GM Mezegis's page
1,651 posts. Alias of Mezegis.
Hello everyone,
I must first off, apologize for the delay in getting this posted, it has been a rough few weeks and gaming took a low priority. I could give a number of reasons, but what it boils down to is that I’m stepping away from the Paizo site for a while, at least until my life settles down, perhaps longer.
RPing with many of you has been enjoyable, and for those I just started playing with, I wish it could have been longer. For games I’m a PC, feel free to bot or remove my PC however you see fit. For those I am GMing, I leave it up to you to decide if you want to find a replacement or let the game die.
If anyone is interested in a more detailed explanation of what’s going on, feel free to PM me. I may not divulge every personal detail, but I could provide a bit more to those I have spent so much time with.
Hello everyone,
I must first off, apologize for the delay in getting this posted, it has been a rough few weeks and gaming took a low priority. I could give a number of reasons, but what it boils down to is that I’m stepping away from the Paizo site for a while, at least until my life settles down, perhaps longer.
RPing with many of you has been enjoyable, and for those I just started playing with, I wish it could have been longer. For games I’m a PC, feel free to bot or remove my PC however you see fit. For those I am GMing, I leave it up to you to decide if you want to find a replacement or let the game die.
If anyone is interested in a more detailed explanation of what’s going on, feel free to PM me. I may not divulge every personal detail, but I could provide a bit more to those I have spent so much time with.
They chuckle over Bugsby's reply, and whispering in half sentences as married couples are known to do, before she scurries back into the hut for a moment. "Though seem to not want a reward, we feel we must offer something. About a year back I found a merchant wagon that had been pillaged and burned. When I was burying the dead, I found a small ivory tube, missed in the raid. We had kept it as a rainy day fund, knowing the scrolls inside could be sold for some coin, but all the coin in the world means nothing if you are a puppet." he says, turning as the woman emerges from the house, "And since you stopped me from being a puppet, we'd like you to have it. Can't say I know what those scrolls are but well... Thanks. She holds out the ivory tube for one of you to take.
3 scrolls and a tube worth 100 gp. Spellcraft if you're curious.
Just a heads up, my posting will get less frequent from work. They just relocated my team and my boss is positioned in a perfect spot to observe my computer whenever she wants.
With the mosscave burned, the group returns to the small cottage, and are greeted by the sled dogs freed from their bindings while Nadya and her boys waited. At the commotion, she looks up with a smile over the groups safe return, and shouts to the house. Wife and husband are soon reunited in a loving embrace as the woman dotes upon him and his many wounds.
After a while, the two separate, flushing a bit crimson over their antics being observed and offer their thanks to the party, asking if there is anything they can do to help in their grand adventure.
Anyone else home? I don't really want to GMNPC 4 characters.
The bandit drops his crossbow with a thunk, quickly drawing his short sword to slash at the lithe aasimar who dared rush him.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 131d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
But his short sword catches on this scabbard as its drawn forth, sending the strike easily awry.
Picking through the bones and moss, Sven comes across the remains of a bear, and within its decayed stomach are a few bits of jewelry worth about 300 gp.
Thanks guys, that you are still having fun means a lot to me
I actually have culled a number of encounters from the AP already that I thought would not play out well in a PBP format. The most recent of which was 2 quickling rogues with cohorts harassing a random town. Move 120, spring attacking, fast healing things with high AC just seemed stupid to a PBP setting. I ran it in my tabletop version and nearly TPK’d the party in a fight that lasted 4 hours.
Its a interesting balancing act between the non-story encounters designed to flesh out the world, and not making it drag too much betwen plot points.
Those with knowledge in nature can tell that much of the moss is similar to that which the group just fought, however it has not matured yet. Observation tells you that it does not appear sentient yet and does not seem to have any spore pods.
Digging through the stuff?
The group approaches the small cave with all manner of detection spells active. Nothing magical or evil can be detected, but much of the cave is littered with dead animal now serving as a growth medium for a living web of molds and mosses. None appear to have reached the stage in their growth to become independent of the “hive” moss.
The man groggily tries to stand, wobbling frequently as he readjusts to his limbs being under his full control once more. ”Th..Thank you.” he stammers, and at the mention of returning him home, he nods eagerly.
Going to check out the cave, or back to the hut?

So I have to come clean, I royally messed up the way that moss was supposed to function. All the things it did, it could have done, but it should have been over more rounds and suffering from a number of attacks of opportunity that it didn’t. I could go into all of my excuses over why I did what I did, but that doesn’t change the fact I screwed up. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for that, and will try and do better on the more complex monsters.
Now, I have noticed that it seems a lot of encounters seem designed to kick sand in the PC’s face so to speak, and perhaps the other AP’s are like this too (this is the only AP I’ve been really involved in) but with all the hitting while you are down, I wanted to ask the group: Are you enjoying the game? Are you enjoying your character? Outside of getting better with the rules, what would you like to see me do differently?
Something I’ve noticed, and it could just be my perception, but it seems like the group as a whole lacks a lot of damage output. You guys can soak it up like crazy, having like 12 channels plus LoH/Spells, but if Kalt or Sven have a run of bad dice rolls, the damage drops significantly. Have others noticed this too, or is it just me? How does the group feel about that if it is true? Is there anything that should be done?
As the moss burns, it makes not further efforts to defend itself, leading you to decide that it is probably dead, or at least unconscious. Pulling out a dagger, the moss is deftly cut away from Kalt, small tendrils having wormed their way into his neck and spine giving the distinct impression that if it had been forcibly removed while it still clung to life, it would have been most unconcomfortable for the host. Once removed, the moss is further burnt, smashed, and generally destroyed to the utmost possibility.
A groan escapes the original host, his body already begining to return to normal now that he is not being a living plant feeder.
Burn it on or off of Kalt?
Kalt Ìsson wrote: Um, mental resistance? When? I had to think of something snappy to make the group think the thing is still alive. Lana's last burning hands dropped it below 0, so its dead unless for some reason you guys heal it up.
It's just twitching and laying there, anyone want to stick their hands in to Heal check it?
burn baby burn: 2d3 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
Kalt and the moss burn some
Or, when the last vestigates of mental resistance go away and it can dance Kalt like a marionette.
Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Ask Kalt hangs limp in his brothers arms, The moss twitches and recoils from the continuing blasts of flame, much of the stuff burnt and shriveled at this point. It makes no effort to leave Kalt at this point.
Ok, so I'm right, it's just my backwards way of thinking about things that got me confused. In effect if lethal + NL = total HP you go unconscious because no permutation wouldn't have NL greater or equal to remaining HP.
So am I reading the NL rules correctly that lethal damage has no impact on NL damage and the only time NL damage becomes lethal is once you exceed total HP values in NL damage?
Maybe I'm thinking of a an old system, but I've always thought they stacked on each other. IE: Kalt would be unconcious right now because his lethal + NL exceed his HP total. I makes very little sense to me that you could be at 1 HP left, but then take 45 non-lethal damage (in kalts hypothetical case) and still be completely functional.
Man, its a good thing running over prone companions doesn't really hinder movement, lol.
The Gnome immediately recalls that the spell Daze only affects humanoid creatures, and this mossy parasite is not such a thing. Beyond that however, he has no new knowledge to share that Avora has not.
Targost fires his arrow, planting it next to Ebons to illuminate the distant stairwell. Talwin remains prone and feigning death, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself.
The sniper leans out to take a snapshot at Liadain, barely ducking as her arrow ricochets of the edge of the wall next to him.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 141d10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
And in his haste to avoid being struck with the electrified arrow, sends his quarrel skipping down the corridor.
No damage all around, PC's up again!
You were waiting on me, 4 Mother's Days'll kill ya though.
The moss continues in the only defense it knows and again releases spores on the wrestling ulfen.
Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Karma from all the 1's on Svens saves from earlier
And the beast of a man remains unaffected by them, much to the dismay of the fungus and its current host.
PC's are up, KAlt is nearly knocked out from the NL yes?
Talwin/Targost? You there?
Ouch, that sucks Ankih, my condolences
Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
More of the moss burns and yellows. Still it clings to Kalt because its life depends on it.
Yes, but keep in mind you are slower from the medium armor.
So they don't cover vicious attack shrubs in smite school? The idea of smiting some moss does have me amused. Since Avora is just standing there, I'll let her have some more inforamtion.
Avora, fearful of doing the wrong thing, just watches the epic clash of man versus plant. As she does, she notices the burns have covered much of the moss, and the non-burnt parts are yellowing as plants do when they are dying. While clearly not confident, she would guess the plant cannot take much more punishment.
It's evil, don't see why not.
Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Lana's fan of flames bathe Kalt and his parasitic extra, but the wind choses that time to blow, and neither of them are bathed in as much of the flame as the oracle would have liked.
Bugsby has no real offensive spells. Ankih should have burning hands from his domain, but I figured he didn’t want to use it.
Bugsby continues to wait and watch, ready to pin the moss if it come free from his pal. The moss, sensing the larger man to perhaps be a better host, tries again to dull Sven’s senses for an easier take over later.
Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
But Sven's concern for his friend continues to fuel his mental defenses as the mind altering substances fail to influence him.
Have fun! Stupid brawlerdin saves! :D
Standing over Talwin, Alexia discharges her wand of healing, mending some more of the fallen inquisitors wounds. Take Alexia's first CLW roll above.
The crossbowman leans out from behind the wall to fire off a quick shot, but Norine is ready, sending a tiny bolt into his shoulder. With Alexia in front after mending Talwin, she's the target he sees, and he unloads on the witch.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 251d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Flying between the slicing blades, the bolt slams hard into the white haired woman, nearly felling her in one shot. The shooter ducks back around the corner, the cranking of a loading winch signifying that he is not going away so easily.
Alexia takes 11, going to 3/14
Avora, Sven, Bugsby have yet to go this round. I feel Avora would continue to watch, fearful of injuring Kalt, while Sven would just maintain the grapple, but I'd like some confirmation before I proceed.
Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
More of the moss is burnt off Kalt's body, sending waves of pain into its host trying to motivate the ranger into saving it.
Maybe its a sign that I'm not an evil enough DM, but I find the fact that my plan to turn Kalt into a minion of evil is getting spoiled by a curse placed upon him by another evildoer immensely amusing.
He was grabbing Kalt, not the moss. Tricksy ulfen :D
Bugsby is torn between awe at the power of the plantlife and concern for his friend that has become its host. He resolves to ensure that it doesn't take over another of his buddies, and readies his sticky goop to fling at it if it becomes unattached from Kalt.
Vines twist around Kalts head, bringing a blister of spores around to aim at Sven. The hulking ulfen tries to sheild himself while maintaining his hold when the blister bursts into a cloud.
Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Sven manages to avoid much of the spores, and those that make contact cannot dull the paladin's mind, firming focused on freeing his friend.
PC's are up.
Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Perhaps a bit of Kalt is still fighting from inside his mind, for when he ducks out of the way of the pout of flames, he puts the creature directly in the line of fire... literally. The growth writhes in agony as the flames burn its delicate vegetation.
Kalt, Sven, and Bugs left in this round
Try one and find out. Avora's check wasn't high enough for me to give you guys ALL the details.
I'll give the grapple a better chance to succeed, only a 20% miss chance. No on the take-over provoking either, supernatural ability
Glad its not just me then, its been in and out for a while for me, was getting worried the work firewall was getting smart.
Since Kalt was right next to it, it was only a 5' move, no provocation. You can try and rip it off with a grapple check.
Standard to take over, then move to climb aboard. You can try whatever you want, but it's a parasite designed to leap from host to host as they weaken.
Rolls: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Avora shouts out that it looks to be a mind-slaver mold, a parasitic growth that feeds on living things to grow and multiply. It has the ability to completely dominate its host, to the point the host would kill its friends and family if the mold told it to.
I don't have it saved, but Bugsby was first, then I believe it was Kalt, Sven, Monster, Ankih, Lana, Avora. Yes, it's a pure 50% miss chance on the avoidance, and for the fight, low is a miss.