AdamWarnock |

Adam's second submission: Josephina Annabelle Whitehall, a young Cleric of Iomedae and the eldest child of the late Lord Whitehall. She prefers to be called Jo or Joanna
Just the background and the basic stats for now.
STR: 14 (5 pt)
DEX: 12 (2 pt)
CON: 11 (1 pt)
INT: 10 (0 pt)
WIS: 16 (5 pt) +2 for human
CHA: 14 (2 pt) +2 for Dual talent (Missing that feat's gonna hurt, but I think this will be worth it.)
Campaign Trait: Alabaster outcast (Her item's a breastplate that belonged to her father.)
Alternate Racial Traits: Dual Talant (I think that's the one, don't have the book with me.) Bonus going to CHA.
I'll figure out the rest when I get home.
The Whitehalls were never a prominent family, but they were known for being honest merchants and good folk to have at your back. Joanna's father was no exception. He was a a goodly man of stout integrity, and a flair for tweaking the decadent nobility's collective nose. His first act was to instate an Iomedaean priest to replace the previous Abadarian one as the family chaplain. The second was to take a commoner as his wife.
Joanna's mother was a lovely woman with a kind heart and nerves of steel. She too was a follower of the Inheritor and despite the occasional heated argument, their marriage was a happy one, that caused the more haughty of the nobility to look down their noses with jealous eyes. Lord and Lady Whitehall, for their part did what they felt was right and left the gossip to the other houses.
About three years after they were wed, Joanna was born, but her birth was bittersweet for the couple. Her mother tool ill right after the delivery, and soon passed away. Now alone with a little girl to raise, Lord Whitehall was soon married again. Unfortunately for Joanna, and Lord WHitehall, the woman he married was one of the most decadent nobles of her generation, although her family's station was far below that which she believed was hers.
When her father was away, her step-mother, a shrill and jealous woman, picked and needled at her. Her half-sisters, who took after their mother, soon joined in and Joanna found herself dreading the times her father had to leave her behind. Her only other source of comfort during this time was the family chaplain, who treated her like she was his own daughter. As she grew older, she spent more and more time with the chaplain, learning about Iomedae and her tenets. She even began to take an interest in swordplay, an interest her father and the chaplain were all to happy to encourage. Her step-mother was a different story.
On her thirteenth birthday, tragedy once again struck House Whitehall. Her father had returned from a long trip to Absolom deathly ill. On his deathbed, he apologized for all of the things he put Joanna through, and told her about her mother. The stories lasted hours, and the chaplain suffered no interruptions, especially from the girl's step-mother. As the days wore on, Joanna's father's life faded. His last words were of how proud he was of the young lady she was becoming. That night, he passed away.
The next three years passed with agonizing slowness for Joanna. The Council of Ushers would not stand to have a "mere commoner" as the young Lady Whitehall's regent, so it came to pass that her step-mother was named her regent, and her first act was to close off Joanna from all contact from the outside world. She couldn't very well get rid of the chaplain her late husband had named, due to the terms of the contract, but she did her best to limit his influence on her step-daughter. On Joanna's sixteenth birthday, the day she came of age, things got immeasurably worse.
Joanna was sent to ball after ball, gala after gala, party after party, all while having her two younger half-sisters tag along. At first Joanna looked forward to those outings, but as her mother belittled her, her sisters spread rumors, and her peers did both, she grew to hate them and dread them with a passion she didn't think was possible. Despite all of this, she remained true to her faith and endured it with kindness, and civility.
The chaplain also continued his lessons, and as Joanna progressed through the ranks of an acolyte, he became more and more like the father she had lost. Kind, caring, and noble. On her seventeenth birthday, he anointed her as a full priestess of Iomedae, a move that made Joanna's mother furious. The argument and screaming that followed Joanna made a decision. Begging forgiveness for stealing the few things she took, she left that night, giving the chaplain a heartfelt embrace and thank you before leaving the Alabaster District for what she hoped was a better life. The next morning, she was at the newly formed Pathfinder Lodge, hoping for a chance to bring light where darkness had been for too long.
Her step-mother, meanwhile, was forced to lie to cover up the fact that her only link to any real power had ran away from home. Claiming Joanna had taken ill, and was unable to assume her duties, she remained as regent, and silently worried about the day when Joanna would come back and claim her rightful place as Lady Whitehall, and secretly hoped that she could find the girl and lock her up until she could arrange a marriage to further her own position.

GM Zed |

Grenwell Heidmarch - a late answer to your question...as long as your background justifies it (and I think it does for your character), ancient languages are acceptable.
All - thanks for the response to my 'healing conundrum'...looks like I have a few options for building a more 'survivable' team!!!

Game Master Scotty |

I'd like a real healer for this AP, I've heard it's quite deadly.
I might be off base here, but I bet if a healer spec person applied they'd have a fairly damn good chance of getting in.
I'd swap, but I am already doing a healer for another game, and one at a time for me. I want some smashy action to offset the healing role.
Challenge accepted.
Compared to some of the paths, it is really not overly deadly.
Cake walk, no, but not as bad as some.

Game Master Scotty |

I really didn't realize that some of the AP's were deadlier than others. Is there an ordered list. I'd like to check this out. I've only ever lost one character in game and I'm convinced that the GM kind of fudged it because he/she didn't want me there.
Little of topic, but, yes some are far more unforgiving than others and some can be meat grinders. Some one has a list some where I am sure, or you may check out the deaths under the various threads, warning though, SPOILERS!!!

AdamWarnock |

Don't know if there's a list, but some APs are TPK machines. I know Part 2 of Rise of the Runelords was pretty bad, and I've heard the finale of Part of Legacy of fire is notorious for TPKs, but I'm not sure about the others.
Another factor is probably the GM. I've had a character go kaputzki because the GM was being a jerk (Character was unconscious and bleeding out, Gm had the gorilla bash her head in, despite she wasn't a threat,) and I know that I tend to use some of the encounters more as guidelines.

AdamWarnock |

Okay, Got the basics done, I'll work on the other bits (Personality and Appearance) tomorrow.
Josephina Annabella Whitehall
Human (chelaxian) cleric of Iomedae 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +5
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) and
. . longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 6/day—touch of good
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
. . 1st—bless, protection from evil{super}D{/super}, shield of faith
. . 0 (at will)—create water, light, purify food and drink (DC 13)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Good, Sun
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Extra Channel
Traits alabaster outcast, mediator, sacred touch
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4
Languages Common
SQ aura, sheltered
Other Gear breastplate, heavy wooden shield, dagger, longsword, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, blanket, cleric's vestments, silver holy symbol (Holy Symbol of Iomedae), noble's outfit, signet ring, waterskin, 34 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Alabaster Outcast +1 Diplomacy & Intimidate within Magnimar.
Aura (Ex) The character has a strong aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day, DC 12) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Good) Granted Powers: You have pledged your life and soul to goodness and purity.
Cleric Domain (Sun) Granted Powers: You see truth in the pure and burning light of the sun, and can call upon its blessing or wrath to work great deeds.
Mediator +1 DC for [charm/compulsion] effects that result in peaceful acts & don't give ongoing control.
Sacred Touch You were exposed to a potent source of positive energy as a child, perhaps by being born under the right cosmic sign, or maybe because one of your parents was a gifted healer. As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature mer
Sheltered You become shaken when you have less than half your maximum hit points.
Touch of Good (6/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for 1 rd.
The Whitehalls were never a prominent family, but they were known for being honest merchants and good folk to have at your back. Joanna's father was no exception. He was a a goodly man of stout integrity, and a flair for tweaking the decadent nobility's collective nose. His first act was to instate an Iomedaean priest to replace the previous Abadarian one as the family chaplain. The second was to take a commoner as his wife.
Joanna's mother was a lovely woman with a kind heart and nerves of steel. She too was a follower of the Inheritor and despite the occasional heated argument, their marriage was a happy one, that caused the more haughty of the nobility to look down their noses with jealous eyes. Lord and Lady Whitehall, for their part did what they felt was right and left the gossip to the other houses.
About three years after they were wed, Joanna was born, but her birth was bittersweet for the couple. Her mother tool ill right after the delivery, and soon passed away. Now alone with a little girl to raise, Lord Whitehall was soon married again. Unfortunately for Joanna, and Lord WHitehall, the woman he married was one of the most decadent nobles of her generation, although her family's station was far below that which she believed was hers.
When her father was away, her step-mother, a shrill and jealous woman, picked and needled at her. Her half-sisters, who took after their mother, soon joined in and Joanna found herself dreading the times her father had to leave her behind. Her only other source of comfort during this time was the family chaplain, who treated her like she was his own daughter. As she grew older, she spent more and more time with the chaplain, learning about Iomedae and her tenets. She even began to take an interest in swordplay, an interest her father and the chaplain were all to happy to encourage. Her step-mother was a different story.
On her thirteenth birthday, tragedy once again struck House Whitehall. Her father had returned from a long trip to Absolom deathly ill. On his deathbed, he apologized for all of the things he put Joanna through, and told her about her mother. The stories lasted hours, and the chaplain suffered no interruptions, especially from the girl's step-mother. As the days wore on, Joanna's father's life faded. His last words were of how proud he was of the young lady she was becoming. That night, he passed away.
The next three years passed with agonizing slowness for Joanna. The Council of Ushers would not stand to have a "mere commoner" as the young Lady Whitehall's regent, so it came to pass that her step-mother was named her regent, and her first act was to close off Joanna from all contact from the outside world. She couldn't very well get rid of the chaplain her late husband had named, due to the terms of the contract, but she did her best to limit his influence on her step-daughter. On Joanna's sixteenth birthday, the day she came of age, things got immeasurably worse.
Joanna was sent to ball after ball, gala after gala, party after party, all while having her two younger half-sisters tag along. At first Joanna looked forward to those outings, but as her mother belittled her, her sisters spread rumors, and her peers did both, she grew to hate them and dread them with a passion she didn't think was possible. Despite all of this, she remained true to her faith and endured it with kindness, and civility.
The chaplain also continued his lessons, and as Joanna progressed through the ranks of an acolyte, he became more and more like the father she had lost. Kind, caring, and noble. On her seventeenth birthday, he anointed her as a full priestess of Iomedae, a move that made Joanna's mother furious. The argument and screaming that followed Joanna made a decision. Begging forgiveness for stealing the few things she took, she left that night, giving the chaplain a heartfelt embrace and thank you before leaving the Alabaster District for what she hoped was a better life. The next morning, she was at the newly formed Pathfinder Lodge, hoping for a chance to bring light where darkness had been for too long.
Her step-mother, meanwhile, was forced to lie to cover up the fact that her only link to any real power had ran away from home. Claiming Joanna had taken ill, and was unable to assume her duties, she remained as regent, and silently worried about the day when Joanna would come back and claim her rightful place as Lady Whitehall, and secretly hoped that she could find the girl and lock her up until she could arrange a marriage to further her own position.

Amy Unwin |

Don't know if there's a list, but some APs are TPK machines. I know Part 2 of Rise of the Runelords was pretty bad, and I've heard the finale of Part of Legacy of fire is notorious for TPKs, but I'm not sure about the others.
Another factor is probably the GM. I've had a character go kaputzki because the GM was being a jerk (Character was unconscious and bleeding out, Gm had the gorilla bash her head in, despite she wasn't a threat,) and I know that I tend to use some of the encounters more as guidelines.
Even if this game is a little more deadly I think that Amy is up for the challenge.
This is probably the first character I've had in an Adventure Path that's this written well written for Golarion. I'm excited.

Ziomarra Callinovo |

Haladir - sounds good although the Harrow Handbook was the one Player's Companion I decided to skip in the last year...is everything I need on 'Archives of Nethys' or similar? Also, does it rely on Cards? How would you propose to replicate that in PBP?
Just noticed your note. I may have answered your questions already by the stat block already, but in case I haven't...
1) All the rules for the archetype are on Archives of Nethys. I've linked just about all of Ziomarras's abilities to the rules from either the PRD or the Archives.
2) The archetype does rely on using Harrow cards. The deck is made of 54 cards. Six suits represent the six ability attributes. Each suit has nine cards, reach representing one of the nine alignments. To generate a card with dice, roll 1d6 for suit and 2d3 for alignment: 1d3 for the law/chaos axis and another 1d3 for the good/evil axis. I would then consult the book for the name of the card.
In play, I'd put the dice rolls behind a spoiler tag. After rolling, of put the name of the card in the tag, like this:
ethic: 1d3 ⇒ 3 ...chaotic
moral: 1d3 ⇒ 3 ...evil

Luther Lightblade |

Couldn't help but stop in to give GM Zed a hearty endorsement. I especially like how he stays true to the rules and runs a structured game.
I made this cleric to be the primary healer for my party and I just used my last channel to go from 1 hp to 3hp. So, I would recommend a real healer. Wands of CLW are fine out of combat, but not so good to save the character death in combat.
Luther's wrinkle is he is a rare cleric that knows what is going around him. He could care less about the motives of others.
Cleric 1 Hit Points: 3/9 AC18/ff17/t11 F+4/R+2/W +7 Channel 0/6

![]() |
Might help if I include his backstory :3
Born into the Labyrinthian Library city of Tarz-Kazmukh it became apparent at an early age that Dezco [REDACTED] would not be like the other dwarfs around him. While his brothers and sisters took to their studies of both the tome and forge quite well he on ther hand, while quite liking to read, never took to studying or to working the forge. Rather he would spend his time reading whatever tangential books he could find, usually those of an apocryphal or erotic nature, or exploring the Library or the wilderness above. His aloofness soon became too much for parents who expected too much of a strict regime from him and so they sent they begrudgingly sent him out into the world in hopes that he would find a purpose that narrow his wandering personality. Instead he found Calistria, whose doctrine appealed to him a hundredfold moreso than the entire Dwarven Pantheon did. Whereas the gods of the dwarves were all about long term goals, labor, and community, The Lady in The Room was much more intrinsic. He found the religion's hedonism was perfectly balanced against their keeping of secrets and other useful bits of know. His unique personality soon caught the attention of some worshippers who also happened to be pathfinders, and they happily referred him along to Mistriss Zarta, head of the Dark Archives faction of the Society. While he chaffed at thought of studying and work he was greatly intrigued by all the rumors and stories about his future "boss" and so he made out to Absalom and, surprising most of all himself, managed to become a Pathfinder. In this way his parents plan and hopes had both failed and succeeded, for while his wanderlust had not been curtailed he now had a purpose, a purpose which now brings him to Magnimar on his first official mission for the Pathfinder Society.
Aloof and rarely bringing his voice above a whisper he does not come off as to what most people think of when they think of dwarves, unless they've met those from the libraries of Tar-Kazmukh. He can have a quickly rising but also quickly falling temper, easy to annoy but also easy for him to forgive, or more likely forget or simply lose interest. Although he is constantly reading and studying he never seems to be able to keep any of the information he tries to store in his head. What sets him apart most from his fellow dwarves is how much he detests manual labor, prone to constantly mumbling and complaining as he does any sort of work that doesn't require reading or offer an intrinsic reward.

AdamWarnock |

Thanks to all for submissions...recruitment will close in about ten hours...and then I have a very difficult decision to make...some great characters proposed, and I need to trim down from 18 or so... to 5!!!!
Good luck! I'm running four games right now, and I always had a hard time deciding on who to pick once I got down to eight or so.

Amy Unwin |

When I have had to run games on other forums it always seemed like the hardest part was picking the people who were going to be in it and just instructing them how to make chracters.
A friend of mine gave some good advice recently. He told me to tell them that they need to picture the cast of a show or book or movie or something and act as if the person they're making will be filling out that cast.
I like that advice and I think it holds just as true for picking the people in a game you're running.

GM Zed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

....and with that, a clock in the Heidmarch Manor struck Twelve...
Varisia's first Venture Captain looked out of her window at the moon lit rooftops of Magnimar, breathed a troubled sigh, and returned to sorting through her notes...
...but who should I approach? Who can be trusted? ...and more importantly, who has the courage to take up the reins of this challenge?
Recruitment is now CLOSED
As promised, I will consider each of your submissions over the weekend and let you all know my decision on Monday...

Ziomarra Callinovo |

Just in the interest of full disclosure: I have read Shattered Star, and have run sections of it in my regular campaign. (I have cannibalized SS for parts more than any other AP.)
If it's important for you to have players who've never read or played it before, you'll need to count me out.
That said, I've been playing RPGs long enough to know how to separate player knowledge from character knowledge.
I really hope I make the cut! Good luck to everyone!

GM Zed |

...So, the moment you have all been waiting for…
Apologies in advance to those who I didn’t select, there were three or four characters who I really agonised over and, if I wasn’t already running three other PbP’s (and playing in one) I would have considered running a second group…
The group I have selected is:
- Nalathi Estrid, Wayang Swashbuckler – Sodium Telluride
- Annabelle Whitehall, Human Cleric – Adam Warnock
- Teldon Moore, Human Alchemist – Nate Lange
- Ziomarra Callinovo, Human Witch – Haladir
- Brianna Kadren, Aasimar Shaman – Lady Ladile
The gameplay and discussion threads will be up shortly…I look forward to our adventure together!!!!
Once again, thanks to all who submitted and, for those who I couldn’t take, good luck in finding another game….