Skull and Shackles PBP

Game Master Jason Lillis

The Skull and Shackles Adventure Path!

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Day 1 - Dusk

Four burly crew members step forward and attempt to grapple Jericho, hoping to drag him toward the sweat box 20 feet away.

Reminder: Grapple provokes AoO, if you choose to attack. Attempt - Grapple and move 1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16. Attempt - Grapple and move 2: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

As Lazha slumps unconscious, two sailors step forward, untie her roughly, and pull her a few fees from the mast. Master Scourge turns and grins evilly at Octavia. "Thought you were clear perhaps, lad? Just needed to care for that one first afore yer turn at the mast. Lash 'I'm in! Forgiveness do no' be a luxury served on The Wormwood!"

Two sailors, a man and a woman, step forward to take you to the mast.

Grapple, unless not resisting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13[/dice]

S&S GM wrote:

Day 1 - Dusk

Four burly crew members step forward and attempt to grapple Jericho, hoping to drag him toward the sweat box 20 feet away.

Reminder: Grapple provokes AoO, if you choose to attack. Attempt - Grapple and move 1: 1d20+9. Attempt - Grapple and move 2: 1d20+9

That's only two of them attacking there, and I thought you said four? Anyway, Jericho's CMD is 17 so at least these two guys missed. Btw. they have a +9 CMB?!?! I'm so...

Just like few nights ago. Outnumbered and... - Jericho knows that there is simply too many of them. He is aware that he has not enough space to maneuver or run, he realizes that he made a stupid move, and it would be best to simply fold and take the punishment. In a split second, he has a crystal clear picture as to what he needs to do, what is the best, least complicated solution for him...and yet he strikes!

Attack of opportunity on first attacker 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Potential dmg 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Jericho Fiendaxe wrote:
S&S GM wrote:

Day 1 - Dusk

Four burly crew members step forward and attempt to grapple Jericho, hoping to drag him toward the sweat box 20 feet away.

Reminder: Grapple provokes AoO, if you choose to attack. Attempt - Grapple and move 1: 1d20+9. Attempt - Grapple and move 2: 1d20+9

That's only two of them attacking there, and I thought you said four? Anyway, Jericho's CMD is 17 so at least these two guys missed. Btw. they have a +9 CMB?!?! I'm so...

Just like few nights ago. Outnumbered and... - Jericho knows that there is simply too many of them. He is aware that he has not enough space to maneuver or run, he realizes that he made a stupid move, and it would be best to simply fold and take the punishment. In a split second, he has a crystal clear picture as to what he needs to do, what is the best, least complicated solution for him...and yet he strikes!

Attack of opportunity on first attacker 1d20+5
Potential dmg 1d3+6

Sure, if it makes a difference for your choices, there are actually four guys - only one makes the check and the other three provide a +2 bonus each: Base +3 +6 for three allies = +9. Since they are trying to move you more than half their speed away, they need to make two separate checks to get you there, possibly more. Let me know if this changes your actions, but - if I might guess - I doubt that you will do anything but resist. : ) Also, as your CMD is so high, they don't actually move you on the first two tries.

@Jericho - Your strike just misses the first man, and the four sailors double their efforts to try and corral you into the box. One of the four hisses, "Just give up! You hit us and it's lashes from the cat for you, and those from Plugg, not Scourge! Trust me, a day in the box is nothing by comparison!"

Attempt 3 - Grapple and move: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22. Attempt 4 - Grapple and move: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Oh man this is getting ugly fast :-)

Not wanting to come off as a coward and a pushover and seeing Jericho begin to resist Octavia allows her orcish blood to start to pound in her veins, unleashing something she's never let out before.

Despite her increased anger she thinks fast and remembers some magical tricks her mother had taught her. Dropping to one knee she'll try and gather a pinch of fine sand in her left hand from the deck.

Perception Check to find Sand 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

If she finds sand she sings a few melodious notes and her breath blows the sand towards the pirates advancing on her position.

Octavia Casts Sleep on the two pirates attacking her and if possible Scourage


School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (fine sand, rose petals, or a live cricket)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area one or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 4 HD of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures.

If she can't find sand she'll stand straight up and try punch the closest attacking pirate with an uppercut.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 DMG 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Oh! such bad rolls, Here we go!

Hmm, you would have spent the day grinding and mopping the deck. It would be quite clean of sand particles.

Your swing goes quite, quite wide. The man approaching you chuckles, but his laughter appears to throw off their attempt to force you towards the mast, but doesn't prevent them from trying again.

Grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas leans over to Sandara,
"Quite the show. Oddly, no one seemed to mind too much when I took the lash yesterday. It's enough to make an elf think they're prejudiced or something."

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Curse their cleanliness! :)

Octavia Struggles to escape thier grasp as they try to take her to the mast.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

"^*#@ you!! you #$@^!&*%*" Octavia curses at them angrily.

If I am not mistaking, they failed on their first grapple attempt, so I get another AoO? And since I was not grappled, should not I get my action between their two grapple attempts? I am going to post two attacks (one for my standard action, other for AoO against grapple), even though it is obvious that our "resistance is futile" :-)

"Waaaargh" was the only response Jericho gave to them, striking left and right, doing his best to free himself from the bunch of sailors boxing him in.

Standard unarmed attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Potential dmg. 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Attack of opportunity vs. first grapple 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Potential dmg. 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

All attacks are vs. the same target/person (unless it drops)

@Mithas - Sandara gives a resigned sigh, then motions for you to follow her. "Let's get the half-orc out of the way and ready to be cared for." She pulls out a carved square of obsidian as she goes.

@Octavia - Though you struggle, they are holding on just tight enough to get you to the mast and secure you there with ropes. Master Scourge uncoils his rope while he motions for one of the sailors to lift up the back of your shirt.

@Jericho - Correct, my bad: 1st Failed, 2nd Failed, 3rd Succeeded, 4th Failed to move you. You will get a Standard Round between 1 and 2 (You Hit), an AoO at 2 (You hit and he drops), a Standard Round between 2 and 3 (Not yet made), an AoO at 3 (Not yet made), then gain the grappled condition (no more AoOs until you escape), then get a standard round between 3 and 4. However, by dropping one of the four, you've now incurred the greater attention of Mr. Plugg. Your punches land hard against the lead sailor trying to corral you, and when he goes down the other three go deathly grim and hop away from you. Mr. Plugg wastes no time in stepping forward and lashing out with his cat-o'-nine-tails in an attempt to subdue you. To hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13. Nonlethal Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas follows Sandara and helps her move Lazha out of the way.

I'll just do the aid another +2 bonus, unless Sandara's Strength is worse than mine. If it is then here's my roll (Strength +2(aid another): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15)

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Octavia grits her teeth and prepares for the lashing. She is going to do her best to avoid crying out to give them no satisfaction and so they wont find out she's a woman.

I'm assuming that if she is lashed she'll probably yell out and her identity as a man will be lost? Can she do a fortitude roll for each lash to see if she can take the hit without screaming?

@Mithas - You easily help Sandara move Lazha away from the action at the main mast, and she holds forth her carved piece of obsidian. You hear a word of power and the name Besmara spoken before healing energy flows over those in her vicinity. 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 Welcome back, Lazha!

@Octavia - Sure, let's say it's your Fortitude save plus your Disguise Ranks vs DC 10 + Cumulative Damage Dealt. Fair?

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Sounds fair to me. You mean just the 1 rank and the +3 for class skill, in disguise not including my ability mod? If I'm not adding the right ones let me know, and just modify my results as you need to. I'll roll in this post and then you can go ahead and roll the dmg whenever, assuming they don't relent at decide to just let Octavia go ;-)

d20+Fort+Disguise Skill ranks 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 4 = 18

@Octavia - Unlikely. :) However, I did mean your full bonus, +7.

Master Scourge, ignoring the fracas surrounding Jericho, rears back and delivers three expert blows.

Whip 1 - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14, 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Nonlethal Damage.
Whip 2 - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9, 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Nonlethal Damage.
Whip 3 - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8, 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nonlethal Damage.

Perhaps he is more distracted than he lets on, but striking a bound captive has its advantages, as the three strikes cut into your back. However, you are able to resist just long enough to pass out from pain without giving up your secret.

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

Lazha opens her eyes, to a strange tangle of lines that she can make no sense of until she realizes they're the grain in the planks of the deck. She blinks furiously, and tries to sit up.

He has a very steady hand, does Mister Scourge. I hope we don't need to meet again like that any time soon. How many lashes did Antonio and Jericho get?

Lazha turns and sees Antonio tied to the mast, and the wild melee swirling around Jericho.

Oh, she says. Oh dear.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5
Lazha Slicksheen wrote:

He has a very steady hand, does Mister Scourge. I hope we don't need to meet again like that any time soon. How many lashes did Antonio and Jericho get?

Lazha turns and sees Antonio tied to the mast, and the wild melee swirling around Jericho.

Oh, she says. Oh dear.

"Oh dear, indeed," Mithas gestures to Sandara. "This fine lady is Sandara, you can thank her for your quick recovery. Perhaps if we are lucky, we can provide Antonio the same relief for the 3 strokes he took and Jericho," he pauses and looks at the chaos unfolding a short distance away. "Well Jericho, best hope they don't tire of this and just toss him overboard."

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

Thank you, Sandara, for your care. I can help with Antonio and Jericho, too. Unless that would cause even more trouble.

Lazha noticed the blood that had trickled onto her hands, and quickly pulled down her sleeves to cover her wrists. Then she looked back over her shoulders.

Do you think those will scar? I hope so -- I'm already eighteen and I still don't have any decent scars.

@Lazha - Sandara shakes her head and prepares to retrieve 'Antonio' from the mast with Mithas' help. "They are none too deep, so I wouldn' pin hopes on it." She, too, warily watches the conflict surrounding Jericho.

@Jericho - You may take a full round action in response to Mr. Plugg.

"Ouch, you son of a..." - Jericho's curse was cut short by a sudden change, his back feeling the brunt of Mr. Plugg's assault.

Those with half an ounce of brain would surrender now - the thought was racing through his head, parallel as he was racing across the deck trying to charge/get to Mr. Plugg.

Move (charge?) towards Mr. Plugg and unarmed attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Potential damage 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Plugg sidesteps your blow and returns with another strike from the cat.

Assuming you did not charge. To hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13. Nonlethal Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The cat' just catches you, and you are [u]staggered[/u] by the pair of blows, nearly unconscious.

Plugg sidesteps your blow and returns with another strike from the cat.

Assuming you did not charge, b/c attack roll still normal. If you want to charge, recall that your AC drops. To hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10. Nonlethal Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

The crack of the cat rings out next to your head, but just misses.

After he finishes with Octavia, Scourge wastes little time and also steps over to strike out at Jericho...

Whip - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24, 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nonlethal Damage.

... Connecting solidly to leave a serious welt.

Once again, thoughts of futility of his attempts are overshadowed by simple desire to return back the pain inflicted to him. Jericho keeps exerting himself, trying to punish one of his tormentors, taking another swing at Mr. Plugg.

Attack roll 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Potential dmg. 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

EDIT: Could be that the above did not happen, since Jericho reached 0 HP with strike from Scourge. However, if Jericho was entitled to action before Scorge and I think/hope he has, then he goes down with a bang ;-)

Nope, you still have 3 NL to go? Plugg's second attack missed, so you've only taken 9 NL damage. But now you've actually hit Plugg, so...

Slightly taken aback by the hit, Mr. Plugg - and the whole crew - go deady silent. It takes but a moment for him to recover, and now he comes at you with the very fine looking cutlass in his main hand.

Plugg vs Jericho w/ very sharp cutlass - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26, for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 possible damage.

Possible critical hit - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16, for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 possible additional damage.

You take the cut in the neck and go down hard. Mr. Plugg curses and screams out "Sandara! Get over here you wench and keep this one from dying!"

Sandara sprints over and calls out the word of power again, followed with Besmara's name. 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

The healing washes over all, healing and stabilizing those unconscious and dying. Sandara checks out Jericho, makes sure he isn't dead, then nods up to Plugg.

Mr. Plugg wipes the blood from his blade on Jericho's shirt, then curtly orders, "Make sure he lives. Then drop 'I'm in the box. The rest - ALL HANDS BELOW FOR GRUB AND GROG! NOW!" He ends in a pale fury, then stalks off to the officers quarters.

Sandara stands back while some of the other sailors come up to drag Jericho off to the sweatbox, then motions for the rest of you to join her by Octavia, where she initiates another pulse of healing energy. 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10 Once Octavia is revived, she invites you to join her for dinner, though notes that Lazha - now healed - will likely need to help serve it, and suggests that you get to the galley as quickly as possible.

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

Lazha scrambles to her feet. Besmara's Eyepatch! I need to get down there.

Lazha hurries down to the galley, and follows Mr. Kroop's lead in serving the crew. If possible, she tries to get extra food to Sandara, Mithas, and Antonius.

I'll just make a roll and you tell me what to add. Maybe Bluff? My Bluff bonus is +2

1d20 ⇒ 12

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas accepts Sandara's offer to join her for dinner.

Before Lazha heads off to the galley, he asks her to keep an eye out to see if there is any butter in the food stores.

I'm in the market for spell components ;).

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Octavia, trying not to bite her lip as she stands up, thanks Sandara and quietly acknowledges that she'll go to supper with them. But she quietly asks Sandara

"Is there anything we can do for Jericho? What's going to happen to him?"

She pauses and says in frustration

"It sure would be nice to know how things work around here and what they expect of us."

Day 1 - Evening (Expository post on the system of punishments below.)

@Lazha - You head yor the ladle, and are able to select an extra bit of fish meat to go into their bowls when serving. Ambrose doesn't appear to care, and in fact appears a little sympathetic. "Been through a lot this aft'noon, eh?"

@Mithas - Butter is in easy quantities at the moment, as you are just a day out of port. @Lazha, if you decide to grab some, make a sleight of hand check. I'll oppose w/ Perception from Ambrose.

@Octavia - Sandara shakes her head. "There isn't much. I'll try to steal away over later and see if I can heal more of his wounds. He'll need to stay there til tomorrow dusk. Don't try and get him out, or you'll go in with 'im." 

The mood is quiet on board the ship. Several other crew members, knowing that you came on board with Jericho, give you wide berth when you take places in the main hold for the evening meal. Master Scourge himself sees to the distribution of the evening rum. Sandara sits along the starboard wall of the main hold. When you have all taken seats, whether near her or not, she intones, "Besmara, bless these bowls, and treat favorably the poor soul in the sweatbox." She taps her carved black square in its pouch before digging in.

"Though they dinna tell you what the rules are 'round ship, they aren' that bad. Impertinence or laziness gets you the lash, usually 3, but six if its real bad. Also, if you don't want your rum, figure put a sly way to rid of it - no selling or outright pouring, that'll get you the lash.
"Fighting gets you the sweatbox, though apparently now just the threat of violence will do the same. Guess they took your friend seriously, and I don't blame them. Thats the best hit I've seen landed on Mr. Plugg since I've come on board. It's not like to happen again. Expect him to be more zealous with the lash. 
"No stealin' or killing - stealing put Jakes Magpie where he is now. Killin', well, that's why Plugg hollered for me so fast. He knows we be under crewed, and the Captain will no' appreciate losing a hand, specially one with the makings of a good rigger.
"Really it's this - the captain wants you tired. A tired crew is more compliant, and less likely to mutiny, than one thats well fed and rested. He saves that for when we take a prize."

She takes a small pull of rum and makes a very spur face after doing so. "So that's the punishments here, best as I can figure. Your friend - if he is - will make it through, but he'll need to cool his heels for now. Or sweat them. Whatever." She takes a bit more rum, then gestures at the rest of the sailors in the hold, who have all mostly finished their stew and are either lounging about or heading back up on deck for fresh air. Most of them are a little stumbly from the very potent rum you have been served. 

"So these are your other new allies, or potential allies," Sandara pipes up. "Best make friends with them as you are able, otherwise you aren't like to keep your person or your possessions too long. If you have questions about any of 'em, go ahead and ask me, I'll see what insight I can give you. Most of them will wear their hearts on their sleeves, least as far as how they feel about you goes. What's in yer heads?"

Sandara is willing to entertain questions, and continues to sip her rum as she does so. If you attempt to get up and leave the area at any point, Master Scourge will check to make sure that you have consumed your rum. Please indicate whether you will drink it or try to dispose of it in some other way. Finally, once you are done talking to Sandara, you can post your Evening Action for the ship. Database up here. I'm a little more free for interaction this weekend, so feel free to post away.

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

"realizing that getting off this ship isn't in the cards any time soon I guess I do have some questions." Octavia says as she sips at her rum.

"What are the chances of us getting any of our gear back? There's a few of my possessions that I'm not to keen to part with."

"You mentioned earlier today that it's about who you know on board, but I gotta confess I'm at a loss, they all just look like ruffians and brutes and I'm not inclined to trust any of them. Are there some in this bunch who my time might be better used getting in their favour?"

Her lips turn at the taste of the rum but she enjoys the warmth and continues to sip.

"And finally, I must confess my ignorance, this "Besmara" you keep going on about?"

@Octavia - The rum burns your mouth, nose, and throat. (Make a Fortitude Save!) Sandara nods and replies "Fer gear, you'll need to talk to the Quartermaster, Cut-Throat Grok. When she's sober, she runs a tight shop. You can buy it back from her if you have the coin. Most around here gamble in the evening, and you can earn some there." She looks around furtively before adding, "There are ways of convincing her that it's in her best interest to give it back to you - poor woman's a tad superstitious. I might be, too, if I survived a throat cutting like her. Might be able to talk her out of it." 

Sandara looks around the room of pirates. "There's a few might be good choices to start with. Tilly, Rosie, Jack, Giffer, 'Ratline', and Barefoot are good choices." She drinks as she considers others. "Fishguts and Cut-Throat might be swayed to your side, if you sweet talk 'em enough. Don't even try with the rest of the officers, though. You've already set yourselves against Mr. Plugg and Master Scourge, in a way, so they'll be after you now on." 

She laughs at your final question, and as she talks her voice shifts a bit more into a stereotyped dialect. "Not heard o' the Pirate Queen?! And already at sea! Well, as a channel o' the Lady's grace and power, let me tell you. Besmara (bes-MAR-uh) be the goddess o' pirates n' beasts o' the sea. Loyal to allies and her crew, if it be in her interest, and brash, confrontational, or greedy with all comers. Lusty and full o' life, she will throw all in the face o' danger for the chance o' the great prize. Earth n' dirt hold no sway o'er her, she care only for the salty seas and those on it who give her tribute."

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas looks at his ration of rum with distast, he quietly offers his share to Tilly. If she declines, he casts Prestidigitation to make it taste like fine summer wine and drinks it himself Fort 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

"Sandara, other than the strictness of the punishment, how well does the crew get treated. What is our share of the 'booty', as it were.'

I'm curious to know more about the gambling.

@Mithas - Tilly looks at your rum offer quizzically, then looks up at the looming Master Scourge, who is looking your direction. "Na thanks, elf. I'll get more from the Scourge if'n I need it. Ta, though." she tips up her cup at you in toast.

The rum, though terrible and quite potent, can be choked down. You do feel a bit more "socially able" but it clouds your mind. 1d4 ⇒ 1 alchemical bonus to Charisma and Fatigued for 1d8 ⇒ 2 hours.

Sandara shrugs. "Havent received a share yet of the bounty. Yer wondering how to gamble without coin? Ye can always barter non-coin, but be careful. Bartering with your work hours can be dangerous. Most sailors here go for a version of Twentybone, if they aren't arm wrestlin', playing Hog Lob, or - and I strongly discourage this one - Heave. The last is played with Rum. Last one standing wins." She shudders. Saw it the first night. Won't ever do it meself. However, you trust your odds with the bones, go right ahead. You don't seem to have the arms for arm wrestlin' or Hog Lob. The hog, by the way, is just a lead ingot with a greased piglets hide wrapped around it. He who throws it furthest gets the pot, agreed upon beforehand."

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Fort Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"How'd you end up on this boat and a pirate who worships the pirate goddess. Is this where you want to be, I mean you don't seem anything like scourge or the rest?"

After Mithas and Octavia are done talking to Sandara she'll thank her for her kindness wish Mithas a good evening and go looking and see if she can't find one of those others to talk to that Sandara mentioned.

If she sees Lazha she'll nod and exchange pleasantries, other than that she's going to go looking to see if she can't make more friends on this boat.

@Octavia - After a sip, and despite its clearly-not-top-shelf quality, you think you just might like this rum after all. In fact, you also feel like you just might be the life of the party.

1d4 ⇒ 4 alchemical bonus to Charisma and fatigued for 1d8 ⇒ 8 hours.

Sandara answers, "Press ganged, much like you. And these mugs don't count as true worshippers of the Pirate Queen. Really, only a few like myself do. The rest toss her a tribute from now and then. When Harrigan found out what I am, he was overjoyed, or at least as close as he gets to that.. Feels like he's blessed by the goddess herself."

"Anyway, I come from Hell Harbor. Went looking for a new life, got as far as Port Peril before it found me. Been here since, but over a week, and have been keeping my ear to the boards, trying to figure out these crewmen and women. Ran afoul of Scourge, but so long as the Captain wants me around, I think I'm safe."

Ok, you'll use the Influence nighttime ship action. Give me a name from the earlier list, and your choice of Bluff, Diplomacy, or Initimidate, plus a reasonable description of what you might say, with the results of your roll. Remember to add in current Charisma bonus.

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

Lazha will attempt to grab a bit of butter for Mithas. Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 If Ambrose notices I'll say it's "For a cut," and offer him some of her rum ration.

As she's able, Lazha will check in with Sandara and the others. If I could get close enough to minister to him tomorrow, she says. I might be able to help Jericho endure his time in the box. Do you think that would be possible?"

After Sandara explains about Besmara, Lazha will add, Mother always honored Besmara. Said she was a fine patron, if not always unreliable. I'm Lazha, Lazha Slicksheen. She'll pause to see if Sandara recognizes the last name. I respect Besmara, but Naderi of the Self-Guided Path has been more my style. Do you know if there are any here in need of her guidance?

When Lazha sees Antonius, she'll touch him on the hand and say, I was prepared to handle things myself. But thank you so much for backing me up before. You have no idea what it means to know that you've got my back. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Then she winks at him, and starts clearing the dishes.

If Ambrose didn't take her rum ration, Lazha will try to 'lose' it as she clears everyone's dishes. If necessary she will try and spill about half of it, and then Create Water in the container to fill it back up before she drinks it.

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Awkwardly she nods and tells Lazha that she would help again if need be and thanks her. "We don't have many more people we can trust around her so we should forge friendships where we can. Your courge and devotion to your duty really inspired me, I'll be happy to watch your back." Antonius smiles.

I've never really learnt what it means to be a half-orc, maybe I can learn a little bit about myself from her

"Lazha...I hope you don't mind me, I mean I hope you don't take offence at this but I was wondering if we could talk sometime. I've always wondered about hal-orcs and was hoping to learn about your people..."

By Besmara, that was smooth "Antonius" she's liable to think your coming on to her. Octavia shakes her head at her social ineptitude, but laughs a bit as well inside blaming the alcohol.

@GM, because I know a bit about the AP and don't want to let that affect my choice i'll roll 1d6 for those six names in order and then try and use diplomacy on that character. Hope that's okay?

1d6 ⇒ 1 = Tilly

Octavia sees Tilly sitting next to Mithas and tries to start up a conversation.

She'll ask Tilly where she's from and what she used to do. She'll admit that she's at a lose when it comes to working on a ship and asks Tilly for any advice she might have about sailing and also how to stay clear of Scrouge and Plugg.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 4 = 27 Edited because I forgot the +4

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

To Sandara: "This pirate queen of yours sounds interesting, I would like to know more of her."

To all three: "We might want to have a talk with Jericho. I think for the time being, it might best if we keep our heads down and see where the rest of the crew's loyalties are."

Nighttime ship action: Emboldened by the rum, Mithas sets about to entertain the crew with stories he has picked up in his travels, using Prestidigitation to add a little extra emphasis here and there. Perform(oration):1d20 ⇒ 10

@Lazha - Ambrose notices, but doesn't much seem to care. "Well, take care of yerself."

Sandara nods. "Sure, depends on what Fishguts has you doing tomorrow. Guess you'll find out in the morning.

"Good to meet you, and pleased to hear of your mother's honor to the Queen." She cocks her head to the side for a moment, then shakes her head. "I do not know of any in need of The Lost Maiden here, but your healing skills will be put to frequent use, I am sure."

You attempt to spill out part of your rum, but Scourge is keeping a close eye on your comings and goings. "Take yer grog and enjoy it, or prepare for another set of lashes t'morrow!"

@Octavia - That looks like a good plan. Thanks for the full disclosure. Also, it would be. +2 bonus to Diplomacy, as it is a +4 to CHA. Still makes the result a 25.

Tilly is more than happy to talk to a charming young sailor! You strike up a lively conversation about the finer points of holystone use, and the main responsibilities of a swab during a potent storm. You feel as though you have made a very good friend, and that the rum hangover will likely be worth it!

Regarding Scourge and Plugg, she mostly recommends keeping your head down and not stirring things up - like today!

@Mithas - Sandara gladly spends the next twenty minutes telling you everything she knows about Besmara. Her holy symbol is the carved square of obsidian you have seen her waving about earlier today. It bears the shape of a jolly roger. "The Code of Besmara," she intones, "is “Carve your name on the ever-changing sea with a saber of terror and triumph. Fight for plunder, fame, and glory, and earn your place among the legends of the sea.” I look forward to the chance to take my place among those legends!
"Asa priestess of the queen, I answer Toni me but her. Her temples are very few, but in a way each ship that braves the waters is like a temple. You'll never find a shortage of prayers to her during storm or battle!" She continues for some time in this vein for sme time before asking if there is anything else specific you,d like to know. If not, she retires for the evening.

The other pirates are less than impressed by your tale, but neither do they throw things at you. Most simply continue about their gambling or their own songs and stories.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas thanks Sandara for the information and bids her good night.

After his attempt at camaraderie, he too retires.

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

Lazha slips the butter to Mithas. I don't want to know what you're going to do with this.

I don't mind rum, I just don't like being forced to drink it. But nothing else for it, I guess. Down the hatch. Lazha polishes off her grog.

Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Charisma Bonus:1d4 ⇒ 4
Fatigued for:1d8 ⇒ 8

@Octavia: Of course. I'd love to get together with you and talk anytime.

For her nighttime action, Lazha would like to try and Influence Grok.

Lazha'll ask Grok if she can sit and talk, and mention that it's nice to see there's another half-orc. She'll admit to being overwhelmed, and try to get Grok talking about herself and shipboard life. (She *won't* ask about the scar.) If it comes up Lazha'll mention The Maw and it having an almost completely orc/half-orc crew, but she won't be particularly trying to steer the conversation that way.

DIplomacy Check (not including possible Grog Bonus) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Female Half Orc Diva 1, HP 9/9, NL-HP 0/9, AC 14, Touch 12, Flat 14, F +1, R +4, W +2 Init +2, Perc +4

Octavia thanks Tilly for the information, she wishes her a good night and asks her where the crew sleeps.

After Tilly tells her where they can sleep she heads to bed after a busy and frustrating day.

She feels guilty as she looks for a place to sleep thinking about Jericho stuck on deck in that tiny box, it makes her orc blood boil.

She looks for a spot as far away from the rest of the crew as she can.

After Octavia finds a place to sleep she tucks her disguise kit away down her shirt. She makes sure her disguise and her mustache are firmly in place. As best she can she tries to fall asleep with her hat on her head to hide her long black hair.

She tries to fall asleep but as she does she thinks about Besmara, the sea, freedom and what Sandara said.

I wonder if there really is a different kind of pirate than those bastards Plugg and Scourge. It would be nice to be free to sail the high seas and have an adventure, my father would never find me there...I used to sing about adventures and now I'm actually on one I the gods I miss singing.

Octavia tries to hum herself to sleep, the humming reminds her of her mother, she desperately tries to hold back the tears when she thinks about her mother.

I need to get that locket back...

She falls into a fitful sleep.

@Lazha - Grok snorts as you approach, but eventually opens up a bit. She is gruff, taciturn, and not all tht interested in you getting any slack from her just because you share race. She has an incredibly foul mouth, cursing frequently, but after a lengthy conversation you feel as though her attitude toward you has improved, evidenced by her invitation for you to come by the "shop" another day to take a look at what she has in stock. Though this doesnt sound like you'll get all your gear back for free, it is promising.

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3

After talking to Grok, Lazha will find a place to sleep. In the morning, she would like to prepare the following spells, if possible:

Level 0: Resistance to replace Bleed

Level 1: Endure Elements and Murderous Command

@Octavia - Tilly directs you to the lower hold, where there are a series of hammocks hung between pillars supporting the upper holds.

Those of you who get hammocks sleep well. @Jericho, you sleep less well in your box, but shortly before the evening bell, you are startled from unconsciousness by a flash of healing. 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 "I'm sorry I can't do more," you hear a woman's voice say. "Be thankful there was enough room through the keyhole for that. Enjoy the cool while you can. It'll be hot tomorrow."

After a full night of rest, your fatigue wears off, and over breakfast, you receive your duties for the day.

Swabs are assigned Rat Catching duty. "They always come aboard at port!" Scourge calls out. Time to get em, before they get too deep into the stores."

@Lazha, as Fiahguts hands out breakfast, he lets you know that he will need your help cooking today. "We cleaned up a lot of stew last night. Time for a new batch. See you in the galley."

One standard round to respond. You are in the lower hold

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