Reign of Winter with GM Deadly Secret - Table 3 - The Snows of Summer
Game Master
Deadly secret
The date is 4713 AR on Oathday, 19th Earstus at 1:00 pm - current moon cycle: waxing crescent
The Location is Heldren - Wishbone Creek
M Fetchling(Kayal) Divine Defender (Paladin)-2 | HP 14/19 | AC:16/18 T:11 FF:15/17( w/o-w shield) | F+7 R+4 W+5 CMD:16 |Init+1 Perception+0 Low-light/ Darkvision 60' | Resist Cold & Electric 5 | Active effects:sickened
HP 1/14 | AC14 tch14 FF11 | CMD15/FF12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | | Init+7 | BAB:1,MAB:+2,RAB:+5 | Knowledge(Arcana)+8,(Nature)+7 | Perception+11 | Spellcraft+8 | Stealth+8 | Cold Resistance 2
Druid is good. Will have some minor healing. And.... the paladin will have some healing ability later too, right?
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Druid sounds good. Welcome!
M Fetchling(Kayal) Divine Defender (Paladin)-2 | HP 14/19 | AC:16/18 T:11 FF:15/17( w/o-w shield) | F+7 R+4 W+5 CMD:16 |Init+1 Perception+0 Low-light/ Darkvision 60' | Resist Cold & Electric 5 | Active effects:sickened
Hey folks, A dear friend of mine died and I will be traveling to attend a funeral over the next few days. I'll check in when I can.
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
We'll be here, Asric. Look after those who need you more than we do.
I dot and delete, so it will be easier to follow
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Asric Swain wrote: Hey folks, A dear friend of mine died and I will be traveling to attend a funeral over the next few days. I'll check in when I can. Best wishes to you and your friend's family, Asric.
Durra, you can jump in anytime. Basically earlier today you found out that a group of adventurers went to the snow to investigate, and they are returning back to the village now all beaten and bruised late at night. You can jump in now or in the morning and introduce yourself. Express interest in saving Lady Argentea, a noble from Oppara.
GM Deadly Secret wrote: Durra, you can jump in anytime. Basically earlier today you found out that a group of adventurers went to the snow to investigate, and they are returning back to the village now all beaten and bruised late at night. You can jump in now or in the morning and introduce yourself. Express interest in saving Lady Argentea, a noble from Oppara. I take that as 'char approved'
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Reign of Winter Slides
Hello everyone! During our downtime I had some time to move my stuff onto a slide show to consolidate everything. The first slide is for your icons, if you plan to summon something or you have a companion I can just copy/paste from here.
The second slide will be our active map. Usually I prefer to lock tokens so players can’t move them, the only reason I try to enforce this is because everyone forgets about difficult terrain. But if you can remember for me, then we can go ahead and allow you to move yourselves from now on.
I included a party loot sheet that you can go ahead and fill out if you have any of the items collected so far that you are not gearing for use. Consumables do not go onto this sheet, only items you don’t plan on equipmenting during combat. If you plan to equip it until you sell it, then keep it on your own character sheet for that time.
Please try to keep the player rolls table up to date when you level up or if there are any changes to your character due to gear equip and any situational modifiers.
Last but not least, the graveyard or retirement home. On occasion they will get lost too.
Hope you like the slides and happy gaming!
Survival Skill DC 15 wrote: Gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves against severe weather while moving up to half your overland speed, or gain a +4 bonus if you remain stationary. You may grant the same bonus to one other character for every 1 point by which your Survival check result exceeds 15. I stumbled upon this while looking for something else. So if anyone is really good or lucky at survival checks, this will help him and potentially his allies in surviving cold weather.
I've been reading up in the gameplay thread and I would like to say that I like the stickler-GM style:)
@Rerdahl: I believe, italic text is for thoughts. At least that's what the guide formatting says and everybody does. Unless you speak to us telepathicly sich I didn't know about :)
HP 1/14 | AC14 tch14 FF11 | CMD15/FF12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | | Init+7 | BAB:1,MAB:+2,RAB:+5 | Knowledge(Arcana)+8,(Nature)+7 | Perception+11 | Spellcraft+8 | Stealth+8 | Cold Resistance 2
Hmm.... Didn't know that. Thanks. I'll try not to do that anymore since I am not telepathic.
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
Italic is also traditionally a good way for a speaker to emphasize he's repeating someone else's words, as in my latest post. Even I forget some literary techniques like that at times...
Hello players,
I recently got involved in Society rules and have learned that I can issue you credit as a sanctioned module or AP. If you stay to the end of each book or module I run, I can give you credit and a chronicle sheet for you to apply to an appropriate level character for your society characters. If you are interested in having this credit let me know. This first book is for Tier 1-2 characters.
You can post here or PM me (make sure you state what game you're in if you pm) this info:
Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Chronicle #:
Slow or Medium XP:
What ability score would you like to boost for 1 min per day if you were to get a boon.
(You don't get to make day job checks for these)
If you have any questions let me know and I will assist you.
Happy Gaming!
Hello players,
Given some suggestions and some thought I have considered to do block initiative after all. I'll be using another GM's very good example and making my own method. Hope fully this will make some of you feel a little better about timing and your post.
I will try to implement this into each game on the next combat.
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
Anything that makes a GM's job easier lets the game flow better. I'm good with it.
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
I think I know what you mean by block ini, because I'm in another game, where something like this is handled that way.
In reality everybody is acting at the same time anyway. I know other RPGs, where initiative scores don't exist.
HP 1/14 | AC14 tch14 FF11 | CMD15/FF12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | | Init+7 | BAB:1,MAB:+2,RAB:+5 | Knowledge(Arcana)+8,(Nature)+7 | Perception+11 | Spellcraft+8 | Stealth+8 | Cold Resistance 2
anything to help the flow of the game is fine!
Played once in a game, initiative by posting speed.... It sucked!
I don't think that in block initiative NPCs have to go last. They should go at the same time, but they may divide the PCs into two blocks.
They rolled low i just choose not to reveal them until it was their turn. Hence gm screen ealier when i rolled a 1.
well, I do not look behind the GM screen. Unlucky ice elementals :), then
yep :) all good just wanted to clarify
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Hey GM! Question: Viroté has Cold Resistance 5, which would reduce the cold damage to 0. If that's the case, is he NOT staggered?
Correct, for these creatures yes.
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Cool, thanks. I'll post on Saturday after taking the kids to the Renaissance Faire!
Hello everyone, sorry about the delays. I'm on vacation and it's Friday. I'm going to take this day to do some vacation things but will be back in the seat tomorrow to get you all back on track. Sorry about the delays!
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Thanks for the heads-up! I hope you've had a good vacation.
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
No worries. PBP is good for taking time to do things. We'll be here.
Hello everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend. I ended up taking the rest of the weekend to enjoy the vacation and now I'm back to work. I will have everyone's threads updated at some point today as I have many to get through. Thanks for your patience and let's get this ball rolling again.
Happy Gaming!
Hello everyone again, sorry about the delay today. I am transitioning to a house sitting job and won't be able to post today. Will see you again tomorrow, Saturday!
Please bookmark the slides on your own browsers as Paizo's site is not allowing most campaigns to be edited and I do not have the option to display it for you at the top due to their sites malfunction. O_U9TcS4/edit?usp=sharing
which slide are we on? we're not on the same as the bandits
Right, just hook the two side by side and that's what you got. Slide 1 is right, slide 2 is left.
Hello everyone, Today I am returning home after house sitting and will need to take the whole day to get situated and back home. Thanks for your patience. Once I get home we will be back on track with a faster pace from my part. Have a great day everyone!
Sorry about the delay's everyone. We are coming up on US Thanksgiving and is taking much of my time. I will do my best to get us updated this week but just wanted to let you know why so many delays! Happy holidays and happy gaming!
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Understood. Thanks for letting us know! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
Trust me I know what you mean, GM. I'm working the holidays and the extended family's up in arms about whose house we're all going to for feasting. The big nominee's about 5 hours drive from most of us though, so yeah...things have been busy.
HP 1/14 | AC14 tch14 FF11 | CMD15/FF12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | | Init+7 | BAB:1,MAB:+2,RAB:+5 | Knowledge(Arcana)+8,(Nature)+7 | Perception+11 | Spellcraft+8 | Stealth+8 | Cold Resistance 2
Enjoy. I'm away from home and easy posting until after this weekend.
Hello everyone, as expected the holidays are slowing the games down. I am enjoying my weekend and will have all of your posts done on Monday morning. Have a great weekend!!!
As we are getting closer to Christmas, my time is getting shorter. I am sorry about the delays and promise we will be back on track after the new year. I will try and post when I can. Thank you all for being patient and Happy Holidays!!
Vishkanya Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Understood! Happy Holidays, everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone. I know the holiday season will be slow here on the boards. To make matters worse, I'll be travelling to Egypt until Jan 5th. In case this gets rolling again, please bot me.
male Ratfolk HP 9/9 | AC 15 tch 15 FF 15 | CMD 13 / FF 9 | F1 R6 W1
M Fetchling(Kayal) Divine Defender (Paladin)-2 | HP 14/19 | AC:16/18 T:11 FF:15/17( w/o-w shield) | F+7 R+4 W+5 CMD:16 |Init+1 Perception+0 Low-light/ Darkvision 60' | Resist Cold & Electric 5 | Active effects:sickened
Sorry about Christmas delay, I will have your posts finished before my night is up.