The Bogshark Fiasco

Game Master Lord Grey

Chapter 3 - Circling Sharks

The storm spins overhead. Lightning crashes, fiery explosions cast red glares in brief bursts over the city. Freezing rain sweeps the streets, and the cities' dazers shamble toward the lightning struck house.

3,751 to 3,800 of 4,103 << first < prev | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | next > last >>

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

There's something about her brothers personalities that soothes her weary soul. Grellick's stalwart manners, Adrien's carefree attitude, or Splotz's playful deviousness - having all of them there and with the weather like it was, it could have fooled Trissae into believing they were back in the Bog.

"Birds too." She responds to Rasts quip, Giving him a nod.

"About time you came forward Adrien, now say you're sorry to Marvin." She chides him.

She turns and nods to Grellick and then calls back to Ozz, "Ozzward, let's report to Irontooth and put your muscle to use." She turns back and gives Wen a respectful bow before turning to head to the Shields.

As she heads to Irontooth she stops by Silvers and stands looking up at her with a smile. She glances over as Adrien offers the crushed bouquet and looks back at Silvers with an ammused expression, "Good luck in there." she chuckles before heading off with a wave.

A small epiphany hits Triss, and she makes a b-line for the third recognized dwarven Shield. "It's been a while friend. How are you?" she says as she approaches.

HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15

"Beldabar's is perfect. I'm sure he can find some room for us, one way or the other." he nods to Trissae and Ozz as they leave. "We'll come get you when things are ready.""

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1

Adrien gives Trissae a hug before they part.

Trissae hurries up to the third dwarf, greeting him as a friend. The dwarf, looks like a deer in the headlights for a moment.

"Uhhh... Lass..." he says in the voice of Spearman Yarris, but not his usual manner.

Some of the other Shields take notice of this, namely Burke and Silvers.
The last time the Bogsharks had faced this Dwarf, it was upon escaping the Shield tower.

Before that, he fought Trissae outside of Yartar, in the very raid that got the bogsharks captured. He was the dwarf Trissae sprung her little trap on.

NPC: Master of disguise. Counterwit.

"How'd... You know it was me?" he says, his voice fading from the incredulous tone of the passionate Yarris, to that of Tease's standard(???) talking voice.

He looks awkwardly around at the Shield's he has just been exposed as a spy within the ranks of. The Shields look awkwardly back, dumbfounded.

Tease Grins at them.

NPC: Encouraging people to suddenly break out into song (Has bardic inspiration)

Silvers accepts the flowers from Adrien, giving them a dramatic sniff. "Well, aren't you still the constant gentleman."

She gives Trissae a tired, but determined smile.

After Trissae goes to meet the dwarf, finding Tease, Silvers sits up in her saddle in shock.

".... .... Teasey?!" She exclaims.

NPC: Still traumatized

Marvin's eye contact falters under Adrien's glare. He cowers awkwardly.

"WrrrrrrrRrrrRRrrrkk!" he growls, eyeing the swordsman's feet defensively.

NPC: Going through a goth phase?

Torea's eyes drift upward when Adrien speaks to her, showing off his scar.

She looks at it a moment, her expression blank. Then, she hooks her fingers in the neckline of her armor, and peels the leather to the side enough to show off a wicked arrow wound a couple of inches below one collar bone, before giving a small smile.

"What happened to you?" she'd ask Adrien on the march to Beldabar's, her tone unusually grim for the half-elven Shield.

NPC: Wants people to finally have a serious conversation about the rats for like FIVE minutes

"Can't be dead yet. Too much to do!" Rast replies to Adrien.

"Crows?!" Rast says, as if perfectly ready to accept that there is another animal-based threat, and is appropriately alarmed at the news. "What are the CROWS up to?!"

Caira and Giant, having been kept hostage by bullywugs for a few days, are deprived of pretty much all stamina. They are beyond exhausted, like many of the Shields who were kept under their control for days.

As is Frug. "Look, look. It's not like I don't appreciate it or anything. But I don't have much left IN me. I haven't had a chance to study my spells in days. But.... Uhhh... Look, if you're ever in Skullport again... Look me up. I'll find some way to pay you back, even if the only reason why I got netted by Bullywugs is because you kidnapped me and put me on a boat." He says to Grellik, almost remembering those days fondly, in comparison to the present.

These three decide to join Ozz and Trissae back with Irontooth and the other exhausted Shields, and those not specifically chosen for the assignment with Wen. Tease, once he assures the Shields that Yarris is fine, that he simply got left behind at the Tower when Tease took his place while Yarris was using the facilities.

Tease suggests he join in on the talk at Beldabar's, which Wen agrees is a fine spot. "It'd be nice to have one last f!++ing ale before we all get our damned #%^@es chewed off my elementals!"

Splotz join the group to Beldebar's.


Tag anything as above if it's appropriate to happen on the road into the meeting.

As the group marches over the bridges, they split into two, one heading toward the Tower, the others nearby, at Beldabar's Rest.


On the way to the Rest, you almost miss it as a chipmunk hurries out of the woods and climbs up your armor. You feel the weight as it scurries up your leg and approaches your face.

It opens its little mouth, and a human voice comes out, words spoken in Goblin.
"It's good to see you again. It's wise that you lead. I am watching. Waiting. Signal when needed. You will be freed."

Grellik knew almost before the creature opened his mouth what to expect. He had experienced this before. The Bogsharks all had. It's how the Boss delivered messages.

Somewhere nearby, right this very moment, the Boss of the Bogsharks is watching.

Tag anything as above if it's appropriate to happen at Beldabar's rest

Beldebar's is closed up, the door at street level barred from the inside. No amount of knocking helps, until Wen shouts that it's the Shields, seeking shelter. A minute later, A halfling woman in armor opens the door and eyes the group.

"Well, shit. You better all come in, though We're not much in a state to entertain. We've had... Issues. Bar the door behind you!" she shouts back, leading the group onward and down the stairs.

The common room of the Rest appears partially wrecked, like a fight broke out. Beldabar is there, straightening furniture and wiping up some blood. The large man frowns as everyone enters.

"Trouble?" He says to the Captain, but recognized Adrien and Grellik in the group.

Tag anything as above if it's appropriate to happen with Trissae and Ozz at the Shield Tower.

The Shields return to the tower. A lot of space has been dedicated to giving shelter for people not yet affected, and especially as a ward for those injured. The church of Tymora nearby looks like it had been on fire recently.

Captain Irontooth offers some of the Shield's limited resources to Trissae, based on what she thinks they might need. (Make a request and he'll see what he can do. )

What's your plan while at the Tower? Oh! And feel free to suggest stuff during planning OOC. Any NPC can suggest IC anything you want to add.

NPC: Wants people to finally have a serious conversation about the rats for like FIVE minutes

--On the way to Beldebar's--

Rast tries to talk to Adrien about the rats, bringing up that one time that he fell in the basement of that derelict house.

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar


When Grellik mentions the location where the Bowl might be, Beldabar offers a map to the group for Grellik to show Wen. As he does, the Captain scowls at the paper.

"This building here?" Wen taps the map to make sure. "Ilmater's BALLS, That's where Lord Frostheight is!"

NPC: Master of disguise. Counterwit.

"It's a guest house, for public officials. The Waterbaron uses them for visitors of high renown, right? What would Frostheight be doing there? Now? " Tease adds, still wearing the disguise of Spearman Yarris to the discomfort of many.

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar

"How in ten hells would I know? He got ordered to, as he was sending me to deal with the Citadel. He left Captain Gravonis in charge of the Shields, not that he f&%&ing wanted to, with your lot burning the woods out toward Silverymoon. He wanted to stay on his walls. Bet he'll be happy Irontooth is back."

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1

"Oh, someone tried to cut my throat," he gestures to the corpse of Grimgar. "He actually gave you your scar too. Was aiming for me, of course, but there you have it. Scar buddies. Looks badass on you, by the way."

Cavell gives Beldabar a small wave. "Hello again. Remember that man I chased after? We all have to join hands and kill him together like one big happy family. Coming with?"

"Frostheight huh? Well that complicates things for us then. Oh, and if any of you didn't know, Brundon wields magic. Just thought I'd get that out there early."

Cavell pretends he's not at all thinking of murdering Frostheight right then.

HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15

--At the Citadel--

"Mister Frug, lets not slander. I only kidnapped you to bring you on the voyage that you yourself booked! I cannot help it if you were too in the sauce to consent! Ah well, next time then, though I will point out that next times may be in short supply if we do not stop Brundon now." He gives him a parting wave, as he assumes his words will fall on deaf ears.

--On the way--
Grellik nods at Grey-knows-what

--At Beldabars--
As they enter, Grellik nods at Beldabar. "Many thanks, good sir, your hospitality is appreciated."

At Wen's revelation, Grellik's eyebrows raise. "Oh, is he now? I suppose we can wait a bit before storming the proverbial castle..."He looks around at the shields who, he imagines, do not appreciate the joke. "No? ah well. Then I suppose we had better get over there before Brundon burns him from the inside with elemental chaos. That is, unless his lordship is foolish enough to think he can control all this...but somehow, I doubt it. He seems to much the racial fanatic, that one, to risk turning people into abominations. Ah, speaking of Frostheight, are his retainers with him? That spiteful warrior and his wizard who's so fond of floating? They'd be useful in the battle, especially the wizard. I know a few spells, but come up short if a true arcanist is required.

He gives Adrien a bit of a cautioning eye, but says nothing. Its not like he can blame him. Grelliks blood boils at the thought of Mornak hanging.

"Yes, the lord's presence is complicating, though assuming he doesn't do anything stupid, like try to arrest us, I think it should all work out, don't you agree?" He smiles wickedly, glancing about to see if any disagree

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

response coming soon

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

--At the bridges--

"A princess can always sense a prince." She responds to Tease in Elvish. She's a little surprised he's is so willing to drop his guise but rolls with it anyway.

Triss is caught off-guard by Adrien's sudden hug, but smiles and is slightly rejuvenated by it, leaving with small smile.

--On the way--

Trissae will assist however she can, either by carrying injured or equipment.

--At the Tower--

Triss spends a small moment on the steps looking out eastward toward the gallows, then turns to enter. Once inside she goes to work helping out the wounded and coordinating with Irontooth.

Triss will just make sure she has provisions for her friends (food and such), but I could use some ideas.


Frug gives Grellik a long look, before sighing and turning to the skeleton he had magicked out of a bullywug.

"Jasper! You go with them. You look fresh and up for a fight. Take whatever orders this big guy gives you."

(Grellik, I'm not sure if you noticed the horse or not from an earlier post. Let me know if you have any specific declarations regarding it.)

NPC: Jasper the skeleton has joined the fight!!

The skeleton turns its skull over to Grellik at Frug's orders, before giving an excited fist pound. Seems like the skeleton is excited!


Beldebar's manner is ever-burdened. His rest has been assaulted by some many issues the last several days, from the guards restricting use of his passages, to pulling bugbears out of the river, and even now to having to close his Rest because of the dazed that had caused all manner of damage.

He notes Adrien, the man who had helped him briefly when one of his guests turned into a lightly lightning ball in one of his rooms.
"If you're here with the Shields, I'll give you lot a safe place to plan, but I can't leave. There's too much to do. At this rate I'll lose the rest to flooding."

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar


Wen nods at Grellik's question. "Yeah. Farlyse Vandeross and Dolson Marr. They're both with him. If this Brundon is lurking at the manor, we should be able to join forces with Frostheight and his lackeys."

For your planning purposes, WELCOME TO LEVEL 8, everyone.
Also, you will have a SHORT REST before any of you leave to do battle once again. Please roll hit dice and refresh your abilities.

All level 8 slots, HP, ability uses should be considered FULL and ready to use.

There are a couple of rooms full of injured soldiers and citizens to worry about, a small dazed population, and a general lack of moral. The tone at the tower feels like one of hopelessness. All of the Shields appears exhausted to some degree, and many have an expression of resignation. Many Shields are clearly inches away from breaking because of the days and days of misfortune.

Please roll any dice checks you would feel appropriate to combat any of the issues described briefly above.

HP: 55/71, AC: 15, HD: 4/9, Pass Perc: 16 (Darkvision 60), Init: +1, Spell Save DC: 14, Inspiration: Y

Ozz isn't AT THE REST, so I'll bring this up OOC. Grimgar's Corpse, and Feng, who is left at Grimgar's hideout in the alley not SUPER far away, are both things that probably need to be included into the planning here.

Ozz is his usual, quiet self, but he helps Trissae attend to the soldiers of civilization at the Shield Tower.

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1


Cavell quickly gets bored of the planning and finds a bit of open space to practice his form, getting used to the shorter reach and lighter weight of Grimgar's shortsword in his off-hand. He fights imaginary duels in his mind, picturing Frostdun's shocked expression as his blade pierces their chest. His eyes flicker black occasionally when he imagines the kill.

HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15

Why, yes, I did miss the horse. i'll re read it
Aw, my horse--poor, dumb, loyal bastard :D

--On the Bridge--
Grellik shakes his head at his 'trusty steed.' He pets its neck and says"I see that you still haven't learned you lesson. Very well, I shall formally accept you as my mount. Though naming you properly may have to wait until I have time to think about it." he turns to the half-orc it just bucked. "My apologies, good Shield, but this one has a strong will, and won't leave his chosen despite my best efforts." he will then mount up and ride the horse to Beldabars. he nods to Frug. he is touched that he would trust his soul, in a way, to Grellik. "I shall take good care of him. thank you, Mr Frug. Come, Jasper, stay close to me--I will keep you safe while we do battle."

if there are any extra weapons or armor(I know something like plate would have to be fitted, though I was thinking something more like chain) around, due to wounded shields, etc--I don't remember what our supply situation was like-- he will obtain what he can for Jasper. also, gotta for for now, mut I'll be back later to finish my level up ad see if there is anything else I need to say

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

Expunging all uses of bardic inspiration on healers/medics working on people, I think its fair to assume Triss would do this under these circumstances.

Looking around and helping as best she can she realizes that these people need more than food and bound wounds, they needed hope... She turned her gaze to Ozz for a moment, as if digging something out to help herself, then hurried to her pack and drew out her lute...

Performance: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Triss's song:

♪♪ Think about the love inside, the strength- of heart- ♪♪
♪♪ You are the heroes saving lives in the dark ♪♪
♪♪ Fighting higher through the fire, time was running out ♪♪
♪♪ Never knowing if you weren't going- to be coming back alive ♪♪
♪♪ But you still came back for me ♪♪
♪♪ You're as strong and you believe ♪♪

♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe !! ♪♪

♪♪ Think about the child who has a chance to say, ♪♪
♪♪ 'Thank you for saving my life that day' ♪♪
♪♪ Never fearing, only hearing voices calling out ♪♪
♪♪ gamble it all, the life that you know, just to bring them back alive ♪♪
♪♪ And you still came back for me ♪♪
♪♪ You were strong and you believed !! ♪♪

♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe !! ♪♪

♪♪ I Wanna hold my love when I get home ♪♪
♪♪ Wanna tell the kids they'll never know, how much I love to see them smile- ♪♪
♪♪ Wanna make a change or two right now ♪♪
♪♪ Wanna live a life like you somehow ♪♪
♪♪ Wanna make your sacrifices worthwhile ♪♪

♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Everything is gonna be alright ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe ♪♪
♪♪ Be strong, believe !! ♪♪

♪♪ Think about the love inside, the strength of heart!! ♪♪
♪♪ You are the heroes saving life in the dark!! ♪♪
♪♪ I'm going to take this chance I have to say!! ♪♪
♪♪ Thank you for Fighting by my side- this- day!! ♪♪

Trissae sways and moves about the room, sharing several bits of the chorus with those around her. Often times singing directly to a weather beaten and soul worn soldier. Finishing standing near Ozz, she looks across the room at the beleaguered Shields.

persuasion?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
"In times of darkness like these, remember this song, remember... Yartar will survive so long as a single Shield draws breath. Be strong, believe... because I do..."

Setting down the lute, Trissae returns to assisting as directed by Irontooth.

Inspiration for song

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1


Cavell gives both blades a flourish, feints an attack, then thrusts both hands forward as he lunges at his invisible foe.

"So, we all go down there together and kick his door in?"

Triss, that probably counts as a Song of Rest which could be handy for that scenario.

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar


Wen explains some about the location in question, the manor located in town West of the Shield Tower. You remember seeing it from a distance a number of times, and from passing by it on a fairly well-used road during your time in Yartar.

He eye's Adrien's practicing, his attention toward the side of the room with her spars with no-one, as if keeping an eye on any naked blade around him. Not hostile, but ready in case a blade were to suddenly go flying.

"It's an estate, a manor. A place made to impress people coming into town, make sure the nobles and royals are pampered. Feh.
It has it's uses, but it's a place too soft for life on the edge of the savage frontier.
It's surrounded by a story's-high wall topped with iron spikes, and the only entrance in is the buildings front door on the North Western side. It's large enough to keep a few dozen people, so all the spoiled tourists can have their servants and soldiers all walled into this building. A large garden makes up the walled land, a lavish yard accessible from the back of the house, though to get to these back doors and balconies, you'll have to somehow go over the walls and spikes.
I think we should walk straight up and knock, assuming Lord Frostheight is inside. He should let us in and we can explain the situation about the Bowl. F%**, maybe he already knows, could be we can just combine forces there and deal with it together.
Any counter suggestions?"

Here is the city map, again. Remember that it isn't rotated properly for North to be up (North is to the left). Wen is describing location (13) near the Shield Tower and Happy Hall.


Damn, nice rolls! Okay, how about this, I'd like to turn your successes in increasing the hope of the tower into material reward so far as obtaining equipment goes. Let's say your checks can be seen as motivation for the Shields to continue on, to continue trying to help the city without despairing, and to trust the Bogsharks further.
So, let's do this: Your success has resulted in 3 MAGICAL ITEMS. You choose which type of item you want it to be (Studded leather armor, a magic lute, a greatsword, whatever particular equipment piece or even something like potions/spell scrolls), then choose a particular function of the enchantment (Damage, defense, utility, etc), and then I'll choose the specific property the item has based on those choices and turn out some magic items the Shields have found to help your team.
In addition to these magical items, I'll also give you 250 GP to spend on any adventuring gear in the player's handbook you choose, which will be items provided by the Shields on your mission, just like with the magic gear

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1


Cavell sighs and sheathes his blades, walking over to the table.

"Sure, you go up and knock. When they unlock it, we all kick the door in. For all we know Frostheight is in league with Brundon."

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar


"In LEAGUE with him?!" Wen raises his voice. "I'll give you that its strange that Frostheight is at the same location you expect this Brundon to be at, but what you are implying is effectively treason on the part of Lord Frostheight! The man has been working for Keldorna, acting as her aide's hands. Lord Charles is unwell, and the Waterbaron needs an effective aide, to work for her goals, to wield the power of her office to keep Yartar safe and thriving! Lord Frostheight has been those hands! To suddenly claim him to be working against the office of Yartar's Waterbaron, colluding with a madman with an artifact raining hellfire down onto our city, is..."

Wen shakes his head, nearly at loss for words. "... Simply.. Unbelievable.
... ... Unless you've got damn good reason to back your wild guess?"

Anyone at THE REST can roll an Insight or Investigation (Intelligence based Insight, is how I'm considering this roll in this context) or... Maybe a History check (Though the DC will be higher)

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

Shopping list:

Okay so here's my ideas:
1. Greatsword - defense for Grellik
2. Cloak - utility for Ozz
3. Scroll/ring/potion to cast Counter spell

As for regular items, I'd start by requesting the rest of the Sharks' gear be returned.

As for adventuring gear: (for everyone unless otherwise noted)
1. Heavy cloak
2. Rope
3. grappling hook
4. lamp
5. Oil
6. Clothes, costume (for Triss, or sufficient time spent with a caster using mending)
7. Crowbar (1)
8. Thieve's tool (1)
9. Hammer (1)
10. Spikes (1)

That's all I can think of for now.

Trissae thanks the provisioner for their help, Then turns to Ozz.
"We'll have to figure out how to deliver all this stuff now."

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1


Cavell looks a bit surprised when Wen raises his voice. He'd walked over a bit sweaty and out of breath, seeming impatient for the coming battle to start, but now looks incredulous--and defensive.

"Unbelievable? It's unbelievable for a noble to be ambitious to a fault?" He laughs bitterly. "For all you know Frostheight is the reason Lord Charles is ill. That's what nobles do, they step on each other to serve their own goals, all on the backs of the common folk who work themselves to death to give them the luxury of their--f**$ing backstabbing games. And as their people starve, they complain about not having the biggest pile of gold of all their rich friends," Cavell draws his saber. "And you think a nobleman wouldn't sell this city out for personal gain? Why? Because he's been a good little helper, reaping the rewards and building his status and wealth? Are you that naive? Every noble was born into believing they're better and deserve the best, but they're the f&+@ing worst of us, spoiled and self-righteous til their dying breaths. Every single one thinks they're the hero of their people because they have the mercy to toss a pittance for the gutter rats to fight over," he looks at his drawn saber, grimacing as he slowly sheathes it. His voice lowers as he looks back to Wen. "And the gutter rats cut each others throats over that pittance. Children. Not out of ambition or greed, just the need to survive, to eat. Look into the eyes of one of those gutter rats," He gestures aggressively to his own temple. "And tell me what a saint Frostheight is for just doing his job."

Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 12

HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15

Sorry for the late response

history: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Grellik patiently waits through Wens tirade, eyes narrowing at the glowing report given of the man who murdered Mornak. Yes, he has an awful lot of latitude right now, doesn't he Captain...

He is about to respond, but Cavell beats him to it. deception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 He tries to hide his reaction to Adrien

He has a compassion at Adrien's raw accusation of the noble class, mixing to confusion as he fingers himself as a gutter rat

he steps in, hoping to cut both of them off before things get worse. "Alright, both of you. Yes, Captain Wen, we do consider Frostheight to be capable of anything. You have described him coming into quite a windfall of authority, he would not be the first noble to fall to greed." he fixes Wen's gaze "And we have not forgotten how our
Miss Darkwhisper was treated. Or Mornak. The most hopeful of us and..."
He exhales and speaks quietly to Cavell, not turning toward him. "And though I find...little fault in your speech, it does not seem the time to inflame tensions. We set all this aside for the good of all, our brethren included."

"Now, As for the frontal approach, I am all for it in this case, but I would caution you not to open the door to eagerly, Captain."

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1

Insight: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Cavell nods. "Fine by me. When do we leave?"


At the tower, you go about trying to help heal and lift the spirits of the inhabitants of Shield's active center of the city. It appears as if the Shields are operating at swelled ranks and for a moment you suspect that they have received volunteers from the able bodied of the common population.

It's busy, active, and desperate. You see countless wounded, many among the active troops. Red blood staining the clothes beneath red coats, soaking into bandages. Several seem to be dazed, at least partially. You catch a man with frost on his skin holding a torch and club, periodically applying the heat to his arm in an effort to hold back his affliction.

You perform for them, the lone Drow standing in a sea of the surface worlders, who know only of terror from the underdark, the cruel world below them. Well, with one notable exception, a man with two blades. Their discomfort turns to resolve, and many left with a second exception imprinted on their hearts.

After the performance, a knight approaches Trissae. It takes the bard a moment after they've started speaking before she could tell that the knight is a woman, a face somewhere between handsome and pretty, striking in its ambiguity, peaks out through an androgynous helmet with a long, golden braid-like tassel coming from it. The heavy armor and shield seem to be a sturdy make, and she carries it all effortlessly. A Red and Gold cape falls from her pauldrons and her shield has upon it a symbol of a Gauntlet and an Eye, the symbol for Tyr, the god of war and of justice. You see no weapon of any kind on her, unique in the mass of soldiers.

"I apologize for your loss..." She says, her eyes on Trissae's revealing a deep, internal sadness. "I would have preferred not to execute him... But the laws we make..." She sighs, but never lets her posture betray sorrow.

"Sometimes... Sometimes I understand why you and yours reject it. Why you took a small piece of my land for yourselves. Law is heavy. It's hard. We wear law to protect us..." she beats against her steel breastplate, stained as red as the Shield itself. "But it comes with a price. Justice is difficult to codify. What is justice changes by the moment, but without a code comes abuse and corruption. It is a crueler world than the wilds of nature, at times."

She extends a hand, and you notice the symbol of Yartar imprinted in a crest, the heraldry of the office of the Waterbaron of Yartar. You notice, many are watching her in her resplendent armor, and a group of soldiers is standing nearby, apparently awaiting her presence.

Belleethe Kheldorna extends her hand, with an unspoken tear invisible at the corner of one eye. "Thank you for your help, Trissae Darkwhisper. In my heart, I know I did not serve justice that day. We don't deserve this generosity... But thank you. We have our issues with your family, issues we will have to settle another day, but for you, for today, know that the city of Yartar owes you a great debt."

.... After the conversation, she heads back out into the storm to continue trying to save her city.


Later, in the medicine bay with the metallic scaled Dragonborn medic Hilshind, Trissae assisted the physician with healing some of the more dire injuries in the medical ward Trissae before been herself, before her escape. A half-elf magician (Which Trissae thinks she remembers from the escape from the Tower) who knew the cantrip mending had been ordered to repair Trissae's equipment, including her costumes. Captain Irontooth was seeking to have some contraband released.

"It was one of the earthen dazers, with dripping acid" Hilshind pointed to one of the two seriously injured (yet not dead) patients in this room, the dwarf Radgar, who had once hurled stones and insults at Trissae. His stomach had been massively damaged by acid, scarring and twisting his flesh, almost like violently handled clay. Conscious but shaking and delirious with pain, Radgar shakes violently on his bed as recognizes the world around him to grunt and hiss his disapproval of his doctor.

"Stop squirming! As. I. Said! I cannot DO anything for you, Spearman, it's the Drow doctor or the gods for you. I am bound by needle and thread, and YOU need a miracle. You'll have to forgive him, he's a moron who is dying. The acid did more than just melt a bit of his digestive and respiratory organs, but it got into his blood. Right now, his constitution is being wracked with an acid burning like poison as it courses through his veins... It's an infection as much as it is a horrifying injury."


When Irontooth returns with what he got out of the tower's Evidence room:

- Greatsword of Desperation (+1 AC while the wielder's HP is less than half their total. Additionally, when struck it lets out a strange, softly-chiming tone. This tone changes from strike to strike and the purpose of this effect is unknown.)
- 2 scrolls of counterspell and 2 scrolls of dispel magic
- A Cloak of Elvenkind

NPC: Captain in the Shields of Yartar. Bearer of the Shield of Yartar


Wen sits, arms crossed over his chest as his eyes peer out beneath the tapestry of scarred face. He watches first Adrien, appearing like he'd object at any moment, but then holding himself back. Then, he does the same for Grellik.

He stands up, and walks, thinking, away from the group toward one of the walls of the Rest's main room. He stands there, his back facing the room. Then, he punches the wall, the metal of his gauntlet crunching against the mostly-unworked wall of the natural cave.

Marvin, nearby takes a step forward and weerks anxiously. Wen puts his hand on his beak, reassuring the pet owlbear. "We disagree..." he grits out, articulating himself with gravel's elegance. A vein stands out on his neck in tension. "... Not as much as you merchant robbing, child orphaning lawless types might f!*$ing well think! BUT! He says, turning in place and marching back up to Grellik and Adrien.

"You want me to entertain the f~~!ing CHANCE Frostheight would do this? Sure. Fine. I'll f%*&ing entertain it. And I'll be god damned ready for it if it turns out to be true. But the two of you wagon burning, soldier retiring, BANDITS need to know this: You know Frostheight as his enemy, not as his ally. I know him from a different perspective than you do, and I'd be willing to bet I know him better. You want to piss on the nobles of the world? Fine! I'll join you. We can do a tour through Thay while we're at it and I'll piss on the powerful of the land that my parents barely escaped from, they probably deserve it more than some. F!%*, I might even join you in wetting the curls of Frostheight's f*$*ing mustache. I don't have to like him to understand him, and the man I understand Lord Frostheight to be is not the man you are saying he would have to be to do this. I'll be ready for you to be right about him, but I'll be real damned surprised."

"We've got our mission. We leave in half an hour. Beldabar, we need access to your kitchens. We haven't eaten since five dead companions ago. On the orders of the Waterbaron of Yartar, I am officially buying every last crumb of food, no matter its condition, and every last drop of wine, ale, beer, liquor, and spirits you've got. Even the good stuff you reserve for a rainy day. It's a real f!@#ing rainy day! Get it. Get it all."

"WE LEAVE IN HALF AN HOUR" he suddenly shouts to the gathered group. "MAKE SURE YOU'RE DRUNK ENOUGH TO FIGHT BUT NOT DRUNK ENOUGH TO DIE EASY! Our mission is to get to the guest manor, meet up with Lord Frostheight, determine his F*%~ING GODDAMNED NATURE, and find this accidental-bastard of a Bowl!! We kill the storm!"

He then gives Adrien and Grellik a look, letting them know that this plan includes them. The plan, and the access to the food and drink.


Grellik and Adrien:
Through noble heritage and knight's training, the two of you had both been exposed to the idea of an office. That where an office holds a certain amount of individuality above the ones who occupy it. Almost like a guild, certain ruling bodies are more about the Office than any one person. The people are more temporary, the office is what remains.
The both of you ponder, realizing that through all of the conversation about Frostheight, the Wen is speaking of the OFFICE of the Waterbaron like it exists in this state, as an office above an individual. People have been acting in the interests and the authority, probably quite literally, of the office of Yartar's ruling body.
You ponder the significance of this, as a ruling body like this might behave in certain ways that another may not. It could be that even Wen himself could potentially act with the literal authority of the office of Yartar's Waterbaron, if the proper rules were followed.

Beldabar and his surely halfling assistant busy themselves emptying their larder for the soldiers for their last meal before raiding the source of the storm, or maybe of their entire lives.

Each of the Bogsharks are welcome to join as well, or find one of the many places and private rooms in the Rest to prepare themselves for the battle to come. It isn't just the Shields who risk eating their last meal this day.

There is a lot of cold served food, but they have rolls, breads, biscuits and tarts. The have molding cheeses (Still good underneath!) from across the sword coast, and a surprising amount of cold, farm fresh crops and milk stored in a pantry. (When pressed, the halfling River says that one of the other workers at the Rest started to turn into an ice monster, and they had to petrify him with magic. His statue has stayed ice cold and they've been using him to keep food fresh.

They have booze from Luscan to Amn, made by a dozen races. They have everything from Dwarvern Ale to Cherryfire. There are two note worthy rarities. One is a large jug of something called T'ej, an amber beverage made from fermented honey from a place called Port Port Nyanzaru. The other is a wine of unknown origin. It's in a small keg big enough to only hold alcohol for about half of the group to get a worthy sampling. The barrel is made of dark, sinister looking wood and has a brand, a "W" stained over the tap.


ALRIGHT! Let's say that everybody gets a SHORT REST before heading out from their individual locations. Remember the NPCs you're with for any interaction you'd like before heading out. If you want a scene that requires some amount of set up to have happen, feel free to just say "You walk into a room where Splotz is alone", or something to start. Totally cool.
If you have any follow up questions, in or out of character, or wish to go over any information your character may have in their possession (Now is a good time to get into Grimgar's final gift to you, Grellik, if you were interested)
If you're at the Rest, you can have as much of the common alcohol as you'd like, but you must choose one or the other between the "W"ine and the T'ej, so everyone at the Rest gets ONE of them.
When you guys are ready to be at a point where the lot of you would meet back up, tell me when and where that will be!
Glad you're all back. I hope Paizo will stay a float for a while later, we've got a story to see the conclusion to! :D


Far, far away in a land the south, exists a city with a vault. Within that vault is a chest, and within that chest is a velvet sack containing a gem-encrusted tome with dwarvern script.

Within this tome is a single glowing sheet of parchment, a line of light emitting from an otherwise dull book. On that page, is an intricate drawing of a great, elemental bowl. The bowl is penned in a now-glowing ink. Silently, this drawing glows, ignored by all in the world around it. All, but one.

"Aahh.... A..." comes a withered voice from a specter, a wretched ghost reliving his death for the six-hundred and thirteenth time. Unlike most other hauntings, this spirit knew of its own state even as it exhaled its last breathe just as it had in life.This ghost happens to be special. This is the ghost of a wizard.

Feeling the anguish of dying again, he finds himself focusing on the image of the drawing within the tome.

"T.. Twice then?" he rasps, feeling his death settle over him. The book had been silent for ages, and now after he had died, it finally sends out its call of warning. This had happened once before, recently, just last death in fact.

"This seems to be becoming a pattern! The Ve..Vessel... Why is it being used TWICE?"

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

-- the meeting --

The lightning scar tingled as they shook hands, almost as if to tell Triss this was no chance meeting. She didn't speak, she couldn't, Kheldorna inspired the sort of awe a real dragon might in Trissae. It took all her will power just to remain stoic enough to seem professional.

As the Waterbaron turned to leave Triss finally mustered the breath to speak, "Lady Kheldorna, don't give up on Moonbrooke yet... she still lives, the secret is in the shield somewhere." She gives the Waterbaron a nod then goes back to helping the others.

-- the Medicine bay --

Following Hilshind's direction Triss moves to Radgar, looking him over. "Enough Radgar, this isn't the time for hard words... There will be time for plenty of that after we get you healed up and the city saved." Casting which ever spell you deem appropriate (lesser restore? healing word?

-- time grows short --

After having secured the goods and thanking Irontooth Trissae finds Ozz, who likely is close, and walks up to him with the cloak wrapped over her arm.
"Ozz, Irontooth found this in their stores, I think you should have it..." She walks up and throws it up over his broad shoulders and fastens it's elegant ties below his chin.

"I know it's a bit ostentatious for your tastes normally, but with it you might finally get your chance to see the Bog Unicorn..." She stops adjusting the clasp and stares blankly a moment, remembering Ozz's story and Belleethe's words.

She looks up to Ozz conflicted, then reaches into her leather armor and pulls out a leather bound ledger.

Adding up the numbers:

"Ozz, I don't know what to do... or who to turn to... I might be broken." She says, slowly opening the ledger and further unfolding the torn page showing the prisoner tracking.

She points up to the scuffed out entry above Feng's. "I spoke with the Shields, they confirmed it was Grimgar... Grimgar knew a full tenday before our raid we were being hunted by Frostheight. He had two days to warn us." She breaks a moment and covers her mouth, fighting back a rush of emotion.

"I think..... I think.. he, she, he said she sold it- he never directly mentioned who but I know it had to be Caira, she sold his Grokamor. In his desperation to get it back he got caught... caught and likely tortured by Frostheight. Caira's thoughtlessness... this could have been avoided. All he could think of was revenge, now Mornak... Feng, Grimgar...." The book slides out of her hand as she curls defensively clenching herself tightly.

"I don't know if I can forgive them Ozz, I was push away from Menzoberranzan because of stuff like this! I've already lost one family because of hate! Revenge! I can't... I ca...." She crumbles to her knees, burying her head into her cloak. Even now she knew that she couldn't let her desperation be heard too loudly.

-- Afterward --

Triss will work with Ozz to gather up the materials they've gotten and start making their way back to meet with the others. Maybe some kind of wheelbarrow or small cart to transport the goods?

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1

Cavell sits by himself, eats his fill and has a few drinks. "Let's try the mead!" he votes.

After enough time (and a few more drinks), he starts singing.

Performance: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3


♪♪Oh hey.. they calls him Ozz.. Why ey?.. well he's from the bogz.. Yeah!.. something something.. knocks down loOoOogz, they say!♪♪ ... ♪♪His name's Gian't, and he won't deny it, He'll cook it'n'fry it, Just the way we all like iiiiit!♪♪

He then tries to improvise a few more lines onto Trissae's song.

♪♪Call Frogman Splotz.. when yer pissin' blood or yer guts are tied in knotz.. Hahaha.. If you've been cursed by a witch or just a dockyard wench.. Frogman Splotz'll stitch you back together agaaaain ♪♪

♪♪Big as a mountain.. hits like a brick.. cuts yer head off and blood spray like a fountain.. Grellik! He.. he.. ah f&#! it..♪♪

♪♪Triss! The face you can't miss.. body of a dancer and an assassin's kiss.. voice of a Goddess.. to sing you to bliss!♪♪ he chuckles to himself. ♪♪And Grimgar the cuuuuuuuuunt!♪♪ he toasts to the air, sloshing most of his drink onto the floor.

There's more 'Sharks to sing about, but it seems like he's done.

NPC: Wants people to finally have a serious conversation about the rats for like FIVE minutes

"These cigars..." Rast says, pulling the final end of his short cigar from his lips and gestures it upward for people to see. He swirls his glass of "W" wine and continues.

"They were given to be by my wife." He puts the cigar end into his mouth, past his blonde beard and begins chewing carefully, savoring the flavor of the tobacco leaves as he grinds them with his molars. "I've been saving them for a special occasion."

He swallows and pulls a tin out of his red coat, opening it to reveal a half a dozen cigars left in a tin which once held twice that amount. "You boys have smelling me smoke them all day." He lights a match and puts the fresh cigar into his mouth.

Rast inhales deeply and the blows a cloud of fragrant tobacco smoke into the room. The air is spicy and has a hint of fig and cinnamon. It hangs in the air like a cake before dissipating. "It's been a decade since I got em, but I saved them for a special occasion..."

"I remembered them, and thought. Hell. I'll probably die today. What's the use in saving em?"

He exhales again, letting the smoke coat the room in its confectionery scent. "Two many of you all here to give everyone one, though." He closes the tin and gets up from his chair.

Rast places the tin down on the chair he just vacated and nods at it. "Not my problem now, though. Figure it out." he says, and walks away from the tin.

Leaving them there. Unguarded. A gift to anyone who manages to get one.

AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)

I love this rest scene and especially love Adrien's song lol

NPC: Still traumatized

"WEEEereEEeEErrrkkkrrrrrr!" Marvin screech growls at the singing.

"...uuuuuuuuuunt!" Splotz joins in with the end of Adrien's song, in Adrien's voice.

Then the owl bear screeches at the singing.

"WEEEerreEEeeErrrkkkrrrr!" Splotz screech growls right back, in almost an identical way.

After Rast walks away from the offered Cigars, Splotz clearly readies himself to move, his froggy eyes blinking at both sides of the room simultaneously, watching nearly everyone at once.


Keldorna turns to look back at Trissae when the young elf speaks. She looks her in the eye a moment, and then nods. "I shall pray that Captain Wen discovers the solution, then."


A lesser restoration should do. Do you go for it?

No need for a wheel-barrel. Your packs will be enough to carry all your extra requested gear. If you WANT somehting like a wheel-barrel, they have them.

HP: 55/71, AC: 15, HD: 4/9, Pass Perc: 16 (Darkvision 60), Init: +1, Spell Save DC: 14, Inspiration: Y


Ozz was speaking with Giant when Trissae finds him. He follows her (if she wishes) and then she gives him the gift, throwing the cloak of elven make around his shoulders.

He frowns at it, a bit confused, but then he seems to recognize it. "I've seen something like this before..." he rumbles, his voice deep. "From before I found the Sharks.... It makes me harder to see, doesn't it?" he wears it, looking at the cloak's material, a bit confused.

Then, he pulls the hood up and the garment shifts in color and texture, leaning toward the look of worked stone, allowing him to blend in a bit more naturally with the walls of the Tower.

"Yes... I remember this. Very effective... I'll wear this, and master it. I'll learn how to use it against any of my hunters in the future."

After Trissae pulls out the ledger, he watches it and her curiously, listening to her story.

He flinches when Trissae relates something about Caira selling Grimgar's object, clearly understanding the significance there. His frown deepens, and he watches as Trissae folds in on herself, her emotions overcoming her.

Ozz sits down next to her, letting his side rest against Trissae's, just wanting to stay close, to be a source of some comfort. He stays there for a moment, thinking before sighing as heavy sigh.

"Your idea of what happened... It's not all right. Pieces are turned the wrong way... " He fishes something out of his bag, holding it tentatively in his fingers. A pair of old soldiers in faded paint, it looks partially broken.

"... ... There's something Grimgar once told me about how he grew up in Yartar, on the streets. There was always a bigger urchin just as hungry as him. He fought in alleys and gutters for scraps, earning everything he ate with trickery and force. He told me that he learned a valuable lesson, that rarely do any two of your enemies see eye to eye themselves. Grimgar started using them against each other, tricking one side to do his dirty work for him, and then finishing the job himself.
That was decades ago. Before the Sharks. Before either of us were part of the Sharks. Before Adrien. Before Caira. ...
... He's been one of our elite, using the trolls and giants against each other, luring them into fights against each other before going in to do the clean up. I hear he got pretty good at it."

Ozz hands his wooden soldiers over to Trissae. "This is my GrokaMor'. I've had it as long as I can remember, a talisman from my past. Grimgar had this strange... vessel filled with dust. If Caira sold it." His eyes go a bit wide, communicating his anger at the idea. He lets out a vicious snort. "Stupid! Thoughtless! ... Earlier, when I realized that Grimgar meant to kill... At the citadel? I still didn't know why, but I suddenly believed it. That he wanted Adrien dead. That he wanted Caira dead. He's too protective. He saw their worst and never their worth, thinking them enemies. If Caira sold his GrokaMor'... ... How else to eliminate your foes your allies don't want you to hurt? Make your enemies fight each other..."

Ozz shakes his head, pained thinking about it. "All of this... F~@$ing all of this! Because Grimgar was just too fed up with waiting for someone to hurt him first."

Suddenly, his brow creases as he looks down at the ledger, his eyes focusing on it accidentally. He reads the common, and his demeanor totally changes, from sadness to urgent worry.

"Gokk!! Trissae... Feng was being held in a special cell, away from everyone else, right? ... ... How did SHE get SICK?"

He thinks about the form of the cracked dragonborn. Her affliction was in an advanced state. She'd have probably died the night of the lightning, if that hadn't occurred. Feng wasn't necessarily removed from the bogsharks because she was infected, the reason was to be isolated from Caira, Giant and Mornak. He wondered if they'd have stated if she WERE sick.

He taps the page. "If she wasn't sick when they put her in this cell... Then she got sick while in isolation. ... Then... Who is THIS?" He points at the blue symbol stamped into the page for Feng's visitors, the seal of the Waterbaron.

HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1


"I wouldn't tangle with the frog if I were you," Cavell says out loud to no one in particular, ignoring Rast and the cigars. He has Trollsplitter out, and is turning it in the tavern's light, somber.

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