Second Darkness Daily (Inactive)

Game Master PixiePym

Gold Goblin Map
Flat on rat street

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Female Human

The discussion thread is now open :)

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

Dotting in. Alias should be done. Still need to get the background worked up and on the alias. Is anyone beside "Fingers" going to the contest to gamble? I took the Fools for Friends trait. I'm trying to figure out who could be my fools er friends.

Female Human

Far as i know everyone is in it unless they tell me otherwise.

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

Able has the 'Looking for work' trait, so he's not going to gamble.

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

Able stands 6.5, has a face that defaults to 'I want to hurt you.' Has large hands with leather strapping on them and likes to loom over people.

But he's really a nice guy. :)

Female Human

i uploaded a map of the gold goblin in the campaign info page

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

Thanks for the selection. I'm working today but will get a post up ASAP after. Most of my availability will be after 5pm US Central time.

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

Waiting for Able to post in Gameplay, so I can play off it. You out there big fella?

I will be traveling for work tomorrow and may not get to post until later in the evening. Same with Wednesday traveling back home. I'll try to get at last one up each night.

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Sorry, I didn't see all the discussion comments till now. Should have mentioned that my character was likely not gambling (unless she makes a very bad decision in the moment, which is always possible). She tries to completely abstain from certain things that could make her impulsivity go critical--including alcohol, gambling, and most men.

I do have a question. Having a room in the Inn is part of the "researching the blot" trait, and I see that you put up a map, which is cool. Any information about where in the Inn my room is? I've been assuming upstairs, but I don't really know.

Female Human

rooms 18-20 are "guest rooms". depending on how much your willing to spend, room 18 is the "master suite, This suite consists of a large anteroom with a chaise lounge and two chairs as well as a master bedroom with a king sized feather bed and modest furnishings. It is rented for 3 gp per night. Rooms 19 are all the "guest rooms", These rooms are simply yet comfortably furnished with a double bed, table and chairs, and a fireplace. They are let for 5 sp per night. and room 20 is the "guest suite", This room is basically identical to the other guest rooms, save it has a small side room with two cots that can be used for manservants or storage. Its nightly rate is 1 gp.

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Thanks. :)

Okay, in case it matters for flavor, my room will be in the last room 19 on the left (on the map, the one above the 21).

Female Human

So the games are as follows:


What You’ll Need: 3d6 for the dealer and 2d20 for each player, plus coins to track bets.
How to Play: Bounder is unique among gambling games in that both the players and dealer use dice. The dealer gets three 6-sided dice, and each player gets two 20-siders. To start, each player bets a stake (minimum 1 sp). Each player rolls his first d20, making his “point.” After all players have rolled their points, each player may double his stake if desired. Then the dealer rolls 3d6. Anyone whose point the dealer matches loses his stake. Then each player rolls his second d20. If the player’s two dice results are on either side of the dealer’s result—one greater than and one less than the dealer’s number—he “bounds” the dealer and wins an amount equal to the amount he bet. Otherwise, he loses his stake. If a player rolls a 1 and a 20 (or a 20 and a 1), he wins double his bet.


What You’ll Need: A spinner or a d12, plus markers and coins to track bets.
How to Play: To play, each player puts a marker and any number of
coins on one or more of the spaces on the ghoulette wheel (minimum 10 cp per space). The croupier then spins Dungo until he comes to a stop. Dungo then issues an enraged insult at someone based on the particular topic he is looking at on the wheel. Any player who has coins on the subject matter of this insult is paid the amount of coins he bet in the next highest denomination. copper gets paid in silver (e.g., a 15 cp bet gets 15 sp), silver in gold, gold in platinum, and platinum in ten times the amount. If Dungo says “something nice,” each player gets a consolation prize of the amount of coins he bet in the next lowest denomination, rounded down (e.g., a 15 cp bet gets back 1 cp). Then the croupier presses a button that tilts the edges of the wheel slightly inward, and all original bets (regardless of win or loss) slide into slots under Dungo’s head and into the coffer under the table. if useing 1d12, 1 Appearance 2 Bloodline 3 Demeanor/Presence 4 Hygiene 5 Skill 6 Clothes/Equipment 7 Body 8 Race 9 Courage 10 Profession 11 Brains 12 “Something Nice”

to save time, these are the only ones for right now.

Female Human

i apologize guys, i literally fell asleep at my computer yesterday. College is killing me.. literally. ill be more active this week end when i can recharge but right now im running on red bull, coffee and NOS. Thanks for understanding.

Male Human Fighter 2 AC 24 | T 14 } FF 20. HP: 19/19; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Init +3, Perception +8, Longsword +7 (1d8+4); Javelin +5 (1d6+4)

Watch out for all that caffeine, btw.

Jittery hands, lack of attention, blurry vision are all signs of caffeine (and any stimulant reall) overdose. Been there, done that, be careful, GM.

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

No worries. Real life is important too. ;)

And if you need help with English/General Education stuff, I used to teach college before I was assimilated into Corporate America, so feel free to ask.


Female Human

know anything about nuclear chemistry lol :/

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Nope, not a thing, except be super careful with radioactive materials. :)

Sorry. Hang in there.

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

Take care of yourself. I know I have nuclear stuff at the hospital I work at, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

Female Human

Anyone seen fingers? did he quit?

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Not sure, but it is a holiday weekend for a lot of people, so he might just be travelling. You can probably bot him for now, until we hear from him one way or the other.

Female Human

ill be frankly honest... i have never had to bot someone before. i have no clue how to

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

It's hard to bot someone who is going first, and it's not clear if a fit is going to break out.

If I were the GM, I'd do one of these two things:

1. Delay them in the initiative, and hope they post.

2. Roll his attack rolls for him.

Looking at his sheet, I'd say he would pull his rapier out, and try to attack one of the bad guys if they are in 5 feet of him. He doesn't have 1 BAB so he can't move and pull out the weapon at the same time. It looks like his main weapon is a rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20), and he'd get sneak attack damage because he goes first attack if he hits.

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

You could have him subtly draw his weapon this round, using either his Bluff or Slight of hand. Then have him attack next round with a Sneak attack. The opposition do get perception to spot him doing this however.

Or since Able and Fingers have a connection Fingers could just check how Able is this round. Able being the muscle of the two of them, Fingers would probably want him to be providing protection.

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

Sorry guys. Spent the last 4 days in the hospital unexpectedly. Feeling better enough to check in here. Will try to catch up in gameplay, but bot or skip me as necessary.

Would've posted my absence, if I could've gotten to a computer, but could barely get out of bed as it was.

Should be back to normal now.

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

I'm sorry to hear there was a hospital stay. Glad to hear you are doing alright. Take care of yourself Fingers.

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Glad you are okay. :)

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

Hope you're getting better.

Female Human

Glad your ok buddy, thanks for letting us know. I was worried about uou

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

Feeling much better as antibiotics kill off remaining invaders. I think all adventurers need a Z-Pack now and then. Failed a few Fort saves in a row it seems, but had some folks with high Heal skills get involved. All is headed in the right direction now. Thanks to all!

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

I guess this game has ground to an end before it really began? Unfortunate, I thought things were off to a good start, with a good group.

Female CG Human Daredevil / Flame Dancer Bard 7 | HP 38/41 [-4 STR] | CMB +5 / CMD +19 (+20 vs Steal and Trip) | AC 19 / T 15 / FF 14 | Fort +2 / Ref +10 / Will +4 | Initiative +4 | Bardic Performances 16/19 | Perception +11 | Active Effects: +4 vs fear (constant) ||| Dreamlands Items and Negative Effects:

Pixie might just be still slammed with school stuff. I wouldn't give up yet.

Agree that we are off to a good start, although I may have overplayed my character's lack of wisdom. :) Hard to find the line that says "smart, but overly impulsive." Climbing up on the bar may have been a little much. ;)

We could probably figure out whether you hit without the GM though.

Here are some "generic thug" stats for you to see if you hit or not:

Without reading the whole adventure, I looked to see if there were thug stats, and it didn't have any, but just mentioned 4 thugs, so I am sure the generic thug is the way to go.

Female Human

Guys, i sincerely apologize for my absence. On 7/7/17, on the way home from school i was involved in a head on collision with another car and been in the hospital since. Im able to walk (with help) and move my arms now so im doing better now and was finally released but have a long road to recovery. i just wanted to apologize for leaving. Im not sure if i can keep the campaign going or have time for it. I may ask someone else to run one and ill join in till im 100%. again im very sorry for the inconvenience.

"Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!" -- Cervantes

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hang in there and get better, and I hope you didn't miss any important school things because of this.

Whatever you need to do with the game is completely understandable. If you do get someone else to run it, it would be fun to have you as a player, if you think you are up to it.

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

Sorry to hear these. Your health is the most important thing, so look after yourself first and worry about this game later.

Male Human Fighter 2 AC 24 | T 14 } FF 20. HP: 19/19; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Init +3, Perception +8, Longsword +7 (1d8+4); Javelin +5 (1d6+4)

Jeez sorry GM.

Hope you're healing is rapid!

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

A horrible story. Hope your recovery is speedy. Of course the game is secondary, so don't worry about us.

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

Please take care of yourself. I hope you have a speedy recovery, and don't miss much school because of the accident.

Female Human

hey guys! im back! i wanna know if you wanna countinue this camp or if you all moved on. im not 100% but im well enough to where i can GM. let me know intrest level!

"Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!" -- Cervantes

Hey Pixie. So glad you are feeling a little bit better.

I applied for a different Second Darkness game ( cters#19) with this character, but if there are enough people to continue, I'll happily withdraw, or have that version be my evil clone or whatever. :)

If it looks like we can't continue as we were, you could always get some new people... that game has many more applicants than spots, so you might be able to grab some of the extras.

Male Human Fighter 2 AC 24 | T 14 } FF 20. HP: 19/19; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Init +3, Perception +8, Longsword +7 (1d8+4); Javelin +5 (1d6+4)

I'm game to continue.

Glad to hear you're doing better, GM

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

I'm game to continue as well. Let's go for it.

Female Human

i can go with 3 people its no big deal

"Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!" -- Cervantes

Okay, so do you want to tell us the results of the actions that we already posted, or should we rewind a little and start fresh?

I won't have time to switch my stats back or make a new alias or whatever I decide to do probably till Saturday, but I don't think that should interfere with the story, so if that's okay with you, we can move forward now, and I'll adjust as we go.

Female Human

i can rewind a little back since we lost couple people but not all the way back. we can pick up where the fireworks have exploded and everyone is blinded.

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

That works for me.

Male Human M Human N Rogue 2 |AC17 T14 FF13|HP 16/16|F+1 R+7 W -1|Init+4 |Perc +3

I am good to continue.

Human male Brawler 2. HP24. AC17, T13,FF14. F +4, R +5, W +1. Init +2 Perception +6.

Abel is still good to go.

Male Human Fighter 2 AC 24 | T 14 } FF 20. HP: 19/19; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Init +3, Perception +8, Longsword +7 (1d8+4); Javelin +5 (1d6+4)

<This is me, blinded!>

AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | hp 18/18 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion while a friend is within 30' Human cleric of Cayden Cailean 2 CG | Init +3; Senses Perception +2

Woot the gang is back together again. I feel like we were setting up to be a fun group of ruffians. We just need to convince Zarine that being a ruffian can be a lot of fun. ;)

"Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!" -- Cervantes

She's very impulsive. You might be able to play on that. ;)

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