The Bogshark Fiasco

Game Master Lord Grey

Chapter 3 - Circling Sharks

The storm spins overhead. Lightning crashes, fiery explosions cast red glares in brief bursts over the city. Freezing rain sweeps the streets, and the cities' dazers shamble toward the lightning struck house.

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Ozz is unable to land a blow on Lord Charles of Amberglow. However, his axe easily cuts through the raven, dropping it's body to the ground.

As the dead raven hits the ground, the body immediately changes. A pelt of black feathers dissolves and loses its form, becoming a hide of red scales. The avian head dissolves into a melting, fiendish face. Within moments, the entire create has melted into a formless, red sludge.

Arcana or religion 8:

This is an Imp, the weakest kind of devil. They are known for enticing mortals toward acts of evil as a way of claiming the souls after they die. They are known to be able to turn invisible, change their form, and have a venomous sting. They have also been known to put themselves in service of wizards as familiars to further corrupt the wizard.

The ice elemental lashes out at Grellik, but is unable to get through the knight's defenses.

Saying a prayer, Trissae readies her blade. Amberglow's hand crackles with electricity as he faces the fury of invisible blades.
"You will not survive again!" Amberglow hisses, the energy sheathing his hand doubling in size as he burns a greater spell-slot than required.

He points his finger to target the adjacent wizard. Trissae's sword responds, pulling toward the energy being cast out of Amberglow. With an overhead yank, the lightning is pulled upward to arc over the bogshark swordsman, diverting its path toward stone wall.

... hands wraps around Trissae from behind, closing over Trissae's hands, gripping the sword with her as one. Delicate, feminine hands mirroring Trissae's own in shade. A body presses against her back in an embrace, and with a dancer's grace Trissae's body is twisted into a sudden, dramatic twirl.

The lightning is pulled further off its course, and avoids colliding with the wall by inches. It crackles across the right side of the room in an erratic curl toward the bottom wall. But the dancing duet continues its twirl, two pairs of hands gripping tightly the enchanted sword, pulling the lightning along a tighter and tighter path.

Trissae finds herself released from this form, a laughter melting through the air, and facing the Vessel of Chaos. The lightning just avoids hitting another wall, curls inward and heads on its new path down the line directed by the blessed blade.

The lightning bolt, once meant for Adrien instead collides with Bowl, transferring 47 points of lightning damage, of an elemental energy differing from the fire already growing within, to the Bowl.

The fire inside diminishes, the energy being drawn to the runes as well. The ethereal flames igniting the ghastly, skeletal being reduce, and Amberglow curses in a language native to the 9 hells.


The lightning energy added to the Bowl drinking in souls touched by Fire halts the flow of souls into the bowl. At least for now, the spirits being drawn in have halted. However it will only be for a matter of time.

ROUND 6 - The ice on the ground has melted into slush. No terrain penalties.
Adrien <-----
Trissae <-----
Ozz <-----
Grellik <-----
Ice Elemental
Frostheight (FROZEN)
Familiar (Dead)

DM notes:

Ice elemental: -23 HP
Amberglow -111 HP
Spells used:
2 level 6
1 level 4
1 level 3
1 level 2
1 level 1

HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15

arcana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
He roars in Triumph as Tris reroutes the lighting"Excellent! Keep it up, Sharks! We can end this!"
Grellik strikes out again with the lightning lure, trying to pull the possessing spirit away. STR save against being pulled, 2d8 lightning damage if it is within 5ft after pull

He follows up with a swing from his greatsword. Against the spirit if its closes in, or against the elemental if it does not
greatsword: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 (Just going to assume that pings off of whatever he is striking at. not bothering with damage.)

both I and the elemental appear to need to take damage from each other's auras. The elemental does half of 1d6 cold damage to me, and the first time a creature comes within 5ft of me or if they end their turn there they take 1d10 fire. (which means he will move to space q-7 to distance himself from Trissae). Oh and I had 7hp marked, but healed 13 on my last turn, so since I clearly did not apply it I upped my HP by the 13 that I forgot to apply.

Grellik will use shield if it would help him

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1

1 Round of Invis left after this turn.

Arcana/Relgion: 1d20 ⇒ 19

"The bowl has stopped draining the souls, but not for long!"

Atk1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 221d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 22
Dmg1: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Atk2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 281d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 28
Dmg2: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

SneakAtkDmg: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6 Extra damage if any hit

SeconWind: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 hp restored

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