GM Grey |

About a minute passes with Wen's shouting resonating into the room while the guard looks embarrassed and the healer disinterested. The door opens back up after the shouting dies, showing Wen standing in front of you once more. Silvers, standing just behind him, somehow seems well composed, though overly professional of expression.
"How are they?" Wen clips off his words in an angry, yet restrained manner toward the healer, his eyes looking back and forth between Trissae and Adrien.
"Oh, fine enough. They're a hardy bunch. Bricks or not, I doubt many citizens would be able to put these two out of sorts for long." He replies, sitting back at his desk and resuming his drawing. "Especially with the Drow's healing magics."
"Good. Fine. Both of you, with me. While I'm still really godsdamned angry." He turns on his heel and leaves the room, leading you back out into the yard, and then your cell, with Silvers and the third guard following you.
After having the outside dungeon unlocked (having walked past the previously promised indoor "bathing" cell without comment or pause), he walks into the room containing both Tease and Ozz without at all being concerned about his less than professional or imposing outfit; he is wearing his uniform with the mask of anger on his face. He puts a hand out for Silvers and the third guard to wait at the door as he stands in the room with the four of you.
"Your first f+*@ing day in this city and a woman has already almost died! You are clearly Cyric's (god of chaos, destruction, and evil) bastard children, the lot of you!"
He eyes Tease briefly, and then turns his attention a bit away, as if removing him from the previous statement and centering his gaze amongst the three Bogsharks.
"You! Cavell! By the blood of your soul, what were you thinking, antagonizing a mob that was clearly upset with you lot?! So they threw a brick at you, so they shouted at you, so they looked mean and angry and violent. OF COURSE THEY WERE! Your lot has probably caused a decent amount of WELL EARNED grief among many of Yartar's citizens! WHAT DID YOU F*@*ING EXPECT?! If they toss a rock at you, deal with it! You do not have the right to even SPIT upon a person in this city! I don't care what they say! Get out of the way, sure, but do not retaliate with even insults! Be prepared to see MORE angry citizens, you jovial f#$$ing highwaymen have been raising hell for DECADES! You've a lot of baggage in this city."
He turns and looks at Ozz grimly, his voice low and cold. "If I even HEAR about you holding so much as a pretty flower in a threatening way to any citizen of Yartar, I will execute you myself, Frostheight be damned."
To all three of you, "Let the Shields make sure you survive until your gods damned executions... That is partially what they are there for." He turns his head to stare at Silvers, her composure finally slipping a bit, shame showing.
He lets out a long sigh before continuing. "Yes... Executions. I just received word that the Waterbaron has approved Lord Frostheight's plans for you", Wen says simply, a look of slight emotional conflict showing on his face briefly. "Every half tenday one of you will be sentenced to hang, until your boss shows himself or you are all dead..."
Wen's stern look gazes once more at Ozz, and then he turns and leaves, ignoring all comments, entreaties, pleadings or questions as he does so. The door shuts for just a moment before opening up briefly as a wooden tray is set down in the room by a guard, and then shut and locked once more. Dinner.
You understand Wen's final gaze toward Ozz. The meaning is clear. Ozz is currently in the lead for the most likely to first meet The Great Guide, Kelemvor.

Adrien Cavell |

"Her mistake for almost killing Triss. There wasn't any other way that could have gone. If Ozz didn't drop her, I would have. Can't leave justice up to you lot, that b%@&$ would have gotten a stern warning then sent along her way."
He shrugs at 'antagonizing', but doesn't bother saying anything in response--clearly Wen isn't in the mood. His relaxed smile shifts to a blank expression as Wen's implications towards Ozz sink in.
Forcing the smile to return, he says lightly: "More time to live than if we'd been executed upon arrival." He says nothing else as Wen leaves, grabbing his portion of dinner and eating heartily.
Decepton: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Inwardly Cavell is furious, and almost lunged at Wen but barely restrained himself. The only thing that showed outwardly was a slight tension in his jaw when he was about to go for a weapon. He smiled instead, full of spite. All kind feelings were gone, but he pretended otherwise, smiling and smiling. He'd kill them all if he had to, Triss' conscience be damned.
Grinning, he says with his mouth full: "Nice hit Ozz."

Trissae Darkwhisper |

interrupted, flabbergasted, and countered at every move for the last good while Trissae is now at wits end. She endures wearily through the shouting, accusations, and name calling but as Wen leaves she is visibly trembling, not from fear but from rage. The disdain in her expression so complete it would be impossible to distinguish her from the monsters of the night her people are known to be.
As the food is pushed into the room and the door resealed she stands firmly outside the door staring through the bars at what or whom ever is standing on the other side. Her fists tense and relax as if she intends through some magical force to destroy the barrier in front of her.

GM Grey |

Despite the anger shown by your captor, it is worth noting that they still fairly feed you. A slightly spicy rice and fish porridge is left in four bowls, still a bitwarm.
Extended rests
The next morning, you are roused without a bucket of water. Food is served in a similar manner, and Silvers it seems is once more your guardian for the day. There are a few repeat guards, including the dwarf and halfling, but a few new ones as well.
After breakfast, you are once again tied to a partner (This time Adrien with Ozz and Trissae with Tease), given the wagon to pull, and led out of the gates.
There is a new addition to the paddocks area, taking up quite a lot of space on a bulletin board set out in open view for passerbys. Yartar had always been a casual place to visit for some of The Bogsharks, mainly since no one had known what you lot looked like where magic wasn't available. However, now for all of Yartar to see are pretty accurate portraits under a a banner which states:
The Bogsharks. For crimes of banditry, unless their boss shows himself to take their sentence, one will be executed upon the eastern city walls come every half-tenday.
Underneath are the seven portraits, including names. Giant, Cavell, Feng, Trissae, Ozz, Mornak, Caira.

Adrien Cavell |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cavell grins at Trissae. "We're famous. I think they captured me rather well--pun intended."
"Silvers. We heard Giant went down. How are the others?"

Trissae Darkwhisper |

The night before Triss had seethed with rage, so much so it had made her ill to her stomach. She hadn't eaten the perfectly good meal and followed that with a trance filled with angry thoughts and torment. She had risen from her trance the worse for it and moped, tired and exhausted, through the morning routine.
At the moment as they're walking past and Adrien is mid sentence making note of the posters Triss snaps. With elven quickness she grabs Tease by his dirty mustache hairs to illicit his compliance and then drags him running up to the board and with one had she rips free the poster of Giant. The other hand points at her own portrait and she yells elatedly "You'll have to add vandalism and theft to this one!" Before she hugs the poster like a child hugs a beloved stuffed toy.
Between a mixture of joyous laughter and sobbing one can make out her saying "You can't hang a dead man."
She then begins to return to the group, at spear point or otherwise, still grasping the poster to herself tightly. Still laughing, tear streaks down her cheeks.

GM Grey |

"Eh, wha? HEY!" Tease protests impotently as he is pulled toward the posters.
Silvers watches Trissae with a bemused caution, moving along with her on rascal to keep her and Tease from getting too far from her. He politely makes a path through the crowd of people, keeping distance from any passerby and the Bogshark.
"Not sure. Fine, I think." Silvers answers Adrien. "I heard that they were doing their service across at the citadel." She politely, yet firmly leads Trissae back to the rest of the group.
In the east, you can see the top of the wall. Partially silhouetted by the rising sun is a spot of activity near the gate, construction of some form.
You are led back to the nearly finished street and told to finish it. Silvers, this time, is much more on point about diverting citizens around your work crew and keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, intent to not repeat yesterday's incident.
About an hour of work later, muscles already protesting from yesterday's shift, you finish, making sure to rebrick the few holes created by the mob.
Afterward, you are led down the curving street toward The White-Winged Griffon. Silvers stops you and points out a two story building in a bit of disrepair.
"This building has been abandoned for a few months now. It needs to be renovated probably, but first it needs to be emptied of all the crap inside. The cart is full of sucks, your job is to bag up anything small and get it all outside. If it is large, lift it in pair and get it out on the street here. Just put the full sacks in the carts."
Silvers stays out on the street as a kind of outdoor guard while four of the six guards enter the building with you to keep an eye on things. Inside a staircase heads up to the second floor, and one the guard blocks it for now, telling you to finish the first floor first.
It appears to be a former home of some sort. The bottom has all the traditional rooms, kitchen, dining room, gathering room, pantry, and one or two side rooms meant for personal projects like a craft room or reading room.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Adrien, feel free to interject anywhere in my post, I just happened to be inspired and have stuff I wanted to get down before I forgot
Trissae gives Silvers the biggest toothiest grin as she returns to the group. Then she leans over and gives Tease a kiss on the cheek "Thanks Tease..." she turns her head slightly and rubs her lips on her shoulder to remove the dirt smudge.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Triss doesn't see what everyone is looking at, so she just continues on. The whole walk back she is much more talkative and alive than she was before she saw the posters. "did you see how well they captured Mornak's dour expression? I'm surprised Ozz's wasn't just a picture of a fist! I wonder why they gave you a windswept look Adrien?" she has a happy trot in her step as they return.
Back at the worksite she works hard with renewed vigor. her aches though still apparent in getting up and down. She is happy to see the road finished and gives Adrien and Ozz each a half hug.
After silvers issues her orders Triss chimes in "If there's a chance my lady, during our food break, could I have a small bit of paper and a writing utensil? I wish to write a formal letter. I'll understand if I have to give up my privileges or if the request is impossible to fulfill." She says in a polite tone before starting work.
As they work, Triss decides to work a different part of her bardic crafts. One that she could do more easily without interrupting the flow of work and so she decides to tell a tale.
Perform, storytelling: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
The story is about Tease and how he ended up in the predicament he is in now. It starts off telling of how Tease is one of two sons to a rich merchant king beneath the mountains. His brother being the favored of the two is kidnapped and held for ransom. The father being a greedy man exclaims "They can keep him, I still have a son!" boastfully. Tease however has a noble heart and decides to save his brother, being disowned by his father in the process. Penny-less and on his own Tease must use his cunning and charms as a prince to survive in a world set against him to save his brother. However fate has been cruel and just as he made the score to settle the debt to save his brother he is caught because of the Bogshark interference.
bits are sing-songy and she keeps the vulgarity to a minimum, only mentioning 'mead halls' and 'Buxom women' only once. She tells the story so matter-of-factly that unless you knew she was a bard, or knew Tease, you might mistake it for his actual sorry tale.

Adrien Cavell |

Any bricking tools suitable for the other lockpick I need? If so, Cavell will try to steal one (unless they keep careful track after each day)
Cavell smiles faintly as Trissae hugs the poster, glad to see something other than all that tension and anger.
"You can't hang a dead man," he repeats after her, like a toast.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
He whispers to Trissae, noticing her squinting against the sun, "Quite a few more sick people today. Seems like there's something going around. Guards look nervous to you?"
Cavell goes to work without complaint, a little eager to see the inside of the house and poke around all the oddities inside.
"It is good to see Mornak again, even if it's like that. Windswept? Well, before I spit in Frostheight's face and got beat unconscious by the lovely Farlyse, I held what I thought was a dashing pose for their artist. I think it turned out rather well."
Genuinely enjoying Trissae's tale, he laughs, cheers, and boos at appropriate times, glad to have some entertainment while he works. Occasionally he gives Tease 'oh you devil' looks during risqué parts of the story.
A few minutes after Trissae finishes the story, Cavell seems excited, chuckling under his breath and dusting off a wooden box. He exhales slowly, then grins, pleased with whatever he saw under the layer of dust.
"Can you believe it? Stuffed under the table like trash, just left here to gather dust. Silvers! You can't throw this out."
He waves her over, showing her the box eagerly. "It's a Luskan music box. Old. Not many of these. Signed 'Grethen, 1374', if I'm reading that carving right. You cannot throw this in a sack with the trash, it'd be worth...I don't know, something, to the right person."
Cavell takes a slow breath as he cautiously opens the lid. It creaks a little, but the old brass gears begin to click. A slow, beautiful song begins to play. The music swings from note to note with the grace of a dancer, twirling and dipping. The simple metallic pings somehow imply violins, cellos, and pianos with only their notes and composition. It creates a strangely dreamlike moment in the corpse of the old house. When it ends, the trance is broken and Cavell exhales audibly.
"Well. I wish I could call this mine," he says, grudgingly holding it out to Silvers. "You're not throwing it away, right?"

GM Grey |

Any bricking tools suitable for the other lockpick I need? If so, Cavell will try to steal one (unless they keep careful track after each day)
They do keep careful track AND there is nothing suitable amongst the bricking tools. However, you are in a big house filled with all sorts of odds and ends. If you would like to roll me a perception for the first leg of your searching to see if you find something, go for it. Keep in mind that there are four guards in there with you, so secreting it away into a pocketless outfit will require some doing.
After silvers issues her orders Triss chimes in "If there's a chance my lady, during our food break, could I have a small bit of paper and a writing utensil? I wish to write a formal letter. I'll understand if I have to give up my privileges or if the request is impossible to fulfill."
Silvers thinks. "Yeah, that could probably arranged, so long as you lot don't start any riots today. Your letter will be read and possibly not delivered, but you are welcome to write it. I'll see if I can get something set out for you tonight, maybe in the inner room during a bath?"
Tease stays fairly neutral throughout the story as you work at bagging up all manner of neglected things, but both of you notice an occasional smirk when he thinks you aren't looking in his direction. At the ending of Trissae's tale, he faces the room of snickering guards and the two troublesome Bogsharks and speaks, in a gruff, corrective manner as if he were telling a child the truth of the world.
"Ye f*ed it all up! First, it were my b+~&$ of a mum, ya? Second, thuh animal that bit me were a rabid halfling, not a badger. Finally, thuh wenches be a much bigger part of thuh story of Tease's life, if'n ye please." Totally straight faced, complete with a dire arched-eyebrow. The illusion of annoyance he shows pairs well with the lunacy of his speech and the story just told, causing two of the guards to double over in laughter.
"Can you believe it? Stuffed under the table like trash, just left here to gather dust. Silvers! You can't throw this out."
Silvers looks at Adrien through the door, still astride Rascal. "Nice find. Just put it on the table you already dragged out", she says, pointing. A flicker of a pleased smile crosses her face, her joy apparently still tempered by yesterday's mistakes.
As you guys continue to work, you both notice Tease near the front window, taking a pause from his work to admire his own reflection for a moment, grooming himself before turning away and resuming work.
--yes, no, 12.
Tell sisters, "basket"(low priority).
(read clearly)Tell crow, Wait two days before dispatch (urgent).
(repeat)Tell brothers, their call.
Tell ugly and vice, scar returned.
Tell dirt and windows (high priority), no, no, yes, no, 12.
Tell sisters, "basket" (low priority).
(read clearly, urgent)Tell crow, Wait two days before dispatch (urgent).

Adrien Cavell |

After carrying the music box carefully out, Cavell chuckles at Tease's reaction. While he works he searches for something to help pick open their cell door with, though he has no idea how he'd get it there.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
He hums the music box's song as he bags up a load of junk and carries it out to the cart. "Looking good this morning Silvers," he comments as he passes her, going back into the house. Once inside he keeps stealing glances at Tease, brow furrowed. The dwarf doesn't appear to be doing anything out of the ordinary but Cavell watches him intensely for awhile before abruptly stopping, focusing on the work instead. As he carries another sack out to the cart he scans the street, looking for anyone watching the house too closely.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Cavell works enthusiastically, only getting distracted occasionally when Trissae bends particularly far down to pick something up or struggle with something. When caught he just smiles politely.
He's taking in the view when he gets interrupted by a jerk to the side. "Ozz! Stop tugging the rope like I'm your f%$#ing dog, you're twice my weight, I feel like I'm tied to a godsdamned horse! And lift with your legs damn it."

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Its only Adrien's outburst that brings her attention to him. Between the positive reaction to her story, the poster folded and in her waist band, and the promise of a possible bath Triss is lost in her own thoughts and whimsy. Her aching body and lack of mundane endurance made up for by her joyous demeanor and new found dedication.
"Oh be kind Addie, I was tied to him yesterday and didn't have a problem at all. You're both likely still too excited." She smiles jovially at the two of them, hand on her hip. Afterward she goes back to work, still wiggling not knowing the distraction it provides.
After a bit she finally chimes in to Tease's response. "I apologize my prince, I thought only to promote your humble side most. I assumed since there are young ears in the audience you'd save the more salacious parts to tell yourself." She shoots him a smile.
Afterward she refocuses on working. As she does so she hums the tune to the music box as well.

GM Grey |

"Looking good this morning Silvers," he comments as he passes her, going back into the house.
"And you're looking a bit better, you punch drunk flirt. Soon, hopefully, your cheeks will stop swelling and you'll be intelligible like a proper gentleman. You're doing better than Tease in any case, he gets uglier every time I see him."
The lot of you have finished cleaning out the entry room, dusty and stained old sofas and chairs have been set in the street outside. Bags of small belongings of varying worth(enough that a Non-toss bag was created for anything that looks like it might have value) have been collected and put out in the wagon. Old piles of moldering clothes and assorted filth and junk has been reluctantly collected and tossed out as well. With this room clear, and relatively clean, you move into the kitchen area.
The kitchen area has a back door, bolted shut, and a broken window that has been allowing the weather in. The room has lost most of the appeal of a place of life, and a slight rotted stink looms at you from behind closed cupboard doors and cabinets. You all move in and start to work.
Ozz goes up to the cupboard door and begins trying to open it, though the door seems to be stuck. Tease, ironically bothered by the slight smell, hesitates at the far end of the room and starts popping open what he thinks are foodless counter cabinets. One of your guards begins to walk across the room to remove a knife block himself for obvious reasons. Adrien notices a small, shining tool illuminated partially in the broken window's half sunbeam and casually moves in that direction.
Ozz groans and pulls the cabinet door open finally, dumping shelves filled with iron pots and pans into the room in a metallic avalanche.
There is a silent moment as everyone stares at the collapsed cupboard shelving and the pile of metal strewn across the water-damaged floor. The silence ends gradually as you all begin to notice the loudening creaking and groaning of wood. The kitchen floor gives way.

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Ozz lets out a triumphant "Hah!" as the door finally gives into his strength, and then immediately covers his head as metal objects slide into and past him as the cupboard shelving goes down.
Reflex save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Adrien Cavell |

"Gentleman? Thank you m'lady," he turns back to her and bows extravagantly before continuing on his way.
Cavell collects the tool, adding it to the sack like anything else. He was thinking up a way to smuggle it out when the pots and pans avalanche out.
"Gods Ozz, f%*!ing be careful, you could have hurt--" Cavell disappears through the floor with a loud crash.
Dexterity Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

GM Grey |

Damn, I meant dexterity saves. I'll get used to this some day.
As the floor cracks and breaks beneath you, many of you are dropped into darkness. Tease, on the edge of the room, doesn't get dropped through the floor with the rest of you, but as Trissae reaches the end of her rope, it pulls Tease off of his feet and slams him into the kitchen floor, pulling him slightly toward the hole.
Trissae, preparing herself for the fall manages to turn the landing into a graceful swing, allowing her to drift safely a few feet above the floor, her feet unable to currently reach the ground as she is supported by her rope from above.
Cavell, having picked up some kind of silver hairpin and tossed it into his bag, hits the ground gracelessly. He smashes into the floor and loses grip of his bag, sending the contents sliding into the dark. Even the pin in his cheek pops out of his mouth from the impact, but it is still in his square. Take 1 point of damage
Ozz manages to keep his footing as the floor falls underneath of him, landing unsteadily but safely into this basement room.
The guard holding the block of knives hits hard, taken completely by surprise. He hits his head against the shattered floor, and either is killed or knocked unconscious by it.
A terrible shrieking squeak sound is audible from underneath the splintered floor, paired with feeble thrashing. Both the sounds and thrashing quickly fades as the thing beneath you all finally dies. Other sounds, similar and agitated, come from the darkness of the basement room.
The room smells of rot and strong alcohol. The only light is from the hole above, and doesn't illuminate much past the hole in the ceiling, shrouding most of it in darkness.
At least four giant rats glare and chitter at you from the darkness of this basement. The basement itself seems to be used part of storage of food (now rotten), and to age ale (?) barrels. Map Updated, see the info page
Those without darkvision can see this much of the room.
-Adrien is prone in his square his manacle pick popped out of his mouth.
-The silver Pin has slid somewhere into the darkness.
-Trissae is unable to leave her square except up the rope as she cannot reach the floor.
-Tease is slipping slowly toward the hole from above, dragged into it by the rope attached to Trissae.
-A guard is dying or dead, in his square is the block of kitchen knives (4), and his spear.
-You are all still roped and manacled (See the Information page for a reminder of these rules).
-3 guards are somewhere in the house above, and surely heard the commotion.
-Something angry is in the shadows.
-Some of the splintered remains of the floor look like they could be used as improvised clubs.
-Many heavy iron cooking implements can be seen around the area from the kitchen cupboard, also usable as improvised weapons.
Roll Initiative

Adrien Cavell |

Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Cavell grunts in pain when he hits the floor, laying there stunned a breath. His first groggy thought is wondering where the lockpick-pins went, but he quickly snaps out of it, getting to his feet and looking around.
He lunges down, grabbing the fallen spear in one hand while taking a knife from the block with a flourish of the other.
"Catch!" He tosses the spear to Ozz, grinning into the darkness, heart pumping.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

While dangling Trissae quickly surveys the scene. Unsure if she can reach the poor guard and knowing time is of the essence she speaks a healing word in hopes of rousing the poor man.
Healing word: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 (1/2 slots used)
She then turns her attention toward Adrien. "Rats near! Dispatch with ease!" Her bardic inspiration filling him.
she then gestures with her hand which directions. using move action

GM Grey |

Initiative Order
The guard stirs, and groans, regaining consciousness. Before he can act, the rats move into the dim light. One of the rats, clearly more adventurous approaches between both Adrien and the guard, within the bright light from above, and tries to take a nibble out of the prone guard who yelps in surprise and fear.
Ozz stabs deeply into one of the rats that was about to chew up at the dangling Trissae, but being injured by him, retaliates against Ozz instead. Ozz manages to fend the rat off with the guard's spear, the teeth scraping against the wood of it.
From here, one rat attacks Trissae, one attacks Adrien, and one attacks the prone guard. Despite their pack tactics, Trissae manages to maneuver enough on her rope to avoid getting bit by the rat. Adrien and the guard aren't as lucky.
Adrien, take 2 points of damage, and roll a Constitution Saving Throw
The guard has a large bite taken out of his arm as he tries to defend himself, and he looks about ready to pass out from the pain of it. Standing quickly, he looks around and notices he doesn't have his spear. Picking up a a club of shattered floor, he swings wildly at the rat and accidentally loses grip of the piece of wood, sending it bouncing off against the wall.
Back to the top, map updated

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Angry and unarmed Trissae shouts at one of the rats in Elvish (m,4). Casting Vicious Mockery in the process.
Vicious Mokery: 1d4 ⇒ 4 DC 13 wisdom, damage and disadvantage on next attack on fail. Nothing otherwise.
She turns her attention to the injured shield. "By the gods! you're a Shield! Act like one!" She moves to bardic inspire the lad.
She does all this as she dangles in vain. Afraid to lure the rat with her exposed dangling leg.

GM Grey |

Casting magic at the first rat she sees, Trissae's spell just barely sticks to one of the beasts. The one attacking the guard screeches in annoyance, and scratches at its own face, confused, before shaking its head.
Adrien's kitchen knife is deftly avoided by the nimble rat attacking him.
"Oy! Get yer butts in here, ya f@&%in' lay-about useless piles of rags! BY THUH GODS, GET IN HERE!"

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Ozz will take another jab at the rat attacking him, trying to finish it off.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
If this kills it, he'll try to get closer to the rat attacking Triss, and try and distract it with himself.

GM Grey |

Ozz kills his rat, and approaches the one near Triss. He reaches the end of his rope with Cavell, and a slight tug lets each of them know that they can move no further from each other.
The rat attacking Triss ignores Ozz, but misses its dangling prey.
The one attacking Adrien and the Guard both attack again. One rat bites into the guard's chain shirt, harmlessly, confused by the magics. The other gets another bit of Adrien. Take 5 damage and roll me another Con Save
The guard, bolstered by Trissae, picks up a cast iron frying pan and swings at the already injured one near him in hopes of finishing it off.
KLONG! The pan hits the rat square in the nose, but does not kill it.
Sounds of boots can be heard through the floor, and then a gasp. "What happened!?"
"Someone grab me! I'm slippin'! The rest of ya, get down there and HELP THEM!"
Top of the order! Map updated

Adrien Cavell |

I'll be in and out, so in case I'm not around:
Con Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Second Wind: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Cavell yells in pain, almost going down. He grits his teeth, determined, and takes another clumsy swing. He still can't get the hang of fighting in manacles.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (2) = 12
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Trissae Darkwhisper |

The last dodge left triss dangling upside down to avoid the creatures nibbles. she continues the barrage of beratements at the creature.
Vicious Mockery: 1d4 ⇒ 4 DC 13 wisdom, damage and disadvantage on next attack on fail. Nothing otherwise.
Noticing Adrien is having a tough time, she thinks to encourage him. "You've got this Adrien!" bardic inspiration (0/3 uses left)
She then adjusts herself on the rope, preparing for another attack.

GM Grey |

Adrien hesitates for just a moment as Trissae's words affect him. Yes, he does have this! With her inspiration, his attack manages to wound the rat. Ozz, following within a breath of Adrien manages to skewer his rat entirely in a single blow. The rat twitches at the end of his spear before Ozz shakes it loose, ready for more threats to come.
Agitated squeaks from the darkness can be heard as the dying cries of Ozz's rat vanishes.
The rat attacking Cavell keeps pressing hungrily. Take 2 points of damage, and roll another Con Save
The guard swings his pan at this same rat, but misses with this awkward weapon. "Guys! Toss me a spear!"
"Seven Hells!" One of the guards from above, the dwarf. His shadow falling over the hole you lot are fighting in. He drops his spear to his ally in the hole, who drops his frying pan to catch it.
Trissae can feel a slight pull in her rope, as if someone above is trying to drag Tease further away from the hole.
Back to the top!

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Seeing the encroaching vermin and feeling the tug drawing her she turns and yells. "Ozz lead them to the stairs! More come!" she gestures in the direction.
she then fires more enchanted words, this time targeting the beast adjacent to Adrien.
Vicious Mockery: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Adrien Cavell |

Cavell stabs at the adjacent rat, wincing in pain from the wound.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Con Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
"Damn it! Does no one have bows up there? I can hear more in the dark!"

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Ozz attempts to move toward the stairs, but remembers his line is linked to Adrien who is still engaged with the rat.
GM here: Adrien, since you haven't used your movement, if you'd like to follow Ozz I'll allow it, but you'll still take the attack from the rat for moving away without disengaging. I'll need to know this before I can decide on Ozz's actions.

Adrien Cavell |

Ooohh ok, I thought there was still a rat diagonal from me, lost track. Is Trissae being pulled up fast enough that she'll be safe by next turn?

Adrien Cavell |

Ok previous action:
Cavell grabs another knife from the knife-block and gives it to Trissae before running after Ozz, waving his arms and shouting.
"Over here you squeaky bastards! Dinner!"

GM Grey |

Adrien moves away from his spot, losing precise track of the belt-pin as he does so, and arms Trissae as he goes. Just outside of the darkness, his rope disappears in front of him to wherever Ozz is heading.
Despite his waving, the new rats are coming from directions where he is not the first bit of food available. One rat runs up to Trissae, another to Ozz. Ozz hits the beast, but doesn't kill it.
A rat finally gets a hit on Ozz, Take 5 damage and roll a Con Save.
The rat that has approaches Triss locks its jaws around her ankle for an agonizing moment before she is able to shake it loose. Take 8 points of critical damage and roll a con save. (My gods, the numbers I'm rolling for damage! I'm so sorry!)
The guard left behind with Triss does his best to defend her, attacking it after she shakes it loose. He injures the creature, but doesn't kill it. "Stairs?! What stairs?!" He cries as he attacks the rat.
The dwarf from above, apparently having grabbed a spear from one of his other guards looks down into the hole. "It's no good, I can't throw the spear at the rat without hitting the dross lass! Pull her up, damn you!"
The rope begins to pull upward, but slips into a crack in the broken floor, wedging the rope stuck. "Damn! Can you climb? We aren't able to pull it any further! Boys, they say something about stairs! Check outside for a cellar door!"