The Don of the Dead |

Hi all, I'm a new pbp DM, hoping to attract five or six players for the new Paizo module, The Dragon's Demand.
You should know that this will be my first foray into the world of pbp, and that I don't consider myself a Pathfinder rules expert in any sense of the word (though I have played it, and its third edition D&D predecessor, a bit). I have been playing and DMing tabletop rpg's for a long time, though, dating back to the early 1980's. Currently, though, I find myself without a face to face group, so I turn to pbp to scratch the itch.
I consider myself something of an 'old-school' GM, and will rule as I see fit for the good of the game. Rules Lawyers hate me, and I'm okay with that. My plan for this game is generally to not provide combat maps, and to play it a bit fast and loose with combat rules. This should help keep the game moving, and allow for some fun, cinematic moments in combat. I'm also kicking around the idea of incorporating something like an 'escalation die' from 13th Age (basically, a bonus to attack rolls that continually increases as combat goes along). If you're a player who wants to think very tactically about combat, and need a grid to visualize everything, this probably is not the game for you.
I want to tell an immersive story with this game, and encourage my PCs to try new and different things, even if not expressly supported in the rules as written. It involves a good deal of faith in me as the GM, and in the other players as well. I will be permissive in my rulings, when requests are supported by good writing, good role-playing and a motivation to advance characterization and storyline. This is not an avenue for power gamers to become infallible superheroes, and attempts at such will be squashed without pity.
I expect that the posting rate of this game will be moderate. Some days I have loads of time to post all throughout the day. Some days, I will be lucky to get in one substantive post. Still, even on those days I should be able to get on and answer questions, make brief updates, and so forth. I'd like it if players also could try to contribute something to the game most every day, even if just a short post.
Okay, if you're still here, let's proceed as follows. Prospective players should write three paragraphs for me.
Paragraph one: Tell me something about yourself. It could be about your rpg or pbp experience, your family, your gaming or non-gaming interests... favorite video games, TV shows, comic books, really anything you like. Or hate. I just want to get a little sense of who you are, and see if anything you write resonates with me. I'd also like to know what your typical posting schedule looks like (excepting vacations, illness, etc.)
Paragraph two: The fluff. I want to know about the character you're interested in playing in this game. Give me a name, a nice physical description, some personality, some background. None of this need be in great detail, but I want to know that you've thought about a character concept in a way that goes beyond the stats on the sheet.
Paragraph three: The crunch. I don't want to read a full character sheet right now. If you already have one made, fine, but it's not needed. I just want to know the character's race and class, and your thoughts about party role (Front line fighter, skill monkey, party face, healer, etc.) If you have any inklings about further class advancement, let me know that as well. Nothing will be set in stone, I just want to know what you're thinking about.
I realize that paragraphs two and three above will be easier if I provide some character creation details. As follows...
-PCs start at 1st level and probably can be expected to advance to around 6th level if we complete the entire module.
-Stats generated by 20 point buy
-Average starting gold according to class
-No Traits. Instead, choose one Profession, Craft, Performance, or Knowledge skill (as supported by your character's background), treat it as a class skill, and put a free rank therein.
-Heroic aligned characters only
-Races allowed: Core only preferred, though I might be persuaded to allow one of the following upon a well-reasoned request: Aasimar, Tiefling, Catfolk, Tengu
-Classes allowed: All Core, plus Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Witch.
-Archetypes may be approved upon request
Well that's enough from me! I welcome all game applicants, questions, or comments. I'll probably hold the recruitment process open for 4 or 5 days, but I reserve the right to close up shop earlier if flooded with high quality applicants. Thanks for reading!

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I"m brand new to play by post gaming but I am very interested in playing in this group, I share similar beliefs of how games should work. i prefer to play with the role playing being the main aspect. I have played pathfinder for about two years and feel comfortable playing a couple different classes.

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Well I’m a 24 year old nerdy male who is a Virginia native but I have lived in New Jersey for the last ten years. I have had several different types of jobs, I have worked in construction and was a bouncer at a couple different bars in my area. I have also owned a game store for a couple years but due to the economy and local competitors I was forced out of business. I am currently going to college working towards a social work degree and work a crumby part time to pay some bills. Because of me owning a store and being a uber nerd before that I have a decent nerd pedigree. I started out playing miniature games like Warhammer Fantasy and Warmachine/Hordes, I have played TCGs like magic: the gathering and L5R, as for RPGs I have never played D&D but I have played and run campaigns for Pathfinder, World of Darkness, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying.
The character I intend on playing has been with me off and on since the beginning of my RPG days. The Mighty Pizzmic is a very outspoken gnome enchantment wizard that resembles Garlic Jr from the Old Dragon Ball Z cartoons. He is obsessed with amassing great wealth and power, and can be often quite selfish (chaotic neutral) but will not stand idly by while evil threatens the weak or innocent. Pizzmic is haunted by his past as a very young gnome his village of shallow mire(made up town) was ransacked by goblin raiders who killed most of the villagers and sold him into the slavery to a traveling circus. The cruel ringleader and street wizard Montego forced Pizzmic to assist him in all facets of the circus none of which were more dangerous then the magical performances. Through his years of servitude Pizzmic was taught several spells from Montego to aid him in his performances. While locked in his cell with other prisoners Pizzmic eventually devised a plan to distract and overcome their horrible captor. Several of his mates died in the ordeal but Pizzmic gained his freedom. He now lives his life not willing to be used as anyone’s pawn and will fight against those who seek to oppress. He also has a uncanny hatred for circus’ as a result.
Pizzmic’s Starting Stats at Level one with 20 creation points:
Str 8
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 16
Pizzmic built as a support character that uses mind controlling effects to sway the course of a battle in the favor of his group, but as he levels he will be taking fire based spells that usually helps with crowd control. He uses guile and diplomacy to manipulate situations to best help the group and is often the face of the party. He pairs really well with a lawful good character like a paladin because the moral compass of the good character helps keep Pizzmic going to wild. I will play up or play down his character depending on the other players. He is always a lot of fun to play and adds some unique problem solving ideas to any situation. Pizzmic and I could be a fun addition to any group that values fun casual role-playing.

GM_Jacob |

1. Hello, I've done PbP in the past, but took a long break lately for real-life things (getting married in October!) I have GMed a few games and played in few as well. Outside of PbP, I've GMed a few games, Pathfinder and a few others, but not a ton. I'm totally in line with your play style, and I consider myself an "old school" gamer, although I'm not technically old enough to say that...
2. Touchstone is a Halfling who prides himself in his work, although his work isn't quite standard Halfling fare. He used to be an engineer for a large contractor until he got fired (long story, but it was all his fault), but now he's down and out, trying to quietly live down his foolish mistake.
Touchstone is task focused, and prefers whatever accomplishes a task most efficiently. The most heinous act in Touchstone's eyes is foolish error. He has no patience for repeated mistakes, and will not hesitate to express such displeasure. Touchstone is forceful and has a strong personality, but has little regard for emotions or feelings. He is interested in facts and evidence, not opinion or hearsay. He suffers a bit from "little man syndrome" due to being a Halfling in a human's and dwarf's world of engineering. He is not predisposed to good or evil, but prefers good when the opportunity presents itself. He would never kill an innocent person, but has little qualms defending himself, stealing, lying, cheating, or any other manner of lesser transgressions if it's suitably justified by his goals.
3. Touchstone is Halfling Rogue, LN, and will be serving as a skills/utility player. Hopefully some support (not magic, but tactical) roles will be available during combat. I'll likely remain fully rogue, and continue to pursue utility/noncombatant directions.

Belros Carter |

Howdy ho! This is a character I'm submitting for this campaign. I haven't quite made out his background yet, but expect a cookie-cutter "Priest turned to adventure ring" story.
I'm fairly new to both PbP and the site itself, and I might as well be honest by saying this is my first online session. I have been playing Pathfinder on-and-off for the last two and a half years, but with a group of friends who all have widely different universities, time schedules are very difficult and I don't find myself playing as much as I'd like. My past experiences have mostly been, well, very comical and non-formal, and it saps away some of the storyline and character progression, and that's something I hope to accomplish with PbP, if you'll have me on board!
I'll get to work on a long and proper background, but the basic story is that he grew up the son of a guardsman - they had a rather troubled home, where alcohol abuse and arguments were the foundation of his childhood. He joined a church as a young man of sixteen to get away from it all, and he was raised a fine priest of Abadar, finding peace in his teachings and somewhat firm rigidness on what is just. Right now, he's looking to uphold the tenants of Abadar and help out with the foundation of civilizations around the known globe.
Lastly, my character. I've filled up all the stats in his profile as best as possible, and he'll be just typical Abadar: wielding a variety of buff spells and using a light crossbow to provide range damage.
EDIT: I thought I'd add a bit of personality to give an impression of how he would be in a group. He values organization, clear roles and hard work above friendship, improvisation and 'getting things done quick and easy'. He knows the law, as is demanded from a Priest of Abadar, but he also knows the various loopholes and changes that keep the book of Law an everchanging product. He won't have any hesitation to correct his allies if they don't think twice about breaking a law to do a good deed: the end doesn't always justify the needs.

The Don of the Dead |

Pizzmic, no apology necessary. There's no rush. Right now, I'm just getting a feel for who might want to give the game a try, and see how many applicants I get. After I've closed the recruitment process, I'll select the players that I deem the best fit for the game.
Edit: I will say that I can see some interesting ideas for role-playing opportunities so far, so thanks to you 'early adopters' for getting the ball rolling!

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Hi, I'd like to apply as well. I haven't put this into an alias yet, but I can at any time.
I'm getting to be pretty experienced at PBP, I have GM'ed a handful of Pathfinder Society scenarios on the boards and I'm playing in a handful of others. I check in throughout the day and I can usually post a couple of times. I just started playing Pathfinder in May, but I'm getting better at it. I have earmarked this adventure as one I really want to play for some time now.
I'm somewhere on the geek/nerd continuum. I used to really love Star Wars, but not Star Trek. I like fantasy and a little scifi, but not comic books, and I'm not really a fan of much superhero stuff. That said, I really enjoy quality console RPGS. My favorites are Dragon Quest VIII and Super Mario RPG.
My character is Gunther Durnhelm. He is a bear of a man in his early thirties. Friends describe him as "burly" or "brawny" but not "ripped" or "chiseled". He's a woodcutter by trade who learned how to use his axe in battle while serving with the town militia.
He is very suspicious of strangers, but fiercely loyal to family and friends. You want him at your back in a fight, because he can hit like a ton of bricks. He's got a good heart, but is easily angered and can allow his emotions to take over, leading him to sometimes rash behavior. He has a strong sense of justice, but doesn't feel like waiting for the law to take its course is always best. His rash behavior and physical bulk mask a keen mind, and he is definitely smarter than most people take him for at first.
Preliminary Crunch:
Gunther Durnhelm
Chaotic Good Human Fighter 1
16 STR
14 DEX
15 CON
12 INT
11 WIS
10 CHA
My plan is to multiclass one or two levels of rogue, to fit in with my vision of his personality and character.

Marcus the Dog |

Haha with the way these party members are appearing you are in bad need of a Paladin, somebody who's Lawful Good but acts Neutral Good, somebody to give the party a moral compass.
One: I'm a college kid studying bio medical engineering. I've been playing for a couple of years, been DM'ing for two and make a lot of homebrew campaigns. I favor roleplaying heavily, and often reward players in my campaign if they play their character well, regardless if it helps or hurts them functionally.
Two: I have an interesting character concept. Screw the old 'sword and board' tank paladin. He does about 0 damage if they're not evil and is so unkillable he's ignored anyways. I propose Roran Strax, a man thrust into the care of savage orcs when he was little and raised as a barbarian. Growing up in such a world made him strong, however being a human in a world of orcs, half orcs, and ogres left him as a very good talker compared to his peers, and he is ruggedly handsome. As a noblewoman and her paladin bodyguard were traveling through their woods, Roran sprung them in an attempt to rob them. However, he found his vicious attack style couldn't do a thing to the stalwart paladin, who calmly fended off his worst blows and left continuous bruisers in return. Finally Roran gave up, and the paladin pitied him and his situation. Once Roran realized he was an oddity and didn't belong in the wilderness, he went with the two and was taught of the world, where he was accepted into the church as an initiate. After many long years, he emerged as a proud, if rugged, paladin. Roran has a simple approach to the world, a deep throated laugh, and an easy smile that makes others want to forget their worries, sit down with a beer, and tell stories through the night. Even though most other holy warriors offer a stalwart defense of those who need protection, Roran carries an enormous greatsword with the idea that "evil can't hurt you if I killed it first"
Three: Hardly have a crunch up yet, just the character concept, but it will be a Paladin that fights like a barbarian. High strength, crit and power attack focused, not doing quite as much damage as a savage barbarian but being quite a bit harder to kill than them.
Should have better crunch up under an alias by late tomorrow

Belros Carter |

I have some confusion about positioning and distance. I can imagine a personal space where you can mention: "The goblin is in front of the fighter at adjecent range". However, I'm wondering how this works with all the players, and how it all sums up in combat.
Like I mentioned, I'm quite the newbie to PbP, and if this is a standard, I'd love to learn it so I'm all the wiser next time!

The Don of the Dead |

I have some confusion about positioning and distance. I can imagine a personal space where you can mention: "The goblin is in front of the fighter at adjecent range". However, I'm wondering how this works with all the players, and how it all sums up in combat.
Like I mentioned, I'm quite the newbie to PbP, and if this is a standard, I'd love to learn it so I'm all the wiser next time!
Ha, well no, it's not 'standard' at all. It's all very freeform and experimental and I'm essentially making it all up as I go along.
I don't really want to get into lengthy discussions on my rules proposals here, since it's the recruitment thread. I posted my early thoughts only so that prospective players can have an idea of what they'd be in for if they should express interest in the game.
Further rules discussion can happen, as it were, under the Discussion thread once we've got a group of players finalized.
All that being said, I'll consider your confusion, and see if I can add some more detail to Campaign Info to make my intentions clearer.

The Don of the Dead |

As promised, The List.
Applicants so far:
Pizzmic, Gnome Wizard (Enchanter)
Touchstone, Halfling Rogue
Belros Carter, Human Cleric of Abadar
Gunther Durnhelm, Human Fighter
Roran Strax, Human Paladin
And, some folks who have expressed interest, but have not yet submitted a full application:
John Stout
Viscount K
I think that's everyone so far.