Steel Wolves - A Mercenary Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Mark Sweetman

The Steel Wolves are a squad of the mercenary company the Blood Hawks. Currently stationed in Kalabuto, though the jungle calls....

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Minor Crab-beast

You would fit if you just moved up to attack in melee - but you specifically said that you'd flank.
To do that you need to move past the creature and through it's threatened area.

Male Keleshite Magus(Kensai Archetype)/5

Ah, ok. Still, even though it missed me, Blaze should get the Acrobatics check. I didn't realize how I'd need to move. You said a long time ago that basically if we say we flank we do, so I didn't think about having to make the check myself.

Minor Crab-beast

Technically I don't think my statement was quite as open as you make it out. It was more along the lines of - if the movement or action makes sense given the description, then go for it.
In this case you are on a narrow-ish 10ft ledge of which the creature takes up 5ft of. So it isn't reasonable that you could move to flank without going through the threatened area.

I considered rolling an Acrobatics check for you, then after re-reading what I put up initially, I figured that there was enough information there for you to make a clear and informed decision as to what was possible.
You character decided to move through the threatened area to get a flank. You didn't state any intent to use Acrobatics, so I assumed you didn't.

The paragraph above probably sounds snarky and snippy - but that isn't the intent. Just consider it a gentle reminder to carefully read what I write in the descriptive posts as it does make a difference.

Male Wolf

Baran was eager to sink his fangs into the abomination of life that jumped from the water to ambush his pack mates but at Sentis's direction he stayed back to defend the dwarf who was nearly as hairy as he was.

Ready an attack if one those things gets close to the pair

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

The druid waved his hand at Baran and thankfully the wolf obeyed his urging and stayed behind as Sentis drew his scimitar and waded the water to the right to come up next to Darkbiter and hacked at the vile looking creature.

Attack - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Damage - 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Minor Crab-beast

If he had hit, I probably would have given you the chance to negate with Acro

Update coming soon - and maps to follow in the medium term as well (though not for this combat).
Should hopefully help with the confusion, etc.

Male Half-Elf Martial Artist /4

I edited my post to add my attack DM Voiceless.

Minor Crab-beast
Kaavel wrote:
I edited my post to add my attack DM Voiceless.

Yep - saw that and will include in update.

Minor Crab-beast

Sentis moves forward into the water and carves a path across the wight's torso with his scimitar.

The wights utter no sounds, but renew their attack on Grusk and Darkbiter...
Grusk Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Darkbiter Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Ouch! - hot dice for the wights. Another DC 14 Fort save from each of you or another 1d3 Con damage...

Kaavel, since Blaze moved past the wight, there is still a spot for a normal attack - so have assumed you took that. Hence no AoO

Kaavel moves up to the wight, fist flashing forwards to crumple the abominations head. It drops to the floor unmoving.

Action Tracker (Round 2): Darkbiter / Blaze, Doc, Sentis + Baran, Grusk, Salt Wights, Kaavel

Damage Tracker:
Left - 23 (near re-death)
Right - Re-Dead

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

Another fortitude save!
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
con damage 1d3 ⇒ 3

Current Health
-4 con

"Fall dead!"
Greataxe Attack
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
1d12 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Male Keleshite Magus(Kensai Archetype)/5

"These things hit pretty hard, huh?" Blaze moves to attack the remaining creature. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Crit confrim if that hits to extra fire damage.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Acrobatics check to avoid AoO just in case

Minor Crab-beast

Dashing across the bridge to come at the second wight from behind, Blaze strikes it down. Sunstrike blazing with cleansing fire as it arcs through the dessicated salty flesh.

At that moment Grusk scythes his axe through it's belly and tt falls in two directions as it comes apart at its midriff.

Combat finished.
Dont forget the Reflex save from where Doc tried to blow you up Grusk ;)

Looking around you see that there is a small side-chamber next to the bridge and the tunnel continues on beyond that.

Perception DC 20:
You spy a small lockbox at the bottom of the pool of water in the side-chamber

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

male Half orc Shapeshifter Skirmisher 5

Fort save 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

HP: Max: 21 Current: 13
Con Damage: 3 (so currently sitting at 7 CON)

"Ouch, those bloody things hurt. Someone who didn't get hit by those things want to check out that lockbox at the bottom of this pool?"

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

"Anyone mind if Dark an I sit down fer a spell, seems them creatures sap yah."

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

Whats that Dark? A lockbox?

The druid will look where the ranger is pointing.

Oh I see it. Ok I'll try to get it while you guys rest.

Sentis will drop under the water and retrieve the box.

Swim - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +

Doc pulls on some heavy gloves, pulls his goggles down and sets to examining the bodies of the strange creatures, cutting them open and taking tissue samples, removing teeth and tongues

"We gotta time limit on this job? Any reason not t' go back t' th' refining camp an' set up shop for a day or two while these two recover?"

male Half orc Shapeshifter Skirmisher 5

"At least we have a pretty good idea what happened to the miners. Water in a salt mine is never a good thing."

Male Half-Elf Martial Artist /4

"Why did the miners come back as undead though?" Kaavel asks after hearing the others.

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +
Kaavel wrote:
"Why did the miners come back as undead though?"

"'Ow c'n ye tell they're th' miners?"

Male Half-Elf Martial Artist /4

"No idea to be honest was just giving a guess. Unless these undead walked in after the miners died?"

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +

"Mines connect t' lossa things. If'n there's water, there might b' a watertable or subterrain river. They c'n connect t' other mines or caves tha' might b' a hunnerd miles away. Anyone swept under might end up anywehere there's poolin' water. Might be a burial site on th' other side o' this mountain tha' got punched into. Could b' lossa things. N'less we start runnin' inta undead that're wearin' coveralls an' draggin picks, it's gonna be hard t' tell fer sure."

Male Keleshite Magus(Kensai Archetype)/5

"No, I don't believe there's any sort of time limit. I'd like to push on, just to make some more progress, but not with our scouts in such roug shape" The Keleshite says.

Male Wolf

After Sentis dove under the water Baran barked and trotted over to the waters edge and paced back and forth. Water was not a wolf's friend and he couldnt think why he'd purposely go under. He barked again hoping he'd hear and return to the surface.

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

"Tis a most dangerous mine, iffen yah look yah ken still see out tha doorway an already we have found foul creatures."

Minor Crab-beast

Sentis retrieves the lockbox from beneath the water. It has a sturdy looking lock upon it, and seems to only have been below the water for a few weeks as it is in reasonable condition.

Looking over the wight's bodies, you can see they are dressed like miners.

So is the consensus to back out of the mine and rest up at least a day?

male Half orc Shapeshifter Skirmisher 5

"A bit of rest wouldn't hurt, it would also give a chance to thoroughly investigate the camp above to see precisely why and how many managed to flee."

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

Sentis sat dripping from his dive and shook the excess water from his dreads. Baran had barked at him again when he surfaced and now lay at his side.

One good day of rest should have these guys back in action. But that means the whole day of rest. There might be clues to our queery in this box as well. We should at least give Grusk the time to open it before movng on if we're not going to retreat for the time being.

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

Disable device on the lock
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

"I am still a bit unsteady."

"I will open it later on this evenin once Ive had a rest."

Male Half-Elf Martial Artist /4

Kaavel shrugs "I am fine with resting if more of those things show up we should be at our best."

Minor Crab-beast

Grusk tries to open the lock, but is unable to.

Retreating back to the surface the squad makes camp in the barracks building and sets watches. Apart from the occasional animal sound in the distance, all is quiet.

Confirmation of any actions taken before sleep time?
Dark mentioned looking over the camp - can you give me an idea of what you're looking for?
Grusk - are you reattempting to open the lock?

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +

I can take 20 on it while Grusk and Dark rests.

Minor Crab-beast

Perhaps Grusk should take the 20 *meaningful wink*

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

DM Voice's previous post - Searching Options:

Large barracks and meeting house
An operations office
Two storage buildings
Small house for the mine owner and his family.

Refreshed from his had been awhile... Sentis made sure Grusk and Dark got settled after the necessary preperations and took Baran for a walk. He figured he'd check the storage building to see if there was any gear that they would find useful for their next venture into the mines. He let Sunny and the others know what he was about before leaving the barracks.

Perception - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

Grusk takes the 20 to open the lock and then decides on some rest....

Minor Crab-beast

Grusk spends a long while working away at the lock with his picks. Many times he thinks he almost has it, but it doesn't part. Eventually in frustration he tosses the box down, and the lock pops open. As the box tips over, gold coins spill out.

Just a bit of descriptive fun, take 20 got you right on the money for the DC.

Sentis checks over the storage building and is able to find it reasonably well stocked. There is rope, picks, shovels, hooded lanterns and oil, etc. Full of mundane mining supplies, if there is anything that you think should be there it probably is; but nothing too expensive or exotic.

The night passes uneventfully, though during your watches you each swear that you hear noises coming from the mine entrance. Those of you with scent pick up that the everpresent salty tang on the air seems to rise and fall in waves; but can never pick out any specific source beyond the mine entrance.

3 HP healing and 1 ability damage restored overnight.
Doc and Sentis should probably use up any heals before sleeping so you have a full complement again come daybreak

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +

Doc downs a curative and passes another to Grusk. "Sentis, c'n ye fix up Dark?"

1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 for me

1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 for grusk

After taking some time to root through the mining supplies Doc comes out with a pile of things. "Nothin' better'n free stuff." he says with a grin.

male Half orc Shapeshifter Skirmisher 5

"If we ain't in a hurry, we should go through every building thoroughly. Grusk and I can stand back and watch, and be present in case our help is needed, but otherwise we should probably take it easy."

Basically have the party search the camp from top to bottom for anything useful, and or relevant information wise while Dark and Grusk watch where they are close enough to intervene if need be, but otherwise are basically doing bed rest all day unless absolutely needed.

Minor Crab-beast

The camp is full of mundane mining supplies and the majority of the books and records are to that end.
You don't find anything that would explain events beyond the log book you read earlier and a sketch of a dome like structure bedded in rock.

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

You two need a fulls days bed rest. No guard duty, no scouting, nothing but resting. And I'll be staying real close to make sure you do.

Heal - Providing Long Term Care DC 15 - 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 2 = 16 = + 4 to Constitution for Grusk and Dark

Sentis will spend the day tending the wounded scouts and using up his 3 prepared CLW on any other wounded.

CLW - 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
CLW - 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
CLW - 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Baran will wander the camp from time to time. The dwarf and his tinkering are ever curious to the wolf and he likes watching him work when he's not guarding the injured pack mates.

Minor Crab-beast

So spending another full day in rest?

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

The full's day rest is a 24 hour period starting from when Grusk was done with the lockbox. So instead of the healing from 8 hours with normal activity its a full 24 in bed. So we should be ready to go almost exactly one day after we returned from the mine.

Minor Crab-beast

IMHO - I would take the 24 hour period as being from morning wake up to morning wake up the next day.
You can take the cut down 8 hours of rest version if you like - or spend the time until the next morning. Squad call.

M half-orc Rogue 4 (acrobat) / Ranger 1 (falconer)

I think it should be when everyone is restored we continue, no matter when that is.......midnight into the mine, am into the mine.,,,,

Minor Crab-beast

Two questions:
Sleeping an extra night outside the mine or not?
Revised watch schedule if Grusk and Dark are on full bed rest for the 24 hours?

male Half orc Shapeshifter Skirmisher 5

I'd say the 24 hours plus the eight hours. That is probably what we would do in character just to be on the safe side.

Male Half Elf Wolf Shaman 5

Since Doc has darkvision he's best suited to taking watch solo. Then we can split the remaining watches with a human and half elf.

Although since Cort is still MIA. Its been almost a month with no posts from him. Anyone seen or heard from him?

Minor Crab-beast

I've checked recently and his parent alias Ryuko has made a few posts in the last few days. If he wants back in, he'll show up.

Leaving to chance that which must:
1d20 ⇒ 6
1d3 ⇒ 3

The evening passes uneventfully and the new dawn greets the party. The mine entrance remains where it was left, leering at you malevolently.

Male Half-Elf Martial Artist /4

Looking at the entrance Kaavel draws his knuckles wondering why the miners had turned into undead.

HP AC , CMD , Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Bombs , Init +

"Th' lot o' ye' get some sleep. I'll keep watch 'till th' sun's up an' sleep when th' rest o' ye's eyes work."

Doc goes about setting up a thorough early warning system of noise-making traps and sets up his customary array of pots and brews at the fire.

Doc's perception sucks, but he's real good at trapmaking...

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