Ankih Tohep |

Thanks Mez. It wasn't unexpected, just more sudden than we thought. Mortuary people took 5 hours to come get the body. My dad sat there the whole time, outside waiting.

Kalt Ìsson |

Muttering, "Have to protect it...", Kalt once again attempts to break Sven's iron grapple, but doing so proves completely beyond him.
Break Grapple, cursed: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 4 = 9

Sven Bjornson |
Sven keeps his mighty hold locked in tight. "Let him go you bastard!" he shouts at the moss.
Grapple for Damage: 1d20 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 12 + 5 = 28
Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
That should be 21 nonlethal total.

GM Mezegis |

You were waiting on me, 4 Mother's Days'll kill ya though.
The moss continues in the only defense it knows and again releases spores on the wrestling ulfen.
Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Karma from all the 1's on Svens saves from earlier
And the beast of a man remains unaffected by them, much to the dismay of the fungus and its current host.
PC's are up, KAlt is nearly knocked out from the NL yes?

Kalt Ìsson |

PC's are up, KAlt is nearly knocked out from the NL yes?
Yes, forgot to account for it. Kalt is at 5/46 hp, with 21 of the damage non-lethal.
Kalt once again attempts to break free from Sven's mighty bear-hug, but his friend's affection is simply too powerful.
Break Grapple, cursed: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 4 = 12

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Bugsby frowns as he considers the dangerous but bizzare scene before him, "You'retheworstmossI'veeverseen!" he declares and tries to cast daze on it with a whirling of small fingers covered in the green glow of the gnomes magic.
K-Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
He tries to discern anything of magical import about the dying moss even as he sends out the daze spell.

Ankih Tohep |

Having used his only Burning hands for the day, Ankih pulls out a flask of oil and smashes it into Kalt.
ranged touch: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
no damage, yet , it hasn't been lit on fire yet.

Sven Bjornson |
Feeling his brother weaken, Sven wrenches his hold one last time. "Sorry Isson. You're going to have one hell of a headache when you wake up."
Grapple for Damage: 1d20 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 5 = 37
Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
That'll be 32 nonlethal.

Lana Shahakh |

You should keep track of the lethal and non-lethal separately, so that we know how much we still have to do to killsave you.
Burn: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 4) = 13

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Haven't we been hitting the oiled-up Moss/Kalt with burn/flame spells? I just assumed it'd been lit up already. :)
EDIT: No we haven't, but Lana is about to. Lets just use that.
Bugsby keeps his distance as Kalt falls unconscious. He pulls out his lone flask of oil, and removes the stopper, sniffing exuberantly as the aroma within wafts upwards, 'Weneedmoreofthis?" he asks hopefully.

GM Mezegis |

As the moss burns, it makes not further efforts to defend itself, leading you to decide that it is probably dead, or at least unconscious. Pulling out a dagger, the moss is deftly cut away from Kalt, small tendrils having wormed their way into his neck and spine giving the distinct impression that if it had been forcibly removed while it still clung to life, it would have been most unconcomfortable for the host. Once removed, the moss is further burnt, smashed, and generally destroyed to the utmost possibility.
A groan escapes the original host, his body already begining to return to normal now that he is not being a living plant feeder.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Bugsby assists the others cleaning up Kalt, and tries to surruptitiously slip some of the moss into his oil flask for study later. It's not that he's trying to be deceptive, but he doesn't want to worry his companions.
Sleight of hand: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
That attempted he sidles up close to the recovering brother, "Kalt, thisisveryimportant. Whatwasthatlike? Areyouhungryfordirt? Doyoufeeldrawntowardstheeastatall?"

Ankih Tohep |

" Well. That was.....different."
Seeing the moss destroyed, Ankih pulls out a scroll and casts it on Kalt.
CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 1) + 3 = 12
Then when Kalt can move away from the remains of the moss, he will channel some.
channel: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
And since it heals the non lethal along with the lethal that should put you back up, mostly.

Kalt Ìsson |

As Sven supports him, Kalt stirs as Ankih's healing magic courses through him, the sharp sting of it bringing him quickly back to his senses. "Wha...what happened? Why am I all...burned? Did that troll attack us with fire?"
He shakes his head a bit as if to clear it, and sees the shreds of moss lying on the ground. Kalt's eyes widen and he takes a quick, sharp breath, saying, "Oh gods, did I hurt anyone?" He looks quickly around and sees his friends all intact, and all looking at him with concern. He relaxes a bit, and lets out the breath in a long, slow sigh.
Ankih then sends another burst of healing through Kalt, whose wits finally restore themselves enough that he realizes Bugsby's been firing questions at him. He focuses on the bouncing gnome a moment and begins to smile, relief flooding through him, then answers, "What was it like? I don't remember much, except a strong need to protect that moss thing, no matter what. I didn't care about anything else. And no, I'm no more hungry for dirt that usual, Bugs."
He considers the last question a moment and says, "Strangely, I do feel drawn to the east. I have an odd feeling that more of my kind dwell there, happily controlling their subjects with their mossy tendrils." As he says this, he gives Sven and the others a quick wink over Bugsby's head, before saying, "What do you think it means, Bugsby?"
With Fey Foundling, Ankih's healing will heal 26 hp. I'm a little unsure how much I've taken of each kind in total, and don't have time right now to look through posts, but I should be mostly healed, with some non-lethal left.

Sven Bjornson |
After the healing, Kalt's at full HP with 2 nonlethal.
Sven keeps one burly arm wrapped around Kalt, crushing the lean Ulfen with his affection. "It's over now. You've got your sense back, that thing is dead, and we're going to be able to get Finngarth back to his wife in one piece."
Was the channel enough to get the other guy up too?
"That thing had its root buried in you. It was dancing you around like a puppet. You almost took my hand off", the big man explains with a laugh despite the very realness of the danger that just passed.

Kalt Ìsson |

Thanks for doing the math, Sven. I popped on to sort that out, nice that you took care of it!
Kalt gets his feet fully under him and gives Sven a rough, one-armed hug in return, saying with a grin, "Seems you did a job of it, keeping me from hurting anyone while under that thing's control. Thank you, another debt between us, eh?" He steps back from Sven and looks around at all his friends, saying, "Damn, that was a strange experience. Seems Irrisen is full of them. Since we stepped through that portal, I've known death and been the puppet of a very nimble moss, among other things. But I'm glad I didn't hurt any of you."
He lifts his chin to Sven and says, "Let's collect the husband and get him home, Bjornson. I guess he and I have something in common, aside from a taste for the beautiful women of this land."

Avora Teremocles |

I think that we should check out the cave, first.

Kalt Ìsson |

Cave for sure, that's what I had in mind in my post about collecting the hubby, but didn't say it explicitly.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

He focuses on the bouncing gnome a moment and begins to smile, relief flooding through him, then answers, "What was it like? I don't remember much, except a strong need to protect that moss thing, no matter what. I didn't care about anything else. And no, I'm no more hungry for dirt that usual, Bugs."
He considers the last question a moment and says, "Strangely, I do feel drawn to the east. I have an odd feeling that more of my kind dwell there, happily controlling their subjects with their mossy tendrils." As he says this, he gives Sven and the others a quick wink over Bugsby's head, before saying, "What do you think it means, Bugsby?"
The gnome sits on the ground, pondering deeply for several long moments, and then stands up with an apparently brilliant discovery, "Aha!! Itmeansyouhavebeenpsyonicallylinkedwiththemossesspouse, fartotheeast, andmustonedayseekherout. Areyoufeelingmoreromantictowardsmossbychance? Thiswouldsupportmytheory!"
That settled, the gnome starts moving towards the cave, a gleeful expression of curiosity on his face.

GM Mezegis |

The group approaches the small cave with all manner of detection spells active. Nothing magical or evil can be detected, but much of the cave is littered with dead animal now serving as a growth medium for a living web of molds and mosses. None appear to have reached the stage in their growth to become independent of the “hive” moss.

Sven Bjornson |
”Are any of these the same as that thing we battled outside?” the big man asks as he surveys the cavern.
”If it’s safe we should take a look around. There might be treasures or something else useful buried in this stuff.”

Sven Bjornson |
Sven frowns and shakes his head. It was a dark end for such a noble beast.
Showing off his prize, the big Ulfen returns to his friends.
"We need to burn this place. This stuff should never see the light of day."

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Bugsby reaches quickly into a pouch to retrieve his oil flask, but then remembers just as quickly that he has a momento of the moss monster stashed inside. "ToobadI'msavingthis..." He proclaims awkwardly to the group, turning around and heading the opposite direction.
Lets get the man back to his sultry wife.

Kalt Ìsson |

As they enter the cave, Kalt says, "I'll tell you, Bugsby, I'm not feeling romantic towards the moss in this cave, it's a pretty nasty place. The moss's spouse must be off the the east, like you said."
He then says, "Nice find on the treasure, Bjornson, sorry you had to take it from one of your kin. As far as burning the moss, I'm all for it. I've got a flask of acid and one of alchemist's fire, if you think they're worth using up to do the job."

Ankih Tohep |

Ankih looks at the growing moss with revulsion.
" Yes let's burn it. I'm sorry Kalt." He says with a shudder." To have it attached to you and inside your mind..."

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Bugsby nods long with Ankih in joint-commiseration, but his eyes are far away and he speaks with a strange sort of longing, "Yes... that must have been terrible." He then quivers a little and seems to shake whatever thoughts he was having -out of his head. "Wellthen, letsburntheplacedown, enoughdoomandgloomeveryone!" He takes a deep breath of moss-musty air, and coughs unexpectedly, "Whocanbesadwhenlightingthingsonfire, eh?" he asks around his coughs.

GM Mezegis |

With the mosscave burned, the group returns to the small cottage, and are greeted by the sled dogs freed from their bindings while Nadya and her boys waited. At the commotion, she looks up with a smile over the groups safe return, and shouts to the house. Wife and husband are soon reunited in a loving embrace as the woman dotes upon him and his many wounds.
After a while, the two separate, flushing a bit crimson over their antics being observed and offer their thanks to the party, asking if there is anything they can do to help in their grand adventure.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Bugsby was watching closely as the husband and wife reunite, a wistful expression on his face. As they turn back to the group Bugsby feels a twinge of disappointment, "Oh, youmaycontinue." he suggests to the couple.

GM Mezegis |

They chuckle over Bugsby's reply, and whispering in half sentences as married couples are known to do, before she scurries back into the hut for a moment. "Though seem to not want a reward, we feel we must offer something. About a year back I found a merchant wagon that had been pillaged and burned. When I was burying the dead, I found a small ivory tube, missed in the raid. We had kept it as a rainy day fund, knowing the scrolls inside could be sold for some coin, but all the coin in the world means nothing if you are a puppet." he says, turning as the woman emerges from the house, "And since you stopped me from being a puppet, we'd like you to have it. Can't say I know what those scrolls are but well... Thanks. She holds out the ivory tube for one of you to take.
3 scrolls and a tube worth 100 gp. Spellcraft if you're curious.

Ankih Tohep |

" Thank you" replies Ankih as he takes the tube.
" Normally I wouldn't dream of taking this from you, but we seem to be in hostile territory and any help is appreciated."
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Ankih Tohep |

" Oh. How very nice. Thank you. Just what the doctor ordered."
Ankih clutches the scrolls with a huge smile on his face. It Falters somewhat as he hands the last one over to Bugsby...
" I'd save that till we really need it my friend. Its a scroll of Fly! As for the other two, they are for the removal of curses and such. Sarenrae hasn't chosen to grant me these spells yet, but I understand them and since the power is in the scroll so to speak, I believe I can cast them to remove Lana's ring and Kalt's weakness.... There is, however small, a chance of failure tho."

Kalt Ìsson |

Kalt has been staring quietly down at the snow as his friends talk with the reunited husband and wife, but his eyes lift in wonder as Ankih describes what the scrolls can do. "You can actually lift this damned burden off me?" he asks, his voice full of intensity and a dash of hope. "There is nothing I desire more, to be done with this feeling of half-life. It is nearly worse than being dead."