dumbfounded by the action, as he reached for the rope himself... and suddenly heard the strange violent girl cry out from below. He gripped the rope in both hands, then glared straight down at the scene below.

"Hang on, crazy girl!"

Brok wasn't about to dive into the darkness, though. Torches were nice and all... but the smell always made him want to light one up instead of doing something. Work was too hard. Instead, he clenched his fist and focused his energies, trying to channel the very light of the sun into his palm. In a moment, the magic was prepared, and he unleashed it upon his own shirt - sending out a sudden emanation of light from himself.

Meanwhile, Rufus had reached the bottom, and was pouncing on top of one of the oversized vermin.

Casting light on self. Rufus attacks.
Rufus Bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Dmg: 1d4 ⇒ 2

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

"Jesus Christ! What the hell is that thing?! That poor lady is dying! Holy ass! Gotta somehow help 'em!"

First, I throw the torch that I was holding toward the centipede.
Then, I draw up my bow and charge it with an arrow, targeting the head of the centipede.

attack with longbow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

After shooting, I get ready to draw up a flail.

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

!!! Poison? I cannot move as well as i did before. This must be ha...
As Pixis threw his torch to me I caught it.
"Thanks! And it would be better if someone throws a sword to me. It would be much better if it's two."
Then, I sarted to attack a centepide nearer to me with two torches.
attack with a torch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
another torch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
"By the way, I am not crazy Brok"
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Initiatives for the Derps who forgot.:

Pixis: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Kanade: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Combat order:

Alexander leaps down from above, his sword poised to strike. Unfortunately, the close quarters and panicking Kanade make it difficult for him to land a blow.

DM Rolls:

Atk 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Dmg1: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Atk2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
dmg2: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Kanade Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Dex Dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 2

The bugs, however, do not hesitate to swarm about Kanade's feet, now half-climbing onto her pants as they repeatedly stab into the material and try to find flesh. One of them manages to do so again, tearing another hole in Kanade's leg as it starts to numb from the pain...

I am sorry. Kanade takes 1 damage, and 2 Dex damage.

As Kanade panics, Brok leaps to... inaction, while Rufus rapidly descends the rope to help the strange young woman. His valiant efforts, however, fail to harm the bugs.

In her weakened state, Kanade flails about with her improvised weapons - grabbing a second torch tossed to her by Pixis from above. The flames make the bugs think twice about their attack, as they back up slightly, but her blows cleanly miss their targets, leaving them uninjured. In a moment truly blessed by Desna, however, Kanade's immune system manages to purge itself of the poisons coursing through her veins, and feeling begins to return to her legs - although they still feel wobbly.

Pixis, however, does not have this problem. With his hands free from the torch, he grabs for his bow, its breadth taking up a considerable amount of room in the small chamber. With an arrow nocked and aimed, he fires straight down, piercing through the head of one of the centipedes. It flails in agony, and seems to have lost control of its body, but will not yet rest in death.

Bug takes 5 damage.

Panros, busy inspecting the bodies behind Pixis, was unable to join the combat as quickly as the others. However, he was fairly certain he'd uncovered exactly what these lizard-things were.

These creatures were unmistakably kobolds. These small reptilian creatures tend to live in small to moderately sized tribes, preferring underground caves and caverns for their homes. It is unusual for them to be in a man-made structure like this. Futhermore, you know that kobolds tend to have a strict hierarchy - to a leader, warchief, priest, or some other power. This behavior is likely due to their small stature, giving them a sense of comfort under another's leadership. So most likely - these two were here for a reason. And probably not alone?
Stop getting 20s.

Male Dwarven Alchemist 3 ( Grenadier ) +2 Initiative, +6 Perception, AC 17 / Touch AC 14 / Flat Footed AC15 (+4 Dodge vs Giants), Saves F+4(+5 vs Poison, Spells & Spell Like abilities )/ R +5 / W +2 ( +2 vs Charm & Compulsion ) HP:19/26

On my next turn

The combined hissing, screaming and yelling from the chamber that lay below caused Panros to stop his observation and check upon his comrades. "WE GOT BLASTED KOBOLDS! KOBOLDS! THEY DONT BELONG HERE. WHAT ARE KOBOLDS DOIN' IN A MAN MADE STRUCTURE!!!" Panros roared as he tried to make sense of the situation. His attention switched to the thrills of combat that was occuring.What's this that they're up against? Hordes of creatures? Hah! I've got the solution!

Snatching a vial from his belt, Panros pushed the cork stopper in hard and shook it with vigor, causing vapor and bubbles to escape through holes within the porous material.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!" he roared thinking that the others understood well enough what was about to happen.

In a swift toss, the Alchemist lobbed a bomb past Brok which dropped to the chamber below. Well, whatever's down there is sure enough dead in mah opinion.

Standard Action
Bomb Toss 20ft downward: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
If missed, here's the splash item roll
Splash Dmg Miss?: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Bomb Fire Dmg: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 DC 14 Reflex for 1/2 dmg. Min 4dmg
3/4 bombs remaining

Not until he lobbed the explosive did it occur to the Dwarf that those below may have not heard him. "TAKE COVER!!!!". All he could hear was the popping of his mighty explosive and the screams from below.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

As Panros began to yell something about kobolds, Alexander tightly gripped his sword and rushed forward with a dazzling display of swordsmanship, waving the blade back and forth as though slicing through the air itself. In a single instant, green ichor flew from both centipedes - as the blade cleaved through one and into the half-dead other.

With their lifeblood leaking onto the floor through cracked exoskeletons, the two bugs ceased movement.

My bad - I realized Alex's prepared second round actions were effectively game-enders. Panros can keep his bomb... and not blow everyone up! Kanade still has to make Fort saves to stop the poison... up to six.

Make them in succession (since the damage would happen every 6-10 seconds or so, in game) and stop when one of them beats 14. If you cheat, I'll know.

(she)Male Elf Ranger / level 1

After seeing Alex slash the s*~# out of two centipedes, I get relieved and call the ones down in the hole.

"Hey down there, are you all right? You seem to be having a baad time trying to stand up, Kanade. Something wrong with your legs?"

As I say that, I take out a knotted rope from by bag and set it on the top of the hole entrance. Then, I also climb down the rope into the hole.

Perception on any other things dangerous or suspicious: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Heal Kanade: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Knowledge Nature, Dungeoneering, Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 221d20 ⇒ 151d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Sending another rope down into the hole, Pixis descends the knotted rope and joins the others at the bottom. Taking a cursory look at Kanade's injury, it looks as though the young woman will have to endure the poison's effects herself.

Moving on to the rest of the room, Pixis looked around the room, trying to see if there were any more threats lurking in the wing.

You don't see any other movement in the room. The centipedes are quite dead - and you were fortunate that they were only this large. From your travels, you've heard of breeds that grow up to the size of horses and more. The room itself buckled in several places from the damage to the tower, but you are fairly certain they will hold - so long as no one tries to dig through them or move the pillars.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32


Feeling left out - and now glowing - Brok slide down the un-knotted rope and joins the others at the bottom of the tower's ruined husk. Rufus gives something similar to a shrug, then crawls up Brok and take a perch on the man's shoulder. He paws at Brok's ears, then points to the strange iron statue. Brok turns and starts at the sight.

"Whoa! That's thing's creepy. Who builds a statue of pure iron, then leaves it to get all rusty?"

Rufus taps Brok on the head a few times.

"Oh, right. No one home, I guess. Still - weird."

He walked over and gave it a poke and a prod, seeing if it had any signs of its purpose or significance. Surely the maker didn't just like ugly iron guys.

Or maybe he did. Brok wasn't going to rule out that possibility. Humans are a strange folk.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Female Aasimar Fighter(double-weapon)/1

[i]"Damn poison..Paralyzing me.."[i]
Fuccking fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
I decided to go inside more, but before that..
"Someone can give me a sword.. It would be better if it's two. Or that flail would be good also. And thanks for trying to heal me Pix"

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