Tamrin Sunwake |

"On the way to my friend's shop we must discuss ways of seeing and not being seen."
With the mess cleared up, Kannic alerts a patrol, enduring the obligatory question and answer session. Not surprisingly, that part goes quicker than usual. The telltale wounds seem to prompt the guards to clear the area quickly, with an admonishment for discretion.
"I guess we do stick out a bit, don't we?"
Drive time for me. If we want to at least make it to the shop, I'll try to pop back on for a few when I get home :)

Kannic Orefinder |

The crime scene behind them, Kannic leads them on a meandering journey thru Mentor. Both streets and alleys. Finally they arrive at the mouth of a darkened alley where two children seem to be playing. With a gesture from Kannic, one whistles. A light in an open doorway beckons them.
"Say as little as possible, but be straight about what you want."
He leads them into the back door of some sort of shop and past a burly human guard, but instead of heading into the main floor, they head down stairs. Knocking at a 2nd door they enter a 'shop within a shop'. It seems too big to fit in the confines of the shop above.
Addressing a sandy-haired gnome "Baela! Long time no see. Got some customers for you. No nonsense now. They be friendly, and yur prices should be as well. No taking advantage of any wide eyes. My account will cover any shortfalls, right?"
"Any of that drow liquor left?"
This place seems to be a catch all shop; weapons, gear, clothing.

Aananda |

Aananda searches through the clothes until she finds some likely pieces that might work. She asks if there is a dressing room and once ushered there will try on several items until she finds an outfit that works for her. She steps outside the changing room to make sure, first stretching this way and that, then trying a high kick aimed well above her head, and a quick backflip.
"This is perfect," she says cheerfully. She gathers her warm-weather clothes into a bundle and slings it across her back. She pulls out the money that she earned from Thorg. "This is all I have," she said innocently. "I hope it's enough."

Aananda |

"I think she could use one of these belts."
Kannic tosses over a belt with many pouches; several of each size. It also has a couple of loops for tools or weapons. It's soft, but surprisingly strong leather.
"ooh, yes, it's perfect," she says, examining it. "It's just what I need."

Aananda |

"And a knife."
He tosses a hooked knife onto the counter.
"Even if you never draw it, anyone that sees it will think twice about bothering you."
"Besides it's a handy tool when traveling."
She looks at the knife quizzically. "Why would I need such a thing? My entire body can be a weapon if need be. Not to mention I carry some pretty big wrenches," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Kannic Orefinder |

Kannic Orefinder wrote:She looks at the knife quizzically. "Why would I need such a thing? My entire body can be a weapon if need be. Not to mention I carry some pretty big wrenches," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes."And a knife."
He tosses a hooked knife onto the counter.
"Even if you never draw it, anyone that sees it will think twice about bothering you."
"Besides it's a handy tool when traveling."
"Like I said, you can avoid a lot of trouble just by letting someone see you're armed. Less tempting target. Your choice."

Kannic Orefinder |

Kannic Orefinder wrote:"Be sure to show her those darkmantle skin cloaks. Warm, and water resistant."Her eyes widened at that. "There's no way I can possibly afford that," she said, sounding a little overwhelmed.
"Dark business, Missy. Best to be prepared. Our 'friends' tend to like the cold. Can't go visiting them with chattering teeth can we? Would ruin the surprise."
"Consider it a stake. You know, like miners use to get started."

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:"Like I said, you can avoid a lot of trouble just by letting someone see you're armed. Less tempting target. Your choice."Kannic Orefinder wrote:She looks at the knife quizzically. "Why would I need such a thing? My entire body can be a weapon if need be. Not to mention I carry some pretty big wrenches," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes."And a knife."
He tosses a hooked knife onto the counter.
"Even if you never draw it, anyone that sees it will think twice about bothering you."
"Besides it's a handy tool when traveling."
She shook her head. "No. If a spanner isn't enough to convince them I'm trouble, a knife won't either. And I prefer not to carry something I won't use. But thank you."

Kannic Orefinder |

Kannic Orefinder wrote:She shook her head. "No. If a spanner isn't enough to convince them I'm trouble, a knife won't either. And I prefer not to carry something I won't use. But thank you."Aananda wrote:"Like I said, you can avoid a lot of trouble just by letting someone see you're armed. Less tempting target. Your choice."Kannic Orefinder wrote:She looks at the knife quizzically. "Why would I need such a thing? My entire body can be a weapon if need be. Not to mention I carry some pretty big wrenches," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes."And a knife."
He tosses a hooked knife onto the counter.
"Even if you never draw it, anyone that sees it will think twice about bothering you."
"Besides it's a handy tool when traveling."
he shrugs "Your call. Welcome anyway."

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:Kannic Orefinder wrote:"Be sure to show her those darkmantle skin cloaks. Warm, and water resistant."Her eyes widened at that. "There's no way I can possibly afford that," she said, sounding a little overwhelmed."Dark business, Missy. Best to be prepared. Our 'friends' tend to like the cold. Can't go visiting them with chattering teeth can we? Would ruin the surprise."
"Consider it a stake. You know, like miners use to get started."
"Okay," she said, reluctantly. "I'm gonna have to fix a lot of skimmers to pay for that," she added glumly, but she did allow the gnome to show her over to the cloaks, finally finding a darkmantle coat that suited her better since her arms and legs were less likely to get caught in the folds when she fought.

Kannic Orefinder |

"Okay," she said, reluctantly. "I'm gonna have to fix a lot of skimmers to pay for that," she added glumly, but she did allow the gnome to show her over to the cloaks, finally finding a darkmantle coat that suited her better since her arms and legs were less likely to get caught in the folds when she fought.
Kannic chuckles, "Skimmers. Yeah, lots of skimmers."
He makes a mental note of introducing Aananda to the lucrative field of adventuring.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Directing his comments to the assistant, "I'm gonna need to take a looksee at the ammunition for my pistol. Special varieties. .44 calibre."
Tam's attention perks up at that, then is immediately lost at Aananda's acrobatic display.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Once she has her purchases all picked out, Aananda walk over to Tamrin and hands him his duster back.
"Thanks for letting me borrow it," she said, with a smile. "It really helped."
"Glad to help," he says, returning the smile. "Did you find everything that you wanted? Oooo - neat belt!"

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:"Glad to help," he says, returning the smile. "Did you find everything that you wanted? Oooo - neat belt!"Once she has her purchases all picked out, Aananda walk over to Tamrin and hands him his duster back.
"Thanks for letting me borrow it," she said, with a smile. "It really helped."
"Isn't it great? Kannic found it for me. And yeah, I'm done shopping. It's gonna take me ages to pay Kannic back for this coat, but it's sweet of him to loan me the funds. Is there anything that you're looking for? Two sets of eyes are better than one for finding things," she said cheerfully.

Tamrin Sunwake |

"Isn't it great? Kannic found it for me. And yeah, I'm done shopping. It's gonna take me ages to pay Kannic back for this coat, but it's sweet of him to loan me the funds. Is there anything that you're looking for? Two sets of eyes are better than one for finding things," she said cheerfully.
"Sounds good to me! I'm just looking to see if they have a Travel Duster. It's got some minor magics to it that keep the wearer comfortable, but also provide food and drink too. They're usually not to expensive where I come from, but I don't know if I can find something like that here or not...but we'll see!"

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:"Isn't it great? Kannic found it for me. And yeah, I'm done shopping. It's gonna take me ages to pay Kannic back for this coat, but it's sweet of him to loan me the funds. Is there anything that you're looking for? Two sets of eyes are better than one for finding things," she said cheerfully."Sounds good to me! I'm just looking to see if they have a Travel Duster. It's got some minor magics to it that keep the wearer comfortable, but also provide food and drink too. They're usually not to expensive where I come from, but I don't know if I can find something like that here or not...but we'll see!"
"I've heard of tents like that, but not coats. But then again I've had a pretty sheltered life at the temple. No harm looking, I guess."
She proceeded to drive the shop assistant nearly to distraction with rapid fire questions that he barely had time to answer before she asked the next one, but eventually located a coat for Tam.

Tamrin Sunwake |

"I've heard of tents like that, but not coats. But then again I've had a pretty sheltered life at the temple. No harm looking, I guess."
She proceeded to drive the shop assistant nearly to distraction with rapid fire questions that he barely had time to answer before she asked the next one, but eventually located a coat for Tam.
Tam quickly gives up trying to get Aananda to let the assistant have a chance to breathe, and is trying not to laugh when the poor guy finally finds the right duster. "Thank you, sir."
He looks at Aananda.
"I get the feeling that you're pretty much unstoppable when you set your mind to something. The effort wasn't necessary, really. But it's appreciated. We make a good shopping team - which is bad for both of our budgets," he says with a chuckle.
Dinner time for me, so I must bid G'Night to all :)

Kannic Orefinder |

Kannic peruses the varieties of ammo, trying to find something useful against undead, failing and settling on a box of silver rounds.
"Any new toys while I'm in town?", he asks.
The clerk shows him a quiver of crossbow bolts. They talk quietly and Kannic purchases them.
Picking up some supplies and a few potions he tanks them for their time. The potion bottles slip into his belt pouch without causing any shift in their size. He hands over a small pouch with the telltale click of gems.
From his cloak he pulls out a rod with a rounded end.
"All set, everyone?"

Aananda |

Tam quickly gives up trying to get Aananda to let the assistant have a chance to breathe, and is trying not to laugh when the poor guy finally finds the right duster. "Thank you, sir."
He looks at Aananda.
"I get the feeling that you're pretty much unstoppable when you set your mind to something. The effort wasn't necessary, really. But it's appreciated. We make a good shopping team - which is bad for both of our budgets," he says with a chuckle.
She smiled back. "Yeah," she said sheepishly, "I have been told that I can be a little ...overly enthusiastic at times."

Tamrin Sunwake |

She smiled back. "Yeah," she said sheepishly, "I have been told that I can be a little ...overly enthusiastic at times."
"Yeah - you were a little scary looking when you were chopping up that furniture with your bare hands," he says jokingly as they follow Kannic back to the Juggling Dwarf. "But like they say: 'Enjoy what you do, and you never work a day in your life', right?"
His smile fades as he looks forward at Ryo walking further ahead of them.
"Hopefully we'll be able to help Ryo out. I was wondering why he was so serious and brooding - I wish he didn't have such a good reason to be."

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:She smiled back. "Yeah," she said sheepishly, "I have been told that I can be a little ...overly enthusiastic at times.""Yeah - you were a little scary looking when you were chopping up that furniture with your bare hands," he says jokingly as they follow Kannic back to the Juggling Dwarf. "But like they say: 'Enjoy what you do, and you never work a day in your life', right?"
His smile fades as he looks forward at Ryo walking further ahead of them.
"Hopefully we'll be able to help Ryo out. I was wondering why he was so serious and brooding - I wish he didn't have such a good reason to be."
She looked confused. "The chair? But even the most basic beginner apprentice could have done that." She shook her head.
"We'll be able to help him. Somehow. He needs us, even if he doesn't want to admit it."

Tamrin Sunwake |

She looked confused. "The chair? But even the most basic beginner apprentice could have done that." She shook her head.
"But if I tried that, I would have a broken hand and be crying like a baby - it may be basic training for you, but it's pretty impressive to the rest of us. Well, to me at least - I have a healthy respect for any person who could break every bone in my body," he says with a brief shudder and his own sheepish grin.
"Which begs the question of what exactly The House of Falling Water is, though my guess would be a monastery of some sort. But I'm prying and babbling at the same time. Sorry - nervous habit that crops up sometimes..."
"We'll be able to help him. Somehow. He needs us, even if he doesn't want to admit it."
He nods in agreement.

Kannic Orefinder |

to the group
Sounds like there's been quite a number of these killings, and the guard is trying to keep a lid on 'em. Not usual behavior for vampires. Down here they really try to be discreet, lest they bring down the wrath of the populace. And they don't like to waste 'food' Definitely out of character.
To Ryo
How long you been following them? Are you getting so close that you warrant such a personal and violent warning?

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:She looked confused. "The chair? But even the most basic beginner apprentice could have done that." She shook her head."But if I tried that, I would have a broken hand and be crying like a baby - it may be basic training for you, but it's pretty impressive to the rest of us. Well, to me at least - I have a healthy respect for any person who could break every bone in my body," he says with a brief shudder and his own sheepish grin.
"Which begs the question of what exactly The House of Falling Water is, though my guess would be a monastery of some sort. But I'm prying and babbling at the same time. Sorry - nervous habit that crops up sometimes..."
Aananda wrote:"We'll be able to help him. Somehow. He needs us, even if he doesn't want to admit it."He nods in agreement.
She laughs at his shudder. "Don't be silly. I would never hurt you. And yes, you have guessed it. The Temple of Falling Water is a monastery. I was raised there. I'm an orphan. And then I became an apprentice when I was old enough. I was almost ready to become an initiate, but that didn't work out. It goes apprentice, initiate, master. Sorry didn't mean to confuse you. If it helps I'm about as much at sea as you are. This city is so different from the Temple. And I never expect you to apologize for curiosity," she added with a grin.

Tamrin Sunwake |

to the group
Sounds like there's been quite a number of these killings, and the guard is trying to keep a lid on 'em. Not usual behavior for vampires. Down here they really try to be discreet, lest they bring down the wrath of the populace. And they don't like to waste 'food' Definitely out of character.
"Is it possible that this one's got some kind of mental issue? Maybe they were a bad seed before they were turned. I mean, they're into kidnapping innocent people and killing by enthralled-animal mutilation - that sounds like somebody with pre-existing issues to me."
"Or maybe the way they were turned caused their mind to crack under the strain of trying to deal with what they were becoming..."

Cardcaster Ryo |

To Ryo
How long you been following them? Are you getting so close that you warrant such a personal and violent warning?
"There is only one, as far as I know. Ihave been following it for just under a month now, and the creatures nows that. You could say am very close to it. You seem to know a lot about this type of undead, and I doubt your knowledge came from an old tome, but I know this one too well. Because it is my fault it is here, and my fault my brother is dead, I will not stop until I drive a stake through it's rotted heart."

Kannic Orefinder |

Kannic Orefinder wrote:"There is only one, as far as I know. Ihave been following it for just under a month now, and the creatures nows that. You could say am very close to it. You seem to know a lot about this type of undead, and I doubt your knowledge came from an old tome, but I know this one too well. Because it is my fault it is here, and my fault my brother is dead, I will not stop until I drive a stake through it's rotted heart."To Ryo
How long you been following them? Are you getting so close that you warrant such a personal and violent warning?
Each of these beasts is different. Dangerous in its own way. Always cunning. A few years back I was on a expedition and discovered a chamber, some sort of burial vault, that had been shunted from the Above. I lost four of my clansmen that day. The Elders taught me what I needed to know to kill that vampire permanent-like. And me cousins that had been turned. Dark beasts, vampires are. Undead will be my next favored enemy.

Tamrin Sunwake |

She laughs at his shudder. "Don't be silly. I would never hurt you. And yes, you have guessed it. The Temple of Falling Water is a monastery. I was raised there. I'm an orphan. And then I became an apprentice when I was old enough. I was almost ready to become an initiate, but that didn't work out. It goes apprentice, initiate, master. Sorry didn't mean to confuse you. If it helps I'm about as much at sea as you are. This city is so different from the Temple. And I never expect you to apologize for curiosity," she added with a grin.
"I dunno - I've been known to blurt out some pretty obnoxious questions and observations without realizing it. But I'll gladly take you at your word now if it'll keep me from being exposed to my worst allergy - that being pain," he says with a sigh.
"That sounds pretty rough to be taken in someplace for most of your life, then having to leave unexpectantly. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you got 'uprooted' like that. But on the brighter side, you seem to have landed on your feet pretty well - you've got a job, you have the tools and gear to do that job now, and you're out hunting vampires - things are looking up! Well, wait...maybe not quite...hmmm." ;)

Aananda |

Aananda wrote:She laughs at his shudder. "Don't be silly. I would never hurt you. And yes, you have guessed it. The Temple of Falling Water is a monastery. I was raised there. I'm an orphan. And then I became an apprentice when I was old enough. I was almost ready to become an initiate, but that didn't work out. It goes apprentice, initiate, master. Sorry didn't mean to confuse you. If it helps I'm about as much at sea as you are. This city is so different from the Temple. And I never expect you to apologize for curiosity," she added with a grin."I dunno - I've been known to blurt out some pretty obnoxious questions and observations without realizing it. But I'll gladly take you at your word now if it'll keep me from being exposed to my worst allergy - that being pain," he says with a sigh.
"That sounds pretty rough to be taken in someplace for most of your life, then having to leave unexpectantly. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you got 'uprooted' like that. But on the brighter side, you seem to have landed on your feet pretty well - you've got a job, you have the tools and gear to do that job now, and you're out hunting vampires - things are looking up! Well, wait...maybe not quite...hmmm." ;)
She shrugged. "It's my own fault I got sent away. I failed my initiate's test." She looks away as she says that, too ashamed of her actions to say anything further.

Aananda |

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:Each of these beasts is different. Dangerous in its own way. Always cunning. A few years back I was on a expedition and discovered a chamber, some sort of burial vault, that had been shunted from the Above. I lost four of my clansmen that day. The Elders taught me what I needed to know to kill that vampire permanent-like. And me cousins that had been turned. Dark beasts, vampires are. Undead will be my next favored enemy.Kannic Orefinder wrote:"There is only one, as far as I know. Ihave been following it for just under a month now, and the creatures nows that. You could say am very close to it. You seem to know a lot about this type of undead, and I doubt your knowledge came from an old tome, but I know this one too well. Because it is my fault it is here, and my fault my brother is dead, I will not stop until I drive a stake through it's rotted heart."To Ryo
How long you been following them? Are you getting so close that you warrant such a personal and violent warning?
"That must have been awful. Having your family turn into monsters."
She looked sad and a little uncomfortable as she said that.
Kannic Orefinder |

"That must have been awful. Having your family turn into monsters."
She looked sad and a little uncomfortable as she said that.
"Don't let it worry you, missy. I freed their souls and collapsed that tunnel good and proper. We drank to their memory for a week. The Tunnels are a hard place to live."

Tamrin Sunwake |

She shrugged. "It's my own fault I got sent away. I failed my initiate's test." She looks away as she says that, too ashamed of her actions to say anything further.
She hears Tamrin about to respond, but he stops himself.
**Now would be a swell time to shut up Tam** he thinks to himself. **It's hard enough to walk with one foot in your mouth - you'll just fall flat on your face if you put the other one in**

Tamrin Sunwake |

"I hope we can finf the creature before it attacks again, but it seems to be evading my powers somehow..."
His eyes cloud over again.
"Look Ryo - we're all tired, including you. I think the best thing we can do now is to get some rest, and come at this with several fresh sets of eyes to see how we can stop this guy without losing any more innocent folks to him. There's got to be a way to do that - we just need to figure out what it is."
"There's the Juggling Dwarf. Let's get some rooms and get some sleep."
He looks over to Aananda.
"Um - I went ahead and got you a room there for tonight. I figured you could rest better with a warm fire and an actual bed instead of a cold shop floor..."

Aananda |

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:"I hope we can finf the creature before it attacks again, but it seems to be evading my powers somehow..."
His eyes cloud over again.
"Look Ryo - we're all tired, including you. I think the best thing we can do now is to get some rest, and come at this with several fresh sets of eyes to see how we can stop this guy without losing any more innocent folks to him. There's got to be a way to do that - we just need to figure out what it is."
"There's the Juggling Dwarf. Let's get some rooms and get some sleep."
He looks over to Aananda.
"Um - I went ahead and got you a room there for tonight. I figured you could rest better with a warm fire and an actual bed instead of a cold shop floor..."
"Thanks," she said with a smile. "You really are a nice guy. I'm lucky to have made friends with you, well, with all of you really."
She gave Tam a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
Kannic Orefinder |

"Is there any way to track this thing?" she asked Kannic.
"Not in my power. Between the summoned creatures, flight and mist form, conventional tracking is limited to magical scrying. I can detect a variety of things but not these trails. A fresh, continuos trail would be too much to ask for."
"Unless young Ryo here can track it we're best left to trying to determine its next victim."

Tamrin Sunwake |

"Thanks," she said with a smile. "You really are a nice guy. I'm lucky to have made friends with you, well, with all of you really."
She gave Tam a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
Looking up the 'Dazed' condition in PRPG....please stand by ;PEDIT: Whew! That should only last for 1 round :)
He smiles back, blushing furiously
"...You're welcome. And the luck's both ways - we all could've run into much worse folks than us. Hopefully that's a sign that somebody's looking out for us, right?"