The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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The half-orc answers in a deep, slow, gravelly voice, heavy with phlegm. "'N mooi kind. Is sy praat Orkse, ek vra?"

A pretty child. Does she speak Orcish, I wonder?

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia feigns ignorance, as she does, in fact, speak Orcish. "Speak Common, please," she says.

He breaks into a labored chuckle. "Nee, nee Orkse. N jammerte." His chuckle stumbles into a raspy, wet cough, and he takes a moment to cough into a blood-stained handkerchief before beginning again. "Your Common tongue," he attempts, "is not being good of me."

No, no Orcish. A pity.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia sighs. "Goed, Orkse dan. Weet jy waar Daktani is? Ons moet hom nou juis aantref. Hy is in gevaar."

"Fine, Orcish then. Do you know where Daktani is? We need to find him. He's in danger."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
There is a sudden bang from the hallway outside Urnsul's closed door. The half-orc jumps, startled at the sound.

Marikel rubs his temples.

"Excuse me."
He turns to look out the door, winces at the face across from him, and closes the door again.
He smiles at Urnsul. "It's all right. Nothing to... Did you say it raises the dead?"

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
Alicia sighs. "Goed, Orkse dan. Weet jy waar Daktani is? Ons moet hom nou juis aantref. Hy is in gevaar."

The half-orc roars with delight. "Sy praat Orkse! Om die tong van die een so mooi hoor, dit is 'n plesier, mooi kind." Then his face collapses into a frown. "Daktani het 'n vriend vir my. Wie sit my vriend Daktani in gevaar?"

She does speak Orcish! To hear the tongue from one so pretty, it is a pleasure, pretty child. Daktani has been a friend to me. Who puts my friend Daktani in danger?

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"It's all right. Nothing to... Did you say it raises the dead?"

She shrugs. "It's what Daktani said. There was an old journal with the maps. Sawyer wrote that the miners killed a dog that came into the workings and let its corpse lie. While they were digging, it got back on its feet and attacked. Killed a man before his companions could club it off. Then his corpse got up and attacked them. Anything that died there became undead. Sawyer had to shut down the mine, close off the tunnel, and pay off the workers not to tell anyone what had happened. That's what Daktani said."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
She shrugs. "That's what Daktani said."

Marikel frowns. "Daktani seems to say a lot. That's why we need to find him fast."

Marikel ponders a moment and sits on the unused bed.
"There were undead beetles in the tunnel, so the story could be true. In which case there are powerful evil energies there that could destroy this entire town if unleashed. Or a clever lie hiding something else. So, Miss Urnsul, are you going to explain your part in all this? It'll be better for everyone if you tell us everything now. Please."
Marikel gestures for her to sit down beside him.

Female Human Rogue 4

"Tae pleasore is alles myne. Daktanys groef ontbreek die ná soma kommution John en my buite-thauvenay. Voor de k nuwe vnere nie IP?"

"The pleasure is all mine. Daktani's gone missing after some commotion in a mine outside of town. Do you know where he is?"

Katrezra scoffs ... or perhaps coughs; it's hard to interpret. "Daktani se myn. Hy is seker dit sal ons almal ryk maak. Daar was 'n ongeluk? Hy verloor?"

Daktani's mine. He is sure it will make us all rich. There has been an accident? He is lost?


Inside the room across the hall, Urnsul somewhat reluctantly sits on the narrow bed, taking care to keep as much distance as possible from the priest. She rearranges her wrap over her thighs for the most modesty with a reproachful glance at the watchful halfling.

"Some Freedom Town people approached Daktani with these maps. I don't know where they got them from, but they said if he could arrange for local labor, we'd all get a share of the proceeds. They provided the tools and the black powder. Once we blasted around the haunted tunnel and laid claim to the ore, they were going to contact us, make arrangements for selling it, all the business side. That's really all I know. I never saw any trolls."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia shakes her head. "Geen ineenstorting, maar iemand gesterf het. Niemand kan Daktari vind, en ons hoop hy kan help om die geheim van die hoe en waarom iemand gesterf het in die myn. Weet jy waar hy is"

"No collapse, but someone died. No one can find Daktani, and we're hoping he can help solve the mystery of the how and why someone died in the mine. Do you know where he is?"

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor's eyes glaze over slightly as Orkish becomes the flavor of conversation through the opposing door. Shrugging slightly he muses "Really should get my lips round that one..."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
"Some Freedom Town people approached Daktani with these maps. I don't know where they got them from, but they said if he could arrange for local labor, we'd all get a share of the proceeds. They provided the tools and the black powder. Once we blasted around the haunted tunnel and laid claim to the ore, they were going to contact us, make arrangements for selling it, all the business side. That's really all I know. I never saw any trolls."

Marikel nods.

"And you organised the people here as a labour force?" Marikel guesses.
"There's a lot of black powder in that tunnel. I hope these people you were working for paid a decent advance fee, 'cause it looks like they can easily afford it. Where's Daktani now? Did you see him last night?"

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Where's Daktani now? Did you see him last night?"

She nods slowly. "He's not here anymore. He slipped out before dawn. He knows the Patrol are looking for him."

Once again, you feel she is being evasive. She seems to be speaking truthfully about the mining operation, as far as her knowledge extends, but she clearly doesn't want to help you find Daktani.


Katrezra nods in response to Alicia's words. "Myne kan wees gevaarlike plekke, veral vir mense wat dwaal in waar hulle hoort nie," he remarks soberly. "Is dit nie Daktani in sy kamer?"

Mines can be dangerous places, particularly to people who wander in where they don't belong. Is Daktani not in his room?

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
She nods slowly. "He's not here anymore. He slipped out before dawn. He knows the Patrol are looking for him."

Marikel's eyes narrow.

"Where are you hiding him? If he's done nothing wrong, it's safe to tell us. If he has broken the law, you don't want to be an accessory to his crimes."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia arches an eyebrow, feeling her eyebrow twitch slightly as her anger at the half-orc's evasiveness begins to climb. "Geen hy is nie. Ek sal dit haat om iets met hom gebeur nie, want jy iets van ons weerhou. Ons kan helpsch, maar net as ons weet waar hy is."

"No, he isn't. I'd hate to have anything happen to him because you withheld something from us. We can help, but only if we know where he is."

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Where are you hiding him? If he's done nothing wrong, it's safe to tell us. If he has broken the law, you don't want to be an accessory to his crimes."

"I'm hiding him?" the woman snaps. "Where? Under the bed? In the wardrobe?" It's clear there is nowhere in the small room anyone could be hiding. "Look," she goes on more slowly, "if I find out where he is ... I'll get word to you. That's the best I can do."


"As hy nie in hierdie huis, mooi kind, ek weet nie waar om hom te vind," Katrezra explains calmly. "Ek het nie uit te gaan. Mense reageer ... sleg vir my." He waves a scarred hand to encompass all of his disfigurement.

If he is not in this house, pretty child, I don't know where to find him. I don't go out. People react ... badly to me.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:

"I'm hiding him?" the woman snaps. "Where? Under the bed? In the wardrobe?"

"Look," she goes on more slowly, "if I find out where he is ... I'll get word to you. That's the best I can do."

"Of course Daktani isn't in this room. Neither were you last night. You were with him in the basement perhaps? One of the many tunnels under Trunau? If you tell me were you were last night, I'll trust your offer to contact us when you find him."

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor is listening absent comprehension to the Orcish being spoken nearby, half forming the words... or at least attempting to. Despite the dexterity and range that his tongue generally shows in manners of language and the forming thereof... he doesn't seem to be able to appropriately grasp the harsh tones and phrase of the green skinned words.

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Of course Daktani isn't in this room. Neither were you last night. You were with him in the basement perhaps? One of the many tunnels under Trunau? If you tell me were you were last night, I'll trust your offer to contact us when you find him."

"I wasn't with Daktani last night. There's someone else. I don't want him to know."

You don't believe her.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia grunts. "Hulle het nie reageer op my baie goed nie, maar ek kry steeds uit. Wat is in die kelder?"

[spoiler=Orcish]"They don't react to me very well either, but I still get out. What's down in the basement?"

"Die kelder? Broer Hond sit die dinge wat gegee word...," he searches for the word, "... die skenkings. Sommige dinge wat in die huis was toe hy dit gekoop het, ook."

The basement? Brother Hound puts the things that are given ... the donations. Some things that were in the house when he bought it, too.

Female Human Rogue 4

"Yeah? Who'd he buy it from?"

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Ja? Wie het hy koop dit van?"

Katrezra shrugs. "Dit was voordat ek hierheen gekom het. Jy sal hê om Hom te vra, mooi kind."

It was before I came here. You would have to ask him, pretty child.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
The Balladeer wrote:
"I wasn't with Daktani last night. There's someone else. I don't want him to know."

Marikel stands up and folds his arms.

"Miss Urnsul. A man is dead, trolls are roaming around nearby and there are tunnels filled with undead. If you tell me where Daktani is now, we can deal with things quietly and no one need ever know of your involvement."

The half-orc folds her own arms in return. "I've told you all I can. I'm not his keeper. I didn't kill anyone, I don't know anything about trolls, and I wasn't the one that removed the barricade to the haunted tunnel. Now I'd like to get dressed. Please leave."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia grunts again. Trying a different tack, she continues,

"Do you know Urnsul well? She seems awfully fond of your Daktani."

Katrezra's face stretches into a new smile/grimace. "Urnsul, ja, sy is mooi. Hulle is jonk en verlief."

Urnsul, yes, she is pretty. They are young and in love.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel nods.
"Thank you for your assistance."
He opens the door for Kaleb and follows him out, closing the door behind them.

Seeing Alica talking at the opposite door, he pokes her back in the ribs and barely hides a smirk.
"Come on. We're leaving," he orders just a little bit too loudly.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia glances over her shoulder toward Urnsul's door. "'Young and in love,' huh?" She barely acknowledges Marikel's return-poke and nods. She says farewell to Katrezra in Orcish, then closes the door behind them.

Once in the hallway again, she gives Marikel a sidelong glance. "Did you know they have a basement here? And that there's a lot of old maps there? Ones that look like they might be where the scraps I found in the Ramblehouse came from?" she asks. "Oh, and there was someone down there with me. Not sure who, but there's definitely something interesting down there.[/smaller]"

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
She says farewell to Katrezra in Orcish, then closes the door behind them.

"Dit was 'n plesier om te praat met jou, mooi kind. Ek kry min besoekers. So 'n mooi kind is altyd welkom."

It has been a pleasure to be speaking to you, pretty child. I get few visitors. Such a pretty child is always welcome.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Did you know they have a basement here? And that there's a lot of old maps there? Ones that look like they might be where the scraps I found in the Ramblehouse came from?" she asks. "Oh, and there was someone down there with me. Not sure who, but there's definitely something interesting down there."

Marikel whispers urgently once they're aways down the corridor,

"Urnsal knows where Daktani is but won't admit it. She says she didn't leave the building last night but she didn't sleep in her room either. He could be the one in the basement. Could you follow her or should we just head down there and check?"

Female Human Rogue 4

"I think we should go down and check," Alicia whispers in reply.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb had been growing quite irritated by Urnsul's responses but admired Marikel's quiet resolve as he questioned her.

"We may not have time to follow her and this building is too close-knit to do so inconspicuously. He is likely either hiding here or this basement route was his exit. Either way, we have little time to lose and much to gain."

Male Human

The four go back down to the ground floor. As they reach the bottom of the stairs, Othdan Meriman pops out of the corridor from the bedrooms. "Did you find your friend?" he asks.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia remains quiet, trying to remain inconspicuous.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Othdan Meriman wrote:
"Did you find your friend?"

"I did thank you," Marikel responds.

He pauses a second in thought, then continues, "but I'd like to leave a message for Daktani anyway. Could you tell him he's been duped and is digging in the wrong place and should see us for more information."

He looks expectantly down to Kaleb.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb looked up at Marikel. The man clearly expected something from him, but the Halfling was obviously not getting the hint.

"Erm... I don't have any parchment on me to write it down, if that's what you mean..."

In truth, not even sure I myself understand the hint, let alone my character, sorry. But a nice chance to RP If it is something to do with keeping Othdan busy in some manner that takes me off-screen, can I OOC suggest we use Vhailor in this capacity instead?

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"I'm sure our Brother will remember."

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

"We don't have time for this... Kaleb muttered under his breath as he caught on to the priest's thinking.

He straightened up to his full height, which was tall indeed for one of the small folk; and looked at Othdan dead in the eyes.

"You may leave a message for us at the Ramblehouse. Now, stand aside; your name has already been implicated by two within this building. I'm sure you'd rather clean house here and protect your good name, my brother, than give us any reason to look into these scandalous suggestions that you are involved in knowingly harbouring a person of interest?"

Take 10 on Bluff for 17 plus any modifiers to the bluff itself. Am hoping this falls under "lie is believable".

Male Human

Meriman looks alarmed for a moment, then seems to summon his courage as he replies. "This house is open to all, sir. I'd not harbor any miscreants willingly, but neither would I turn away any person in need. There are those in this world who have good reason to fear and distrust those in positions of authority, as they have borne the brunt of unsubstantiated suspicions and accusations. If I err, I would rather err on the side of charity than of malice, sir," he concludes with dignity.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

"In the spirit of the house being open to all then, we'll continue our search. If Daktani is innocent of wrongdoing, I will personally see that no malice comes to him. Now, step aside."

A clenched hand on the hilt of his rapier, Kaleb made to continue onwards.

Leaving a window for Othdan to attempt to prevent passage or fellow PC's to speak, but words from Othdan aren't going to cut it at this point to stop Kaleb again.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia makes to follow after Kaleb, angling toward the store room in which she found the entrance to the basement.

Meriman makes no move to block the group's progress, but he does follow behind them to see what they intend to do. The corridor leading to the kitchen, storage room, and basement stairs exits from the back of the entry hall. The basement door is closed, as it was when Ali left it.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel follows the others towards the store room and the basement.

"A noble sentiment, Brother," Marikel nods to Othdan as he passes, "unless another person gets killed."

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia takes another torch from her pack and opens the door, then slowly descends, a hand on the hilt of her dagger.

Male Human

Meriman clucks with disapproval when Alicia produces her torch. "An open flame in all that clutter ... not a good idea." He ducks into the storage room and comes back with a lantern. "Take this instead." He offers it to the group.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia practically sneers at Othdan, having already been down there with a lit torch. "Thanks," she says, accepting the lantern and replacing her unlit torch in her pack.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel murmurs a quick prayer and draws his sword which glows as a torch.
"Iomedae can light our way," he explains, holding the weapon aloft.
Marikel avoids any obvious fighting stance but knows to keep the razor blade away from those around him... for now.

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
Alicia practically sneers at Othdan, having already been down there with a lit torch.

Actually, I talked you into a candle, but it's still an open flame, if a smaller one.

The basement is a very different place with Marikel's divine light than with a candle. With the feebler light, it seemed cavernous, but now that the walls are in view, Ali can see that the path she trod winds through a space no larger than Sara Morninghawk's crowded smithy.

There are shelves full of cracked dishes and glassware, an old-fashioned cast iron stove, its pipe disassembled, a leather couch with stuffing coming through the cracks in its hide, and a heap of soiled rugs. Benches and ink-stained desks are heaped up every which way, and the old maps are hanging in their iron frame. Past them, faded paintings in frames lean against the wall, so covered in dust that their subjects are indecipherable. In the corner is a rusty, seven-armed candelabrum, still holding the stumps of thick wax candles, bearded with drippings, where the path cleared through the clutter turns and heads back toward the area beneath the stairs -- the area where Ali saw a glimmer of moving light on her previous solo subterranean journey.

Female Human Rogue 4

Pff, torch, candle, they all set things on fire. ;P

Alicia leads Marikel to the old maps first, pointing out how similar they look to the scraps of paper they had found in the Ramblehouse. After that, she makes for the area beneath the stairs.

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