The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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The nimble pair slowly creep down the narrow trail which leads to the north around the edge of the hill. After only a few feet, it ducks below an overhang which blocks the line of sight between them and the top of the cliff. Rounding the curve, they see the western face of Bloodmarch Hill before them, bright in the late afternoon sunlight and pockmarked with dark spots that are small caves and mineshafts. Alicia squints into the sun to try to determine which of the caves is the one they entered this morning, but she is too far away to make out any of Banny's chalk marks from this vantage.

The narrow path they are traveling continues northward and downward.

Kaleb and Alicia also continue northward and downward. As they pick their way carefully along the narrow pathway, it becomes clear that the trail will begin to lead them past some of the many small cave openings, both natural and manmade, that riddle the cliff.

Do you intend to take a look inside the caves along the trail, or is your focus on seeing where it ultimately leads?

Marikel and Vhailor have a long and nerve-wracking wait -- nerve-wracking for the priest, anyway, as he can't help but imagine Alicia's foot slipping on a loose rock and the girl plummeting to the bottom of the cliff.

Eventually, however, the rope ladder tightens, and Alicia and Kaleb climb back to the top of the hill. They report that the trail does, in fact, lead directly to the cave with the mining supplies where Kerst was murdered.

Female Human Rogue 4

While picking her way along the trail, Alicia makes a point to poke her head in each cave they pass. Without the advantage of darkvision or low-light vision, the human rogue does little more than peer in momentarily before skulking on.

When Kaleb and Alicia arrive back at the top of the ledge, she nods curtly. "It leads directly to the cave where he was murdered."

You see no sign of recent passage or activity in the other caves. Many appear to be no more than trial excavations, extending only a few yards into the cliffside before they were abandoned; one has collapsed, at least a year ago to judge by the dry weeds rooted in the soil between the fallen rocks.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor is keeping a reasonable distance from the edge and nods sagely at Alicia's reporting of the discovery. Then almost as an aside a small lightbulb goes off in his head and he smiles, blurting "Hey, remember the empty book? nice lady said we could keep it... probably worth about five... hundred gold." blithe smile remaining on his face.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel's face is hard to read at Alicia's news. He let's out a brief sigh as she appears, but frowns at her news.
"Well, that's a dead end then. We've already checked that, thoroughly. No point going back again. Any other ideas?"

Female Human Rogue 4

"Well, we could check the other numerous caves along the trail. My eyes only see so far in the dark," Ali says. She pauses, then adds for the benefit of the town guard nearby, "Or we could check out the mining equipment and explosives down there...or the area that looked like it was barricaded off..."

The gnome's book may be worth a lot of gold, but it's not just anyone in Trunau who would have both the money and the inclination to buy it. You know that Lessie Crumkin, one of the members of the Council and the richest woman in town, if rumors are to be believed, has a weakness for antiques and curios of historical interest. She might be willing to pay what the book cover is worth.

Even as Ali lists possible courses of action, the sun is sinking lower in the western sky. It seems clear that there will not be time for a thorough search of the caves before dark.

As DM, I'm going to gently suggest that the party stay in town, do some shopping, check up on the results of the troll's interrogation, maybe Gather some Information. The Patrol can put an extra watch on the burned church and the caves in the cliff to make sure nothing interesting happens in your absence. Those of you who are not Kaleb will be leveling up tonight, so whatever you decide to do first tomorrow, you can do it at second level.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"There are numerous caves and they're probably best searched by a large organised group of well equipped professionals. You may have to show the guards where that cave was tomorrow. I'd like to head back to the ruined church and remove those last few dangers before any more kids go there. Either way, it's getting too late to mount a proper expedition to either destination. Probably best to report to Miss Blackblade and get a good night's sleep."
Marikel turns to Kaleb.
"We are grateful for your assistance, sir. You would be welcome to aid us on the morrow if you have no more pressing matters."
Finally, Marikel turns to Vhailor.
"And what were you planning to do with this book. Miss Varvatos said you could keep it? It's priceless. And you want to sell it? Who here even has 500 gold for it?"

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia glances at the darkening sky, then nods. "I suppose it is getting late," she concedes. When Marikel responds to Vhailor, she glances at the gnome and adds, "I could probably get a buyer for it. I hear that Lessie Crumkin has a weakness for antiques."

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor thinks for a moment then tosses the book cover nonchalantly towards Alicia "That would be nice"

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2
Marikel Selentin wrote:

Marikel turns to Kaleb.
"We are grateful for your assistance, sir. You would be welcome to aid us on the morrow if you have no more pressing matters."

Kaleb smiled graciously and considered his response for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"You honour me with your comradeship. In truth, I had no plans beyond joining the local militia and offering my sword to the town. It would seem your own investigation is, perhaps, the greatest opportunity to aid my hometown. I would be delighted to lend my aid. Shall I meet you on the morrow at the inn? I shall spend what is left of the evening mingling and carousing, should any care to join me."

Kaleb will attempt to Gather Information on the burned church as well as the general mood and state of the town. Having only just come home after many years, he is likely to soak up a lot of pretty mundane knowledge!

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel sighs, defeated at the plans of Vhailor and Alicia, then nods slowly.
"Don't spend it all at once."

To Kaleb he states, "The local milita can always use good swords. I'm sure they'll be pleased for your aid. Thank you for your offer to join you but I shall decline and get some rest. Hopefully tomorrow will not be as exciting as today but best to be prepared. Goodnight."

Marikel turns to leave but pauses and looks expectantly at Alicia.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia catches the book that Vhailor had tossed to her and gives Marikel her best 'Who me?' innocent smile. "Good night."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel's eyes roll at Alicia but as he turns away he can't help but smile a little.
He heads off to visit Banny and update her before he makes his way back to his room at the church.

Alicia heads back toward the northernmost point of the Upper Quarter, the source of the Hopespring, and the cul-de-sac enclosed by the family homes of the Sawyer, Crumkin, Kelver, and Plumb families. Lessie Crumkin's home is the largest, having been added on to several times over the years. The Crumkins have always followed Abadar, despite the lack of a church in town, and the god of wealth has clearly favored them.

Lessie Crumkin is the only resident of Trunau known to keep live-in servants, a fact that has always rankled her neighbor and fellow councilmember Baseil Sawyer. Ali manages to talk her way past the butler who answers the door with a palpable air of skepticism and obtain an audience with the Councilwoman herself. Lessie examines the jeweled book cover with interest.

"Arodenite, eh? It'd be worth more if the book were intact, of course. Still, the workmanship is impressive and the materials appear to be excellent. Where did you get it?" She fixes Alicia with a piercing gaze.


Marikel drops by The Killin' Ground in the Inner Quarter, his disapproval of the place evident in the expression of determined tolerance forced on his face. Banny is sharing a drink (or three) in Kerst's memory with the presently-off-duty shift of the Patrol, Rabus Clarenston dead sober behind the bar with the latest duty roster at hand before he serves anyone in uniform. She lets the priest know that she returned the recovered Hopeknife to Brinya Kelver and that the teacher seemed somewhat comforted by the facts both that Kerst had been proven not to be a suicide as well as that he appears to have died heroically in the line of duty.


Kaleb returns to the Ramblehouse, where he receives a hearty welcome from several of the halfling staff who remember his family well. He is allotted a spare but pleasant room in the Small wing containing a bed with a mattress once stuffed with sweet hay but beginning to smell a little musty now toward the end of the winter, a writing desk and chair, a brightly-polished mirror hung at just the right height on the wall, and a footlocker to hold his belongings.

In the common area, the main topic of conversation, of course, is Kerst Grath's death, the news that it wasn't a suicide just beginning to spread. Some are difficult to persuade; it seems that it was widely believed that Jagrin Grath, the young man's father and current Patrol Captain, had always treated his younger son unfairly, the boys' mother having died giving birth to the twins.

The arrival of the captive monster at the town gate along with the news of Kerst's true fate has occasioned rumors that the half-orc died fighting trolls. Others are convinced that his death outside the palisade had something to do with the burned church of Iomedae at the foot of Bloodmarch Hill. Kaleb remembers from his own childhood that the ruin was said to be haunted; it is reported in the common area that moving lights have been seen through the collapsed roof. A vocal segment insists that Kerst was murdered by the ghosts of plague victims who died in the church.

One older man maintains that the newly-arrived priestess of Iomedae from Lastwall and her entourage killed the Grath boy. "Trying to rile us up, make us see danger that's not there, so they can offer to 'protect' us by annexing us back under the Watcher-Lord's thumb. You wait and see: that Varvatos woman will be raising a hue and cry about an imminent attack, trying to persuade the Council to send to Lastwall for an army. Once they're here, they won't be leaving again ... all for our own 'protection,' of course." He snorts scornfully.

Female Human Rogue 4

"Sad that a mere book outlived the god it was about," Alicia ventures. "Found it out when I was out past the palisades. Odd what you can find when you're just walking about."

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

"'Just walking about?'" Councilwoman Crumkin repeats skeptically. "And it was out lying on the ground? Doesn't look like it's seen much weathering. Still," she changes tacks and tones quickly, "I'll give you fifty platinum coins for it. And if you should happen to run across any more such antiques out there 'past the palisades,' bring them to me first. If they're of interest to me, I'll pay you a fair price for them."


Vhailor returns to the Ramblehouse in company with the newly-arrived halfling and finds him placed in the neighboring room. Letting Kaleb get settled in, the gnome carries his cat into his own room and closes the door behind them. Carbonel leaps down, quickly crosses the floor, and jumps up onto the writing desk. Staring at Vhailor, he extends a paw to tap insistently at the drawer. The gnome can feel the cat's urgency.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Sighing as the weight of the day comes crashing down upon shortened shoulders Vhailor yawns deeply. He sloughs off his belongings ignobly and scratches at his hair... before noticing Carbonel's urgency. Tilting his head in curiosity, the gnome sidles over to the drawer and pulls it open...

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hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
Marikel drops by The Killin' Ground in the Inner Quarter, his disapproval of the place evident in the expression of determined tolerance forced on his face. Banny is sharing a drink (or three) in Kerst's memory with the presently-off-duty shift of the Patrol, Rabus Clarenston dead sober behind the bar with the latest duty roster at hand before he serves anyone in uniform. She lets the priest know that she returned the recovered Hopeknife to Brinya Kelver and that the teacher seemed somewhat comforted by the facts both that Kerst had been proven not to be a suicide as well as that he appears to have died heroically in the line of duty.

Marikel holds in his conflicting emotions at what Banny has to say but looks forlornly at the range of empty mugs about her. Before he leaves he thanks her and clasps her hand warmly between his own strong hands.

"I know you're trying to forget a lot of things but you saved our lives today, Banny. Miss Alicia, Vhailor and I are alive because of your actions and bravery. Please, don't ever forget that."
With a nod and sad smile, Marikel heads back to the church.

Vhailor Falk wrote:
Tilting his head in curiosity, the gnome sidles over to the drawer and pulls it open...

Vhailor Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

The drawer appears as he left it, empty except for a few nascent attempts at various carved toys, either laid aside for a later time or given up entirely and waiting for inspiration for a smaller item. The cat's insistence makes him look more closely, however. Lifting out the carvings and setting them on the top of the desk, he runs his fingers around the drawer and finds a depression at the edge which might be a knothole. Hooking his finger through it, he lifts out the entire bottom of the drawer, revealing a shallow secret compartment containing a pair of wands.

Carefully picking them up and examining them, Vhailor recognizes his master's distinctive mark. He knows that the older gnome brought along several wands for protection and defense in their travels. Surely, they couldn't have rolled under the drawer's false bottom by accident; Master Tobermory must have placed them there on purpose before he left Trunau.

The cat preens itself, licking one paw and rubbing behind its ear, evincing no further interest now that the items have been discovered.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 and 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Vhailor turns the wands over in his hands carefully, unsure of what to exactly make of the situation. Failing an insight into the inner workings of the items arcane, Vhailor points each alternately at himself and Carbonel... seeking to elicit a discovery through force of reaction.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia nods. "Done," she says. "If I happen to find any while I'm just walking about, say, near the old Iomedean church, I'll let you know."

After coins have changed hands, the rogue makes for her bed.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2
The Balladeer wrote:

One older man maintains that the newly-arrived priestess of Iomedae from Lastwall and her entourage killed the Grath boy. "Trying to rile us up, make us see danger that's not there, so they can offer to 'protect' us by annexing us back under the Watcher-Lord's thumb. You wait and see: that Varvatos woman will be raising a hue and cry about an imminent attack, trying to persuade the Council to send to Lastwall for an army. Once they're here, they won't be leaving again ... all for our own 'protection,' of course." He snorts scornfully.

Kaleb wasn't sure what to make of this topic. The folk of Janderhoff had very little dealings with that particular faith. He eventually shrugged and responded with his opinion of that theory.

"While I'm certain that they would surely like to see this town fall under their influence, I'm certain the faithful of a crusader deity would not stoop to such dastardly deeds in order to secure their sphere of influence" he firmly insisted.

What time Kaleb did not spend mingling with distant relatives and vaguely familiar Halfling's, he spent sharpening his blades. When the time did come to go to sleep, Kaleb did not sleep easy; remaining armoured and with a dagger under his pillow. He felt uneasy in this unfamiliar town and the aura of uncertainty and mistrust in the inn had not been lost on him.

Vhailor Falk wrote:
Spellcraft: 1d20+7 and 1d20+7

I believe you can only use Spellcraft to identify properties of magic items in conjunction with detect magic, but I'd say Vhailor ought to be familiar enough with his former master's handiwork from his apprenticeship that he'd recognize some of the markings he used to keep his wands sorted.

Not for the first time today, Vhailor has cause to regret not studying a magic-reacting cantrip; without that, he can't be sure what each wand does or what potency remains in them. Still, he recognizes the markings on the second wand as corresponding to those Master Tobermory used to label a simple offensive evocation. magic missile

The first wand he isn't sure of; it seems to share the same school of magic as the other, but he isn't sure what sort of element or energy it is evoking, having little affinity for that particular subset of the arcane. Still, it seems likely that it, like the other wand, is meant to be used offensively.

Carbonel reacts violently when Vhailor levels the business ends of the wands in his direction, leaping off of the desk and under the bed, hissing and spitting indignantly. The gnome senses the cat's anger and alarm.

Male Dwarf

Kaleb does little but keep his ears open and his blades sharpened until he meets his dwarven mentor for a simple evening repast. Omast is uncharacteristically sober and eats with none of his usual zest.

"What worries me," he tells Kaleb, "is that flood trolls almost always come in pairs. Twins or triplets, they are, and tend to stick to their littermates all their misspent lives. Now, if we're lucky, the match to that ugly b~$#* was wormfood years ago ... but if we're not, there's another one just like her out there somewhere ready to cause Trunau no end of trouble."

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

A stifled giggle escapes as Vhailor's gnomishness almost surges to potentially disastrous results. Putting the wands back out of harms way Vhailor holds his hands to the side "Now now Carb... no need for that, I wasn't going to... honest..." seeking to mollify the moggy while personally reminding himself really should call to mind Master Tobermory's mnemonic memorandum for muddling magic on the morrow...

The next morning dawns without Trunau being awakened by alarm bells. Still, it is a somber morning, yesterday's tragedy still fresh in everyone's mind and Kerst Grath's funeral scheduled for sunset at the Flame of the Fallen in the Upper Quarter.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Rolling out of bed and still half dressed Vhailor's first port of call is his spellbook - burying his nose within as he refreshes his thoughts and mind for the day.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia groans her annoyance at the sun as it rises, and buries her head under her pillow. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much good, and soon enough she throws aside her covers and crawls grumbling out of bed.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2
Omast Frum wrote:

Kaleb does little but keep his ears open and his blades sharpened until he meets his dwarven mentor for a simple evening repast. Omast is uncharacteristically sober and eats with none of his usual zest.

"What worries me," he tells Kaleb, "is that flood trolls almost always come in pairs. Twins or triplets, they are, and tend to stick to their littermates all their misspent lives. Now, if we're lucky, the match to that ugly b@#$& was wormfood years ago ... but if we're not, there's another one just like her out there somewhere ready to cause Trunau no end of trouble."

Far from looking troubled, the news that a second battle with a troll might be forthcoming brought out a bright grin from the Halfling, quickly stifled lest he receive a withering glare.

"I suppose the interrogation will likely tell us either way, Master Frum" he mused. "We'll find any such sibling tomorrow, with any luck."

The next day-

Before the designated meeting time with the others, Kaleb rose early and took a walk, seeking out a large open space to practice swordplay maneuvers and acrobatics. It was the only true ritual he had picked up in his time in Janderhoff, his free-spirited nature often chafing against the militaristic Sky Citadel's culture.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel is up early and begins his prayers to Iomedae. He uses the quiet to quell his racing thoughts and worries of Banny, Alicia and the murder of the previous day. After filling himself with the magic of Iomedae he makes his way outside to practice arms, working up a healthy appetite before breakfast.

After Marikel has completed his prayers and sword-practice, and after Alicia has pried herself, grumbling from her bed, a Patrolman arrives at Sanctuary with a message for Marikel. "The Chief Defender and the Patrol Captain request your presence at Ivory Hall after breakfast," he informs the priest, "you and the others who were involved in yesterday's events."

Alicia is, of course, present in the mission, but Vhailor is at the Ramblehouse with the newly-arrived halfling who helped explore the cliffside path. Kaleb had already suggested meeting in the inn this morning; the group could walk up to the Upper Quarter from there.


Taking their leave of Sanctuary, Marikel and Alicia head to the Ramblehouse to pick up Kaleb and Vhailor before the meeting with Halgra Blackblade and Jagrin Grath.

Female Human Rogue 4

Sorry, busy weekend! Still preparing for tomorrow.

Alicia grumbles about being awake to anyone who will listen, but otherwise silently follows along with Marikel to the Ramblehouse. She greets the two small-folk with an I-don't-want-to-be-awake-right-now scowl.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Still deep within his books Vhailor reacts to the knock on the door with a blurted "Kong Hey Fat Choi... or... coming!" opening the portal to betray the relative disheveled-ness of his quarters. "Just a minute..." making a semblance of a prepared gnome before accompanying the others on their way to the Ivory Hall. Carbonel falls in beside them with a diffident air.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Now, now Miss Alicia. Morning air is good for you. Fresh and crisp and clean. Besides, the message is from the Chief Defender... we don't have any choice. Ah, Mister... I mean Vhailor. We're to report at once to the Chief Defender."

Marikel heads towards the Ivory Hall, frowning as if he'd forgotten something.

The party makes its way up the switchback to the top of Bloodmarch Hill and thence to Ivory Hall, its white walls bathed in the rosy light of the morning sun above the eastern horizon.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

As they meander Vhailor sees fit to share "Funny thing happened last night... got back to my room and Carb started scratching around near the desk. Was a bit confused at first but had a look and found a couple of Master Tobermory's wands. Should come in useful if we meet up with any more ghost rats or globby cubes."

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

"Fortuitous indeed." Kaleb said as they walked. He wasn't truthfully paying much attention to the conversation, his eyes darting to and fro around the unfamiliar town as they walked, trying to commit as much of it to memory as possible.

The Patrolman at the door seems to be expecting the party's arrival; he nods a good morning and ushers them into the narrow foyer of Ivory Hall. "The Chief Defender's expecting you," he directs them. "Top of the stairs and down the hall."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Kaleb Merriett wrote:
"Fortuitous indeed." Kaleb said as they walked. He wasn't truthfully paying much attention to the conversation, his eyes darting to and fro around the unfamiliar town as they walked, trying to commit as much of it to memory as possible.

Marikel does a double take as Kaleb speaks but recovers quickly.

"Mr Kaleb. Good of you to join us again. I hope this won't be too unpleasant for you. How much of the situation are you aware of?"
To the patrolman he smiles politely. "Of course. Thank you."

Female Human

The second story contains the Chief Defender's residence; up here, the atmosphere is less formal and more homey. The party finds Halgra, Jagrin, and Rodrick in a comfortable sitting room. The trio get to their feet as the party arrive.

"Thank you for coming," Halgra greets them. "Do forgive the surroundings. The office downstairs is too small for so many, and Kerst is laid out in the Meeting Room."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia grunts and flops down on a nearby available seat. "What's the occasion?" She arches an eyebrow. "Dragons?"

Female Human

The Chief Defender looks a little startled. "Dragons? I certainly hope not." She sits back down herself, and the Graths also resume their seats. "No, we merely wanted to thank you for your service to the town... and ask if you might be willing to do something else for us." She exchanges glances with Jagrin Grath. "The Patrol was unable to locate Daktani last night. He has a certain ... history with the law in this town, and it's possible that someone is helping to hide him from official notice. We thought that someone unofficial, without a uniform and a badge, might have more luck turning him up." She looks from one to the other of you, hopefully.

Female Human Rogue 4

A wolfish grin slowly creeps across Alicia's face. "Gladly," she says. And I know just the place to start....

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel remains respectfully standing.
"Of course, Chief Defender. While I'm sorry these events have happened, I'd be only too prepared to help bring them to a just and swift conclusion."
He glances to Alicia. "Furthermore, Ma'am, we understand the delicacy of the situation and will be sure to keep things quiet."
He nods ever so slighty to Kaleb but deliberately avoids looking at Vhailor.
"Is there any further information you can provide us or anything else we can do to help?"

Male Half-orc

"I can give you the names of some of his known associates," the Patrol Captain offers, "and places he may be holed up."

Female Human

"I needn't remind you," Halgra puts in with a glance at Alicia that says that perhaps she does, "that Daktani may be entirely innocent, just a ploy meant to sow discord in the town and direct our attention away from our true enemy. If you can persuade him to come speak with us voluntarily, that would be ideal. If he's guilty, of course, he'll likely resist ... but we'd still want to interrogate him. A citizen of Trunau deserves a fair trial, no matter what he may have done. Bring him back alive."

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