Javell DeLeon |
Yes! Yes they are. Check it out here: WoTR
Joana |
Okay, how are you guys handling checking for Gorewillow's message? Are you all going out there once a day, or is someone checking alone, or what?
Marikel Selentin |
Realising I hadn't played Wrath of the Righteous yet, I suddenly started up a game with my 2nd home group. The burnt out GM was only too happy to let me run. What have I done to myself? :-)
Marikel is ready to roll and wants an organised party for safety to head out and check regularly for the message. He'll repeat this desire each day after Alicia returns from her solo scout to advise there's no point going today as nothing has changed. :-)
Marikel Selentin |
"I'm sure you meant to say, I'll show you the girl and you'll show me the stone, yes? She's just around the corner. Would you like to send the dwarf to check?" He gestures to the darkness to his left.
By the way, thanks for being an awesome GM as always. And this joke was not wasted on me! :-)
Joana |
Yeah, well, technically, you were supposed to fight Gorewillow and his flood troll minion to the death in Uskroth's tomb, but I couldn't justify him not being open to negotiation. The guy's in it for the money; he's not a crazed cultist or wild idealist. He's not collecting any finder's fees if he's dead.
If there's one thing that tends to bug me about Paizo APs, it's their penchant for assuming NPCs are willing to throw their lives away at the drop of a hat. Some of them, sure, but random guy who was hired to do a job? Not so much. Like the goon in Iron Man 3 who throws down his gun: "Honestly, I hate working here; they're so weird."
Marikel Selentin |
Ooh, so I can read Book 1 now?
I've had a peek, and the changes you've made so far all seem very clever and reasonable. That said, because I've only peeked at one or two done encounters I dunno how many changes you've done and how much. I couldn't find chasing the student into the battle, which seemed a great motivator to get newbs down to the front lines and discovering stuff no one else could. And the battle with the giant at the catapult seemed well handled too- I got the impression that the battles in the book were more a montage than a linked set of fights.
Joana |
The encounters are all basically the same, but I changed the connecting material fairly extensively to make it all make a bit more sense.
Pretty much the very first thing brought up in the GM reference thread when the first book came out was, how the heck does an army of orcs sneak up on a city on a hill? I changed it to where the PCs were able to find out about the planned attack before it happened, which also let me send out the town's highest-level NPCs to fight the orcs outside the city walls instead of the PCs wondering why, in a town with Halgra Blackblade, Jagrin Grath, and a professional army, a group of four to six low-level characters was leading the defense.
Also, in the adventure as written, the PCs are supposed to travel down from the Upper Quarter during the battle for the purpose of lighting a succession of beacons. Which would make sense if it were Minas Tirith and you were summoning the Riders of Rohan to come to your aid, but I was never able to figure out what exactly lighting the beacons was supposed to be accomplishing since there was no one to signal to. So, yeah, I had you guys chasing Zechariah to get you down the hill to meet the encounters.
Joana |
Okay, so let's make sure we get everything done that you want to do before you leave town.
Marikel mentioned following up with the Sawyers. Do we want to do that?
He also wants to speak with Tyari Varvatos and Halgra Blackblade.
I believe that Mahath was unable to identify the hammer Dorn is carrying and the half-plate armor from Uskroth's tomb. Do you want to consult Agrit Staginsdar about them and find out what they do?
I think Ali might have been intending to ask Lessie Crumkin about Uskroth since she's the town historian, but I don't know if she (Ali) trusts her (Lessie) enough to lay all the party's cards on the table with her.
Do you want to split up and do some of these things or keep the party together and make the rounds?
Marikel Selentin |
Sorry. Been somewhat busy of late. Not too busy to fill my weekends with Kingmaker CRPG and plumb the Tenebrous depths, but busy nonetheless. :-)
Voting we all chat to the Sawyers and Halgra Blackblade and then do last bits and pieces before we shift out. As always, all suggestions accepted. If PC's want to avoid the Sawyers (*coff* Alicia *coff*) we can add them to the individual bits and pieces thing. :-)
Javell DeLeon |
Tenebrous depths are a beat down. I still haven't beat that thing at the bottom of that crawl. I'm telling you now, that thing is unbeatable. I did NOTHING to it. And I tried everything. So freaking irritating. I really don't see how to win.
Dorn's ready to roll with whatever. It's all good to him.
Javell DeLeon |
Oh man that is freaking cool. Yeah my people are only 16th/17th level. I was figuring I needed to be higher level because I couldn't do jack to that thing. And I have no idea what 'Iron God' is but with or without it, I still got my back side handed to me. :P
Mahath Kishion |
Mahath is content to follow Marikel to his follow up discussions in case his studies might be of some help (knowledge checks).
After those, he'll want to check in with Agrit. He's fine if others want to go along with him. He'll want to pick up a fine beverage for when he goes to see her (a mead or whiskey?). Something to hone judgement when hearing our tale and looking at the items we found. :)
Marikel Selentin |
Ansha, Tenebrous Depths is DLC/expansion for Kingmaker. I got it as a b'day present and it's just randomly generated levels that you dungeon crawl down. There's the barest of stories (kill big bad at bottom) but otherwise it's just a huge hackfest and tribute to Rogue-like games everywhere. I love it. (I needed a change of pace)
Characters level quickly and die fast so you get to play with (make) lot's of character types. Iron god/fist/story/save/(I can never remember) mode is just the one where you don't get to save the game- if you die you start again at level 1. Did it with my knife fighter tiefling and was shattered when she went down when she was level 18ish, so haven't done it since. Also been playing with one character and with the option where XP only goes to active characters, so I've been leveling 4-6 times faster.
So waiting for Wrath of the Righteous when it comes out. :-)
Javell DeLeon |
You know, I haven't done the Depths in that regard. The one I was doing(haven't played in a while) is actually part of the storyline. I've never tried the "create your own" party type deal. From what I gather though(based on what I've read) there's like 100 levels or something? Is that accurate? Because that just seems insane.
Javell DeLeon |
That game sounds vaguely familiar. Is it any good?
This is what's its webpage says about it: "The game is a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series, along with Planescape: Torment."
Great games for sure. Baldur's Gate is the best though. Such a great game.
Is this Pillars game anything like it?
Marikel Selentin |
Currently it says I'm like 35 from 50 levels. I killed 1 of the 4 big bads/lieutenants on 30 and it said to retire the character/s and start from lv 1 again to kill the next big bad. If the 4 lieutenants and the final spawn of rovogug are all on lv 30, that'd make 150 levels to complete it. I think the point of forging to lv 50 is partly for kudos but mostly for the extra treasure. I found an awesome fauchard so I built a 20th level fighter character to use it and now they're hitting for over 200 damage a quarter of the time :-) (crit 15-20/x4)
Each level only has half a dozen to a dozen rooms, so you walk them pretty quickly at the low levels. It's only when the fights start dragging that things slow down.
I'll get back to Baldur's Gate and Planescape one day. Honest. :-)
Ansha, currently they're polling for the new race- Catfolk, Ratfolk or perhaps more to your tastes... Kitsune :-)
Joana |
The rest of you doing anything while Alicia talks to Lessie? Approaching Baseil Sawyer or not?
Mahath Kishion |
Is the plan to go mounted or on foot? How long do we think it will take to get there? How much food do we want to take so that we can explore if we don't find it right away?
Joana |
How long do we think it will take to get there?
Depends on which "there" you're talking about. There's the abandoned farmhouse where Zola was held hostage that's approximately a day's walk from town, where you might find more clues.
Then there's the fort that she overheard Gorewillow talking about. If it's near the source of the Kestrel, it's about a day and a half to 2 days by foot from Trunau (which would be another day or less from the farmhouse). If it turns out to be farther north near the source of the Esk River, it would probably be quicker for you guys to return toward Trunau and take the ferry service down the Kestrel and back up the Esk compared to trying to cross the badlands and the Skittermounds during the spring thaw.
Marikel Selentin |
It all looks to be the same. Eventually, down the Kestrel river, then back up the Esk river.
So, the plan is to travel to the farmhouse, check it, then move on past it to the source of the Kestrel and check out the western end of the Hordeline. From there, assuming no success, we head back for the ferry down stream to where the rivers join, maybe check in at Freedom Town for more clues, then head up the Esk to check out Redlake, the westernmost fort of Harchrists Blockade. Assuming nothing still, we cross the foot of the mountains to Heliu's Folly at the westermost part of the Sunwall.
We'll grab some horses for the first part, then return them before we ferry on down the river.
Leave no stone unturned, or fort unsearched :-)