Matoska Tayaya |
I'm a couple islands away from Montreal. So same time zone as New York and where ever the DM is I believe.
Sorry to hear about your Great grandmother, Loup.
Uriel Leveton; "Blade-Bearer" |
Uriel is a lie detector both because I have good Sense Motive (not only do I have high Wisdom, but Stern Gaze adds 1/2 my level as well) but I also gain Discern Lies as a class feature in a few levels. As for where I am, I'm on the eastern shore of Maryland so I'm in the same time zone as some other folks, but I have a tendency to post at odd hours. More importantly, I prefer to work overnight jobs and with the tourist season starting I'll probably be in a hotel overnight, meaning that'll be my normal posting time.
Also sorry to hear about your great grandmother. Are your siblings holding up okay?
Shara Alazna |
I'm in PA, so Eastern Time along with a lot of other people. I generally post on and off through the whole day though, so I could be on anywhere from noon until 3AM.
Matoska Tayaya |
My posting tends to be like Shara and URiel. I tend to be up late and I check frequently since Im not playing a lot of games atm.
Perspicacious Gao |
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, GM. Take as much time as you need, and don't worry about the game, if you can't. We'll keep ourselves entertained.
I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland, but my posting is all over, since I'm working on a final year's engineering project, and working an on-call hospitality job. In general, though, I have a chance to post at least once daily.
Efanydd Sylvir |
I echo everyone else's sentiments.
Just a quick post to say I'm still here and happy to wait as long as you like for the game to begin
Uriel Leveton; "Blade-Bearer" |
I believe they're having issues with the server; it's just that if it happens after 5 PM Pacific time they aren't going to be able to fix it until the next day. I know they thought they had it fixed yesterday but that clearly wasn't the case.
Efanydd Sylvir |
That would be good. I reticently say they are looking a bit more stable over the last day or two but there are at least two threads discussing the website performance on the website feedback thread.
It's obviously something they are aware of and hopefully will have fixxed
Rajuna Two-Fangs |
Uriel is a lie detector both because I have good Sense Motive (not only do I have high Wisdom, but Stern Gaze adds 1/2 my level as well) but I also gain Discern Lies as a class feature in a few levels.
When you get Discern Lies, it would be fun to test it against Necessary Lies and to see how often I can beat it.
Shara Alazna |
The inquisitor who's amazing at lying versus the inquisitor who's great at detecting them. That would be a thing to see.
Efanydd Sylvir |
It is no great contest, Ms Alazna. the knowing investigator says, stifling a yawn. It is a basic truth of the human condition - or humanoid condition if you prefer - that everybody lies. It is more often a question of what or who or why.
Rajuna Two-Fangs |
The really tricky part would be beating Uriel's Sense Motive. It's likely his SM will always be slightly to substantially better than my Bluff, so I'd have to shade the truth in what I said... but it would be a fun competition. :D
Matoska Tayaya |
Guys I think we're gonna have to tell Gm Loup the same thing I told the Lizardwizard many times when they were my Dm. We're gonna have to rebel against him if we can't get our ROTRL fix.
Efanydd Sylvir |
I sent him a PM but haven't had a response yet. I"m assuming things have been a bit more hectic than he anticipated.
Matoska Tayaya |
*Puts down pitchfork and torch*
Yeah you're probably correct. Deaths in the family have a way of doing that.
GM Loup Blanc |
Indeed, this week has been incredibly busy and crazy. I updated a couple games yesterday, and was hoping to get to everything between then and/or today, but it hasn't ended up happening. Tomorrow should be better, though, so hopefully I'll get us rolling by the evening. Again, my apologies for the delays.
Efanydd Sylvir |
Just checking in and letting everyone know I'm still here.
Shara Alazna |
I'm still here too. The sites downtime is probably making it hard for Loup to post. It's getting ridiculous.
GM Loup Blanc |
Indeed, I'm around again (things were busy for a while and I was in a bit of a posting funk), and I've been wanting to update since Sunday, but haven't been able to. Every time I get on to update my games, and kick this one off, the site's been down. Even now I can't actually update at the moment, as I'm just checking in on a break from work around my house--always something to do--but I wanted to let you all know that I'm here and still very much hoping to get things going soon!
Matoska Tayaya |
This site is all kinds of broken lately. I was reading a forum post earlier and someone described it as being held together by ''Tape and Prayers''. Its pretty damn accurate.
GM Loup Blanc |
My deepest apologies for the delays; between being busy IRL and the site having troubles, I haven't been able to post for the last few days. That said, I should have more reliable access and enough time to post in the next couple days, so hopefully I'll get things going again as early as this evening!
Efanydd Sylvir |
My deepest apologies for the delays; between being busy IRL and the site having troubles, I haven't been able to post for the last few days. That said, I should have more reliable access and enough time to post in the next couple days, so hopefully I'll get things going again as early as this evening!
Looking forward to it :)
Efanydd Sylvir |
In case this game gets rolling shortly, I am away for the next couple of days and won't be able to post until Sunday.
Efanydd Sylvir |
Boards are a lot more stable now. Do you know when you might get this moving Loup?
Shara Alazna |
I heard from him last night and he said hopefully today. Updates have been going up for his other games for a while now, so hopefully soon.
GM Loup Blanc |
Indeed, today has finally been the day where time, energy, the website, and probably the Eldritch Stars have aligned to give me the chance to update everything. Of course, there are still things to do throughout, so it's been a bit slow, but it's happening, and that includes getting this started! At the moment I need to walk my dog for a bit, but after that I'll be back and ready to kick things off--expect to start this evening!
(And thank you all very much for bearing with me through an incredibly long starting process.)
EDIT: Actually, my little sister just took the dog out, so I can work on this now. Expect to start quite soon!
Uriel Leveton; "Blade-Bearer" |
To be fair, I've eaten them and I'm also a little fascinated by corn dogs. That, and deep-fried foods that were never meant to be deep-fried. Like Oreos. Or Butter.
Uriel Leveton; "Blade-Bearer" |
You would think, but those crazy bastards down south figured it out. You freeze the whole thing then fry them for about 10-15 seconds, I've seen it done. I tried it too.
I wish I hadn't.
Perspicacious Gao |
Well, I've had a deep-fried Mars Bar, twice. It's an interesting piece of food, and tastes like a fried chocolate croissant with less dough around it, for the lack of better description. Considering I ate it twice, it wasn't horrible.
And fried butter sounds like the culinary equivalent of the atomic bomb, if I have to be honest.
Deep Fried Ice Cream is absolutely delicious, though, I highly recommend it.
Matoska Tayaya |
Deep fried ice cream kicks ass but I admit I won't eat it on principal. Some things are just too gnarly for mortals to partake in.