The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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Female Human Rogue 4

"She tripped," Alicia says. "On her way to the stage, along with the others. Where they should be going now."

Taking the hand of the nearest two children, she attempts to drag them onto the stage with her and take her place at the end of the rope.

"Ow," Zola protests crankily, but her voice and expression sweeten as she finds herself in Brantos's arms. (He may be an outsider and an Iomedaean, but he's still a handsome older man.) "It's my ankle," she coos, stumbling into him as he tries to set her on her feet. "I don't think it will hold me." She flutters dark eyelashes up at him.

Male Human Paladin

Brantos grimaces but expertly turns it into a charming smile, as he sweeps the girl up into his arms. "Well then, let's find your parents. Miss Kelver," he nods politely to the schoolmarm, "if you'll trust me with this one, I'll let you see to the rest of your charges."

Still not sure what's going on, Brinya stammers thanks and turns to the rest of the children. Robbed of their ringleader and cowed by Alicia's insistence, they shamefacedly file up onto the stage and grab onto the end of the rope behind Banny, Marikel, and Vhailor.

As your side is pulled toward the dividing line and ignominious loss, the tug from the other side seems to ease off. Glancing down the rope, you see Rodrick and Kerst surreptitiously feeding out the rope between their hands, even as they inch backwards. Kerst sees you looking and gives you a wink.

See, this is where the tug of war subsystem gets weird. Adding a bunch of kids to Ruby's end, most of whom assuredly have a 10 Str or less, actually gives her more penalties and makes her less likely to win. But, as already said, the fix is in, in this case.

Female Human

As Alicia leads the children onto the stage to join Ruby's team, her slide toward defeat slows, stops, and then begins to reverse. The shouts of the spectators grow louder and more enthusiastic. At last, the toe of Rodrick's boot slides across the middle line and with a laugh, the brothers release the rope altogether, letting Ruby collapse backward onto a heap of her teammates. The crowd breaks into raucous cheers and applause as Halgra retakes the stage.

"You see," she calls out, her voice carrying over the clamor, "we can overcome even the steepest odds when we all pull together!" She helps Ruby up kindly and brushes her off as Trunau celebrates.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor is amused by the competition, and as he thought it seemingly doesn't make much difference if he is pulling right ways, left ways or even wrong ways. Even so, he makes a fist of offering what assistance he can, missing the pile of people and collapsing into the ground alone when the Graths release the rope.

From the side Carb the cat watches through narrow eyes, returned to licking a paw. If one were watching closely one might have seen a hint of dark shadows swirl around the cat or it's eyes flash bright with otherworldly malevolent grace... but it's just a cat, so surely no-one was watching...

Out of action for 48 hours unfortunately. Vhailor will follow along with the other's lead

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel rises to his feet with Ruby.
As the cheers erupt and Halgra speaks, Marikel raises Ruby's hand in a victor's wave to the applauding crowd.
"Ruby Wilder, defender of Trunau," Marikel says proudly, just loud enough for her to hear.

Female Human Rogue 4

Having known what was coming, Alicia manages to avoid getting caught in the dogpile. She steps adroitly aside as Kurst and Rodrick let go of the rope, releasing her own hold on the rope. She cheers. "Woo! Ruby! You did it!"

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2

Banny returns Kurst's wink with one of her own, and cheerfully flops backward onto the ground with the others for the dogpile. She rolls back onto her feet none the worse for wear, and claps a few backs in a hearty fashion, enjoying the brief manifestation of cameraderie, before she shuffles off-stage to pick her drink up again before anyone else can form designs on it.

Despite the perpetual unfocused quality to her gaze, Banny's eyes briefly sharpen as she regards the gaggle of schoolchildren. Somethin' seems not right there, but... well, all's well that ends well.

Banny didn't really have any dialogue to throw in, but I felt I owed a post, anyway.

Marikel Selentin wrote:

As the cheers erupt and Halgra speaks, Marikel raises Ruby's hand in a victor's wave to the applauding crowd.

"Ruby Wilder, defender of Trunau," Marikel says proudly, just loud enough for her to hear.
Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
She cheers. "Woo! Ruby! You did it!"

The girl grins, blushing but obviously pleased ... and relieved to have the ceremony over with.

Trunau laughs and applauds as the crowd disperses to the various tables set up around the Commons. Rabus Clarenston is there, tapping kegs which Banny helped roll up the steep switchbacks earlier in the afternoon; retired Patrol Captain Omast Frum, a crusty old dwarf, has already filled his mug and taken a seat nearby with a view to frequent refills. The halfling staff from Cham Larringfass's Ramblehouse are handing out cold boxed dinners, and several of the local matrons are staffing a long table serving up slices of homemade pies and cups of lemonade. Elsewhere, you can throw a ball to knock over milk ewers or toss a ring over pegs to win quilts or tins of homemade preserves.

Male Half-orc

Kerst Grath makes his way down from the stage and over to Banny, clapping her on the shoulder. "Thanks, Banny. I don't know what the mix-up was with the school children."

Male Half-orc

Rodrick crosses the stage to where Ruby is standing with Marikel to congratulate the blushing girl. "For a moment there, I was afraid you were going to pull against us all by yourself," he says, leaning down toward her ear with a smile. "My brother and I sure would have looked foolish if everyone saw one little girl pull us off our feet." He winks.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel nods to Rodrick as he approaches but frowns at his words to Ruby before politely correcting him.
"Ruby is not a little girl anymore. This one won't be hiding with the children should trouble arise. She'll be fighting with the rest of us adults. And I'm sure she'll make us all proud. How is your weapon's training, Ruby?"

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Seeing Rodrick draw nearer Phillip remembers with a start and pulls out his wee puppet and puts it to hand, he lingers nearby Rodrick and Marikel... without speaking, but clearly waiting for either to invite him into the conversation so that he could interrupt and divert it.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia flashes Ruby another reassuring smile as she embraces the girl in a hug. "You must be exhausted after leading us to that victory," she teases playfully. "I'm going to get a slice of pie. Do you want any?"

Male Half-orc
Marikel Selentin wrote:

Marikel nods to Rodrick as he approaches but frowns at his words to Ruby before politely correcting him.

"Ruby is not a little girl anymore. This one won't be hiding with the children should trouble arise. She'll be fighting with the rest of us adults. And I'm sure she'll make us all proud. How is your weapon's training, Ruby?"

Ruby looks alarmed, as if she's been called on in class to answer a question about an assignment she hasn't done. Rodrick smiles to cover for her. "Just keep the pointy end toward the orcs," he advises her. "Unless, of course ... well ... we'll hope it won't come to that, as long as the Patrol are standing." He claps her on the shoulder encouragingly and, for once, seems pleased to see Vhailor's approach. "Well, Mr. Falk, what do you think of our Hopeknife Ceremony, now you've participated in one?"

Female Human
Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"You must be exhausted after leading us to that victory," she teases playfully. "I'm going to get a slice of pie. Do you want any?"

"Ooh, pie," she remarks, her eyes lighting up. "Can I come with you?"

Female Human Cleric

Tyari steps up onto the platform, now largely ignored as the townsfolk are chatting amongst themselves and enjoying the festival, and makes her way over to the honoree. "Congratulations, Ruby," she tells the girl. "You did wonderfully, and I'm sure you will fulfill your vow with honor." Turning her attention to Marikel, she smiles and goes on more quietly. "What happened with the children? Is everything all right? I saw one of them fall and Brantos carrying her away. Was she ill?"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"I'm not sure, ma'am. I think it was some sort of prank. Miss Alicia got them moving."
Marikel sweeps a gesture towards Alicia as if introducing royalty and takes a half step back.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Pursing his lips thoughtfully Vhailor considers his response "Considering what the ceremony is about I suppose I expected more blood... but it was quite engaging pulling on the rope. Is there more ceremonies with ceremonial hessian tensioning? or is it limited to this?" pausing then remembering "Oh, this is for you. I had some trouble with the tusks and getting the right colours..." sheepishly holding out the puppet.

Rodrick can see that the maquette is functional, though limited by Vhailor's as yet still nascent aesthetic talent. It's an articulated wood carved figure that has wire running through the joints to allow it to be posed in whatever way Rodrick wishes. It's expression is rather fierce and there is a carved sword wired to one hand.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia grins at Ruby and nods. "If a pair of half-orcs can't stop you, I sure can't!" she teases. She turns and motions toward the pie-table, then gives Marikel a grim smirk over her shoulder as she leads Ruby toward pie.

Male Half-orc

Quizzically, Rodrick takes the manikin gingerly between his fingers. "Well, it's...," he begins, "... what is it?"

Ruby happily leaps down from the raised platform, glad no longer to be the center of attention, and follows Alicia as they weave their way through the crowd toward the refreshments. As they go, Alicia sees Brinya Kelver corralling a couple of the schoolchildren for interrogation.

"Well, here's our newest citizen!" a rotund middle-aged woman beams as Ruby appears on the other side of the table. "What'll it be, dearie? Butterscotch cream? Rhubarb? Dried apple? Mince?"

Female Human Rogue 4

"Can't go wrong with butterscotch cream," Alicia suggests.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel shifts uncomfortably as Alicia and Ruby depart.
"I'll... speak with Miss Alicia later and get her version of events. It was all a bit of a muddle really, but when no one joined Ruby I feared... well... children can be cruel sometimes. I... If... is there anything else I can do? You only have to ask, ma'am."

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2

Bleh, my apologies on the slowness, guys. Just having a hard time getting my brain into tags the last few days.

Banny's retreated back into the nice, comfortable, slightly-boozy space inside her head, but she gives Kurst a broad, lopsided grin.

"Can't say as I know neither," she says with both thick shoulders rising and falling in a shrug. "I dunno, mayhap they all got cold feet or somethin'. Kids, eh."

She elbows the taller half-orc in the ribs. "You goin' to try for any of the games? I'm eyein' the ball toss myself. Or might just see if I can get old Frum to a drinkin' contest with me. No 'ffense, but you non-dwarves just can't hold your liquor."

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Smiling Vhailor explains "It's a puppet... of you. It's a sheet of vellum upon which you can write your own stories... a chord of song with lyrics as yet unwritten." manipulating the arms and legs as he does "Our hero forlorn and despondent... rises to the call of battle and overcomes the enemy..." trailing off and blinking a bit as he realises that he's come with only one toy, and for true puppet-play there would be a need for more "I can make you some dastardly fiends to slay as well? - demons, or devils... or rats..."

Male Half-orc
Banny Kneebreaker wrote:
"You goin' to try for any of the games? I'm eyein' the ball toss myself. Or might just see if I can get old Frum to a drinkin' contest with me. No 'ffense, but you non-dwarves just can't hold your liquor."

"You and Frum in a drinking contest?" Kerst asks with raised eyebrows. "You ought to charge admission. Either of you could drink anyone I know under the table, but competing against each other? It could go on all night."

Female Human Cleric
Marikel Selentin wrote:
"I'll... speak with Miss Alicia later and get her version of events. It was all a bit of a muddle really, but when no one joined Ruby I feared... well... children can be cruel sometimes. I... If... is there anything else I can do? You only have to ask, ma'am."

She smiles. "There is something you can do: have a good time." She touches his elbow. "It's a festival, not a battlefield. I mean, it might not be Armasse in Vigil," she gives him a wink, "but it's an evening of celebration; and for a change, we're officially included, as Ruby's caretakers."

Male Half-orc
Vhailor Falk wrote:
"It's a puppet... of you. It's a sheet of vellum upon which you can write your own stories... a chord of song with lyrics as yet unwritten." manipulating the arms and legs as he does "Our hero forlorn and despondent... rises to the call of battle and overcomes the enemy..." trailing off and blinking a bit as he realises that he's come with only one toy, and for true puppet-play there would be a need for more "I can make you some dastardly fiends to slay as well? - demons, or devils... or rats..."

Rodrick laughs heartily. "Rats -- now there's a fearsome foe for a hero to fight! Make them ghost rats: they say the old mine shafts in Bloodmarch Hill are haunted by ghost rats ... although I always thought Halgra Blackblade started the rumor to keep the kids out of them." He examines the figure with some interest, folding the arms and legs. "Could be my brother, too, you know. How about you make me another one just like this so I have a matched pair, and we'll call it even, what do you say?"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"We?" Marikel's eyes glance briefly into the crowd where Brantos disappeared.
"It is nice to be included, for once. But this place is so... insular. I don't know if we'll ever be included."
Marikel is briefly aware of himself, standing amongst the joyous crowd in his shiny suit of armour.
"Do you think I should change? Or would you like to join me for a drink?"

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Can't go wrong with butterscotch cream," Alicia suggests.

"How about butterscotch cream and dried apple?" the woman grins, nudging two slices of pie onto a single plate. "After all, you only get your Hopeknife once. And butterscotch for you?" The woman's tone cools noticeably as she turns to Alicia.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia turns a saccharine smile on the woman. "Please," she says, her voice dripping with overwrought sweetness.

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2
Kerst Grath wrote:
"You and Frum in a drinking contest?" Kerst asks with raised eyebrows. "You ought to charge admission. Either of you could drink anyone I know under the table, but competing against each other? It could go on all night."

Banny's thick brows lift up, and she grins. "Charge? Damn, I knew I kept yeh 'round for a reason- that's the best idea I've heard all ten-day. Ain't often I can make a bit of coin to drink!"

She claps Kurst on the back, hard enough to bowl over some men of the town, and promptly climbs onto the nearest surface that will offer her a bit of height and vantage.

"Trunaauu! Come one an' come all, to see previously unde- unpre- un-ever-seen-before feats of intestudinal fortertude and things like that! 'm gonna drink more'n anybody here, includin' Frum-Drum himself. This enlittening spectacle can be yours to witness for a small donation to--"

Banny's balance has been precarious the entire bit of her 'speech,' here she loses said balance, and wobbles off the table she'd appropriated, landing sloppily but unhurt on the ground below. Most importantly, she lands with her tankard still held in the upright position. She has her priorities straight.

"--to your local Libations Appreciations Associations, which is presidented by Banny Kneebreaker," comes the voice from down on the ground. "So be charitable today an' keep a young dwarf off th' streets an' prefer'bly on the inside of a bar. Right."

She gets up, barely bothering to dust off, and then ambles, grinning, towards Frum. Now, it is entirely possible the old dwarf will refuse to drink with her, she supposes, but... he's a dwarf. She doesn't place long odds on it.

Alicia has just received her grudging slice of pie when her attention is drawn by Banny's announcement....

Female Human Cleric
Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Do you think I should change? Or would you like to join me for a drink?"

Tyari hasn't had time to respond when the attention of the pair is drawn by Banny's annoucement. Tyari's eyes meet Marikel's with a mixture of exasperation and foreboding.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor nods enthusiastically "Oh yes, I can do that... maybe not exactly the same though." a few beats passing before he feels perhaps he failed to add an appropriate explanation of the why "If they looked the same then it'd be hard to tell which was villain and which was not... especially if you looked away, they might change when you weren't looking" tapping his nose knowingly and upsetting the lay of his lensless glasses.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Tyari Varvatos wrote:
Tyari hasn't had time to respond when the attention of the pair is drawn by Banny's annoucement. Tyari's eyes meet Marikel's with a mixture of exasperation and foreboding.

Marikel glances back at Tyari and nods.

"So, we'll skip the drink and I'll keep the armour. I'll go talk to her and try not to make things worse."
Marikel is already heading to cut Banny off as he finishes his last sentence.

"Banny! BANNY!"

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2

Banny turned on her heel in her usual swaying fashion that suggested she thought she was on a ship or similar. "'Lo again, Brother Marikel," she says easily. "You plannin' on challenging me for the drinking? Or donatin' to my fund?"

Male Half-orc
Vhailor Falk wrote:
"If they looked the same then it'd be hard to tell which was villain and which was not... especially if you looked away, they might change when you weren't looking" tapping his nose knowingly and upsetting the lay of his lensless glasses.

Rodrick looks bewildered for a moment, then frowns. "So ... you think Kerst is the evil twin?" He glances down into the crowd long enough to overhear Banny's announcement but doesn't react to it otherwise.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Banny Kneebreaker wrote:
"'Lo again, Brother Marikel," she says easily. "You plannin' on challenging me for the drinking? Or donatin' to my fund?"

Marikel lays a hand on Banny's shoulder.

"I don't think either is a good idea at this time. The people are a bit busy at the moment with their celebrations. We've been invited to join them, Banny. Maybe you could save your idea for another day?"

"Like never perhaps," Marikel thinks. He hopes if he can divert Banny, she'll forget the idea for good. Marikel's hopes have been dashed by Banny a few times before.

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2

Banny give Marikel a long, bemused look, and then a pitying pat to the hand he's laid on her shoulder. "I know you temple folk don't really know how to have a good time an' all," she says earnestly, "but, see, a drinkin' contest is part of a celebratin'. It's convivial, like. Like, I dunno, eatin' pie contests an' all too. Folk gather to watch an' have a laugh, see. You want me to join on in with the folk-- well, 'm joinin'. Drinkin' Rabus's fine ale, goin' to see if ol' Frum will too. Mayhap you ought to 'join in' on the celebratin', Brother. Might do you some good."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel sighs and takes back his hand.
"I'll join you for a single drink. But I think it best you drop the idea of the contest for today. The contest we just had, the rope pull, had special meaning for these folks, about pulling together. I don't think you should start your own contest right after that. Especially if there's drink and money involved. I'm not saying you can't do it. I just don't think it right for the Hopeknife Ceremony. Leave it for another day."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia glances over her shoulder at Banny's announcement. She sighs and shakes her head, then pointedly goes back to eating her slice of pie with Ruby. "Dwarves," she says with a wry smile at the girl.

While Marikel is trying to talk Banny down, an enthusiastic crowd, consisting largely of Patrol members, has gathered around. There are some grumblings of discontentment as the Iomedaean argues against the contest.

"Pie-eating contest?" a man asks, his eyes lighting up at the prospect. "Is that a dwarven tradition?"

Town Drunkard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 17 (2 Dex, 1 Dodge, 4 Armor) - FF 14 - T 13 | F+5 R+5 W+2 (modifiers apply) | Per +6, Init +2

Banny's look on Marikel turns from "pitying" to sharp and narrow-eyed, despite however much booze she's consumed today. Banny reaches into the loose collar of her ragged tunic and fishes out her small, sheathed hopeknife, worn on a cord around her neck.

"Yeah, see, I actually know a thing or two 'bout the contest we just had, and the rope pull, and the special meanin' it has for these folks," she growls. "On account I'm one of 'these folks,' and was up there pulling just now my own self. Mayhap 'fore you judge what folk do an' do not want from that high temple ground of yours, you ought to ax them."

Still, Banny's annoyance dissipates at the question from one of the other Patrol men-- the usual blithe ease dropping over her like a blanket again.

"Son of a geode, humans don't have pie races?" she laughs. "Well that ought to get fixed. Now, properly, you do it with a meat pie, none of this fruity elfy stuff an' all, but I guess we'll manage fine with what we got.... alright, alright--"

She turns away from Marikel without a further word, possible intended cold shoulder, possible just drunken discourtesy. Banny finds... another table, and her deep voice rings out again over the crowd.

"New contest! Diff'rent contest! Cuz drinkin's too easy 'gainst alla you! Any man or woman or li'l one who wants in on this an' brought their appetite can c'mon an' try-- we're gonna need a long table, an'... some pies...."

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Blinking and showing a comprehension that he'd never actually thought of it that way Vhailor furrows his brow, rights his glasses and speculatively asks "Maybe... why, do you want to be the evil one?"

Male Half-orc

"No, I...," Rodrick frowns, unconsciously tightening his grip on the puppet and forcing its limbs into uncomfortable-looking contortions. "I wasn't intending Kerst to be the villain; I thought we'd be a pair, fighting side by side against the ... ghost-rats, or whatever."

Banny Kneebreaker wrote:
"New contest! Diff'rent contest! Cuz drinkin's too easy 'gainst alla you! Any man or woman or li'l one who wants in on this an' brought their appetite can c'mon an' try-- we're gonna need a long table, an'... some pies...."

The Patrol join in with enthusiasm. Here is a contest they can all participate in, without counting the hours until they're on duty again and have to be sober. (It's highly likely that stuffing themselves with pie will impair them no less than throwing back a brace of ales, but it had not yet occurred to Captain Grath to forbid competitive overeating before duty, an oversight he'll undoubtedly correct after tonight.) They swarm toward the ladies' pie tables.

Female Human

Ruby and Alicia find themselves in the path of the approaching moblet. Ruby's eyes widen as she looks down at her plate. "I already started," she mumbles around a mouthful of pie. "Do you think they'll let me play anyway?"

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