Marikel Selentin |
Scratch the silent image guess. Alicia found footprints.
But even a 40' drop is 4d6 damage- which might be the same as a crit to the back of the head. Or, you know, 1d6 for club + 3d6 sneak attack.
Hey, average 14 damage is a lot to us 1st level PCs :-)
Joana |
I'm more concerned about Halgra leaping down to a fanfare on public holidays to delight the children. :P
If you have Towns of the Inner Sea, in the picture of Trunau from the side, the stone towers at the gates are specifically called out as being 30 feet high. If the art is anything approaching to scale (which it probably isn't), the hill ought to be more like 100 feet tall.
We need a mid-'90s Hugh Grant and a supporting cast of eccentric but loveable townsfolk to solve this conundrum.
Marikel Selentin |
Marikel is up for everyone staying together and getting permission from Halgra, though he'll be okay with splitting up after that. (Online games handle splitting up so much better than tabletop.)
As always, nothing my character's do is set in stone.
Even if Marikel seems intent on something, PM me or post here in discussion and we'll try and work something out. I like to think I'm good at justifying my character doing what other people want, as well as what I want.
This is particularly important here as I've just realised Marikel is going to see himself as party leader. With a decent charisma and diplomacy I don't intend for him to be bossy or unlikable, but playing a leader is always tricky with a bunch of chaotic characters that don't want to be led. :-)
And leaders tend to take attention away from individuals too, which isn't something I want to do with some of Joana's best and finest.
TLDR- I don't know you. Tell me problems you have with my character sooner rather than later. :-)
Alicia Dawnblade |
No further questions, Your H...I mean, Joana.
I expect Ali may well try to go chase down the lead in the inn by herself.
Ali is a bit more social skills-oriented than I initially expected her to be. Even so, I expect her to simultaneously see Marikel as an authority figure who deserves respect...and an authority figure against which to rebel. ;P
Banny Kneebreaker |
Well, with a fabulous sense of timing. I broke my laptop, and it'd be a minimum of $200 to get it repaired. Having dumped Wis, I'm going to attempt a fan replacement myself, but this is likely to take me several days while I get the new fan and fumble my way through disassembling a laptop using nothing but the user manual and my own pig-headedness. I can still check the boards via my phone, but writing actual posts on my phone is about as enjoyable as nailing my toes to plywood, so..... this is essentially a TL;DR post to say "I probably won't post much the next few days, please GMPC as needed."
And wish me luck. :-\
(You might want to go after Marikel after all, Alicia...)
Joana |
FYI, I'll be gone most of tomorrow through Friday at church camp, supervising thankfully well-behaved teens. I'm not sure how much access to internet access I'll have, so if I'm holding things up, feel free to DMPC me.
You're braver than I. My daughter spent last week at church camp, but I haven't chaperoned since I was in college. I like sleeping, and showers without bugs in them, and air conditioning. Frankly, I found church camp exhausting when I was a teen. ;P
Vhailor Falk |
Joana - not that Vhailor knows in thread - but the map is essentially some dots with dates on it? - a smaller part of a bigger drawing that we don't have perspective on yet?
The bits that are crossed out are also dates?
Marikel: you can tell me about yourself and what you can and can't do so I don't make that mistake again?
Vhailor: speak nine languages like me... never mastered Orkish though... phonemes are too harsh on the tonsils
Marikel: Wait, you're good with languages? What do you make of this? *hands over a parchment covered in Orcish symbols*
Vhailor Falk |
In other news - starting tomorrow at roughly lunchtime my time I'll be taking a four day holiday. A quick vacation across to P+~$et... or for the benefit of Paizo's confusing wordfiltery boards Pooket.
I'll have my tablet and keyboard with me - so should still manage to keep up with things as they go, but if I'm a bit tardy that'd be the reason why.
Vhailor Falk |
Heh - no schadenfreude needed. Improved enough to go straight back to work for the one day of the week I need to... before I get another four day long weekend :)
But that's tempered by the fact that our three year old just came down with a 39 degree fever overnight... so I hope to hell that he doesn't have what I had, otherwise that's the four day weekend straight out the window again...
Vhailor Falk |
Heh - aye, that would be a mite troublesome. Anytime that America wants to join the rest of the world and come metric they're more than welcome ;)
For those playing at home 39 deg C is about 102 deg F
Units are a daily juggling act for me anyway - as the oilfield is a literal mess when it comes to which units are actually used in which instance. feet, meters, inches, mm, psi, kPa, it's madness I say MADNESS.
Ansha |
(So.... OOCly, I have no interest in being in a PVP here, but Banny meant what she said: we have no actual authority to be in the inn, we are trespassing, we have been asked to leave, and at this point we're actively damaging property, on pretty thin evidentiary grounds. Speaking ICLY, Banny would try and stop Alicia at this point.)
(That said, the converse is that Banny is not Alicia's parent and has no authority over her other than the dubious authority of being 'older than her' and the both of them working towards the same goal, and Alicia's consequences impacting Banny's goals. Sooo.... I can just have Banny leave with Jess before the knife digs in, and let Alicia deal with whatever the response from Cham is, if that's what you want. *shrug* Other than that, Banny would physically be trying to stop Alicia from doing this. Do you have a preference, Alicia?)
Ah, the first clash of alignments. ;P Ali definitely doesn't have the same motivations as Banny, or the same ideas about what constitutes acceptable behavior. She's not going to get into a fight over it if Banny tries to snatch the dagger away when she starts damaging property, but Cham definitely rubs her the wrong way. It doesn't bother me either way, whether Banny leaves before Ali starts chipping off paint or stays and tries to stop her.
dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Okey-dokey, I just wanted to be sure I wasn't going to be stepping on toes in an OOC sense before I had Banny react! I don't want it to ever seem like I'm trying to tell other people how to play their characters, but Alicia going for the paint-chipping is definitely something Banny would react to, etc. :P
dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Vhailor Falk |
Intrigued to get a decent read into the new AP opening chapter. Half inclined to see if it's workable as a hard Neutral campaign... where you're a small pile of bohemian theater performers who argue whether you should be the People's Front of Kintargo, or the Kintargo People's Front... and couldn't care less about oppression vs freedom, good vs evil... you just want the theater back open dagnabbit!