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The zombie's claw hits Dario across the throat, cutting a huge gash. The Professor stumbles back and falls, unconscious.
Stabilize: 1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 - 1 = 17

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Dario slowly sits up after the healing by Kyroden. "Oh, that was bad. Sharp and nasty." The Professor struggles to his feet, clearly much better, but still feeling the effects.

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Kraggan takes a concerned look at his compatriots "How are you feeling? That was a bad blow you took there."
When Dario and Naomi sit up again, he starts to look at the room and especially the corpse.
Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

DM Tobi |

Okay that's what I thought, just wasn't sure when it seemed like you healed both at once.
Searching around the room and the corpse, you find a note (most like written by the damphir) detailing a plan to start an army of the undead using the "fish people" that frequent the caves. Also you find a small pearl, and unique looking ring.

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Dario closes his eyes briefly and then opens them. his eyes flash blue for a split-second and he looks at the pearl and ring.
Detect Magic

DM Tobi |

@Caikahn: Nothing shows up as evil
@Dario: Both the ring and the pearl give off magic auras. After studying for a bit longer, you can tell the pearl gives off a strong aura of transmutation magic, while the ring is of the abjuration school.
Spellcraft checks to identify the items if you want.
Hey guys, since this pretty much finishes up the adventure. If you can please make sure that the information that you gave me in the discussion page (Society number and all) is correct for your character so I can start getting the chronicles up and ready to go.

DM Tobi |

@Dario: Looking over the pearl you think you start to figure out what it is, then the information slips away. You just can't figure out what it is, but taking up the ring and looking it over, you easily figure out that this is a ring that will protect you from harm. Ring of Protection +1
@Kyroden: Taking up the pearl and studying it for a bit of time, you understand that the pearl will allow certain magic uses to restore the power they used to cast a spell. Pearl of Power lvl 1

DM Tobi |

Taking a few more minutes to search around the room, you manage to find a section of wall that pushes in and leads into a twisting tunnel system that leads you up.
The route to the surface leads through a maze of tight passages that include steep ascents and short climbs as they wind from west to east. The tunnels range from 2 to 5 feet wide and average about 9 feet high. The floors and walls are all slick with moisture, making traveling difficult, but not impossible.
After following the passageway for a bit more time, things begin to look more familiar, and soon you appear at the entrance to the cave where you spotted Janira fighting the minotaur.
Near the cave mouth, Janira sits her eyes closed and she is breathing steadily.

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Dario smiles as they return above ground. As much as he enjoyed excavations, he never liked being trapped underground. "Janria! Look what we found. We defeated some undead too."

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Janira stirs as you approach. Looking over at you she smiles and gets up, taking a look at the offered items.
"Good to see you all again. I see you managed to find a few trinkets. Very lucky of you."
"Now if you feel like you've explored the cave to satisfaction, we will make our way back to Absalom so you can make your report to the Lodge."

DM Tobi |

The trip back to Absalom is uneventful, allowing you all to go back over the events that happened to you in the past day.
Once safely back at the Grand Lodge, Master of Scroll Kreighton Shaine inquires excitedly about what has been found.
"Please please, let me look at the notes that you have taken." Shaine looks over the notes quickly at first, before looking at each of the group. "Excellent notes from you. It is always a good idea to make sure to write down ideas and observations as you have them. It can be difficult to remember what one had for breakfast the day before, just like recalling exactly what you were thinking while studying an inscription."
Master Shaine begins to leave, still leafing through the notes, but turns back around. "Oh yes, since you all are now the utmost authorities on the cave. I believe you should come up with a name for it."
Three days later, you all are called before the three Masters, Kreighton Shaine, Marcos Farabellus, and Aram Zey. One by one, you are called forward as one of the masters (the one that best represents your character's interest) steps forward to confirm you as a full Pathfinder field agent.
As part of the ceremony, you receive a personalized wayfinder and are reminded by the master, "Remeber, this is not only the symbol of the Pathfinder's trade, but also a reminder of the three principle duties: explore, report, and cooperate. Congratulations."
Great game guys. I'll put a post up in the discussion board with links to your chronicles. Thanks all for the game.