Adrien Cavell |

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Adrien comes quietly, eyes scouring over the camp and wagons, absorbing every detail. He notes the number of guards, and the number of professionals like the armored woman and the out-of-uniform soldier, visibly disheartened.
He glares daggers at the nobleman after sitting, then clenches his teeth just before the punch hits, reading the gesture. It doesn't help. Adrien doubles over, clutching his stomach and struggling to get his breath back.
Still wheezing when the nobleman starts talking, he tries refusing to answer, but flinches when the woman tenses for another punch.
"Cavell," he answers quickly, between clenched teeth. Then resumes glaring.

GM Grey |

The far carriage is indeed chained and locked shut. The number of visible soldiers is 14, but you would be surprised if there weren't at least a few out of sight. Including the woman and the two men you are being interviewed by, that makes 17 known enemies including the drivers of the carriages. Doing some quick math from the fight that happened earlier, you would definitely expect at least a couple more to be around somewhere.
"Well then, Cavell" he says casually, continuing the conversation in a tone that doesn't at all fit the current situation. "It's clear by the masks we stripped from your faces that you are the band of highwaymen that frequent this area known... as the BOGSHARKS." He emphasizes this last word with a bit of amusement. "An amusing lot. Very theatrical. Your harper is much appreciated. When I was given the job to dismantle your band I heard many a rumor of her exploits from the people I interviewed, others you have robbed. However, I had thought she would be a man, from the descriptions I received."
He shrugs in a casual "what are you going to do" sort of manner.
"Is the large half-orc chained up in your carriage the boss of your gang? I had put some effort into making sure my men didn't kill him earlier, I'd like to know if my efforts were worth it."
Despite his friendly manner, you can tell that the woman besides you is ready for any excuse to deal you another blow. The man with the white streak studies your face inscrutably.

Adrien Cavell |

Cavell shrugs, trying to revert to his usual care-free demeanor despite the pain in his gut.
"Last leader got himself killed. Now seems like they look to me for leadership. It's a bit annoying, to be honest. Not that it matters now."
"You know my name, it's only good manners to tell me yours," he says casually (assuming he hasn't been slugged by this point).

GM Grey |

"Oh! Please forgive my rudeness. I am Lord Myer Frostheight, currently in service to Lord Charles of Amberglow the aid to Belleethe Kheldorna herself. You'll have to forgive my manners, I had a lapse of reason, not realizing that a man living wild for some time might not recognize me."
He gestures to the man sitting on his right and then to the woman in turn. "This is Dolson Marr, and our chaperone tonight is the effective Farlyse Vandeross, former Knight in Silver."
He clears his throat and continues. "The Waterbaron has been getting rather annoyed by you lot recently. So much so, that she tasked Lord Charles with ensuring the safety of the roads in and out of Yartar. She can't afford to let her prosperous trading city to be considered a place of dangerous destination you understand. Lord Charles then employed me and my aids here with the actual footwork." He smiles broadly.
Lord Frostheight puts a ringed finger up to his lip thoughtfully. "You had been giving me quite some trouble. We had a bit of a windfall you see. A certain opportunity presented itself and because of this opportunity I know of the lie you just spoke." He nods at Farlyse.
This time the strike takes you in the jaw. Take 3 points of damage. The blow causes the belt pin hidden in your lip extra discomfort. If speaking more than a couple of words in a row, roll a DC 10 Charisma(Deception) check to speak without bringing notice to the item hidden in your mouth.
"Well, no matter. Whoever the orc happens to be, he is in my custody now. So something strikes me as strange, Cavell. Most of the stories I've gathered of your gang showed me a picture of a group of oddities. Various races have been reported among your group, but I am surprised to find a human among them. I thought not having humans in your little gang was a point of pride, so how is it that you are in it?"
Having rolled me a private intelligence check on the lords themselves, I'm editing this into my post
You have only vaguely heard of Lord Frostheight, something about being a minor lord who has only recently taken residence in Yartar. Is considered to be rather intelligent. Lord Amberglow, however, you have heard of as the aid to the Waterbaron. He is older, a known practicing wizard, and of falling health. He wields considerable power in Yartar in the Waterbaron's name.

Adrien Cavell |

Making note of each face as they're introduced, Cavell has a confident smirk, as if trying to compete in smugness with the mustached man.
"Ah, such is the way of the world, isn't it? I suppose I can at least respect the ones doing the actual footwork."
When Frostheight nods to Farlyse again, Adrien curses, "S#$*." He clutches his jaw, muttering curses and wincing while the Lord continues speaking.
Deception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Intelligence: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Once he regains his composure, he looks up at Frostheight again, and forces a smile.
"Even a freakshow needs an oddity I guess. Honestly I'm surprised people of your talent would work for a limp-dick like Amberglow."
He winks at the armored woman, giving his best charming smile, albeit slightly crooked from the last punch.
"You should consider banditry, we're much better company."

GM Grey |

Cavell, please put yourself at 0 HP
Trissaea, a few minutes pass when you hear the rattle of chains at the carriage door again. After a moment, the door swing open and you see the looming figure of the woman in plate once more, except now she is entirely supporting Adrien's weight. He is apparently still alive, but has obviously been knocked unconscious. He has no obvious wounds. She gives you an icy look, alert for any tricks as she slumps him down against the wall before speaking.
"Your turn." She says briskly, and readies herself to take you out of the carriage.

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Doing Ozz's book keeping. He was brought unconscious, and then rested long enough to get 1 hp back. He hasn't had enough time to take a short rest to spend his hit die, so that is where he is at for now.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Hit dice: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
As Adrien flops to the floor Trissae leans over him and whispers, "Amin fallan lle."Casting healing word (0/2)slots left before she moves past to follow the stern looking woman.
Healing word: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Before stepping out she glances back at Ozz "Be calm Ozz, rage offers no solution right now." she says in parting and waiting to be lead.
Gonna check to see if I can tell the woman's faith
Check Religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

GM Grey |

Adrien, gain 5 HP and become conscious.The pin is luckily still in your mouth
Regain 6 HP, Trissae. You should be at 7 now.
The half-elven woman has no obvious sign of her faith present on her. If you had to guess from just her personality and apparent skills, maybe a god of strength or war. She glowers balefully at you as you give her a once over to try and discern her religion. You notice her elven blood as you do so, almost mixed away entirely by her human side.
She takes you roughly at first, and then quite noticeably changes to a gentler touch as she guides you to the center carriage following the two men. You notice the same details about the camp as Adrien had, including the scarred man near a campfire watching you pass with interest.
As with Adrien, you are placed in a seat opposite of the two men, next to the woman in plate. With a magic word and gesture a light appears between the two men.
"Well, well. The Bogshark's harper. Black Cat, was it?" Says the nobleman, and then introduces himself and the others sitting in the carriage with you.
"Cavell wasn't nearly as cooperative as I am hoping you will be. He tried to convince me with tales of your boss having been killed some time ago. I happen to know for a fact that your gang has only had the one boss and that he is still quite alive so don't waste our time trying to spin a similar yarn, yes?" He smiles at you with an air of friendly congeniality.
Roll me a Wisdom(Insight) check, DC 18 to know the below spoiler
"Tell me, Black Cat... What is your real name, and who is your Boss? I have been told many rumors. Some say he is a man larger than any other. Others claim he is actually a giant, not man at all. Many compromise at him being simply giant blooded. I've heard he is ex-military from Amn, I've heard he can change into a monstrous beast when angered. I've heard he is Dahak himself, determined to turn the trade road from Yartar into a path of ruin and fire. This is my favorite since it hardly even matches how your gang operates. Not enough bodies pooling blood, you see. So, please. Enlighten me." Lord Frostheight steeples his fingers and gazes at you interestedly over ringed fingers.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Before reaching the cart. "Perhaps a follower of Bane? he favours black plate. Perhaps Tempus... your blade did feel as though aflame." Trissae muses openly about the woman as she's lead to the cart. She pays little attention to the others unless they meet glances.
Trissae listens patiently and let's the man finish before speaking.
Insight: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15 drat
"-The- Black Cat to be more precise. It's a title, more specifically it allows my performances to be genuine." She shuffles in her seat uncomfortably but gestures with her hands she means no harm.
"I apologize in advance if my answers are unsatisfactory; Firstly, my real name is of no concern. Any name I give you will be of little consequence since nobody will know me by that name. You would more likely find it useful to call me whatever you desire, or describe me for what I am." She winces a moment as if expecting repercussion but continues.
"As for your question about my boss, it seems as though you know precisely who he is. You've already discerned he is not among us, and that his tale is grandiose to the point of local superstition. It would seem to me that who he is matters very little at this point, only that he be caught. Thus I assume you mean to ask -where- he is. And to that I can only say I don't know."
She sighs sadly at that realization, thinking he would surely have known the ruse they had walked into and would have avoided it.
In a wispier tone, clearly affected by her own thoughts "You'll be wasting your time with the others, none will share what you desire even if they had it."

Adrien Cavell |

Adrien gags suddenly, sputtering on half-orc finger. He sits up, coughing. "Gods Ozz, I don't want to know where that's been," he complains, groaning and holding his jaw.
"It seems I'm not half as charming as I think I am," He spits a glob of blood onto the carriage floor, then shows Ozz the pin held between his teeth before wiping it on his leather pant-leg.
"How long was I out? Where's Triss?"
Cavell resumes working on the pin, ears alert for the rattle of chains being unlocked.
Thieves' Tools: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Adrien Cavell |

Cavell nods, "You'd think being knocked out by a woman would be embarrassing, but...well I think I'm in love," he grins at Ozz, a sheen of blood over his teeth. Joking, probably.
As they work, he asks quietly, "What happened after the carriage door flew open? I know I dodged it, but something knocked me out right after."
Oh nice, thanks!

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Ozz shrugs. "Some kind of magic, probably. The white streak man. He dropped you and the girls at the same time." He pauses for a moment, then meets your eyes with an angry fire.
"Not Triss. That half-breed b&+@% nearly caved her skull in." You can tell from his tone that he does not approve of you even feigning feelings for the woman. The woman is the combination of both races that Ozz abhors, and apparently hasn't done much to improve his prejudiced.
If working long enough/restfully enough to count for a short rest, Ozz will spend a hit die. Hit die: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Trissae Darkwhisper |

"Trissae....ser.. it's my name. You're right, you should have some answers." Still lost in her own thoughts and looking more sad.
"You're correct, you know, we aren't bandits and we try not to kill people. Sure, once in a while an over anxious guard trying too hard to prove him or herself might get caught and wind up in a box, but we're not bad people! We... we're just... misplaced, in this world." She fidgets with her fingers and is unable to look the man in the eye at this point.
"When you don't have a place, you kinda have to make one you know? We don't rob the poor or the simple merchant, only thick sacks and petticoaters that already have too much. And that's just it we take the goods, but we always send them home... alive. Sure they're wallets are lighter and their pride is scuffed, but they always get to go home."
She looks up at the man, an instilled sense of pride washing over her.
"Plus, we've scared off all the real thugs and robbers in the area. Too scared to work in the Bogshark's territory. Things were likely better for people with us here." She realizes that she's getting zealous and becomes slightly embarrassed, blushing a bit and snapping from her self inflicted daze.
The last bit here is speculation and bias on Triss's behalf, whether true or not she doesn't really know but she believes it whole wholeheartedly, however if you feel it requires a deception/persuasion roll let me know
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get that far off topic." she adjusts sitting upright and looking the man in the face. "To be painfully honest, I don't know exactly how many members there are. Caira often spoke of a 2nd troupe that the boss visits and others would either confirm or deny that sentiment. Nobody clarified for sure, and the boss would only laugh when I asked. What I can tell you is that you likely have everyone I can think of, besides our leader of course."
deception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Her voice waivers slightly as she says the last part. She remembers Grimgar in a eurika moment that spoils her statement.

GM Grey |

There are the elites that we've brought up before, who the boss is out "talking" with the giants along side. They're cannon, you'd know them (if occasionally with absences), but as of yet undefined. Trissae would know of them. Just let me know if you are including them in your statement, or including them in your deception.
"Yes, I know all about Caira." he says smugly. "Well, I may have caught the lion's share of the gang, but I'm certain that the Lord Amberglow won't be satisfied without your boss. I'll have to give some thought as to what I'm going to do with you...", he trails off.
He animates, getting an idea. "Dolson, do you bring any extra parchment?"
"Yessir." he replies softly, not taking his eyes off the drow.
"Very well then. Trissae, was it? I'll have to consider some things. But for now I'll return to your carriage. Whatever I decide on, please note that good behavior will be met with advantages."
If you have nothing else to say/do, you are escorted back to your carriage and locked within with Cavell and Ozz.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Ooooh, I thought the elites were some kind of bad guys we knew of or something ha ha. I'm gonna say that if they're so non-characterized yet that maybe Triss spends little time with them or they are this "2nd troupe". That being the case I'd say have it be part of the deception bit, she probably would have remember them along side Grimgar.
"yes sir, and please before you have me go. Let me sing you a song."
If he does
Trissae sings a song few, even of her friends, have heard. It is a song that venerates Eilistraee through expounding her virtues and loves. While it is a happy song it has a haunting melody reminiscent of The sounds of silence . It being a song of veneration its obvious that it could be sung for a much longer time but Trissae finds a good point just after a few minutes to end it as not to take up too much time or annoy her audience. She hopes Ozz and the others heard aswell.
After the song, or if he doesn't allow Triss to sing.
"Please be patient with my friends, many of them are not suited to capture and all will resist. It is no direct disrespect, they just desire to be free." She then holds up her shackled hands to be lead away.

GM Grey |

As you sing, your honed talent of reading your audience reveals to you that your song wanes in appreciation surprisingly quickly. Despite the happy words of the song, Lord Frostheight's face quickly loses its smile and becomes utterly cold, bringing you to a premature stop.
Silence rings in the carriage for a noticeable moment, the look on his face so frighteningly repulsed that you think for a moment that he would order Farlyse to snap your neck if you were to make a sound before he regains himself. This is all obvious to you despite your generally oblivious lack of insight.
He struggles visibly for a moment, before he regains some amount of control over himself once more. Not enough control to smile, or even to look at you in the face again. His face still cold, he speaks without an ounce of congeniality.
"Yes... Well..." and gestures to the door.
Maybe you gave your plea in defense of your friends, maybe you couldn't bring yourself to make a sound after the blizzard your song somehow brought about. Either way, the half-elf woman leads you away with a controlled gentleness back to your carriage, locking you within, unharmed from your interview.
One thing does stand out from your conversation with him, something that didn't seem to fit at first, but as you consider it it feels... Significant.
"Yes, I know all about Caira."

Adrien Cavell |

After the door is locked shut, Cavell asks quietly, "You alright Triss?"
He's looking Trissae's direction, but not quite meeting eyes in the darkness, nearly blind--unlike the half-orc and drow.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

"It went... well, I suppose. I am unharmed at least." Seeing Adrien's apparent blindness from the dark, Triss cups her hands and casts Dancing Lights cantrip into them, to stop additional light from leaking out but also so he may see.
"His 'lordship' mentioned that he knew about Caira, I don't know if that means he already questioned her or that he was aware of her spying on them when they setup this thing."
Her expression shifts slightly to concern and unease."He also mentioned having plans for us, and requested parchment from his mage companion. He said so with a child's tale like evil in his eye... then said that 'good' behavior would factor into his decision. I'm worried..."
She huffs and looks a bit dejected. "They didn't like my song very much..."

Adrien Cavell |

Cavell nods his thanks when the carriage lights up again, and resumes working on the pin while she talks.
Thieves' Tools: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
His brow furrows when Trissae mentions 'Caira', and stays furrowed while she continues talking, as if he's stuck on the name and not even listening.
"He knew about Caira..." He says after Trissae comments on how they didn't like her song.
"Strange. You don't find that strange? Ozz?"

Adrien Cavell |

Ah got it
"Doesn't it seem odd? What are the chances of us hitting the one caravan that's a trap specifically for us? We don't hit caravans often, and they can't just drive back and forth every day hoping. I just figured it was bad luck, but what if Caira..." He trails off, but gives Trissae a look.
"I know you don't want to hear it, Triss."
Cavell doesn't look sad, or sympathetic. His cold blue eyes are especially icy, and his jaw is set in determination. As nice as Cavell is to his friends, you get the distinct impression that he would sleep like a baby if tonight he snuck out and cut Caira's throat.

GM Grey |

As you guys consider the details, you realize several things, some of which Cavell already stated.
1. Caira brought back a job that turned out to be a trap. She knew how many guards there were supposed to be and when they would be leaving from her last jaunt into town.
2. Caira was worried that the boss wouldn't there for the raid.
3. Caira was brought down non-violently by magic instead of beaten up. From the angle Trissae was at, she could tell that the second man in the carriage would have been able to see her as the door open, past Adrien.
4. Though seemingly loyal to the Bogsharks, Caira openly enjoyed the finer things and the niceties of being able to stay in the city while scouting for prime targets to warn the Bogsharks of.
5. Frostheight mentioned to Cavell about an opportunity that lets him know about recent information about the boss, informing him of Adrien's lie about the boss being dead, or there having been anyone other than him in charge at all the whole time.
Finally, he knows "all about Caira". Even if Caira didn't betray the bogsharks, which seems unlikely considering how involved in the planning of this raid, it is possible someone else had. Maybe Grimgar, still back in town, not a fan of having the more accepted races of the gang (Humans, Halflings and Dwarves for example). Maybe another Bogshark, somehow communicating with someone in the town.
It seems impossible for this fiasco to have occurred, especially with the details that Lord Frostheight mentioned, without a Bogshark turning traitor.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

"Who of the sharks would even gain from our capture?. We rely on each other... The idea is non-sense." Trissae says with disdain at the very idea.
"Caira especially, she might be insane, but she's no snitch. He likely only mentioned her because I brought her up specifically." She says in a tone that sounds like she might be trying to convince herself more than the others.

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

"None of us are!" Ozz growls, dangerously. "We were out fought by a strong enemy! That is all! No Bogshark would turn traitor." Ozz obviously cannot accept even the idea of it, even if he were to fully understand the evidence.
"We are going to kill these beasts and break out of here, and return to our moores. All of us!" As Ozz says this, Trissae can see his expression fail, his face dropping in horror as it apparently remembers something.

Trissae Darkwhisper |

At first not interpreting Ozz's expression as a personal realization and instead thinking it an expression of alert she quickly glances back at the door, ready to kill the light. Once she sees it's clear she looks back to Ozz.

Ozz the Bog Ghost |

Ozz stares back at her with the most vulnerable expression she has ever seen his wear. His mouth slightly agape.
"It's... Gi-... I saw him get hit. Two spears. He went down." His voice cracks as he speaks, his eyes dart around a bit, as if looking for something, as if lost.
"Giant wasn't moving. He got hit and fell hard. Then they brought me down, I couldn't see any more..."

Trissae Darkwhisper |

Triss's eyes widen and in an instant she drops the spell, turning and smacking into the door. She begins bashing it with fist and foot and screaming nearly belligerently. "Let us see our friends! I want to see them. GIANT! FENG! MORNAK! ANYBODY! WE'RE HERE!"
Bash: 1d20 ⇒ 9
"Open this door you cowards and show us our FRIENDS!" She continues smashing the door in vain, until her knuckles are raw and bloodied. The whole while screaming, however it has over time changed from common to the distinct dialect of Drow Elvish that makes the hair stand on end.

Adrien Cavell |

Adrien shakes his head slightly, jaw set, as the others deny the possibility of a traitor. He doesn't say anything, but you can tell he won't let it go.
When Ozz realizes Giant went down, and Trissae starts screaming, he stares blankly at Ozz then Trissae, at a loss for words, halfway between anger and sadness while trying to keep focused on how to escape. He resumes filing the pin, teeth gritted and trying to listen for the chains being undone on the door.

GM Grey |

As Trissae shouts herself horse, there is no response beyond an eventual thump and "Shut up" from a guard outside, slow enough to show that they aren't really worried about your shouting. No responding voices from your friends can be heard. Adrien continues with his shaping. Eventually
Gain the benefits of an Extended Rest. 1 success so far on shaping the pick.
The next morning, one at a time, you are introduced to Captain Wen, the scarred man who was watching with interest from the previous night.
Captain Wen possesses a formidable visage, and bad cough which takes him by surprise sometimes. Lord frostheight says that he was lent to him by Lord Amberglass, a soldier in the Shields of Yartar (Mounted soldiers that patrol the city and help chase off monsters and people like you). Then man clearly doesn't seem to like you, but he does show a certain respect for the difficulties posed to him and other Shields by your gang throughout the years.
After this, things slip into a pattern. The next couple of days, you are taken out in the mornings one at a time, given some meager ration to eat and some water to drink before being allowed to deal with sanitary matters (under close guard). You are kept in your manacles perpetually, binding your arms and feet. After food, you are brought into Lord Frostheight's carriage once more who asks you several more questions while Dolson draws your portraits.
Ozz had gone before you on the first day. He is returned to the carriage unconscious and Farlyse has a fat lip and an even more sour temperament. During your turns you are asked the following questions. By the once more congenial Lord Frostheight.
"How long have you been part of the Bogsharks?"
"Why did you join?"
"Have you murdered anyone during your raids?"
You are also given Frostheight's plan for you upon reaching Yartar.
"We want your boss. We were expecting him to be captured during this operation, but alas. What we are going to do is bring you back to Yartar and put you to work under the close guard of the Shields, led by Captain Wen. You are going to provide a service to the city you have plagued for years. You are going to clean our streets, remove our filth, make yourselves a public spectacle for anyone who wishes to personally thank you for your hard work on the trade routes from the last many years. We are going to plaster pictures of your faces on boards in and out of town, making well known the following... Executions. Every week, until the Boss shows up to the town, we will destroy one of you on the walls of Yartar so anyone outside of the town should be able to see from quite a distance. We will hang you until dead in front of the world, in front of the gods. Those with the most disagreeable temperaments will be hanged first. Those who are congenial and cooperative will be given more time at life, more time for your boss to turn himself in, granting you your life and your freedom."
Upon being returned to the carriage, the caravan starts up again at a quick rate and rush back towards Yartar. During the time spent alone, you are given three chances at filing the belt buckle into a pick. Since you'll have people that can ASSIST you, it won't be at disadvantage (The advantage they grant canceling it out). The DC on these Dexterity(Theives Tools) checks is 15. You expect you need a total of 5 successes to get the tool properly shaped.

GM Grey |

To be a bit more specific and recappy here, you have three full days before you reach Yartar. This gives 9 attempts at creating the lock pick. This lockpick will be enough for the manacles (but at disadvantage), but other more complex locks will probably need at least one more pick-like object to work properly, or a decent actual set will need to be found/recovered.
Post your response for the entire day, including all relevant rolls

Adrien Cavell |

As Adrien is introduced to Captain Wen, he's quiet and blank-faced, but eventually nods.
"Shame we're on opposite sides I suppose. In another world I think I'd like to work with you, rather than against you. Sorry for the trouble, it's what we do," he shrugs lightly.
"If you ever get bored, I'd like to get some sparring in. Don't look at me like that--dulled blade, whatever's needed. I've been cramped in that carriage. Besides, you look at us like we're already dead, I'm sure that's the plan once we get to Yartar, so what's the harm in sparring with a dead man?"
Adrien nods respectfully and is led away by a guard--immediately throwing verbal jabs at the fellow.
"Not so rough on my shackles, is this how you treat all your dates?"
Once in the carriage for interrogation, he actually fixes his hair a bit in the reflection of the carriage window, then sits in a proper dashing pose for the drawing, relaxed with one arm up on the seat next to him.
He notices the fat lip on Farlyse, "Fetching, actually."
"I've been in the Bogsharks thirteen years," Cavell lies.
Deception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
3 years, the newest Bogshark.
"I joined for the excitement, the thrill, the rush. Oh and the gold. And the women. They love a bit of danger, you know? The bad boy," He grins at Frostheight, as if sharing that secret with him.
"I used to kill if a guard kept fighting after all his comrades had already surrendered, but I stopped, for Mornak and Triss. Killing made them all kinds of upset," He shrugs, as if he has no idea why they'd be upset.
Deception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
He plays it off as nothing, but the two of them really did convince him to be a slightly better person. Cavell was pretty ruthless when he first joined them, straight from the Thieves' Guild.
Cavell listens quietly to Frostheight's plan for the Bogsharks, the cocky smirk fading but his cold blue eyes revealing nothing. When Frostheight finishes, the carriage is silent for a long breath, then Cavell spits in Frostheight face.
The following days go about the same. Pursue Wen for sparring, tips, anything. Throw verbal jabs at the guards. Make some flirtatious remark to Farlyse and probably get slugged for it. Then say enough to Frostheight to end up being carried back to Ozz and Triss.
Whenever he's conscious and locked in the carriage, he works determinedly on the pin.
Thieves' Tools: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Thieves' Tools: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Thieves' Tools: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

GM Grey |

Reponding to Adrien's day
Captain Wen mostly ignores your advances, saying that he isn't interested in a duel. roll me Insight, DC 12
Captain Wen seems as if he'd enjoy a spar very much, but probably understands that unbinding your arms and giving you a weapon is the stupidest of ideas.
Farlyse continues to be cold toward you, not responding to your flippant nature with even overt violence, just a bit rougher handling.
When you spit in Frostheight's face, he sits stunned for just a moment before taking out a cloth from a pocket and wiping it away. He nods coldly at Farylse, who doesn't actually punch you. Instead she pulls you forcefully out of the carriage and beats you savagely in front of the men. Some cheer while she knocks you senseless, and you are eventually returned to the carriage VERY unconscious. Time to awaken: 1d4 ⇒ 3 hours.
1 more success earned (2/5)

Trissae Darkwhisper |

As each of her companions return unconscious she speaks a Healing Word to assuage their pain.
Healing word: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Ozz
Healing word: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Adrien
Trissae is drawn out from the carriage, face stained by tears unswept and dried bloody knuckles, raising her hands to shield her eyes from the baleful sun than shuns them. As she's brought over to meet Wen she listens quietly to their explanation of him, her face sad and unchanged.
"I can only wonder what your take is on all this." she says glibly as she's lead away.
As she's lead into be interrogated she looks at Frostheight and her face slides toward disdain. After he asks the first question her face curls up into into an angry sneer.
"Where.... are.... MY....FRIENDS!?" she barks. "I have been cordial with you, even relented to your questioning. I deserve to know where they are and how they're doing!" She sits aggressively forward awaiting a response.
If he responds any other way than to answer her question directly. She'll glance to Farlyse and whisper in elven "cover your ears." then she'll begin to scream in a piercing Soprano holding the tone till her voice goes out. She might not be able to harm them with fist or magic but her voice was always hers to use.

GM Grey |

Response to Trissae's day
As Farlyse notices you heal your friends when dropped off (lets say she didn't notice until Adrien), she gives a surprised look back to the others. Before entering the carriage, a dwarvern guard runs up with some bits of cloth, looks at you with disgust, then hands them to Farlyse who ties one around your eyes blocking your vision, and balls your hands up, wrapping and tying the cloth across your fingers making somatic requirements impossible.
They sit you down and ask you your questions, after you finish your demands, there is immediate sound of a small blade being drawn and then Lord Frostheight has a sharp edge placed hard against your throat with barely restrained pressure.
Even blindfolded, you can feel him looming over you, his face near, his voice coming out in an enraged hiss.
"You deserve to have your filthy drow throat slit right now and your body dumped in the road for every passerby to spit upon. You deserve to have someone stick a knife in your back in Yartar. If you are lucky, if you do nothing to step out of line, you can hope to make it to the justice of the noose. You do not deserve this courtesy but thank my graciousness that I am giving you this honorable death, instead of the knifing you deserve. Put one finger out of line and I will withdraw my grace and give you the cold steel you deserve. Now get out of my sight, your friends, hah, can spare the breath to let filth like you know just what it is I have in store for you."
As his weight disappears from the knife at your throat, Farylse pulls you out of carriage, gags you with another cloth and dumps you back into the carriage with no injuries more severe than the knife scratch at your throat.

GM Grey |

Unless there is more you guys would like to do/roleplay out, we can move on to the next two days in the same pattern that had been transpiring, minus the questioning. Let me know if there is something else you want to do before you get to Yartar, otherwise roleplay to your hearts content, reap the benefits from a couple Long rests, and Adrien, give me the six rolls. Here's hoping half of them are successes!

Adrien Cavell |

Adrien unties and ungags her once the carriage is shut, lifting her chin briefly to look at the knife scratch on her throat.
"Didn't go well, I take it? I'll have to tie you back up each time, and I won't enjoy it even a little." Typical Cavell, but there's a hint of concern in his eyes at seeing the small wound.