Siege of the Society (Core Hub) (Inactive)

Game Master Matt, Garnished Game Designer

The final battle for the fate of the world is at hand. Muster your weapons and prepare for the end!

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There are times when the darkness and corruption that touches a world becomes so great... a moment when all hope begins to fade and destinies crushed... an era when differences can be set aside and heroes of all walks of life can come together and fight for freedom.

- From the journals of Archbishop Cadeus XII

Siege of the Society
Siege of the Society is an experimental PbP Campaign where heroes will band together under a common banner and fight to defeat the sinister order known only as The Society. Having barricaded themselves within God's Throne, the former region of Saravelle, The Society are preparing their forces to sacrifice this world to their dark masters.

By completing missions and defeating the members of this depraved order, you will free the world from their grasp.

Siege of the Society is a combat oriented Campaign. This is not to say no RP is involved, it simply means you will find yourself in combat quite often so combat oriented characters will usually have an easier time than say a master of diplomacy.

Important:Players will post in the Gameplay section of their respective Squadrons. (Phoenix, Chimera and Dragon Battalion) They will nevertheless need to stay tuned to this Core thread to get new information from enemy status and missions to incoming threats and available gear.

Recruitment for this Campaign will be done in two phases. The first phase will be to recruit 3 Assistant GMs to manage this campaign. The second, to recruit the 12 Players needed to play it.


Assistant GM
These Assistant GMs will each be in charge of one of the Squadrons that the players will form.

Squadrons are composed of 4 Players. There is a current maximum of 3 Squadrons, therefore I will require 3 Assistant GMs for now.

GM Obligations: I am more stringent on these Assistants than the players as they have larger shoes to fit. Assistant GMs will have a full say in the development of this campaign, from developing missions to key story elements. In short, Assistant GMs will manage their assigned squadron in every way, from RPing NPC dialogue to rolling combat. As well, we will host a GM Session where we discuss the week's events and any other topics that need to be addressed. Whether this will be by Skype, MSN, FB or other is to be determined, as is the dates and time of said meeting. GMs with some experience are recommended, and a good understanding of the rules of Pathfinder is a must. PbP Experience is less mandatory as this can all be learned.

GM Application Submissions
Reply to this post with GM Application at the top of your post, along with your past experiences. I'll likely want to ask you a few questions and get a feel as to your personality and play style.


Now on to the Players. Be aware that this is an experimental idea, attempting to create three seperate groups that nevertheless will aid each other (through 3 different "Campaigns" set in the same place) by completing missions and slaying enemies. Think of this as one giant raid on a dungeon. It's essentially that.

Be advised that this is a combat heavy adventure.

Player Obligations:Though this will be expanded on in the Information section of the campaign and in a Google Document I will be setting up, players need to be able to post at least once every 24 hours. This is a fast paced campaign. Essentially, the GM of your group will post and then from there you have approximately 24 hours to reply or lose your action. If a critical decision is required, you may retroactively make that decision the next time you post. A player not posting within 48 hours without prior notice to either me or his own GM will be given a warning. If you do not post within 3 days (72 hours) or you've received your second warning, you will politely be asked to leave the campaign. This is not to be a douche, this is for campaign pacing and integrity. Nevertheless, if you contact a GM beforehand that will be an entirely different matter.

Character Submissions
Character Submissions are done in two steps.

First, submit your Character Idea with Race, Class, Fluff, Archetypes etc and any additional information. Once I've cleared your character idea and checked for group placement, I (or another GM if there is one at that time) will go ahead and give you the green light.

Secondly, once your character has been cleared, you can then make your character's alias and create your character sheet.

*For ease of reference, your character alias must have Saves, Initiative and Perception in his description bar.*

Character Content
- 20 Point Buy
- 2 Traits
- Maximum Starting Gold
- Race, Class and Archetype must be passed by me.
- No 3rd Party Material. Simply because of how complicated this PbP is.
- As always, any alignment. Remember though, alignment is used for roleplay, not for decimating your own team mates.


There is currently no deadline. As we clear characters and hire on Assistant GMs, we'll slowly fill up the 4 man Squadrons.

As soon as all three squadrons are complete we begin the campaign.


If you have any questions, please post them below.

In any case, I hope this all works and thank you in advance to those brave souls ready to embark!

I would like to submit for both please, whichever works better for you...

So first, my character is the alias I'm posting as, so please read through it, but disreguard the backstory area...

I have been playing pathfinder for about 2 years now, and am familiar with the rules, I also DM a lot. Please either email me at or PM me for more personal info, thank you...

Russelletty McMullin wrote:

I would like to submit for both please, whichever works better for you...

So first, my character is the alias I'm posting as, so please read through it, but disreguard the backstory area...

I have been playing pathfinder for about 2 years now, and am familiar with the rules, I also DM a lot. Please either email me at or PM me for more personal info, thank you...

Well as you seem to be interested in both, I will give you the choice. GM requires more commitment but allows you to be part of the whole creative process.

If you have no preference though, I'd like to have my GMs first.

Current Recruitment Status

Assistant GM


I'm up

Glad to have you here. You'll be able to help me sort the players when and if we get some.

I'm curious, is the setting for this campaign Golarion? What sort of characters should we design to suit the feel of the campaign?

Good evening there Casey.

To answer your questions, no this is not a Golarion based Campaign. However, the campaign itself takes place during an epic siege against an enemy force holed up in a valley-like region known as God's Throne.

As for characters, feel free to think up anything suitable really. Missions and situations can range from outright warfare on battlefields and reconnaissance missions to sabotage and the the execution of certain key members of the Society.

As mentioned in the text above, players will be split into squadrons of 4 players each and each squadron acts independently of one another but all towards the same goal. Certain situations may call for more than one squadron though.

Dark Archive

I am interested. This looks like a good campaign for a Cavalier. I can not assistant GM as I am already GMing one pbp atm and would like an oppertunity to play. Once I see the google doc you mentioned I can come up with a suitable back story ect.

Silver Crusade

Sounds interesting. I'm already kind of tapped out on GMing (doing 3 here and 3 tabletop) so I'm not sure I can invest the time necessary on that end. As a player I think I'll be fine though.

I was thinking a human gunslinger (musket master archtype). Role wise was thinking of a guerilla type fighter (trapmaking and stealth). The idea is rough at present, but that's where I'm starting at present.

I'm thinking of creating a Human Conjurer with the teleportation subschool. The character is a boy genius of 16 whose family rose to nobility because of their mastery over a horde of summoned demons. Eventually, the demons broke free of their bonds and destroyed the noble house, with only the boy being able to escape. He is the smartest and most naturally adept of his house, and displays much intuitive prowess over magic. Despite his intelligence, he is currently very young and somewhat naive in the ways of the world. He loves the study of history and the study of magic. Is this enough information for now, or should I make the backstory and personality more detailed?

Nimon wrote:

I am interested. This looks like a good campaign for a Cavalier. I can not assistant GM as I am already GMing one pbp atm and would like an oppertunity to play. Once I see the google doc you mentioned I can come up with a suitable back story ect.

Hi there Nimon, as for your character I'd need to also know race, archetypes if any and general role you wish to take in the team.

Xzaral wrote:

Sounds interesting. I'm already kind of tapped out on GMing (doing 3 here and 3 tabletop) so I'm not sure I can invest the time necessary on that end. As a player I think I'll be fine though.

I was thinking a human gunslinger (musket master archtype). Role wise was thinking of a guerilla type fighter (trapmaking and stealth). The idea is rough at present, but that's where I'm starting at present.

That sounds perfectly fine, gunslingers are definitely welcome. You have a go for character creation. Welcome to the roster.

Casey Hudak wrote:
I'm thinking of creating a Human Conjurer with the teleportation subschool. The character is a boy genius of 16 whose family rose to nobility because of their mastery over a horde of summoned demons. Eventually, the demons broke free of their bonds and destroyed the noble house, with only the boy being able to escape. He is the smartest and most naturally adept of his house, and displays much intuitive prowess over magic. Despite his intelligence, he is currently very young and somewhat naive in the ways of the world. He loves the study of history and the study of magic. Is this enough information for now, or should I make the backstory and personality more detailed?

That sounds fine Casey, backstory is great but you really don't need more than a paragraph really. This is not a massive RP based Campaign. Your character is green lighted so go ahead and make your alias and character.

Current Recruitment Status

Assistant GM

1 character currently on standby

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the opportunity. This sounds fun. I'll try to have the alias up tomorrow morning (if not tonight).

I didn't see anything specifically, so making sure. First level?

Xzaral wrote:

Thanks for the opportunity. This sounds fun. I'll try to have the alias up tomorrow morning (if not tonight).

I didn't see anything specifically, so making sure. First level?

Exactly. Anything is fine apart from the few points made above. First level, fresh adventurers. And there's no rush, we're still waiting on a good amount of other players and 2 more GMs as well.

Any questions can now be addressed and answered by both myself and Chimera Battatlion GM.

Silver Crusade

Mostly fluff, but are we supposed to be soldiers in a kingdoms military (with ranks and such), or mercenaries? Or does it matter and we can choose?

Dark Archive

Did you post the Google doc and I missed it? I was thinking Half-Orc Cavalier, possibly Honor Guard Archetype, order of the Dragon. I would take a leadership/caster body guard position in the group. With out knowing the world I was hesitant to put out race ect just yet so hope that works.

Xzaral wrote:
Mostly fluff, but are we supposed to be soldiers in a kingdoms military (with ranks and such), or mercenaries? Or does it matter and we can choose?

It is up to you. This siege is very much a last stand for the world so anyone from anywhere can be involved. You will be working under the Onslaught's (that's you) command so your character should be willing to take orders.

As I payer could I offer up Saxton Qiunn a very odd mute Tiefling Psion (Telepath)

I'd like to say that I'm tentatively interested. I wanna see how many want to play, as I am in plenty of games so I can bow out if others are more interested. I have a concept in mind, a Ninja(or Rogue if Ninja isn't allowed) infiltrator type.

Are you allowing any races beyond the core? I was thinking Fetchling. Otherwise, not sure.

Saxton Quinn wrote:
As I payer could I offer up Saxton Qiunn

Unfortunately, and simply for the sake of how complex this campaign is, I'd prefer no psionics for now. I DO have the books and access to d20pfsrd so I know them but my other GMs may not be comfortable with them.

I'll check with them but for now I'd prefer official classes.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'd like to say that I'm tentatively interested. I wanna see how many want to play, as I am in plenty of games so I can bow out if others are more interested. I have a concept in mind, a Ninja(or Rogue if Ninja isn't allowed) infiltrator type.

Are you allowing any races beyond the core? I was thinking Fetchling. Otherwise, not sure.

We have decided that it is not very likely a pretty bad guy race will fight for the greater good, so sorry, but no fetchlings, but I beleive we are allowing ninjas...

Monkeygod wrote:

I'd like to say that I'm tentatively interested. I wanna see how many want to play, as I am in plenty of games so I can bow out if others are more interested. I have a concept in mind, a Ninja(or Rogue if Ninja isn't allowed) infiltrator type.

Are you allowing any races beyond the core? I was thinking Fetchling. Otherwise, not sure.

In fact, here's the list of allowed races:

Allowed Player Races:

Half Elf
Half Orc
Tiefling* (Must take the Infernal Bastard trait)

Ninja'ed slightly by Chimera but yes, all official classes are allowed except Antipaladin.

On the Tiefling...

Is that only the default Tiefling? Or can we pick our own heritage (Rakshasa spawn, say)?

Majestic8705 wrote:

On the Tiefling...

Is that only the default Tiefling? Or can we pick our own heritage (Rakshasa spawn, say)?

I have access to Blood of Fiends so you may choose the heritage.

What about clerics and deities? Should we use the Golarion gods, third party gods or is there something specific for this game?

DoctorBones wrote:
What about clerics and deities? Should we use the Golarion gods, third party gods or is there something specific for this game?

I knew I had forgotten something.

Clerics can choose from any two domains they wish. Their favored weapon is one of a deity who is connected to one of the chosen domains.

Thank you GM let me know if Saxton meets some ones liking, hes feel he will be great fun in a game.

Saxton Quinn wrote:
Thank you GM let me know if Saxton meets some ones liking, hes feel he will be great fun in a game.

Personally I like psionics but until I've recruited my other GMs and gotten their views and knowledge of them I'd rather stay away from 3PP material even if it's immensely similar to the 3.5 official version.

How high of a level do you expect this campaign to go?

Ishmell wrote:

How high of a level do you expect this campaign to go?

We start at 1st and go until either everyone's died or quit. That means that if this goes on for long enough I can envision Epic level gameplay.

Not to provoke an argument, but if Fetchling isn't allowed, though they are listed as being Neutral, how is Tiefling, which is listed as NE?? I mean, clearly a Tiefling can be good, why not a Fetchling? Same for Dhampir, except they are CE.

I am just curious. In fact, since you are allowing both Tiefling and Blood of Fiends material, I might go that route.

Monkeygod wrote:

Not to provoke an argument, but if Fetchling isn't allowed, though they are listed as being Neutral, how is Tiefling, which is listed as NE?? I mean, clearly a Tiefling can be good, why not a Fetchling? Same for Dhampir, except they are CE.

I am just curious. In fact, since you are allowing both Tiefling and Blood of Fiends material, I might go that route.

Then it is I who am at fault here, I was quite sure that Fetchlings were considered evil. However, Tieflings require the Infernal Bastard trait and Dhampir aren't as strong while Fetchlings still remain quite strong, especially as a Ninja.

It was more about power concerns than alignment really.

Silver Crusade

Looking at your allowed races, I may switch up to Undine if that's okay. I won't be able to start with Precise Shot (stupid Point Blank Pre-req) and the Strength penalty kinda sucks, but the Dex and Wis bonus are nice.

Xzaral wrote:
Looking at your allowed races, I may switch up to Undine if that's okay. I won't be able to start with Precise Shot (stupid Point Blank Pre-req) and the Strength penalty kinda sucks, but the Dex and Wis bonus are nice.

As far as Races, Feats, Traits, Skills, Spells and Gear go, they can change up until the starting of the actual campaign.

Please alert me though if you decide to make any major changes.

That I have no problem with and completely understand.

As I said, I am now thinking Tiefling, possibly Rakshasa-blooded. Definitely Ninja classed. Are you ok with allowing an Archetyped Ninja, as they gain Uncanny Dodge and IUD and I know there's some Archetypes that swap those out. Not saying I will take one, but want to know if its even possible.

Now however, I must sleep.

Monkeygod wrote:

That I have no problem with and completely understand.

As I said, I am now thinking Tiefling, possibly Rakshasa-blooded. Definitely Ninja classed. Are you ok with allowing an Archetyped Ninja, as they gain Uncanny Dodge and IUD and I know there's some Archetypes that swap those out. Not saying I will take one, but want to know if its even possible.

Now however, I must sleep.

Run the archetype by me if you use one. It should be fine though, I'm very lenient on that.

Here's my Alias. Character sheet is contained in profile. Will probably get backstory, appearance, and personality up there at some point. Let me know if you see anything that looks like it's out of order.

Ixiomar Voralius III wrote:
Here's my Alias. Character sheet is contained in profile. Will probably get backstory, appearance, and personality up there at some point. Let me know if you see anything that looks like it's out of order.

So far so good, I like the chosen familiar too. Keep checking back until we get 3 more players to form the first squadron.

Pencil me in! Extremely basic character outline so far...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The concept of squad warfare looks pretty interesting.
However, some things are not too clear.
If the evil forces are holed up and the good forces are laying a siege, then it sounds like the evil is pretty much defeated everywhere else. Why is it the world's last stand then? Looks more like the bad guys' last stand. Or are the evil guys planning to unleash a doomsday device from their fortress?
Are siege engines going to play a significant role in the campaign? What about stealth and subteruge? Will there be a place for upfront head-to-head battles? Battallion leadership?
Is there a difference between the purposes of the three squads? e.g. a sabotage squad, recon squad, counter-espionage squad? Or are they all going to be universal?

Grand Lodge

I submit this character for approval. (It's not finished yet but it can be done soon)

Also, any info on what makes the Society so evil and what sort of beings are they? IE. necromancers, demon summoners, etc. Or is that all a mystery to us?

Dark Archive

Assistant GM
This seems like a huge undertaking that i would like to help with. I've been playing Pathfinder for almost 3 years now. I've been GMing PFS alot lately. PM or email at if you would like my help.

Player idea:
Hengest is the only child of a fierce pair of warriors dedicated to fighting the Society. His mother was poisoned while he still was in the womb. His mother died and only through the prayers and magics of the healers was Hengest able to survive. But the poison and premature birth, along with the magic used, left his body vulnerable to decay. Even now, he wastes away. Only the life magics used to save him keep him alive. He has learned how to channel that energy to help others in the fight against the Society.

Human Life Oracle with the Wasting curse. Proposed stats: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18. Feats: Extra Channeling, Selective Channeling. Traits: Bully, Focused Mind. Skills: Heal, Knowledge: Religion, Intimidate, Spellcraft, Survival.

Dotting for interest. Looking at several potential builds/ideas

I'd like to submit a Dwarven cleric. I'll flesh out the character in the next day or to.

The Rockgroin clan preferred to "let them others fights their own battles; gots naught to do with us." But Agota's conscience couldn't let others fight and die for the something that was right without her participation so she defied her clan elders and joined the war.

flykiller wrote:

The concept of squad warfare looks pretty interesting.

However, some things are not too clear.
If the evil forces are holed up and the good forces are laying a siege, then it sounds like the evil is pretty much defeated everywhere else. Why is it the world's last stand then? Looks more like the bad guys' last stand. Or are the evil guys planning to unleash a doomsday device from their fortress?
Are siege engines going to play a significant role in the campaign? What about stealth and subteruge? Will there be a place for upfront head-to-head battles? Battallion leadership?
Is there a difference between the purposes of the three squads? e.g. a sabotage squad, recon squad, counter-espionage squad? Or are they all going to be universal?

I'm not sure how mich the master wants to say, although yes, this will be similar to a doomsday device type of adventure line, with siege weapons, and recon missions and what not...

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